Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Bordello of Bonds Pt. 2 (Naruto)

A/N: And here's the final piece. Make sure to read Pt. 1 first and as mentioned previously, the alternate ending can be found on HF or QQ.


A year after the Fourth Ninja War and the world was still rebuilding. The aftermath of Shinjuu's assault were felt everywhere, but life continued on and missions still flowed in. These days, Hinata was no longer a mere chunin. She'd been promoted to jonin after the war, but it was well understood that her skills were far beyond that.

And yet, Hinata still made time for delivery missions. The C-Ranks were usually low risk and low reward, but with the harsh realities of the Fourth Ninja War still visible all around them, it was necessary for high ranking ninja to do their part and take the jobs that would perhaps be below their skill set in any other time. Hinata didn't truly mind though. In fact, she welcomed the ease of such menial tasks. While there were sometimes bandits or thugs that tried to take advantage of the fact that she was alone and beautiful, Hinata had nothing to fear from such people. Instead it was they that learned to fear her.

As such, Hinata's latest mission had gone off without a hitch as expected. However, her return trip had to be rerouted due to weather issues, leading her to detour through a place she remembered quite fondly. More than fondly even, as a small smile spread across Hinata's face. Her memories of this place were… intimate. With time to spare given the ease of her last mission, Hinata felt like she could afford to stop by Madam Abumi's brothel for a quick and hopefully quiet visit.

Within moments of entering the city, Hinata was in back of the brothel, having used the Body Flicker Technique to appear there in an instant that would be far too fast for any civilian eye to see. Looking up at the building, even if it was from the backside rather than the front, made her feel nostalgia and joy, along with just a bit of heartache.

Hinata wished she could have come back earlier. She even wished she could have been here during the war when everything went down and half the world got fucked up as a result. Fortunately, though there's damage to the town from the messed-up weather caused by the God Tree, the brothel itself seems relatively unscathed. Hinata is more relieved than she cares to admit, a soft smile on her face as she takes her first step towards the back door.

In and out. She'll see Naruko, she'll see Abumi, and then she'll continue on her way… nice and quiet like. That was Hinata's plan anyways. But plans never survive contact with the enemy. As soon as Hinata took that first step, the back door opened on its own accord and a scantily dressed whore stepped out of the brothel. Hinata froze up in surprise, her eyes wide.

She had several moments in which she could have zipped away without being seen, but she didn't. Instead, she just stood there a bit awkwardly, while the prostitute took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a long drag before FINALLY glancing around. When the other woman's eyes landed on Hinata, they widened and it became obvious that this was one of the ones who had been there during Hinata's first time through, even if Hinata didn't remember her, shamefully enough.

"Hinata! Hey everyone, Hinata's back!"

The prostitute spun on her heel, cigarette falling from her grasp as she darted back into the brothel. Within moments, there was a commotion from within and Hinata let out a low sigh and hung her head. So much for keeping things quiet. Plodding forward, the beautiful Hyuga followed the over-excited whore into the brothel's backrooms. She was beset upon almost immediately by those who hadn't been working, but even as they clamored around her, she could see more and more women flowing in from the hallways that led to the rooms and to the front.

Hinata blushed prettily at all the attention, doing her best to smile and nod and even answer questions where she could. It was all a bit overwhelming though and even with all her skill and strength, Hinata still wasn't very good at handling this many people at once. Only someone with real charisma (Like Naruto) could be expected to stay afloat in a situation like this!


The backroom fell silent as everyone's focus left her (finally!) and moved to the Madam. Madam Abumi was still the beautiful, mature red head that Hinata remembered. But Hinata's gaze didn't stay on the commanding woman for long, because right beside her stood none other than Naruko herself. The blonde had a wide grin on her face and a blush on her cheeks as she stared at Hinata. It was infectious, clearly, because Hinata couldn't help smiling back.

"All of you, back to work! And those of you who aren't working, FIND work you lazy lay bouts!"

Even with Hinata's abrupt presence in the brothel, the Madam's word remained law it seemed. The beautiful dark haired kunoichi watched as the multitude of whores grumbled and whined a bit, but all in all, moved to obey the glaring Madam. Eventually, it was just her, Abumi, and Naruko left. There was a moment of silence as Hinata faced off across from the two women, and then Naruko let out a happy little shriek and glomped Hinata right then and there.

As Hinata held the blonde up easily with her toned form, smiling even wider as Naruko babbled happily into her ear, the Hyuga's eyes met Abumi's over Naruko's shoulder. She was surprised to see a smile on the crimson haired brothel owner's face as well. Abumi's hands were on her hips as she gave Hinata a nod that the Hyuga girl swiftly returned.

It felt like… it felt like she'd come home. Letting out a breath that Hinata didn't know she'd been holding, the kunoichi could swear a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, despite the opposite literally being true with Naruko's curvaceous body literally hanging off of her. With a joy-filled laugh, Hinata spun Naruko around and then kissed the surprised blonde deeply, her tongue doing its level best to go down Naruko's throat.

