Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Hero’s Reward (Legend of Zelda)

A/N: This piece was originally written in seven parts over the course of March-July of 2017.

Themes: Loving Sex, Breeding, Fucked Silly

Summary: After saving the day like he did, it was only natural that Zelda be a bit enamored with the hero Link. So when she finds out he intends to leave... well she has to convince him to stay right?


It was finally over. The Twilight gone, Zant destroyed, Ganondorf defeated. All made possible by one man, one Twili, and if she could take a moment to brag, Zelda felt she had at least a tiny bit to do with it as well. But in the end, the Princess knew that Link was the true hero of this story. And a hero like him deserved a hero's reward damn it!

That's why she had NOT let him ride off into the forest like he'd initially planned. Hyrule needed to be rebuilt, that was true. Princess Zelda was the one to rebuild it, which was also true. But more than anything, Hyrule needed its savior. Or perhaps, it was Zelda who needed her savior. Either way, she found herself in her bedroom with Link dressed in his same old green tunic, still geared up.

He was confused of course, she'd found him trying to leave, yelled at him, and then pulled him by the hand to where they were now without a single explanation. The fact that he needed one after everything just showed how dense her hero was. Sighing, Zelda locked the door behind her and stepped up to the confused Link as he turned around. Before he could say anything, she was kissing him.

It was everything the Princess had hoped for. He was inexperienced, confused, and surprised… yet he was hers and she was his, and that was all that truly mattered. She guided him backwards until the inside of his knees hit the bed and then he was falling back with her on top of him still, kissing him for all he was worth.

By this point, the surprise had long since worn off for Link. Yet he clearly didn't mind as he made no move to resist or push her away. In fact, his arms encircled her petite frame after a moment, and he began to kiss her back finally. He kissed the same way he fought, inexperienced and untested, but with all his heart and soul until he won anyways.

Zelda found it easy to melt into his embrace because of this. He was so earnest and forthright about it. Yes, Link was her hero… which is why SHE had to make the moves, because he was too good of a man to ever do it himself. She began to undo the ties on her dress as they kissed, but Link didn't notice until she grabbed his hand and placed it directly on her breast. Link froze up and after a moment's indecision pulled back from her lips.

For the first time, their eyes connected, his holding a question and hers full of all the love and adoration she felt for him as she tried to channel it his way. Zelda's lips curl into a small smile and she nods slowly, answering his silent question with a silent response. Link's skin flushed, but his hand began to move, slowly feeling the contour of her breast and squeezing and playing with her sensitive flesh.

Zelda's breath hitched under the calloused grip of her hero, and she went back to kissing him, allowing him to play as he wished with her body. His other hand came up shortly after to latch onto her other breast and Zelda moaned into his mouth as he kneaded her tits carefully. After a moment, Zelda moved her hands down and undid his belt buckle, causing Link to pause again as her hand moved into his pants and fished out his cock.

It was already half hard, but it jumped when she touched it, and as she stroked it up and down, it got harder still. Growing thick in her hand, Zelda couldn't help but marvel at its size and begin to question whether she'd be able to fit the entire thing inside of her. Still, she'd come too far to back out now. She would definitely give it a try.

Though it seemed Zelda wouldn't have a choice in the matter anyways, as a low growl suddenly emanated from beneath her and she found herself on her back in the next instant as Link flipped them over and took control of the situation. Zelda lay back as he began to assault her body more directly, but her hand never left his cock. Not until he grabbed her wrists and pushed them along with her arms above her head.

In that moment she was entirely at his mercy as his exposed length rubbed against her dress and he kissed her heatedly, his tongue invading her mouth and wrestling with her own until she was left heated and panting. She loved it, loved that Link was so easily riled up. Spreading her legs, the Princess moaned into her savior's mouth, trying to express how much she needed him inside of her right fucking now.

He seemed to get the message, because he released her wrists for a moment and grabbed at her dress, hiking it up scandalously high to reveal her undergarments. It wasn't as simple as pulling her panties off or even to the side though, and Zelda started moving to help him gain access to her cunt when he took matters into his own hands quite literally by grabbing and tearing.

Zelda let out a yelp as he ripped apart the fabric between him and his prize, but she couldn't deny that she found it to be incredibly hot. Link was almost animalistic right now in his feverish desire to get at her, and she was more than happy to accommodate him. He grabbed his cock in one hand and gripped her inner thigh with the other. Only then did he look her in the eye again, but this time there was no question in his gaze.

Instead, she found love, desire, and affection there, and Zelda found herself bringing a hand up to caress her face. Then, he was pushing inside of her and Zelda's mouth opened wide in a silent O as he took her virginity, more than likely losing his own in the process. There was pain, of course there was, but she was sharing that pain and this moment with the man she loved, and next to that, the pain was nothing.

He was so big, and Zelda felt every bit of his length as he slid deeper inside of her. Luckily she'd been more than a little aroused by this point herself, his play with her breasts and their extended make out session had gotten her just as riled up as it had gotten him. Link slid in rather easily because of this, only stopping once he was fully inside of her, their bodies connected in perfect harmony.

But the hero was not to be denied, and Link did not wait long before he began to thrust, not that Zelda would have wanted him to. It was divine, the feeling of him fucking her, making love to her for the first time. It was everything the Princess wanted, her hero, not only receiving his just reward, but taking it from her.

She bit her lower lip as his thrusts got harder, faster. Her arms came up to encircle his neck and drag him down so she could kiss him once more. Her legs came up and wrapped around his body, her slippers clicking together as he filled her again and again with his cock. Unable to contain her voice any longer, Zelda suddenly withdrew from his lips and threw her head back, crying out in ecstatic delight she was sure the entire Castle would be able to hear.

Let them hear, she wouldn't mind. Though it seemed Link did, as a moment later he growled again and covered her mouth with his hand, muffling her cries as his thrusts got faster, pushing even deeper into her. In that moment, with her hero on top of her, taking her and even controlling her voice, Zelda climaxed, seeing stars as her pussy clenched rhythmically around his length.

Link stopped, clearly surprised, before letting out a low moan of his own at the way her inner passage was gripping and clenching around his length. But he didn't cum and for a moment Zelda was amazed at her hero's sheer stamina. Then he pulled out of her and flipped her onto her front. The Princess was surprised, but none the less excited and she happily raised her hips up into the air for him as he flipped her dress up to expose her pert bottom.

He was inside of her again in mere moments, and Zelda clutched at the bed sheets under her, before grabbing a pillow right in front of her face and biting down on it as he began to really fuck her, his hands gripping and kneading her fine ass while he did so. He was almost feral in his thrusts, coming down on her again and again until he drove the strength out of her knees and flattened her against the bed, his own knees on either side of her straight legs as he leaned over her.

Link literally fucked Zelda into the bed and she loved every moment of it, her cries only escalating in length and volume, but relatively muffled by the pillow like Link had made clear he wanted of her. And by the Gods, if he fucked her like this every day she'd do whatever he wanted for the rest of her life. Link leaned in in, covering Zelda's smaller body with his own as he nuzzled and sucked at her neck, until finally she felt his cock pulsing inside of her and suddenly he was cumming, his white hot fluids painting her insides for what felt like forever, until he was done and collapsed atop her, panting heavily.

Zelda turned her head and smiled as Link took the opportunity to lay a chaste kiss on her cheek. They rested like that for a time, her hero and his princess, forever more.


It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and a light breeze kept it from being just a little too hot. As Zelda stood on a balcony of Hyrule Castle and looked out over her people gathered below, she smiled and it was genuine in its entirety. She'd been almost unwilling to believe it but things really were going to be okay. She waved down at her people even as she was aware of Link standing slightly behind her to her right and two guards standing at the balcony entrance behind them.

The people below, Hyrule's populace, looked up at her expectantly. She needed to speak, needed to tell them all it was going to be okay. So she would. After all, she was Queen now. Her clear voice rang out across the courtyard, easily reaching the people below.

"People of Hyrule! We have survived great hardship and great tragedy. Those lost can never be replaced; however those of us who remain can look to their memory for strength! The darkness over Hyrule is ended, but there is much for us to do still! And we will do it together!"

The Hyrulians listened to her words and cheered in agreement. Zelda had always been a much loved Princess. The fact that she played a part in their salvation only helped to secure her rule. Smiling, the newly crowned Queen reached back and took hold of Link's hand, squeezing it once for comfort before pulling him up to stand directly beside her.

The hero was suddenly pulled into the populace's field of view and a hush fell over the crowd as they stared up at him. Link was a bit embarrassed and entirely silent as Zelda spoke for him.

"This man, this hero, saved us all in our time of need. His name is Link and he defeated the evil that plagued our lands, freeing us all from our imprisonment! He is the Savior of Hyrule and he will always have a place by my side! I have taken him on as my sworn sword and together we shall bring Hyrule back from the brink and make it the prosperous Kingdom we all know it can be! With Link at my side, there is nothing I cannot accomplish!"

