Celestial Mage

Chapter 100 Deep in 'Hell' (44)

Chapter 100 Deep in 'Hell' (44)

"Ding Ding~~ Dang Dang! Ding Ding~~ Dang Dang!"

In the dark mine, a group of animalized townspeople are digging hard rocks with pickaxes.

Nandix walked back and forth in the mine, yelling and correcting the miners' mining methods.

"Don't dig like that! You'll break the vein, fool!"

"Dig along the stone lines! Yes! That's it, it's labor-saving and fast!"

"You lazy bastard! Don't try to be lazy! Get up quickly!"

After some rounds, a parched Nandix came back to the rear, fanning his face with his palms and complaining.

"These miners are really stupid. The only advantage is good physical strength, but this is also in exchange for consuming life."

Xia Lina frowned: "Can't your animal transformation technique be lifted?"

These lycanthropists are all residents of Yuehui Town, they are of the same race. She can ignore one or two, but the whole town has been turned into lycanthropy, which is appalling.

If it wasn't for the temporary need of the ice dwarf's power, she would have tortured her to find a solution.

Nandix shook his head: "You should know that this is a magic spell, a power bestowed by our gods. So once it turns into a beast, it cannot be undone."

Xia Lina was a little lost: "Are there so many magic arts?"

In contrast, it was 300 years ago that the Golden God bestowed magic on such a large scale.

Nandix misunderstood what she meant, only thinking that she was wondering about the source of the magic.

He chuckled: "Thousands of years ago, your Golden God did indeed possess a unique and great power, but after so many years, others are not fools, even if you just read it, you will know it, hehe."

Charina's face turned slightly pale when she heard that, but fortunately she was wearing a mask, so Nandix didn't notice this.

He said to himself: "However, there are only a few true gods who can master great power. Most of the gods are still the same as they were thousands of years ago. For example, the one hidden in the mine, I feel that he has no tricks."

Xia Lina shook her head slightly: "No matter what, he is still a god and cannot be underestimated."

"You're right. It really shouldn't be underestimated. After all, God has mastered a huge power that is far beyond the reach of us mortals."

Nandix suddenly looked left and right, looked at it for a while, and wondered: "Where's that scary kid? Why didn't you see him?"

Speaking of Rosen, Sharina finally regained her confidence.

"Rosen not only possesses great strength, but also has an outstanding mind. Anything you can think of, he can think of."

"So, I advise you not to think wrongly, lest you risk your own life."

Nandix was punctured, and smiled awkwardly: "I don't have any wrong thoughts, you worry too much, ma'am."

"Hmph!" Xia Lina smiled coldly.

At this moment, there was a sudden 'crash' sound ahead, followed by a gust of damp and cold wind blowing over.

Nandix was overjoyed: "It's been dug through! It's been dug through!"

He ran over again and shouted loudly: "Hurry up, hurry up! Put the wood on top! Don't waste the rocks! Yes! Push them all up, be careful of the vibration!"

Under his command, the animalized townspeople quickly fixed the mine tunnel.

Xia Lina was also refreshed. She picked up a torch and walked forward slowly. She stopped when she couldn't go any further, and carefully looked at the hole in front of her.

The hole is still very small, only half a meter high, but it is being widened rapidly, and behind the hole, there is a thick darkness, nothing can be seen, it seems that even the firelight cannot penetrate it.

It's as if there's hell behind that.

Xia Lina's heart trembled slightly, and she couldn't help praying secretly: "God~ Please guide me~ Please give me the courage to move forward~"

After about an hour or so, the entrance of the cave was completely fixed. Nandix ran back and said excitedly, "I successfully dug the mine tunnel for you. Now it's your turn to fulfill your promise."

Sharina shook her head: "Nandix, if I remember correctly, my promise is to help us deal with the evil god together, not just dig through the external passage."

Nandix was furious: "Damn it! You didn't say that at the beginning! You just said digging through the mine!"

"Okay, let me say it clearly, I regret it."

"Not only do I want you to help me dig through the mine, I also want you to help me deal with the evil gods together with these beastly townspeople."

Nandix roared angrily: "Despicable! Shameless! Just like your god!"

Xia Lina let the other party scold, and waited for him to get tired of scolding.

She sighed: "I know it's dishonest for me to do this, and I also know that if I force you to help, you may not be able to fight with all your strength."

"But calm down first, and listen to me tell the whole truth. After listening, if you still insist on leaving, then you will leave."

Seeing her like this, Nandix took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart: "Say it!"

Xia Lina said softly: "The name of this evil god is the King of Neverwinter, and his body is a giant tree."

"It is an extremely cruel ancient god. His roots traveled through the ancient battlefields, drawing strength from the blood of fallen soldiers, not only the vitality of the flesh, but also the souls of the soldiers. And if a war breaks out between our two clans, Then the spirit and flesh of the fighters of our two clans will all become the nourishment of this evil god."