God, how she'd missed this…


"You STILL haven't gotten into a relationship with Naruto?! Hinata, after everything you've told me about the guy, you so have to lock that down! BEFORE someone else finally wises up too his value and steals him out from under you!"

Hinata flushed prettily and stared down into the cup of sake she was holding in her hands. It was her third and she'd been cradling it in her lap for a little while to avoid getting TOO drunk. She was already a bit tipsy now, even as Naruko, who had had far more of the alcoholic drink, was berating her for her failures as a woman.

It didn't help that Madam Abumi, who was sitting behind her desk as it was HER office they were currently using for their drinking spot, nodded in agreement with the young blonde.

"Naruko is right Hinata. Men are as numerous as trees and bad men just as much. But good men are rare and this Naruto Uzumaki sounds like a good man. You can't hide from your feelings forever."

Getting relationship advice from a couple of whores… jeez, had Hinata truly sunk so low? A moment later and Hinata was internally berating herself. No, it wasn't fair to boil Naruko and Abumi's opinions down to that of two prostitutes. They were right and she was just too afraid to admit it. Letting out an explosive sigh, the Hyuga woman nodded.

"I know, I know… s-still, everything is so busy right now. I can't just pester Naruto with this kind of thing. The damage that the war and everything else caused was… immense. Maybe once things have finally settled down as they seem to be doing, I can look towards a future with him. T-that said, how ARE things here? I noticed the town got hit, but the brothel seems to be doing okay?"

Neither woman looked at all fooled by her incredibly unsubtle attempt to change the subject. Both still took pity on her though, with Naruko knocking back another cup of sake and Abumi answering the question.

"The brothel is doing fine. I was smart when I had this place built. Made it out of the best materials. Of course, that was because I was afraid of arson, but it seems like fire proof also extends to water proof… mostly. There was some flooding on the lowest floors, but we've cleaned it up. And thanks to the damage in town, lots of exhausted men come through our doors late at night, hoping to get some company after a long day's labor. We're doing better than ever if I'm being honest. Heck, we get more customers than we can handle most days."

"W-Well if you need any help with that…"

The words slipped out of Hinata's mouth before she could stop herself, surprising her just as much as they surprised Abumi and Naruko. Only belatedly did Hinata realize it WAS exactly what she'd hoped for when she came here. A quiet, quick trip to a brothel where she'd sold her body? Hah, what a laugh! No, she'd been subconsciously hoping to enjoy herself a bit while here. She did have a few days before she had to be back in Konoha after all.

Abumi and Naruko looked at her in silence for a long moment before Naruko's blushing face split into a big wide grin and Abumi smirked.

"Well, you seem responsible enough that I won't ask if you truly have the time or not Hinata. I imagine you MADE the time when you came here… very well, you didn't leave my employ on bad terms, so I have no problem accepting you back as one of my working girls. Do you think you can handle a solo assignment tonight, or should I keep you with Naruko for a bit so you can relearn the ropes?"

Hinata blushed and glanced at the grinning Naruko before smiling and shrugging her shoulders.

"I'd love to help Naruko… but I don't need to relearn anything. I'm ready to go solo tonight, if that's what the brothel needs to stay productive."

While Naruko looked slightly disappointed, she also seemed understanding, nodding along as if Hinata's reasoning made perfect sense to her. Abumi meanwhile, had a contemplative look on her face as she considered Hinata for a long moment in silence. Then, a wide, wicked smile spread across the brothel owner's features.

"I know exactly where to fit you in my darling."


For the past few weeks, the brothel had been testing out a new format, one that allowed them to handle the overload of customers who rushed in each night from long days at work fixing the town. Tonight was a particularly stormy evening, which led to even more men running inside who may not have had the coin for an actual one on one with one of Abumi's girls.

Still, they stayed for another reason entirely, as the door price was absurdly low for what their eyes got to feast on once they were inside. The front lounge area had been transformed and rather than girls sitting with prospective clients, the men crowded around to stare at an empty stage area. Hinata was the first whore on stage that night, and she smiled as she sashayed out wearing a naughty angelic costume, complete with white fuzzy wings.

There was hooting and hollering and leering directed her way and Hinata simply soaked up the attention, her pussy immediately moistening at being treated like a woman, no, a whore rather than the kunoichi that she truly was. Standing center stage, Hinata felt like she could truly let loose. And so the Hyuga girl did, bouncing her wide hips this way and that, shaking her barely covered tits back and forth. She smiled out at the crowd and spoke her mind in a loud, clear voice.

"Most of you might not know me or remember me. It's been a while since I worked here. But even with my absence, I'm really happy to be back. I can't wait to be fucked like the cock loving cum slut I am, all night long."

