Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 29 – Goliath and Level 3

Staring at the entrance to the cave, I take a deep breath to calm my excitement.

"Do not worry Sirius, we will be ready to support you if need be."

A comforting voice filled with reassurance from Ryuu.

"Yeah! You've already taken one down, and you've only grown stronger! This'll be a piece of cake!"

Alise with her naturally encouraging tone laced with confidence.

Looking back at the two, I give them a small smile.

"Thanks, I'm ready now."

Turning towards the cave, my eyes narrow with resolve.

Entering the opening, I am greeted by a familiar large cavern, with white crystal walls illuminating the area.

At the opposite end of the cavern is a wall with a slight rainbow sheen, the so-called 'Great Wall of Grief'.

As if noticing my presence, numerous cracks spread throughout the wall, causing rocks of various sizes to tumble to the ground below.

Soon enough, the wall crumbles to reveal a large humanoid monster with brown skin, long black hair, and terrifying black eyes with red irises.

The Goliath, monster rex of the 17th floor, and my 'adventure' to push me into level 3.

The Goliath is a monster based solely on strength and durability, with no technique or magic to speak of, simply using its fists to smack its enemies into the ground.

While not possessing agility or dexterity, it still has considerable speed simply due to its raw strength.

Unfortunately, due to its insane durability, it does not hold any weak points, the strategy being to wear the monster down until its skin becomes weak enough to penetrate.

Of course, a big enough attack can bypass all that trouble, an attack that I do not currently have.

So, I gotta play the long game.

Dodge its fists, and attack when possible, maybe take out its ankles if I'm lucky.


Welp, no time like the present.

Unsheathing my sword, I flood my body with stellar magic before leaping toward the titan, with Alise and Ryuu standing behind me.

----- Ryuu POV -----


Seeing the display before me, it's the only word that comes to mind.

The Goliath, an estimated level 4 monster.

A lone level 2, no matter how skilled, should not be able to put up a fight against such an opponent.

But that previous precedent is currently being shattered before my eyes

Of course, a level 2 defeating the Goliath for their feat to level up is quite common. 

In fact, that's how most of my Familia members became level 3's. 

But never alone.

An adventurer can put up a good fight against a monster a level above them, relying on the fact that monsters are instinctual creatures, often lacking the proper technique to pair with their strength.

But two levels?


Refocusing on the fight, I see Sirius dodge yet another swipe, slicing the arm as it passes under him with his sword leaving a golden streak with every movement.


I've seen him use his magic on his sword multiple times, the technique he calls 'Stellar Sword' I believe.

But how is he using it like this in the middle of combat?

It's supposed to take time to infuse his sword, but he's using it like it's natural, weaving his stellar magic throughout his body like it's another limb.

Seeing his blank face of concentration, as if shutting out the world around him, I suddenly realize what phenomenon is occurring.

'Flow state', or 'the zone'.

Usually done during training or when fighting multiple of the same monster, your concentration increases to the point where things previously difficult become second nature.

Most people have not experienced it, such as myself, but Kaguya has told me multiple stories, both truth and legend, of this supposed 'flow state'.

It seems that he has done something quite ridiculous... again.

What a troublesome human.

----- Sirius POV -----

Tilting my body sideways, I narrowly avoid a punch, feeling the wind brush across my face from the displaced air pressure.

Even in front of such a powerful strike, I remain calm.

An odd but reassuring sense of tranquillity floods my senses.

Cycling stellar magic through my body and into my sword, an overwhelming feeling of power flows through my veins.

Using stellar magic like this, it's so... smooth.

If I could describe it, absolute freedom. 

With this insane increase in my magic control, I would expect to be elated, my heart racing in excitement.

But... no.

I can only feel an overpowering sense of calm.

As if I'm floating deep under the water, surrendering myself to the current and allowing instincts to completely take over.

Whipping my arm out, an arc of gold cuts into the Goliath's extended arm, a strike powerful enough to split an Infant Dragon in two, but for the immense durability of this monster, only a small cut is made.

At the same moment, the inexplicable pressure inside my body grows stronger.