Nandix's complexion changed: "What you said is true?"

"This is how the ancient history recorded in the temple was written."

"You are the Beastmaster and the priest of your clan. If necessary, you should be able to contact your Frost Emperor. You might as well ask him, maybe he can tell you the answer."

"Hmph~ I'm about to seek revelation from our God."

After speaking, he turned around and walked to the corner of the mine, knelt down on the ground with a 'plop', his hands tightly holding an animal bone pendant around his neck, and then fell silent.

About 10 minutes later, he got up and walked back, the anger on his face had faded.

"Fortunately for you, God let me continue to walk with you."

"Very good! Time is urgent. Now that the mine tunnel has been dug through, let's get ready!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Lina took out the whistle and blew vigorously.

Nandix also whistled and began to call the white wolf.

After a while, the Silvermoon Rangers headed by Captain Hamill, five exorcist warriors headed by Philip, and Rosen all rushed over.

Everyone is fully armed and energetic, and it is obvious that they are fully prepared.

The white wolf is also here.

In the past two days of digging the mine, it ate large pieces of meat every day. At this time, not only the injury on the nose healed completely, but the whole body also became stronger.

Xia Lina looked at everyone, briefly said about the continued cooperation, and then looked at Rosen: "Master, how are you? Have you had enough rest?"

Rosen smiled slightly, his eyes shining under the light of the torch: "It couldn't be better."

He did everything he could to prepare.

After 2 days of full recuperation, his mana has increased a bit, and his proficiency in various spells has also been greatly improved. His spellcasting ability has stabilized at five stars and is steadily moving towards six stars.

Coupled with the help of the high-level wisdom potion and the Yinyue Focusing Sword, it should be able to display a huge combat effectiveness.

In the end, he quietly picked up more than a dozen high-quality moonstones from various mines, worth about 200 fossa.

Of course, the Silvermoon Ranger and the Exorcist Warrior also did the same thing, but Xia Lina didn't express any opinion on it.

Seeing that everyone was present, Xia Lina waved her hand and announced loudly.

"Very good! Light the torch and go!"

A group of people, except for Rosen, each holding a torch, lined up and walked towards the main mining area of ​​the mine.

On the way, Sharina continued: "Captain Hamill, Ferrin, the main task of the two of you is to protect Rosen's safety, even if it means paying your life, do you understand?"

"Yes, Ms. Xia Lina." The two soldiers responded in unison.

Rosen secretly observed, and found that Ferlin's voice was a bit perfunctory, and he was just performing his duties step by step, but Captain Hamill looked serious, showing his sincerity.

'It seems that we have to rely on Captain Hamill at the critical moment. '

Xia Lina said to Rosen again: "On this journey, you should try to save mana as much as possible. If you encounter problems, let the soldiers deal with them first. Unless you really can't deal with them, don't take action."

"it is good."

Xia Lina said to Nandix again: "Beastmaster, you are not my subordinate, so I will not give you orders."

"I only hope that you can always hold the same belief as us, and never let our soldiers become the nourishment of evil gods."

Nan Dix nodded: "Don't worry, I will try my best."

After finishing speaking, he whistled and shouted at the fellow animalized townspeople: "Idiots ~ go forward! Go to the front and find the way for me!"

At the same time, the white wolf also let out a howl.

There are more than 60 animalized townspeople in the mine, and they rushed forward immediately, acting as fearless scouts.

This action made Xia Lina and the others feel very uncomfortable, but at this moment, there is no better way.

Soon, a group of people passed through the newly dug hole and entered the main mine.

The inside of the cave suddenly became spacious. Most of the mine tunnels are more than five meters high and more than ten meters wide. There are still natural cracks in many places, which are tens of meters high, like an underground canyon.

Walking in such a spacious underground, everyone suddenly looked very small, and the light of the torch in their hands was as insignificant as a firefly, only able to illuminate a place five or six meters away.


I don't know where the wind came from, it was very strong, very cold, and mixed with a vague smell, it flickered the flame of the oil torch, almost blowing it out.

The fire flickered so badly that it was almost impossible to walk in the dark mine.

Fortunately, everyone was prepared.

Sharina issued a new order: "Use the windproof miner's lamp."

The number of miner's lamps and lamp oil are limited, and it was originally planned to use torches for lighting, but now it seems that this idea is not practical.

After using the miner's lamp, the light became much more stable, and everyone moved much faster.

Walking and walking, after about half an hour, there was a scream from the beast townsmen in front of them, followed by the second and third, and then it became very dense.

Nandix yelled, "It's fighting! There's something ahead!"

Xia Lina held the steel crossbow tightly and shouted: "Ready to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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