Another round of cheers from the crowd below and Zelda smiled wide. They liked him, which was good, because what the Queen felt for her hero was a lot more than 'like' at this point. Still, the best speeches were short and sweet and to the point, so Zelda moved to finish up.

"For now, we all have a lot of work to do. I leave you to yours while I continue with mine. People of Hyrule, my people, know that I am always with you and you are always in my thoughts. Hyrule Rises!"

A cheer rose up from the crowd and a chant did as well.

"Hyrule Rises! Hyrule Rises! Hyrule Rises!"

Zelda watched with that same wide smile as the crowd's chant ran its course and the people began to disperse. Once they were gone she turned around and looked to the guards stationed behind her.

"I would like a moment in private with my sworn sword. Leave us, please."

Both gave short bows, as best as they could in their plate armor, and turned and left the balcony. Zelda and Link were suddenly alone and as she turned to her hero, Zelda felt like a silly little girl, smiling at him tentatively, her cheeks flushing.

"How did I do?"

For answer, Link stepped forward and took her in his arms, kissing her deeply. Zelda did not resist, even though she knew they were still close enough to the balcony's parapet for anyone looking up to see their intimate moment. Despite now being the Queen, Zelda could not find it in herself to resist her savior. And if he wanted to kiss her out in the open like this, she was fine with it. In fact, she was a little aroused by the thought that someone might see them.

After a moment Link drew back and smiled at her. Then, he slid down to his knees, his hands wrapping around her to grasp her ass through her dress. Zelda's breath hitched as Link nuzzled at her covered sex happily. Then his hands came down and he began to pull up her hem. She let him do as he like and when he had the hem of her dress high enough, she took it from him, holding it in her hands and exposing herself quite lewdly to his gaze.

Zelda's face was bright red as Link stared at her exposed pussy. She wore no underwear, on his instruction so her arousal was immediately apparent as he breathed her scent in. Her breath hitched again and a slight moan escaped her lips as he touched her with his fingers, slowly sliding one in and out of her greedy little cunt. Her insides clutched at just one digit, not inclined to let even a small part of its lover go.

She was helplessly, hopelessly in love with Link and she knew it. She also knew her behavior was unbecoming of a Queen, but Zelda had already decided she didn't care. Whimpering, the young woman had to bite her lower lip to keep from crying out as Link dived in and began licking and nuzzling her pussy. He hadn't been very skilled at first with this particular bit of oral pleasuring, however he'd attacked the task with the same ferocity and tenacity that he did everything else and now he was quite aware of the effect he had on her when he used his tongue this way.

One of her hands left the hem of her dress to grab his head for support. Zelda leaned over him slightly as her legs buckled under his efforts. His hands came up to wrap around her lower half and he held the panting girl steady as she was overwhelmed by his efforts. Soon enough she was crying out loudly, her melodic voice spiking through the air as her body shook and she came all over her savior's face.

Zelda was still trying to recover when Link rose from his knees, maintaining his hold on her all the way. Leaning on him for support to catch her breath, she nuzzled his chest happily for a moment. But they both knew he wasn't done yet, so the Queen wasn't surprised when he spun her around and pressed her against the balcony edge in front of her. Zelda braced herself on the stone parapet and pressed back against him provocatively, feeling his hard cock's outline through his pants.

He let out a low growl as he grabbed the back of her dress and flipped it up over her rump, exposing the naked creamy white flesh to his eyes. He brought a hand down on her ass and Zelda let out a pleased gasp as he marked her. Then, he was kneading her ass cheeks aggressively and Zelda's legs buckled again, a moan escaping her throat.

"P-please Link, I need you inside of me."

The plea slipped out, but it seemed to do the trick as Link stopped molesting her and fumbled with his pants. Zelda waited impatiently, looking over her shoulder as he fished his huge cock out of his pants and stepped up to her bare ass. Biting her lower lip again, the newly crowned Queen could only watch, her entire body heating up in anticipation as her savior guided the head of his cock into her waiting wet cunt and pushed home into her tight passage.

Moaning loudly, Zelda could only maintain her hold on the parapet as Link grabbed her curvy hips and began to fuck her. Her legs spread wide of their own accord as she took him inside of her again and again, his thrusts long, forceful, and powerful. Just the way she liked it. Looking back at him, Zelda smiled widely, pushing her ass back at his crotch in time with his thrusts so that he was hilting inside of her with each push.

"Yes, yes! Fuck me Link! Oh gods you're so BIG! Fuuuck me! That's an order from your Quee-EE-en!"

Zelda knew that she was not acting at all queenly right now. In fact, she was quite sure that anyone on the outside looking in would call her a slut. And the Queen would probably agree with them. She was a slut, in this moment, with this man, she was his slut. Her savior, her hero, and now her lover. His huge cock drove Zelda crazy and left her craving more. She hadn't been able to go more than a few hours since that first frenzied love making without tasting it or having it fill her.

As Link reached forward and grabbed her hair, pulling it into a blond ponytail and holding it in his fist like reins as he continued to savagely take her from behind, Zelda reflected that Link had ruined her for other men. Her first time with him had been everything she ever wanted, and every time afterwards just cemented that thinking just as this time was now.

Her head pulled back by Link's grip, Zelda's mouth opened wide and she cried out into the quiet air of the courtyard as Link fucked her against the parapet as hard as he could. Her climax came swiftly but it was not the last by far. He took her and made her his toy, using her until she was exhausted and could cum no more. Only then did he finally cum as well, and Zelda luxuriated in the feeling of his seed painting her insides white.

As they both came down from their respective orgasmic highs, Zelda fell back from the balcony edge, her back hitting his chest. Link caught her in his arms, wrapping her in a warm embrace and they just stood there for a second, her barely able to stay standing even with his support and him as stalwart and strong as ever, panting but nowhere near exhausted.

In that moment, Zelda knew she wanted to spend her life with Link. She wanted to bear his children; she wanted to make him her King. And if anyone got in her way, the gods would not be enough to protect them from her wrath.


The first time it happened, Link ended up ruining a bed. Explaining why the sheets and pillows were shredded by claw marks and why the frame had buckled under some weight greater than it was used to would have been difficult. Luckily, Zelda was the Queen and didn't have to explain anything. So she hadn't, though the rumor mill certainly had a field day with the occurrence.

Poor Link had been horrified by his loss of control and actions, apologizing to her profusely and seeming convinced she would want nothing to do with him ever again. Zelda had spent the rest of the night vehemently disabusing him of THAT notion, but there was still the fact that a pressure seemed to build inside Link that was tangentially connected to their abundant lovemaking. A solution was needed, but luckily Zelda found the problem to be a simple one to correct.

Her and her sworn sword began to take weekly visits into the woods next to Hyrule, unsupervised picnics where they could truly be themselves and… let go. Though to be fair, Zelda technically wasn't unsupervised so long as her sworn sword was with her. That was the justification she used to bar all guards from following them along on their picnics instead positioning said guards around the edge of the forest to make sure her and Link were not to be disturbed.

That's where the two of them were now, out on their weekly outing in their favorite clearing. A picnic basket sat on a beautifully woven blanket and the two of them had been working their way through the veritable feast the Castle Kitchen had prepared for them. Zelda was growing impatient though, having come to find the true purpose of these outings so fulfilling that she ended up looking forward to them even more than Link did. Privately, she thought he was still a little ashamed and uncomfortable with things.

Zelda had no such issues. She was no prude and furthermore, she was the Queen wasn't she? Society should conform to her standards, not she to theirs. Smiling and putting down half of her second sandwich, she crawled across the blanket to where Link was kneeling and suddenly invaded his personal space. He was surprised for only a moment as she kissed him, and then he was dropping his own food to the blanket and wrapping his arms around her, kissing her back just as thoroughly.

They held each other like that for a time, simply luxuriating in the other's embrace and taking in the beautiful sunny day and the sounds of the forest around them. This clearing was particularly perfect as it gave just the right amount of sunlight and shade to make the grass full but not too tall, making for a perfectly soft bed of the green blades. This was good, because after Zelda provoked Link, he could be a teensy bit rough. That was just the way she liked it though.

Deciding it was time, Zelda suddenly bit down on Link's lip instead of kissing him, hard enough to almost draw blood and causing the hero to yelp slightly. He had been expecting it of course, well; he'd been expecting something like it. But Zelda liked to change things up so he never quite knew when she'd start or where it'd come from. Grinning impishly at him, she untied her dress and pulled it off her body to reveal nothing but her bare skin underneath.

Link gulped loudly as he stared at her bare body, and then he leaned forward to kiss her again, his hands raised in the air clearly ready to begin touching her. With a light giggle, the queen drew back instead, leaving her savior to grasp at the air. He growled when he realized what she was doing, but still rose as she pranced away, naked as the day she was born, the soles of her feet bouncing through the soft grass.