This only being the second time I'd felt this pressure, it took some time to realize what it was.

Strike of Hope.

The mounting tension of the charging skill waiting to be unleashed.


It seems that my constant attacks have enraged the Goliath, its pupils dilating while steam rolls off its skin.

What is this, a second phase?

I look over to see Alise and Ryuu brace themselves for combat, their swords drawn.

"No! I've still got this!"

While hesitant, the two girls return to their previous neutral stance, though still primed to step in at a moment's notice.

Returning my focus to the monster, I see its skin has, well, disappeared.

Some of it at least.

Instead being replaced by bulging dark red muscles, blood dripping down its figure from the transformation.

The Goliath then reaches down, gripping a boulder the size of its hand, before gripping it with all its strength, causing the rock to crumble.

I look on in slight fascination at this action, before my instincts blare at me to move.

Taking the hint, I focus stellar magic into my legs before leaping to the side, just as the Goliath hurls his handful of rocks in my direction.

Dodging most of the blow, I am still peppered by the scattered nature of the attack.

While my armour protected all of my vitals, my left arm was partially shredded by the attack.

Damn, I don't want to imagine the pain I would be feeling right now without the adrenaline pumping through my system.

With how fast the Goliath is moving, it seems that its agility has been heavily increased with its transformation, my previous close combat style of fighting won't be enough anymore.

Though from the multiple scratches marring its hand, I can conclude it exchanged its durability and defence for the speed buff.

I'm confident in being able to slay it in one blow with my Strike of Hope ready to be unleashed.

The only problem is how to get close enough to deal the blow, without dying of course.

Dodging some more ranged attacks, still getting grazed by a few of them, I think of a solution to my predicament.

While I did reiterate to the two worried girls that I was fine, I couldn't keep this up forever.

Willing stellar magic into my sword, I can feel a sort of barrier, keeping the stellar magic imbued within Infinite Eclipse.

Of course, this barrier is not a new phenomenon.

What is new, is that this barrier now feels... unstable, weak, as if I could push past it if I tried really hard.

Could this be it? Ranged attacks using Celestial Ascent

Ever since reading the initial description, I've been eager to add such an attack to my arsenal, though have never been able to do so.

Seeing the Goliath ready another boulder, there's no time like the present.

Raising my sword over my head with only my right arm, I compress all the stellar magic I can muster into Infinite Eclipse, activating the mental switch of Strike of Hope at the same time, making the already glowing blade bloom with a brilliant golden flame.

Ignoring the distant shouts of concern, the world fades into the background as I bring my sword down, imagining the blade cutting through the barrier while willing the stellar magic in my sword outwards.

At the apex of my swing, I suddenly lose my connection to the stellar magic within my sword.

Falling backwards from the sheer force of my swing, I can only look on in awe at the results of my efforts.

A golden arc rockets through the air, splitting the cloud of rocks thrown by the Goliath with ease. 

Quickly reaching the Goliath, it cleaves through the monster's head, dividing its head in two, instantly killing the monster.

An explosion echoes through the cavern as the slash reaches the wall, leaving a deep gash and causing debris to tumble to the ground.

"Haa, haa, haha, holy shit!"

Before I can marvel at the result of my attack, the adrenaline wears off and I become aware of the state of my body.

A dry mouth in dire need of hydration, sweat drenching my entire body, mixing with the dirt and dust that accumulated throughout the battle, and my left arm, covered in gashes and bruises of various sizes.

Alise and Ryuu then appear next to me, both with expressions of both disbelief and concern.

"That was quite something, Sirius. Here, let me help you up."

Grabbing onto her outstretched arm, I lift myself to my feet.

Suddenly, a stinging pain, originating from my damaged arm, assaults my senses.

Noticing my pain, Ryuu chants her healing magic Noah Heal, soon enough, a warm light surrounding her hand starts to heal my arm, alleviating the pain.

Damn, I wish I had healing magic.

"Well, I'm gonna get the loot while Ryuu heals you, I think I saw it leave behind a Goliath Tooth."

