Celestial Mage

Chapter 31 "Stunning" Studio

Chapter 31 "Stunning" Studio

the next day.

It was just dawn, and Rosen woke up early. After meditating, he immediately started preparing breakfast.

The milk from last night was no longer fresh, so it wasn't a big problem for him to drink it himself, but naturally he couldn't use it to serve his mentor.

Fortunately, there were still a dozen coins in his pocket, so he took them to the milk merchant in the south of the city market to exchange for a small pot of fresh milk.

After returning from the market, the flour that had been cooked in advance had just finished fermenting, and it was kneaded into steamed buns and put into a steamer.Then I took pains to make a few light and appetizing side dishes.

While preparing breakfast, the sound of footsteps from the ceiling indicated that Serendis had also woken up.

Soon, after breakfast was ready, Rosen quickly went upstairs, stood in the hallway and knocked lightly on the door.

"Teacher, do you need me to help you get up?"

An indifferent response came from inside the door: "Did you forget what I said last night so quickly?"

Well, this woman probably has completely changed her face.

Rosen immediately changed his words: "Mentor, breakfast is ready, are you going downstairs to eat, or should I bring it into the room?"

"I'll be down in a moment."

"Yes, teacher."

Rosen ran downstairs, naturally he couldn't eat first, but stood by the dining table and waited.

Fortunately, Serandis didn't keep him waiting, and she also went downstairs five or six minutes later.

Rosen looked up and saw that her hairstyle was not messed up, her clothes were neat, her demeanor was even more dignified and her body was held in a reserved manner, she looked like a lady who had received an excellent aristocratic education.

Compared with the bohemian appearance yesterday afternoon, it was like a different person.

He secretly sighed in his heart: "A woman's heart is a sea needle."

But I also feel fortunate that he came to learn magic arts after all, and he will rely on magic to start a family and start a business in the future, and he is in the same room with a young and beautiful female tutor, a lady is much better than a slut.

Serrandis' voice came from beside him: "Don't stand by and watch, let's have dinner together."

This has not changed.

After Serrandis sat down, he sat upright across from him.

The breakfast was rich and tasted good, Serrandis was very satisfied, a very indistinct smile of satisfaction appeared on his indifferent face.

After finishing his breakfast, Serendis wiped his lips with a cloth.

"In the future, our teaching classes will be held between 6:9 and [-]:[-] after dinner. At other times, you are free and can arrange them as you like."

That's fine, but there's one small thing.

"Mentor, would you like me to arrange lunch for you?"

Serrandis was slightly taken aback, pursed his lips and thought for a while, as if he wanted to refuse.

But in the end, she nodded.

"Just prepare something to eat, you don't need to make a big fuss every day. After all, it will take up a lot of your time and energy."

Rosen was delighted.

In this case, he will have a lot of personal time.

He couldn't help thinking: "There will be more and more places to use money in the future, so we must hurry up and make money."

If you have enough money, you can hire another servant to do these trivial things.

Not to mention, the further study of spells in the future will require a lot of money.

Selandis' voice came again: "By the way, Rosen, don't forget the oil painting you promised yesterday."

Rosen immediately came back to his senses: "Teacher, I will prepare it for you as soon as possible."

"Very good, then you can go to work. I will continue to study spells."

After finishing speaking, Selandis got up and walked towards the stairs, walked a few steps, walked back, and handed Rosen a shiny silver ring.

"This is the identity ring of the House of Serrandis. Wearing it, you can freely enter and leave this wooden house without being blocked by the home protection technique."

"Home protection? Is there any?"

He went out to buy milk this morning and didn't feel anything unusual.

"That's because I turned off the spell on purpose, otherwise existences below the high level would not be able to enter my room."

"Time is precious, don't delay."

Serrandis waved his hand, turned and left.

Rosen put on the ring, quickly packed the tableware, and hurried out the door.

Soon came the Hound House.

Walking into the hall, I saw Harrick cleaning.

The business in the hall was as cold as ever, and there was only Xia Bolai, a freeloader.

As soon as Xia Bolai saw Luo Sen, he winked at him and smiled strangely: "Hi~ how was your night last night?"

"Not bad. Serendis is indeed an excellent spell teacher."

This is obviously not the answer Xia Bolai wants.

"Serandis is brilliant, of course, but she's also crazy."

"As far as I know, she has never left a man at home overnight. Nothing happened when you stayed in such a small wooden building, huh?"

Seeing that Xia Bolai's words became more and more outrageous, Haruk interrupted him.

"I said, can't you think of something else in your pig's mind?"

Xia Bolai didn't care, and giggled strangely.

"Who made Selandis such a beautiful woman? That face, that figure, tsk tsk. Even if I die on her bed, I'm willing."

Seeing that Xia Bolai talked endlessly and became more and more explicit, Rosen felt that he could not stand by and watch.

After all, Serendis is now his serious spell instructor, and if friends want to get along for a long time, they must set a bottom line for joking with each other.

With a straight face, he said solemnly: "Uncle, we have fought side by side. I respect you, but I also hope you can respect me!"

Xia Bolai was stunned: "Lawson, why didn't I respect you?"

Rosen said seriously: "No matter how Ms. Serrandis behaved in the past, she is now my spell instructor."

"As her apprentice, I cannot sit by and watch you insult her reputation. Just like I would never insult your aunt in front of you!"


Xia Bolai was speechless and hesitated for a long time before finally straightening his tongue again.

"I was wrong, Rosen, I apologize to you, and I will never make fun of that crazy... your mentor again."

"Very well, I forgive you."

Seeing this scene, Harrick couldn't help pointing at Xia Bolai and laughing loudly.

"Finally someone can control you, a rogue pig, hahaha."

