Celestial Mage

Chapter 85 Strange Dreamland (310)

Chapter 85 Strange Dreamland (310)

For the formation of a stable spell structure, it is far from enough to have mathematics as a guide.

Mana itself also has various characteristics, and the characteristics of mana of various polarities are different.

It may be just a small conflict of a certain nature, which will cause a catastrophic spell accident.

Accidents like Flame Mage self-immolating, Frost Mage freezing himself into ice sculptures, or Blast Mage cutting himself into pureed flesh are well documented in history.

Therefore, even if Rosen knows a lot of modern mathematics knowledge, he can't guarantee that he can quickly expand the field of logic and law.

Of course, these are all matters in the field of magic arts, and mages are also mortals and cannot exist apart from the world.

For example, now, after a speculative question and answer, both of them showed exhaustion on their faces.

Rosen has been on the road all day without a moment's rest, but Earl Omexia is old, and after being busy during the day, he is woken up again in the middle of the night, which is to strengthen his spirit.

Seeing that the Countess was about to yawn uncontrollably, Rosen immediately said with interest: "Madam, it's late, you must have a lot of things to arrange, so I'll step back first."

"Well, let's go. Malkyi, take Rosen to rest."

"Yes, ma'am." There was a response from the Chief of Internal Affairs outside the door.

When Luo Sen walked to the door, he suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart. He remembered that there was something important that he hadn't said yet, so he stopped again and walked back in spite of the abruptness.

"Ma'am, I have something to report."


The old countess still couldn't control it and yawned.

For some reason, Rosen followed suit.Then, Malkiri from outside the door also followed.

Rosen and the Earl looked at each other and finally smiled.

The count rubbed his forehead with his fingers: "Choose the most important part."

Rosen briefly told about Olekeya's story, only the previous part, excluding the Neverwinter Apostle that he encountered later in the investigation.

After the introduction, he concluded softly.

"This mysterious woman claims to be the daughter of an immortal being. Her mother's old opponent is also a big banyan tree that has awakened her mind and claims to be the King of Neverwinter."

"This matter is beyond the capabilities of Uncle Xia Bolai and I, so."

I didn't think about it, but the countess didn't care much.

"There have been no immortal beings in the Huangshui Highlands for a long time. But now there are some folks who like to use the name of extraordinary beings to pretend to be gods and ghosts."

"You are young and lack knowledge. It is normal for you to be deceived, but you don't need to take this matter to heart."

After thinking about it, she felt that this matter should not be taken lightly.

"These guys are using the name of extraordinary to stir up the muddy water. Usually it's fine, but now the ice dwarves invade, but they can't tolerate it."

"But we don't need to worry about this matter. The people of the Jingshi Temple will naturally let these charlatans know how powerful they are."

Seeing that her attitude was so determined, although Rosen didn't agree in his heart, he also knew that it would be useless to say more.

After another salute, he withdrew.

In the corridor, Malkiri personally led him. After walking a few steps, he heard the voice of the Countess again.

"Malgiri, send someone to inform General Fubosi later, and ask him to come to Moonwatching Garden at six o'clock tomorrow morning. I want those ice dwarves to taste the fire of the silver moon!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Malkyi called a maid and asked her to take Rosen to the guest room, apologized, and quickly turned and left.

The next thing has nothing to do with Rosen. He is a small civilian magic apprentice, but he is not qualified to participate in the military meeting at the top of Silvermoon Castle. If he listens to a word, he may cause trouble.

Furthermore, in the huge Silvermoon Castle, there are countless strong people, so it shouldn't be difficult to deal with a group of ice dwarves who came from afar.

That being the case, Rosen relaxed his mind, washed up casually, took off his coat, and lay down on the bed to sleep.

As soon as the body was glued to the bed and the mind relaxed, the exhaustion accumulated from running around all day broke out like a flood, and I felt that every muscle in my body was sore and severe.

Considering that he had already meditated once before at the gate of the city, it would be beyond his body's limit to do it again, so he allowed himself to be swallowed up by fatigue.

It seemed that it was only a few breaths before he fell asleep.

Falling asleep and falling asleep, I don't know how long it took, and suddenly felt someone calling his name.

The strange thing is that he obviously felt someone calling him, but he didn't hear the voice, let alone distinguish the owner of the voice.

This feeling is very strange, as if a certain nerve in my brain has been gently picked by someone's finger.

He felt himself awake, opened his eyes, but couldn't see anything, the surroundings were pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers, as if he was soaked in thick ink.

"What's the situation? Is the ghost pressing the bed?"

In the hazy dream, Rosen was very puzzled, but he didn't feel scared.

The common sense of life on the earth once told him that when a person is too tired during the day, ghosts may appear on the bed when he sleeps at night.

In addition, a similar feeling may also occur if the bedding is too heavy, or if you sleep on your stomach and press on your chest.

In short, this is a normal physiological phenomenon.


He felt someone calling again, which was a little different from the previous one, and he probably recognized the direction of the sound.

