Celestial Mage

Chapter 36 Stars, stars in the sky!

Chapter 36 Stars~Stars in the sky!

'The first rule of mana effect: mana cannot act on mana carrier. '—"General Theory of Spells"

The popular interpretation of this rule is that mages cannot lift themselves up with mage hands.

At first glance, this is about the same as a person being unable to lift himself up by grabbing his own hair.

But in reality, there is a subtle difference.

For mages, it's true that they can't let themselves fly by grabbing their hair, but they can let themselves sit on a chair float by grabbing something like a 'chair'.


Because the growing hair is part of the mage and belongs to the mana carrier, but the chair is not.

In the small room on the first floor, Rosen is doing this experiment.

First, he tried to imagine that there were two concrete hands, grasping the armrest tightly, and lifting the chair under his butt up.

The result fails.

No matter how hard you try, the chair can't get off the ground.

It's not that it's against the rules of mana action, but because it's against the basic cognition deep in the consciousness.

Although the mage's hand is the concentration of mana, but because it is a hand, it has the limitation of the hand.

The experiment failed, and Rosen immediately changed his way of imagining.

He began to imagine a rocket jet engine mounted under the chair, the total thrust of which was just slightly above gravity.

The result still failed.

A rocket engine that can run stably is too complicated and sophisticated. He only knows the basic principles, but he doesn't know the specific structure and parameters of the engine.

Even if such an engine imagined with half-knowledge could really work, Rosen wouldn't dare to put his ass on it.

He was mentally prepared and not discouraged, so he started the third step of the experiment.

The rocket engine is still concrete, and its essence is no different from that of a hand.

Since it is figurative, it has limitations of figurativeness.

So the third step is to strip away the concrete, leaving only a pure concept.

He stood up and imagined that there was a pure force acting on his clothes and shoes evenly, and the resultant force was just slightly larger than his body weight.

The next moment, the clothes and pants tightened slightly, and the shoes began to push up, pulling Rosen's body up together.

Then, Rosen floated up.

"To the left."

Imagine that the resultant force becomes left obliquely upward, and as expected, the body slowly floats to the left.

"Go to the right. Spin to accelerate. Decelerate. Haha, interesting!"

Following this thought, a flow of information flashed through my mind.

'The spell created by the user: Flying Spell has been recorded in "Rosen's Spell Book" and can be activated at any time. '

Rosen immediately checked the spell book, and sure enough, he saw a new page titled 'Flying Spell'.

View the content again.


Spell power: very low.

Evaluation: Excluding the pure imagination of the concrete, the spell has a near-perfect mana utilization efficiency.However, the total amount and strength of the caster's mana greatly limited the effect of the spell.

Mana Cost: Extremely high.

"How tall is it?"

Rosen tried to keep floating, counting silently in his heart for rough timing.

After about 10 minutes, the body floating in the air had difficulty maintaining its balance, and kept shaking from side to side, as if it was about to fall.

' to the limit. '

Rosen landed immediately.

After landing, I felt dizzy, light-headed, and almost unable to stand upright.

After a while on the ground, it returned to normal.

"Just hanging in the air, you can only persist for 10 minutes. If you overcome the air resistance and fly quickly, the mana consumption will definitely be higher."

"If you reach the speed of a galloping horse, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on for half a minute."

The consumption is really ridiculously high.

At present, the flying spell can only be used as an emergency spell, and cannot be used for rushing.

After experimenting with flying, Rosen planned to follow the same path to improve the mage musket.

Because of lack of mana, he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

The result was another surprise.

The moment the meditation started, Rosen suddenly felt something was wrong in his sea of ​​consciousness, as if there was some kind of strange light and shadow.

But the meditation on the singularity of creation has already started, and the mana quickly recovered, and the strange light and shadow flashed quickly, and was blocked by a large group of red light.

The red radiance quickly became thicker, and in an instant it became a somewhat condensed red light cluster.

Rosen stopped meditating without hesitation.


When he thought about it carefully, it felt like there were some wisps of light, some like glowing spider webs blown apart by the wind.

But how could there be spider webs in his sea of ​​consciousness?

I don't understand, but the unexpected situation in the sea of ​​consciousness also makes Rosen feel uneasy.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to try to reproduce this abnormality.

First use the flying technique to consume mana, and when the mana is about to run out, close your eyes and reactivate the meditation technique.

But not the extremely intense Creation Singularity meditation, just the silent meditation.

After sinking into the sea of ​​consciousness again, the strange light and shadow really appeared again.

This time there was no interference, and the light and shadow persisted for a long time.

Rosen saw it clearly.

It's Xinghai!
Endless sea of ​​stars!
Those extremely tiny spots of light make up galaxies, and those galaxies make up galaxy groups, and those galaxy groups build larger and more magnificent cosmic structures.

The previous existence like a luminous spider web was a large-scale cosmic structure composed of countless stars.

However, the universe in the sea of ​​consciousness is quite different from the simulation map of the universe that Rosen had seen.

