Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Taming of Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

A/N: The Taming of Azula was originally written in six parts over October of 2018 to June of 2019. I've compiled it all into one piece here for readers to enjoy.

Summary: A post-canon story of an Azula who doesn't QUITE go all the way insane after losing the Agni Kai to her brother. Which is good, because Zuko has uses for a mostly sane Azula...

Themes: Dom/Sub, Rough Sex, Mental Reconditioning


The only sound to fill the hallway is the sound of footsteps, sandals clacking against metal as a robed man walks down the dimly lit corridor towards a very solid door with a barred window at the very end of it. Eventually, he comes to that door and looks through the bars.

"… Azula. How are you feeling?"

There's a moment of silence, and then a quiet little giggle. But while it certainly sounds manic and unhinged, the giggle ends as quickly as it begins, bit back and replaced by snarled words.

"How do you think I feel, Zuzu?"

Grimacing, Zuko, now Fire Lord of the Fire Nation, reaches up and grabs onto the metal bars of his sister's prison cell. Azula was… she was a complicated woman at the best of times. But if there was one thing her brush with true insanity had shown him, it was that she couldn't TRULY be blamed for some of the things she'd done.

She was still a dangerous individual though, and a threat to not only the Fire Nation but also the world. Which meant she had to be handled… carefully.

"Your guards say you've been doing better, Azula. I hope you've calmed down a little."

That gets a bark of laughter from his imprisoned sister, but at least Zuko detects none of the psychosis from before in the noise.

"Oh yes. Calm. That's me… perfectly calm. What do you want, brother? You've already defeated me. You've already dethroned me. I imagine the Avatar beat Father? Of course, he did."

Still grimacing, Zuko tries to start, but words fail him, and he ends up trailing off with nothing more than her name on his lips.


There a moment of silence, followed by a dark chuckle.

"What's the matter, Zuzu? Cat got your tongue? You know these bars won't hold me forever, right? They couldn't hold Uncle, and I'm twice the bender that he could ever hope to be."

Zuko's eyes close shut as Azula addresses the elephant in the room. They both know she's right… just like they both know why she hasn't tried her luck just yet.

"… You're right, sister. You could escape. The sad truth is, I can't keep you here unless I take away your bending. Unless I ask the Avatar to strip it from you."

The silence is poignant and tense, and though Zuko can't quite see Azula in the shadows of her cell, he can imagine her, back ramrod straight and face stony at the very idea of losing such a central part of what makes her who she is. Eventually, Azula speaks, her voice seemingly calm and casual. But Zuko can hear the tremor in her words, giving her away.

"So… the bald brat is still in the Capital, is he? I'm sure you're having great fun using him to secure your rule. Is that how the Seat of the Fire Lord works now? The Avatar tells us who can rule our Nation and we just smile and nod along?"

Zuko growls, Azula's words getting to him, just a little.

"I am Ozai's eldest child, sister. I am the rightful Fire Lord, now that he is nothing but a weak, broken man without an ounce of power, either personal or political to his name. You would do well to remember that."

Azula steps out of the shadows them, coming up to the bars that Zuko is looking through, her eyes wide and the slightest smirk on her face.

"Oh-ho-ho… was that a hint of dominance I heard in your voice, Zuzu? That's the first time you've EVER sounded like you had any authority. Mm, is it all going to your head so soon?"

Exhaling through his nose, Zuko lets his burgeoning anger go, refusing to be baited even further. Instead, he turns back to the matter at hand.

"Aang can strip you of your bending permanently, Azula. Like he did to father. But… I do not want that. I do not want you to have to go through that. You're still my sister, and at the end of the day, Ozai created us both. I just managed to get out from under his thumb and find myself in a way you never could."

That gets Azula's hackles raised more than a little, and the deposed Fire Princess snarls as she grabs at the bars of her cell.

"I know exactly who I am, Zuzu. Don't you dare-!"

"Do you? Do you really?"

Zuko cuts Azula off with a sharpness to his tone that wasn't there before, his gaze turning flinty as he leans in close.

"Let's make a bet, Azula. Let's have a wager between us, you and I."

Blinking, Azula's anger is summarily defused at Zuko's words, her head tilting to the side as she considers him in silence for a moment.

"… A bet."

Zuko grins.

"More like a deal, of sorts. I want a promise from you, Azula. I want a promise that for the next thirty days, you won't try to escape from custody."

Furrowing her brow, his sister asks the obvious.

"And what do I get in return for these thirty days of good behavior?"

Smirking, Zuko shrugs.

"Simple. If you make no attempts to escape in the next thirty days, I'll let you go. More than that though… if you hold up your end of the bargain, I'll abdicate the throne to you at the end of the time period, so long as that's still what you want."

The effect his words have on his sister are to be expected. Disbelief, at first. But the longer she looks into his eyes, Zuko knows she realizes he's serious. He's never been very good at deception, after all. Once she figures out that he means it, Azula throws her head back and laughs. She laughs hard… but cuts herself off in moments to bring her eyes back down to his, a steely confidence in her gaze and a small, wicked smile on her face.

"You have a deal, Zuzu. But I'll tell you now, whatever your plan is won't work. Thirty days from now, you're going to give me back my throne and you're going to kiss my toes as you beg for forgiveness. Understood?"

Zuko just smiles back in response.

"We'll see, sister. We'll see."

It wasn't that he wanted to do this to his sister. This wasn't a plan he wanted to go through with one bit. But… if Azula was going to be rehabilitated, it was going to take some extremely drastic measure. Zuko was young and untested, and if nothing else, how he handled his sister and his father right after deposing them both would be remembered for years to come.

If he could get Azula on his side, if he could make it them versus their monster of a father… then the narrative would be his for the shaping.


Two days later, Azula still can't believe her brother could be so stupid. Here she is, out of her cell, relocated to Kyoshi Island. The surroundings weren't even close to what she was used to, regulated to living in a hut of all things, but at least the locale was fairly familiar. Though, if Zuko thought he was going to make her feel guilty over what she'd done to the Kyoshi Warriors just by having her crash on their island for the next four weeks, he was sorely mistaken.

But then, Azula really had no idea what Zuko thought he was doing. She'd even had him bring witnesses forward and sign an actual document pertaining to their deal. He'd done it all, much to her shock. And now here she was, having been carted halfway around the world to some little island, waiting to find out just what her brother had in store for her for the next… mm, twenty-eight days now, wasn't it? If Zuko were here, she'd chide him for wasting precious time.


Blinking, the deposed Fire Princess looks up just in time to get glomped by an overexcited Ty Lee. The acrobat bowls Azula over with her hug, and she ends up on her back, even as she lets out a growl, trying to push the other girl off of her.

"Ty Lee! Off! Now!"

To her credit, the young woman immediately obeys. It looks like she's still conditioned to follow Azula's orders. Even if the last time they actually saw one another, it had been at the sight of Mai and Ty Lee's betrayal. For a moment, something dark and twisted wells up in Azula's heart as Ty Lee beams at her, but she stamps down on it, pushing it deep into the depths of her soul… for now. Revenge could wait until she was back where she belonged, on HER throne. Right now, Ty Lee was… what WAS Ty Lee doing here, anyways?

"Ty Lee, why are you here?"

Smiling happily, Ty Lee clasps her hands together.

"The Fire Lord asked me to be one of your guards, Azula! He said you were working on redeeming yourself, so of course I said yes!"

Zuko had said that? And Ty Lee had BELIEVED him? Azula almost wanted to laugh in the naïve girl's face. Of course, Ty Lee of all people would fall for one of Zuko's pathetic lies. Still, it spoke well of her brother that he knew who he could get away with lying too, and who he couldn't… not that any of the rest of this put him in a particularly good light.

Sure, Azula knew there was some sort of catch, but she also knew she was superior to Zuko in every way. Otherwise, her brother wouldn't have needed that waterbending bitch to win the Agni Kai against her. It was only further confirmed by the fact that Zuko had sent her Ty Lee without telling the naïve girl the details of their wager. Was he TRYING to arm her against whatever he intended to try next? Well, Azula wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Rising from her seated position, Azula smirks as she closes the small bit of distance that Ty Lee had put between them when she told the easily excitable girl to get off of her.

"That's right Ty Lee… I'm on the road to… redemption. And I suppose you're going to help me, aren't you?"