Link chased after her, but Zelda stayed a bit ahead of him and when she couldn't do that she slipped out of his grasp after pinching or smacking him in sensitive areas. He continued to growl as she evaded him and those growls grew intensity until he couldn't take anymore, just as intended. He transformed then, going from her hero in green to a large wolf with a shackle and chain around its left foreleg. There was still intelligence in those big blue eyes though and Zelda knew it was still her lover in there.

But her lover had also just been teased in a quite mean way, and she could also see a certain hunger in his eyes that she recognized quite well. The wolf Link had become growled and pawed at the ground, clearly getting ready to leap. Zelda smiled and giggled again before turning to continue fleeing. This time though, the chase could barely be called a chase, over almost as soon as it had started again. Zelda was pushed to the soft grass floor of the clearing with a gasp as the large wolf pinned her down.

She stayed still as he snuffed at her, breathing in her scent and nuzzling her cheek before giving it as long lick. Then she felt him, felt his big dog dick unsheathing as the tip was suddenly rubbing against her ass. Zelda let out a low moan and raised her hips towards the huge beast pinning her down. Her pussy was already slick with arousal, and had been for some time. The Hyrulian Queen wanted this just as much as her feral savior by this point.

Link humped at her from behind for a bit, his wolf form seeming to enjoy rubbing against her naked body as his cock completely unsheathed, growing to its full size and lengthening considerably. When the tip finally began to push against Zelda's slit, she gasped loudly and then bit her lower lip as he pressed forward and into her. Human Link was big, but Wolf Link was huge and in her particularly naughty moments Zelda wondered if Midna had ever taken liberties when they had been traveling together.

Zelda certainly wouldn't have blamed the Twili, nor would she blame Link. As his huge wolf-like prick fully penetrated her tight needy passage, Zelda's eyes nearly rolled back in her head at the sheer sensation of being filled, his tapered cock tip pushing slightly into her womb and his knot pushing against her pussy lips as he growled in her ear. The queen clawed at the grass in front of her, pulling it up in clumps as she moaned in abject pleasure, her hips pushing back against the wolf dick.

Then he was thrusting into her and Zelda was well and truly fucked, her savior in his wolf form mounting and rutting her into the ground like she was just another bitch to be bred. In this moment, she truly was. Zelda may have been Queen, may have had a responsibility to her people, but in private, she was Link's through and through. And he was hers, but more often than not, it was Zelda that submitted to the domineering hero's powerful, almost savage love making.

This was no exception, the huge wolf taking her hard and not letting up as his crotch constantly slapped against her fat ass each time he filled her cunt with his length. In this moment, Zelda was just a filthy slut being used by a beast. Her royal pussy was being plugged again and again by an inhuman dick; the cock of an animal was wrecking her and drawing her closer and closer to climax. She cried out moments later as her body was wracked in orgasmic pleasure. She went over her peak but wasn't given a chance to come back down as the large wolf form of her lover continued to roughly fuck her.

One of the reasons the bed ended up destroyed the first time this had happened was the insane amount of stamina that Link's wolf form had. It was almost like the wolf was watching Link and Zelda fuck several times every day and each time Link came in his human form, the wolf inside him felt blue balled. As a result, these weekly picnics turned into hours of intense bestial mating as the wolf fucked load after load of cum into Zelda's womb.

His first release arrived soon after her climax, but his cock stayed hard and from there things just got rougher and harder. At some point Zelda had to give up the fight to stay on her hands and knees and instead fell onto her face and breasts. Luckily the grass was soft as she lay down, her arms just splayed out and shifting each time the wolf dick pushed into her drenched pussy.

It would be several more loads of cum in and outside of her before they were done and Link transformed back. By that time Zelda was more than exhausted, she was half unconscious, half delirious from the pleasure. In his human form Link would pick up his beautiful tired queen and carry her to a nearby stream where he would clean her up and hold her in the cool water until she'd recovered. This was still the Wolf's time, and so Link stayed clothed for all this so as to not offend it.

In the end, they would go back to the picnic and Zelda would get dressed. They would collect their blanket and basket, leaving what scraps of food were left for the forest creatures to find and heading out of the woods, back to the castle. The Royal Guards positioned at the edge of the woods would fall in behind them and nobody would mention the sounds they heard coming from said words while the Queen and her sworn sword had their picnic.

Not after one concerned guard had asked if they'd heard the howling, worried for his queen's safety.


It would have been easy to villainize an entire race simply for sharing their species with the vile Ganondorf. But it would also have perpetuated a cycle of violence and bloodshed that Queen Zelda wanted absolutely no part of. Zelda wished to see her land heal, she wished to see Hyrule pull itself back together and use its new found vitality and wealth to spread its influence and happiness to the lands beyond it.

So, one of the first things she did in her new position as Queen was reach out to the displaced Gerudo tribe. After Ganondorf's imprisonment they had retreated into the desert, facing discrimination from all sides for their relationship with the evil man, as well as their reputation as thieves. A tribe made entirely of warrior women, the Gerudo was a proud people who would not put up with harassment and disrespect.

Zelda could understand their position and even appreciate it. She'd called them to Hyrule in order to talk peace and to bring them back into the fold as full members of the Kingdom, afforded the same rights as any other citizen, any other species that lived under her rule. So far, the talks had gone well. It seemed the Gerudo truly wanted to be close with Hyrule again; they were forthright in the negotiations and even fair about what they asked for, to the point that Zelda believed things would be settled in days or weeks instead of months.

The talks had gone so well that she'd invited the leader of the Gerudo delegation, a statuesque tall warrior woman named Dahlia to sup with her in private. Now they sat at a large table in her dining room at either end, the only two occupants in the room besides Zelda's Link, ever present as her sworn sword, currently standing at the door quietly watching the conversation taking place. That conversation was the reason Zelda was beginning to regret the dinner invitation.

"You are very beautiful my Queen, yet also small and fragile, like a spring time flower. I wonder if you smell as nice as one as well."

Sentences like that had been the Gerudo woman's stock of trade for the entire dinner by this point. Ever since they'd sat down, Dahlia had been flirting aggressively with Zelda. It didn't exactly make the Queen uncomfortable, but it was clear that Dahlia was a dominating sort like most of the Gerudo and Zelda's heart and body belonged to another, making the advanced unwanted and unwarranted. Zelda gave a small smile in response to the darkly tanned warrior and spoke with a slight reprimand to her tone.

"I appreciate the compliment Chieftain. I have been told I smell quite nice, by my lover."

The other woman's smile twitched slightly at that and her eyes darted to Link where he stood at the doors behind Zelda.

"This one I assume, given he is allowed to be in the same room as us? Hm, he is acceptable I suppose, but I am not so sure he is fit for you. A delicate flower, such as yourself, must be cared for in a certain manner. Held in a firm hand, yet caressed with a… woman's touch wouldn't you say?"

Zelda's teeth grit behind her fake smile, and the grip on her knife and fork tightened noticeably. It took a moment for her to calm herself, the insult to her lover hitting harder than the comments about her own august body. When she was finally composed again, Zelda smiled sweetly and spoke with just as sweet a tone.

"Oh? You seem quite sure of yourself Dahlia. Perhaps a friendly wager then, hm?"

That seemed to excite the Gerudo as she grinned wide, showing off her rows of pearly white teeth and leaning forward in anticipation.

"I'm listening."

Zelda smirked, knowing she already had the proud warrior woman at this point. Dahlia did not seem like the type who could resist a challenge, no matter what the cost would be. Not that Zelda intended to make the cost anything too drastic. She wasn't out to hurt the Gerudo people or anything, just teach this one her place.

"Very well, let us have a spar between you and my sworn sword, the one behind me. Yes, he is my lover, but he is also a very capable warrior in his own right. The two of you will fight, no holds barred, merely avoid maiming and killing. When my sworn sword wins, you will submit to him for the evening and learn exactly why I allow him into my bed."

Dahlia's eyes darted between Zelda and Link a few times as she assessed the young Hyrulian man and clearly found him to be as wanting as she had the first time. Raising an eyebrow at Zelda, the Gerudo woman curled the corner of her mouth up into a smirk.

"An interesting proposal. But what happens when I win? I am more interested in you then your lover."

Zelda smirked back at that, already having an answer ready.

"Easy enough then, if you win you get both me and my lover for the night, to do with as you please."

The Gerudo's eyes lit up and she abruptly stood from her seat, almost knocking over her food in the process.

"I accept your wager your highness! Let us go to the courtyard now!"

Standing far more smoothly, Zelda smiled slightly and inclined her head.

"Of course, I shall lead the way."


Dahlia lay on her back, the breath knocked out of her for the umpteenth time and her glaive lying beside her, having fallen from nerveless fingers. A shadow fell over her face and she found the Queen looking down at her with a satisfied smug smirk that spoke volumes. The Gerudo woman was forced to admit that she'd been played, though it'd be more accurate to say that she played herself in underestimating the boy just because of his size and relatively small stature.

