Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 37 – Truth and Spar

Now the next day after dealing with the Soma Familia, I had gone to bed as soon as I got home last night due to my... state of mind.

Well, the one good thing about being that intoxicated is that the memories are extremely hazy... so yeah.

Anyway, as I learned this morning, we would be having Lili as the newest member of our Familia.

It seems that she made quite the impression on Lyra while we were dealing with the Soma Familia, becoming somewhere between her little sister and apprentice.

Apparently, Lili had inherited a lot of the cunning smarts Pallums were famous for, so for now she was being 'trained' by Lyra... though from what I saw they were just playing around together.

Well, not my problem.

After some physical and combat training, she'd be able to join Haru in the dungeon.

The two being basically the same age, I hope they become good friends.

For now, she does have good instincts and dungeon knowledge, the common supporter skill Artel Assist that lets her easily carry heavy loads, and an interesting transformation magic Cinder Ella that lets her transform into any living thing around her size.

...even monsters.

One of the best spying magics ever seen, which unfortunately doesn't help her combat weakness, but she'll get there, just like Haru did.

Putting those thoughts aside, I hesitantly knock on Mother Astraea's door.

It's been a while since I've gotten married to both Ryuu and Alise, and I wouldn't marry someone I don't trust unconditionally, even if they're hot.

So yeah, I think they deserve to know that my backstory was slightly fictitious.

I'm not worried that they'd see me differently, I mean, it's not like much about me has changed, and even taking my older mental age into account, I would only be a year older than Alise.

No, the thing I'm worried about, is how they'd react to being fictional characters.

I could confide in Mother Astraea about my origins due to her, well, 'godliness', and her divine maturity allowing her to accept that there are other worlds, higher beings and so on...

But could two mortal girls accept that?

That they're all simply characters in a story from another world?

I can't say.

So here I am, once again seeking Mother Astraea's advice.

"Hello Sirius, did you need anything from me?"

A calming smile, diminishing the spreading anxiety.

"Actually... yes. I think I need your help with something."

And so, after sitting down on the familiar couch, I told her all my thoughts and worries.

----- 3 Hours Later -----

After the talk with Mother Astraea, I called my two wives into my room, leading to where we are now, both of them seated on my bed while I sit across from them on my chair.

While the talk with my goddess reassured me of my choice, I still was slightly scared of what their reactions would be.

Ryuu then speaks up, her mouth turned down slightly in confusion.

"Sirius, why did you call us into your room? It seemed more serious than o-other times."

Welp, no time like the present.

I better start now before I lose my resolve.

"It is a little serious. I guess there's no dancing around it, my backstory and reason for appearing in the dungeon the day we met... it isn't exactly the whole truth."

Seeing their eyes widen in confusion sends a pang of fear through my heart.

Swallowing down my hesitation, I continue the tale, with me answering many questions that came up, mostly about my life before now and about Earth in general.

It hurt seeing their bewilderment when I told them about their origins in my world.

Makes sense, not exactly a common occurrence to learn you're a fantasy novel character.

Soon enough, I finished my story, ending with when they first saw me fighting against the Juggernaut.

A beat of silence.

Then another.

My stomach twisted in fear, fear that everything about us would crumble.

I mean, they have each other, even without me in their life they wouldn't be alone.

No, I can't think like that.

All I can do is let them take in everything on their own time, and hope that everything would be ok, just like Mother Astraea assured me.

"I-I'm gonna go let yourselves come to terms with... everything."

Standing up and stepping toward the door, I'm stopped by two hands grabbing onto my own.

"Ryuu? Alise?"

Pulling me to sit between them, Ryuu then takes my cheek into her hand, rubbing circles with her thumb around my temples.

"Did you really think we'd want to be alone? That this would change anything about how we feel about you?"

Taking my silence as her answer, she continues.

"We were more shocked when Mother told us your cover story, learning about things like fate... that was slightly scary to learn, but just because it was said in another world doesn't change anything."

Alise then interjects.

"Besides, we live in a world where gods walk amongst us, where we dive head first into a dungeon filled with monsters, a dungeon we don't even know where it ends. While this was definitely surprising... and confusing, it doesn't change much. You're here with us now, we love each other all the same, is that not true?"

"Y-Yeah, of course."

"Then who cares? Plus, from what I understand, the moment you saved us, the story where we were characters dancing to the tune of fate was destroyed. I guess you could call us 'free' now in a way, so thank you."


What mental gymnastics did she just go through to thank me for that?

Well, I guess I can give Mother Astraea for being correct in that they accepted it.

But wasn't this too easy?

Alise breaks my train of thought by climbing onto my lap, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck.

"Now, I think it's time you pay me back after leaving me out to dry last night. Seeing how you dealt with that Soma guy... got me all pent up. You'll help me, won't you Sirius~?"

Yes Ma'am!

Pressing her lips against mine, I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me, eliciting a pleased hum from the redhead.

