Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Togruta’s Discovery (Star Wars)

A/N: The Togruta's Discovery is a commission I wrote in two parts from November-December of 2017. I've compiled it all into one-shot for people to read as one piece! Enjoy!

Themes: Slutty Sex, Fucked Silly, Big Dick

Summary: Ahsoka Tano had been adjusting to life as a civilian, ever since she'd left the Jedi Order. She gets a job as a mechanic, and she begins to save credits in the hopes of eventually buying a ship to call her own. Only, that will take years, a decade even... and Ahsoka isn't willing to wait that long. Not when there are OTHER options for her...


A month after leaving the Jedi Order, Ahsoka Tano has officially settled into her new life as a civilian. She doesn't regret it, the decision to leave the Jedi. The young Togruta couldn't simply go back to the way things were. There was no way that Ahsoka could simply pretend everything was fine and that there was no division between her and the Order that had betrayed her, that had doubted her loyalty.

The fact that they'd tried to claim their treatment of her was a 'Great Trial' that made her eligible for the rank of Jedi Knight… no, it was just too much. Ahsoka wasn't about to let them wash everything under the rug in that way. As much as she knew it'd hurt her Master to do so, she'd had to move on. It'd been time for her to forge her own path and that path no longer involved the Jedi Order.

Unfortunately, life as a civilian after spending one's entire life as a Jedi was not easy. Ahsoka was managing to get by though. She'd lucked into a job as a mechanic at a garage servicing some of the uncountable speeders zipping across Coruscant's surface day in and day out. The work is easy with dozens of maintenance droids for her to direct, and the pay is fair. Plus, it's halfway across the planet from the Jedi Temple.

That doesn't mean everything is all sunshine and roses though. Quite the opposite in fact. The hangar where the garage is situated is well below Coruscant's surface, built into the wall of one of the massive Underworld Portals that allowed shipping into Coruscant's lower levels. She's far enough down that, even as wide as the tunnel is, she's lucky to get a single glimpse of sunlight at around midday.

On top of that, while the wages are indeed fair, after paying for the rent on a crappy little apartment, the essential expenses of keeping her health intact, as well as paying out of pocket to keep her shitty speeder bike in the air so she can actually make it to her work… well, Ahsoka doesn't have much in the way of savings, not yet anyways.

If she was planning on living and working down here in Coruscant's lower levels forever, it would be fine. She'd work and she'd eat and sleep, and she could spend her few extra credits at the cantina two floors up, drinking her troubles away. But that kind of life is for someone who's given up. Ahsoka isn't dead yet and she's not ready to give up, not by a long shot.

She wants to save up and buy a second-hand ship. Maybe a light freighter, maybe she'd go into work as a trader. After a life in the Jedi Temple, followed by these last couple years fighting across the galaxy… Ahsoka just wants to travel. She wants to see the galaxy without having to contemplate how to fight it, how to beat it. More than anything, the beautiful young Togruta just wants to be free.

Unfortunately, right now at her current rate, even saving every single credit she possibly can, that looks like it'll take more than a decade to save up enough for a semi-decent ship. Maybe five years if she wants to risk dying alone in the cold vacuum of space by buying an outright junker. On the bright side, at least the Clone Wars should be over by the time she gets off Coruscant…

The macabre thought causes a slightly wistful, nostalgic smile to cross Ahsoka's face as she watches the droids before her continue to work on a high-end speeder. The speeder's owner, a particularly voluptuous and beautiful green-skinned Twi'lek, stands off to the side, reading something on a datapad as she waits for the service of her vehicle to be finished.

The female alien is a regular, though Ahsoka doesn't currently remember her name. She's not quite sure why the Twi'lek comes all the way down here to get her speeder serviced, if she's being honest. The female is clearly well off, and her speeder would seem more at home in one of the more expensive, but at the same time better equipped garages up on the surface of Coruscant.

It honestly makes Ahsoka kind of jealous, seeing the tech that this female takes for granted. It's not-

"Eleena! Please, step into my office."

Both women turn to look at Ahsoka's boss. Ahsoka doesn't have a name for the big, beefy human. As far as she's concerned, he's simply "Boss" and that's the way he likes it. He's much taller than her, but then he's much taller than most. Broad shouldered to, and despite being at least fifty to sixty galactic standard years of age, he's one of the healthiest, put-together non-Jedi that Ahsoka has ever seen. With grey-streaked black hair and pale-white skin from lack of sun, Ahsoka can't help but wonder if the human has something a little alien in his genealogy, something that's giving him just a bit more in the life-span department.

Regardless, Eleena, as Ahsoka now knows she's called, perks up at hearing his voice, and the voluptuous Twi'lek practically runs to meet with Ahsoka's boss, her datapad still in hand but all but forgotten. It's a little odd, but Ahsoka just shrugs her shoulders and gets back to managing the maintenance droids working over the Twi'lek's speeder.

It's not Ahsoka's place to question her boss though. He's not a bad man, even if he is a bit dour and stoic. All in all, she's got a pretty sweet gig here. She's not about to mess it up.


Of course, twenty minutes later, the high-end speeder is done a bit ahead of schedule and its owner still isn't out of her boss' office. Ahsoka isn't entirely sure what to do. In the end, she figures she might as well let them know the work is done, even if they are still haggling over the price. Only, as Ahsoka creeps closer to the human man's office, she hears sounds. Unmistakable sounds in fact. Frowning slightly, Ahsoka licks her lips and creeps closer still.

There's a single window in her boss' office that looks out into the garage. The window is kept perpetually darkened, as the man has security cameras that give him a live feed of the place anyways, from far more angles then a simple peek out of his window might. That said, down here, this far below Coruscant, nothing is pristine, nothing is fully operational.

A small sliver of the window's darkening mechanism doesn't work, leaving Ahsoka with a bit of a peephole to glance into her boss' office with. What she sees doesn't shock her as much as it should, given how well it matches up with what she's hearing now that she's close enough. Though it's muffled, the Twi'lek female's voice is nice and clear as she expresses her vocal enjoyment for the hard, thorough dicking that Ahsoka's boss is giving her.

"Yes! Fuck me you beast, fuck me! Your cock is so damn big, f-fuck!"

Ahsoka is a little aghast at first. Her boss, dour yet fair up until this point, was extorting sex out of one of his customers? But no, no after a moment Ahsoka realizes that this isn't that. She'd already thought it through herself after all. Why did this clearly well-off Twi'lek female come all the way down here to this lower level garage to get her speeder fixed?

Judging by the level of enthusiasm the green skinned female was showing as Ahsoka's boss railed her over his desk, the answer to that question was in fact obvious. And by the Force was her boss railing the female alien. From what she could see of her side-profile view of the fuck-fest, the human male that she worked for was incredibly thick in girth. She couldn't see his actual length, given the fact that pretty much all of his member was buried inside of the Twi'lek at any given time, but extrapolating, she could tell he was probably huge all around.

Blushing deeply, the Togruta can't help but watch, biting her lower lip, as Eleena is fucked to a screeching orgasm, before her boss finally pulls out and cums all over the woman's back. Some of it lands on the Twi'lek's head tentacles, most of it lands on the back of her dress, which is actually hiked up rather than completely off of her.

As he stains her with his cum, the Twi'lek moans slightly, dejected if nothing else.

"Mm, would have loved it inside…"

Ahsoka's boss just grunts, wiping his cock off on his customer's fat green ass and then giving her butt cheek a big meaty smack with the palm of his large hand.

"You know my policy. Best not to chance it."

The Twi'lek rolls her eyes as she straightens up and pulls down her dress. When the female alien turns around and leans up to kiss Ahsoka's boss quite deeply, the Togruta suddenly realizes just how intimate a moment she's intruding upon by watching the two of them. Her blush deepens even further, and Ahsoka is ashamed to realize she's a little wet as she scrambles back from the darkened window and returns to her posting, keeping her back turned to the office, her entire body tense as she waits for her boss and Eleena to finish their business.

