Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Hero, a Queen, and a Princess (Legend of Zelda)

A/N: A Hero, a Queen, and a Princess is a story that was originally written in seven parts from May-November of 2020. I've compiled it into one long one-shot to be read here!

Summary: A new story featuring a young silent hero we all know quite well, the Princess Zelda he's betrothed to... and the Queen Zelda that did the betrothing.

Themes: Big Dick, Rough Sex, Multi-Themes


It was all politics, at the end of the day. If there was one thing that Zelda, Queen of Hyrule, had learned throughout her rule, it was that it all boiled down to politics. Honestly, having Ganon, as much of a monster as he was, come through and smash and conquer and take over the Kingdom for a time had almost been a nice break from it all, of sorts.

Not that Queen Zelda would have ever wished for his 'reign', as short and monstrous as it was, to continue any longer. The suffering that her people had endured under that bastard's rule, even if it wasn't that long at all, was the worst. In the end, when the silent young Guard Captain Link had brought together all the races, spirits, and magics of the world to save the Kingdom of Hyrule, the buxom Queen was just as grateful as her citizens.

At the same time, it meant that politics all came back into play now that they were no longer under the thumb of a tyrannical despot any longer. Oh, the Queen was still a monarch, to be sure, and her rule was technically as absolute as Ganon… if one ignored the difference in personality and power between the two of them.

While Queen Zelda was quite capable in her own ways, she was not one who preferred to rule through fear and hatred, through power and force of arms. In the end, she was a good ruler, an even-handed ruler. But… she was also a woman. She was a Queen, not a King. And even in Hyrule, there would always be misogynists among the ranks of her subjects.

It was why she'd been forced to marry herself, all those years ago. Around a decade and a half ago now, she'd married the old noble that had gifted her the light of her life, her daughter, also named Zelda. Princess Zelda was Queen Zelda's crowning joy… and the only worthwhile thing that her late husband had ever given her.

Even still, even with how worthless Hyrule's last King had been… that was merely enough to make Queen Zelda a tolerable choice. It was merely enough for the citizenry to let her take back her throne, once the monstrous King Ganon was once more deposed. And yet… at the same time, Hyrule can't thank their silent hero, Link, enough. And as a result, there are murmurings, rumors really, that are beginning to crop up here and there. Those rumors have reached the ear of the Queen… which is how Zelda the Elder knows that there are some in Hyrule who have begun to talk of making Link their next King.

Luckily, in the end, it's easy enough to settle such things before actual rebellion can foment beneath the surface. In the end, the graceful and busty young MILF that is the Queen of Hyrule goes ahead and betroths the Guard Captain Link to her tomboy teenage daughter. Meaning that once Princess Zelda is old enough to marry, he'll be the King Consort.

Perhaps it's not what his would-be followers want, but by offering him the betrothal and by having the silent hero say yes like she knew he would, Queen Zelda has cut off their political ambitions at the legs. Those men who looked down upon her for not having a cock and balls swinging betwixt her thighs, would have tried to use Link as their figurehead… but Zelda has gotten to him first and snapped him right up, removing their greatest piece from the board and suborning it as her own.

It's not even so much that she wants to be Queen, necessarily. But she has a duty to her people, to her Kingdom, and to her daughter. She is Queen of Hyrule, whether she likes it or not, and she will not allow this Kingdom to fall into the wrong hands. It is her duty to the citizens of Hyrule to do all she can to make sure they have a fair and just ruler.

… She just wishes she could get a better read on Link. That's the biggest problem. In all fairness, he'd risen to the rank of Guard Captain before the mess with Ganon had had a chance to start, so that was a good sign. However, he was known as 'the silent Guard Captain' or 'the silent Hero' for a reason. The young man, in his early twenties, never said a word. He wasn't mute, the Queen was fairly certain. He had a way of shouting when he was fighting, these harsh exclamations as he struck down his enemies with that beautiful sword and shield of his.

But whether he could speak or not, he chose not to ever utter a single word. He was silent… and that made it difficult to get a good measure of the man. Still, he was young enough that he could be taught… and so it fell upon Queen Zelda to do the teaching.

As if summoned by her thoughts, there's a sudden knock on the door to her bedroom.

"Come in!"

Her voice carries, and the door opens a moment later, the man of the hour entering and closing it behind him. The Hero of Hyrule, Guard Captain Link, stands there in his usual green attire, minus the hat, blinking at her curiously as he stops a few feet away. He doesn't look serious or solemn or all that nervous… he just looks inquisitive, no doubt wondering why she's asked him here today.

Letting out a low sigh, the Queen of Hyrule rises from her chair, folding her hands in front of her.

"As I'm sure you're aware, the Princess is out of town for the day, visiting the Gerudo Chieftess, whom she has developed close ties to. Rather than go with her, as you normally would, I asked you to stay behind. This is because I have decided it is time to begin to train you to be King."

Link's face grows a bit more serious at that, and he nods as his back straightens a bit. Looking him up and down, the Queen can't help but smile ever so slightly. Her daughter could certainly do worse than this young man. Sure, he was but a lowly Guard Captain… but did that truly matter in the grand scheme of things? He was known as Hero of Hyrule more than Guard Captain of the Castle at this point. His station had never been higher. And all in all… it was better than a stuffy old noble.

"… I have decided that your training will begin with the most important lesson of all. How a King is supposed to act in regard to his Queen. Tell me, Link… would you ever hurt my daughter?"