A few moments pass with us exchanging tongues before we separate.

Turning to the side, I see Ryuu sitting with narrow eyes and her bottom lip stuck out in a slight pout.

Exchanging a glance with Alise, we share a sly smile before attacking the Elf.

Seeing Alise take her lips, I pull Ryuu closer and decide to test a little theory I had.

A theory specifically about the sensitivity of Elven ears.

Kissing along her jawline while rubbing circles on her scalp, I eventually work my way up to her pointed ears.

A probing lick across her lobe causes her to shiver in my grasp, the hitched breath further illustrating her jolt of pleasure.

So the rumours were true after all.

 Going a step further, I take the tip of her pointed ear into my mouth before nibbling lightly, covering my teeth with my lips to not leave a mark.


Removing my mouth in surprise, I look to see that Ryuu's face is red either in embarrassment or lust, but from her lidded eyes and panting breath, I can assume it's the ladder.

Sharing a look with Alise who was in a similar brief state of surprise, we soon both grow wicked smiles before turning toward our Elf.

Oh, this will definitely be fun.

----- 1 Hour Later -----

Exiting my room after bullyi- no- loving my beautiful Elven wife, I decided to take the time to train my swordsmanship.

Between the welcoming party and status change for Lili, the talk with Mother Astraea, and the talk and subsequent makeout session with Alise and Ryuu, I never got the time to visit the dungeon today.

Extending my wooden blade forward, I slice through the air in a nearly complete circle, the wind whistling from the speed of my swing.

This exercise, while being completely useless in combat, was taught to me by Kaguya as a way to train control, especially with a higher level status, where control is harder to keep with such speeds and strength.

Going through the motions, I think back on my relationship with my two wives.

More specifically, the talk Kaguya had with me regarding them.

A while after we had our first kiss, the one where Kaguya noticed our activities, she pulled me into her room to give me the 'talk'.

Yes, that talk.

The birds and the bees.

While I could've said that I already knew everything about it, having experience from Earth and all that, I decided to let her finish her lecture to see if anything was different in this world.

And good thing I did too.

First off, medicine relating to birth control, especially aphrodisiacs and fertility boosters, are much more effective and common in this world.

Specifically, Orario, where the pleasure district run by the Ishtar Familia has more than a few returning customers.

Second, there is no concept of 'bases' here.

No slow progression from kissing to touching, to oral, and finally the big shebang, nope!

Just kissing and then right to fucking!

No wonder the pleasure district is so popular here, jeez.

Good thing I learned this because I was totally ready to, umm, 'touch' my wives that way, but it would essentially be treated as foreplay into sex, which the two are not ready for quite yet.

So yeah, have to be more careful about controlling my urges seeing that there's no middle ground between innocent and the height of intimacy.

Done my exercise, I prepare to continue my training before I sense a presence near the edge of the training ground.

Turning, I see that Ais Wallenstein, the Sword Princess is standing there next to Nine Hell Riveria, who's wearing an apologetic expression.

Seeing the wooden sword and fierce look in her eyes, I can easily guess what she's here for.

"Haa, didn't I ask for you to come in the mornings? What if I had been in the dungeon."

"I apologize, Sirius, I had come to ask about another joint expedition, and Ais wanted to come along."

"No no, it's fine, I was the one who offered to spar after all. So, Sword Princess, wanna do this now?"

Stepping forward with her wooden sword, a classic bastard sword, she takes a few swings before standing opposite me.

"Mmm. Please call me Ais. Tempest"

"Ok then, Ais, how do you- wha-!?"

A flurry of movement before a sword appears in my vision, my instincts leading me to block the sword.

Unfortunately, with my posture not set, I was sent rolling backward from the force despite blocking the strike, the air shaking from the shockwave.

The fuck!?

This bitch is crazy!

"The hell was that!?"

Ais then curiously tilts her head as if questioning what she did wrong.

"Oh, I'm sorry?"

Oh, is that so!?

I know that I'm strong, but you're a level above me, using your crazy enhancement magic on top of that!?

Haa, is this what happens to child soldiers in fantasy worlds?

They completely forget what common sense is?

Looking at Riveria who is trying to hide behind her hands, it seems that this is a common occurrence.

"Know what? Whatever. I should've expected such. But let's stick to just swords for now."

Getting up from the ground, I raise my sword with both of my hands at the handle.

And so, our spar began, for real this time.

Her sword held back, arm taught like a drawn bow, it then shoots forward in a lunge, a thrust aiming for my chest.

Bending to the side, I dodge the blow while using my compressed posture to shoot my sword forward in a side swipe, aiming for her thigh to at the very least mess up her posture.

Unexpectedly jumping to dodge, she twists in the air before bringing her sword down, aiming directly at my head.

Twisting out of the way, I use the rotational motion to add power to my strike.

Blocking the strike with her sword, she then twists her hips, sending a roundhouse kick toward my open side.