Not five minutes pass before the door to her boss' office is opening. Trying to keep her true feelings off her face, and mostly succeeding due to her Jedi training, Ahsoka turns around and smiles fakely at the approaching Twi'lek female.

"Ma'am, your speeder is all set, so long as payment has been handled."

Eleena's smile is secretive rather than knowing as she glances back at Ahsoka's boss and her grin becomes a bit lecherous.

"Oh yes, payment has been more than handled."

The purr in the green-skinned Twi'lek's voice has Ahsoka actively fighting the urge to blush as she steps to the side and watches the voluptuous female alien slide into the driver's seat of her speeder. A moment later and the high-end speeder is zipping out of the garage. Ahsoka watches it go for a long moment, doing her best to keep control of her emotions, some of which she didn't even fully understand.

Turning back around, the Togruta stops dead as she finds her boss looking at her with a lifted brow and his arms crossed over his chest. After a moment, he just shrugs.

"This far down, not everything is paid for with credits all the time. And sometimes there are people that come down from the upper levels looking for a different sort of service. Their… friendship is worth more than the money I might or might not get from them instead."

Ahsoka blushes, finally losing her battle with her control. She nods slowly, bobbing her head up and down. And then a thought strikes her.

"… Am I really that transparent Boss?"

Honestly, the fact that he, a non-force sensitive could see through her as well as her former Master, that didn't speak well for Ahsoka's atrophying skills. The human male just snorts at that and glances back at his office.

"Nah, I saw you peeking in on us through the security cameras. Eleena didn't notice, but then I'm a bit more aware of what's going on in my garage than she is, especially when my cock is buried deep in her cunt."

Ahsoka's blush gets twice as deep, but her boss is already turning away, waving a hand over his shoulder as he goes.

"That should be it for the day, you're good to go!"

Watching the big, strong, bulky human walk away, Ahsoka can't help but feel a strange tingling in between her thighs.


Later that night, she lies awake in her shitty apartment, contemplating how things are going for her… and how things might go for her if she changed it all up. If she could get out of paying for rent and her other bills, such as electricity and water… well, it might just take her about two years to buy a ship, instead of five to ten. The only question was if her boss would go for it… and if she was truly willing to go through with this.

Thinking about it, Ahsoka can't help but bite her lower lip as her hand drifts down the length of her naked body. She can't afford sleepwear, which means she goes to bed in the nude… right now, that's for the best given just how wet she is. The thought of that big, thick cock sliding in and out of her… the Togruta isn't sure why she's feeling this way about sex now. Perhaps being away from the Jedi has loosened the strict code that they brought her up on.

She's certainly seen enough depravity to be intrigued by it. Still, would her boss take her up on the offer if she made it? Would he possibly get upset enough that he'd fire her? Ahsoka isn't sure one way or the other, but in the end she feels like she's obligated to try. After all, if she can't speed things up, she's practically doomed to live down here for all of her best years. The Togruta isn't about to let that happen.


"You want to what?"

Ahsoka bites her lower lip and considers simply exposing herself right there to him. Dressed in some baggy pants and a loose tank top, she could easily pull the tank top off and have her breast wrappings undone in about three seconds. But no, she's got nothing he hasn't seen before… and better, if she considers just how curvy Eleena was.

"I want to make a deal with you… a non-monetary deal. If you let me stay with you in your home above the garage, rent-free, my body will be yours whenever you want it. Heck, I'd even take the couch in the staff break room. It's just the two of us besides the droids, right?"

The Boss eyes her.

"Tano, you're a good worker… but I wouldn't have expected this from you. You've always seemed a bit uptight."

Ahsoka blushes deeply.

"Y-Yeah, well… I need to save the credits, and maybe you just misjudged me. I've got no issues with sex, I'm just not interested in any long-term attachments. I assume you aren't either. We'd just… we'd just fuck. Whenever you wanted to."

Her boss seems to consider this for a long moment, before finally cocking his head to the side.

"Is that so? Then get on your knees and blow me Tano. Right now."

The order sends a fresh flood of arousal through the former Jedi and before she can even fully process his words, Ahsoka is on her knees, her body reacting all on its own. Still, her boss looks on in approval as she shuffles forward and begins to work his cock out of his pants. His arms remained crossed over his broad chest, even as she takes his member in between her lips and does her best to suck him off.

As she already knew, the human male is extremely well-endowed. It's hard for her to get more than a couple inches of his cock in her mouth. Her jaw stretches painfully, but the Togruta girl still does her best to satisfy him, her tongue sliding this way and that inexpertly. Her eyes never leave his, their gazes locked together as he seems to almost pierce her soul with a single look. Ahsoka has never felt so… small before, especially in the presence of a non-forcer user.

"Not bad. Not good either, but you're eager at least. Here's the deal Tano… we'll try this out for a week. If either of us are having second thoughts by the end of it, we'll cut this off and things can go back to the way they were, no harm, no foul on either side. Is that understood?"

Ahsoka nods her head, still doing her best to suck on his member. Her boss ultimately snorts and grabs her by her lekku, pulling her back. The Togruta's eyes widen as he gently but firmly holds onto the top of her head tails. Much like a Twi'lek, the lekku are an erogenous area for Togruta. It'd be like if he jammed two fingers up her cunt all of the sudden, or if he grabbed her tits and kneaded them for a good minute.

A moan leaves Ahsoka's throat as she's brought to her feet, and her legs wobble weakly. Her boss just looks at her and snorts.

"Get back to work Tano. We'll finalize our new arrangement tonight."

He… He's going to make her wait? Ahsoka very nearly opens her mouth to protest, but the look in her boss' eye changes her mind. Blushing deeply, the Togruta nods and walks out of his office, the taste of his cock and his precum still on her lips. And despite her Jedi training, Ahsoka can't help but be eager for the night to come.


Her first time with her boss is memorable. It's her first time sleeping with anyone, and to Ahsoka's surprise, she finds she likes it a lot more than she thought she would. It's not just about him making her wet… it's about how he treats her. Not romantically, no sir… no, her boss is rough and brutal and domineering when he fucks her, and Ahsoka can't help but love it.

And as a result, Ahsoka discovers she's just a bit of a nympho, not that she ever puts a name to it. Ultimately, the former Jedi simply has to come to terms with the fact that she really, really likes fucking the beefy, musclebound human. And her boss likes fucking her too… though sometimes, Ahsoka gives the man second thoughts.

Not that she knows it, but after the week ends and they decide to keep the arrangement going, it's her boss who has second thoughts every once in a while. Sure, Ahsoka's a fit, sexy, eager Togrutan babe, but she's a little TOO eager sometimes. The man is fairly old by human standards, even if he's still well-built and in perfect health. Some days, he'd really just like to relax on his couch and watch some pod races after work.

Instead, he ends up entertaining a horny young alien babe who isn't remotely satisfied with the quickie they had on their lunch break. And that's not even mentioning the fact that he has to fuck her brains out through multiple screaming orgasms before he can even try to go to sleep, lest he wake up in the middle of the night with Tano sucking his cock in the hopes of coaxing him into a round or three of midnight sex.

More than once Ahsoka's boss can't help but think the Togruta will be the death of him. But even if she is, he knows it'll be a pleasurable death indeed.


"Tano. You can call it a day once you're finished with that speeder."

Ahsoka perks up and her eyes come alight with life as she looks to her boss. He's as dour as ever… but she knows the beast hiding beneath his frown and his crossed arms. She gives him a salacious little grin and he just snorts at her before turning and walking off. Eager to finish up, but knowing she still has to do everything right and by the book, Ahsoka turns back to the task at hand.

She directs the maintenance droids to finish their work, even assigning more of the ones off to the side to speed up the project just a bit. Even as she does so, the Togruta is squirming slightly, her inner thighs rubbing together. The Boss will be waiting for her up in their shared little domicile once she's done… and Ahsoka can't help but be eager to go meet him.

As soon as the speeder work is finished, Ahsoka makes sure to properly log everything before heading to the staff changing room. She pulls off her grungy 'uniform' clothes and slips into the shower to wash the grime and oil off her body. Even as she rubs herself down, she can't help but rub herself in other ways as well. Grinding her lekku into the shower head, Ahsoka moans, thankful that they have a water shower rather than a sonic shower. The running water flows over her sensitive head tails and she touches her chest and the slit between her legs as she imagines what her boss is going to do to her today.