There was a bit of silence when she started talking, but by the time she'd finished the cheering and shouting was back. Hinata just grinned wider and began her on-stage strip-tease. First went her wings, tied as they were to a string that rested under her breasts. She made a big show of pulling the bow that held them in place until they abruptly fell off of her, before lifting her other hand to an open mouth in mock surprise.

With her 'wings' on the ground, the naughty 'fallen angel' lost more and more clothing as she danced around on the stage to the background music, simply following her instincts. It made for a bit of an inexperienced showing to be sure, but at the same time, it also made the whole thing a bit more authentic and natural. Hinata wasn't doing this for money or any other reason besides the simple fact that she wanted to, that she enjoyed being this slutty in front of all these hungry, lustful men.

By the time she was done exposing herself to them, Hinata was down to nothing but her knee high white stockings and her three-inch platform heels. The naughty little 'angel' slowly stepped off the stage with her tits jiggling all the way, her firm ass bouncing back and forth with every movement. She giggled and gasped and cooed as men reached out and touched her, but no matter their strength, none could keep her within their reach.

Instead, Hinata moved directly to the man who had purchased first dibs with her ahead of time. It made it look like it was her choice when she winked down at him and took him by the hand, but, this was the same man who had fucked her so thoroughly the last time she was here. He'd remembered her and she, him. In the end, as Hinata led the man into the back to find an empty room, her pussy got all the wetter and not just because he kept groping her and fingering her from behind as they walked.

By the time they got inside the room, the man was desperate to get his dick in her and Hinata was moaning like the wanton whore she'd become. The john's pants practically flew off and Hinata was swiftly on her knees, holding up her massive tits and opening her pouty lips wide to show off her ready and waiting face hole. The client grunts, stroking his big, hard cock and staring at her for a moment in indecision.

In the end, he grabs hold of her nipples and pulls her up fully onto her knees from where she'd been resting her ass on the balls of her feet. At this new height, what he wants is obvious and Hinata quickly wraps her large, delicious boobies around the man's thick prick, spitting to help lube it all up as she slides her breasts up and down his length. At the same time, with how big the john is, his cockhead is constantly peeking out of the top of her cleavage.

Taking advantage of this, Hinata leans in and suckles on the tip of his prick like the slut she is, moaning all the while and sending vibrations along his shaft as a result. It's no surprise that the man doesn't last much longer given the circumstances. In just a few minutes, he's growling and cursing as she sucks his release right out of him with her full lips wrapped around his cockhead.

Hinata pulls back and opens her mouth wide as he erupts in an explosion of white hot jizz. His cum gets everywhere as a result, all over her hair, face, and chest. She gets plenty of it in her mouth as well and swallows what lands there before pulling back from the man and making a show of cleaning herself off with her fingers and tongue.

By the time she's done, he's hard once again and looks ready to fuck her in whatever hole he can get it into. Yet, he's also indecisive once again, clearly wanting to take ALL of her right then and there, but not sure where to start with just the one dick available to him. Smiling and seeing a chance, Hinata stands and places her palm on his chest.

"I love your big hard dick mister… I was wondering if you'd let me show my appreciation by riding you like the happy little fuck slut I am. Impaling myself on your massive cock over and over and over again…"

The john swallows thickly and then nods before glancing down the length of her body.

"Just… keep the stockings and the heels on and we have a deal."

Hinata grins at that. She'd had no intention of taking either off, which makes this the best deal she's ever made. Slowly, the beautiful kunoichi-turned-whore walks the man back towards the bed, her gentle hand on his chest pushing him back, step by step. Eventually, he hits the edge and falls backwards onto the soft mattress behind him. When the man slides himself further onto the bed, Hinata is quick to follow him, still wearing her knee-high stockings and her platform heels as she eagerly 'climbs aboard'.

With her pussy lips so very close to his cock tip, Hinata dropped herself down and moaned. She was so damn wet, over half his shaft slid into her right then and there. Hinata was left panting as she pushed and pushed until ALL of his cock was inside of her, pressed snugly up against her cervix. The slutty ninja then began to bounce up and down on his dick just as she'd said she would, riding him and impaling herself on his member over and over again.

It was glorious, for both of them. Hinata hadn't had a cock in far too long and her fingers just didn't do the trick. With everything that had been happening as well as the torch she was still carrying for Naruto, Hinata hadn't had the time or the desire to look for some care free, no-strings attached sex back in the leaf village. But only now as she fucked herself on a john's dick like a good little whore, did Hinata realize just how much she'd NEEDED this.

Crying out, Hinata orgasmed on the spot, moaning wantonly and bouncing a bit wildly as her pussy walls clenched down HARD on the cock of the man beneath her. His eyes bulged out of his head at the insane pressure and a moment later he cums inside of her, filling her with his seed.

"Yes, yes, YES! OH GOD YES!"

