Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 31

6. Great Tyrant 5

While the captain was slaying demons from the front, all the Imperium forces surrendered and snuck into the castle of Illuvelas. The light from the artificial sun became the boundary. The demons sit in the dark, surrounding the castle in a circle.

As the battle grew weaker, the captain held a war meeting. The elite knights of the Territory, the elite knights of the Imperial Army, and the mercenaries and administrators of one Belu.

The captain was seated in front of the Android-Central Production Facility, as the Sheriff recently lost his harpoon due to the Captain’s display of force.

Not only that, the captain ordered ten people from all walks of life who had been enslaved. You put their chairs underneath the statue, and ten people sob.

From young women to old grandfathers, I was a diverse member. The captain sits alone in the back seat.

An increasingly narrow cylindrical production facility behind the captain was emitting light to create an android, with adballoons on ropes sprinkling dazzling sunlight.

It was a scene in history that there could be such a great disease. Invisible in this world brings awe to the people and the Imperial Army.

“Governor Karas. ”

Karas struggles before he is even named. However, as soon as the name was called, he smashed his head in the sand to make a sound.

“Forgive us! My lord!”

“Forgive us! ”

The captain wasn’t really interested in Karas. I didn’t even want to express my affection to the bald man sweating.

If you’re interested, it was the sodmaster or Bricas, but he cut his head off on a rock. It was something that asked him to receive Imperial soldiers after he died.

Along with Karas on his knees, high-ranking Imperial officers and wizards were also kneeling before the captain and clasped their heads.

Many people around him were watching Karas crouching on his knees with blood on his head. Not only that, it was being broadcast on the air.

The captain waited without saying anything. because I wondered how long he was going to keep crushing his head. Then he smashes his head on the ground for sixty-three times. The weeping of the faint people was also being silenced. I don’t know where we’re going with this. The captain stopped them.

“You can stop. ”

“Thank you!”

I still stuck my head in the sand. He drains the blood and turns red.

“I will not disarm you in such a dangerous place. But your home is right inside the gates of Illuvelas. Do not leave the designated area. Then I will provide you with enough food. ”

The captain stands up and shouts.

“Hear ye the people! I am the Lord of Illuvelas, Captain! The castle is safe. Don’t go outside the castle. Listen to your Imperial Army! And all those who oppose me! We push ourselves into the vicinity of hell. Enemies like the Black Wizards have trapped us! As long as we are all in the same boat. As long as this light shines on us, we’re safe. I’ll bet on this sword and keep you safe. I will feed you and protect you. Once opposed me, now pledge your allegiance to me. Then I will live! ”

Every word of the captain is highly calculated. The captain pulled out his sword again this time. The people’s emotions are heightened. I cannot explain the whole situation to those who live on this earth.

Not to mention the loss of communication with Tyrant in the orbit. In order to escape this crisis, the people had to find relief and find work for themselves.

“As your lord, I have fulfilled my promise. I knelt down on my knees, Imperial Commander. He killed himself because he was afraid to see my face. And now, as you can see, the governor of the Belt Empire is crushing his head on the ground in front of you. I defeated countless demons and their Grand Duke himself. ”

Every word that was poured out was magic, not magic to the colonists. As words that normally would never be used in conversations poured out, the minds of all of them became dazed.

“Now I command you as your lord! Prepare to defend this castle. Reinforce the castle by following the orders of one of my officers, Baloo! Fly a brick to harden the walls. Install a Slaver’s Bow on top of the Wall. Cut spears, dig traps and prepare for dialysis! The sweat we’re sweating now will replace tomorrow’s blood! ”

The people cheered for the speech.


“Dragon Slayer! ”

“The one who defeated the Demon Duke! ”

“Hail Lord! Hail! ”


The captain turns off the speakers and looks around. Imperial soldiers also look at the captain with an astonishing look. Karas is still bleeding with his head crushed to the ground.

“And let those who have something to say about this come along, Karas. You take care of your soldiers. ”

“Yes, my lord! ”

Fortunately, I’ve stockpiled a tremendous amount of combat rations for a few days’ banquet. Some of Tyrant’s culture facilities were also moved to central production facilities to reduce transportation and further develop the territory.

There were already too many imperial troops in the territory, but it was enough to feed them somehow. This cultivation facility was able to produce as much food as needed only sunlight and water.

But I don’t know how long it will last. We’d better get back as soon as possible.

[Captain, I can mine the sand on the floor and build an Android.]

