Celestial Mage

Chapter 34 Terrible Coincidence

Chapter 34 Terrible Coincidence
When I returned to the Hound House again, I saw the door was open from a distance.

Rosen heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately Harrick was at home, otherwise he really didn't know who to ask for a loan.

He walked over quickly, and before he entered the door, he heard Xia Bolai's loud laughter coming from the door.

"Ahahaha~ I can go to the House of Roses again."

Upon hearing this, Luo Sen knew that there was no need to worry about money. Whether it was the income from selling paintings or Xia Bolai's completion of the bounty task, there was money.

He strode in.

Harrick was sitting facing the door, and when he saw Rosen, he immediately waved at him vigorously.

"Aha~ Our great hero is here~"

Rosen was overjoyed, his painting was sold, and at a good price.

The slightly anxious mind immediately relaxed, which is very good, and there is no need to borrow money now.

Although Xia Bolai and Harrick would definitely borrow money, borrowing money is always a bit unaccustomed.

He walked over and sat on the chair: "How much did you sell for?"

Harrick's eyes were astonishingly bright, and he took out a bulging money bag from the bottom of the table and handed it to Rosen.

"It's sold for a full 50 crowns. This is yours. It's 25 crowns. It's a lot of money. You order it."

Where does Rosen need to touch it with his hands, he has been very proficient in using the Mana Hand in the past two days.

As soon as the thought moved, the mage's hand took over the wallet, and with a little more thought, he had figured out the amount of gold kroner in the wallet.

25 crowns, no more, no less.

He put away the purse carefully, and asked curiously, "Which fool bought it?"

He remembered clearly that the "Antique" painting shop in Baima Town only charged 2 crowns a piece, and later it was only raised to 5 crowns.

Although Silvermoon City is a big city, the bathing map is really good, but it doesn't make sense to increase it tenfold.

Upon hearing this, Harrick disagreed.

"How can I be taken advantage of? This "Bath in the Forest" is a rare masterpiece. If I didn't know that you are in urgent need of money, how could I have sold her so easily? Right, Xia Bolai?"

Xia Bolai nodded again and again, a trace of fascination flashed in his eyes.

"I have seen countless women in my life, but I have to say that the beauties in this painting are absolutely rare in the world. If I can kiss Fangze, even if I die on the spot, I am willing."

Rosen spread his hands and smiled teasingly.

"Fortunately, Uncle didn't meet me, otherwise our Jue Se Studio would have to go out of business because of the loss of a friend just after it opened."

"Uh ha ha ha~~~"

Harrick and Chapple laughed together.

After laughing, Xia Bolai straightened his face, and rarely became serious.

"Speaking of which, three foreigners died at the market in the south of the city today. The death conditions were extremely miserable. Everyone's eyes were gouged out, their lower bodies were cut off, and all the blood in their bodies was drained."

Harrick's face turned pale when he heard it: "It's so cruel?!"

Rosen didn't speak, waiting for Xia Bolai to continue to say more news.

Xia Bolai didn't keep the two of them waiting.

"Last night, the nearby patrolling guards were the first to hear the screams and rushed all the way to check. This caused the murderer to flee in a hurry, so that there was not enough time to clean up the scene, leaving a lot of traces as a result."

Speaking of this, he signaled Harrick to bring him a glass of mead, and Harrick simply drank three glasses and shared one with each other.

After taking a sip of the mead, Xia Bolai continued to tell the story of the case.

"I won't talk about the specific analysis process. In short, judging from the traces, the murderer is more than 1.7 meters tall, with a plump figure and a big bust. She used a big cup to corset her breasts."

Harrick was puzzled.

"Wait, I can understand everything else, but how did you analyze the bust?"

Rosen also had the same doubts.

Xia Bolai curled his lips: "The three men from other places are very strong, and one of them is a low-level warrior. There were some battles along the way."

"The ground where the fight was fought was full of mud, and the murderer had rolled a few times in the mud, leaving a mark."


Both Rosen and Harrick looked stunned.

Xia Bolai continued.

"Traces show that the murderer is skilled and has some spells. He should be a wandering female mage who hasn't studied systematically."

"Because of this, the mage guild in the city also sent several battle mages to assist in the investigation."

As he spoke, he looked at Rosen and said in a concentrated voice: "I have carefully observed the location of each murder, and found that the location of each murder is not far from your mentor's residence."

"This is enough to show that the murderer probably lives in that area. Before the murderer is brought to justice, you must be careful!"

