Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 27 – Return and Level Ups


Submerging my bare body into the lake, I take a moment to bask in the pleasant embrace of the pure and warm water.

I then begin to scrub off the filth that had accumulated throughout the expedition with my bar of soap.

The soap is made by the Hygieia Familia, the goddess of cleanliness and sanitation, making the soaps in Orario superior to those on Earth.

In fact, due to a mix of efficient sewer systems, magic, the lack of pollution, and lastly the Hygieia Familia, the hygiene and general cleanness of Orario is better than cities back on Earth.

A fact I had taken for granted. 

Especially when I can so easily stare at the beautiful night sky with perfect clarity, when there are no clouds that is.

Yep, definitely taken for granted.

Combing shampoo through my hair, I think back on our journey to arrive here on the 18th floor.

After the fight with Balor, we ran back to the 38th floor with no problems, though the heat from the Volcano Area and Great Desert got to me by the end of the day.

We then slept on the 38th floor before continuing the next morning and stopping at floor 28, not to sleep, but only for a short rest and to pick up the Loki Familia members who stayed on that floor.

Finally, we made our way through floors 27 to 19 to arrive at the 18th floor, which had happened a few hours ago.

Yeah, the way up was much easier than the way down, before this expedition I thought I wouldn't be able to explore the 16th floor without spending a night on the 18th, due to taking too long and being too worn out to go back up, but now I'm confident I can return home without worry.

Honestly, I'm just excited to get back to Mother Astraea and see my progress, and also spend an entire day sleeping.

Afterwards, getting back into my dungeon exploration with the experiences from this past week will be fun, and I have yet to find a worthy opponent to try my Strike of Hope on. 

I wonder how strong it will be when combined with the stat boost against stronger opponents from Heroic Will?

Just thinking about it makes my heart race.

Finished washing my body, I lean back against a smooth rock and take in the stunning scenery around me.

The 18th floor is currently in its 'nighttime mode', with numerous crystals both on the ceiling and the surrounding forest glittering white and blue, casting a serene light against the dark background.

Truly a majestic sight.

----- 8 Hours Later -----

Exiting the dungeon, we are greeted by the rays of the midday sun and the stares of many other adventurers.

Paying no heed to the spectators, Finn walked to a nearby fountain before standing atop it, overlooking the gathered expedition force.

"Well done everyone, I can declare with complete certainty that this expedition has been a success! Spend the rest of your day celebrating a job well done!"

With the cheers of the gathered adventurers, Finn makes his way toward me, or rather, toward Alise and Lyra.

"Scarlet Harnel, Thrall, thank you for your cooperation on this expedition, it would have been a much more difficult task without your participation."

Alise then flicks her hair back with a self-confident smile on her face.

"Of course, it was quite fun, no?"

"Indeed, do you wish to join me to report our return to the guild?"

"Hmm, I think I'm going to head back home and see if I was able to level up. I'll send Neze to be our representative while Iska can process the loot. That shouldn't be a problem, no?"

"No, it should be fine. They will likely only ask for a preliminary report on our fight against Balor, they'll call all of the members who fought it at a later date to finalize their findings."

"Yeah, either way, Neze fought against it too. Well then, I guess I'll see you guys later. Are you all celebrating at the Hostess tonight?"

"Some of us will. I hope to see you later tonight then, good luck with your level up, I hope to see some new first-class adventurers announced tomorrow."

With that, the Familia made its way back to Stardust Garden, save for Neze and Iska, the latter taking the pack from me before leaving.

Hearing the distant and up close clamour of the lively city, the yelps of children playing, the faint rumble of wooden wheels rolling across the stone streets. A smile unknowingly forms across my face.

This place, it's really beautiful, isn't it?

Maybe I should take more patrols.

Soon enough we arrived at the Stardust Garden, opening the door, we see no one in the common room.

Deciding to unpack and change out of our equipment before searching for Mother Astraea and Haru, everyone made their way to their rooms.

Being a supporter for the entire way back, paired with the speed of our return, I already had cleaned and cared for all of my equipment.

Nevertheless, I looked over all my gear after having taken it off before storing everything.

Although my bed was calling for me, the feeling of the sunlight and the light wind that I encountered earlier made me want to make use of the hammocks in the garden instead.

Changing into some light clothing and casting my dirty clothes into my laundry basket.

Laundry is quite simple here, much like the dishwasher, a magic tool simply removes all dirt from the clothing, only needing a new magic stone every so often. 

I wonder if it was 'divine knowledge'?