And he definitely WILL fuck her. Even if Ahsoka is the one initiating sex more often than not these days, the young female has learned quite well how to entice her handsome, well-hung boss. Though, it's never her that initiates things before bed. Before bed, it's usually him that snatches her up and fucks her senseless right there on the mattress, leaving her insensate with his cum dripping off her form.

Regardless, Ahsoka has to admit that she's a bit of a slut now. Even if she will eventually have enough credits to leave this place, she's never going to forget the man who taught her just how good sex can be. And she's not quite sure she'll ever find anyone with a dick as big as his either… maybe she could convince him to go with her. Ah, but she's getting ahead of herself.

Slipping out of the shower feeling randy and horny and aroused as all fuck, the young Togruta slips into a skimpy tank top and a pair of tight, form fitting little shorts before bouncing up to her Boss' domicile above the garage. She's quite eager to coax him into more sex, but when she arrives in his apartment, she finds him watching pod racing again.

Ahsoka resists the urge to roll her eyes, instead moving to the fridge to grab a drink from it. She very carefully makes sure to jut her pert little behind out in his direction as she bends over for far longer than necessary, pretending to be indecisive about what drink she wants. Only, when she finally pulls back and looks to him, he's not even watching her.

Pouting a little, Ahsoka moves to the couch and flops down right alongside him. The big human takes up over a cushion and a half of the large piece of furniture, but there's still plenty of room for Ahsoka to stretch out and show off her cute body as she opens up the beverage and takes a few sips, moaning provocatively.

"Mm… whatcha watching Boss?"

A grunt is the response she gets, followed by a slightly caustic reply.

"The hell does it look like Tano?"

Ahsoka sighs and pouts all the harder, even as she glances at the viewscreen for a long moment.

"… Looks boring. We could do something fun instead~"

"I'm having fun right now Tano. Don't start with me."

There's a clear warning in his voice and he still isn't looking at her… but Ahsoka knows full well what happens when she riles him up, and to be honest, the 'punishment' is just as good in her eyes as anything else he does to her. Grinning wickedly, Ahsoka downs the rest of her drink, tosses the can aside, and then flips around so she's kneeling on the couch as she leans over and brings her face to his crotch.

He proceeds to ignore her, up until the point where she has his cock out of his pants and in her hands. Stroking him off for a moment, the orange-skinned Togruta sticks out her tongue and slides it up and down her boss' considerable length, even as it begins to grow larger and thicker and harder.


His voice is still laced with warning, but there's a guttural huskiness to it now as well. Ahsoka grins wickedly. She's got him. Taking his cockhead in between her lips, the Togruta suctions her cheeks inward, lewdly sucking at his length as she draws a groan from his throat. And then his big hand is on the back of her head, grabbing her middle lekku by the base.

Ahsoka's eyes roll back in her head and she climaxes on the spot from the quite sudden explosion of pleasure. The next thing she knows, she and her boss are both off the couch, and he's marching her over to a very familiar spot, his grip on her lekku tight but not painful. When he pushes her up against the big window that over-looks the Underworld Portal, Ahsoka can only moan in need, her little ass wiggling out at him.

In two swift moves, her boss has ripped her top off of her body, and pulled her shorts down to her knees. She's completely exposed like this, and as he grinds her face into the glass, her chest follows, both pressed up against the window, even as he lays his massive hard on across her pert behind, hot-dogging her orange butt for a brief moment.

"This what you want Tano? You want me to fuck you right here against this window, where anyone flying by can see how much of a slut you are?"

Ahsoka moans wantonly.

"Mm, if that… if that's what you think is best B-Boss…"

He snorts derisively at that, but after a moment he's pulling back so that his cockhead can fit against her soaking wet pussy lips, and then he's inside of her, driving inch after inch of his massive schlong up into her cunt.

"Yeah… Yeah I think it is! Fuck, you're tight as ever you little whore!"

Ahsoka just moans louder. She is, she really, really is… but only for him. Only for her boss and his big, hard human dick. The Togruta cries out as the man begins to truly fuck her, drawing back only to drive his length back into her cunt. He starts to piston in and out of her stretched little pussy and Ahsoka can only stare out the window at all the ships flying by as he does so. She catches the eye of more than one pilot as her boss fucks her, or at least she thinks she does.

Given her skin tone, the chance of being spotted, even if this window is one in hundreds along the walls of the Underworld Portal, are pretty fucking high. She's a nice big splotch of color on an otherwise dreary world. The thought that she might make people happier by showing off her body as it's fucked by an extremely well-hung man only makes Ahsoka happier, more aroused, more euphoric.

She knows she's meant for more than this. Even her boss' big cock and the way he dominates and punishes her for being the naughty little slut she truly is, won't prevent Ahsoka from getting off this planet one day. But for now, while she gathers up her credits in order to buy a half-way decent freighter, Ahsoka is happy to have found a place where she can truly enjoy herself in the meantime.

Another loud cry followed by a low moan rips its way out of Ahsoka's throat as her body shakes and spasms. The human's cock is filling her to the absolute brim and then some, and if she looks down, she can actually see him bulging out of her abdomen just a bit. Her long legs shake and tremble, turning to jelly from the relentless pounding her pussy is receiving. Orgasm after orgasm wracks Ahsoka's body, until eventually her boss grunts.

"Gonna cum soon… come on slut, you know the drill."

He abruptly pulls out of her gaping cunt and with his hand still holding onto her sensitive lekku, Ahsoka finds herself guided down to her knees. She's face to face with the human's massive schlong as he uses his other hand to hold it steady and stroke himself off. Staring down the barrel of his 'blaster', there's nothing Ahsoka can do besides shut her eyes, open her mouth, and stick out her tongue.

A moment later, he's cumming all over her face. It's the most glorious thing she's ever felt, just as good as all the other times he's done this to her. His white, hot seed spills across her head tails and her orange skin, painting her features until she's practically plastered in the stuff. And when he's done and pulls his hand away from her lekku, Ahsoka is quick to scoop his cum from her face and eat it up.

He watches her do so, watches her clean herself off with her fingers and her tongue, licking up every last bit of his seed. When she's done, she looks up at him expectantly, only for him to nod towards the window behind her.

"Clean up your mess Tano."

Turning her head, Ahsoka finds more of his cum on the glass. This is her 'punishment', and she happily gets to work. Demeaning herself in this way is well-worth getting fucked so vigorously by her boss. And even as she uses her tongue to lick the window clean, continuing to expose her young, nubile body to anyone passing by outside… Ahsoka is already looking forward to the next time.

Her eyes shift to her well-hung, high-stamina boss. The beefy man is once again seated on the couch, watching the pod races. Ahsoka won't bother him anymore… for now. But when dinner time comes, she'll sneak under the table and use her mouth to get him riled up once again. And when it's time for them both to go to sleep, well, Ahsoka knows that he'll pin her down and fuck her unconscious, just like he does most every night.

It's not the life she expected to be leading, but it is the one she's CHOSEN. Everything has been her choice, rather than someone else controlling her. And that… that is worth everything to the young Togruta. Unfortunately for Ahsoka, the good times won't last forever… and the Clone Wars will end in the most unexpected way, long before she can scrounge up enough credits to buy her ship. In the end, the Togruta will be on the run soon.

But for now, life is copacetic.


Sometimes, she still regrets it. Even nearly a decade later, Ahsoka Tano can't help but imagine what could have been. But in the end, that's only a small part of her, wishing that things had been different. Nearly a decade has passed since she was forced to flee, going into hiding after the events at the Siege of Mandalore. She should never have allowed herself to be drawn back into the thick of things. She'd been happy… but in the end, her duty, her old responsibilities… they'd reared their ugly heads, hadn't they?

