Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 45 – Awakening II

----- Leo ~Arthur Leywin~ POV -----

I had done it.

Finally, Kezess was dead, his soul laid to rest alongside Agrona.

Laying flat on my back with the destroyed scenery that was the scene of our legendary background, pain engulfs my very being.


A tearful face looks down at me.

"Hey, Sylv. It's ok, just keep Tess, Mom, Ellie, Caera, keep all of them safe for me, alright?"

While I couldn't save many people such as the Helsteas, Tess' parents, my father, Regis...

I even had to kill Cecilia once again, banishing her from Tess' body.

But it was over, the rest could live long, happy, and free lives.

I just hope they don't get too caught up with my inevitable death.

With my Aether core deteriorating past another layer, I feel a new surge of pain as my time draws nearer.

"N-No! I-I want you here with me, Arthur! With us! Please, Papa!"

Ugh, a name I haven't heard in a while.

One that both brings me warmth and stings.

"I've already had my second chance at life. I had parents that loved me, shared my first kiss, and had my first family. I'm at peace, Sylv."

As the final layer of my Aetheric core decays, I feel my body start to deteriorate, now without the proper core to maintain my vital functions.

"It's time Sylv, tell them all I love them. I love you, Sylv. Be happy, alright?"

Burying her face into my greying hair, her tears trail down her cheeks, dripping onto my face.

With my vision darkening, my last words rasping from parched lips.

"Goodbye, my daughter."

And then... nothingness.

Until I see a familiar light.

One I had only seen when I died as Grey and became Arthur Leywin.

The familiar wet feeling of amniotic fluid, the distant screams of pain, the complete loss of motor control.

Unless this is a dream, it seems I've reincarnated once again.

----- 5 Days Later -----

Having spent the last five days trying to understand my situation, I've come to realize a few things.

First, it seems that I've reincarnated into a new world, different from my life as Grey and Arthur.

I had been born by a beautiful golden-haired Elf and a handsome young man that rivalled my past life's appearance.

There was also another woman that was part of this three-way relationship, and both women seemed to have been born twins at the same time.

Not like a virgin like me can judge.

Although the language was fundamentally different from my past lives, the learning capacity of a baby is not to be underestimated.

My new name was Leo, Leo Lovion, while my direct twin sister was named Alea, our Elven mother was named Ryuu and our father was named Sirius.

From the way both Ryuu and Alise, the pretty redheaded woman, showered all four of us kids with love, it seemed like they viewed all of us as their children.

My other two sisters were named Stella and Eleanor.

Eleanor, huh? Funny coincidence.

I hope that she's well in that world.

Anyway, it seemed that the house we lived in was part of a larger organization, although they all acted like family.

The usual visitors were the short girl named Lyra, the calm beauty named Kaguya, and the beautiful brown-haired woman named 'Mother' or 'Mother Astraea'.

She gave off an indescribable pressure, much like the Asuras did when I still had a mana core.

But 'Mother', huh?

Maybe this place is like an orphanage?

Although I've yet to see a male aside from my father.


And why did my father sometimes look at me with guilt?

Anyway, how I found out that this world was different was from my father's magic.

A water element that can heal as well as a golden light.

Yeah, weird.

It's impossible for an emitter to use any elemental magic, and paired with the fact that no one speaks the common tongue, this place was definitely another world.

While still seemingly stuck in the medieval era, it had many modern inventions that I've witnessed scattered throughout the house.

The most important being the one thing I had begged for in my previous experience as a baby.

A bottle and breast pump!

Once I realized that, I quickly ensured I was not to be breastfed by my captivating mothers any longer.

I could bear the embarrassment of a dirty diaper and nonexistent motor skills, but I'd be damned if I sucked on a woman's breast that was a third of my mental age.

I don't know much about this world, the magic system, average strength, or whether there is a hidden enemy like Alacrya, but I do know that combat is an important skill, at least in this house.