Ty Lee blinks and then smiles, nodding happily, right up until Azula snaps a hand out and catches the round-faced girl's jaw in her grasp. Ty Lee squeaks in response, but Azula has already smashed her lips into the acrobat's mouth, kissing her quite passionately and slipping her some tongue in a display of dominance that is only further cemented by Azula's other hand reaching around and grabbing Ty Lee's ass as she pulls the girl in close.

Of course, this isn't the first time the two of them have kissed. While not even Mai knew about it back then, Azula was still a growing young woman with needs. And Ty Lee… Ty Lee was the perfect girl to handle them for her. Where Mai was technically a noble and thus had SOME power outside of her position as Azula's friend, Ty Lee was nothing but a circus performer. She'd been more than that once upon a time of course, but then she'd abandoned her heritage, ran away from home, and been disowned. She had no prospects save for Azula, who of course, had made sure of that by ruining things for her at the circus.

After which, Azula had enjoyed the flexible, incredibly sensitive submissive's body for the entirety of their time chasing the Avatar. There'd been a couple close calls where Mai nearly found out, but in the end, Azula and Ty Lee's relationship had remained a secret from the other woman… which meant Zuko probably didn't know about it either, the fool.

Pulling back finally, Azula grins wickedly as Ty Lee leans into her chest, panting slightly, her eyes glazed over and dazed.

"First though… we should get reacquainted. Don't you agree?"

There must be something about Azula's true intentions in her eyes, because Ty Lee blushes a little and squirms in Azula's grasp as she glances away.

"I-I probably shouldn't. I'm… um, I'm s-supposed to be guarding you now, A-Azula…"

Scoffing, Azula reaches down and grabs the front of Ty Lee's loose-fitting clothing, pulling it apart without a care for what the acrobat had said. In response, Ty Lee 'eeps' but doesn't actually try to stop her, not when Azula strips the submissive young woman naked, nor when she does the same with herself, removing her robes and revealing her nude form in moments. Smirking evilly, Azula pulls Ty Lee into another kiss… and then she guides her pet down to the ground.

For a moment, Azula lays on her back as she directs Ty Lee's tongue to where it belongs, between the deposed Fire Princess' thighs. But then she pauses. Something is… missing here. It takes her a moment to figure out what, but what she does, Azula lets out a little bit of an 'Ah-hah!' and quickly gets to work. Ty Lee's ensuing protests as Azula forces her flexible body into a bit of a pretzel are weak at best, and once again the sadistic domineering woman ignores the submissive acrobat.

In the end, Ty Lee's body is folded up on itself, and Azula has a perfect view of the slutty girl's dripping wet pussy lips as she once again guides Ty Lee's tongue to her own cunt.

"That's better. Now you can't lie to me about how much you want this, Ty Lee. Go on… get to work."

A moment later, that expert tongue of hers is doing what it does best, and Azula is groaning as she tilts her head back and just relaxes, enjoying the feeling of having her pet back where she belonged, eating her Mistress out. She'd definitely pump Ty Lee for information later, though at the same time, Azula really wasn't expecting the naïve acrobat to have much, not if Zuko had literally lied to the girl to get her here.

Still, that didn't mean Ty Lee had no use to her. Oh no, the acrobat, if utilized properly, was going to be so very easy to bend to Azula's will. Hah, guard her? Zuko would have been better off sending a damn kitten! Grinning victoriously, the deposed Fire Princess grinds her submissive pet's face even harder into her cunt, groaning happily as she thoroughly enjoys every last bit of Ty Lee's trained tongue.

What follows is more of that, as Azula cums again and again all over Ty Lee's face, using and abusing the flexible acrobat for what feels like hours. Only once SHE is satisfied is Ty Lee allowed to rest. And Azula is even nice enough to let the cute little commoner slut curl into her side, rather than forcing Ty Lee to sleep at her feet. Of course, that was less about being nice and more about engendering gratitude.

As Azula drifts off to sleep with a soft, warm body curled up in her arm, her last thought is a confident one. These next twenty-eight days were going to be so EASY.


Yawning, Azula slowly begins to wake up, stretching out and then rising from her bed with a smile on her face. When she opens the curtains across her window, she's not blinded by sunlight… mostly because the sun is already too high in the air to directly reach her window. It's a much nicer way to greet the day, waking up this late… and its only one of the many benefits of her current circumstances.

So far, life on Kyoshi Island has been going incredibly easy for Azula. She's waking up late as she's done this morning in direct contrast to her normal strict routine, and she's pretty much been given free reign across the entire island, surprisingly enough. The last week has almost gone by in a flash, but at the same time, been one of the slowest, most relaxing times of her life.

Stretching again, Azula turns and makes her way over to the nearby water basin, where she cleans her face with the clean water set aside for her. Then, she heads out of her room and into the common area. There are warm pastries waiting for her on counter as they are every morning. Grabbing two, Azula quickly begins to munch on the first one, even as she moves out onto the small but quaint cottage's patio. From here, she can watch most of the going ons of the entire Island in fact, due to her vantage point being rather high up.

It feels like she's already Queen of this place, in a way. Zuko in all his idiocy has ordered her treated with the utmost respect at all times, and Azula has taken advantage of that in every way that she can, abusing her power over those around her to the fullest extent that she can get away with. Swallowing the last bite of her first pastry, Azula continues onto the next. Flaky, sweet, and warm… mm, absolutely delicious, and the perfect morning breakfast.

Not that her father or her instructors would have agreed with her. Protein, protein, protein. For someone like her, with the routines she had… it was all about protein. And honestly, maybe they had a point. Staring out at the beautiful midday tapestry that was Kyoshi Island, Azula frowns just a little bit. Everything about her time on the island was perfect, including how easy this so-called 'challenge' was proving to be.

The only strange thing was her firebending routines. She'd kept practicing every day of course. Just because the deposed princess was sleeping in a little more didn't mean she wasn't still working on her form, keeping up her skills. She was starting a little later each day, but that was to be expected. And it was fine, wasn't it?

Something about that thought feels almost alien to Azula, but she can't quite put her finger on why. Scowling at herself, the beautiful young woman whips back around, leaving the crumbs of her morning repast behind her as she hurries back inside her little home and prepares for the day. Soon, she's all properly dressed, her hair done up in the way she prefers it. Once that's done, she heads over to the local dojo, where the Kyoshi Warriors practice their own katas in the morning.

Really, that was part of the reason she didn't bother getting up early. It wasn't like THEY were worthy of seeing her practice. Unfortunately, today her wish of having a private session to herself was not granted, because the dojo wasn't quite as empty as it should have been at this time. Suki, the Kyoshi Warriors' leader and a woman that Azula had a bit of a past with was still working on her own form, her own movements… pitiful, really. The girl wasn't even a bender!

And she wasn't about to be scared off by some pathetic non-bender who had to be saved from Fire Nation prison like the damsel in distress she was! Part of her was tempted to try and kick Suki out, to order the Kyoshi Warrior to leave. Buuut that wasn't really an option. Azula wasn't unintelligent. She was also fairly observant.

There were limits to her power on this island, even if she did feel like she had a lot more control over those around her then she should have had as a prisoner of the Fire Lord. Just more signs of her brother's ineptitude and inability to take a strong stand… as was the fact that Suki clearly didn't care that Azula had Zuko's backing or anything like that. If Azula tried to boss Suki around, it would likely go poorly.

So, instead the Fire Princess moves to the other side of the dojo and begins to work on her own moves as Suki's training continues across from her. She does her best to ignore the Kyoshi Warrior's crisp, swift movements, settling into a stance and beginning her own routines, punctuating strikes with licks of fire that Suki could never summon herself in a million years.

Of course, what Azula chooses to not acknowledge is the fact that she's been losing some of her mojo. She hasn't been able to summon blue flames in the past three days, and her movements are a lot less crisp than they used to be. She moves slowly, as if she's been weighed down by something, as if she's not sure what she's doing anymore.

It feels strange, and she's disgusted in herself. With a monumental force of will, the Fire Princess attempts a maneuver that would have been easy for her not but a couple months ago. The spinning flame kick begins perfectly… but then a twinge in her leg catches Azula off guard and her balance is lost as she crumples to the ground with a rather pathetic cry, her face hitting the mat and her ass ending up stuck in the air for a moment.

And then there's the snickering. Its quiet at first, but it turns into full-blown laughter as Azula quickly rights herself, face bright red from Suki quite literally pointing and laughing at her. For a moment, she wants to let out a sharp comment. She has all sorts of ammunition just waiting in the wings to tear this bitch down a peg or two, her quick wit and sharp tongue having always been some of her best weapons, past her skill with firebending.