Feeling him paint her womb white with cum is one of the most amazing things Hinata has experienced in a long, long time. Still, she's not done quite yet is she? There's still one more hole that has to be broken in yet again, before she can really be considered a proper whore once more. Pulling off of the panting john, Hinata grins down at him. Slowly, he gets off his back and looks at her curiously. With his gaze fixed on her slutty, toned body, Hinata turns around and lowers her face to the bed, raising her hips into the air at the same time.

Still wearing her knee highs and her platform heels, Hinata exposes and presents her tight, cleaned, lubed up asshole to the man who's purchased her for the evening. Biting her lower lip, the kunoichi-turned-whore spreads her butt cheeks far, far apart and looks back over her shoulder with needy desire in her eyes.

With her pussy dripping cum and her in such a position, the john doesn't need to hear her say what she wants when it's so damn obvious to him. Grinning almost ferally, the man quickly gets onto his knees as well, lining up his cock with her tight butt hole and pressing the tip of it against her sphincter. Even lubed up and prepared for this, it's been a long time for Hinata. Her mouth opens in a silent scream and her eyes widen to the size of saucers as she takes a thick, long meat rod up her ass for the first time in a very long while.

Her butt hole easily opens up to the john and he has no problem diving deep into her bowels right away. This makes it all the harder for Hinata to keep control as he begins to plow her ass right from the get go. In moments, Hinata is climaxing again, this time solely from her anus.

"Please… please, please, please…"

"Please what slut?"

Hinata whimpers but gets the words out anyways.

"Please! Please don't stop! Fuck me like the whore I am, ALL NIGHT LONG!"

The man just laughs and begins to spank her pale, white ass red with his large bear paw hands as he continues to give her exactly what she wants. The dicking of her life.


Hinata got what she wanted that night, a fucking that left her filled and covered in cum, fucked senseless by not just that man but a few johns that came after him. She'd told the Madam to just send them in one after the other, and Abumi had not disappointed, seeming to understand the desire and lust in Hinata's eyes as she asked for that.

Now though, it was the middle of the next day and Hinata found herself teamed up with Naruko for a high paying client. The blonde had glomped Hinata yet again as soon as they saw each other, and then when she'd pulled back, she'd asked a simple question with a wide grin, that had in turn placed an identical wide grin on Hinata's face.

"You remember the Nuru Massage?"

Hinata certainly did. Together, the two of them walked to the room specially prepared for such activities, where they'd been told that their client was already waiting. However, both were surprised to discover that said client was a beautiful woman who clearly had absolutely no qualms about her modesty.

The voluptuous beauty sat naked on the Nuru massage table, her legs crossed but otherwise her full body on display as she raked her eyes up and down Naruko and Hinata both.

"… Yes, you two will do quite nicely. If nothing else, I can always have you service me on your knees. I have high hopes though, my friend Abumi spoke quite highly of both of your skills. Shall we begin?"

While a bit flustered and a bit taken aback by the self-confident 'friend of Abumi', Naruko and Hinata were professionals and all business. Well, Naruko was a professional but Hinata was still all business as they both stripped naked and began the process of getting lubed up for the Nuru Massage. When both were glistening and covered in oil, they had the client lie down on her side. Naruko took the front while Hinata took the back.

This double-teaming version of the Nuru Massage required a larger table, but given the way the beautiful woman between them was moaning in seconds, it was well worth it as they sandwiched her and hugged her to their oily bodies, slowly transferring the clear fluid onto every inch of her form as well. Hinata realized that the sound of flesh against flesh was being mixed with something else soon enough and as she looked over the client's shoulder, she found her and Naruko lip locked together.

More than that, Naruko had a hand between the client's legs and the client was doing the same for Naruko. Not one to be left out, Hinata wrapped her oily arms around the two of them and used her equally oily palms to spread the clear liquid across the sides of both women's breasts and down their bodies, hitting all the places that the simple full body massage could not hit easily.

Soon enough, the three women sandwich was slowly transitioning into a pile of glistening gooey pleasure as the client used her slickness to spin and face Hinata, drawing her into the debauchery as well. Naruko, Hinata and the client kissed and fingered and groped to their heart's content, half the time not even sure WHO each of them were actually playing with. But everyone got it and ultimately, they were all brought to a spectacular orgasm, one after the other.

Things transitioned to the floor after that, as not even the large massage table could fit them all on it when they started a daisy chain with one another. Hinata's face was buried into Naruko's delicious pussy, while Naruko's was buried in the client. Meanwhile, the client was proving that she probably WAS a longtime friend of Abumi's, using her tongue in ways Hinata had never known were possible.

Much to her reluctant pleasure and shame, Hinata is the first to cry out and climax. Still, the guilt is diminished a moment later when her vocal enjoyment of this fact brings Naruko to climax as well, starting a bit of a chain reaction that ends with the client vocalizing her OWN orgasm into Hinata's cunt. Things continue from there and by the time they all lay on the floor exhausted and no longer capable of doing much of anything, every has cum several times.