Link's eyes widen at that, and he solemnly shakes his head. The Queen's lips quirk up a bit more into a sardonic sort of smile.

"Perhaps you do not believe you would… however, there are many ways in which a man can hurt a woman. Not all of them are physical. You may not know this, but the last King of Hyrule… was an old fool. My parents forced me to marry him in order to keep the throne in our family all those years ago… and the old man went ahead and impregnated me one single time, giving me my daughter… before going off to cavort with whores. He endangered the Kingdom with his wastefulness, and more than likely brought about the return of that monster Ganon all the sooner."

Queen Zelda takes in a breath and lets it out, before revealing something to Link that she hasn't told anyone.

"That day when the tyrant strode into the throne room and cut down my husband… I have to admit, young Link… I was happy to see him fall."

Link's eyes nearly bulge out of his skull this time around, even as they'd been getting progressively wider and wider throughout the Queen's spiel. Offering a truly sardonic smile now that she's laid her soul bare to him, the Queen makes her way over to where the silent young hero is standing… and drops to her knees.

"You won't be like that for my daughter, will you Link? You won't betray her to cavort with some whores. No… because I'm going to train you, right here and now, in how to properly please a Queen."

Before the silent young man can even begin to react to that, the busty young MILF that is the Queen of Hyrule reaches out and unbuckles Link's belt, before hooking her fingers into the waistband of his green pants, yanking them down. Of course, what she's not expecting… is for a truly massive cock to spring up from within the confines of the boy's trousers and smack her in the face.

The Queen of Hyrule gasps at his sheer size, her breath hitching and her eyes widening in surprise. He's… much, much bigger than any man she's ever seen before. But then, to be fair, for all that she was the wise and dutiful Queen, for all that she was 'above it all'… Queen Zelda had only ever lain with one man before, her late husband, an old fucker with a pencil dick, to be sure.

Now… now the busty, still-young MILF finds herself face to face with a real man's cock… and as her cheeks heat up, as her hot air ghosts across the sensitive member in front of her, the Queen gives in to long-buried instincts, leaning forward and placing him in her mouth… j-just for a moment. Link, meanwhile, lets out a groan much like one of his battle cries, though it's lower in tone and longer then most of the short aggressive shouts he normally does.

It takes a moment for Queen Zelda to realize what she's doing, nursing at the head of this mammoth-sized member as she is. When she finally does though, she hastily pulls back, letting Link's cock leave her lips with a pop as she stares incredulously at the monstrous thing. It's the sort of dick she would have expected on a beast like Ganon (though the skin color is obviously wrong), not this silent young Guard Captain.

It strikes her that she now has another thing she has to test, another piece of self-sacrifice that she must perform for the sake of her daughter. Rising from her knees, the Queen of Hyrule… unclasps her dress in a couple of places and lets it fall off of her gorgeous MILFy form like she's snapped her fingers, the gorgeous garment pooling in a heap at her feet as the now naked monarch steps out of the dress backwards, away from Link and towards her bed.


Reluctant… but also so very eager, Link eventually jolts forward, managing to reach the bed just as the Queen is crawling back into place upon it. Once she's in position, Zelda the Elder bites her lower lip and spreads her legs wide.

"I must make sure that you will not b-break my daughter with a member that size. S-So… have your way with me. B-But know that I will be testing you, assessing you the entire time. You will impress me… or I will not allow you near my daughter again, betrothal be damned."

Link just silently nods, even as he moves into position, a look of utmost seriousness on his face. Staring down the length of her body, the Queen can only watch in turn with a face flushed with anticipation and trepidation as Link places the head of his cock against her moist pussy lips… and begins to push in. Eyes widening at the feeling of being truly stretched for the first time in her life, the Queen of Hyrule arches as she gasps from the sensation.

In turn, the silent hero hesitates, stopping out of fear that he's hurt her. It's in that moment, as she growls at him to keep going, that Zelda realizes… he's just as much of a virgin as her young daughter. The realization doesn't truly help though, because while this might be Link's first time… the silent hero is a natural, and once he really starts to get going… well, there's no saving the poor deprived Queen of Hyrule.

He holds her by her hips as he fucks her, and Zelda in turn clutches at the bedding beneath her, gasping and mewling and moaning. It's not long before it hits her… the first orgasm that the gorgeous, busty young Queen has ever had. Zelda the Elder cums for the first time in her life with a spectacular finish, crying out in ecstasy, her eyes half-rolling back in her head as her tongue sticks out for a moment. Link takes this as an invitation… and leans in to kiss her.

But it's nothing like the sloppy, disgusting kisses that her late husband had always laid upon her mouth, the kisses that had ruined kissing for her for so long. No, instead the way Link kisses her manages to convey protection, security, and even a level of passionate devotion that Zelda is truly at a loss to even begin addressing.

For the briefest of moments, the Queen of Hyrule has a poor thought. In the midst of all of that ecstasy, as Link's sizable member brings her to not just that one orgasm, but multiple orgasms back to back to back… Zelda almost wishes that she'd betrothed him to herself instead of her daughter. But that thought lasts for the briefest of moments before she casts it out of her mind.

While she allows herself to enjoy the pleasure of being fucked into a puddle of goo by this handsome, big-dicked young man, mostly because she can't STOP herself from enjoying it as much as she is… the Queen refuses to let her selfish desires ruin her daughter's future. That's exactly why she's begun taking a potion behind the scenes, one that will make sure Link's seed cannot take root in her no doubt still fertile womb. She's not nearly old enough to not have to worry about pregnancy still. But thanks to the potion she herself has brewed, being something of a hobbyist when it comes to Alchemy, Queen Zelda can be certain that she will NOT get pregnant off of this… lesson, or any other lesson that comes after.