With her old Master's troops at her back, Ahsoka had gone after the rogue Sith Lord, Darth Maul. And in the end, those same troops had turned on her at the moment of her victory. Maul had escaped, and only Rex had stayed loyal as they'd been forced to flee for their lives, fugitives to Palpatine's new Galactic Empire.

Everything had gone to shit, and it still stuck in Ahsoka's craw that she'd practically spent her last days as a non-fugitive unknowingly helping the Empire conquer Mandalore. Regardless, Ahsoka wasn't about to take things lying down. She never was the kind of woman who could just give up or surrender. No, the Togruta had moved on, and in the intervening time, she'd done quite a lot to undermine the massive militaristic juggernaut that had killed everyone she'd ever known or loved.

Now here she was, a member of the fledgling Rebel Alliance. Not exactly a well known one of course, her existence and her survival only privy to the upper, upper brass of the small yet growing organization. But, Ahsoka liked to think she wasn't being arrogant when she viewed herself as one of the more important tools in the Rebels' burgeoning arsenal.

Her latest mission has seen her all the way to the Outer Rim, where she'd done her best to drum up support for the Alliance out there. None had necessarily pledged their loyalty to the overall organization, but that was the beauty of the Rebel Alliance. It did not demand loyalty, nor did it command those who would fight under it's cause, at least not in any sort of strict or structured way.

No, what Ahsoka left behind as she made her way back to Alderaan was a dozen prospective rebel cells, forming around charismatic leaders to begin working to undermine the Empire on each of their planets. They weren't looking to fight massive engagements against the Galactic government. The droid armies that the Separatists had used to combat the clones during the Clone War were long gone. They were building a revolution, made of real, living people. The galaxy was filled with trillions upon trillions of beings. And more than enough of them would stand and fight the Empire. Ahsoka was sure of that.

For now though, the female Togruta found herself on the lushly forested world of Takodana, a planet on the Mid Rim that would hopefully yield transport back to Alderaan. Takodana is a fairly neutral place, technically falling under the Empire's authority, but far enough from the Empire-held core that it's become something of a haven for explorers, smugglers, and fugitives ever since the war had ended.

There is no Imperial Garrison here… yet, anyways. For now, that makes it a fairly safe place, and leaves Ahsoka confident that she'll be able to find a ride. Though, the prospect of imperial spies is still one she has to keep in mind, and there's no way she'll be able to relax until she's found a ship with a captain that the Force tells her she can trust.

With a poncho over her light body armor and her lightsabers, and a pair of goggles set on her forehead to cover up her distinctive markings, the Togruta strolls through Takodana's rugged, old spaceport, duffel bag slung over her shoulder as she checks out the various open hangars, looking for a decent ship. She stops every once in a while to read the signs posted outside of some of the hangars, eyeing the details stating what sort of jobs the crews take, their rates, that sort of thing.

She's not really finding anything that speaks to her though. There are several ships that are 'good-enough' but there's almost always a warning sign in the information posted up outside of the hangar that warns her attuned senses. That is, until she runs into one hangar that sets off all of her alarm bells in the OTHER direction.

Ahsoka's brow furrows as she feels a draw to the ship parked within the hangar, almost as if the Force is pulling her towards it. There's no written details posted up outside of the hangar, another warning sign that Ahsoka would usually take heed of. But not this time. No, the Togruta finds herself stepping into the otherwise empty hangar to take a closer look at the ship within.

It's a Corellian YT-2400 light freighter. They're fast ships and incredibly tough for their size, even straight off of the assembly line without any customization. But then, their ability to be customized is exactly what makes it so popular with both reputable and disreputable Captains alike. It's a classic, and Ahsoka can't help but appreciate the freighter's beauty.

While it's definitely seen a bit of use, it's otherwise immaculately maintained from what Ahsoka can see. More than that, it's definitely at least somewhat modified. The cannons that she can see in the visible turrets are noticeably larger than the ones that come stock with the ship. Ahsoka has seen her share of YT's before, but she's sure she's never seen this particular ship before.

Yet, for some reason she feels drawn to it anyways. Frowning most severely, eyes filled with confusion and curiosity, the Togruta continues to circle around the freighter, strolling around the arm-mounted cockpit to look at it from it's hidden angle. That's when she freezes, the confusion and curiosity fleeing her suddenly wide eyes, the frown melting off to be replaced by open mouthed shock. The freighter has a bit of nose art on it's cockpit. Not exactly unusual of course, but it's what the nose art is depicting that had Ahsoka flabbergasted.

It's her… or at least, a younger version of her. She'd put it at around a decade or so ago. Stylized, obviously, but it's definitely her, down to the skin and lekku coloring, as well as the perfectly replicated facial markings, from her chin to her forehead. Even the akul-tooth headdress that she'd long since stopped wearing. All of it makes Ahsoka certain that it's meant to be a depiction of her, lounging provocatively against a snarling nexu, wearing a skimpy nexu-fur bikini, with black claw marks slashed behind them.

To top it all off, there's two words titling the whole piece as 'Wild Thing' and Ahsoka can't help but choke on that. After all, while her old Master and even Master Kenobi had spoken of her reckless behavior and her tendency to hop into the thick of things more than once… there was only one person in the Togruta's life who'd ever specifically named her as 'Wild Thing'.

Before she can really reconcile what's staring her in the face, a hover-sled loaded with supply crates whirs into the hangar, startling her from her thoughts. It slows to a stop under the freighter, the 'Wild Thing' and Ahsoka watches with her mouth still open as a cargo lift lowers down out of the ship's hull, hitting the ground, ready to have the hover-sled's freight loaded onto it.

The huge human who hops off of the sled and immediately begins single-handedly loading the massive crates onto the cargo lift can only be one person. A happy smile spreads across Ahsoka's face before she manages to bring herself under control. Despite being ecstatic at seeing her former lover alive and well after a decade since they'd parted ways, she manages to control her reaction and calmly strolls over to her old Boss.

Reaching him just as he finishes stacking the last crate onto the lift, Ahsoka takes a moment to simply enjoy the view of his massive muscles bulging under his skin-tight shirt as he taps a few controls on the hover-sled, sending it whirring off out of the hangar on autopilot, back to whoever he'd borrowed or rented it from. That done, he finally turns to her, despite the Togruta knowing she'd been noticed almost immediately.

His gaze trails up and down her form for a second, and then he arches an eyebrow as he looks her in the eye.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

Ahsoka can't help but give him a once over in return, even though she's already been staring for a good two minutes now. Her old boss is as large and muscular as ever, a complete and utter beefcake of a man. He still towers over her, even after the last bit of growing that she'd done in the time since they'd parted ways. Though, there's a lot more grey in his hair now, and his skin is no longer quite so pale. It looks like he's been getting sunlight.

She doesn't believe for a second that he doesn't recognize her though. No, her old boss was always a smart one, brains to go along with his visible brawns. Quietly pleased that he's acting discretely just in case someone is watching them, she places her hands on her hips and gives him a bright smile.

"I'm looking to hire a respectable Captain with a good ship for a transport job. I've heard good things about you from the port authority. Do you think that's something you might be able to do?"

The fear that he'll reject her out of hand is present in Ahsoka's breast, but it's a minor one. She's confident that he'll at least hear her out, and a moment later her worries are assuaged by his next words as he tosses his head towards the cargo lift.

"Sounds like it. Come on, we can discuss details in private."

Containing her excitement and jubilation (the Force had come through once again!) Ahsoka hops up onto the cargo lift as he steps onto it with his massive tree trunk legs. A moment later he's tapped a control on the datapad in his hands, and the lift is rising into the ship's cargo hold. As soon as they're safely ensconced in the Wild Thing, the lift locking in place, Ahsoka happily leaps at her old boss, giving him a full body hug as she laughs gaily.

The massive human grunts with the impact of her comparatively small body against his, even as her arms wrap around his neck and her legs around his waist, but in the end, he just grumbles a bit before wrapping his thick, muscular arms around her too, hugging her back until she's finally gotten it out of her system.

Once she's ready to get down, he lets her go and Ahsoka can't help but wipe her eyes, as they're getting just a bit watery. Had to be the fumes o-or something…

"So, you said you were looking for transport."

