Cannon Fodder Tear Protagonist Halo [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 97 Survival in the End Times

There are three mission requirements for Gu Kongqing.

[[-]. Protect the life of the twin brother Gu Feipeng. If Xie Xinglan dares to attack Gu Feipeng again, Xie Xinglan will pay with blood. 】

[[-]. Retrieve the jade pendant that was stolen from Xie Xinglan, so that Xie Xinglan, a selfish thief who has done all kinds of bad things, will get the punishment he deserves. 】

[Third, I hope that the taskers can make good use of the spiritual spring water in the jade pendant space to help researchers develop a zombie vaccine as soon as possible, and end this bloody and cruel apocalypse. 】

After understanding the plot, and looking at the three mission requirements put forward by the original customer, Kong Qing, Kong Qing knew it well.

【666, the time has come for you to show your talents. Hurry up and help me find a way to get out of trouble. You don’t want me to be starved to death before I have time to show my talents just after transmigrating into this small world. 】

In the previous few small worlds, Kong Qing never troubled the system administrator 666, but now, the situation left to him by the original customer Kong Qing is too difficult, Kong Qing doesn't want to be led by the dog not long after the start of the game, so Make an exception and seek help from 666.

[By the way, 666, let me declare first, I would rather die clean than become a zombie. 】

Although the face of the original customer, Kong Qing, who became a zombie is still pretty, but that is compared with other zombies and other humans who are malnourished after the apocalypse and their energy is greatly reduced.

From Kong Qing's point of view, after becoming a zombie, the appearance of the original customer, Kong Qing, plummeted. Kong Qing couldn't stand her face with such a greatly reduced appearance.

Surviving in the apocalypse is hard enough, if Kong Qing is allowed to put on a face that is greatly reduced in value and become a ignorant zombie, Kong Qing may not be able to help but quit.

Seeing that the host was about to play petty temper and go on strike, 666 quickly opened his mouth to calm the host's emotions and said, "Host, please be calm and don't be impatient. It's not a real dead end yet. Although the client Gu Kongqing's physique is too poor, it is impossible to Awakening abilities, but you, the host, have very strong mental power. If you are willing to damage part of your mental power and further integrate with the body of the client, Gu Kongqing, you may be able to improve the physique of the client, Gu Kongqing, and successfully stimulate the abnormality. able."

Kong Qing noticed that 666 said "maybe", this kind of uncertainty made Kong Qing very annoyed.

【666, can you tell me whether it will work or not. 】

Kong Qing is not afraid of losing part of his mental power. What he is worried about is that after losing part of his mental power, he still cannot improve the physique of his client Gu Kongqing, so that he can awaken his abilities smoothly. Is the water empty?

Kong Qing is not willing to do such an obvious loss-making business.

[Host, because everyone's physique is different, the possibility of triggering abilities is also different, so even if I am a system administrator, I can't give the host an accurate answer, but I can tell the host that after my precise calculation , after the host's mental power is further fused with the client Gu Kongqing's body, the probability of successfully stimulating the ability is as high as 80%. 】

As the saying goes, wealth and wealth are sought in danger.

When Kong Qing heard it, the possibility of successfully triggering the ability was so high, she no longer hesitated.

【Okay, 666, let's do as you said, but before that, I have to find a safe place to hide for a while. 】

Kong Qing doesn't want to be surrounded by zombies who smell the smell when her mental power is further fused with the body of the original customer, Kong Qing. In one step, it becomes a meal for the zombies.

Kong Qing gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand to hold on to the big iron door, and slowly stood up awkwardly.

It was this simple movement that made Kong Qing sweat profusely in pain.

Damn Xie Xinglan.

Kong Qing wrote down this account, and sooner or later, he will settle this account with Xie Xinglan.

According to the vague memory in her mind, Kong Qing found the closed corner where Gu Kongqing hid in the original plot. This place seems to be a utility room or storage room that has been remodeled. It is very small and closed, with no windows, only one Thin iron gate.

Kong Qing pushed the door open, closed the iron door with his backhand, and sat on the ground leaning against the iron door.

【666, I'm ready, let's start. 】

Now that he has made up his mind, it is natural to do it early and get well early, procrastinating, looking forward and backward, not Kong Qing's character.

"Host, please be mentally prepared, it might hurt a little bit." 666 didn't intend to scare Kongqing, it was also worried, afraid that he didn't notify in advance, and when Kongqing suffered, he would think that he deliberately concealed it and didn't report it. If you ask it to settle accounts, it will die unjustly.

Kong Qing has known for a long time that there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. If the original customer Kong Qing, an ordinary person who is impossible to activate the power, can successfully activate the power, it is impossible not to pay a price. If it will only hurt for a while, then It's okay to be patient.

[Stop talking nonsense, come on. 】

Kong Qing thought that what 666 said "may hurt a little" was literal, but he never expected that there was so much moisture in this sentence.

It's not just a little pain, it's very painful, very painful.

It was as if someone was hitting his head hard with a sledgehammer, the pain was so painful that his brain was buzzing, and his eyes turned black in bursts.