But none of the words come, and instead Azula ducks her head and storms out of the dojo, fleeing it readily with her face still aflame with embarrassment. Shame wells up inside of her, and a small voice whispers in the back of her head, asking why she even bothers. At first, Azula tries to shake it off. But the more she walks, the more it talks… and slowly but surely, the young woman begins to wonder if its not right, in a way.

Once she's Fire Lord, her skill with bending won't even matter… she'll have an army, an entire Nation to back her up! She doesn't… she doesn't need any blue flames o-or lightning. Its… its fine. And that bitch Suki will rue the day she laughed at her. Oh, she'll rue it. Tears begin to form in the corners of Azula's eyes as she continues on, her hands clenching into white-knuckled fists at her side.


"I'm sorry Azula, that sounds very hard."

Sniffing a little while dabbing at her face, Azula just nods and whimpers.

"It… it is. It really is, Ty Lee. Oh, but at least I have you at my side…"

Ty Lee squeezes one of her hands and smiles, and Azula finds herself smiling back at the girl. Whereas when she'd first arrived and found out Ty Lee was to be her companion, Azula had been derisive and eager to take advantage, now she was honestly appreciative of Zuko for giving her this connection to her past. If nothing else, she had Ty Lee at the very least… and she knew she could tell the flexible girl EVERYTHING.

"It just… hurt, I suppose. H-Having her laugh at me like that. Its not even really that important to me, bending I mean, but I don't want HER mocking me over it…"

Ty Lee nods, her face still picture-perfect concern as she rubs soothing circles with her thumb in the back of Azula's hand. As the deposed princess trails off, her companion pipes up.

"Well… maybe I can help you! I do know one way that always helps ME find more focus and discipline!"

Blinking, her tears already mostly dried up, Azula considers Ty Lee for a moment, immediately intrigued and more than a little curious.

"… Alright, what do we do?"

Ty Lee's smile turns a little wicked, and for a moment Azula wonders just what she's getting herself into. She soon finds out though, as she's stripped down and… well, normally Azula is in charge, and Ty Lee isn't. Ty Lee's idea is a bit of a role reversal and strangely enough, Azula finds herself going along with it, mostly just to see what it's like.

In no time at all, she's stripped down to nothing but a corset, with her arms pulled behind her back and restrained not only at the wrist but all the way up to the elbow. Of course, as Ty Lee had said 'if you want to get free, you can just firebend that away, right?'. Which… was true, technically. It wasn't wrong, or shouldn't have been, but Azula's lack of confidence in her bending of late did leave her wondering, did leave her feeling a bit more trapped than she otherwise would have.

And now…

"Open wide, Azula."

Staring at the thing in Ty Lee's hands, the Fire Nation Princess strongly considers calling all of this off. She's kneeling on the floor, her legs spread slightly and her body on full display, save for her stomach. On top of that, her arms are pulled behind her back, causing her supple chest to jut outwards. Ty Lee had already groped her breasts, commenting on how much bigger than hers they were, something that had made Azula feel a burst of pride, having never considered such a contest before.

But now… now Ty Lee was presenting her with a gag. Specifically, one with a big red ball that was apparently to be fitted between her teeth, stretching her jaw out and obstructing her mouth so she could not speak. Was Azula truly okay with this? Ty Lee was looking at her with such big, hopeful eyes. She really wanted to help her out, she really wanted to find a way to help Azula be more focused and more disciplined.

Recognizing that, Azula opens wide and lets Ty Lee insert the big red ball-gag into her jaw, wincing only slightly as the other girl straps her in and tightens the gag up as much as she can.

"You're doing great Azula! Now, this next bit might hurt a little, but don't worry, it feels really good after a while!"

Azula barely gets a chance to blink before Ty Lee brings out the clamps. They're not overly aggressive, these small golden things, but each one opens up when Ty Lee pinches it in the right way, and then they go over Azula's nipples, only to close again and squeeze down on her soft teats. They're… slightly discomforting, but surprisingly not all that painful, their hold on her nipples managing to be both soft yet firm at the same time.

Hanging from the ends are little chains, which Ty Lee immediately takes ahold of with one hand, leaning in close and licking her lips as she tugs just enough to lift Azula's breasts up together, pulling them away from her body.

"How does that feel? You like it?"

Azula makes a noise through her ball-gag, trying to convey that it was just okay. It came across more as a muffled moan than anything else, causing her to blush slightly and once again consider trying to burn away the binds around her arms. But she doesn't… she doesn't. Instead, the deposed fire princess begins to learn at Ty Lee's feet just how a submissive is supposed to act. Azula wasn't a natural sub, and Ty Lee was far more of a gentle domme than the former ever had been… but it does happen, slowly but surely.

Over what feels like the next few hours, Azula finds herself slowly learning to obey over the course of their session together. Ty Lee walks her around the room, tugging on the gold chains to do so, and she teaches Azula to obey simple commands, like sit, kneel, and present. That last one is certainly the most embarrassing, because 'present' means that Azula ends up sitting on her rump, her legs spread apart but bowed at the knees as Azula leans over her, pistoning three fingers in and out of her cunt and watching every last emotion that flickers across Azula's flustered, flushed face.

In the end, Ty Lee proves to be quite the expert at teasing Azula with pleasure and promising more, rather than punishing her with pain as the fire princess was usually wont to do when the roles were reversed. Its an interesting approach, and one Azula found herself slowly coaxed into enjoying, until finally Ty Lee brings her to an explosive, mind-blowing climax with nothing but sweet whispers and her fingers, and things come to an end.

As the gag and the arm-bindings are removed, Azula is left panting, though she quickly catches her breath when she sees the way Ty Lee is smiling at her. Her blush brightening up even further, Azula quickly scoots away, even growling a little as she averts her gaze.

"I… this doesn't mean a-anything. Got it?"

Bowing her head submissively, Ty Lee slips away, the implements of the torturous pleasure that Azula had just experienced still in her hands.

"Of course, Azula. You know, if you want to do some practices tomorrow with me, we can. Not in the morning though of course, I know how much you love sleeping in. We can meet up in the afternoon… if you like."

Azula swallows at that and licks her lips as she considers Ty Lee's proposal. But in the end, is there really anything to consider? Nodding her head, Azula slowly moves to stand and leave the room, heading for her bedroom.

"S-Sure… I'd like that."

So, focused on retreat, Azula doesn't see the glint in Ty Lee's eye, or the way the smile on the other girl's face becomes somewhat fixed. Slowly, the acrobat rises from her own kneeling position and leaves the room as well, the ball-gag and arm bindings in hand. Tomorrow… tomorrow was a whole new day. They'd see just what happened next…


As Azula moves, its with a fluidity, flexibility, and grace that none of her previous teachers, or anyone who'd known her growing up would have thought her capable of. All throughout her life, the Fire Princess has been, to put a word to it… Sharp. Her personality has been sharp, her mind has been sharp, her fire-bending has been sharp. It was no contentious statement to say that Azula was a woman made of sharp edges, and always had been.

But the continuation of that idea, that she always WOULD be, that the Fire Princess was unyielding and unbent and would remain so… was no longer entirely accurate. It was Ty Lee's fault, as far as Azula was concerned. After their night together, the Fire Princess had begun spending her afternoons at Ty Lee's side, doing some practices. She still found it difficult to wake up early in the morning, but Ty Lee was accommodating as ever about it.

And slowly but surely, Azula had found value in what Ty Lee wanted to teach her that she'd never seen before. She's found value in the acrobat's flexibility, in her fluidity. Learning what Ty Lee does has never been easier, moving in these soft gentle ways instead of with the harsh, powerful movements of her past has never come easier either.

As she's learned, the old has fallen away, but Azula has barely noticed. She's a perfectionist to the end, and if there's one thing she's going to do, it's succeed at this new thing that's been placed in front of her. Her routine… it's the only thing that feels right these days, the only thing that matters. Everything else, from fire bending to beating her brother, has fallen to the wayside.

Oh, sure, she's still going to take the throne from Zuzu when she gets off this island, and she's still going to visit some sort of punishment on Suki and her stupid Kyoshi Warriors for the insults given to her during her stay here, but… but this is her focus in the here and now, and Azula's bond to Ty Lee, despite the latter girl's previous betrayal all those months ago, has never been stronger.

They spend the afternoons working on training Azula up, but the evenings… the evenings are spent in each other's arms. At first, they trade off, back and forth, but more and more, Azula finds comfort in letting go and giving Ty Lee the reins, so to speak. She finds value in experiencing things from the other side more than controlling them, as she once did so arduously. And Ty Lee, while gentle, is also eager and firm when she takes hold of the leash that Azula hands her night after night.

