Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 39 – Amphisbaena and Level 4

Walking leisurely through the wet stony path of the 27th floor, I look over to Kaguya and Neze, the two girls accompanying me on my mission.

The mission in question is to defeat the Amphisbaena, preferably alone, to level up to level 4.

As for why my wives aren't accompanying me like with the Goliath, they have decided to not go into the dungeon while carrying their- no, our children, much to the advice of their doctor slash midwife.

For the past month and a half, the two have only been doing their usual patrols, not wanting to risk anything in dungeon exploration.

While I had taken my dungeon diving and training to a whole new level, trying to become a level 4 and supplement the power that the Familia will lose when Alise and Ryuu eventually become completely out of commission.


Name: Sirius Lovion
Level: 3 

Strength: SS1037
Endurance: S941
Dexterity: SS1149
Agility: SS1106
Magic: SS1180
Magic Sense: F
Abnormal Resistance: G


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope
Stellar Sword Style 


Celestial Ascent
Aqua Corona 


Mmm, good progress indeed.

As for the other effects of the pregnancy, the two girls have started going through a very slight baby fever, often going shopping to find the perfect cradle and baby clothes.

The sex has also dwindled to non-existence, not wanting to cause any complications we decided to stick to other ways of satisfying our urges, so I can't complain too much.

Their symptoms have also calmed down, their high level finally catching up to them and removing much of the pain.

So all in all, pretty damn good.

And man, the reveal to the Familia was quite something, I didn't think a room could get that quiet so quickly.

But either way, the girls all took the news very well, Haru, in particular, being excited about being a 'big sister'.

Soon enough, I feel a presence.

A powerful presence.

Looking over, I see a giant white two-headed dragon.


Before starting the fight, I review everything I knew about this monster rex, having done a night of research in preparation for this battle.

Estimated to be a level 5 in pure strength, the problematic environment to fight in setting at level 6 officially.

With the glistening scales coating its body, I can tell from here that defence is not a weakness.

No... this thing has no weakness.

But thankfully, that also means it has no particular strength.

Capable of attacking underwater, it usually uses both of its long necks to hit its opponent, using its claws if one gets too close to the monster.

But the most devastating ability is absolutely its breath attacks.

The right head with red eyes releases a crimson mist able to diffuse magic, it surrounds itself with this mist to become nearly invulnerable to magic, though an extremely strong and piercing magic attack can get through.

The left head, on the other hand, releases a breath of blue flames, extremely hot and can stay burning on water, like gasoline.

Yeah... a tough opponent.

"You sure you're up for this? That thing's a tough fight even for both Neze and me together."

Looking over, I see that Kaguya is wearing a rare worried expression, her eyebrows curved down in concern.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. And don't worry, I'm not gonna leave my coming children fatherless. And we three have a lot of positions yet to try."

Scrunching her nose in disgust, she gives me a piercing glare.

"I'm telling Ryuu and Alise."

Thinking about how... explosive the two can be, especially with their currently messed up hormones, I shiver in fear.

"Please don't."

"Huff, then stop keeping me waiting. And don't you dare make those two worried, understood?"

Giving her a mock salute and receiving a small smile from Neze, I face the beast while stepping into its domain.

Sensing my entrance, the Amphisbaena raises its heads before releasing a piercing cry, the two voices resonating and making my jaw vibrate.

Welp, no time like the present.

Activating Celestial Ascent, I feel the familiar thrum of power pulse through my body as I unsheathe my sword.

My training over the past weeks, especially with Ais, had been extremely fruitful.

While my combat style had grown to effortlessly mould punches and kicks into my sword technique, that wouldn't help me much against this goliath.

The other technique I had added on the other hand...

Flooding even more stellar magic into my body, I set my posture to a crouch with my sword held at my side.

A single step, imbuing all the power and speed I can.

Concentrating, the pressure building on my body eventually reaches its peak.

And then, I release it.

Colour fades from my vision and the next thing I know, I'm on the other side of the room, past the Amphisbaena.

A crack similar to thunder resounds across the cavern, prompting me to start chanting Aqua Corona to heal my torn muscles.

The nearly perfected Longsword of Light.

While not at the speed of light, which would probably break physics and therefore, me, I had finally gotten my endurance stat high enough to deal with the recoil, and having healing magic ready for use certainly helps as well.

Turning to face the beast, I see a deep gash running along its side.

It seems like I still need to work on my aim.

But it's good to know that I can deal some real damage.

Oh, Mister Dragon~ I think we're going to have a lot of fun.


A deep roar resounds as both heads simultaneously spit out their respective breaths.

The surroundings are coated in blue flames while the Amphisbaena is cloaked in a blood-red mist.

Shit, I wanted to take out at least one of its heads with that attack.

My legs submerged below my knees, it does not bode well for the ensuing battle, as my movements will be severely hampered.

Well, it wouldn't be a feat worthy of reaching level 4 without being a challenge.