"Damn… you girls were far better than expected. That was probably one of the best massages I've ever gotten. I only wish I could steal you two away from Abumi. My brothel is a bit smaller admittedly, but that just means a larger share for the two of you from the earnings we pull in. What do you say?"

It's clear that the woman isn't very serious, though the offer is probably still legitimate. When Naruko and Hinata both answer in the negative however, she does not get offended. Instead she simply chuckles and sighs, squeaking a bit as she shifts in her spot on the floor.

"Figured as much… damn Abumi, always commanding such loyalty and respect. You two are good girls though, sticking by your Madam. She deserves love like yours."

It was a bit of a cheesy moment to end things on, but that was the bit where the client got up and moved to get cleaned off and dressed, leaving Naruko and Hinata to do the same once she was gone. They spent the night in each other's arms and the next day, did it all over again with a new client, this time male.


Days later, Hinata lay with Naruko in bed. It was a rare night once more where neither was entertaining a client. Instead, they'd 'entertained' each other and only now did they both relax, sweaty and breathless in one another's arms.


Blinking, the pupil-less kunoichi looked to her blonde lover questioningly.

"Yes Naruko?"

Licking her lips, the whore stared up at her with big, earnest blue eyes.

"Hinata… you should stay. For good I mean. This time, don't go back too Konoha. Stay here at the brothel… stay with me. Y-you're a natural at being a whore a-and you know that's not an insult! You love it here, just as much as I do. You're HAPPY here, a-aren't you? And… and you could have died in that war… I could have lost you a-and who would have told me about it? Who would have known that Naruko at A-Abumi's brothel needed to be informed of your d-death? I-I need to know your safe Hinata… I need you… p-please."

Seeing the heartfelt need in Naruko's earnest gaze, Hinata couldn't just say no, as was her initial instinct. All of the usual excuses ran through her head. She had a duty to Konoha and a duty to Naruto as her Hokage, especially during a time of rebuilding like this. Deserting now would simply break the new Hokage's heart. He might even hunt her down himself and not only would that take him away from his duties in the village as well as leave it unprotected, he might manage to find her… here.

Hinata couldn't risk that, even as much as she loved being a whore and letting loose, she was afraid of Naruto's judgment, of his disgust. Yet, she said none of this to Naruko. The blonde was staring at her with such clear hope that Hinata couldn't bring herself to crush it right then and there. Instead, she settled for a compromise that would leave neither of them happy.

"I can't just make a decision like that q-quickly Naruko… I'll need time to think about it. I'm sorry but that's the best I can do right now."

The blonde whore looked to be on the verge of tears, but she swallowed the lump in her throat and kept a stiff upper lip as she nodded in understanding. Of course, her lower lip was wobbling all the while and Hinata couldn't help but lean in and kiss her bedmate. Naruko froze for a brief moment before melting into the Hyuga's warm embrace. When she started kissing her back, Hinata knew she had the other girl sufficiently distracted from what the future probably held.

Of course, to KEEP Naruko distracted required quite a lot of vigorous activity on Hinata's part and the two didn't get much sleep as a result, even though they were both in bed all night long.


A couple more days had passed and the storm was slowly letting up. Hinata blinked dumbly as she was confronted by Madam Abumi and over half the brothel behind her one, slow night.

"Come again?"

The girls all chuckled and the crimson haired Madam rolled her eyes, a soft smile on her face.

"We want to throw you a bit of a going away party before you have to leave Hinata. But it isn't much of a part if you're not enjoying yourself. What would you like to do?"

Staring at all of the excited looks directed her way, Hinata realized there was really only one thing she truly wanted. Blushing deeply, the dark haired kunoichi shrugs her shoulders.

"I'd love to go through a gangbang with Naruko l-like the last time I was here, if that's okay…"

There's some small measure of disappointment as the 'party' suddenly sounds like a part of two, plus a whole lot of johns. Naruko is the only one who cheers, but the abrupt movement causes her to sneeze loudly and repeatedly, before a hacking fit overtakes it. Hinata was worried, but ultimately came to the same realization as everyone else… Naruko had gotten a cold.

… And she wouldn't be able to participate in the gangbang in that case. The rest of the working girls swiftly realized this as well and began to heatedly argue over who would take her place. Naruko looked miserable and Hinata sent an apologetic look her way… but ultimately, the Hyuga just wanted to get fucked. If she couldn't have Naruko with her by her side, she was pretty damn flexible on her replacement.


Madam Abumi abruptly shut the entire conversation down, first with that loud exclamation and then with her next words.

"Since Naruko is not able to perform beside our resident kunoichi, I will be the one to help Hinata with her gangbang."

Dead silence and as Hinata glances around, she sees that the other girls are all just as surprised and stunned as she is. That's good, she was worried she'd be the odd one out. But no, it seemed that her first thought was correct. Madam Abumi did not partake in the activities that her whores performed, not usually. And yet here she was, proclaiming her participation in a full on, no holds barred, gangbang.