The reason why is simple… she can't risk bearing another child before her daughter is crowned, accidentally disinheriting Princess Zelda on accident.

So yes, Queen Zelda has taken every precaution… so it's fine if she enjoys this, right? If she… lets herself get a bit lost in the pleasure. By the time Link finishes inside of the monarch, the gorgeous MILFy Queen of Hyrule is left gaping on the bed, having orgasmed so much that she's not sure she can even feel her legs anymore.

The lesson is decidedly over, and even the silent hero seems to understand this… and yet, rather than leaving her on her bed as a testament to his prowess, having conquered her body if not her mind or soul… Link lingers there, and to the Queen's utmost surprise, cradles her and holds her close. Zelda the Elder is truly unsure of what to do with herself, as she realizes the Hyrule's Hero is cuddling with her.

She's never… she's never been cuddled with after sex before. It feels strange, but in a good way. In the end, the Queen lets herself relax into Link's touch, unsure of what else to do. What is this strange feeling, welling up in her breast? Is this… happiness?


Laughter fills the air, as Princess Zelda clings to Riju, the Gerudo spurring her horse on faster down the path carved out of the desert sands. Despite being closer to Zelda the Younger's Age rather than her mother's, the Gerudo Girl is already Chief of the Gerudo Tribe, having inherited the position after her own mother had passed away and left it to her. There were those among the Gerudo who still weren't quite sure about having a young woman who might as well still be a child leading them, but so far Riju hadn't taken shit from anyone, so there wasn't too much grumbling going on.

For Zelda though, none of that mattered. At the end of the day, what Riju was to her more than anything else, was a friend. Spending time with the Gerudo Girl, being in her company… it lifted Princess Zelda's heart in a way that not much else did these days. That wasn't to say Zelda had it bad or anything though. She knew more than most that she was a lucky girl with all the fortune in the world, given her circumstances.

She'd certainly been lucky to be sheltered by the Sheikah throughout Ganon's reign. But that sheltering had also, in her humble opinion, left her rather unfit to rule. The Princess wasn't ready to be a Queen, that much she knew for sure. Still a couple years from being of age, Zelda could only hope that her mother wouldn't die or step down for a long, long time.

Zelda the Younger had a love for traveling and experiencing other cultures that was too damn big to just let slide. She especially enjoyed hanging out with Riju, who had effectively become something like a wild older-sister to the young Princess ever since they met. Honestly, Zelda was a little scared of having to be in charge of anything, let alone something as big as the Kingdom of Hyrule. Especially… especially with Ganon's reign still scarring the land and minds of her mother's subjects.

On the same note, she really wasn't sure about this betrothal to the hero, Link. He was… handsome enough, she supposed, and reliable too. But his silence made him feel rather distant, and she was fairly sure she hadn't fallen in love at first sight or anything like that. In the end, she… she wasn't sure she even wanted to marry him, but she also wasn't sure she was actually going to be given a choice in the matter either.

Tearing her mind off of thoughts of Link, Zelda instead focuses on how it feels to have her arms wrapped around her best friend. Riju… now there was a girl that Zelda could safely say she loved. Of course, she was also quite aware that there was no way she and Riju were getting married… and besides, she knew the Gerudo Chieftain pretty well by this point. Riju wasn't ever getting married, not if she could help it. She would rather have fun with everyone and anyone under the sun. That was the kind of person her adoptive older sister was.

Not for the first time, Zelda finds herself comparing their body types as well. The young Hyrulian Princess knows she's pretty. She has her mother's looks after all, if not quite the same mature body as the gorgeous Queen. She's buxom but not quite busty, and her time with the Sheikah has left her with a fit body that's still quite feminine in appearance. Much like her mother, Princess Zelda is classically beautiful in appearance.

Riju, meanwhile, is a bit different, even by Gerudo standards. She's almost flat chested up top, but downstairs she has some of the thickest thighs and widest hips that Zelda has ever seen. They're likely from a lifetime of horseback riding, of course, but even still, Zelda can't help but be a little jealous of them, because to be honest, Riju rocks her look.

Of course, she does, the Gerudo Girl loves being a leader, she loves being in charge. She loves all of it… or so Zelda thinks. What the young Princess DOESN'T know about her friend is that Riju gets inordinately wet at the thought of Link putting her in her place. Of being stripped of her leadership and her confidence, and just TAKEN by the strong, silent hero.

This went all the way back to the man saving her from a group of Darknuts that kidnapped her to the Spirit Temple back when she was a preteen, and without a doubt, he's her fondest crush. If not for Zelda's betrothal to Link, Riju would have stolen the Hyrulian Guard Captain for herself… but she loves Zelda, and freedom as well, far too much to try and take him without permission.

The Princess knows none of this of course, which means she's going to be in for quite the surprise in just a little bit. As Riju urges their horse onwards to the oasis that they've been heading to all this time, Zelda licks her parched lips, more than ready to get some water. She's about to get a lot more than that though…


"You know, I met your betrothed her once upon a time. Or rather, I suppose I didn't meet him… mm, it was more like I was stalking him~"

Zelda blinks at that, looking over at Riju. Both of them have decided to go skinny dipping in the oasis, stripping down to nothing. They've had their fun though, laughing and splashing about for a good half hour. Now… now they're lounging back on the sandy beach next to the water, relaxing in the shade of the palm trees overhead.