Making my way downstairs, I enter the common room to see Alise excitedly describing how the expedition went to Mother Astraea and Haru, the latter's eyes wide in excitement.

Not wanting to interrupt, I silently sit on the couch beside Kaguya and Ryana, both looking at the spectacle in front of them.

As the story continued, filled with many exaggerations and overblown tangents, the girls of the Familia slowly congregated in the common room, the final two being Neze and Iska returning from the guild, both with a filled bag in hand.

Finishing her recounting of our adventure, Alise notices the arrival of the two girls.

"Ah! Neze! Iska! How did it go?"

Both dropped the bags on the table, hearing the recognizable clink of coins. 

I guess those are the expedition reward and loot payment.

"It was fine. They gave us the reward but expect a meeting in the coming week for all of those who were involved in the battle."

"As expected. Anyway, now that everyone's here, let's get some status updates!"

Mother Astraea then nods with a smile while standing up.

"Indeed, I can't wait to see all of your progress. Now, who should go first?"

Lyra then takes the bags of valis from the table while walking towards the office.

"I can go last, I need to sort out the economics, might as well do it now."

Alice then wraps her arms around Ryuu and Celty, causing the two Elves to blush at the contact, before answering Mother Astraea.

"Sirius can go first. The girls who fought Udaeus should go last, keep the surprise to the end and all."

Seeing the approving nods, I then follow Mother Astraea to her room before performing the usual routine.

Feeling the paper lifted from my back, I pull down my shirt and receive my status sheet from Mother Astraea.


Name: Sirius
Level: 2 

Strength: H158 --> G273
Endurance: H137 --> G235
Dexterity: H161 --> G277
Agility: H169 --> G279
Magic: H193 --> F322
Magic Sense: H


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope 


Celestial Ascent


"Good progress as always. Once everyone's finished you can take it to Lyra in the office to see your current strength."

"Of course, thank you Mother Astraea."

Getting up, I head toward the door.

"Oh, and Sirius, can you call in the next girl for me?"


After telling the girls that the next one in line for status updates can go in, I pocket my status sheet before heading into the garden and laying down in an empty hammock.

Feeling the breeze and the sun's warmth perfectly balance my temperature, hearing the gentle sway of leaves, and smelling the pleasing floral scent of Mother Astraea's precious flowers, I slowly drift off to sleep.

----- 2 Hours Later -----

I was awoken from my short nap by Mother Astraea to visit Lyra in the office.

Entering the room, I see Lyra, Alice, Ryuu, Kaguya, and Celty all staring at pieces of paper I can assume to be their status sheets.

"Uh, hey girls, you wanted me Lyra?"

Looking up, she sets down her paper while looking at me with a wide smile.

"Yep, can you hand over your status sheet?"

"Sure, here you are."

While Lyra brings out a large binder and starts writing down my progress, I ask what's been on my mind since waking up.

"So, did you all get to level up?"

Alise is the one to answer me.

"You bet! You're looking at one of the three newest level 5's in Orario right here!"

So the Astraea Familia now has three first-class adventurers. Cool.

Lyra then hands me back my status sheet, which I once again put into my pocket.

"Wait a second, Sirius."

Pausing, I raise my eyebrow questioningly.

"With how well you did this past week, I think you're more than good enough to join us on expeditions from now on."

I decide to sit down since this seems like it will take a while.

"As you already know, we use teams whenever we fight as a Familia. You will be a part of Alise's team."

She then takes out a few pages from a binder, handing them to me.

"Those are the new statuses of Alise, Ryuu, and Celty. Everyone in a team should know the capabilities of their teammates, which is why Celty has already seen your status. We don't care much for status privacy within the Familia since we all trust each other, so if you ever want to know someone's status, just ask them. I gave you me and Kaguya's as well since we've both seen yours, it's only fair."

Before I can begin reading, Alise sets her hands on her hips in a boastful manner.

"Fufufu! Now you will truly know how great your beloved captain is!"

Only giving a blank stare, I start examining the papers, eager to see the level of strength I am striving to catch up to.


Name: Alise Lovell
Level: 4 --> 5

Strength: S929 --> I0
Endurance: B718 --> I0
Dexterity: B780 --> I0
Agility: A825 --> I0
Magic: S935 --> I0
Hunter: G --> F
Abnormal Resistance: G
Fire Flash: H
Magic Swordsman: I


Lubrude Bequia - Raises strength stat when in combat, raises endurance and dexterity in the face of adversity, and raises agility and magic when fighting a powerful opponent, when all three conditions are met, it further increases all stats.
Batleate Asyrath - Increases effects of the user's skills and magic when fighting in close combat.
Justitia Bellator - Increases stats when defending someone, effect increases slightly the more people that are being protected.