"I would say you lose the wager Dahlia. My sworn sword had proved too much for you, hasn't he?"

Squeezing her eyes shut, Dahlia was forced to nod in agreement, even as she slowly rose to a seated position, staring at the young man in green that still stood at the ready with his sword and shield. The Gerudo woman knew when she had loss and this was a definite defeat. Still, the boy was so unassuming. She couldn't help asking the question on the tip of her tongue.

"Who is he?"

Looking towards Zelda, she found a wide grin on the Queen's face.

"Ah yes, you haven't been properly introduced. Aside from being my sworn sword and lover, this is the Hero Link. Vanquisher of Ganondorf and Savior of Hyrule."

Dahlia's eyes widened and darted back to the boy in green. The normally boisterous warrior woman didn't really have anything to say to that, so she settled on what came to mind.


"And now Dahlia, you have your end of the wager to uphold. Come along now, I will allow you to keep your dignity by moving things to the bedroom before we begin."

Suddenly feeling very small and vulnerable, Dahlia allowed the Queen to lead her along. Link took up the rear and the Gerudo woman could feel his presence behind her the entire way to their destination, the royal suite, an extravagant set of rooms. When they arrived, Dahlia moved to the middle of the room and fell to her knees, head bowed.

"I am yours to do with as you please my Queen. How will you have me?"

"I won't be having you. As I said, now that you have learned of my Champion's martial prowess, it is time you learn the other reason I keep him around. Divest yourself of your armor and undergarments and then present yourself on the bed."

Dahlia followed the Queen's orders with only the slightest of hesitation. Looking back at Link, she found he was doing the same and her eyes widened dramatically when he freed his soft cock from his pants. He was hung like a god damn horse and not even fully hard yet, his cock hanging loosely between his legs as he stood there silently, clearly waiting for her. Blushing deeply, Dahlia finished her own undressing and moved to the bed as she'd been told.

Instinctively, the tall muscular warrior woman bent over the bed on her hands, the small frame not really looking up to taking her weight. Little did she know how strong that bed was after Link's wolf form had made its presence known that first time, but Zelda didn't seek to correct her as the Gerudo woman presented her firm naked ass to the Queen's young hero. For her part, Zelda sat down in a nearby cushioned chair, bringing a foot up to spread her legs wide as she hiked her dress up so she could more easily touch herself.

Dahlia was a bit entranced by the beautiful Queen beginning to play with herself, so she jumped a little when Link's hand finally came down on her ass. Then, the tip of his cock pressed against her slit from behind and she could feel him growing thick as he rubbed the head of his length up and down her lower lips. Despite herself, Dahlia quickly grew aroused, biting her lower lip as she got wetter and wetter upon feeling the way his cock grew and thickened against her slit.

Then, the Hero was pushing into her and it was all the Gerudo woman could do to control herself as his huge cock filled her tight cunt in a way it had never been filled before. Dahlia's mouth dropped open and an involuntary moan escaped from between her lips, her hips pushing back to try and get more of the Hyrulian's prick inside of her.

"Ah, there it is. Now you're beginning to understand."

The Queen's voice was condescending as Zelda taunted her, but Dahlia was forced to admit that she was right, even as Link continued to push deeper and deeper into her. Suddenly, the Gerudo woman's arms gave out from under her, causing her to fall forward on her face and taking Link with her as she slumped onto the bed. Perhaps their earlier spar had taken more out of her then she thought, or perhaps she'd given up on her arms before her legs finally gave up the fight. Either way, Dahlia nuzzled the soft bedsheets beneath her and moaned wantonly as Link began to plow her into the comfortable surprisingly tough mattress.

His hands were on her large ass now, gripping and kneading her darkly tanned flesh as he pistoned in and out of her. Her cunt tried again and again to grasp down on his length, her muscles flexing as she failed to keep him inside of her for long. The Hero of Hyrule was truly a man among men, and Dahlia understood now what Zelda had meant about why she allowed him into her bed.

If she could have, Dahlia wasn't sure she'd have been able to resist the urge to take this man and keep him as her personal love slave forever more. But of course, she already knew where she stood in terms of physical prowess versus the young hero, and angering the Queen would not be advisable for the long-term health of her tribe. So instead, the statuesque Gerudo simply lay there and took it as Link plowed her into the bed and Zelda continued to taunt and tease her as the Queen played with herself.

An orgasm suddenly rippled through her body, followed by a series of smaller ones that had Dahlia's eyes rolling back in her head and her body shaking beneath Link's cock. Her pussy tightened around him and Link grunted, one of the only sounds he'd made so far as she felt him cumming, felt him filling her womb with his white hot seed. Dahlia slumped forward, the huge cock popping out of her as Link pulled back, the rest of his cum coating her sweaty muscular back.

After a moment of just lying there in the absurdly comfortable bed breathing in and out, Dahlia found her red mane of hair gripped in a small hand and her head pulled back along with it as she suddenly found the Queen in front of her, stripped down as well with a bare glistening pussy right in front of her face. Zelda smirked down at the dominated Gerudo with a glint in her eyes.

"Mm, we have you all night long yes? I've changed my mind; I think I'll have a bit of you after all. Your mouth specifically. Get to work."

Ah, of course. Her defeat would not be finalized until Zelda took her in hand in the Gerudo way. Dahlia appreciated the Queen's recognition of her culture even as she leaned forward and began to eat the beautiful young Hyrulian out. Then, she froze upon feeling something pressing against her back door. Her eyes glanced up at Zelda's face to find the Queen's smile had turned positively evil.

"Oh, and if you thought Link was done with you quite yet, you're mistaken. Mm, but don't worry Dahlia. You'll enjoy this."

Then, the hero was pushing his cock, lubed up with their combined juices, into her virgin asshole and the proud warrior woman's eyes rolled back in her head as she saw white. By the Goddess, it had been a mistake to test the Hyrulians, but Dahlia knew that it would be a mistake she enjoyed immensely.


As she stepped onto the beach beside Link, Queen Zelda looked around at the gathering. It was a mixture of Hyrulians and Zora, a sort of celebration after her successful talks with the Sea Zora about an alliance with Hyrule that would eventually bring them into the Kingdom's fold altogether. She'd worked her ass off this last week to get things done, and today was her vacation, her day off. The only problem was the amount of people, including children of all ages and species that were also on the beach.

How the hell was she supposed to jump Link's bones here of all places? The Queen was pent up as all fuck, and she was not going to wait another hour let alone another day before she got to fuck her sworn sword's sword. Turning abruptly, the Queen looked the Captain of the Guard in the eye, which required her to look up, as Dahlia did have a good foot and a half of height on her.

"Dahlia. Find a private cove nearby for my sworn sword and I to retreat to for some privacy, once we've finished mingling and making nice with everyone."

The statuesque Gerudo woman smiled at that. She probably thought that Zelda may want her to join in on the upcoming fun, as the Queen sometimes did when she wanted to bring someone else into their fun. After that first time, the beautiful buxom Gerudo had been entirely subservient to the two of them. It had caused a bit of an uproar, having the Chieftain of their tribe relinquish her position with the Gerudo simply to come and take up a position in the castle as the Captain of Zelda's Royal Guard.

Zelda had still allowed it under the guise of strengthening the ties between their people. In reality, the Queen recognized that the Gerudo woman had found her true calling and Zelda could not find it in her heart to reject Dahlia's wish to spend the rest of her days at their feet. She certainly couldn't deny that she didn't enjoy having her there.

Still, as Dahlia turned and called for two more guards to join her in finding and securing the cove that the Queen had requested, Zelda wasn't entirely sure if she'd invite Dahlia to join them yet. Zelda was contemplating keeping Link all to herself this time. Turning back towards the beach and the ocean beyond, Zelda stepped up and put her hand on Link's bare shoulder.

Her savior looked rather odd without his sword or any real weapon on him. He also looked undeniably hot; his lithe yet muscular body in nothing but swim shorts was drawing almost as many eyes as Zelda was in her two piece bikini. She may have gone for something even smaller than her current swimwear under different circumstances but as mentioned before, there were children present. So instead she was wearing a top that cupped her chest fully and a bottom that hid all of her bountiful behind from view.

That was alright to her, she knew how strong Link's imagination was, and the rest of her bare skin was certainly drawing his attention. Zelda basked in it for a moment before sliding her hand from his shoulder down his arm and into his palm, taking him by the hand and pulling him towards the water with a giggle that wasn't entire Queen-like. Link followed along with a wide grin and a light blush on his face and soon they were in the water.

People watched them of course, but then people were always watching them, no matter what they did. Queen Zelda and her Sworn Sword, the Hero Link. Despite not making the announcement quite yet, Zelda knew that everyone believed them to be an item. More importantly, she knew that the vast majority approved of the pairing, their appreciation for both her and Link's actions in stopping Ganondorf still quite strong.