“Glad to hear it. ”

Because the nuclear power was sufficient, we were able to pull out a full sand dune and extract the troops we had planned. I didn’t know how many demons there were, and if the monster I had dealt with before showed up, there was no way to deal with it without a supercharge. We had to produce an enormous amount of troops just in case.

“Tyrant. If we don’t get a separate order in the meantime, I want you to pull up all the production equipment and start producing androids.” ”

[Copy that, Captain. I’m going to build over 100,000 in a few days.]

The number of Android troops that we originally planned is 100,000. Of course, I didn’t intend to make it in a day or two, but I was planning to capture and produce goods from the attacking enemies while facing a buffer zone between the Arubis Kingdom and the Belt Empire.

That’s why I plundered all their tools while capturing the rebels. Of course, Karakaraka appeared in the middle and couldn’t get rid of the whole corpse because it was swallowed up.

Empire army wizards followed you to the conference room where the captain entered first. They were the only ones shining eyes in this room.


They were exploring the mysteries of the world.

They were so excited that, if it weren’t for the captain, they’d be scraping sand off the floor in their spare time, they’d want to study it.

Seeing their eyes, the captain couldn’t help but think of the scientists of the World Federation’s High Defense Planning Agency.

But as the captain sat down, they also regained their senses and plunged in front of the captain. When I picked up the table used by the Sheriff’s Office and put it there, I had a moderate meeting.

“Now, sit back down. Who’s in charge? ”

A wizard opens his mouth after listening to the captain.

“My lord, hello. It is an honor to meet the infamous Dragon Slayer in person. I am Grand Wizard Khan, commander of the Northern Imperial Wizard Army. ”


“Yes, it is. ”

The wizard in front of him introduced himself as a great wizard in the Imperial Army. From the seventh circle in the world, he has been called the Great Wizard, and Cyrus has been the Great Wizard of the Eight Circles.

Seven circles were definitely enough for one place in a small country. Such a existence is nothing but the head of the Wizard in the army under the Northern Governor. Obviously, the Belt Empire was a powerful nation.

Khan was a tall, thin man with an impressive redhead. A red robe worthy of the Red Lion Army is surrounded by a golden cloth. The cloth had a subtle rune, so it was not only elegant, but also had a strong practical defensive function.

He explained about them. These wizards are the ones who beat down the Black Wizards’ walls. There were 20 wizards on his team, said to be wizards in the Northern Hemisphere serving under contract.

After experiencing this, many people died, and many survived, including themselves, all ten of them.

“Let me get this straight. We’re on the 88th floor now. ”


“Yes · · · · · · ·? Don’t you know?”

“Well, please think I don’t know anything and explain it from the beginning. I want to know what the most notorious wizards think. ”

That’s what the captain said and told Tyrant in the visor.

“That’s frustrating. After the defense, I tried to extract information about magic and the world from the dragon brain, but I was dragged here without Bourne.” ”

[Interpreting and control institutions are currently installed on the Tyrant body. We’ll have it ready for you to speak with the dragon as soon as you return.]

“Yes, let’s prepare to cross-compare with the current story. ”

Khan gets up from his seat and magically casts a timetable in the air.

“The historians of the Imperial Tower say that about 25,000 years ago, there was a war of dragons. The dragon that dominated the entire continent was divided into two groups, and there was a war. The number of dragons was originally said to be extraordinary. It’s unclear what they were at war over, but now the dragons are left with only hundreds of spectacular objects. Of course, the existence of these hundreds of dragons is highly classified information from the Imperial Intelligence Agency. We all believe that dragons in the world today are a Hoimam nightmare. The Lord got rid of that nightmare. ”

He exaggerated and continued to speak. His visions begin to describe the war of many dragons. What do you mean, you saw a billion dragons back then?

As they fought each other with fire on the surface, the forest and the lake burned and the mountains collapsed.

“As the war raged on for many years, and the number of dragons drastically decreased, they felt threatened. So they found someone to fight for them. The highly advanced dragons’ Mado civilization began to spread across many dimensions. And these are the dimensions that we found. They’ve discovered countless dimensions, and they’ve put them together with great magic. They’re called dimensional stairways, which is the sum of the dimensions that they put together. The dragons made a staircase and brought the beings within into this world. After the War of Dragons, it was the Summon War. ”

His visions changed things in the air. Dragons have been practicing their various forms, including the Devil himself. The crew rushes from the surface.

It was also a fierce war that tore apart the mountains and the sea. A dragon snapped its neck and appeared broken by several demons that looked like Karakraka.