The red head looked to Hinata and for a very brief moment, looked surprisingly vulnerable.

"Unless of course, Hinata would prefer someone else…"

It was an easy opening, but as Hinata had just been thinking earlier, there really wasn't anyone she'd choose to replace Naruko. Madam Abumi was definitely the best second pick she could think of though, now that the once-impossible option had suddenly become possible. Shaking her head rapidly, Hinata made this opinion known.

"N-No! I'd b-be honored to have you join me Madam Abumi!"

A pleased smile spread across the older woman's face and she looked at the sea of disappointed whores surrounding them.

"Well you heard her! It'll be Hinata and I tonight, with as many men are willing to pay for this prestigious, once in a life time privilege! The rest of you can get back to work!"

Hinata licked her lips as they all did, once again leaving just her, Naruko and Abumi alone. Naruko still looked miserable, but she also seemed a little happier. Though the sick blonde never said it, Hinata felt like Naruko was somewhat more okay with it being her Madam taking her place than any of her actual peers.

After she'd tucked Naruko in bed, Hinata let out a low sigh and went to find Abumi. It was almost time after all…


Hinata Hyuga KNEW she was hot. It had taken her a lot of growing up and a long time to realize it, but she'd long since admitted, at least to herself, that she was one smoking hot young woman. The life of a kunoichi left her with abs and biceps, but she also had a nice large pair of tits, wide hips, and a big ass that while toned, still bounced if she walked the right way.

And yet, kneeling on the floor completely naked next to the Madam of the brothel, Hinata couldn't help but feel completely inadequate. Abumi was the kind of mature beauty that Hinata hoped she'd still have in ten to twenty years. At just around forty years of age, the red head still had it, ALL of it. Her breasts were slightly larger than Hinata's and barely sagged despite the Madam's age. Her body was far more curvaceous than Hinata's as well, where the Hyuga had muscles and sharp edges, Madam Abumi had soft, pliant, malleable flesh for a man to grip and grab and knead to his heart's content.

Her hips weren't much wider than Hinata's, but her ass was far fatter, shaped like a massive heart and jiggling with each and every movement she made, thanks to a later life of decadence and excess. All in all, Hinata didn't really feel like she measured up to the beautiful older Madam. She didn't understand that some men would prefer her toned, fit form over Abumi's voluptuous soft figure and she didn't understand that her relative youth still gave her an advantage that the secretly jealous brothel owner could never truly overcome.

Regardless, it didn't matter because both women were in for the same experience that night. Both of them were going to get fucked in every last hole, over and over again, like the slutty little whores they truly were, under the cover of kunoichi or madam. The doors to the room they were knelt in suddenly opened up and the girls that Abumi had put in charge for the evening led the men who had paid truly exorbitant prices to do what they were about to do, in.

The johns were just as shocked to see Abumi naked and on her knees as the girls and Hinata had been when she'd announced her intentions. Even though the whole thing had been billed as a once in a lifetime opportunity, it was clear that for these well-off men, SEEING was believing. The surprise swiftly turned to raunchy grins and the girls in charge quickly left them alone with the multitude of johns as men began to disrobe and expose themselves to Hinata and the Madam.

"Welcome, all of you. Our dear Hinata is leaving us once again and quite soon. When asked how she wished to be sent off, the slutty little whore begged to be gangbanged by the finest men in the area. Now here you are. And of course, one woman, no matter how whorish, will never be enough for so many delicious, thick cocks. As such, I shall be here to relieve the burden from Hinata, so she does not drown in the pleasure she so craves. Treat us kindly, please."

Judging from the looks in the eyes of the men around them, kindness wasn't necessarily on the menu. Not that Hinata cared and she imagined from the way Abumi was shifting her thighs together ever so slightly that the Madam didn't either. Grinning widely, Hinata continued where the red head had left off.

"Please… we offer our mouths to any and all who would like to be serviced before the main event begins."

Was it sad that she'd practiced her lines before this? The men didn't seem to think so as Hinata and Abumi both opened their mouths and stuck out their tongues in unison. In no time at all, Hinata was choking on her first dick as Abumi deep-throated a member beside her.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

While Hinata gagged happily on the cock meat pistoning in and out of her throat, she made note of the fact that similar sounds were not coming from the Madam. Instead, the red head was somehow taking her first john all the way to the base without a single sound besides the slurp of her tongue on his cock and the suck of her lips along his length.

It was certainly both humbling and inspiring to watch the experienced crimson haired beauty work. Abumi took the first load of cum down her throat in under a minute and she went through two more men before Hinata extracted a release from HER first john. After that, he was replaced by another and soon, the Hyuga girl simply lost count of how many they'd each made cum. Her focus became zeroed in on whichever cock was currently in her mouth and she did her absolute best to satisfy each and every one of the men who came to her with dick in hand.