Zelda was grateful for that, even as she tried to put such queenly thoughts out of her mind and focus on relaxing and enjoying herself. She splashed Link and the blond young man blinked stupidly for a moment before splashing her back. They played in the water like the children all around them, laughing and making merry and simply enjoying each other's company.

Of course, they could never keep their hands off of each other for too long, even in public. Zelda soon found herself leaning back against her hero's chest, as secure as she'd ever felt in his arms. Her eyes lulled shut and she smiled as his hands ghosted over her stomach. Then a low moan escaped her lips as his fingers dipped lower than that, under her bottoms and into her pussy beneath the water.

"Ooh, Link…"

A cute unfamiliar gasp suddenly grabbed Zelda's attention. Her eyes snapped open and a few dozen feet away she saw a Zora floating in the water, the white cheeks of her face pink with a blush. Her eyes were looking down into the water and Zelda had a moment of clarity in which she remembered how good Zora water vision was. While no Hyrulian could have just looked down through the water to see what Link was doing to her, for the Zora girl, it was like looking through a clear window wasn't it.

The Zora caught Zelda looking, but did not move away, instead glancing between the Queen's face and Link's fingers still sliding in and out of her beneath the water as the blush on her face grew darker and darker. Zelda thought the girl looked kind of cute and so she brought up a hand and curled her fingers back towards her, beckoning the aquatic red humanoid towards them. To her pleased surprise, the Zora came at her unspoken call, swimming easily through the water to them and coming to a stop right before them.

A quick look showed that they were mostly unobserved. Some eyes were on them, but no Zora were close enough to be able to see what the girl was seeing more than likely. To their eyes it would merely be a Queen being embraced by the hero she'd very clearly taken as her consort. Now the fish girl stared unabashedly at Zelda being fingered though, seeming to think she had permission. Zelda snapped her fingers and brought the Zora's eyes up to her face.

"What's your name?"

Blinking at that, the Zora straightened up, or did as best as one could to straighten up when one is in water.

"I am called Mipha. I am Princess of the Zora, daughter of King Dorephan and sister of Prince Sidon."

That got a raised eyebrow from Zelda. She'd have been angry with herself for forgetting, but as far as she knew, this one hadn't been at the talks this past week. This meant there was never anything for Zelda to forget, they'd simply never been introduced.

"You did not attend the talks I had with your father. Why?"

Mipha's eyes darted to the side and the blush on her face took a different meaning from what Zelda could see, as the Zora bit her lower lip and answered hesitantly.

"I… I expressed an opinion that upset my father and brother when your procession first arrived. It was decided that it would be best to keep me out of the talks. I am not supposed to be here now either. I snuck away from my minders and out into the water."

Zelda frowned deeply at that. If the Zora were more sexist than she'd been led to believe, she would be very annoyed. Leaning back a bit further in her lover's arms, Zelda stared at the princess before her in contemplation.

"And what opinion was that?"

The blush on the female Zora's face grew more pronounced, some parts of her white skin almost as red as the rest of her body as she floated in the water.

"W-well, when I laid eyes upon your sworn sword… I very publicly and very recklessly announced that I would have him as my husband. Of course, your highness, I had no idea of the intimacy between the two of you. My father did, and I understand now why he reacted as strongly to my declaration as he did. Originally, I assumed it was because he did not approve of me marrying a Hyrulian, but now I see that I was encroaching upon that which had already been claimed."

As the Zora spoke, Zelda finally understood what had happened. Of course the King would keep Mipha away after such a bold exclamation. The corners of the Hyrulian Queen's lips turned up a little in amusement, even as Mipha looked away, utterly dejected.

"I will leave the two of you with my well wishes and trouble you no longer."

"My Queen!"

The words came almost immediately after Mipha finished speaking, drawing the female Zora's eyes to the beach at the same time that it drew Zelda's and Link's. Dahlia stood at the water's edge with a grin on her face. When Zelda raised a brow in the Gerudo woman's direction, Dahlia nodded, confirming that she'd completed Zelda's task for her. Making a split second decision, the Queen turned her attention to the depressed Zora and called out.

"My sworn sword and I will be retiring to a small cove that my Royal Guard Captain has located for us. We find ourselves in need of some privacy, but neither of us would be averse to a bit of company. Join us princess."

Mipha had looked conflicted when Zelda offered to let her come along. Seeing that, she'd tacked on the last bit as both a command and a test. What sort of woman was this Zora? Could she be led? Would she follow? If the answer was yes, Zelda had long since decided she wouldn't mind sharing her lover, especially given his impressive stamina. Upon hearing those last three words from Zelda, the Zora blushed brighter and after a moment nodded shakily.

"If that is the Queen's wish, I will do so."

Link's hand slipped out of Zelda's bikini and all three of them left the water together, moving to follow Dahlia as she led them away down the beach.  As they walked, Zelda met the eyes of King Dorephan, who was watching them go with visible concern. Catching his gaze in her own, she gave a soft smile and a slight nod to show the situation was perfectly fine. After a moment, he nodded in reply and turned his attention elsewhere.

Soon, all four of them were out of sight of the beach and Dahlia's work did not disappoint as Zelda let out a pleased gasp upon taking in the rocky watery cove that the Gerudo had found for them. As Link took a silent cue from Zelda and led a blushing Mipha inside by the hand, the Queen turned to Dahlia, bringing the woman up short and causing her to blink. Zelda adopted her most apologetic expression as she placed a dainty hand across the broad chest plate of the warrior woman.

"I do apologize Dahlia, but you are not part of the plan right now. I need you to stay here and guard the way while Link and I have our fun. I do promise that we'll make it up to you after we return to the Castle tomorrow, alright?"

Disappointment flickered across the Gerudo woman's face but Dahlia simply nodded before a wicked grin stretched over her features.

"Lucky girl, that Zora. Enjoy yourself my Queen."

Zelda just smirked in response and winked before stepping away and into the cove, leaving Dahlia to turn around and plant her polearm in the sand at her feet as she spread them wide in a relaxed stance that she'd be able to hold for as long as necessary. Meanwhile, the sight Zelda took in as she stepped into the watery enclosed space made her smile. Mipha was on her back, eyes wide as saucers as Link held her by the underside of her legs and licked at her exposed cunt.

The cute little Zora was gasping as she gripped his blond hair in one hand and touched her chest with the other.

"Ah-ah, so sudden! L-link, p-please!"

Zelda stepped up behind the distracted Zora and pulled at the bowtie keeping the bottom half of her bikini on, letting it fall to the water below as she stepped up and ran her hand along the red fish tail that came off the back of the cute female Zora's head. Mipha looked up at that, her eyes widening even more as she was suddenly face to face with Zelda's cunt. The Queen didn't let her get away either, immediately pushing her dripping wet pussy lips down on Mipha's face with a happy moan.

"There we go little Zora, get to work now. If you're going to enjoy my lover's excellent technique, you're going to have to reciprocate aren't you?"

Mipha was hesitant at first but soon Zelda felt the aquatic girl begin to respond, licking at Zelda's cunt between the whimpers and moans as Link expertly ate her out. The two of them had done something similar to this with Dahlia, but not quite as gently. Zelda found she liked this gentle approach to bending a new girl to their will. She was Queen and all knew it, but the feeling of taking a woman and dominating them for Link to fuck, it made Zelda hot and bothered in a whole new way.

The Queen moaned as she stroked the Zora's head tail, grinding her pussy down on Mipha's face even as she used her other hand to play with her own breast. Mipha for her part, wasn't anymore composed, in fact she was right on the edge and as Zelda watched, Link took the young cutie right over it, his tongue and hands finally bringing the Zora to a powerful climax. Mipha moaned, sending vibrations through Zelda's own pussy as the fish girl experienced her first orgasm.

While Mipha tried to recover and Link leaned back to watch, Zelda pushed further down on the Zora's face, taking her hand off of the head tail to frig her own clit desperately, bringing herself to her own slow simmering climax and gushing her pussy juices all over Mipha's body. Then she pulled away and stepped towards Link, face flushed with anticipation. As Link pulled her into his embrace, Zelda turned back to a panting wide eyed Mipha.

"Watch us now pet. Link is going to fuck me now, and then afterwards if you're very good, he'll fuck you too. That's the way things will work, if you decide you wish to stay with us."

Mipha's eyes widened at the offer and she nodded frantically, settling back and watching the scene that was about to happen, her hands ghosting over her body as she touched herself to the sight. Zelda grinned and turned back to Link, who had a hungry lust filled look in his eyes. Winking at him, she put her arms around his neck and then leaped up, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Link caught her in his powerful arms immediately, his masculine hands cupping her ass as his thick hard on rubbed up and down her slit between them. His muscles rippled as he carried her weight, but Zelda had eyes only for that big huge cock. Pulling back slightly allowed the head to slip between her pussy lips and once she had him lodged inside of her, she pushed back towards him, letting Link bury his entire length inside of her needy cunt.