He took out a whistle from his pocket and handed it to Rosen.

"You take this. In case of emergency, blow the whistle vigorously. I will keep an eye on the area these days, and when I hear the whistle, I will rush over as soon as possible."

"Thank you uncle."

Rosen carefully put the whistle into his pocket.

Considering that he had a lot of things to do in the afternoon, he didn't delay any longer.

"I'm leaving first. The instructor has arranged a lot of things for me, and the time is still very tight. I have to go back and deal with it."

After speaking, he got up and walked towards the door.

Harrick's voice came from behind: "Rosen, when will the next painting be done? The rich businessman who bought the painting wants to buy a few more."

"Tomorrow, I'll come over early tomorrow morning to draw, two pictures at a time."


After leaving the hound's house, Rosen ran all the way back to the southern city market.

Ignoring the slightly panicked atmosphere in the market, I ran past the shops one by one.

He ordered bathtubs, screens, new clothes, new quilts, new tableware, etc., as long as they could improve the comfort of Serendis's life, he ordered a new set of them all.

I just got 25 crowns, and I spent 12 crowns before warming it up.

The remaining 13 crowns are reserved for contingencies.

In this regard, Rosen is not distressed at all.

Because as far as he knows, noble children find a tutor to learn spells, and the annual optical fee starts at least 200 crowns.A good mentor is priceless.

This does not include the money for purchasing spell teaching materials and equipment.

He is now spending this little money to find a mid-level mage with outstanding talent and a serious teaching attitude as a tutor, which is really a lot of money.

After shopping, he spent 2 silver clares to hire a few bullock carts and delivered the purchased items to Serrandis' door.

By the way, I also transported more than a dozen barrels of clean water, filling the three newly bought large water tanks in the kitchen to the brim.

Then, Rosen did all the laundry, boiling water, installing bathtubs, screens, etc. by himself.

The bathtub is made of oak, fully double the size of the original, and the material is also very solid, very heavy, but it doesn't matter.

Rosen's mage's hand is very powerful now, and after a little effort, he moved the tub to the second floor.

It was inevitable that the wooden floor could not support the bathtub filled with water, and several load-bearing wooden columns were installed under the building.

He moved as fast as possible, and by three o'clock in the afternoon, the work was completely completed.

The interior of Serendis House has changed a lot, with many, many more daily utensils, and the bathtub filled with warm water is already steaming behind the carved wooden screen.

Rosen stood beside the screen, with one hand behind his back and the other hand stretched forward, bowing to invite: "Teacher, I will serve you to undress."

Serrandis smiled all over his face, extremely satisfied with these changes.

"Oh, Rosen, you are really my dearest apprentice, if this goes on, I can't help falling in love with you."

She sighed like this, and stood there with her arms outstretched, motionless, allowing Rosen to untie her hair accessories and take off her dress.

When taking off the corset, Rosen's heart suddenly moved.

"It's so big, it has to be a big cup, no!"

In an instant, a series of messages flashed through his mind continuously.

'Female, over 1.7 meters, plump, big cup, able to spell, the murder location is near the house'.

Looking at Serendis in front of him again, Rosen's heart beat violently uncontrollably: "Does it match exactly?"

Immediately afterwards, more details that he ignored came to mind like a tide.

Strange voices upstairs at night.

When I woke up this morning, Serendis's personality changed drastically, he was thousands of miles away, and he changed his clothes.

But at noon, he suddenly changed back, and showed his body in front of an apprentice whom he had only known for two days.

'The homicide victims were all young men, all of whom died in extreme excitement. If Serendis was really the murderer, then there seems to be an explanation for her changes. She might be seducing me! '

Although the evidence is not sufficient, too many similarities made Serrandis more suspicious of a murderer.

Rosen's heart beat faster and faster, and all the thoughts in his mind dissipated completely.

Selandis' voice sounded: "My dear apprentice, are you fascinated by the body of the mentor?"

Rosen came back to his senses, forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and said 'apology' on his face: "Teacher, forgive my rudeness."

"It's just a testament to my charm, and I'm very happy."

Serrandis lifted his legs and stepped into the bathtub, lying down in the warm water sprinkled with rose petals, and sighed comfortably.

"Hmm~ This is much more spacious than the original bathtub~"

She turned her head to look at Rosen, smiling like a flower.

"My dearest apprentice, go ahead and scrub my body. But remember, only the hands of the mage are allowed."

(End of this chapter)

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