Biting her lower lip and furrowing her brow, the young Princess stares at her friend, somewhat incredulous.

"You were… you were stalking Link?"

Grinning right back at her, Riju just hums an affirmative in the back of her throat as she bobs her head up and down.

"Yep! He was clearing the nearby Spirit Temple… and I just so happened to be in the area. I followed him over here after he was done and got a nice little peek at your future when he stripped down to bathe. Curious?"

Zelda blushes furiously at that. She's a bright girl, if a bit sheltered, so she can pretty easily figure out exactly what her best friend is suggesting. The Gerudo Chieftain always has been a shameless pervert, but still…

"… M-Maybe."

Snickering at her, Riju whistles sharply, causing the stallion that they'd rode out here on to trot over. Positioning him between the two of them, the Gerudo reaches up and begins to rub the horse's cock sheathe so damn nonchalantly, making Zelda blush all the more profusely… though she's admittedly a little familiar with Riju's perverted acts by this point.

The two of them sit up, kneeling beneath the stallion on either side of his cock, and Zelda watches with red cheeks and wide eyes as Riju coaxes a… well, a horse-sized member out of its sheath.

"R-Riju, I-!"

"Shhh, let me work… or better yet, help me you little ingrate! My darling steed did carry us BOTH all the way out here in this sweltering heat after all, so you should show your thanks as well, shouldn't you?"

Zelda blanches… before giving the horse's growing cock a considering glance. Riju is right, after all. It's only fair… so, tentatively, hesitantly, the young Hyrulian Princess reaches out and begins to stroke off the stallion right alongside her best friend. There's more than enough cock to go around.

She can only imagine what her mother would say if she could see her now, or what the people of Hyrule would think of their Princess jerking off an animal, but luckily none of them are here, and Riju certainly isn't going to tell anyone. Zelda trusts the Gerudo Girl with her life. For a little while, the two of them just stroke Riju's horse off in silence, with Riju interrupting said silence every once in a while to coo at her majestic steed and plant smooches onto his shaft.

Zelda isn't willing to go that far, just touching it with her hands is enough for her, to be honest. It's not long before their combined actions have brought the stallion to full hardness… and then Riju shocks her with what she says next.

"About this size."


Glancing around the horse cock to look Zelda in the eye, Riju gives the young Princess a wicked grin.

"The hero Link. His dick is about as big as my stallion's fully erect cock. THAT'S how well-endowed he is."

Zelda goes white as a sheet at that, blanching at the thought. For a moment, she hopes Riju's fucking with her… but for all the Gerudo Chieftain is grinning wickedly, she's also deadly serious and the Princess can tell as much from looking in her eyes. Of course, before Zelda can even begin to process that and come up with a response, Riju leans forward and delivers a long lick across the flared head of her stallion's massive horse cock.

With a neigh, the stallion abruptly tips over the edge and begins to cum, and Zelda can't flinch back in time to stop Riju from grabbing her and dragging her in to a side-hug. The two young women end up right in front of the massive meat cannon that Riju's mount is sporting, and he showers them both in his seed as they kneel there under his belly, getting positively coated in the white, hot horse spunk.

If Zelda was embarrassed before, now she's mortified. And this… this was what Link was packing in those green pants of his? It was u-unbelievable… Zelda had never been more terrified of her impending marriage in her life. But Riju doesn't give her long to think on it, truth be told, because before Zelda knows it, the Gerudo has her on her back and is licking her clean, starting with her face, and then moving down to her tits, and then further still.

A squeak leaves the Hyrulian Princess' lips and her hands instinctively go down to curl into her best friend and older sister figure's hair as Riju begins to eat her out, right there on the spot. Zelda's back arches and her head tilts upwards for a moment as she moans throatily. Riju definitely knows what she's doing, but then to be fair, this isn't the first time she's done this. She knows how to toy with Zelda using that oh-so-skilled tongue of hers, and there's nothing the Princess can do but lie back and take it.

For a while, that's all she does, even as the horse trots away again to get a drink of water, having received satisfaction from his mistress and her guest. Zelda whimpers and mewls and moans under Riju's skilled tongue, until she too is cumming all over the other girl's face, her pussy juices coating the Gerudo Chieftain's features.

As Zelda lays back on the ground, panting heavily, Riju pulls herself up Zelda's body and leans over her, trapping the Princess' legs betwixt her thighs and planting her hands on either side of Zelda's head.

"Hey Princess? I got a favor to ask of you."

Zelda, more than a little dazed, makes an 'mm' sound in the back of her throat as she looks up at Riju through lidded eyes.

"It's like this… from what I saw, you aren't going to be able to handle your husband alone. Meanwhile, I'm not looking for a husband. The Gerudo are matriarchal after all… pretty aggressively so. If I ever got married, why, they'd probably kick me out, heh. Still… I do need heirs~"

Riju brings her hands up to Zelda's breasts and runs her fingers over them, caressing the Princess' curves as she speaks in a low, lilting tone. Zelda moans, but slowly nods to show she's following along with what the Gerudo Girl is saying so far.