It was obvious that Abumi was more skilled than her… but this was not a competition. Hinata was in this for the fun of it and boy was she having fun. The kunoichi had missed being used and abused like this, especially in a safe setting. There had been times when the threat of rape was very real on a mission, but Hinata had never been tempted to allow such a thing to happen to her. Only in a controlled environment where she gave her body freely too be fucked and punished and savaged, was she able to truly let go and enjoy herself.

By the time the last of the men had been serviced orally, Hinata was dripping wet with a small puddle of pussy juices formed on the floor beneath her. She also had cum all over her face and breasts, and glancing to her left let her confirm that Abumi was in a similar state of messiness. Seeing all of the johns standing there, looking around and realizing that nobody else was waiting to have their cocks sucked, both Hinata and Abumi rose from the floor gracefully as one unit.

As they turned around, Hinata distractedly noticed a similar puddle of sexual fluids where the Madam of the brothel had been knelt, something that turned her on even more. Both beauties, young and old, turned and bent over at the waist, their legs spreading wide and their hands curling around their ankles as they presented their beautiful large asses and gushing pussy lips to the assembled crowd of men.

Once again, it was Hinata's moment to happily exclaim the following.

"It's time gentlemen! Please, fuck all of our holes as much as you wish! Fuck and use us like the slutty whores we are! I beg of you, fuck us long and hard until neither of us can hope to walk the next day!"

The men didn't need to be told twice, though there was a bit of pushing and shouting before the first got to them and grabbed hold of their wide hips. Hinata and Abumi exchanged a look and a pair of smiles before each was abruptly distracted by thick, hard cocks shoved up their cunts in unison. Hinata's ninja training allowed her to keep her balance, but Abumi, while a skilled brothel Madam, was a bit out of practice.

While Hinata stayed on her feet and got fucked hard standing up by the man behind her, Abumi swiftly crumpled to the floor, falling forward onto her face and her knees. The john fucking her from behind went down with her, a curse on his lips. But he barely missed a stride, plowing her from above as hard as he could.

It was one of the hottest things Hinata had ever seen, the proud, crimson haired brothel owner, taking a dick like the common whore she hadn't been for a very, very long time. Of course, she was a little distracted by the cock up her own cunt. Moaning wantonly Hinata reached back with one hand and frigged her clit as the man continued to slam home into her from behind.

The distraction was compounded by another john coming up around to the front. Hinata found her head abruptly pulled up by her long silken black hair as a dick rubbed against her face. Her mouth already open as another wanton moan escaped her lips, Hinata found herself cut off by the big hard length sliding right down her throat.

Spit roasted between the two men, Hinata didn't really get to see Madam Abumi's defilement beside her, except out of her periphery. She got to hear it though, over the sounds of cocks going in and out of her own holes and her moans and the grunts and groans of the men those cocks belonged to. Hinata could hear Madam Abumi take dick after dick, her tight, clenching pussy driving men to orgasm inside and all over her surprisingly fast.

Of course, there was no more plan at this point. After the blowjob/deep-throat train and the presenting of their cunts and asses, Hinata and Abumi had no intention of anything besides being used, well into the next day. As such, things continued as one might expect. The first man filled Hinata with his seed and then the other one came down her throat as well.

They were quickly replaced, but not before Hinata found herself pulled to the floor alongside the brothel owner beside her. A john slipped under Hinata and she was soon bouncing up and down on his large schlong. Meanwhile, a brave soul split her ass cheeks apart and shoved his dick up her lubed and cleaned anus, plowing her back door just as hard as the one in her cunt. Her mouth was also quickly re-occupied and her wrists were grabbed so that big, fat dicks could be plopped down into her open palms.

Hinata was in charge of five sizable members at that point and she did her best to pay equal attention to all of them. Luckily, her focus could be on the ones in her hands and her mouth, as the ones in her ass and cunt were pretty 'self-reliant' in comparison. Either way, Hinata was having the time of her life, taking the dicks she'd so desperately craved in every orifice with gusto.

They came inside of her and Madam Abumi and they came outside as well. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason, it was merely the john's individual choice whether or not they filled a hole or painted the canvases that were the bodies of the two slutty whores. Over and over again, cock after cock. Hinata was in heaven, reaching heights of ecstasy that she'd never felt before. This was the life and unbidden, her talk with Naruko about staying jumped to mind.

Perhaps that's why, when the cock inside of her mouth filled it with cum and she swallowed it all down, Hinata blurted out the following before another could take its place.

"FUCK ME! DON'T STOP, NEVER STOP! Fuck me so hard I'll never want to leave, cum inside of my aching womb and fill it to the brim so I can't possibly NOT get knocked up! Impregnate me so I have to stay here as a whore for as long as possible! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck MEEEEE!!!"

As Hinata climaxed rapidly, one orgasm after another from both her own words and the thick meat rods plowing her holes, Abumi threw a glance over and smirked. She was currently double fisting to cocks but had none in her mouth as she licked her cum-covered lips and gave her response.