A loud cry of pleasure escaped her as they began to fuck like that, only held up by the strength of Link's legs.

"Oh god yes! This is exactly what I needed! Fuck me Link! Fuck your worthless slut of a queen my savior in green!"

And he did just that. Link was as pent up as she was after the week of talks with the Zora. He showed that by his savage thrusts into the depths of her cunt, which Zelda gladly took, groaning as he bounced her up and down on his cock. As ever, he filled her up with each and every thrust of his massive length, but from this angle, from this position, he was able to plow deeper into her than ever before, her entire body sinking down on his cock, being held aloft mostly by his hands but also by the shaft of man meat deep inside of her.

It was good, but it was also short. Despite just climaxing, Zelda built up fast and she knew Link was ready to cum as well from the erratic thrusts he was making inside of her. She reached up and grabbed his face between her hands, leaning in to kiss him even as she orgasmed, her pussy flexing and tightening around his cock until he came as well, his white hot seed filling her womb and causing her to moan against his lips.

Only once he was done cumming inside of her did she pull back and with his help, get down off of his cock. Zelda almost stumbled, her legs a bit wobbly, but Link was there to catch her, barely winded. Looking down, Zelda smirked at the hard thick length that still hung between his legs, as expected. Walking to where Mipha lay, Zelda fell into the shallow water beside the Zora and grinned at her, before looking pointedly at Link's cock.

"Do you want that, my little pet?"

As before, Mipha seemed to blush at the insulting title instead of becoming offended. Oh yes, Zelda was definitely keeping this submissive Zora. After a moment, the fish girl nodded emphatically. Grinning, Zelda reached up and grabbed her head tail firmly, drawing her face down and forcing the girl to slide onto her hands and knees as Zelda buried Mipha's face between her legs, pressing her freshly fucked pussy once again against the girl's mouth.

"Start eating then slut. I want you to consume every last drop of my hero's cum, drink it all down. And while you're doing that, my Link will give you what you desire so badly."

Mipha began to frantically lick up the semen dripping free from Zelda's lips and Zelda smiled, nodding to Link. For his part, her savior knelt behind Mipha's ass, fully on display before his eyes as he reached out and grabbed the bountiful behind. Mipha jumped at the touch but settled down as he began to grope and knead her posterior, moaning happily into Zelda's cunt.

Link wasn't one for waiting long though, and soon enough he was guiding the tip of his still hard cock into the Zora girl from behind, spreading her pussy lips wide as he penetrated her. Mipha let out a muffled squeal as he tore through her virginity, her legs kicking a bit in the water around him as he slid inch after inch of his rock hard shaft into her hot tight virgin passage. But Zelda just gave Link a wicked grin and ground her pussy against Mipha's face.

Link correctly read what Zelda wanted and wasted no time in beginning to plow the cute little Zora, his thick length pistoning in and out of the ex-virgin's accommodating cunt as he mounted and rutted her, pushing her forward directly into Zelda's cum filled pussy. This continued for a while, until Zelda finally felt her third orgasm cumming and with a groan, came all over the Zora's face for the second time. Mipha had long since finished consuming Link's seed from Zelda's pussy, so the Queen let her head tail go.

Link was quick to capture said head tail, pulling back and forcing Mipha up fully onto her hands and knees, putting her face to face with Zelda as Link railed into her from behind. Mipha's features were a pleasure to look at, her orgasmic delight apparent with her happy delirious grin and her eyes half rolled back into her head.

As Link continued to fuck the cute aquatic girl from behind, Zelda leaned forward and captured Mipha's mouth with her own, reaching up and grasping the Zora's tits in her hands, kneading the soft flesh and playing with the nipples. Mipha moaned into Zelda's mouth, her abject surrender obvious in the way she let Zelda's tongue dominate her own so easily. When Link began to cum a few moments later, Mipha climaxed with him, groaning against Zelda's lip as he filled the Zora with another load of his seed.

After he finished, he pulled free of the fish girl's tight sucking pussy with a pop and patted Mipha on her ass before sliding up alongside the two girls and laying down in the shallow water. Zelda pulled Mipha up so that she was between the two of them, allowing her and Link to sandwich their newest playmate between them, the cute little Zora blushing fiercely at the extensive skin contact.

As Zelda brushed her hands down Mipha's sides, the Zora Princess looked up at her with concern.

"I appreciate this, all of this my Queen, but I must ask a question. Why did you have me eat your lover's seed out of you? Do you not wish for him to impregnate you and breed you with offspring?"

Zelda laughed at that and wondered just how much it had taken Mipha to go against what was probably her people's tradition and 'waste' Link's seed by eating it. Grinning down at the curious Zora, the Queen reached down and brushed her hand over Mipha's belly, specifically over her womb.

"Not to worry darling. There's a very simple reason that it didn't matter if you ate up all of that delicious cum from my hero. For you see, he's already bred a baby into me, perhaps in the same way he has you now hm? Just a couple months along now, so it's not really showing yet. But I assure you my pet, I am very much pregnant."

As Mipha stared in awe at Zelda's own midriff, able now to see the ever so slight bulge growing there, Zelda smirked and lay back, basking in the feeling of contentment suffused through her entire building.


Midna stepped out of the portal and onto the road directly outside of Hyrule. She could have teleported straight into the Castle itself, but this would be the last time the Twili visited the world of light, before she cut off her kingdom from it forever. She wanted to take her time and take in the sights, as the Hyrulians would say.

Slowly walking along, Midna was greeted with some strange looks, but mostly respect as she made her way through Hyrule's streets. The city built up around the castle was bustling away, so much more alive than it had been when Ganondorf and her traitorous servant Zant held sway. It brought a smile to Midna's beautiful light blue face, her purple lips curling upwards.

Her red eyes traced over the many different races among the Hyrulians. It seemed Zelda had done the impossible as Queen, bringing everyone together and ending many of the problems that had long been inherent in the area. She saw Gerudo and Hyrulian conversing in peace. She saw Zora walking unmolested through the streets as she made her way to the gate of Hyrule Castle.

Once there, she was allowed inside with a fuss, the guards having to look up to see her face, framed by her long orange hair. Midna offered them perfunctory smiles even as she was led deeper into the Castle, towards the Queen herself. It was only right that Midna meet with Zelda on this last day before she closed things off. Saying goodbye was important in that regard.

Though the Twili was surprised when she stepped into the Queen's Solar and found Zelda lounging on a love seat. One hand rested on the Queen's heavily pregnant belly and the other reached out to pluck a grape from it stem and pop it into her mouth. Zelda's face lit up when she saw Midna, and though she did not get up on account of her condition, she gestured across from her at another lounge couch.

"Please my friend, relax."

Midna smiled and nodded, settling down into the seat that Zelda had pointed her to. Soon she was presented with her own fruits and cheeses and a glass of deep red wine. Then, the servants vacated the room and Zelda and Midna were left alone. Looking at the wine glass and noticing Zelda's cup of water, the Twili frowned slightly.

"I couldn't possibly drink this in front of you Zelda. It would be rather rude, to do that to you."

The Hyrulian Queen's eyes were alit with mischief as she ate another grape.

"On the contrary Midna, I insist. Drink it up, so that I can live vicariously through you my fellow royal! I haven't had a glass of wine in so long, but I take great pleasure in watching others drink still! If you don't drink, I'll be insulted you know?"

Raising an eyebrow at Zelda's odd words, Midna chalked it up to the pregnancy and nodded in agreement, taking a sip of the wine and finding it to be quite good, tasty enough to go back for another sip and then a third before finally settling it down. A faint blush spread across Midna's face as she saw Zelda smiling knowingly at her.

"Good. Now that you're a little tipsy, we can talk woman to woman. I've got a question I've been dying to ask you Midna."

The Twili woman raised a brow but waited silently for Zelda to elaborate. The raunchy grin that spread across the Hyrulian Queen's face took Midna back a bit as Zelda leaned forward and spoke in a low tone.

"I have to know, when you were trapped in that smaller impish form and Link was stuck as a wolf, did you ever… take advantage?"

Midna's thoughts immediately went to how she'd forced Wolf Link to carry her on his back everywhere they went, in order to spare her small legs. Embarrassed just a tad, Midna quickly took another drink from her wine glass. For some reason, the red wine in her goblet didn't seem to actually be going away, but she was too focused on deflecting Zelda's concerns to notice it.

"W-what? I don't know what you mean my friend."

Zelda let out a giggle followed by a very unladylike snort in response as she gave Midna a knowing look.

"Oh I think you do. His wolf form is so large and powerful. It's hard to resist making use of such a thing?"

Was Zelda riding Link in his wolf form like a horse or something? Midna's eyes went wide at the thought and she took another large gulp of wine.