"So, I figure we can kill two birds with one stone! Let me share Link with you a few times. Let me see if he can knock me up once or twice, maybe. And in return, I'll help you bear the load, so to speak. After all, a guy with a cock like that? He's probably a bit of a sex maniac~"

Somewhere in the back of Zelda's pleasured mind, a voice whispers 'takes one to know one', but in truth, she's far too out of it to actually say something as witty and clever as that at this point. And honestly? It sounds like a fairly good idea, truth be told…

"… Mmkay… let's do it…"

Riju blinks, looking surprised for a moment, and then her surprise is wiped away and replaced by a big, shit-eating grin.

"Great! Knew you'd see it my way, Princess! And for being such a good girl… mm, I think you deserve a reward~"

Zelda just smiles dreamily, her eyes still heavily lidded. Before she can ask what kind of reward, Riju has already slunk back down the length of her body… and then Zelda's eyes are going wide again, before fully rolling back in her head as the Gerudo begins to eat her out all over again.


As Link steps into the bedroom for his second lesson in how to properly make love to her daughter, Queen Zelda squares her shoulders, straightening her back… and inadvertently puffing out her chest in the process. The silent hero's eyes flicker downwards for only a moment though before his gaze is back on her pinkening face as the older woman blushes ever so slightly at her momentary oversight.

Yesterday's lessons had both gone well… and not gone the way Zelda the Elder intended at all. After all, Link was meant to be her daughter's intended… NOT hers. She was not allowed to catch feelings for him, no sir. In fact, allowing him to cuddle her after their first time together had been a gross oversight on her part.

Today would be different. Today, the beautiful Queen would keep her distance and make sure Link understood that their relationship was purely that of teacher and student, and the things they were doing together would NOT be continuing once her daughter and the young hero were finally wed.

"… Come here, Link. Today I will be teaching you cunnilingus. You may keep your member within your pants… all you will need this day is your tongue and your mouth, as I show you the best way to pleasure my daughter after a long day of court."

If Link has any complaints, he certainly doesn't make them apparent. He seems completely at peace with following her instructions though, even as he walks over. When she orders him to his knees, he obeys that as well. Slowly, tantalizingly, Queen Zelda hikes her dress and skirts up around her legs. She pulls until she has them bunched up, so that she's exposing her long, pale legs… and her slightly wet pussy lips.

Inches away from Link's face, her slit is already dripping, just a bit. Zelda internally curses her body's treacherous reaction, while trying to maintain her composure to the best of her abilities.

"Go ahead, young hero. Show me what that tongue of yours can do. Once I've seen enough, I will instruct you on how to do better."

Link's expression becomes determined as he gives a single sharp nod. His hands are suddenly on her thighs, and Zelda's breath hitches at his touch. But before she can tell him to remove them, he's diving betwixt her legs and his mouth is on her cunt… and truth be told, it's… Zelda the Elder has never actually had a man perform this act for her.

The Queen is trying to put on a brave front of course, trying to instruct her daughter's fiancé in something she read about in a book once. Cunnilingus… it might not be something that the Queen ever got to enjoy before now, but she had figured it couldn't be hard to teach Link how to perform it, and that he would then be capable of doing it with her daughter whenever Zelda the Younger had a particularly rough day ruling Hyrule.

What the older woman wasn't counting on was Link being as naturally good at eating muff as he was at fucking. The silent young hero plants his mouth on her lower lips and resolutely thrusts his tongue forward into her twat. In mere moments, the Queen is leaning forward, her hands gripping tightly at Link's head as she moans throatily, near-wantonly. It's incredibly embarrassing, the noises he's extracting from her.

She didn't expect it to feel this… this GOOD. A shudder runs through the Queen as his tongue goes deeper than ever before, his nose bumping into her clit. Zelda the Elder's eyes go wide, and she spasms. There's not even time to call out a warning to the young man who's face she's currently humping, before quite suddenly, she's squirting her pussy juices all over his mouth and chin in an explosive orgasm that comes out of seemingly nowhere.

Her startled shriek of ecstasy also startles Link, and when she's finally done cumming and has relaxed her grip on his head, the young man pulls back and looks up at her, blinking, her pussy fluids dripping off of his chin as he stares at her in concern.

"You… you…"

D-Dangerous. He was dangerous. She needed… she needed to off-set his technique, in some way. The Queen was quickly beginning to realize something she probably should have already caught on to about the young hero. When Link was given a task to complete, a singular objective to accomplish, he focused on it until it was done, attacking whatever it was with a ferocity and determination that just could not be matched.

When the problem was Ganon and his tyranny, then this was a good thing, because it meant Hyrule was saved and Link was their silent young hero. But when it came to her trying to teach him how to best pleasure her daughter… Queen Zelda was perhaps not prepared for just what Link could bring to the table. Swallowing thickly, the MILF quickly tosses her mind about, before eventually happening upon a solution.

"… That was acceptable, Link. We will now move onto another position. For this, you will strip naked and lay down on the bed."

Nodding decisively, Link rises to his feet and does as he's told. The Queen tries to avoid staring at his naked body too much, his muscles drawing her eyes as much as his sizable cock. To her surprise, he's already half-hard… did he really get off on giving her pleasure, or was it just being in her presence? Either way, Zelda the Elder blushes a bit, even as she stands and strips down as well, pulling off her dress and undergarments completely.

By the time she's done getting naked, Link is already on the bed and on his back, waiting for her. Carefully, Zelda climbs aboard… and proceeds to position herself facing the opposite direction of the silent hero as she crawls atop him.

"In this position… both the man and woman can orally pleasure one another. Give me a moment to get started, and then you may begin again."

