Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 104 – 1 Month and a Migraine

"I still think this is a stupid decision, husband. You're prone to attacks like this," Ryuu says from the side.

"Yeah, well... I guess I'll need you girls to protect me, just like old times, right?" I respond with a smile.

"Haa... I'm not even going to argue with you. Anyway, we're taking Sophie down to Rivira, so we'll be gone for tonight," Ryuu says before walking over to me and kissing me.

Reciprocating, I deepen our kiss as my hand slowly reaches down toward her ass-

"Mmm. No. Bad."

Well, not before it's smacked away.

Unwrapping her arms from my neck, Ryuu tucks a lock of gold hair behind her ear before giving me a look.

"You'll have to wait until tomorrow night to go any further, husband," she says, her face a little flushed.

"Fine, fine. I'll let you escape for now. Only because Alise isn't with us," I say jovially.


Although she said that, she was wearing a small smirk, so I knew it was all in good fun.

"Make some progress, husband. We'll need you at your best once we find the traitor," Ryuu says before leaving.

"Yep, I'll work hard," I say to her passing figure.

Now alone in the training ground, I close my eyes as I slowly draw my sword, thinking over the training I was planning to do.

In that attack, I couldn't use my Sword Saint Arts.

At least not to their fullest potential.

I could blame it on my being injured, or the surprise of my status being sealed, but either way, it didn't matter.

I wasn't good enough.

But from that, I was able to discover that suppressing my stats and falna was different from having none at all.

If there was a way to explain it... it's like rock climbing, with my status being a metaphor for a harness.

Even if you don't 'fall', the mental relief of having a harness changes how you climb, and even if you didn't fall, you might have still relied on the harness during the climb.

So how would I best retrain my Sword Saint Arts, this time with no chance at using a clutch?

Well, just remove my falna, of course.

So here I was, just a normal, average human.

One you could find anywhere on Earth.

But... now that I could feel it, that wasn't exactly the case.

I don't remember the specifics, but I used not only the magic power from the surroundings but also the magic power within my body.

Of course, this pool of magic power was likely just from my magic stat and my skills, so I should have only been able to feel it during the attack because my status was sealed rather than being removed like now.


"Heh. Would you look at that," I say to no one.

It was there.

'How could that be?' one might ask.

But I think I had an idea.

Mother Astraea had once called the falna a 'system that awakens the latent potential in mortals'.

So, what that meant, was that all that power that I had with a falna... was mine.

And this little experiment of mine confirmed this.


To be honest, I was relieved.

Really, really relieved.

After all, one of Evilus' main tactics was to kill the God of their enemies and cull the now falnaless rabble.

But if I trained to awaken my potential alone... well, that wouldn't apply to me, would it?

But magic... I wonder how that would work?

I guess I'll have to ask Mother Astraea about magic without a falna, but either way, I would train my magic in the night, as I had a few ideas for that.

Though... I hope Mother Astraea doesn't mind taking on and off my status over and over.

Well... let's do this.

----- 1 Month Later -----

Stepping forward, I slash my sword to the side, sending a shockwave of pure magic power through the air before it reaches the Goliath's neck, cleaving straight through it.

With a single movement, the monster rex of the 17th floor was killed.

"Go, Papa!"


And it seems that I had impressed my audience with my move.

"Come on, you four. Go pick up the magic stone, and then I can show you to Rivira," I say to them.


Alea then runs forward, her sword held tight, before picking up the large red magic stone that was buried in a pile of ash.

"To defeat it with such ease... you're truly a monster, Papa," Leo says from my side.

"Your words hurt, dear son of mine," I respond.

"Then stop doing ridiculous stuff. Anyway, let's go. I don't want to have to fight a Minotaur again," Leo says with a frown.

"Why? Tired after one fight?" I tease.



While I had visited the dungeon a few times this past month, that time was more often than not spent escorting the kids as they slowly gained experience and excelia.

Of course, they were still pretty weak, but with their insane skills and magic, alongside the combat experience of Ellie and Leo, the four of them were able to take on a Minotaur just barely when working together.

I still wouldn't let them explore the dungeon alone, though.