From how they carried themselves, I could tell everyone in the house was skilled, and while I couldn't understand their words, I could infer that their job revolved around fighting and they did similar activities to adventurers back on Dicathean.

Held snugly in my mother Ryuu's arms, she and mother Alise make their way through the door leading to the outside before taking us to a dirt patch.

While I could hear the sound of movement, my stupid baby neck was still unable to be turned towards the source.

Thankfully, my mother pointed us in the direction of the noise, showing my father seemingly deep into practice.

A steady blade held forward, and with a burst of movement, he launched across the ground before unleashing a flurry of strikes, too fast for the eye to follow.

Holy shit!

He's strong! And extremely skilled too!

That swordsmanship... while being fundamentally different and using a one-sided blade, it's nearly at the level as I was at my peak.

And what was he, 18?

I doubt he had the previous 15-year experience of a king nor the intense training under Asuras either.

Ungodly talent.

I can only hope it's genetic.

Sheathing his sword, he then moves on to magic practice.

While still far below the control I and many other magicians had in my previous world, from the expression of my mothers, it seems like he's performing quite an amazing feat.

If only I was as diligent as him...


There's no sense in wallowing in self-pity. 

I'll have to get stronger, I have no idea what powers lie in wait.

I had been blessed to be born into another loving family, with three parents that showered me in unconditional love, three cute sisters to dote on, and a house full of kind women.

This time I'll protect them, without fail.

Although, unfortunately, it seems that there's no such thing as a 'mana core' here, so I'll have to learn how to gain power.

And for that, I need to learn the language and get control over my body.

Haa, much to do.

Soon, Alise passes her two infants off to my father who had returned from his training while Ryuu sets me down in what seemed to be a baby carriage.

Mmm, comfy.

My two mothers then make their way into the dirt patch and begin what seems to be a training routine.

Oy oy oy! Didn't you two just give birth!?

I can only remain seated in surprise as the two go through various movements, apparently unimpeded by any pain or discomfort.

It seems the women in this world are quite something, or is that just my mothers?

Seeing them begin to spar, I can only be further amazed.

They're strong, as strong as my father.

...No, slightly stronger, but their technique is slightly lacking.

And I doubt they're going at full power too.

I hope that my parents are considered strong in this world because if not, I'll have quite a bit of catching up to do.

Even if they are considered the strongest, there can always be a bigger fish.

I won't make the same mistakes again.

I'd been blessed with another family, another chance.

This time, I wouldn't let anyone fall.

This time, I'll protect everyone I love.

I swear it.

----- Alea ~Hoshino Ai~ POV - 5 Days Earlier -----

Ah, it seems like I died, huh?

I'm sorry, Ruby, Aqua, I never wanted to leave you alone, but at least I can trust the president and Miyako to take care of you.

And I finally said it.

Without a hint of a lie.

Ruby... Aqua... My babies...

I love you.

Ah, if I knew how happy I would feel to say those words, the words I've been scared to say for so long, I would have done it long ago.

It seems that I really am a stupid idol.

How ironic that I only found love, the thing I had been searching for my entire life, the moment I died.

Suddenly, a light emerges from the darkness and I feel the freezing numbness subside.

It feels like the grogginess of waking up but amplified to the extreme, to the point where I can't control any part of my body.

Soon, my eyes open and my vision adjusts to see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

Stunning golden hair, flushed cheeks, charming blue eyes, a cute yet elegant face, and her face set in an adoring smile.

An appearance that would put a model to shame.

No, I'm not jealous! Not one bit!

But, why?

Why does a warmth like I felt with Ruby and Aqua grow with each passing second?

What, aren't I supposed to be dead?

Who are you? 

Where am I?

What is happening?

Where are my babies-!

"%$&& &$((##"

The beautiful woman pulls me closer to her while saying words in a language I don't understand.

Realistically, this should make me even more anxious.

Why can she hold me so easily?

What is that language that I've never heard before?

But for some reason... I don't care, and I feel my tension disappear with her soothing voice and expression.