“We suspect that the record has been cut from the middle, so we have a dimension that dragons shouldn’t touch. that the summoning war itself had stopped them from wrongly opening up a world where monsters were more powerful than dragons. There is a record of endless expansion of the staircase of endangered black dragons at the end of the war. Now, if you look at archaeology, about 10,000 years ago, the signs of war were sparse, and they disappeared completely. Luckily for us, if the war hadn’t ended, we would not have been able to survive. The era of the Summon War came to an end and humanity began to flourish, roughly 10,000 years from now. And it was 2,000 years ago that the dragons were active and hidden. ”

The captain thought.

Did the dragons hide from us because of the alien problem that Whitenide was talking about? ’

Kahn, who doesn’t know the captain’s thoughts, ponders for a moment.

“We still don’t fully understand the cosmology of dragons. They look at time and space differently than we do. You can look at the convenience of the books that they have left behind, but the universe that they see is a barrier to the face of countless bubbles. There is our star in that giant membrane. And if you don’t get lost in the bubbles, you can build a pathway between the bubbles and the bubbles. The dragons discovered the staircase with their magic reaching 10 circles, reversing the world, and creating a pathway with our world. and it was set up with magic. That’s why we can summon them. ”

The captain nods. Then there is also the possibility of going back. At the same time, there was a tremendous interest in space-time magic. If they could identify existing multi-layer realities and link their paths to the world, they would be able to incorporate them into the technology of the dimensional core.

[Captain, this is a metaphorical description of the multistory universe. Dimensional core technology is based on the theoretical bubble universe theory. Maybe the dragons understand the scientific concept. Instead of going through the physical universe and looking for other worlds, they went through the cyonic network and explored the multilayered universe first.]

The captain says in the visor.

“What a surprise. If we can acquire this subspace technology, doesn’t that mean that technology can be advanced? ”

[Yes, sir. Thank goodness. We’d better hurry back and get the information from the dragon’s head.]

“Obviously, they’re different from humans. You’re big and you have a strong Psionic level, so there’s nothing to be afraid of exploring other universes on your own. With a mythical interpretation of their world, they wouldn’t have been afraid to explore another dimension. ”

For example, if there had been a dragon religion preaching the teachings that dragons were masters of the universe, they would have explored the universe indefinitely until they met monsters stronger than themselves. The captain guessed it might be.

He finished speaking with Tyrant in the visor and told Khan.

“So you’re saying there’s an open road into our original world, too. ”

“Yes, my lord. Obviously the dimensional passageway is two-way. ”

“Then can you explain why we were dragged here? ”

“Perhaps it has something to do with the death of the Demon Duke Krakaraka. The master of the staircase plays an important role in sustaining the heart of the staircase. If you die anywhere under the Dragon Covenant, your heart will be forcibly summoned to your hometown. We must have all been swept away by the summons. There are several records of forced return of this form in the War of Dragons. ”

“Good. Let me summarize. First, there is a path made by dragons. Second, his heart is the guide. This is our tactical objective. ”

“Yes, my lord. ”

Khan nods. The captain told Bellu while he was in attendance.

“What is the current number of people in the city of Illuvelas? ”

“Approximately 20,000. This is a number containing 3,000 existing territories. ”

“Establish an inspector to punish those who are fearful or spread wills. I’ll give you all the resources you need to protect the territory. You can do everything except rebuild the walls. Give the people the work I ordered you to do. ”


The android will actually defend itself, but the more work you do in this dangerous world, the better. Moreover, the captain was already aware of a Velu conversation with Lyria. A rogue guild is weakening inside Illuvelas Castle. Of course, they wouldn’t be jumpy because they knew things weren’t going well, but they were often filled with frustrated people when these dangerous times came. The captain orders Hahn to look around and say,

“I will rest a bit and return to the battlefield. In eight hours, I will go out to capture the commander.” Do you have people with you? ”

I woke up straight from my seat.

“I will, my lord. ”

The captain nods and steps outside. A few more wizards followed, including the Khan. Even the mercenary wizards who were not at this meeting outside the tent saw the captain coming and followed him. They knelt down and shouted.

“My lord! Please join us in the demon hunt. ”

The Devil’s Heart was an important magical ingredient. The captain accepted all of them, thinking that hiring mercenary wizards would balance with Imperial wizards.

Eight hours later, the group regroups at the gate. The androids are gushing light through the walls. It was spectacular that the light emitted from the artificial sun and Android shined in the dark.

There are demons lurking in the boundaries of darkness and light, waiting for that light to fade away. The captain draws the Warhammer forward.

“Let’s go. Follow me. ”


thitapel Co-man

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