Even if it wasn't so much for me, the dungeon was a dangerous place for the weak.

"Where do we go now, Papa?" Alea asks.

"Here, this way. Follow me!"

I then led the four, who were all following close behind me, down the steps to the 18th floor.

Yeah... we had gotten more than a few weird glances on our way here, and were surely to get more in the dungeon city, but luckily, my reputation as one of the two strongest in Orario seemed to be enough to keep the glances at just that: Glances.

Stepping onto the cliff, I'm met with the familiar sight of the beautiful forest, littered with ponds and streams here and there, and the giant tree at the center, where the city of Rivira was built surrounding it.

"Hmm... it's different from before. But I guess that's to be expected," Ellie says from my side.

"Really? Why is it expected?" Alea asks.

"Because even if monsters don't spawn on this floor, those from the 17th sometimes come down, either by the stairs or through random tunnels," Ellie explains.

"Oh~ I see~," Alea says with shining eyes.

I remember having a similar expression when I first came down here, although Leo didn't have the same sense of wonder as his sister.

I guess that's what happens when you've lived in a world with a floating city for your last life.

"Anyway, now that you've seen it, do you wanna go to one of the ponds? They're pretty nice to swim in," I say to the four.

They all nod their heads, with Alea and Stella both pumping their fists in visible excitement.

"Well, let's get going then. I'll make us a nice meal while you four play, but you'll have to do that next time, alright?" I say.

""Okay~"" The four say in unison.

—-- 30 Minutes Later —--

"You aren't gonna spend time with your sisters?" I ask Leo.

"No. I don't think they'd appreciate me being with them while they bathe, nor would I want to be there. Besides..."

He then looks over to the small lake, and following his gaze, I watch as Stella splashes Ellie with some water.

"Haha! Got you, Sister!"



...Before being sent flying back into the water.

"...That," Leo finishes.

"Ah... I see. Anyway, do you want to help me with the food?" I ask.

"Sure. What are you making?"

"Hot pot. Anyway, can you get out the spices from my bag?" I ask.

"Sure, but wouldn't it be best if I cut the vegetables or something?" He asks.

"No need."

Looking down at the array of veggies, I flick my hand, sending an array of slashes forward, separating the veggies into numerous chunks.

"...Do you even need my help at this point?" Leo says dully.

"No. But cooking together is good for family bonding, don't you think?" I say with a smirk.

"Ha, whatever."

Throwing everything in, including the Wyvern meat we got from our way here, I sit back and watch the boiling pot with satisfaction.

The delicious scent overflowing my nostrils, I think back on the past month regarding my swordsmanship.

In short, I had completely reformed my swordsmanship from the ground up, focusing on assimilating my body with magic power, just as I had done in my final strike against Vito.

In short, it was hard work, but I did it.

I had even trained the skill extensively enough to use without my falna.

But it was worth it.

Like that display of cutting the vegetables, I was now able to use Sword Saint Arts with every movement of my body, which was the basis for reforming my swordsmanship.

Not just swinging my sword a different way, or changing how I positioned my footwork. But every single part of swordsmanship.

First, I learned how to breathe.

Enhancing my lungs with magic power and feeling the air, laced with magic power itself, enter my lungs and diffuse the oxygen into the bloodstream before exiting my nose in a stable, controlled manner.

Then, I learned how to stand.

Enhancing every muscle and bone in my body with magic power, and keeping my posture straight despite that.

Next, how to walk.

How to leap, how to crouch, how to swing, etc.

While I still needed to train some more, as I still wasn't completely efficient with my movements, it definitely yielded results.

And luckily, the greatest result of this wasn't even the increase of strength I gained, but rather how strong I was now without a falna.

While I wouldn't be facing down the Black Dragon like Albert did anytime soon, I could now deal with a situation like the surprise attack without getting severely injured.

But I still needed to get better.

While I was confident in my ability to face monsters, I still needed to gain more experience in facing human opponents.

And with Evilus being back... well, I guess it'll be a trial by fire, huh?

"Hiyaa! Hehe~ Got you, Ellie!" Alea shouts, following the sound of a large splash of water.