Heh, it was just like him to ignore the elephant in the room. Ten years apart, and he'd not changed one bit. Grinning, the Togruta bobs her head up and down in a nod.

"I need a ride to Delaya, in the Alderaan system."

Alderaan itself was far too dangerous for her to go to, especially to meet with who she was meeting with. Delaya on the other hand, was a much better place for clandestine affairs such as rebellion to take place. Still, there WAS the chance that now would be when her old boss would back down, if it was out of his way or something…

"… Hm, it'd take about a week to get there if we were to pass through the core, but a more circumspect route would stretch it to two weeks, maybe two and a half. We'd be skirting most Imperial outposts though, something I imagine you're keen on."

Ahsoka's grin gets a bit wider, and she finds herself nodding again.

"The long way is fine with me Boss."

He snorts at that, clearly knowing full well that it's the only way to do this safely.

"You got any business left to take care of on the planet? Got any friends coming along, or extra cargo to load?"

Still smiling, Ahsoka just shakes her head.

"It's just me and I can be ready to leave whenever you want Boss. Everything I own, is on me."

She hefts her duffel bag for emphasis, drawing a grunt and an understanding nod from the large, broad-shouldered human. He seems to consider everything for a moment, before grunting once more.

"Right then. If you don't mind getting your hands dirty working on some of the droids and doing some ship maintenance for me along the way, I can give you that ride to Delaya for two thousand credits."

Ahsoka's eyes widen for a second, almost imperceptibly. She has over ten thousand credits set aside for transport, making his two thousand price tag not only more than a fair price, but possibly a little overly generous. Still, those credits could be put towards furthering the Alliance's goals, so Ahsoka isn't about to insist on paying more. Grinning just as widely as before, Ahsoka nods and puts out her hand.


The human reaches out and takes hold of her comparatively small hand, engulfing it in his massive paw as they shake on it.

"Then it's settled. We're leaving immediately, before the old bat that runs this place decides to try and charge me for an extra day. Beedee!"

Ahsoka blinks for a moment, only to realize he's calling out to someone else, as a shapely, feminine droid steps into the cargo hold.

"Is the ship ready to go?"

"It is indeed Master. The fuel tanks are topped off, the waste has been dumped, and the water tank is fit to burst. All droids and equipment, including yours truly, is accounted for."

"Good. This is Ahsoka. Ahsoka is a Good Friend, you got that?"

The Togruta in question blinks at the emphasis her old boss is putting on 'friend', but the feminine droid merely nods, taking his words completely seriously.

"Good, show her to the guest quarters, then pack away the supplies. I'm going to get us out of the atmosphere and on our way."

"You sure you don't need a co-pilot Boss?"

It's spur of the moment, but Ahsoka feels the need to make herself at least a little useful, as soon as possible. The massive human just snorts and shakes his head though.

"Cockpit's been modified. Only ever need a second pair of hands to work the guns, and we aren't in that sort of trouble quite yet."

Ah, she supposes that's that then. But before Beedee can lead her more than a few steps from the cargo hold, her old boss' voice rings out again.

"Oi, brat!"

Blinking, Ahsoka turns back to find the broad-shouldered man holding a slightly dusty storage crate in his gargantuan hands. He passes it off to her and she has to use the Force to keep from buckling under the weight as he gives her a nod.

"That's all the stuff you left behind in my workshop back when you went off to help your friends."

Ahsoka's eyes go wide and her mouth drops open, but the old human just brushes the dust off his hands and ignores her stunned expression as he heads off to the cockpit. A moment later, the Togruta is being pulled along by Beedee, who leads her to the guest room. It turns out to be rather small, but also immaculate, kept quite clean. Ahsoka has definitely had to live in far, FAR worse in the decade she's been on the run from the Empire, and hell, her living and sleeping arrangements hadn't always been a dream back when she'd been a Padawan either.

"There is a locker over there where you can store your things, as well as some drawers built into the bottom of the bed, where you will find clean sheets in blankets. The fresher is just down the hall, and the lounge and ship's galley are back down the way we came from, on the other side of the cargo hold. Beyond that is the Captain's Quarters, the cockpit, and the Escape Pod. I do recommend you familiarize yourself with the route to the escape pod once you're done unpacking, as Good Friend status assures that you will have a place within it alongside the Captain, should anything untoward happen. Now, do you have any questions?"

Blinking, Ahsoka sort of does… but in the end she just shakes her head in the negative, deciding that if she DOES want to ask any questions, she's going to ask them of her old boss. She trusts the man, even if it has been a long time. She's quite sure he hasn't changed for the worst in all this time, even if it is a little surprising to see him out of his workshop on the lower levels of Coruscant, flying about the galaxy instead.

"Very well, I will likely be in the lounge if you have any questions or concerns."

And like that, Beedee is gone and Ahsoka is alone with her thoughts… and the storage crate filled with her past. It'd been a short amount of time that she'd worked for the big, bulky human compared to all of the other periods of her life, but it had also been a meaningful one, filled with intimacy and discovery and more enjoyment than she'd ever had expected.

Chuckling, Ahsoka sets the storage crate on the floor and chucks her duffel onto the bed for the time being. Then she drops onto the bed herself and hangs her legs off the side as she stares at the crate before her for a long moment. Eventually, she opens it up, a bit of a creak signifying the fact that it's been closed for nearly a decade. The sight of the crate's contents cause Ahsoka to be hit by a wave of nostalgia. The Togruta can't help but suddenly long for the past, for that small period of time where she was free of the Jedi, free of the War… everything was better back then.

Still, she can't believe that her old boss had kept her stuff safe for a decade, when by all public accounts she'd been killed on Mandalore. It meant a lot to her, and it made it clear that maybe… just maybe she'd meant a lot more to him than she'd originally thought. The first thing she finds at the top of the crate is a good example of that.

Right on top, there's the pouch containing all the credits she'd saved up before leaving for Mandalore. Glancing inside shows that the near ten thousand she'd managed to accumulate is still all there, untouched by the man who'd looked after them for so many years. Beneath the credits are a couple of datapads she'd spent long hours poking away at, one for writing letters to her friends and for reading their replies, the other with the technical details of various ships she'd been thinking of buying, along with the reputable and the semi-reputable dealers she'd wanted to buy one from.

Further down are the clothes she'd left behind, both the sturdy work clothes and the skimpier sort that she'd taken to wearing AFTER work, during the times when she'd enticed her old boss into pushing her up against that transparisteel window and-… Ahsoka bites her lower lip and then chuckles, holding up a pair of her old shorts, amazed at how she'd actually managed to wear such tight little things back then.

She hadn't had the nerve to take these sorts of clothes with her onto the Republic Warship that had served as her command center during the Siege of Mandalore. She'd had to go back to being Commander Tano, which meant such frivolous things could no longer distract her. Still, she can't help but stare at the small garment in her hand. Can't help but feel the fabric, remembering the good times that had come from wearing them.

In fact… tight as they are, they might just have a bit more stretch to them then she'd originally thought.


A little while later, the impish Togruta steps into the cockpit and presses a kiss to her old boss' cheek.

"Thanks for looking after my stuff you big softy."

He grunts in response, not even looking her way. Grinning mischievously, Ahsoka settles down into what could only be the navigator's or the gunner's chair, behind and to the right of his seat. She watches him work the controls for a few long moments, intrigued by just how at ease he is with flying a freighter. She knew nothing of his life before she'd met him, but from what she'd gleaned, he hadn't exactly ever left Coruscant or hell, even the level his shop was built into.

Now though, it's clear he's become an old hand at flying a freighter. Maybe even a decade's worth of experience behind his casual, experienced movements…

"So Boss, how did you end up flying a freighter around the Mid Rim? You seemed pretty content back in your workshop on Coruscant."

That gets a derisive snort from the big human, and his tone is a little bitter as he answers her.