Keeping her hips raised for just a bit, her pussy out of reach of Link's oh-so-dangerous tongue, Queen Zelda leans forward and proceeds to take him into her mouth, fellating the young hero's big fat cock and worshipping it with her tongue and lips as she slurps and laps and sucks at him. This way, Link's focus will be… split. This way, she can keep him distracted with her mouth on his member, and he won't… he won't be able to repeat that trick with his tongue.

Because it had to be just that, a trick. There's no way he could just be that naturally good at cunnilingus, right? Feeling like she has her bearings again, like she's back in control, the Queen slowly lowers her dripping wet pussy lips back onto Link's face. As she bobs and slurps up and down on his thick, throbbing cock somewhat inexpertly, she's fully prepared for him to be far less stellar with his tongue, now that he's also being fellated at the same exact time.

And yet, when his hands come up and grab her thighs again, albeit this time from a different angle, and he once again dives into her cunt… Queen Zelda is the one left moaning, her voice sending reverberations up the young hero's cock as she trembles atop him, her pussy lips positively gushing in response to his renewed eating out of her august self.

He's just too damn good! That tongue of his… it's a weapon, it's not fair! She just… she has to keep it up, she has to try harder. So, Zelda does, bobbing up and down all the more aggressively on his cock, trying in vain to distract Link from bringing her pleasure as she ends up throating some of his member, gagging a little, but ultimately managing it all the same.

And yet, no matter how much she fights to distract Link from his appointed task, that single-minded focus of his is rearing its ugly head. His determination to learn what she has to teach him is immense, it would seem, and there's nothing that Zelda can do but squeal her way through yet another orgasm at the end of Link's tongue.

At least her squealing, muffled as it is by Link's cock, manages to send him over the edge as well. The silent hero tenses up and lets loose, and Zelda has to admit, she's not all that prepared. She still does the best she can to catch it all in her mouth, but some of it ends up striking her in the face all the same. When she finally pulls back, she has to collect the bits that didn't make it betwixt her lips with her fingers, slowly cleaning herself up.

Her ass, meanwhile, has slid down Link's chest, her pussy now out of range of his dangerous tongue. Turning the cunnilingus into a sixty-nine session should have helped at least a little… but in the end, it'd once again been the Queen's loss. Letting out a shuddering breath, her eyes fluttering, Zelda purses her lips together and tries to decide what to do next.

Despite already orgasming twice… her core is filled with need. And Link… Link is still fully erect. Licking her lips, the Queen decides to flip herself around and extend their… lesson for just a bit longer. Planting her hands on Link's chest, trying to ignore how good his muscular pecs feel beneath her soft palms, Zelda the Elder lifts her hips up and teases the head of his thick cock with her pussy lips as she slowly eases herself onto him.

"Sometimes, my daughter may wish to be the one on top. If that is the case, you will ALWAYS accommodate her. Understood?"

As Link nods his agreement, staring at her with wide, bright eyes, Zelda's breath hitches and she wiggles her way a bit further down his member. With this position at least, she could control the pace of things. With this, she could maintain a certain tempo and not let things get carried away like they did the first time she and Link laid together.

Slowly easing herself on and off of his cock, Zelda begins to ride him cowgirl, bouncing up and down on his member. She tries to take things slow, tries to set the pace… and in all fairness to Link, he doesn't make any attempt to usurp control from her. His hands are resting on her hips, but he's not actually gripping tightly at them, or forcing her to go any faster than she wants to go.

No, that's all Queen Zelda herself. The more she bounces, the more she finds herself losing control. She's bouncing up and down on his cock faster and faster now, breathless wanton moans leaving her parted lips as she pants, and her chest heaves up and down with her. Moving of their own accord, her hands grab hold of Link's wrists and direct his hands to her chest.

For a moment, the young man just lays there doing nothing, but eventually he begins to squeeze and grope her breasts, causing Queen Zelda's moans to evolve into cries. She loses track of just how many times she orgasms around his cock. She loses track of how long she spends bouncing up and down on his big, fat dick.

She shouldn't… this isn't good. Not a single bit of this. And yet, the MILF of a Queen can't get enough of her daughter's intended. She can't get enough of the silent hero Link's cock. If only she were younger, if only-

The Queen's eyes roll back in her head for a moment, and she lets out a particularly lurid cry as an incredibly powerful orgasm wracks her body. She cums atop Link's cock, and he cums alongside her, his member milked by her clenching, tightening cunt. For a moment, the two of them are in a lover's embrace… and then Zelda the Elder remembers herself and pulls back, sitting astride him, his cock still buried inside of her as her chest heaves with exertion.

She needed… she needed to keep distance between them. The first day of lessons had not gone well in that regard, and now, neither had today's. She needed to lay out the ground rules here and now.

"Once… once you and my daughter are married, you will only lay with her. You will only love the Princess, and you will stay faithful to her for as long as you both live. Is that understood?"

She can only hope that her words have the bite to them that she intends, because to the Queen's ears, they sound breathless and altogether far too weak. But the look of calm consideration and the determined nod that the silent hero gives her in answer to her words is enough. She's not known the young man to ever lie or go back on his word before now, at least, so she can only hope that continues to hold.

However, when she finally goes to pull off of his cock, letting it slip free of her freshly fucked twat, the Queen finds herself scooped into the young hero's arms before she can so much as blink. As he cuddles her into his muscular chest even more aggressively than the first time, Zelda the Elder finds herself blushing profusely, unwilling to censure him or extract herself from his arms.