"I-I wouldn't dream of it. Link and I were always e-equals of course, even when he was trapped in his wolf form."

The Hyrulian just nodded along in agreement.

"Of course. You were partners, like he and I are now. Honestly Midna, sometimes I worry I'm going to pop out a litter of pups rather than a Hyrulian, you know?"

Zelda patted her very pregnant belly for emphasis, and Midna's brain short circuited as she realized what the other Queen was saying. She covered her utter shock with another drink of wine, unknowingly having downed about five glasses worth in a very short period of time. Her cheeks were suffused with a permanent blush and her eyes darted this way and that as she finally understood Zelda's true meaning.

"Y-you mean… you and Link… in his wolf form?"

Furrowing her brow, the blond queen nodded.

"Well yes. What did you think I meant Midna? Link's inner wolf almost has a mind of its own these days. The first time it happened, we were making love normally in bed, though he was fucking me quite deeply from behind. Then, suddenly he was a giant furry beast with a dick nearly twice as long, rutting me as hard as he could from his new position. Honestly, it was amazing… but also quite startling and a bit damaging to the furniture. Since then, we've been going on picnics in the woods to take care of his wolf side's urges."

Midna's mouth opened and closed uselessly. She didn't know what to say. And of course, that was the same moment Link walked into the room, back from his hunt and looking quite ruggedly handsome, a thin layer of sweat covering his skin and dirt covering his green tunic. Zelda immediately reacted to his appearance.

"Link! What have I told you about dragging dirt in?! Off! All of it off!"

The young hero blinked, taking in Midna's presence for a brief moment before immediately obeying Zelda's orders and stripping down to his shorts, leaving his muscular lean body on full display. Midna couldn't help staring, ever so slightly inebriated from the wine. He caught her staring and grinned, flexing a muscle and leaning over to kiss his arm right in front of her. Midna's blush deepened dramatically. Link had certainly changed a lot since they'd last seen each other.

A giggle drew both his and her attention back to Zelda, who had a twinkle of mischief in her eye.

"Mm, Link~ Midna here is leaving soon, for good. She's going to cut off the Twilight Realm from us forever. It's rather disappointing. I've been doing my best to encourage her to stay, regaling her with tales of your sexual prowess in the hopes that it persuades her. Alas, so far I haven't had much luck. I don't think she believes me! You're going to need to give her a hands on demonstration Link!"

Midna's eyes widened once more. W-what was Zelda talking about? The young man began to walk towards her and Midna shook her head.

"I, I… T-that's not true Link! I-mmph!"

Link had leaned down and with a hand caressing her cheek, had kissed her soundly on her purple lips. Midna melted then and there as he moved further in, pressing her back against the lounge chair and deepening his kiss to include tongue. Out of the corner of her eye, Midna watched as Zelda leaned back as well, reaching past her pregnant belly to finger her suddenly exposed cunt.

The Twili should have stopped this, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. It was something she'd secretly fantasized about for far too long, but never acted upon. Link was Zelda's after all, but if Zelda wanted this to happen, who was Midna to refuse it? Her robes were soon spread open, her half light blue half black body exposed to Link's eyes, and more importantly the large cock he'd pulled free of his shorts and now had pointed at her crotch.

Blushing furiously, Midna pulled her legs back up until her feet were level with her head, showing off her flexibility as well as her aroused cunt as she did so. Reaching down, the bashful Twili spread her pussy lips with her fingers and looked up at Link, biting her lower lip. He waited still, seeming to want her to outright say it. And so she did, bowing her head.

"Please Link… fuck me…"

In an instant he was over her, one hand guiding his cock towards her spread open cunt and the other grabbing hold of one of her legs for support. Midna couldn't help the groan that escaped her lips as he slid the first few inches of his cock into her tight passage. Once he was firmly lodged inside of her, Link brought his other hand up to her opposite leg, holding her in place with his grip and beginning to slide deeper into her, until they were joined at the waist, his balls smacking against her ass and his cock hilted inside of her tight wet cunt.

Midna's groan turned into a moan of happiness as Link began to finally fuck her. The beautiful Twili woman's greatest fantasies came true with her hero, her savior's cock deep inside of her inviting pussy. As he began to piston away at her, Midna threw her head back, her hands leaving her pussy to fling behind her and grab hold of the back of the lounge as she took each of his powerful deep thrusts into her.

Soon enough, the inebriated Twili was crying out, climaxing hard around the thick member of her savior, moaning happily as he grunted and came with her, filling her womb with his seed until she felt fit to burst. When he pulled out, she looked down and saw his cum leaking from her, and in that moment Midna was fulfilled.

But it seemed Zelda wasn't, at least not yet.

"That's a good start, but I think she's going to need a bit more than that to convince her Link! You told me about all those rides through the forest, where she sat on your back when she was an Imp and you were a Wolf. It's about time that she gave you a turn at being the rider, isn't it?"

Link was silent, but his eyes were on Midna as the Twili processed Zelda's words, eventually comprehending them and biting her lower lip. Could she truly go through with such a thing? Her arousal skyrocketed at the idea, but it was so… bad. So very taboo. Yet, the very Queen of Hyrule was the one suggesting it, while Hyrule's savior would be the one doing it to her. How could it be taboo if royalty and heroes took part?

Slowly, Midna slid down off of the lounge chair, pulling her robes and the rest of her clothing fully off her body until she was completely naked before the young man who had freed her from her curse. Then and only then did the full breasted curvaceous Twili woman slowly turn around and present her big fat ass to her savior, getting on her hands and knees and showing off her freshly fucked cunt to Link's gaze, still leaking his seed.

"It's okay Link. I want it. Please, transform and mount me. Fuck me. Breed me!"

Link didn't need to be told twice. In an instant the man was gone and the wolf remained. Midna gasped at the size of Wolf Link as he shuffled forward and placed powerful paws on either side of her head, lowering his body over her own kneeling form. He seemed much bigger than she remembered, but Midna was in this for the long haul, wasn't she?

The Twili woman jumped when she felt his tapered doggy dick press against her pussy lips from behind. The large wolf snuffled a bit, growling as it rubbed up and down her slit for a brief moment. Then, it thrust inside of her in one large brutal movement that pushed it to the hilt inside of her. Midna could only moan as she felt its already inflated knot smack against the entrance of her cunt.

Wolf Link was indeed bigger than normal Link; however Midna didn't think one could compare the two in terms of sex. Where Link had fucked her hard but still fucked her as a woman, the wolf treated her like an animal to be bred, like his personal breeding bitch. Each was enjoyable in their own way, and Midna was happy to get lost in the pleasure of being bred, of being turned into nothing but the wolf's mate.

As Wolf Link rutted with her, smacking his crotch into her fat ass with each deep thrust of his huge cock, Midna couldn't help but moan and pant just like a bitch in heat. She was enjoying this all far too much, but in the end she couldn't stop herself from just sitting there on her hands and knees and taking it. As the wolf's pace grew more uneven and frenzied, his big powerful knot continued to hammer at her pussy entrance, each time getting just a bit further past her lower lips.

Finally, the wolf howled and its next thrust pushed the knot right past her opening, causing Midna to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure and then orgasm right there on the spot as she felt him releasing his cum inside of her once more, Wolf Link's sticky seed mixing with regular Link's. Now Midna could understand Zelda's silly little worries, wondering if her babies would be pups or not.

Midna found that she wouldn't mind giving birth to a little of the wolf's offspring, if she could. As she lay there, face down and ass up, she felt a shadow across her face. Looking up into the Hyrulian Queen's eyes, Midna swallowed nervously at what she saw there. Zelda grinned down at her, hands on her belly and back to give her support.

"Well Midna? Are you still going to abandon us and close your kingdom off from the world of the light forever?"

The conflict must have been apparent in Midna's eyes because Zelda just grinned wickedly and spoke again before the Twili could reply.

"Mm, I think she needs more convincing Link! Time for round three!"

Midna couldn't help herself. She truly was looking forward to round three and so she moaned out happily, shaking her ass back against the huge wolf whose knot was currently lodged in her pussy.


Queen Zelda, Ruler of Hyrule, sat upon her throne, a smile on her face as she looked out upon the crowd of people gathered in the great hall. There were people of every race attending her court this day, a truly diverse crowd. It was only right that they come when called of course, given just what she planned to announce today.

Clearing her throat, Zelda rose from her throne. Silence fell across the throne room almost immediately, a few murmurs here and there as people finished up conversations, but everyone turned their eyes towards her around the same time. She had her subjects' undivided attention, and this made the smile on her face widen as she gazed down at them all from atop her dais.

"People of Hyrule, Allies of Hyrule. Friends and subjects alike, thank you one and all for coming when I called. I look out at you and see the fruits of our labors. This gathering is a product of the peace and cooperation that we've all worked so hard to accomplish, and the prosperity that has been brought about by our efforts."