"Imperial Center now, isn't it? Anyways, I was content. Unfortunately, the Empire wasn't content with me it seemed. Bout a week after the Clone Wars ended, people with ties to the Jedi started getting rounded up. Mostly folk who worked in or around the Jedi Temple. But I'm not blind. I can read the writing on the wall, especially when a few goons from the Coruscant Security Force come to my workshop 'asking' me to come in for 'questioning'."

Ahsoka winces at that, the worry that she'd been the cause of his sudden nomadic lifestyle proven right.

"Luckily, it wasn't clone troopers. I dealt with the idiots, gathered up my shit and my droids, wiped the consoles and smashed them up, and then I left."

Her wince has turned into a full-blown grimace as she lets out a low sigh.

"Sorry Boss… I never wanted you to get into any sort of trouble."

The muscular human scoffs at that, waving a hand dismissively even as he continues to focus his eyes forward.

"I blame the Empire, not you. It was pretty damned obvious what the truth was. That story they pushed about the Jedi was garbage, wasn't it?"

Ahsoka lets out a shuddering breath, unbelievably happy to hear those words come from his mouth.

"Y-Yeah… yeah it was. The Jedi were a lot of things… many of them things I didn't like, but they weren't traitors. It was the Chancellor. He's Evil. He's always been Evil."

"Figured as much. Anyways, in the end I left most of my droids with a friend who got me off planet and then I got myself a nice ship… this nice ship fresh off the assembly line. After that, I headed out to the Rim. Empire hasn't quite pushed its authority into the Mid Rim yet, though they're making waves in this direction. For the time being at least, I was able to make a good enough living on transporting both shit and people over the years. And once in a while, I'll make a stop at one of the newer colony worlds in order to sell my services maintaining droids and speeders."

Grinning, Ahsoka leans forward a bit.

"You still giving freebies to bored housewives?"

That startles a bark of laughter from her old boss, as he shakes his head ruefully.

"Mouthy teenagers too. Though, they're more like discounts these days. Business is good, but not so good I can afford to work for free."

Ahsoka can understand that. One can carve a life for themselves free out here, outside the Empire's influence… but it won't ever be an easy one, and only a self-starter like her old boss could truly manage to make it work. By that point though, the coordinates are set in and they're ready to go into hyperspace. The big human pulls the lever with little fanfare, and after sending them on their way, he finally turns around in his seat to actually look at her.

As his eyebrows go up, Ahsoka can't help but preen, a sensation of pride and pleasure rushing through her body. She's wearing nothing but her old shorts and a tube top over her matured body, now short enough on her taller frame that they're riding incredibly low on her hips. The tube top is similarly straining against her more substantial chest. She's still nowhere near voluptuous, but she's no longer the young Togruta he knew. She's a full-grown woman now, and it's clear that he sees it, as he eyes her up and down.

Standing from the copilot seat, Ahsoka grins impishly and steps forward, putting a bit of sway in her hips for the two steps it takes her to get to him. She places her hands on her old boss' large knees and then runs them up his legs, before ultimately climbing up onto him, straddling his lap.

"Mm, you know, I almost didn't recognize you at first, what with all the grey in your hair. Plus, you're just so tan… the sun has been good for you Boss."

Snorting derisively, the large human smirks.

"I almost didn't recognize you either now that you almost have a pair of tits and an ass."

His hand slips down the back of her extremely tight short and grabs at the ass in question, and Ahsoka gasps, the front of her shorts pressing into the cleft of her moistening pussy as a result of his actions. Leaning forward, she nips at his bottom lip, wrapping her arms around his thick neck as she looks him in the eyes.


And then she's kissing him, passionately and enthusiastically. Their lips mash together and her tongue slips out to run against his teeth until he opens up as well. Then, their flexible mouth muscles are wrestling with one another for a good few minutes even as his big bear paw of a hand gropes at her orange ass aggressively. The Togruta is happier than she's been in a long, long time, and she decides to give herself this, simply enjoying it for what it is. Nothing is lost if she takes some personal time on the way back to the Alderaan system after all.

Eventually, he does pull back and look her in the eye, amusement dancing in his gaze.

"You should know, I am still expecting you to do some ACTUAL work on the way to Delaya to pay your way."

Ahsoka just grins again as she grinds her hot core against his bulging crotch.

"You got it Boss."

From there, things go exactly how Ahsoka wanted them to. She hasn't been completely celibate in the decade since she parted ways with the old man, but he'd definitely left the biggest impression on her, what with fucking her regularly day in and day out over the course of nearly an entire year. Rough and dominating as he was, the massive human had been fairly kind in easing her into deep-throating his entire cock, and he'd allowed her to learn to take him up her tight little ass over the course of a couple weeks instead of in one sitting.

Now though, she's all grown up and more experienced than ever before. There'd been a guy or two, and more women than Ahsoka could count, but feeling his cock hardening through his pants as she grinds against his crotch… mm, Ahsoka is reminded just how much she's missed having him inside of her. Before the night is over, she intends to provoke him into ravaging all three of her tight little holes… and why not start with the one she can use most effectively?

Still grinning rather impishly, Ahsoka slips out of her old boss' grasp, sliding off of his lap. He lets her do so, his big hands moving away from her body as she falls to her knees before him. He watches her with a seemingly blank expression, and in response, the Togruta gives him a lewd, perverse smile as she reaches out and begins to undo the buttons and the zipper on his pants.

Her feminine fingers slide down into his boxers and a moment later the female alien has his familiar, massive cock in her grasp. Pulling it out of its confines is another matter, and takes some work as she extracts the giant human member from his pants. Once it and his nuts are out and in front of her, Ahsoka can't help but salivate as she stares at his meaty, throbbing shaft for a long moment. One hand holds onto his cock while the other caresses and massages his balls.

The Togruta then leans in and rubs her face against the length of his meat rod, moaning wantonly as she nuzzles into him. It feels a little like coming home, as silly as that is. She'd been with the massive human for barely a year, she'd lived as a Jedi long before that, and as a Rebel long after. But if Ahsoka was being completely and utterly honest with herself, working for her beloved Boss, serving him, being dominated by him… that was when she was truly happy. The only time she could say without a doubt that she felt at peace with herself and her circumstances.

The universe was a fucked-up place, even more so these days then when she'd been a young Padawan Learner. But there were spots of happiness if one knew where to look, and the Force had clearly been able to tell that Ahsoka needed something of the sort, because it had guided her right back to this massive, delicious, meaty member.

Her tongue slips out of her mouth and she laps at her old boss' cock. The man lets out a grunt, and a moment later one of his massive hands is atop her head, as it used to always be. His fingers slide over her montrals and her lekku, fitting perfectly along her skull as he spreads them out. It's a hefty weight, having him holding her head like that, but its also a comfortable one, one she knows well.

Smiling slightly, Ahsoka leans back a couple inches and brings his cockhead to her lips, opening wide and sucking him inside finally. The human groans, even as she swirls her tongue around his tip and slides her lips down the length of his shaft. It's not easy going of course, far from it, but it's kind of like flying a speeder. Best way to get back into the swing of things is to just hop in and go.

That's what Ahsoka does, in the end. He's by far the largest cock she's ever had, but Ahsoka soldiers on all the same, bobbing back and forth along his member, up and down his shaft, and taking more and more into her mouth and down her throat as she goes. At first, she's able to suppress her gag reflex. Holding it back isn't too hard, after all she'd been raised by the Jedi and breathing techniques were something that younglings learned.

But he's far, far bigger than she'd remembered. By the time Ahsoka presses her lips to the base of his cock, feeling her chin come to rest on his nut sack and the fingers she's using to massage it, breathing is becoming… difficult. There's a moment where Ahsoka finally chokes, and afterwards she pulls back, leaving only his tip inside of her mouth as she takes in lungfuls of air around it and through her nose.

"You haven't been practicing."

His words are teasing, more than anything else. He's looking down at her with a slight smirk, a challenging one in fact. Ahsoka can't help but growl, but that just brings him more pleasure as the noise sends vibrations along the length of his cock. She pulls back off his shaft for a moment, stroking it up and down as she glares at him playfully.

"Nothing in the galaxy can help me practice for this monstrosity Boss."