"And you have made the same mistake as my dear sister," Ellie says with a twitching eye.

"Oh? And what's that?" Alea asks curiously.

"Slighting me. Now repent. Gospel."


And like clockwork, Alea is also sent for a swim.

"Haa... Leo, can you go tell them that the food is ready?" I ask.

"Sure," He responds.

Hmm... now for the way back, should I make them fight an Infant Dragon?

They probably can't beat it, but it'd be a good level for a challenge and a good way to quell any lingering overconfidence.

Ah but... if Ryuu and Alise heard about it, I'd definitely get punished.

Though again... that's not necessarily a bad thing.

—-- 1 Day Later —--

Finishing my final stretch, I then start making my way inside.

Hmm... I still needed to work on my thrusting, especially while keeping my posture firm.

I also needed to work on my 'internalization' technique, as the application still wasn't quite there.

I wonder if I could go to Riveria for some advice?

After all, her specialty is manipulating her spells, right?

Maybe I could also tease Aqua about it as-

My thoughts grind to a halt as I enter the kitchen.

Alise and Ryuu were there, with Alise cutting the ingredients as Ryuu stirred whatever was in the pan.

That wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but rather, their attire was what currently had my mind reeling.

A green maid dress, with a frilly white headband and matching apron.

It was... the Hostess of Fertility uniform.

But instead of the black leggings underneath the dress, there was... nothing.

S-Skimpy maids!

Was I... dreaming?

"No. But you are drooling," Alise says with a smirk.

Ryuu then walks up to me, wearing a very similar smirk to her wife, before stopping in front of me and curtseying.

"Welcome home, master~"

Ah... I'm not dreaming but instead am in heaven.

How nice~

"Stop speaking nonsense, Husband," Ryuu says with a frown.

"C'mon Ryuu. You gotta admit it's nice seeing him like this," Alise says.

"Hmm... I suppose. But still, that grin you're wearing is a bit unsettling, so fix it."

Ryuu then reaches up and stretches my cheeks.

Ah... even her hands are beautifully soft.

"It's a lost cause, Ryuu."

"...It seems you're correct. Husband, snap out of it, please."

Gently slapping my cheek, I'm then awakened from my stupified state.

"Ah, thank you. Anyway, while I really... really enjoy this... why? And how?" I ask.

Ryuu then averts her eyes while twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.

"Well... you see... you've been training quite hard lately... so we thought that you might want a reward, is all," She says.

"And this reward... does it extend to tonight?" I ask earnestly.

In response, Ryuu's cheeks gain a slight blush as she nods her head.

Oh... how wonderful.

"I see. I'll be waiting, then."

With bated breath, I'll be waiting.

I'll have to make sure that the kids get some good training in after dinner, so they get a good, deep sleep.

"Anyway, how did you get those? Aren't they from the Hostess of Fertility?" I ask.

"Yeah, Syr brought them for us! In fact, embarrassingly enough she was the one who made up this whole idea," Alise says.

"Even the naughty stuff?" I ask.

"Mhmm," Alise nods, her cheeks also getting a little red, which was rare for her.

...I always knew that girl had a lewd side.

I guess she finally showed her true self to my wives, huh?

"I see. Anyway, what were you two maki-"

I then feel a presence near the front door of our house.

...Anxious... slightly faster than a normal walk... and weak.

Incredibly weak.

This... it must be a hopeful recruit, huh?

We didn't really get much of those recently as our Familia wasn't known for getting rich in the dungeon, and many already knew our standards in terms of skill and morals, so they usually, for lack of a better term, knew their place.

But I guess this one was different, eh?

Well, I'll go check it out.

"One sec, we got a visitor," I say to the two.

"Hm? Alright, we'll leave it to you then," Alise says with a hum.

Walking up to the door, just as the first knock resounds, I open it, revealing a young man, likely not even an adult.

White hair... ruby red eyes... a youthful face...

But most importantly...

"Umm, hello! M-My name is Bell! Bell Cranel! A-And I'd be honoured to join your Familia! Please accept me!"

...was the feeling of an intense migraine.

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