Hardening my resolve, I flow stellar magic through my body, ready to face the monster once more.

----- Kaguya POV -----

While Neze ensures that no monsters interfere in Sirius' battle, I am currently watching over said battle, ready to save him at a moment's notice.

While fighting the Amphisbaena on my own would be extremely difficult due to the horrible footing, I could at the very least I could save him from a killing blow.

Though seeing how Sirius nimbly dodges the sweeping neck, carving a slash into it while he passes under it, it seems that the young man has come a long way.

It feels like just yesterday that I was beating the instincts he uses so fluidly now into him, hastily raising his sword with no regard to technique or footwork.

And now he's facing the Amphisbaena, fighting like a level 5.

Simply astounding progress.

While he certainly has not had a perfect battle, evidenced by the torn cloth and blood coating his body, with his healing magic that he can cast in the middle of a fight, his movements haven't slowed a bit.

No... they've gotten better, having slowly gotten used to the instinctual patterns monsters so often fall into.

And from the battered state of the white dragon, it's obvious he's taken advantage of this.

Delving toward the monster once again, the Amphisbaena uses the environment to its advantage, swiping its neck across the surface of the water and sending a tidal wave hurling toward Sirius.

Jumping through the wall of water, he's met by the approaching claw of the monster, smacking him out of the air and sending him tumbling across the water toward me.


Jumping to intersect the oncoming attack, I quickly chant my magic Gokou, forming five blades of light that move along with my blade, warding off the approaching neck.

Turning back toward the injured Sirius, who is chanting his healing magic under his breath, I raise my voice.

"Sirius! You've done enough! Let's head back."

Water forming at his fingertips before wrapping around his torso, he responds.



"What do you mean no!?"

Looking back, I see that he is set in a crouched position, his sword at his side.

Is he going to try that crazy technique again!? 

He knows he has to decapitate both heads, right?

"It's ready, so just watch."

----- Sirius POV -----

Pulling out every possible fragment of stellar magic, transforming nearly all of my mind into the spell, I send it through my body, setting my posture in a familiar position.

While I had been getting curb stomped by the big bad dragon, I had continued doing my hit-and-run tactics despite this for a reason.

The skill meant to cut through unfair situations such as these.

The skill granted to me after culminating all my efforts into a single strike.

Strike of Hope.

The pressure that had accumulated with every slash and every stab of the Amphisbaena, begging to be released.

And now, I would grant that wish.

I had always wondered about the limits of Strike of Hope, and unfortunately, due to its unique activation conditions, I wasn't able to leisurely train it as I had with everything else.

What would happen when I used my strongest technique paired with my strongest skill?

Well, let's find out, shall we?

Feeling the tension of my body, crouched and filled with stellar magic, like a compressed spring, I swing my sword forward while releasing this tension, simultaneously releasing the pressure of Strike of Hope.

Now aiming at the twin necks dancing through the air, the world once again turns monochrome, time slowing down to a crawl.

Stepping forward, my vision expands while I travel the entire length of the cavern in less than a millisecond, imperceptible even in my current state of intense focus.

Nearly slamming into the wall, I stop my movement as time returns to normal.

While my vision regains colour, I'm not greeted by any sound, only a persistent ringing resounding through my ears.

Trying to move my head, I struggle to look behind me as every single muscle in my body had been strained to its limit.

My head twitching, I eventually see the result of my absolute attack.

The waters churning with heavy waves, my previous position now a crater, while Kaguya is wearing an expression of shock, looking somewhere between me and her.

Moving my head a little more, I see a slowly disintegrating figure, a figure matching the Amphisbaena I had just been locked in battle with.

So I won.


Lowering myself to the ground, I release control over my aching body, collapsing unceremoniously onto the wet ground.

Bringing my shaking hand to my belt, I slowly uncap both a mind and healing potion, downing both and savouring the energy drink-like taste.

Laying back, I let the pleasing sensation of healing wash over me while feeling the discomfort of having a nearly depleted mind reserve fade away.

Feeling way better, I raise my body and begin heading toward the place where I slayed the monster rex.

Sensing three objects in the shallow waters, I reach down and pick up a large purple magic stone, around the size of my head, and two glittering white fangs.

Two Amphisbaena fangs?

"That's quite lucky, Sirius."

Turning to Kaguya and Neze who had come to my position, I give them a smirk.

"Indeed. So, Kaguya, enjoy the show?"

"Tch. It was extremely reckless, and put you in an extremely unfavourable position afterward. But... it wasn't bad."

Putting the loot away and stretching my arms, I start heading out.

"Well, I'm hella tired, so I'll be camping on the 28th floor. With my instincts, I should be fine without keeping watch, so you two can head back."

"And give your two wives a heart attack? No, we'll camp tonight."

"If you say so."

----- 1 Day Later -----

"Congratulations Sirius. You levelled up and got a new skill as well. As for your development abilities... you have Magic SwordsmanSpirit HealingHealing, and Magic Resistance."