That gets a derisive snort from him, and his hand begins to insistently push as he takes control of the situation. It's exactly what Ahsoka wanted, so she goes along with it happily, allowing him to dominate her as he used to. Back into her mouth and then her throat his cock goes, and he doesn't stop until she's pushed up against the base of his member again, her nose tickled by his curly pubes.

She chokes, because of course she does, and he lets her back off a bit… but not all the way this time. Ahsoka's eyes go wide and then begin to water as the bulky human begins to fuck her face, his grip on her skull one-handed, even as he slides her up and down his shaft with ease. And she lets him do it too, even as she chokes on his dick. Her tongue slobbers back and forth along the underside, and drool collects quickly on her bottom lip as he rails her throat.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

It's messy and rough, but then, that's exactly what Ahsoka was hoping for. She moans as best she can in between choking on his dick, and her eyelashes flutter from a lack of air. Her hands fall away from him entirely, her arms hanging at her sides as she simply kneels there, allowing herself to be used. In that moment, Ahsoka finds the peace she'd been thinking of earlier. All responsibility, all of her concerns and worries… it fades away in that moment. Her mouth isn't for words, not right now. Instead, it's for him and him alone to fuck and use as he pleases.

Suctioned down along his cock, her obscenely stretched lips press to his meaty member. She can feel him pulsing, throbbing in her mouth and throat, even as her neck spasms and convulses from the constant intruder. It's harder and harder to breath, but a Jedi can hold their breath for several minutes, something he knows quite well from their previous time together.

As such, he fucks her throat right to completion, plowing her face hole as if its her cunt, all the way till the cum starts hosing out of his big cock, his balls churning beneath it. His seed flows into her throat and Ahsoka does her best to swallow every last drop. She succeeds, mostly, and what little escapes the corners of her mouth is quickly licked up as he slides his gargantuan length free of her face hole.

His hand leaves Ahsoka's lekku, and the old man is panting a bit as he sits back in his captain's chair. At some point, he'd leaned forward, forcing himself upon her just as she remembered him doing. It made her feel alive, every fiber of her being suffused with lust and arousal. He definitely wasn't leaving her like this… but judging by the way he was sitting there, waiting for something, he expected her to beg.

Begging just isn't her style, no matter how horny she is. So, without waiting another moment, Ahsoka slowly rises from her knees. She does so with her hands on top of his legs, using him for support even as she gives a slow, sensual wind of her body as she stands. Grinning mischievously, Ahsoka rotates around as lewdly as she can, and her firm, taut little behind sticks out to brush against his bared cock, the tight shorts she's wearing doing almost nothing to hold back the heat of his hard length.

She hot dogs herself on his cock for a few seconds, rubbing up against it… and then she pulls away, releasing his legs and straightening up. Just like that, the Togruta begins to walk out of the cockpit, a wicked smile spread across her face as she focuses all of her effort on the perfect sway in her meager hips, feeling her relatively small behind bounce and jiggle as much as it can in the tight shorts she's wearing.

Ahsoka barely gets out of the cockpit before a massive arm wraps around her waist and scoops her off the ground. The startled shout that leaves her lips is full of laughter as she pretends to struggle and squirm in his grasp, her comparatively small hands grabbing at his thick limb as she kicks her feet back and forth. The bulky, beefy human doesn't say a word of course, but then she doesn't expect him to, even as he nonchalantly and casually carries her right down the hall to his quarters.

His other hand comes up to palm the door control, and then they're inside the nice, spacious room. Ahsoka almost immediately decides that she's going to spend most of her time on this ship in here, sleeping in her old boss' bed, and then the next thing she knows she's face down on that same bed, tossed there by the beefcake of a human behind her.

Looking back, Ahsoka can't help but bite her lower lip as she watches the massive man strip down. His form-fitting shirt comes off to show his muscles haven't diminished at all in the decade since they'd last seen one another, and then his already unzipped and unbuttoned pants go down as well, along with his boxers. While he's pulling off his clothes, Ahsoka waits impatiently, one hand down her tight shorts as she fingers herself needily.

Her ass remains in the air and she sways it back and forth as enticingly as she can manage, all while watching him with lust-filled eyes. When he finally makes his way towards her, she stills, letting out a gasp of delight as the bed shakes with his added weight, and a hand comes down on her ass harshly, all in the same moment.

"Still a fucking tease, aren't you? That's alright. Never could figure out why, but I always liked that about you, you damn brat."

Ahsoka moans wantonly, not at all offended by being called a brat. Even ten years later, he's the only one who she likes hearing it from now. His hand on her ass pulls back and then his fingers are sliding under the waistband of her shorts. He pulls them down her legs quite roughly, provoking a gasp to leave her lips, even as her fingers continue to piston in and out of her sopping wet cunt, up until the point where he slaps them away.

She bites down harder on her lower lip, and her hands come up to clutch at the bedding beneath her as the Togruta spreads her knees apart as wide as they'll go. With her orange ass and her dripping pussy exposed to him, Ahsoka knows it won't be long now. But when he brings his cock to bear on her and presses the tip against her slit, he doesn't immediately push in. Instead, he slides up and down a little, teasing her… punishing her.

Ahsoka doesn't complain, at least not with words. She knows she deserves it for being a naughty little girl, she knows she should be punished, even without him calling it a punishment. In the end, this is exactly what she wanted, and as he nudges at her entrance again and again with his big, fat cockhead, Ahsoka whines and whimpers and moans in equal measure, wiggling her backside towards his massive schlong as best she can. But it's never enough, not until he finally decides it's time.

When he does, she definitely knows it. His hands are suddenly on her skinny waist, his thick fingers almost interlocking as he holds her in place. His cock is just inside of her, the first couple inches lodged within her needy, clenching cunt. And then, as he keeps her still, he thrusts forward and Ahsoka's world explodes with pleasure. The Togruta's eyes roll back in her head as she sees stars, an orgasm hitting her right on the spot. Her mouth splits into a wide, open, joy-filled smile and the former Jedi cries out as she feels every last inch of his fat cock fill her insides.

Her pussy lips stretch around his girthy prick, and her inner walls do their best to hold him fast… but even now, a decade later, their best is not good enough. The beefy human almost immediately begins to fuck her from behind, his cock pistoning in and out of her without pause. Nothing her pussy can do can hold him, no matter how tightly she clenches.

She might have been able to hold him fast with the Force… if her concentration wasn't currently shot to hell. Ahsoka would love to meet the force user who could do something like that, who could use telekinesis while being fucking plowed by a big hard meat stick in their cunt. As is, she was almost instantly lost in the pleasure and the memories of all he'd done to her and for her nearly a decade prior.

His cock slams into her tight passage time and time again, and Ahsoka moans wantonly as she continues to clutch at the bedding beneath her. Her body is jarred with each thrust, but not as badly as back then. There's a change, there's definitely a change. He can still manhandle her, and he's doing so now as he fucks her in her favorite sexual position of all time, setting aside the special circumstances of being fucked up against the transparisteel window of his back on Coruscant. That particular position had been more because she'd loved the thought of being seen, of being watched while she slutted it up with her old boss.

This though, being face down, ass up, exposed and used by a big hard dick attached to an even bigger man… well, it was definitely preferred, especially when it was the human currently fucking her that was doing it. As he slams in and out of her cunt, his cock goes deeper and deeper and deeper, until eventually he's just smacking up against her cervix with each thrust, the pleasure of the rough, brutal sex growing more and more.

Another orgasm tears its way through Ahsoka's body, and she cries out as her pussy walls tighten rhythmically along his cock. And then there's another after that. And another, and another. She loses track of time, which isn't very Jedi of her. But then, Ahsoka rather thinks the Jedi she'd been taught by would be disappointed to see her cavorting with this human man. Especially since her feelings for him ran far deeper than simple lust.

Ahsoka loved him, in her own way. She'd not marry him, nor would she settle down with him to start a family or something silly like that… but she felt more than simple affection for the older human male. He was one of the brighter spots in her life and now that she had him back, she was already dreading losing him again.