The warmth grows stronger, yet not rising in heat, rather, like delving deeper into a loving embrace.


Is this... love?

How... how can I feel love from someone I don't even know!?

I had been searching forever for it, and now it just appears out of nowhere!?

Feeling the calling of sleep, my eyes begin to shut without me even trying.

These weird feelings... this weird situation...

I'll find out about it later.

----- 5 Days Later -----

Well, it seems like I'm now a baby.

And not only that, I'm in a different world, a fantasy world of magic.

Although I wasn't the biggest fan, I did know about some stories like this, I even read a few.

'Isekai', wasn't it?

Well, it seems like I had been reborn as a baby, and not only that, my... mom was an Elf!

I wonder if I'll have those cute long ears too!

As for everyone else in my family... well... it's weird.

There's my dad, whose a very handsome young man, with stunning silver hair and piercing blue eyes like Mom.

Seems like I got lucky with my genetics!

I had never seen my dad in my past life, and Hikaru never met our kids, so I don't know much about what fathers are meant to do.

Moving on!

There's the pretty red-haired woman, who I guess is in a three-way relationship with Mom and Dad?


Must be a fantasy world thing.

I also had a twin.

His golden hair, blue eyes, cute face stuck in a stoic expression and his refusal to breastfeed...

It all reminds me too much of Aqua!

Ahh, I'm definitely gonna be a bro-con at this rate, aren't I!?

Anyways, from what I could understand, his name was Leo.

There was also another pair of twins born to my redheaded mom, my new sisters.

It seems my dad is quite amazing, to have two pairs of twins.

Anyways, one of them has red hair like her mom and heterochromatic blue and green eyes, a mix of her mom and dad's eyes.

Her name was Eleanor.

The other one had silver hair like our dad while having her mom's emerald green eyes.

That was Stella.

I never had siblings in my past life, the closest thing being the other orphanage kids, so I have no clue how to treat them.

Nevertheless, the warmth of love engulfs me each time I look at their cute faces, so I think it'll be good.

As for me, my new name in this world is Alea.

Alea Lovion.

It feels weird, to use that name, but with how loving my parents' expressions are when they use it, I can't help but feel happy with the outcome.

There were also a bunch of other people in our mansion, all being girls.

I didn't really understand the dynamic, but it was like family, not as close as our family of seven, but still very close.

I'll learn about it more once I understand this place's language.

Held in Mom's arms, she carries me and Leo over to a large patch of dirt alongside Red Mom, whose carrying Eleanor and Stella.

It's my first time being outside in this world, and I'm glad to say not much is different from my old world.

In the distance, I can see many wooden houses of various sizes along with a giant wall that seems to wrap around the entire city.

So we're in medieval times I guess?

Looking toward the dirt patch, I see a flash of movement before a *swish* echoes through the air.


What the hell!?

Watching on in interest, I see him move with his sword, every motion fluid and sharp.


Swishes reverberate through the air as he moves at superhuman speeds, his sword becoming a blur with a flurry of strikes.

It's captivating.

A charisma that I could only hope for as an idol, only by swinging a sword.

And he's not even trying!

I wonder... could I do that?

I feel my breath pick up in anticipation.

When I'm older, I'm definitely asking Dad to train me!

Stopping his movement, he then starts to move around his golden light, the magic light that Dad played with while my siblings and I were laying in our crib.

It's also beautiful...

That's it, when I'm older, I'm making Dad train me!

Soon after, Dad comes back to hold Stella and Eleanor while Leo and I are put in a baby carriage.

I then my two Moms pick up wooden swords and make their way toward where Dad was just training.

Are they strong too!?

They then begin their exercise.


So they're strong too.

Are all the girls in the mansion strong like this?

Hmph, now they absolutely, definitely must train me.

If they keep me for that long...


They won't be like my old Mother, they're all kind, and I know Dad loves us very much.

They won't abandon me.

After all, I finally know what love is, and I can finally receive it.

And I won't let it get away.

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