"Uhh, I'll take Magic Swordsman, that's the rare one that's a mix of Swordsman and Mage, right?"

"Yes, the one Alise has, so you can ask her about it. Aaaand there we go."

Receiving the paper from Mother Astraea, I take a look at my new status.


Name: Sirius Lovion
Level: 3 --> 4 

Strength: SS1075 --> I0
Endurance: S962 --> I0
Dexterity: SS1184 --> I0
Agility: SS1125 --> I0
Magic: SSS1213 --> I0
Magic Sense: F
Abnormal Resistance: G
Magic Swordsman: I


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope
Stellar Sword Style
Magia Imperium - Enhances effects of magic, decreases mind usage, and increases mind regeneration. Able to better control magic with understanding and experience in said magic.


Celestial Ascent
Aqua Corona 


Magia Imperium.

So basically a magic-based skill.

I wonder how much it changes things.

Activating Celestial Ascent, I can instantly feel the difference between now and before.

If before I was simply guiding my mind and magic, I was now able to control it directly, opening a whole new world of possibilities.

Concentrating stellar magic into my fingertip, I can easily pass the 'barrier' that holds my enhancement magic into my body and sword, forming a small ball of light, illuminating the room in a golden hue.

With Mother Astraea watching on in interest, I try to move the ball off of my finger into the air, feeling my control falter as soon as I lose contact with it, the ball of light fading into nothingness.


Cool, but definitely needs some practice.

For now, though, I only want to celebrate my achievement by cuddling with my lovely wives.

"Well, thanks for the update Mother Astraea. I think I'm gonna turn in for the night."

"All right. We'll announce it to the Familia and the guild tomorrow then. Goodnight Sirius."

Moving up to my room, well, our room I guess, I open the door to greet my lovely wives with my return.

Entering my vision, I see the arousing sight of Alise positioned on top of Ryuu, greedily devouring each other's lips while their hands tease around the other's crotch.

"Well, this is quite the pleasing sight to return to."

Stopping their activities, the two look toward me in surprise before rushing toward me and bringing me into a three-way hug.

"Did you do it!?"

"Yup, you're looking at Orario's newest level 4 adventurer."

Their faces lighting up in happiness, Ryuu gives me a deep kiss, and upon our separation, Alise grabs my head and pulls me into one as well.

"Congratulations, Sirius."


Holding both girls close to my body, their heads resting against my shoulders, I bring my head down and whisper in their ears.

"Well, if you want to give me a reward, how about you let me join in on what I walked in on~?"

Getting nods of affirmation, they then pull me onto the bed where our night of fun begins.

----- Ais POV - 1 Week Later -----

Remembering the news that shocked Orario a few days ago, I think back on my training with Sirius.

He had gotten stronger, becoming a level 4 in a year and a half of adventuring.

Utterly ridiculous.

By the last time we sparred, he was still a level 3, and we were exchanging blows.

We were equals.

Now though... he is far ahead of me.


I should learn from him, challenge myself, and become stronger.

A distant roar of multiple monsters pierces my ears as my Familia members hastily organize themselves.

"Get in position! It's a monster party, mostly Chimeras!"

A monster party on the deeper floors, particularly on the 41st floor where our exploration quest was given.

With our numbers and elite members, especially Finn, Gareth, and the old hag, there is no worry about safety.

But it would be a terrifying situation to be in alone.

A terrifying situation... that I must overcome.

Leaping forward, I pass the vanguard and arrive in front of the first Chimera.

Swinging my blade, its sharpened claw comes forth to block, only for my swing to stop mid-air, transforming into a stab that pierces the monster's skull, killing it instantly.

A perfect execution of the technique Sirius had shown me upon our first meeting.

An incredible display of pure technique and control.

So I have gotten stronger.

The thought causes my lips to unnaturally turn upwards.

Facing the approaching horde, I raise my blade, determination burning in my core.

I will become stronger.

And I will save you, Mother.

----- Riveria POV -----

"Ah, Ais! We have to go stop her!"

Looking at the Amazonness twins rearing to join their friend against the monster party, I meet eyes with Finn as we come to a mutual understanding.

"No, let her deal with this herself. She needs this."

Ever since she started sparring with Sirius of the Astraea Familia, her eagerness in the dungeon has calmed down even more, focusing on practicing to best the silver-haired man on their next meeting.

A good change for her mentality, and seeing the growth that has happened during the two months, a good change for her combat abilities as well.

But I could tell the news had shocked her.

Her sparring partner slash rival had suddenly grown immensely in strength, and now she was desperate to catch up.

Well, I'd rather she try something reckless like this with all of us here to support her rather than run wildly into the dungeon alone like her level 1 days.

Seeing the nearly 13-year-old girl face the monsters alone, I feel a pang of worry shoots through my spine.

"Please be safe, Ais."

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