Anyway, he couldn't see anything, couldn't open his eyes, and his mind was still in a daze, so he groped forward following the sound.

But groping in the pure darkness is a very hard work. Without any reference, it is impossible to distinguish the direction.

Just when he felt he was going to lose his way, he was called again.

There is a direction again.

He continued to touch.

Just keep touching like this, a glimmer of light gradually appeared in front of my eyes, as if I was groping in a cave, and an exit appeared in front of me.

With the guidance of the light, it will be much easier to walk immediately.

Rosen felt that his walking speed increased a lot, and he even started to trot.

He heard the response of his footsteps, which came from the front exit.

A thought popped into my mind out of thin air.

'There should be a huge enclosed space ahead. '

Soon, he ran to the exit position.

Indeed, as he had imagined, a huge space appeared in front of him, the walls of the space were pitch-black, and nothing could be seen clearly, but in the center of the space, there was a golden spot of light.

The distance is a bit far, and Rosen can't see the specific details of the golden light, but fortunately, there is a winding path outside the exit.

In the chaos, Rosen didn't expect to open the adventure log to zoom in and observe. He only followed the instinct of curiosity and ran forward along the path.

He wanted to see what was emitting the golden light.

He felt that he was running very fast, but he didn't feel tired at all, but the golden light spot in front of him was getting bigger and clearer, gradually showing its outline.

It seemed to be a person, a person floating in mid-air.

"Is it a mage?" Rosen couldn't help thinking.

He kept running.

The outline of the person in front became clearer and clearer. At the end, Rosen finally saw clearly, and his heart couldn't help beating violently.

It turned out to be Eurykea!
Her two arms were opened wide, and she was entangled by a strange black air that couldn't be seen clearly.

As a result, she was suspended in the air, like a picture of the Passion of Jesus from another world.

She didn't have any strands on her body, but the thick golden hair fell down from her drooping head like a waterfall, covering most of her body, and Rosen looked up from the bottom up, just in time to see Oleikeya's drooping head. s face.

Her face was generally calm, only a trace of pain could be vaguely seen between the slightly frowned brows, her autumn water-like eyes were half closed, and the light in them seemed to have been completely frozen.

It feels like a corpse that has been dead for a long time!

In the dream, deep confusion flooded into Rosen's heart.

"This is definitely not a ghost press! A ghost press can't press such a real dream!"

"Where is this? Who hung her here? And why did she hang her?"

"Is she dead or alive?"

As if really responding to Rosen's doubts, the frozen eyes turned slightly, and happened to meet Rosen's gaze.

At this moment, although the other party did not make any sound, thousands of words were already conveyed in the eyes.

Pain, self-deprecating, helplessness, asking for help, all kinds of emotions were clearly transmitted to Rosen's mind.

And in the next moment, Rosen saw the black mist wrapped around the opponent's arm began to surge, and the pain on Olekeya's face became darker.

She took one last look at Rosen and closed her eyes.

After another moment, the scenery in front of him quickly dimmed until it was completely plunged into darkness, and Rosen's consciousness also fell into chaos.

I don't know how long it took before the crisp sound of birdsong came to my ears.

Rosen opened his eyes and found that the sun was shining outside the window, and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant.

It was already the next morning.

He got up from the bed in a jiffy, and when he was getting dressed, a picture flashed in his mind.

The pitch-black unknown space, the blond woman hanging in mid-air, and the strange black mist that seemed to be alive quickly came to mind one by one.

Surprised by the strange scene that suddenly appeared, Rosen took a few steps back and sat down on the bed.

"Is it a dream? But isn't this dream too real?"

It was hard to calm down, and I couldn't help but sigh softly.

"I guess I guessed right."

Ourekeya most likely went to seek revenge from the King of Neverwinter, but in the end she was not her opponent and was captured by the latter.

In the dream, she was very painful and weak, and I am afraid she would not last long.

After thinking for a while, he began to meditate.

Sure enough, another part of the power escaped through the golden light spot, accounting for about one tenth of the total power.

With Rosen's current strength, it is obviously a drop in the bucket to support a Transcendent, but it is better than doing nothing.

After thinking for a while, Rosen opened the Godhead Manager of the Lord of the Universe, trying to increase the power resonance.

It really worked.

In the end, about half of the meditation harvest escaped into an unknown void along the golden light spot.

"Although I don't know if it's useful or not, it's still a friend. I'll try my best to help."

How to help?
He has no ability to interfere with the matters of the extraordinary, he can only report to the temple.

Looking back at the earl's reaction last night, I feel that he still didn't pay enough attention to it.

'Let me write another letter to the temple, and introduce the situation carefully, including the dream from last night, hoping to increase the attention of the temple. '

"No, I am an apprentice writing a letter, others must not pay enough attention to it. Go back and let the tutor write it for you."

At this time, the door was knocked again, and Xia Bolai's cheerful voice came from outside the door.

"Lawson~Lawson~ are you awake? Be careful the sun is cooking your ass!"

(End of this chapter)

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