Agaris Alvesynth - Fire enchant magic that covers legs, arms, and swords with fire, can release a torrent of flames through the sword which can generate explosions with the chant 'Arvelia'.


Name: Ryuu Lion
Level: 4 --> 5

Strength: C659 --> I0
Endurance: D563 --> I0
Dexterity: S978 --> I0
Agility: S984 --> I0
Magic: S905 --> I0
Hunter: G --> F
Abnormal Resistance: G
Magic Resistance: I --> H
Spirit Healing: I


Fairy Serenade - Increases effects of magic, effect rises at night.
Mind Load - Increases strength stat when attacking using mind.
Aero Mana - Increases attack power the faster the user is running.


Luminous Wind - Summons multiple green stardust orbs that can be released at any time, can make them explode by chanting 'Luvia'.
Noah Heal - Healing magic that can also restore stamina, though it takes time to heal, the effect of healing rises in forested areas.
Spirit of Boreas - Coats body in wind magic that allows user to move at high speeds and have aerial maneuverability.


Name: Celty Srowa
Level: 3 --> 4

Strength: E434 --> I0
Endurance: E461 --> I0
Dexterity: C650 --> I0
Agility: C676 --> I0
Magic: S980 --> I0
Mage: G --> F
Abnormal Resistance: H --> G
Spirit Healing: I


Crimson Fairy - Increases effects of fire magic and reduces mind usage of fire magic.
Static Cannon - Increases effects of magic when the user is not moving.


Ignis Scutum - Creates a wall barrier of fire.
Ignis Sagitta - Creates multiple fire arrows that have homing properties.
Ignis Tempestas - Wide area fire attack that creates a storm of fire which can explode with the chant 'Inferna'.


Name: Gojouno Kaguya
Level: 4 --> 5

Strength: B725 --> I0
Endurance: D524 --> I0
Dexterity: S968 --> I0
Agility: A836 --> I0
Magic: A804 --> I0
Hunter: G --> F
Abnormal Resistance: G
Night Fight: H --> G
Swordsman: I


Kaina Blood - Increases stats when using a sword.
Tekiheni - Increases magic effect when wielding a sword.
Satsui - Can briefly paralyze opponents depending on how much the user wants to kill them.


Gokou - Creates five blades of light that move with the user's sword and can be manipulated to surround the enemy.
Shikai - Able to sense the surroundings with the area depending on magic stat and mind input into the spell.


Name: Lyra
Level: 3 --> 4

Strength: D533 --> I0
Endurance: E405 --> I0
Dexterity: A866 --> I0
Agility: B778 --> I0
Magic: C637 --> I0
Abnormal Resistance: G
Mixing: H --> G
Spirit Healing: I


Ratts Phil - Grant's user combat intuition.
Agile Salt - Increases agility stat when holding a potion or a bomb.
Eagle Vision - Able to view the battlefield with a birds-eye view.


Musu Main - Enchants projectiles to have increased power and homing properties.
Wingus Smite - Enchants bombs to increase the power of its explosion.


Looking over the statuses, I am very impressed with Alise's skills, they are both strong and able to be applied in most situations.

Wait. What is this Spirit of Boreas? I didn't see Ryuu use anything like that during the whole expedition.

Noticing my look of confusion, Lyra clarifies my unasked question.

"We each got either a new skill or magic with our level up, in Celty's case, she got both. We'll probably be taking the week off to get used to our new strength and tools, I tried to use Eagle Vision once and almost threw up from nausea."

"Oh. I see, well, tell me if you need any help. Ryuu, your Spirit of Boreas sounds similar to my Celestial Ascent so I can give you advice if you need it."

Raising her head, Ryuu gives me a warm smile.

"I would appreciate that, thank you."

Silence envelops the room as I find myself lost in her enchanting blue eyes.


Breaking our mutual daze, Ryuu and I hurriedly averted our gaze only for me to see Lyra wearing an amused grin.

Haa, feelings are difficult.

"Well, with that sorted, we can head out to celebrate. I'll gather the rest of the girls, so don't go too long getting ready."

With that Alise made her way out of the office, Lyra following behind her.

Leaving just me and Ryuu, in silence.


"I uhh, I'm gonna go wash up now. Congrats on the level-up."

"T-Thank you, Sirius, I'm also going to prepare for tonight."

And so, I made my way to my room, escaping from the embarrassing atmosphere.

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