This was… it was fine. So long as he knew that nothing could continue between them once he and her daughter were married, then all of this was… just fine.


Her daughter was home, but the guards reported the Princess bringing a guest with her. Which meant the Queen had to greet both young women in her throne room, sat upon her throne, one ruler meeting a visiting ruler from another nation, for all that her daughter may not have intended Riju's visit to come across that way.

At least Queen Zelda was able to make sure the throne room was otherwise vacated. It was just the three of them, as the Princess let the Gerudo Chieftain in through the large double doors at the end of the hall, before shutting them behind her. Judging by the way her daughter didn't freeze up at seeing her mother on the throne, she at least understood what needed to happen. The fact that she kept her eyes on the ground meant she also understood that she'd made a bit of a mess of things by bringing Riju without warning or without permission.

Riju, meanwhile, Chieftain of the Gerudo people, walks alongside Queen Zelda's daughter with confidence in her steps. However, she too averts her gaze respectfully as they approach the throne, surprising the Hyrulian Queen just a tad. Everything she'd ever heard about Riju made it fairly clear that the young Gerudo woman was… opinionated and obstinate, to say the least.

She wouldn't have thought that the Gerudo knew how to keep her head down and observe Hyrulian niceties, but either she'd underestimated the Gerudo Chieftain, she'd underestimated her daughter's ability to bring Riju to heel… or they both wanted something from her, something that they were hoping to get from her by putting her into a good mood.

As Princess Zelda comes to a stop a few feet from Queen Zelda, sat upon her throne, Riju does the same beside her, the two girls bowing at the same time. Both of them bow at the waist, but not all the way down. It's a bow that the Queen had spent a long time putting into her daughter's head, because it's the bow of a Princess to a Queen, one designed to show deference and respect, but not complete submission.

… She supposes it works well enough for a Gerudo Chieftain as well, in the end. One eyebrow lifted, Queen Zelda raises a gloved hand, palm up, while speaking for the first time.


Her command is hastily followed by both girls, who straighten up. It's the Princess who steps forward though, another step of protocol that the Queen is surprised to see the Gerudo girl be willing to follow.

"Mother, this is Riju, Chieftain of the Gerudo People. Chieftain, I have the privilege of introducing you to my mother, Queen Zelda of Hyrule."

Zelda the Elder smiles and nods in acknowledgement of her daughter's friend, causing the Gerudo Chieftain to smile and nod as well… but, hesitantly. Oh yes, the Queen is fairly confident by this point that her daughter and her daughter's friend want something from her.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Chieftain Riju. Be welcome in my court, for as long as you like."

There's a sigh of relief from Zelda the Younger at those words, as they signify the end of the official exchange of greetings between the Queen and a visiting dignitary. At this point, Riju is fine, essentially, so long as she doesn't break any laws or insult the Queen in any overt manner.

Stepping up to her side, her daughter places a hand atop hers, her fingers curling around as she squeezes slightly, smiling at her.

"Thank you, mother… Riju and I, w-we have a bit of an… um, request for you."

Raising an eyebrow, Queen Zelda squeezes her daughter's hand right back, happy to see her again. Even if seeing the Princess in the flesh does evoke something that tastes like guilt in her. The things she's done with Link while Zelda the Younger was away… it was all in the name of making sure her daughter had a happy marriage, that she and Link were a good match. But at the same time, the Queen was willing to admit, at least to herself, that she'd perhaps come to enjoy their 'lessons' a bit too much.

It was best that the Princess was home now, and the wedding could soon take place, so that the Queen would not be tempted any f-further…

Either way, her daughter and Riju were both waiting for a response.

"… Very well. Is this an official request that should be made here, in the throne room, or can we retire to my solar for some tea and snacks?"

The fact that Riju defers to the Princess on this, glancing over at Zelda the Younger questioningly, is a good sign in the Queen's book. The fact that her daughter has to pause and actually consider whether the nature of the request should be official or not… is not a good sign. But in the end, the Princess finally gives a hesitant nod.

"I think… I think retiring to the solar would be best, mother."

Smiling to hide any anxiety she might be feeling, the Queen rises, though she continues to hold her daughter's hand in her own.

"Very well then, let us be off."

They leave the throne room together, with Riju trailing at the Princess' opposite side. Zelda the Elder keeps her eyes forward, brow furrowed as her mind races, trying to figure out what the hell this request was going to be, and honestly coming up short. But… one way or another, she supposed she'd find out soon enough.


"Excuse me… you want to WHAT?!"

Both her daughter and Riju duck their heads and blush at her incredulous, admonishing tone. As well they should, though while her initial reaction was shock, her mind is already spinning, and she can already see some… value in agreeing.

Her daughter, as much as the Queen's outburst startles her, doesn't stay contrite for long, however.

"I want… I want you to let Link impregnate Riju. She needs a baby, and Link… Link will be able to give her that. It won't be anything more than that, a simple transaction… and won't it make our ties with the Gerudo even stronger, if Riju's inevitable daughter shares blood with our King?!"

It would make Link's ties to the Gerudo even stronger, to be sure. But… Queen Zelda had long since come to terms with the fact that the silent hero, their young earnest guard captain, was nothing like her husband. He was good and kind, and not at all interested in wielding true power. Still, she'd wanted her daughter to rule Hyrule. Not Link.

"My daughter, I-!"

Before the Queen can finish her thought, the Princess is overriding her with a frankly embarrassing and utterly crass question.

"I-Is it true that my fiancé is hung like a horse?"