"That's my girl, you little slut. You heard the whore boys! You all better not fail! That cum dump has earned me far too much to just get to walk away! Pump a baby in her, hell make it triplets!"

That seemed to reinvigorate the men and the fucking got a helluva lot more intense, for both Hinata AND Abumi. Some of the men knew, while some didn't, but the actual possibility of pregnancy was impossible. The brothel had preventatives for such things and both Abumi and Hinata were in no danger of truly getting knocked up.

That didn't stop Hinata from longing for it anyways, and it didn't stop Abumi from capitalizing on her words to get the johns all around them even FURTHER riled up. The sex from that point on became far, far rougher, almost brutal to the point of injury, but never quite there. Hinata and Abumi were soundly fucked in each hole until they were left gaping, though Hinata's cum loads all took place almost exclusively in her cunt, as the men fucking her each made sure to transition to that hole from her mouth or ass when they were about to spill their load.

By the time it was all over and the last of the johns was too exhausted to continue, both Hinata and Abumi were outright messes, ruined beyond belief. They lay on the floor, naked yet covered in a thick, thick layer of cum. At the same time, massive gushing waves of the sticky white fluid was flowing out from between their spread, bowed legs. Hinata's cum flow was much more than Abumi's, but the thoroughly used brothel owner still had quite the river of hot seed flooding out of the valley that was her thighs.

Hinata was swiftly falling unconscious, now that her adrenaline was fading and her body was finally beginning to shut down. Abumi on the other hand, was not quite so tired. The Madam had this on the younger woman as well, a sexual stamina that Hinata clearly couldn't quite match. Smiling, the crimson haired Madam looked upon Hinata's ruined body and let out a mixed sigh of disappointment and pride.

The kunoichi would have made for an amazing brothel girl… she truly was a natural born whore. Yet, unlike Naruko, Abumi knew better than to ask Hinata to stay. She knew what happened to nuke nin and defectors. She wouldn't wish that on the girl and she couldn't possibly risk her brothel or the girls under her protection for Hinata's sake, regardless of how personally fond of the girl she was.

In the end, Hinata wouldn't be able to stay and that pained Abumi's heart more than she'd thought possible. Still, at least she'd been able to give the girl a nice and proper sendoff…


A day later, and the brothel was actually CLOSED for the moment. This was because every single worker in said brothel was out front of it. At the head of the largest public gathering of whores that the town had ever seen were Madam Abumi and Naruko. They stood before Hinata and one smiled while the other sniffled and tried to keep from breaking down. There were actually more than a few tears in the crowd of prostitutes. Hinata was well-loved at the brothel, her eagerness and willingness to help, giving the girls someone to go to when they needed it.

All good things come to an end though, and this was the end of this particular good thing. Naruko suddenly sobbed and darted from Abumi's side, latching onto Hinata one last time in a full body hug. The brothel owner watched her go, arms crossed under her large chest as she tried to keep her own emotions in check. Wouldn't do to cry in front of all her subordinates and clients after all.

Hinata caught the blonde missile in her arms and held her close, rubbing soothing circles into the sobbing Naruko's back as she breathed in her scent for the last time.

"I'm sorry Naruko, but you know I have to go… I could never stay forever, no matter how much I wanted to. It would only put all of you in danger. More than that though, I have people who depend on me back home. I can't abandon them."

"I-I know… I understand Hinata… b-but nothing is forever a-and maybe we'll meet again. I-if that happens, then it's fate, o-okay? It's fate and y-you should stay for good b-because that's what fate wants!"

A soft smile spreads across Hinata's face as she slowly pulls back from the now sniffling once more Naruko, holding the blonde, blue eyed working girl by the shoulders.

"I don't believe in fate Naruko, but if we do meet again, I'll believe that it's meant to be, okay?"

A small smile spreads across Naruko's face and she nods in agreement, even as she rubs her teary eyes with the back of her hand. Hinata turns to go, but Naruko's hand lashes out at the last moment and catches Hinata's wrist before moving down to intertwine their fingers. Looking back, curiously, Hinata can only stare as Naruko stares at her with such conviction, her eyes red and her face splotchy, but her gaze powerful and unyielding.

"You better tell him Hinata. You better tell that dense boy of yours you love him. I w-want you to marry him and make babies with him. F-for me okay? So that I know you're happy, no matter how far a-apart we are. O-Okay?"

Hinata can't help but smile at that. It is both a difficult and easy ask of her, at the same time. In the end though, she nods and answers truthfully with a single word response.


Naruko lets her go and Hinata turns back around to head down the road towards Konoha. This time, nobody stops her and though the Hyuga feels like she's losing out by leaving, she can also see what she'll gain by going. The blonde whore that she saved all that time ago is right, in the end. Hinata can't keep putting it off, she WON'T keep putting it off. The kunoichi would keep her simple promise to Naruko. She couldn't set aside her own happiness any longer. It was time to find it and she would find it in Konoha, with HER Hokage.


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