Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Chapter 68: Diversion

Chapter 68: Diversion

Murong Lin listened to Tang Can’s analysis with deep satisfaction, his heart moved by Tang Can’s insightful words. Nodding in approval, he addressed the ‘Flowering Steel Trees’, “Truly, this man is a true protagonist! It’s no wonder he held such a title, considering he has already grasped 90% of my plan.”

The ‘Flowering Steel Trees’ stood at his side respectfully.

After their departure from the safe house, the Poisonous Old Ghost harnessed his Sky Reaching realm divine senses to seamlessly transmit the entirety of the acquired information to the ‘Flowering Steel Trees,’, who were of the same cultivation.

Subsequently, the ‘Flowering Steel Trees’ promptly relayed the gathered information to Murong Lin.

Observing the trio as they progressed towards the residence of the eldest prince, Murong Lin shook his head and sighed, “While I never intended to implicate my eldest brother in this matter, it’s regrettable that he opted to entangle himself.”

Suddenly, a figure dressed in green materialized behind Murong Lin, it was Qing Miao Lou, the floor master responsible for overseeing the movements of the Qing Yi Tower.

Kneeling before his master, Qing Miao Lou spoke respectfully, “Master, our men are prepared to act at any given moment.”

Murong Lin, seated in a pavilion, gazed out at the picturesque scenery below as he calmly replied, “There’s no need to rush. We shall wait for Er Wu Zi to disseminate the news first.” Meanwhile, as Tang Can and the others entered the eldest prince’s manor, another individual slipped inside through a side door.

“Tch tch tch, I never expected this from him, was that fellow really that vicious from the beginning?” Murong Lin mused, his tone laced with a touch of mockery.

His loyal followers remained silent, their attention solely on their master, eagerly awaiting his next command.

After a while, a group emerged from the residence of the eldest prince, hastening their way towards the imperial palace.

Leading the group were Tang Can and Murong Ding, the former displaying agitation while the latter seemed visibly shocked.

Evidently, Murong Ding remained unable to grasp the extent to which his third brother had orchestrated such a remarkable scheme.

Murong Lin spoke, “Follow behind them and strike when the time is right.”

“Yes!” Qing Miao Lou promptly responded before vanishing from sight.

“We shall proceed there,” Murong Lin pointed to a location that disgusted him.

A place that he had hated for a long time.

“Yes.” The ‘Flowering Steel Trees’ replied, promptly guiding Murong Lin as they swiftly vanished, hastening towards the designated location

Within the palace, Murong Tong found himself irritatedly studying the letter left by Mo Wen Dao.

A grave mutiny had erupted within the Mo Shan sect, orchestrated by an elder at the eighth layer of the Manifestation realm. With his insurrection, he rallied over a hundred disciples in a brazen bid to seize the sect’s cherished treasures, exploiting Mo Wen Dao’s absence to their advantage.

At the present moment, Mo Wen Dao had entrusted Murong Ran to the palace before departing to personally quell the uprising.

Adding to Murong Tong’s concerns was the disconcerting report of uprisings unfurling within the ranks of the four prominent clans and the three major sects, exacerbating the already tumultuous state of affairs.

Was this all part of the grand scheme orchestrated by the mastermind behind the valley’s tragedy?

Murong Tong remained focused on the orchestrator behind the valley’s catastrophe. The ease with which the Blood Spirits were discarded hinted at a more expansive and sinister scheme at play.

At this moment, a eunuch’s voice echoed from beyond the study’s confines, “Your Highness, the eldest prince has arrived with Sir Poisonous and awaits your presence just outside the court.”

After a momentary daze, Murong Tong gestured with a wave of his arm and instructed, “Allow them entry.”

The door swung open almost instantly, revealing the eldest prince bursting into the chamber with an expression of distress. “Father, a grave catastrophe has unfolded!”

Tang Can and the Poisonous Old Ghost trailed closely behind, with Tang Can harbouring no objections as Murong Ding candidly divulged everything he had intended to convey.

Murong Ding swiftly recounted the entirety of the situation to Murong Tong, whose countenance grew increasingly grave as he listened. Murong Ding concluded his account with a final remark, “To the best of my knowledge, the third prince’s forces are on the move!”

Even as the emperor, Murong Tong possessed a fiery temper.

Though usually composed, he was also an expert of the Sky Reaching realm.

Addressing the individuals behind him without a backward glance, he inquired, “Have any of you uncovered anything?”

A voice came from the shadows behind him, “Our investigation is still underway, but it’s worth noting that the officials mentioned by His Highness the first prince are indeed exhibiting rather peculiar behaviour.”