In the real universe, the brightness of the stars is almost the same, and they are basically isotropic.

But in the universe in the sea of ​​consciousness, there is a red star that is very, very bright, brighter than the brightness of all other stars combined.

Beside the red star, there is also a small azure light spot, which is also quite bright.

Not as good as the former, but brighter than the rest combined.

Immediately afterwards, Rosen saw a third, smaller spot of light, but it was silvery white, not as bright as the first two, but brighter than all the latter combined.

Looking at this scene, a sentence from "General Theory of Magic" flashed in Rosen's mind.

'Visualization is a strange resonance between the soul and the object to be visualized.Although no one knows the principle of resonance, some general characteristics have been summarized. '

'The closer you are to the object to be visualized, the more specific and precise the visualization, and the stronger the resonance. '

Then the situation will be clear.

The red star is the sun, the blue is the planet under the feet, the silvery white is the moon in the sky, and the other light spots are the stars all over the sky.

Another doubt emerged.

"However, what I visualized was clearly the concept of the creation singularity, how did it become the universe?"

He figured it out quickly.

"The singularity at the beginning of creation is long gone, isn't what exists now the universe?"

"So, the reason why my mana polarity is fire polarity is because I have the strongest resonance with the sun."

"No, not fire polarity."

"In my cognition, the sun is not a source of flame, it is a nuclear fusion furnace. So my main body polarity should be called 'fusion'.

"Fusion fire is much stronger than chemical fire, that's why I have super high mana strength."

"In addition to the fusion polarity, there is also the world under our feet, the silver moon, the stars, and the dark void between the stars. It's just that the resonance with the latter is too weak to be reflected."

So, he has a super compound polarity, or you can also say omnipolarity.

Finally, the question is, what is the use of knowing this?

Rosen thought about it carefully: "Other than understanding myself better, it has no practical effect for the time being."

He still knows too little about mana and spells.

As the silent meditation progressed, mana continued to recover, and the dim sea of ​​stars in the sea of ​​consciousness gradually brightened, among which the sun brightened the fastest.

After a while, the red light of the sun expanded rapidly, covering the stars once again, turning into a fiery red blur.

Both Cyrus' spell notes and "General Theory of Magic" recorded a sentence.

"When there is a clear visualization in the sea of ​​consciousness, the mage has advanced to a lower level."

Rosen felt that the concrete image of his sea of ​​consciousness should already be called clear, but the sun's rays were too strong and were covered by it.

Therefore, his mana should probably have entered a low level.

"But when you first enter the low level, the total amount of mana is a bit low, and it feels much weaker than Cyrus."

"Or, I haven't reached the low level?"

If you don't understand, you simply don't want to.

In the blink of an eye it was dusk.

Rosen immediately stopped training and started preparing dinner.

The completion of Rome was not accomplished in a day, nor is it possible for a master to be trained in a day. He is still young, so he is not in a hurry.

Soon, dinner is over.

The wallet is bulging, and the ingredients are naturally high-end.

The dinner made is not only hearty, but also full of color, fragrance and taste. Just looking at it will whet your appetite.

Considering that Selandis was busy with his dissertation, Rosen put the food one by one into a newly bought silver dinner plate, and covered it with a shiny silver dinner cover.

With a thought, five shiny silver dinner plates floated in the air beside him, arranged in a standard circle, followed his footsteps steadily, and floated up to the second floor.

'Tuk tuk ~~'

"Come in."

Rosen pushed the door open, and saw Serendis curled up on the newly bought leather sofa chair, his eyebrows slightly frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

On the desk next to it, there was a small stack of wood-grained paper filled with words, and a large number of scattered waste manuscripts. On the ground beside the table, there were also crumpled manuscripts rolling everywhere.

In addition, there was ink splashed everywhere on the table, a quill pen that was about to write bare, and a teacup that almost fell to the ground after drinking upside down.

It seems that Serrandis' thesis has encountered a bottleneck.

He glanced at the manuscript paper, and was almost dazzled by the various symbols on it, knowing that his current level could not help at all.

He stepped forward, tidied up the table lightly, and put the plates away one by one.

"Teacher, I heard that the thinking world is like a maze, with many dead ends."

"Blindly gritting your teeth and drilling hard may not necessarily yield results. If you take a step back and relax your mind, you may be able to broaden the horizon instead."

As he said that, he lifted a lid, and there was a dish of foie gras in secret sauce, and the rich aroma wafted out immediately.

Serrandis's face turned sad, he jumped off the sofa with a 'thump', and again, regardless of objections, he kissed Rosen vigorously on the lips.

"My dearest apprentice, it's great to have you here."

Rosen smiled wryly.

But in my heart I thought: "If you want to kiss, kiss for a longer time. I don't even have time to respond to such a superficial touch."

Of course, just thinking about it, he didn't dare to do it.

In contrast, he still prefers to be with the dignified and serious lady-type Serendis.

 On the first day of the new year, today is still the third watch.

(End of this chapter)

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