Thinking about it probably should distract Azula, but if anything, reminiscing on the nights she's spent under Ty Lee's soft hands helps her as she moves through her routine. Dedicated and committed, the Fire Princess is very clearly aiming to impress. It's a test for her, a test of her flexibility, of her age. Of course, said routine is more akin to a strip-dance than any sort of martial kata. The fact that Azula starts with quite a few layers and then removes nearly half of them by the end of it just doesn't seem to register with her.

That's how it is though. As Azula whirls and twirls and spins on the floor, pieces of her clothing, things like her sleeves and her leggings fall away, until she's JUST barely bordering on indecent. Then, the routine escalates, and she's spinning even faster, kicking off the ground to jump through the air in a beautiful back-flip, which she lands by doing the splits a moment later.

That's the end of the routine, and Azula catches her breath as she schools her features, the thinnest layer of sweat across her face.

"Woo! That was amazing, Azula! You did great! Didn't she do good, Suki?"

A small tendril of satisfaction does worm its way into Azula's chest at Ty Lee's effusive praise, but she doesn't let it show on her face, even as she comes up out of the split and stands there, head held high and nose stuck up a little bit, as is her chin. However, as much as she tries to hide it, it's impossible not to see that her attention is solely on the Kyoshi Warrior in the room.

Suki, meanwhile, is watching her with a critical eye, far more critical than Ty Lee, that's for sure. Eventually though, she lets out a slow 'hmm' before begrudgingly nodding.

"You've out done yourself, Ty Lee. She's fantastic."

Ty Lee squees a little and clasps her hands in front of her, shimmying back and forth.

"Do you hear that, Azula? You're fantastic, even Suki thinks so!"

Pride and anger war within the Fire Princess as she stands there, reigning herself in for… some reason. Why is she holding back? She's mad, instantly. Suki is diminishing HER accomplishment by laying the lion's share of her success at Ty Lee's feet. It's as if Azula isn't even there, as if she's nothing but a project that Ty Lee has been working on, rather than a living breathing person who has put her heart and soul into learning the routine that she just did.

At the same time, she DID call her fantastic, even if it was in such a backhanded way. Ty Lee was right, if even Suki was willing to admit that she was that great, then surely, she WAS that great, wasn't she? And… Azula supposed that Ty Lee HAD played a part in getting her there. The young woman could admit that much, so Suki's praise for the acrobat weren't completely out of the question.

Still, a bit more direct acknowledgement from the Kyoshi Warrior wouldn't be remiss! Or… would it? Why did Azula care so much what Suki thought of her anyways? Why did she-

Before she can finish that thought, Suki's next words thoroughly derail everything.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you perform it for Sokka when he visits in two days' time."

THAT pronouncement snaps Azula out of the slight fugue she's fallen into, and the nonchalant expression she's adopted positively shatters as she sputters in the face of what Suki's saying, some of her old fire coming back.

"W-What?! Why would I ever… that Water Tribe f-filth?! I wouldn't, in a million years!"

Suddenly, Ty Lee is at her side, looking concerned and placing a hand on Azula's arm. The Fire Princess had been raising her arms in an instinctive fire-bending stance, but as soon as Ty Lee touches her, she finds herself looking at the acrobat, giving her full attention to the other young woman.

"Azula? You're not looking too well. Do you need a treatment?"

It's as if those are the magical words. Which to be fair, they might as well be. Azula immediately goes relaxed, a certain haze falling over her thoughts as she blinks owlishly.

"I… yes, I think I do, Ty Lee."

Where before her tone was angry and disgusted, now it's simply… listless. She allows Ty Lee to lead her from the dojo as Suki watches on, and she continues to follow, even as they head to another part of the island. Stepping into a room, Azula kneels down in the seiza position when Ty Lee instructs her to. There is another woman in the room before they walk in though, and she is standing, her arms crossed behind her back as she watches them.

"Azula just needs a treatment, Lan! Can you help?"

"Of course. What set her off?"

The woman's voice is soft, but not gentle. It's more… more like something slithering across Azula's senses, something dangerous. And yet, Azula's instincts fail her. She cannot rally, as she kneels there. Ty Lee, meanwhile, winces at the question and glances down at the Fire Princess for a moment before mouthing Sokka's name silently over her head to the female Dai Li agent.

Because indeed, that is exactly what Lan is. Not that Azula knows it, based on how she's dressed, but Lan is indeed a member of the Dai Li, on loan from the Earth Kingdom to the Fire Nation, specifically, to the Fire Lord. And on a personal note, she's quite pleased to be doing her current work, considering it of great importance to the continued stability of the world.

"I see. Very well… Ty Lee, you may leave us. Azula… you are comfortable. You are safe. You are free."

As Ty Lee slips out, the Dai Li agent begins droning, and every word after her name hits Azula like a ton of bricks dropped on top of her head. She rocks back a little in her kneeling position, but her hands do not leave the top of her legs. Even if… even if she feels like she's none of those things. She's not comfortable, she doesn't feel safe… she doesn't feel free.


"You are comfortable. You are safe. You are free."

Or does she? Azula's mouth is open, ready to repudiate the other woman's words, but how can she when Lan sounds so… so right?

"I… am comfortable. I am safe. I am free."

Lan's lips curl up into a tight smile.

"It is not your place to question. It is your place to accept. It is not your place to lead. It is your place to follow. It is not your place to fight. It is your place submit."

Azula's mouth moves silently, following the words coming from Lan, repeating them in her head. They feel wrong. All of this feels wrong. And yet, at the same time, it feels right? Azula doesn't understand. Why is she here? What is this place?

"I am… I am the r-rightful ruler of the Fire Nation…"

Rather than the declaration of intent and defiance that Azula intends this to be however, the words come out unsure, hesitant, and choppy. In return, the Dai Li agent looming over her lets out a soft sigh, her face that of patient amusement, the face of someone who has done this many times before and will do it many times more.

"You are sister to the Fire Lord… and you love him very much."

As twisted as Azula is, this is actually true, even without the hypnosis, without the brainwashing. As much as she's wanted to usurp Zuko's throne, she does still love her brother very much, even if she has the worst ways of showing it. That said, such words are easy for her to agree with, making her all the more amicable.

"I… I am sister to the Fire Lord. I do love him very much."

Lan is quick to continue the barrage.

"He wishes for you to accept. The Fire Lord does not have time for questions. It is your place to accept."

Azula stares unseeingly into the air before her, even as she's forced to accept those words as true.

"It… it is my place to accept."

"It is not your place to lead, it is your place to follow."

"It is not… not my place to lead, it is my place to follow."

"It is not your place to fight. It is your place to submit."

"It is not my place to fight. It is my place to submit."

The patient amusement slides off of Lan's face for a moment, and the female Dai Li agent sneers down at her subject.

"That's right. Because deep down inside, you're just a submissive little slut, aren't you?"

A full body shudder wracks Azula's kneeling form as she tries to fight that, but in the end, it fails. Perhaps if Lan had said it even a session before, or five sessions before, it would have snapped Azula out of the hypnotic trance, plain and simple. But She WAS a submissive little slut these days, thanks to the repeated morning sessions with the Dai Li, followed by afternoons of learning from Ty Lee and evenings of LEARNING from Ty Lee.

The words, as offending as they would have been to an Azula not currently under trance, are true. They're just true.

"I'm… I'm a s-submissive little slut."

For a moment, something akin to surprise crosses Lan's face. She probably didn't expect the words to take root in Azula's mind as a command. But the surprise disappears swiftly enough to be replaced by wicked satisfaction. After all, her orders were to enhance the deposed Fire Princess' submissiveness, erode her sense of self-confidence, and keep the little bitch docile.

She's been doing this since Azula arrived on Kyoshi Island ten days ago, and she'll continue doing it until she's told otherwise. Of course, this isn't the first time that the Fire Princess has run into something that threatened to break the work she was doing, but that was where Ty Lee came in. Armed with Azula's confidence and the past code, Ty Lee was the only one who could touch Azula, speak the words, and put her former superior into a slightly shallower trance that would allow her to escort the girl to Lan without Azula lashing out.

