Celestial Peak

Chapter 584: Howl of Dusk II

A body split in half, riddled with holes, and accompanied by a shriek of pain and death. The image of the Emperor of Death was now nothing what it used to be. His form could not be recognized, after being rendered into a mush of flesh and blood.

The sword on Wang Ling's hand disappeared into nothingness as he reached out to grab the bastard by its separated head, "Where is my daughter?"

Even someone at the Ancestor's level, someone who could create a God's Domain would not be able to regenerate if their bodies were to be split in half. What's more, Wang Ling used pure killing intent, manifested into reality. After his fight with Lixus, Wang Ling grasped the reality of his strength, or rather its concept. His killing intent had already ascended beyond normalcy, nearly crossing the line of true concepts like time and space.

Wang Ling now has the power to end the life of the man who betrayed and caused his life to meet its early end. Yet, the Emperor of Death, or rather, Aether did not spare him a lick's worth of fear.

"How strict." A chilling laugh echoed across the Abyss and then the rendered flesh Wang Ling held expanded into a net trying to capture him inside. Of course, Wang Ling retaliated and pushed Aether back with an explosion of qi and killing intent.

The moment they separated, however, Wang Ling felt the entire Abyss crashing onto him. He was the All-Father, Wang Ling could wave his hand and create the skies, but his seemingly unlimited power showed its limits upon entry to the Abyss.

"This is the Abyss, do you think you have power here as you do outside? This world may have been created from the blood of your predecessors, but it has long been transformed into my own image." From a mesh of flesh and blood, Aether reformed himself. Aether smiled and looked down upon Wang Ling, "That means, here, in the words of those pathetic creatures you've created, I am invincible."

The Abyss was outside Wang Ling's domain of control. It was a dimension of amalgamated elements and concepts revolving around death. It was a writhing dimension filled with harrowing death, yet its properties did not allow a true end.

Wang Ling crashed to the purplish earth; his legs were buried creating a massive crater that spanned for kilometers and expanded further like it had no end, [...to what extent can he control this world?]

"Trying to kill me the moment they meet each other is so rude, you know. But, I'm shocked to see you both here… I thought I explicitly reminded your disciple and sister to tell you that I was in Origin World. I'd lie about her location, but, I suppose you two can feel her presence here so you're not going to buy that. Did they even tell you about those two little Turtles who got turned to Abyssal Demons—"

"What?" Yuan Qing and Yuan Ming's faces appeared in his mind, "What did you do to them?"

The two girls were the friends of his daughter, they were also one of the few who could dare act freely around him and treat him normally. They were his friends as well. This was his way of learning their deaths.


The ground underneath Wang Ling exploded to bits and pieces creating billowing smoke.

[He's incensed.] Aether commented, [Should I try and kill him now?]


Aether moved his neck to the side and a sword flew past his neck, [Hoooh, he's really incensed.]

The smokescreen was dispersed with Wang Ling's anger, "You're making me angrier."

"That proves it. Wow, this day has been filled with victories left and right, but things are starting to turn on me now. Well, I can work with this… after all, can't win them all, right? We know what we want, and all of us are aware I am not going to give her back." Aether was still smiling, amused and unafraid.

Aether increased the force upon Wang Ling by several fold and the crater expanded more and more.

Yet, like Aether, Wang Ling did not react as much one would expect.

"Stop it with the blabbering. You've been me at some point, you know what I want and what I will do to get it." Wang Ling summoned an intent sword and used it to cut through Aether's hold over him, "I eviscerate this whole dimension if I have to just to find my daughter."

"Such bravado, but, how do you plan on doing that? In this world I cannot be killed. The man who has the power to create life at his whims? The ruler of the two strongest races, the creator of this universe? Yet look at you, reduced to nothing to a sorry sight. You are not worthy to be called the All-Father, Wang Ling. You cannot possibly kill me."

Against his words, Wang Ling smiled as a response, "At my current state, maybe, maybe not. After all, I still don't feel confident to wield this power. But… she can."

To the Emperor of Death's surprise, Bai Xue appeared right behind him. Her size was beyond that of a mountain, her eyes were gleaming — radiating a rampageous crimson that screamed death at every angle. Bai Xue moved her giant hands and clapped it together with the Emperor of Death in the middle.

She was big but Bai Xue moved faster than light. The Emperor of Death surrounded himself with a purple barrier of pure abyssal miasma. The purple light protected him like a barrier.

Originating from the thick miasma of the Abyss, this light or energy was not something natural to the outside world. It was another kind of power born from death. It was potent and inside the Abyss, it was even stronger than normal.

Layer after layer of powerful, condensed purple Death Qi stacked under his command. Even those who had broken through the realm of Ancestors, a level so few had reached, would not be able to break through the barrier.

"Where is my daughter? WHERE IS QINYANG!?"

Aether smiled maniacally in response, "Don't know, last time I saw her, she was getting attacked."

Bai Xue spoke with powerful telepathic waves, Her voice reached tens of hundreds of kilometers, even destroying the surrounding area with powerful blasts of energy.

She grabbed hold of the barrier with both her hands, tightening them with all that she had. Her fur became redder and redder until it looked like fresh blood, "BASTARD!"

'Shit!' even when he had his arms crossed and had summoned the strongest he could muster at the current situation.

Aether was nigh omnipotent inside the Abyss yet even he panicked at the sight of Bai Xue's actions. He watched as the qi around Bai Xue swirl, the Death Qi he created for himself started deconstructing when it came into contact with the ball of energy in her mouth.

Bai Xue's qi was complicated. In terms of quality it was on the same level as Wang Ling's Chaos Qi and Aether's — The Emperor of Death — Death Qi, Death Qi or whatever its true name was.

While Wang Ling granted the ability to make anything into reality, manifesting the desire of its wielder into something akin to a God creating life, Bai Xue was everything else. Her qi was everything in existence outside of the Chaos Qi domain and its explicit properties.

Unless she's fighting Wang Ling's Chaos Qi. Nothing could ever block her attacks simply because Bai Xue's qi was everything there she commands, even those that stand opposite of her desires.

Thus, once the All Mother locks her sight upon one creature, they could never oppose her will. After all, to defy Bai Xue was to defy existence itself. With her qi she could control blood, flesh, space, elements, concepts and amongst many other things — everything.

This power was held before Aether in the form of a sphere that was three times his size.

The barrier's purple aura swirled in Aether's attempt to block the anger of an angered manifestation of the Universe's law.

As quickly as he could, Aether frantically summoned what Death Qi he could for hundreds to thousands of kilometers. He had tried to escape by manipulating reality and space of the Abyss, yet he could not even budge as Bai Xue locked his position.

[I can't have that hitting me!]

Aether could tell that even he would not be able to come out unscathe if such power was to take on such power.

Aether pulled as much Death Qi he could from all directions, "PERFECT ABYS—"


A figure appeared right before Aether.

"Again, you were with me for so long yet you didn't learn a single thing. You don't anger the women of my family."

It was Wang Ling with a sword made of pure killing intent.

The sword destroyed the barrier with one swing.

Locking eyes with Aether and then he disappeared leaving behind cutting wind.

Wang Ling disappeared and only the maw of death was before him.

Bai Xue moved her mouth closer to the barrier, the ball of scintillating amalgamation of qi warped the space.


With a howl, her anger was unleashed.

In the Abyss ruled by none other than the Emperor of Death, where Abyssal Demons — morbid forms of desecrated souls — resided, where death festered and rotted for million of years, for the first time, as its dimension was warped and ravaged by the blast of Bai Xue's wrath, Life was introduced.

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