“Hah! Then what are you still investigating! How can you still be investigating! Are you just waiting for the third brat’s army to besiege me before you finish your investigation?” Murong Tong spoke frustratedly.

“Ha! And what’s there left to investigate? How can this investigation still be dragging on! Are you all merely biding your time until the third brat’s forces surround us before drawing your conclusions?” Murong Tong vented his frustration.

“We dare not.” The man in the show was seemly anxious, stuttering as he responded.

“Then why aren’t you gathering the palace guards here this instant? Are you planning to watch as they launch their attack?” Murong Tong’s voice carried a sharp reprimand.

The concealed figure in the shadows promptly vanished to execute his commands.

With the imperial guards dispatched to support the south, the security of the capital now rested solely on the shoulders of the palace guards.

With gratitude, Murong Tong cast a respectful glance towards the Poisonous Old Ghost and uttered with a hint of remorse, “Sir Poisonous, I apologize for this deplorable spectacle. Alas, it seems I have failed in raising my children properly.”

He appeared discontented with Murong Lin’s rebellion.

At that very moment, another individual hurriedly entered to deliver a report, “Your Highness, a complication has emerged within the Murong clan. A faction of clan members has initiated a rebellion, and the elder is presently addressing the situation.”

The elder referred to none other than Murong Jiao, the last remaining Sky Reaching realm expert of the Murong clan.

Had he managed to reach the imperial palace in due time, they could have been thoroughly prepared to confront any challenges. However, even Murong Jiao was detained.

“Damn it! It seems like third brother had meticulously prepared for everything!” Murong Ding opportunistically spoke ill of Murong Lin in front of the emperor, his excitement bordering on insanity.

His seventh brother was dead, and now with his third brother rebelling, he believed that his demise wasn’t far off. In the grand scheme of things, only Murong Liu and Murong Ran remained, both lacking the potential to challenge his authority.

The throne was destined to be his.

He relished in the idea that his third brother would give his all, injuring their imperial father in the process and ultimately facilitating a smooth transition of the throne into his grasp. The thought amused him so greatly that he couldn’t suppress a hearty laugh within the confines of his own thoughts.

However, he needed to maintain the facade of helplessness and dejection, as if genuinely perplexed by his own brother’s actions.

Seizing an opportunity to speak, the Poisonous Old Ghost interjected, “Might I propose that we take a prudent approach by closely monitoring the situation and ascertain the origins of his audacity to vie for the throne.”

“Very well.” Murong Tong responded, allowing the aura of his Sky Reaching realm to emanate, lifting him with confidence into the air.

“After today, I shall purge the inner imperial court thoroughly.”

A continuous influx of people gathered outside the imperial palace.

Among the leaders were officials and patrol commanders entrusted with safeguarding the capital. Presently, they had amassed a force of over a thousand individuals.

“I have received a report today indicating that the eldest prince is covertly conspiring a rebellion. He has managed to infiltrate the imperial palace, accompanied by the Sky Reaching realm expert, the Poisonous Old Ghost. Our objective for this day is to ensure the protection of the emperor. Is that clear?”

“The palace guards cannot be relied upon! A significant portion of them are loyal to the eldest prince. Once we gain entry, we will swiftly neutralize them, and if the opportunity arises, we shall confront the eldest prince himself. However, we shall refrain from engaging the Sky Reaching realm experts!”

“If we successfully resolve the palace crisis today, the emperor will recognize our worth and reward us accordingly. At that point, we will revel in feasts and drinks without restraint, and wealth will be within our grasps!”

Ensnared by these alluring words, the subordinates greedily gazed towards the palace.

Their exceptional identities were the very reason for their presence. Among them were members of the cabinet of ministers, representatives from the six departments, and influential figures from the twenty-five syndicates. These individuals were bound by unwavering loyalty; what ulterior motives could they possibly harbour?

Furthermore, wasn’t the silent man leading them at the forefront the third prince himself?

They held the belief that aligning themselves with these figures and making their presence known to the emperor would pave the way for a prosperous lifestyle in the days to come.

“Charge! Kill them!” the leaders roared, inciting over a thousand people to storm in through the main and side entrances. Some even scaled the palace walls, instigating a brutal slaughter of the guards within.

However, they soon encountered fierce resistance from the palace guards, resulting in a bloody clash between over a thousand individuals at the front of the imperial palace.

Amongst the crowd, Murong Lin stood silently at the entrance, his gaze fixed upon the palace doors.

He thought to himself,

“Haah, master explicitly forbade me from speaking, so how could I possibly take the lead in front of them.”

Translator’s note

Hehe. 10 more chapters still 78, can’t wait till you guys see it. Chapter 84 is pretty good too.

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