Luckily, Ty Lee was just as convinced that this was necessary as the rest of them were. And Azula? Azula was coming along quite nicely indeed. Lan is tempted to use this moment to have some fun of her own… but no. Best not to risk it. While satisfying herself on the Fire Princess' body would certainly go a long way to making up for Azula's crimes against the Earth Kingdom and more importantly the Dai Li, it might jeopardize everything, and Lan wasn't willing to do that.

She'd been one of the lucky ones, when Azula had swept through. Smart enough to stay away and go to ground, while the bitch kneeling before her now turned the Dai Li into her own secret police force and took over Ba Sing Se from the inside. But that didn't mean Lan hadn't lost friends in the days that followed, that didn't mean Azula hadn't done potentially irreparable damage to the organization that Lan owed her life and loyalty to.

This? This was the least Lan could do to get back at the bitch, as well as ensure the safety of the world. So, it was exactly what she would do.

"Let's continue. You are not made to fight. You are made to submit."

"I am not made to fight. I am made to submit."

"You are not made to lead. You are made to follow."

"I am not made to lead. I am made to follow."

As Lan leads Azula back and forth through the commands, the Fire Princess repeating them all without pause or hesitation now, the Dai Li agent smiles. Every session with the bitch showed the progress they were making. Every time, Azula sunk deeper and deeper, and more easily so, into the trance. In the end, Azula submits, as she always does.

She'll be ready for the visit coming in two days, easily. Lan will make sure of it.


As Sokka sits in a somewhat ornate chair, waiting, he hears the sound of the dojo's door being slid open. Looking over, he watches as Suki prowls into the room, a smile on her face and a wicked sort of gleam in her eyes. To be perfectly honest, those two things alone are enough to see him start to grow hard right then and there. Though, the face paint and the Kyoshi warrior garb probably has something to do with it as well. That's always done it for him, if he's being honest.

Moving to where he's sat, Suki drapes herself over the back of his chair, sliding her gloved hands down the front of his chest.

"She's coming, Sokka. She'll be here in just a moment. Her and Ty Lee are right behind me."

Sokka stiffens under Suki's touch, and something of his recalcitrance clearly shows, because she comments on it.

"Something wrong? I would think you would be excited for this."

Forcing a smile onto his face, Sokka just shrugs.

"I guess I have a hard time believing it. Not that I think you're a liar… but she could be tricking all of you. I need to see this with my own eyes, and even then… it feels like some great big trap."

Suki sighs at that and leans in close.

"Don't worry so much. I've been here every step of the way. I've watched as they conditioned her. She's not a problem, not anymore. You'll see."

Right on cue, the door slides open again, this time admitting Ty Lee… and Azula, former Fire Lady and all-around colossal bitch. Sokka's lips thin out as he watches her walk into the middle of the room. But his eyes also widen in surprise, and they feast upon what he's seeing. Even if Azula is tricking them all, he'll be keeping THIS image in his head for the rest of his life.

She's dressed like a whore, to be honest. The skirt that goes down to her ankles is conservative enough, but the top she's wearing does nothing to hide her tummy and shows off a large amount of her cleavage. On top of that, her face is painted, and not in the same way Suki's is. Where Suki's face paint marks her as a Kyoshi warrior, Azula wears hers to make her feminine features stand out more, with eyeshadow and ruby lipstick and all that stuff.

On top of that, as Sokka studies her closer… he finds other things that point towards the success of this whole venture. For instance, while she's in no way fat, Sokka wouldn't call Azula fit either. The tummy he's staring at is not the tummy of the woman that chased him and his sister and the Avatar across the damn world. Maybe that's an odd thing to fixate on, but Sokka always assumed Azula had the best fucking abs in the world beneath her gear. And yeah, he'd fantasized about what the crazy psychopath had beneath her clothing. He was a young man just coming into his own, give him a break.

Even still, she has no abs now. No muscles to speak of, in fact. She's gone soft, something that Sokka recognizes almost immediately. Even Ty Lee, lean and lithe as she is, has more toning and defined muscles than Azula, standing side by side as they are.

"You may begin."

The words come from Suki, but Azula only seems to have eyes for him. She's staring at him with something unreadable on her face. And yet, when Ty Lee leans in close and whispers in Azula's ear, and then some music starts playing from somewhere out of sight… Azula begins moving. And oh, how she moves. Sokka's features soften, and the tension leaves his body. He even leans forward a little bit as his lips part in wonder.

This is not the Azula that he once knew. That Azula would never be caught dead giving someone like him this seductive of a show. This Azula moved with a grace and a softness that that Azula simply didn't have. There's nothing sharp to the Fire Nation woman anymore. There's nothing angry or aggressive, when before, she'd been ALL aggression, ALL anger, ALL the time.

As he watches Azula perform quite the strip tease involving her skirt and her top turning into even skimpier garments, as well as some strategically placed fans. Her 'skirt' is reduced to nothing more than a front and back two-piece that exposes most of her delicious, long, creamy legs. Meanwhile, her top is gone completely, with only a couple of pasties with tassels left to cover her nipples.

Said tassels swing about as her tits jiggle and bounce with her dancing. She can't possibly be faking it. This HAS to be real. The old Azula wouldn't be caught dead doing any of this, not in a million years, not for any kind of gain. This kind of humiliation and done with such a happy smile on her face… she wasn't capable of this level of subterfuge. She really wasn't.

And now she was in his lap. Sokka grunts as Azula backs up onto his bulging erection, rubbing herself all over him, moaning as she grinds into him for a moment. When she pulls away, he almost reaches out and grabs her by the hips to stop her, to drag her back in. But he manages to resist temptation for a moment, well aware that Suki is still right behind him. Of course, then the Kyoshi Warrior whispers into his ear, her words causing him to jolt in surprise.

"Have at her, Sokka. Make her your bitch."

Suki practically purrs those words, and Sokka finds himself swallowing thickly at the idea. Could he really do it? Well, only one way to find out, wasn't there?


It takes him a moment to realize the word came from him, even as Azula faces him and sinks to her knees obediently. Her fans fall to her sides as she crawls her way across the floor back to him, making her way until she's between his legs, which Suki has since spread apart. The Kyoshi Warrior works open his pants and pulls out his cock, before grabbing a fistful of Azula's hair.

"You know what to do, slut."

Sokka's mouth is a strange juxtaposition, both dry and watering at the same time. He watches in silence as Azula opens wide and takes his cock between her painted lips, only to groan at the feeling of her tongue swirling around the head of his erect phallus. Suki just giggles and let's go of Azula's hair, pulling back to run her hands along his chest again as she watches the former Fire Nation Princess go at it.

He can't really find it in himself to do anything other than the same, in that moment. His hands still cling to the arms of the chair, even as he watches Azula, AZULA of all people, enthusiastically bobbing up and down on his cock. There's no hesitation, no concept of chill. Azula doesn't pause or wait, she takes what Suki says, and she obeys. She sucks his cock like an inexperienced whore would, slobbering all over him, gurgling as she tries to take him past the back of her throat.

Her efforts were altogether sloppy. She had no real technique, and her lack of experience with sucking cock showed. Sokka could easily imagine that he was the first man that Azula had ever given head to, and that alone was enough to make him nearly nut, right then and there. But he didn't want to cum too soon. He didn't want to blow his load too early.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Azula is so enthusiastic, so eager, that she's practically choking herself on his cock. There are involuntary tears streaming down her cheeks, and slobber is dripping off of her chin and onto her tits, sliding over the pasties with their tassels still bouncing this way and that from her sheer enthusiasm. It's hard to hold back, hard not to cum right then and there… but Sokka knows he wants more. He doesn't just want to see Azula debase herself on his cock. He wants to fuck her. He wants her cunt.

Finally moving, the young man reaches out and grabs his former enemy by her shoulders. Azula's eyes barely have a chance to widen before he's dragging her off of his cock and into his lap.

"I know what a little bitch like you really needs, you fucking cunt…"

But even as he mutters that, even as he brings his hand slapping up into Azula's undercarriage, he finds something a lot more than just a thin piece of cloth stopping him from making physical contact with Azula's pussy. Sokka blinks for a moment, and then frowns as he tears the fabric aside to reveal that the Fire Princess is wearing a chastity belt, locked off and everything, making her cunt completely unreachable.

Azula shivers in Sokka's grasp, while Suki just laughs, stepping back in. Moving around him, the Kyoshi Warrior just smiles and shakes her head at Sokka, even as she places a hand on Azula's chest and pushes. The brainwashed slut yelps as she falls back out of Sokka's grasp, hitting the ground on her tailbone and letting out an 'oof!' as she does so.