Well, she had been dreading losing him. Now, the female Togruta was simply washed away by the pleasure, her eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue lulled out of her skull and indecipherable gibberish falling from her open mouth as she cums again and again around his cock. Oh yes, this… she missed this. Finally though, he reaches his own climax, her old boss pulls out of her quite abruptly, and Ahsoka shudders as he begins to cum, painting her back white with his seed. He plasters her with his load, her orange skin ending up covered in its majority before he's finally done. It feels good, the hot, sticky substance all across her back and her ass and her lekku. It feels better than good, it feels RIGHT.

As she lays there, face down and ass still up in the air, her pussy lips slightly agape and twitching with need, Ahsoka is startled by his body suddenly landing besides her. She'd been… well, she'd expected him to go the full mile, like he used to. It wasn't like him to leave her ass untouched, especially after he'd trained her into his happy little anal slut.

Now though, looking at him, Ahsoka finally realizes that a decade of time had meant more for him than it did for her. In the past decade, she'd grown up and gone from a girl to a woman. But he… he'd just gotten older. That wasn't to say he was any weaker. He certainly wasn't frail… but he also wasn't inclined to push himself past his limits.

And yet… his cock is still hard, and as he lays there, he looks at her with an expectant expression on his face. Biting her lower lip, Ahsoka slowly lifts herself up, practically tearing off her tube top and slipping her shorts the rest of the way down her legs. She knows what he wants from her, and she definitely wants it too. Crouching above him, Ahsoka adopts a position she'd rarely ever used with him, reverse-cowgirl.

As he lays back on the bed, relaxing, she grabs hold of his cock and lines it up with her orange butt cheeks. It slips between them, and she slides it up and down across her back side, lubing up her ass crack and her tight little sphincter quite liberally, using the sexual fluids covering his member to do it. It helps that some of his cum was already painting her ass white, and even more is sliding down in between her crack now.

Eventually, Ahsoka fits the tip of his cock into her back door, and a moment later she's groaning and gasping for air as she slowly impales her tight little rump on his cock. It's as huge as ever, but Ahsoka hasn't had a dick up her ass in many a year. The most she'd taken back there in terms of sexual pleasure was a tongue from one of her more enthusiastic, female lovers.

It still feels amazing though, having him inside of her, filling her up, making her hole. And when she's halfway down and his hands finally reach out to grab her waist, Ahsoka's mouth drops open when he jams her all the way down on his cock. Her pert posterior is suddenly pressed against his crotch and her dripping cunt is brushing up against his balls as she spreads her legs wide, kneeling on either side of his thick waist.

A low keening wail leaves Ahsoka's throat, but that doesn't stop him from bouncing her up and down on his dick, and after a while the Togruta is adjusted enough to begin helping him, hesitantly and then moments later, enthusiastically riding his thick hard member, impaling herself time and time again on his cock.

Once its her doing all the work, he lets go of her waist and lets her do it, lets her butt-fuck herself on his big, hard, meaty rod of a cock. In the meantime, he spends his time spanking her jiggling orange rump to encourage her, drawing whines and yelps from her lips with each and every smack of her toned, firm behind. An orgasm eventually comes, and by that point Ahsoka is fully into the swing of things. Any discomfort has faded, and she's all too happy to take the pleasurable plundering of her anus in stride as she rides her old boss up and down, over and over again.

It's gonna be a long night, Ahsoka is sure of that. They're far from done… but at the very least, she can now say she's taken it in all three holes, and regardless of whatever he does with her now, she'll be able to sleep happily, when he's finally finished using her. A happy, open mouthed grin across her face, the Togruta cries out, her head falling back and her lekku whipping this way and that as she climaxes yet again. She's finally, FINALLY home…


The next morning, Ahsoka is curled up against the large human in his bed, resting peacefully as she slumbers right alongside them. In the end, they both wake up when a knock on his door startles them out of their sleep, neither of them particularly light sleepers to begin with. The door then slides open a bit as they look to it with squinting, half-asleep eyes. Beedee sticks her head in a moment later, observing them for a second before speaking.

"Greetings Master, Ahsoka. Neither of you have eaten for at least ten hours, and if you are intent on fornicating any longer, I must implore you both to have breakfast first, so that you may keep your health and your strength up."

And then she's gone, as Ahsoka does the Togruta equivalent of a blush. She hadn't thought this kind of thing would embarrass her, but Beedee is more human-like than most of the droids she's spent time with… except for perhaps R2-D2. Regardless, she-

"So, now that we've fucked, you going to ask me to join the Rebellion at any point?"

Ahsoka's thoughts derail, crashing and burning as she freezes up for too long. Bringing herself under control a moment later, but also a moment too late, Ahsoka affects a confused look as she glances up at her old boss.

"Rebellion? Not uh… not sure what you mean."

That gets another derisive snort from the large human. He's very good at expressing derision, Ahsoka has always known that.

"Yeah, right. Look, I've heard enough doing what I do to know there's a Rebel Alliance. And I also know you, so of course you're involved. You're not the type of being who could stay out of trouble for long."

Ahsoka blushes at his words… it sounds like a compliment, but she's not entirely sure. Averting her gaze, she finds herself fiddling with her lekku like she's a young girl again, only for him to wrap an arm around her comfortingly.

"Hey. You think the Rebellion could use an extremely skilled engineer, and a somewhat less skilled Freighter Captain?"

It takes her a moment to process his words. For some reason that she can't quite explain now, Ahsoka had thought he was disappointed in her for being part of the Rebellion. Or… or that he'd thought she was only getting back into bed with him to seduce him into the Alliance. But no… no, it wasn't like that at all.

A slow smile spreads across the Togruta's face as she looks up and sees his smirk.

"Yes. I think the Rebel Alliance could use both… and a light freighter like this one would make for discrete, comfortable transport for my missions."

Her old boss sees right through that, snorting as his hand slides down her back to cup her naked orange ass, squeezing playfully.

"So, where do I sign?"

Ahsoka smirks at that and leans up and in, placing her lips on his in a relatively chaste kiss before pulling back.

"Oh, I think you already did, last night. In triplicate I might add."

That gets a bark of laughter from the human, and Ahsoka slides her hand down his body to grab hold of his cock, prompting a guttural growl from his lips.

"Then I guess it's settled."

Biting her lower lip, Ahsoka nods as she begins to stroke him up and down, even as one of his fingers slips in between her ass cheeks and begins to prod against her sphincter. Though, even as their lusts rise together, she finds herself with a question.

"Just… all this time and I've never known… what's your name?"

That surprises her old boss, and he blinks at her for a moment before seeming to realize that no, he'd never told her.

"… It's Jarek. Jarek Castor."

Ahsoka smiles as she repeats the name back, rolling it along her tongue.

"Jarek Castor… I like that."

Chuckling, the beefy human leans in and this time it's he who kisses her, the only response she gets as he pulls her closer and things get more and more heated. Ahsoka moans into his mouth and he grunts into hers as they make out in bed, while at the same time groping and stroking one another. It's only a matter of time before they get going on another marathon round of sex an-

"As I expected, you two are going at it again. Still, there's no penetration yet, so I hope you don't mind me stopping you for a second."

Beedee's voice cuts through the pleasurable haze falling over Ahsoka's mind and she and Jarek both pull back as the attendant droid walks into the room with plates of freshly cooked food in her hands. They pull apart as she forces them to each take a plate, and when Ahsoka glances at her old boss, she finds the human man just as flummoxed as she is. Still, Beedee stares at them until they both begin to eat, and then the feminine, surprisingly life-like droid smiles and walks out again, leaving them with their meals and each other.

Needless to say, neither of them end up leaving the Captain's Quarters until the first leg of their hyperdrive journey is complete… but thanks to Beedee, they DO end up getting regular meals in between passion-filled bouts of rough, primal, domineering sex. In the end, Ahsoka has found herself a pilot that will take her to the end of the universe and back again. And maybe her old boss has finally found something… or someone, worthy of his loyalty.

One way or another, Ahsoka Tano is happy. And in a galaxy like this one, that's good enough, in its own way.


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