Eventually, the cuts and bruises fade, leaving behind my tattered and bloodied undershirt as the only evidence of injury.

"Thanks, Ryuu."

"It's no problem, Sirius."

A comfortable silence, interrupted by Alise returning with a filled sack in hand.

"So, do you think you're fine to head back? Or do you want to rest on the 18th floor for a little?"

"I'm good to head back."

"If you're sure... once we get to the surface Ryuu can take you back home while I'll report the Goliath being slain to the guild."

"Thank you. Think you can sell the loot too?"

"Uhh, if you want. I think you should keep the Goliath Fang though, they make for really good daggers, and on the deeper floors the one you have now will be obsolete."

"Huh, ok I guess I'll get something made."

"Don't worry! I'll show you the best place to get something done! They made my lovely Crimson Order and even Ryuu's Alf's Lumina! It'll probably be more expensive than your armour though, after all, we're not specifically contracted with the smith there."

"Sure, I'll do that later, I need some sleep first."

Ryuu, who was leading the way out of the ravaged cavern, turns back to us with an endearing smile.

"Well, if you want some sleep we should start heading back. Be sure to stick close to us and not use your magic as it looks like you're low on mind."

----- 1 Hour Later -----

Parting from Ryuu at the entrance, I make my way to the garden, looking for a certain goddess. 

Walking through the stone path, I soon see Mother Astraea reading in a hammock under the shade, twirling her long brown hair around her finger.

An insanely attractive figure, yet I do not feel an inkling of lust when gazing upon her. 

Perhaps it's her motherly aura?

Yeah, must be.

"Mother Astraea, I'm back."

Lowering her book, she turns to me with a smile.

"Glad to see you back safe and sound, did your adventure go well?"

"Yep, do you think I could get a status update later today?"

"Of course, though I will ask you to wash up beforehand."

"I was already planning on it. Thank you Mother Astraea."

"Mmm, I'll be in my room, come in once you're ready."

Heading upstairs and into my room, I take off my dirtied armour and equipment, wiping them off before putting them away.

Placing the Goliath Tooth on the table, I take a look at my dishevelled appearance. My white hair was blackened with dirt and grime, and my shirt was torn around my left arm, blood staining the area around it.

So, need to buy a new shirt and get my armour serviced while I'm out tomorrow.

I definitely have the valis for it, and the time it takes to have my armour repaired will give me time to get used to my new strength after levelling up.

I better level up after that.

After taking a long bath, I soon find myself in front of Mother Astraea's door.

"I'm ready, Mother Astraea."

"Come in."

----- Astraea POV -----

Laying Sirius down on the couch, I begin to update his status.

Truly a magnificent child.

Although his talent is something to admire, what deserves praise is his strength of will and work ethic.

His determination strong enough to motivate the girls to follow his example, likely the reason we now have three first-class adventurers within our Familia.

His falna glowing bright enough to illuminate the room, the familiar sensation of overflowing excelia cycles through my body.

It seems like this feat was enough to break through.

Placing a status sheet flat against his back, I watch as the contents of his falna get translated onto the page.

Noticing the additions of a skill and a magic, I pull out the descriptions and chant from his status.


Name: Sirius
Level: 2 --> 3

Strength: SS1101  --> I0
Endurance: S946 --> I0
Dexterity: SS1105 --> I0
Agility: SS1117 --> I0
Magic: SSS1303 --> I0
Magic Sense: G
Abnormal Resistance: I


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope
Stellar Sword Style - Increased stats when wielding a sword, enhanced combat instincts and spatial awareness that increases with level, improved ability to imbue stellar magic into sword.


Celestial Ascent
Aqua Corona - Healing magic that surrounds the target in a ring of water, converging on their wounds, effect of magic depends on mind usage, more efficient when used on self.
"Sacred springs, embrace these children with your fountain of life, heal their wounds, grant your blessing, awaken their strength."


"Congratulations, Sirius. You're now a level 3."

Not getting any sign of a response, I try again.

"Sirius? You've levelled up."

Yet again I'm ignored.

Investigating the young man's state, I soon find the reason.

"Oh, he fell asleep."

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