Sokka is left watching as Suki moves between them, his eyes trailing down his lover's body. Sometime between Azula's dance starting and now, the Kyoshi Warrior has gotten ride of most of the uniform. She's not wearing much of anything anymore besides her face paint, and Sokka's cock is twinging, pulsing with need as he stares at her gorgeous, fit body.

She's got Azula beat by a mile in the toned, athletic department, that's for sure.

"Sorry Sokka, but our little pet here is off-limits in that way, at least for now. And besides, if I didn't know any better, I might just get jealous."

Sokka just raises an eyebrow. There's no way he'd ever choose Azula over Suki, not in a million years. Judging by the sultry grin and the wink that the Kyoshi Warrior gives him, Suki knows that too. He'd gotten a little caught up in the moment though, so for the time being, Sokka stays quiet, letting Suki take the lead on this. Turning back to Azula, she scoffs down at the other woman.

"You can watch, but you can't touch. None of THIS is for you. Got that, slut?"

"Yes Mistress…"

Those aren't words Sokka would have ever expected to hear come from Azula's mouth, but he doesn't get much time to ponder it, because within the next few moments, Suki has climbed aboard and fitted his bulbous cockhead up against her gushing wet pussy lips. Sokka's eyes widen as she sinks down on his cock, and his hands immediately go to her sides, his fingers digging in as he hisses in enjoyment of her tight, velvety depths.

"You don't deserve this, do you slut?"

Suki's words seem to unleash a veritable tidal wave within Azula. She whimpers and bows her head, speaking completely truthfully as far as Sokka can tell from her tone. There's no lie, no deception, no deceit… she one hundred percent believes the words that spill from her mouth.

"No Mistress! I'm sorry, Mistress! I am not worthy to be with such a handsome man! I am not worthy to have his c-cock inside of me! It is an honor to serve in any small way I can…"

Damn. They really did a number on her, didn't they? Not that Sokka is paying all that much attention at this point. Oh sure, Azula's self-degradation and humiliation make for GREAT background noise, her words a melody that Sokka didn't know he needed to hear until now… but fuck if he wasn't more focused on how unbelievably tight Suki's cunt was, how amazing it felt, like it always did, to be thrusting up into her from below.

Suki is starting to lose focus as well, starting to ignore Azula in favor of him. Their faces are inches apart, and their eyes are locked together as she presses her hands into his chest, using that as leverage to continue lifting herself up his cock, only to drop down. In turn, Sokka makes sure to thrust upwards just as she's coming down again, constantly disrupting her attempts to keep some sort of rhythmic pace as she rides him, making things a lot more… sporadic and chaotic instead.

"F-Fuck Sokka, just like that. You're such a fucking well-hung stud. Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK MEEEEE!"

Sokka knows that at least some of this is for Azula, because Suki isn't usually so vocal as he fucks her, usually she's all moans and screams, but not really one for words, preferring the language of intimacy over actual dirty talk and the like. Even still, he can hear her arousal and desire in her voice all the same. The words might be for Azula's benefit, but that doesn't mean she doesn't mean them. And at the end… that's most certainly an orgasm, because Sokka can't really hold back either as the tightening and clenching of Suki's inner walls tighten up.

With a growl, the water tribe man cums, filling Suki's womb directly with his hot seed. He paints her walls white with his ejaculate, even as she sputters and arches her back, tilting her head up towards the ceiling, her face an expression of pure ecstasy. They pause like that for a moment… and then they come back down again, both of them panting heavily and slowly recovering from their mutual climax.

When Suki pulls off of him, Sokka's cock is limp, but still quite large and long, something he doesn't fail to notice Azula looking at as she licks her lips, staring. Said staring only lasts long enough for Suki to walk over and grab the brainwashed Fire Princess by her hair though, and as Sokka watches his lover shove Azula's face into her creampied cunt, he knows that he won't be soft for long.

"Lick, slut. You've got a mess to clean up, so get to it."

Sokka takes in the sight before him, Azula on her knees and servicing Suki just like that, with more than a touch of awe. Meanwhile, down between his legs, his cock is already growing hard again. Soon, he'll be ready for round two.


As the month ends, Azula returns to the Fire Nation. She does so dressed as a conquering hero. Wearing her full regalia, she looks as if she already believes herself to be the Fire Lord. With an honor guard escorting her off of her ship and towards the palace, some wonder if she just might be, by the end of the day. Ty Lee is at Azula's side, as they walk along, making their way through the streets of the Capital, heading with unerring focus towards destiny itself.

When they enter the palace proper, Azula's honor guard splits off and leaves her behind. Ty Lee is the only one who continues on with her, even as she moves deeper and deeper into the palace depths. Azula can't help but reflect on the Fire Lords she'd learned about through her history lessons growing up. Even before her grandfather's war, the leaders of the Fire Nation had never been particularly soft men.

After all, fire burned so very hot. You could contain it, you could control it, but if you wanted to survive in the cold of the night, you could never truly snuff it out. Instead, you had to learn how to dominate it. You had to make it your own, had to secure it's allegiance and teach it that without you feeding it fuel, it would eventually gutter away and die, all on its own.

The Fire Lords of the past were men who dominated and controlled their people with iron fists. Sometimes they were loved, but even those that were loved were also feared. Not because they were unstable, but because they were unusual. They were the men who broke the mold, who stood above those normal peons that existed all across the world.

The men who could claim the title of Fire Lord had been the men who mastered not only their people, but themselves first. And not only themselves… but their destinies as well. They were the masters of their own fates, the captains of their own souls. They were those who stood above all others and proclaimed what was right and proper, what was true and just. They were not beholden to the rules… no, they MADE the rules.

At some point in the midst of Azula's pondering, Ty Lee disappears from her side. She only notices when she's finally coming up on the Fire Lord's chambers and looks up to find just one obstacle left in front of her. Ty Lee may be no where to be found, but Mai is still there, standing in between Azula and the doors, arms crossed over her chest.

When Azula regards Mai without expression or emotion, the young noblewoman snarls a bit.

"I can't believe it actually worked. You're nothing, now. Reduced to this… it's unbelievable."

Standing there in her gorgeous regalia, looking to all the world like a Fire Lord in the making, Azula doesn't move, even as Mai stomps right up to her, getting in her face. She doesn't move when the other woman circles around her either, looking at her from all angles, as if she's studying her. Perhaps if Mai tried to touch her, then Azula would do something, but so long as she's just staring at her, Azula remains motionless. In truth, it's Mai who's nothing now… there's only one thing that matters to Azula at this point.

"For the rest of your life, starting now, you're going to be nothing more than a plaything for Zuko. Strip. Let's see what we're working with."

Up until this point, Azula hadn't even looked Mai in the eye. Her gaze had been past the other woman, focused on the door to the Fire Lord's chambers right beyond her. Now though, finally, she focuses on Mai, staring her down as she gives her answer.


Mai's eyes widen in immediate outrage, and her nostrils flare in anger.


Taking a quick step forward, she lashes out, her palm aiming to slap Azula across the face, lightning fast. Except… Mai has never been much of wrestler or grappler. That isn't to say she wasn't a fighter. She was strong and capable and very skilled with the weapons she used. She wasn't a bender though… and she wasn't necessarily designed for close-quarters combat.

Even reduced as Azula was, she saw Mai's slap coming from a mile away, making it all too easy to catch the other woman by her wrist with one hand, and snatch her up by the throat with the other. No one is around to watch as Azula slams Mai into the ground with a sort of vicious satisfaction. No one is there to see as she pins the other girl down and slaps HER across the face, before reaching down and tearing at Mai's dress.

Of course, doing so gives Mai plenty of freedom to retaliate, which the noblewoman is quick to do. However, despite knowing for a fact that Mai has plenty of knives on her even now, Azula notes that she never uses them. Not any of them. It's a straight up, no holds barred cat fight… and it's one that Azula can win. It's one that she DOES win.

The first time Azula exposes Mai's breasts, she slaps them viciously, causing a cry to leave the normally detached and emotionless young woman's throat. Her face is bright red and contorted in a snarl as Azula holds her down and molests her at the same time. She scrabbles at the other woman, fighting back as best she can, but Azula is ready for it. She's always ready for it.

"You are nothing to me, Mai. You are less than nothing. If you don't have the strength to take what you want from me, then you shouldn't have come in the first place."

Flipping Mai over, Azula pulls the other girl's hair back, forcing her to arch her back, even as she flips up the back of Mai's dress as well, exposing her pale bottom. She quickly spanks it, rapid-fire blows that while much slower than what she was previously capable of, still come hot and fast, leaving Mai's bottom no longer pale, but instead as red as her face.