Taking a hand off my sword to catch her foot.

Now only holding my sword with one hand, the difference in strength becomes apparent, forcing me to direct her sword to the side.

Her weight being shifted due to my redirection, and her foot still in my grasp, she loses her balance momentarily.

A moment I would not let go.

Whipping my leg out across the ground, I force her to jump up, giving me the opening I needed.

Tilting my blade to the side, I slash as fast as I can, only to stop right before she can parry my strike, leading me to transition my strike from a slash into a thrust.

Although this needs incredible control of the blade, I can thank Kaguya's exercise for letting me be able to pull this off.

Not expecting the sudden adjustment of my blade, she leaves her shoulder wide open, which the tip of my sword then smacks, sending her staggering backward with a shocked expression.

Jeez, she didn't earn her nickname as the War Princess for nothing.

What is she, 12?


As for her sword technique, Kaguya is still ahead of her, but they have different styles.

Ais is like a flurry of constant attacks, using any position possible to land a strike.

Kaguya on the other hand, leads her opponent around before finding the optimal point to finish the fight.

While I'm somewhere in the middle.

Needless to say, if no more other slip-ups like before happen, I have a feeling this spar will help me quite a bit.

Maybe she'd be interested in making this a frequent thing?

Seeing her eyes sharpen as her aura becomes more powerful, I concentrate on the girl before me, my sword ready.

----- Ais POV -----

Joining Riveria on her visit to the Astraea Familia, I was hoping to catch Celestial Sword, the one who beat my record.


How did he get so strong, so fast?

And not simply getting strong through stats.

He has technique, instincts, enhancement magic, and even healing magic.

If anything can give me a hint to getting stronger.

A hint to finally slaying that monster that killed Father and took Mother.

It's him.

Upon nearing the training ground, I spotted him swinging his sword in a circle, displaying incredible control.

Good, so he wasn't in the dungeon.

Upon my first strike I... may have gone overboard.

No, considering I used my magic, Ariel, I definitely went overboard.

I don't like using that magic against people, it's too strong and I always have the lingering fear that I'd accidentally kill them, becoming no different than the monsters I've sworn to eradicate.

But weirdly... I didn't feel that fear with him.

The only other people who I use it against are the three level 6's in my Familia.

Seeing him being sent back from the fight, it was obvious he was nowhere near their level.

Nonetheless... it was impressive.

No, extremely impressive that he defended it, without any warning too.


Continuing our sparring, I was once again amazed by his technique.

Though I had seen it before, that was against monsters, facing his logical yet complex movements on my own, I can barely keep up.

No, considering that he had struck a blow to my shoulder, I couldn't keep up.

I had underestimated him.

I'm stronger and more experienced, and my technique is refined while his style, while constantly making improvements, is filled with gaps and inconsistencies.

I could, should win.

And with the ensuing battles, that point was proven.

A few times I was caught off-guard, though I was never struck in a vital area, but I soundly defeated Sirius most of the time.

My arms burning with fatigue, I was nearing my limit, but my opponent was in a far worse state.

Ragged breaths, his silver hair matted and stuck to his face, his palms bleeding while his body was riddled with bruises and dirt.

I... may have kept going overboard.

"I-haa, I think I'm done for today, Ais. Haa, w-would you like to do this again? It was pretty fun, no?"


The corner of my mouth lifted ever so slightly, I nod my head while sheathing my sword.

Or at least, I tried.

Forgetting that I had been using a wooden training sword, one that did not have a sheath to it.

Hiding my embarrassment, I turn away and walk toward Riveria without a second glance.

"Uhh, ok, bye?"

Finally reaching Riveria, she bends down and wipes away the sweat that had accumulated on my face.

"You seemed to have had some fun. From what I saw, it was beneficial, no?"


Leading the way back home, Riveria continues.

"Though, I think you need to learn some restraint, don't you think?"

Seeing her teasing smile, I look down with a pout, causing her to chuckle while ruffling my hair.

"Hmm, you seem a bit more... approachable. I think this little arrangement will be good for you."

Swiping away her hand on my head, I turn my head to the side.

"I only care about getting stronger, being more 'approachable' means nothing to me."

"Hahaha, sure, sure."

Her teasing tone causes me to pout further.

Damn you, you old hag!

A hand firmly grips my head.

"Did you say something?"

Shivering slightly at Riveria's aura, I hastily shake my head.

"N-No ma'am!"


Releasing me from her grasp, she continues.

"Now, for the next expedition, the one I just talked to the Astraea Familia about, we'll be exploring the entire Volcano Area, so we need to commission some robes made out of Salamander Wool. Do you want to join me?"

Thinking about the feint into a stab that Sirius performed to end our first exchange, I shake my head.

"No, I want to practice something."

"Haa, alright. Don't go too hard, alright?"

Nodding slightly, we continued making our way back home.

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