The court gave a general roar of approval, cheers and fist pumps abounded as Zelda paused for a brief moment and allowed them all to celebrate. Eventually, they quieted down on their own, their respect for the Hyrulian Queen strong enough that she didn't even have to say a word to once more be given their attention. Once the court was silent once more, Zelda spoke again.

"This brings me to why I've called you all here today. I have two announcements to make, one that must be done officially even though I'm sure you all already know about it, and another that the majority of you will agree has been a long time coming. First. My daughter."

At those words, the court erupted into applause and cheers once more, even as a very pregnant Mipha stepped out from behind the curtains, a baby of clear Hyrulian descent swaddled and held carefully in her arms. The Zora had an excellent motherly instinct, and so far was one of the few women Zelda trusted to be around her and Link's child when neither of them could be. Smiling, the Queen reached out and accepted her daughter from Mipha's arms, cradling her baby girl and turning back to the crowd.

"I present to you Princess Tetra, Heir to the Throne of Hyrule and more importantly, my beloved daughter!"

The court was already cheering, but at Zelda's proud declaration, they rose in volume, practically freaking out. Zelda just smiled, lowering her head to lay a kiss on her baby girl's head, before handing her back to Mipha as quickly as she'd taken her. The pregnant Zora stepped back, and a hush fell over the court as Zelda once more commanded their attention simply with her regal presence.

"Now, onto the other matter. Link."

Simply calling his name was enough to bring her ever present guardian in his green tunic to her side. Her hero and savior, as well as longtime lover and the father of her child (and the father of Mipha, Dahlia, and Midna's unborn children as well, but that wasn't relevant for the moment.) Coming to stand beside her, Link surveyed the crowd, silent as ever. The people gathered in her court fell into a deeper silence, looking upon their savior with more awe and reverence then even Zelda herself garnered.

The Queen might have been jealous, if she was a more envious and vain woman. She also might have been more put out, if it wasn't for the fact that she held just as much reverence for the handsome man beside her, as the court currently did. Smirking, Zelda decided to break decorum just a bit, and slid up alongside Link, wrapping her arms around his own muscular appendage and leaning into her shoulder.

There were a few happy feminine sighs at the overt display of affection, but mostly the court was just silent as they watched the power couple. Zelda looked out at the gathered races staring at them and grinned.

"It is long past time to declare the hero Link as not just my stalwart protector, but also my official consort. After all, he's already given me one beautiful daughter unofficially."

The crowd exploded again, almost entirely in approval or laughter at Zelda's surprisingly crass humor. But then, the majority of the people gathered here today already knew that there was at least something between the Queen and her Hero. It wasn't like Zelda had any other prospective suitors that spend every day with her who could have knocked her up.

That said, the Queen had no desire to stick around for any longer. She was more than a little horny by this point, and rubbing her body subtly against Link's firm biceps was only making her wetter. Biting her lower lip, Zelda locked eyes with her lover for a brief moment and nodded slightly before turning to the crowd and adopting her Queenly smile once more.

"That will be all. There is of course a celebration and a feast planned that I suspect will go well into the night. Drink and make merry, so long as you do not get rowdy enough that Dahlia has to step in and knock some sense into you."

There was some more laughter at that, and eyes turned towards the tall Gerudo Guard Captain where she stood at the back of the room. She was barely showing so far, and in her full set of plate armor, nobody even suspected that the Gerudo woman was pregnant. Zelda knew that in a few months they'd have to fight the beautiful red head tooth and nail to get her to take a break from her duties, but the Queen figured she had a secret weapon. Dahlia was still a sucker for being dominated by royalty, even now.

The Gerudo inclined her head at Zelda's acknowledgement of her prowess, flashing rows of white teeth to those who glanced over at her. With a chuckle, Zelda gave a curtsy to her court.

"Once again, thank you all for coming. My consort and I will be retiring for a time, and will join you all for the feast later this evening."

And with that the court was released from their duty to their Queen as Zelda slipped away behind the throne through a back entrance, Link's masculine callused hand in her own as she pulled him along. Mipha would be taking care of tiny Tetra; Zelda knew that, which meant her and Link had some time to themselves. And there was only one thing the Queen wanted from her lover right now.

Dragging Link into their bedroom, she pushed the man towards their bed, already pulling her dress and garments off as fast as she could. Raising an eyebrow at her haste, Link did the same, undoing his tunic and stripping down to his boxers. Before he could pull them off, Zelda was on him, her bare breasts pressing against his muscular pecs as she pushed him back towards the bed and used the edge of the mattress to topple him backwards at the knees.

Laid out on the bed for her, Link stayed where he was as she climbed on, her hips grinding down on his still covered cock as it grew hard and long in the confines of his boxers. His strong hands closed around her waist, but he did nothing except hold her there gently, allowing his Queen to control the pace of this little fling she'd initiated.

Zelda was more than happy to do so, but despite wanting to tease her lover for just a bit longer, she herself was far too aroused by this point to hold back any longer. The boxers were pulled down and off Link's legs with little fanfare, and his big hard dick sprung straight up, no longer restrained by the confining fabric.

The Hyrulian Queen wasted no time in grabbing hold of his cock, her soft palm shifting up and down along the length of his member for a brief moment before she placed her grip around his prick's base and held him in place. Lifting herself up onto her knees, Zelda fit Link's cockhead against her eager, dripping wet slit, and then with a happy sigh, slowly slid down, impaling herself on his dick right then and there.

A low growl of approval escaped Link's throats as she pushed until every last inch of his member was buried inside of her hot tight passage. By this point, there was barely any resistance as she took all of Link inside of her in one go. Her cunt had been fucked by this amazing meat stick so many times that it was perpetually in the shape of his cock, made into a perfect fit by daily plowings, something Zelda wasn't sure she could live without anymore.

Slowly, the Queen began to bounce up and down, her pert behind smacking against his legs and her large milk heavy breasts bouncing in front of his face as she fucked herself on her lover's prick. The fat left over from the baby hadn't entirely gone away yet, but what was left only served to accentuate Zelda's curvy nature, improving on her hips, ass, and tits in a way that Link seemed to love. And if he loved it, Zelda loved it.

Of course, he'd also loved her when she was pregnant, even when the Queen was at her most insecure. It'd made Zelda love him all the more, having him stand by her through the mood swings and the cravings. Defeating Ganondorf and saving the world was one thing. Proving you could deal with a pregnant woman at her worst… well, Link was definitely one of a kind.

And now, as she rode his member for all she was worth, Zelda realized there was only one thing she wanted from the man beneath her in this moment. So, leaning forward, she told him, her voice a low sultry murmur.

"I want… I want you to fuck another baby into me lover. Take me and breed me with this big thick cock of yours. Knock me up; put a bun in my oven. Come on Link, take charge."

She was almost growling the words by the end of it, and when she saw the flash of something dark in her hero's eyes, Zelda knew she'd got him. Quite suddenly, their positions were flipped as Zelda found herself on her back. Her long creamy smooth legs were forced back almost behind her head, framing her huge leaking tits and leaving her pussy completely exposed to the big thick cock between Link's legs as he brought it to bear and thrust forward into her.

From this new position, he was reaching all the way to the entrance of her womb with every thrust, and Zelda could only moan like a wanton whore as she took his cock to the hilt again and again, acting as his personal living sheathe. Link pistoned in and out of her, grunting as he slammed home into her cunt, pushing her down into the bed and fucking her just the way she wanted.

When he leaned over and took one of her milk-laden teats in his mouth and began sucking on it, Zelda lost it, climaxing then and there around Link's cock as she cried out in an ugly fashion, the Queen of Hyrule brought low and made into nothing but a slutty promiscuous woman by her hero and savior. With a happy moan, Zelda reached out and laced her fingers through Link's blonde hair, pressing his mouth down on her tit and letting him drink his full.

Only when he came up for air did she pull his face towards hers, kissing her consort passionately on his lips and tasting the traces of her own milk on his tongue. It wasn't a bad taste she found, but she also preferred his taste more than anything else. They continued making out like that even as Link's thrusting reached new heights, his speed going up a notch. Zelda could only moan against Link's lips, her body shaking with the force of his pistoning cock as he railed into her.

She came again like that, wrapped around his member, and this time her spasming cunt managed to milk his own release from him. Link filled her with the seed she'd longed for, his cum liberally painting the walls of her womb before he was finally spent and slowly pulled out of her. They held each other like that, resting on the bed. Eventually, others joined them. Midna and Mipha and even Dahlia when she was able to get away.

Mipha arrived with Tetra, and Zelda held her daughter to her chest, letting the baby nurse as she and Link watched their child drink from her mother, the three women that the two had dominated and brought to their bed framed around them, everyone observing the tiny future of the Kingdom. It was a scene of beauty and love. Something that Zelda had at one time feared she would never have.

Now though, with her savior at her side and peace across the land, Queen Zelda knew that she would be able to raise her daughter in a world free of fear and strife.


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