There was no complacent look on Rosen's face, he walked up to Xia Bolai and sat down.

"Two uncles, can you tell me, how did you know my mentor?"

Serandis' performance was too weird, he felt very curious, and it was necessary to understand it carefully.

Upon hearing this question, Xia Bolai hurriedly said, "Let me tell you."

After speaking, he took a big gulp of ale, burped, and began to talk.

"That was two years ago."

"One day two years ago, I came to the Hound House to apologize to Harrick, but I saw a beautiful red-haired girl living in the hotel."

Harrick added, "That's Miss Serrandis. She said she came from Winter City and wanted to find a cheap and comfortable place to stay."

Xia Bolai hurriedly continued: "When I saw her, I felt that she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life, so I naturally pursued her desperately."

Harrick looked contemptuous: "You are pursuing? You are just messing around!"

'Hey hey~~'

Xia Bolai rubbed his nose and smiled awkwardly.

Harrick continued: "But Xia Bolai's offensive ended within half a month, because we all found that Serrandis was very abnormal."

Rosen hurriedly asked, "For example?"

"One day at two or three o'clock in the morning, she ran to the hotel lobby to dance alone, giggling while dancing, ignoring others, and went to sleep by herself after dancing, as if possessed by an evil spirit. "

It's really weird.

Rosen's hairs were a little blown when he heard it.

Xia Bolai also said a strange thing.

"I went to find her once, and I saw her leaning on the balcony alone, arguing with herself. When the quarrel became fierce, the left and right hands actually hit each other."

He heaved a long sigh: "I, Xia Bolai, consider myself a warrior. I pursue beauty without regard for myself."

"But when I saw this weird appearance, I also felt flustered. Although I was reluctant, I had no choice but to give up."

Rosen understood that her mentor probably had a very serious schizophrenia.

As if afraid of scaring away Rosen, Xia Bolai hastily added.

"Although the behavior is weird, it is still safe overall. Your mentor has been in Silvermoon Castle for more than two years, and has never hurt anyone, let alone anyone."

"I understand."

In short, keep your distance, ignore the madness of the other party, stop meddling in other people's business, and focus on learning spells.

Back to topic.

"Uncle, you must have prepared oil painting tools for me, right?"

Xia Bolai laughed: "That's natural. They are all high-quality goods, and they are all placed in your room."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Harrick again: "I said Red Hound, you have no business at all in this broken hotel, why don't you come and help sell paintings."

Harrick was also interested, casually threw the rag in his hand, walked over and sat by the table.

"Selling paintings? What kind of paintings are you selling?"

"Of course it's a painting of Merry Beauties. I've already thought about it. Rosen is in charge of painting, and you are in charge of finding buyers. As for me, I'm in charge of dealing with those bastards who don't open their eyes!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Bolai shook his fist vigorously.

Harrick smiled and said, "Sounds good. But didn't you say that you want to change your career to be a bounty hunter? How is the murderer in the southern market?"

Xia Bolai laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, after all, there are bastards who don't open their eyes every day."

"As for the murderer in the market, this guy is a bit cunning, but it doesn't matter, I will always catch her!"

Rosen frowned: "Her?"

"Yes, judging from the current clues, the murderer is a young woman. In every murder case, the dead are also young men, and they were in a very excited state before they died."

Rosen understood: "In other words, he fell into a death trap after being lured by sex."


Xia Bolai raised his hand and patted Rosen on the shoulder.

"There are already four unlucky ones. Although the dead are all foreigners, it hasn't caused any panic. But you must be careful. When it gets dark, never leave your mentor's house."

"I remember."

Xia Bolai turned to look at Harrick again: "In a word, do you want to do it?"

Harrick also became serious: "How will the money be divided?"

Xia Bolai also thought about it a long time ago: "Listen to my proposal first."

"Rosen is a painter, so its importance is self-evident. Learning spells will cost a lot in the future, so he gets half of it. You get [-]% of the remaining half, and I get [-]%."

Rosen nodded: "I agree."

Harrick also nodded: "You pig finally had a conscience attack. That's fine, I'll join!"

Xia Bolai laughed with satisfaction.

As expected of the boss of the business, Harrick immediately began to offer advice.

"Since we are going to sell paintings, we need to have a famous name. Rosen, do you have any ideas?"

Rosen naturally thought about it.

"I'm still a mage in my profession, and I need to worry about my reputation, so I'm not suitable for publicity. Why don't I open an anonymous studio, and the name of the studio is "Beautiful Beauty", how about it?"

Xia Bolai immediately shouted: "Okay, this name is loud!"

Harrick also nodded: "The name is indeed good, it fits the theme of the painting, and it is straightforward."

Xia Bolai slapped the table heavily: "Then, start working now!"

Rosen got up and walked upstairs to the studio. After walking a few steps, he remembered something.

"By the way, Harrick, I'm going back to prepare lunch for my mentor later, remember to remind me."

"Understood, I will prepare it for you, and you can just take it back when the time comes."

Harrick is still reliable, saving him a lot of time at once.

Luo Sen no longer had to worry about the future. After going upstairs, he immediately began to mix the paints. While doing the mixing, he searched for materials in the harem.

His eyes turned back and forth between the two sub-files "Quite Charming" and "Rare and Extreme", thinking about how to choose.

Selling paintings for money is a long-term job.

There are ten times more materials in the former folder than in the latter one, so the former should be used logically.

However, to sell a painting at a high price, not only the painting must be good, but also the support of fame is needed.

And if a new studio wants to gain fame, it must produce some excellent works to support the appearance.

Since the studio is called "Stunning Color", let's have a stunning look.

Therefore, Rosen finally chose to find material from "Rare and Best".

(End of this chapter)

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