At the beginning, Kong Qing was still biting her sleeve, trying not to let herself cry out, but later, Kong Qing couldn't care less about indecency, curled up into a ball with her head in her arms, and lay on her side on the cold ground, I couldn't help twitching and trembling.

Seeing Kong Qing hurt like this, 666 couldn't bear it anymore, and kept cheering Kong Qing in his mind.

[Host, hold on, it will be over soon. 】

Of course, the reason why 666 is so considerate is because he is afraid that Kong Qing will settle accounts with him after he returns to normal.

I don't know how long it took, just when Kong Qing thought that he would die of pain several times, the severe headache finally disappeared.

Kong Qing was lying on the ground gasping for breath, her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, her whole body was drenched as if she had been fished out of the water.

[Host, how is it?Has the ability been successfully activated? 】

Kong Qing didn't answer 666's words, she was spread out on the ground without bones, and she looked particularly mournful.

【Host, what happened?Say something quickly, the system is really dying. 】

Seeing that 666 was so genuinely worried about her, Kong Qing decided not to settle accounts with 666.

【Successful. 】

Hearing this, 666 was even more excited than Kong Qing, and couldn't wait to ask: "Really? Host, what abilities did you activate? Tell the system quickly."

[Water system ability. 】

This is awkward.

Hearing this, 666 wished he could disappear in place, lest the host, in a fit of rage, use it to vent his anger.

It's not that the ability of the water system is bad, after all, water is the source of life, and its importance is self-evident.

But, in the apocalyptic world, the ability of the water system is indeed a weak ability. It is not very lethal. It can only be used as a mobile faucet in the base to provide domestic water for other abilities and ordinary people. It really waits until hunting When it comes to zombies, water-type power users are not even as useful as wood-type power users with low combat effectiveness.

666 is really scared. The host has suffered so much and suffered so much, but in the end it has inspired such a weak water system ability. What if the host gets angry and asks it to settle accounts?

This can't be blamed on it, can it successfully activate the ability?What abilities can it inspire?It is not something that the little system administrator can decide.

【Host, are you okay? 】

666 asked the question cautiously, for fear that he would not use a word well and offend the host.

"It's pretty good." Kong Qing comforted 666 while closing his eyes and resting his mind: "666, you don't have to worry about me, I think the water ability is not bad, really."

Kong Qing's tone was relaxed, it didn't seem like he was deliberately speaking ironically.

Seeing this, 666 felt relieved, and quickly struck while the iron was hot, reminding Kong Qing: "Host, hurry up and practice supernatural powers. Although the water-type powers are weak in the early stage, as long as they can be promoted to the intermediate level, the water-type superpowers can be transformed into With ice-type abilities, the lethality will be greatly enhanced."

In order to build confidence for Kongqing, 666 also worked hard.

Although 666 did not tell Kong Qing, Kong Qing can probably guess that it is not so easy to upgrade his abilities to the intermediate level. I did not see that Xie Xinglan, who is the darling of the heavens, has lived two lives back and forth. An intermediate-level wood-type supernatural user, even in the middle and late end of the world, can count all the high-level supernatural users in the entire world with ten fingers.

People with supernatural powers are rarer than ordinary people. In comparison, people with high-level supernatural abilities are even rarer. Even intermediate-level superhumans can't be seen everywhere.

However, Kong Qing is confident that even if his ability is a water-type ability with little lethality, he can still find a way to become an intermediate-level ability user, or even an advanced ability user.

A darling of heaven with a wicked heart like Xie Xinglan, even if he had the chance to do it all over again, he would not think of a way to improve his own strength, but instead go all the way and calculate what is on others. Kong Qing does not want to, and will never become such Selfish people.

Thinking of this, Kong Qing suddenly became bewildered, as if every time he went to a small world, the darlings of the Heavenly Dao he met were all cold-natured and selfish. Could it be that the Heavenly Dao prefers this kind of person?

Kong Qing couldn't figure it out, so he just didn't waste his brain cells, and asked 666 directly: "666, I ask you a question, can you answer me? It's already four small worlds, why isn't the protagonist I met cool-hearted? Thin, selfish, just full of evil intentions, insidious and vicious, does the law of heaven favor people with this kind of temperament?"

If so, that's a big disappointment.

The way of heaven refers to the eternal way in which all things in the world operate, and the stars move and change forever.

Of course, the way of heaven can have selfishness and have its own preferences for people and things, but if the way of heaven is too eccentric, even good and evil are not distinguished, and right and wrong are unclear, then it will be unfair.

666 didn't expect Kong Qing to ask such a direct question suddenly, and didn't know how to answer, so he could only pretend to be pitiful and begged for mercy in a cowardly tone: "Host, don't embarrass me, what is the old man's will? My little sysadmin can guess on his own."

Kong Qing: ...

To be honest, although 666 has always acted cowardly in front of Kong Qing, this is the first time Kong Qing has heard 666 beg for mercy in such a cowardly tone, which shows how deep 666's awe of the way of heaven is.

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