All the while, the completely uncomposed noblewoman is trying to fight back, trying to get away, trying to turn the tables. Azula doesn't let her, not even for a moment. Though, she does find something rather interesting out, when she goes from smashing her palm into Mai's soft, noble buttocks to pressing her fingers up against the other woman's cunt.

"… You're wet, Mai."

"N-No I'm not! Get off me! Damn you, Azula! You worthless bitch!"

She's never seen Mai act like this before. All her life, the other girl has been nothing more than a detached, emotionless young woman, standing at her side, barely ever caring about anything. Well, almost anything. There was always Zuko, of course. Zuko, who once upon a time, Azula had blamed for driving the wedge that existed between her and Mai, and that had existed between her and Ty Lee.

Now Azula knew better. After all, even a would-be Fire Lord was the master of their own fate, weren't they? Regardless… not exactly being inclined to play nice, Azula drags her soaked fingers out of Mai's sopping wet cunt none-to-gently and brings them up to the young noblewoman's lips, forcing them into her mouth.

"Yes, you are."

Mai tries to bite her, of course, but Azula is prepared for it. She deftly slides her fingers around inside of Mai's maw so that the snarling woman can't bite down properly, while at the same time digging the digits of her other hand into either side of Mai's jaw, squishing her normally severe and emotionless face up.

In the end, Mai's tongue, in an effort to try to push Azula's fingers out, licks them clean instead, at which point Azula draws the fingers out of Mai's mouth, and purposefully wipes the saliva-slick digits on her torn dress. Then, she shoves them back up into Mai's cunt. This time though, Azula has Mai turned about, so that she can properly watch the other girl's face as it contorts in a mixture of anger and pleasure.

Cursing her out, Mai twists and pulls in Azula's grip, trying to squirm away, trying to resist bucking her hips into Azula's pistoning digits… but in the end, she fails on all counts. There's something to be said about conquering the young noblewoman. Something to be said about finally making Mai pay for her betrayal.

Of course, there's also something to be said about just how much Azula has changed over this past month. After all, before, making Mai 'pay' would have involved taking the girl's head off… not pinning her to the ground and fingering her to climax. And yet, that's exactly what Azula does. She thrusts her fingers in and out of Mai's slick, wet cunt until the normally stoic girl cries out and climaxes all over them.

Then, she shoves her digits back into Mai's mouth, three of them this time, making Mai choke a little, tears welling up at the corner of her eyes. She already looks like a mess, angry as all hell and not able to do anything about it. Azula knows that she's disheveled herself a bit in the process. Her own appearance is likely not as pristine or regal as it was before.

She doesn't care. This is about teaching Mai her place. This is about reminding the other woman that Azula is NOT beholden to her. As Mai pants for breath, trying to recover from the orgasm that Azula has forced out of her, Azula in turn splits her regal robes open and drags the young noblewoman up onto her knees, nice and proper. Then, she shoves Mai's face right into her cunt.

Those bored, uncaring eyes that Azula grew up with go wide in surprise at this, even as Azula lets out a groan of appreciation, grinding her clit into Mai's nose and her pussy into Mai's chin. No tongue yet, but that's okay… Azula has all the time in the world. Mai's hands come up, and she grabs at Azula's legs, trying to push her away, or trying to push off away from her. Whatever it is, it matters not, because Azula is unyielding. Eventually, the only way Mai finds that lets her get some air is to push her tongue up against Azula's folds, and up into her cunt. Only then does Azula let up a little bit and allow Mai to pull back juuust enough for her nostrils to flare as she inhales oxygen. However, that air is in turn mixed with Azula's scent, with her dripping arousal.

Grinning wickedly, the young woman watches as Mai's eyelashes flutter in consternation, her eyebrows furrowed. Yet, she licks all the same. She licks and she licks, and she licks, servicing Azula as her better, eating out the well-dressed Fire Princess to Azula's heart's content. In the end, given the circumstances, Azula doesn't last long. However, she climaxes with a lot more dignity and grace than Mai managed. Her knees don't even buckle as she sprays her pussy juices across the young noblewoman's face, covering Mai's features in them.

Only once she's done does Azula release the other woman. Mai falls to the ground limp… and fully satiated, from the glazed look in her heavily lidded eyes, and the way her tongue is already licking around her mouth, taking in Azula's fluids. To think, all Azula had to do all this time to truly and properly bring the other girl to heel was this. She should have done it ages ago, but where Ty Lee had ALWAYS been fair game, Mai was a Fire Nation Noble's daughter, and thus a bit more protected from Azula's… experimentation. Or so she'd thought. Hmph, she'd definitely missed out.

Straightening up, Azula barely pays Mai any further mind, instead refocusing her gaze on the double doors in front of her. She fixes up her regal robes and her disheveled appearance as best she can, and then she steps over Mai's limp form, making her way to the doors. She doesn't make an entrance, not a massive one, instead simply opening one of the doors, slipping inside, and closing it behind her.

The chambers are not empty when she walks into them, not that Azula expected them to be. These are the chambers of the Fire Lord. Where she was conceived. Where Zuko was conceived… where a hundred generations of Fire Lords and their siblings were born. It only makes sense that the Fire Lord himself would be waiting for her. There Zuko stands, with a roaring fire in the fireplace at his back.

He watches her in silence, his face expressionless, his gaze rather stern. Atop his head sits the crown that Azula had only worn for a little while, at the height of Ozai's power, when he'd named himself Phoenix Emperor and declared that she was his replacement as the Fire Lord. The memory almost makes Azula laugh now, even as she steps forward. Their father was a mad man… and now Azula knew that the title of Fire Lord was not something that could be GIFTED. It had to be earned. It had to be TAKEN.

Zuko doesn't have to say anything, as she stops a few feet in front of him. Azula kneels and bows her head, because now she understands. Now she knows… who her Fire Lord is.


"So, you see, Fire Lord Zuko, while both sides are working hard to achieve our goals, there are still… complications cropping up, in regard to the safety of our people, which I'm sure you will agree is paramount to our interests."

As he listens to the Fire nation Official go on and on about the continued efforts to decolonize the Earth Kingdom of Fire Nation Nationals, Zuko sits upon the Fire Lord's dais, robes pooled around him, a wall of flame two feet high hiding all but his shadowed face and crown from view. There wasn't much from his father's reign (and the reign of his grandfather for that matter) that Zuko wanted to emulate or keep around, but this at least, he liked… for certain reasons.

With a grunt, Zuko raises a hand and cuts the official off. Immediately, the other man goes silent, bowing his head and waiting for the Fire Lord's reply.

"Your words are necessary, and the information you bring to this Court is important. Thank you for your service. I will have orders for you and your peers by the end of the day."

It's as curt a dismissal as Zuko prefers to give… though not as curt as he CAN give. There are certainly been members of the nobility and the military who have tried to test the limits with their young Fire Lord. Zuko is new and unknown, and there's still the matter of his exile, of the hits that his reputation took when he was younger. However, he is also the conqueror, the man who sided with the Avatar, who in turn beat Ozai. Not to mention he'd defeated Azula in combat as well, and at the time, she had been named Fire Lord by the Phoenix Emperor ascendant.

Both Ozai and Azula had been laid low, but there were still those in the Fire Nation who had wondered how much of it was Zuko and how much of it was the Avatar. There had been murmurings of Zuko being little more than a puppet, and there had been attempts at undermining him, ranging from efforts on his life to simply speaking out of turn and trying to make him seem weak in front of others.

Zuko had not sat idly by and let these attempts go unanswered, however. These days, he had a reputation for talking softly… until provoked. It was a reputation that he would continue to cultivate. Regardless, the Fire Nation Official before him now was not some foolish power-hungry warmonger desiring to usurp him or even undermine him.

As such, the official bows deep and then stands and leaves without another word. Zuko waits a beat, and then flicks his fingers, sending his guards from the throne room as well. Only once they are gone, only once he is ostensibly alone does the young Fire Lord look down to where his sister, Azula, has been sucking him off right below his dais this entire time.

Thanks to the flames, and a small alcove built onto the dais itself, Azula was completely obscure from view, as was her head bobbing up and down on his cock, pulled free of his slightly parted robes. This is good, because it would not do for the majority of the Fire Nation to learn exactly what had become of their Princess. Publicly, Azula had been successfully rehabilitated and even denounced the acts of their father, while proclaiming her loyalty to her brother as well as her confidence that he would be a good, strong Fire Lord.

Privately… well, right now, Azula knelt before him wearing nothing but a collar around her throat. As he looks down, she in turns looks up, and a moment later she's sucking thrice as hard as she was before, swallowing every last bit of his member as she buries her face in her crotch. Chuckling, Zuko reaches out and slides his hand into the ponytail that she wears her grown-out hair in, gripping it tightly and urging her on further, even as he teases and admonishes her.

"Greedy little brat."

Her eyes flicker, and her tongue lashes at his cock as her lips suction down around the base. A moment later, Zuko is cumming, groaning as well as he fills her throat with his seed. She dutifully swallows every last drop as he comes to a climax, her neck convulsing from the act. A bit of his seed does end up trickling out from the side of her mouth, but when Zuko finally pulls back, her lips and tongue making sure to suck his cock clean as it leaves, Azula is quick to bring one of her hands up from where they'd been resting in her lap in order to demurely push that bit of seed back in with an index finger.

She sucks on said finger for a moment, and then sits back on her haunches, looking up at him, her hands once again atop her legs, which in turn causes her arms to perfectly frame her naked breasts. As Zuko regards her for a moment, he smiles and then cocks his head to the side.

"Your opinion?"

Azula pauses for a moment, and her tongue traces out to wet her lips as she contemplates the issue at hand. Eventually though, she speaks.

"The problem is a lack of communication, Fire Lord. The two sides should be more closely tied together. Appoint one from the Fire Nation and one from the Earth Kingdom to helm this process, together. Have the Avatar himself choose them, so that they will be beyond reproach. That way, our people are protected as we withdraw them back to our lands, and the Earth Kingdom have a representative in the process as well."

Zuko smiles down at his sister. That was much his thinking as well, however, he hadn't been quite sure how to go about picking the individuals. Having Aang step in and choose them… that was inspired. It was a good idea all around, a reasonable compromise that Zuko found more than acceptable. Rising from his dais, the young Fire Lord allows his robes to fall back into place, covering his recently fellated cock up as he holds out a hand to Azula.

She accepts the offered hand easily, and with Zuko's help, crawls free of the crawlspace. She then immediately falls back to her hands and knees, allowing Zuko to run a hand across her body, starting in her hair and then down her back. He slides his fingers across Azula's smooth, pale flesh, enjoying his sister's form, probably more than he should.

When he makes it to her plump, heart-shaped behind though, Zuko just can't resist sliding his fingers a little lower, teasing her lower lips and testing her wetness. As she has been since she was returned to him, Azula is sopping wet, and drooling like mad down there. Zuko smiles at her, and she smiles back, even as he brings his hand back up to her ponytail, taking hold of it and using it somewhat as a leash to guide her forward.

Together, they move at a sedate pace to Zuko's office, where Zuko locks the public-facing door to the room, and then points to his desk.

"Go on then, pet. Begin writing up a proclamation, to be issued to the people."

Azula lowers her gaze demurely, practically prostrating herself before him.

"As you wish, Fire Lord."

Then she moves over to the desk, crawling all the way, shaking her jiggly, bouncy ass as she goes. When she makes it to the large piece of furniture, she crawls up it's front and takes a piece of parchment as well as an ink and quill from where they sit, turning the parchment towards her and beginning to write in perfect lettering.

However, even as she does so, she's presenting herself to him, offering her naked, feminine body up for him to take his pleasure from. As she should… as she's been trained to. Zuko smiles and moves into position behind his sister, sliding his robes apart once more and letting his cock, which has quickly re-hardened, breathe open air again.

He takes hold of Azula with one hand at her hip and takes hold of his cock with the other. Then, he feeds his thick member to his pet's needy, hungry pussy, sinking inch after inch of his girth into her hot, wet depths. Azula lets out a wanton moan, even as she continues to work on the proclamation. To her credit, she doesn't miss a beat there, still writing, even as Zuko takes hold of her hips with both hands and begins to fuck her from behind.

She's not nearly as firm as she once was. Even if they'd never had sex before her month-long sabbatical, Zuko knows that much. Still, she's also not gone completely soft. That would defeat the purpose. These days, Azula is the perfect mixture of firm and soft, the right amount of bouncy, but also toned. Zuko digs his fingers into her hips and enjoys the way her flesh gives under his assault. He thrusts into her from behind and enjoys the way her ass jiggles with each impact.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Zuko groans as he tosses his head back, enjoying every last bit of Azula's tightening, squeezing cunt around his cock. He fucks his sister from behind, bent over his desk even as she tries to carry out his orders and write out the proclamation as he's demanded of her. He continues to do so, right up until a door on the other side of the office opens up.

This is not the same door that Zuko and Azula came in through, and when he opens his eyes, he's not surprised to find that Mai has stepped in. After all, his wife is one of the only people who has access to this room, besides him and Azula and handful of others who are close enough to be trusted. Mai takes one look at how Zuko is fucking Azula and then smiles, ever so slightly.

It's a small smile, because at the end of the day, it's still Mai… but it is a smile. Zuko considers that progress, even as he gives her a nod and a grunt in greeting. Mai hums in response, even as she makes her way into the room. Lifting an eyebrow, Zuko reaches forward and grabs ahold of one of his sister's delicious titties, squeezing it harshly and drawing a loud, wanton moan from her lips, even as he makes small talk.

"How's Ty Lee settling back in?"

Mai shrugs at that, sitting on the edge of his desk and cocking her head to the side so she can watch Azula's face contort in pleasure as the naked, collared woman continues to try and work on the proclamation.

"… She's not terrible as an assistant, I suppose."

Zuko can't help but chuckle, and then groan as his sister's inner walls tighten around his member in an exquisite manner, marking an orgasm from the mewling pet. He can't help but be pleased at how everything has come together. Breaking Azula's mind had been a relatively simple task for the Dai Li to handle, at the end of the day. The hard part had been the reconstruction afterwards.

He didn't just want his sister to be broken down into nothing more than an addled piece of meat or dimmed down so that none of her intellect or cunning remained. That wouldn't have been Azula. If he was going to be satisfied with that, he might as well have just killed her and been done with it. No, Zuko had wanted something more… but luckily, what he'd wanted had been possible.

All of her brilliance and cunning, all of her genius and prodigal strength… finally tamed and put to good use. Azula was loyal to him and him alone, as her Fire Lord. But she was also capable of more than just being his bedwarmer, something that Zuko intended to use to the fullest… even as he used her body to his heart's content as well.

Perhaps it was wrong, doing this to his own sister. Zuko didn't think so. He and Azula had always had a bit of a strange relationship, at the end of the day. It helped that his friends thought it a fitting punishment for her atrocities, but in the end, for Zuko, it wasn't about punishing Azula… it was about claiming her for his own, about finally making her see that she was his, and he would take care of her.

With a groan, Zuko plunges into Azula's depths and fills her womb with his seed. He cums inside of his sister, painting her inner walls white before withdrawing. Azula lets out a satisfying shriek as he does so, her eyes rolling back in her head and her back arching as she spasms and seizes up on his cock. Pulling out of her, Zuko lets his sister slump down off of the desk and onto the floor, leaving her where she lays even as he moves around to sit down in his chair.

Seeing this, Mai reaches up and pulls open her own robes, before shirking them off of her otherwise naked body entirely. She descends to the floor then, and though Zuko can't see it at the moment, he can certainly hear her as Mai begins the process of licking Azula clean, of eating her out. As emotionless a façade as Mai likes to put up, she's entirely insatiable when it comes to cum guzzling, the sexy little minx. It's half the reason Zuko loves her.

Chuckling slightly and smiling, Zuko shakes his head as he pulls over the piece of parchment Azula was writing on for him. Unfortunately, while the proclamation starts out well enough, the writing on the parchment gets more and more jagged as time goes on, until finally, marking the moment when he came inside of her, there's a massive streak of ink across the entire page.

Setting her effort aside, Zuko pulls out another piece of parchment and begins to write a new proclamation, though he does use most of what Azula managed before she succumbed to the pleasure of being fucked by her big brother. It would hardly do for it to go to waste after all. He works swiftly, and without pause, aiming to have the proclamation done as quickly as possible.

Once it is, he leaves the ink to dry as he rises from his desk and moves back around it once more, this time fully discarding the robes of his office as he goes, letting them fall, incidentally, right next to his wife's clothing. Then, he joins the two women writhing on the floor. His lover and his sister… and both utterly belonging to him.


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