For a moment, the Queen doesn't know how to respond to that. Her eyes widen, her face flushes with color, and her mouth opens and closes like a goldfish for several long moments. Guilt rises inside of her breast, but she doesn't think either of the two younger women notice, as Riju with wide eyes of her owns quickly leans over and whispers in the Princess' ear.

Her daughter's own eyes go wide, and her blush intensifies as she immediately averts her gaze.

"S-Sorry! I… o-of course you wouldn't know the answer to that question, mother, w-what was I thinking, I can't-!"

This time it's the mother's turn to interrupt the daughter.

"Y-Yes, Princess. Yes… he is somewhat proportionate to a s-stallion."

Both Zelda the Younger and Riju stare at her with wide eyes, causing the Queen to flush an even deeper shade of red. Still, she does not avert her gaze like they might. Her back remains ramrod straight and her chin remains in the air. Keep a stiff upper lip at all times, that was how she'd been trained…

"While… while you were away, I took it upon myself to train your fiancé in the art of lovemaking. Given how unhappy my own marriage was, I wanted more for you… I wanted better. Link has proven to be a most attentive and… generous lover so far. I don't think you have much to worry about in that regard, my daughter."

There. It was off her chest. Now her daughter knew that her own mother had been fucking her husband-to-be behind her back.

"… Mother…"

The Queen closes her eyes, holding back tears as she waits for the righteous fury that was almost certainly coming her way. She expected the Princess to explode at any moment, and to say all kinds of terrible things to her. And truthfully, Zelda the Elder felt like she would deserve every last one of them. It may have started out… educational, but there was no denying the truth. She'd come to enjoy her time with Link far more than a mother ever should where her daughter's fiancé was to be concerned.

"… You did that for me?"

Wait, what? The Queen blinks her eyes open, only to find her daughter nearly in tears. But not in disgust or horror at what her mother had done, but in happiness, if the wobbly smile on Zelda the Younger's face was any indication.

"You took that arrow… for me?"

The Queen opens and closes her mouth some more, but once again no sound comes out. She… doesn't know what to say. Except that her daughter has it wrong. Sure, she might have started out doing it for the Princess, but truth be told, it'd quickly became about her and her own pleasure, and it was high time that she admitted to that.

However, before she can say as much, the Princess sniffs up and wipes away her tears and firms her smile as she reaches out to take her mother's hand.

"Well, if you were willing to do that for me, mother… then you must allow me to do this for Riju. Not least of which because I… because Riju offered in order to help me s-share the load, so to speak. I want… I need my friend with me when I f-finally have to confront that monster."

Queen Zelda frowns at that, and it just goes to show how smitten she really is when defense of Link easily rises to her lips where no other words would come before.

"Dear daughter, Link isn't a monster."

Princess Zelda laughs and shakes her head.

"Not him, mother… his cock."

To that, Zelda blinks and then concedes with a slow side-nod that her daughter has a point. Judging by the way Riju is also nodding, the Gerudo Chieftain somehow has prior experience with Link and his cock size as well, something that throws the Queen off a bit. Riju must be able to see that because she cheerfully pipes up when Zelda the Elder throws her a befuddled look.

"Happened to catch a peek of the hero's true size when he stripped down to bathe out near the Spirit Temple. So, I kind of knew what the Princess here was going to deal with. Figured we could kill two birds with one stone. Link knocks me up, and I help my friend out on her wedding night."

The Queen slowly nods at that, finding the Gerudo Chieftain's answer acceptable. Except… there was ONE thing about all of this that stood out, and Zelda the Elder found herself frowning at Riju, almost glaring at her, even.

"And how, exactly, does my daughter know what a horse cock even looks like?"

It's a bit of a shot in the dark, because 'hung like a horse' IS a euphemism used by many a woman who has never even see a horse cock before… but Queen Zelda has a feeling, and that feeling is only confirmed by the way Riju's face goes ashen, her smile turning a little fixed as she winces, while beside her, the Princess blushes up to the roots of her blonde locks.

… Right. Letting out a soft sigh, Queen Zelda just shakes her head ruefully.

"I assume your virginity is still intact, my daughter?"

"Y-Yes, mother!"

Nodding, the Queen looks between the two young women before her. One might technically be her equal politically, but the way Riju ducks her head in deference makes it clear she knows she's in the dog house.

"… Very well, I will allow this. If it is my daughter's wish, and Link consents, then he may impregnate you, Chieftain. That said, it is clear to me that you both need to learn something more about actual sex. Playing around with horse cocks isn't going to give you the sort of hands on experience you REALLY need."

Before either of the younger two women can respond, Zelda rings a bell, calling in a servant, causing both the Princess and Riju to clam up in sheer embarrassment.

"Please, find the hero Link and escort him here to meet with us."

The servant bows and leaves to do as she's told. In no time at all, Link arrives to complete silence, the three women having waited for him. Queen Zelda rises from her chair as he enters, gifting her future son-in-law (and current lover) with a smile.

"Link. Please, come here. My daughter, your wife-to-be, has returned to us. She's also brought a friend with her… Riju, Chieftain of the Gerudo Tribe."

Link smiles and nods at both of them, seeming perfectly happy to see them. Though, he did have just a little bit of guilt in his eyes when he looked back to her. Ah, good, he wasn't a complete simpleton. Bringing him over to where the younger women are sat, the Queen lets out a low sigh.

"My daughter is… happy that we've been training you to her liking, but now it's time that our lessons expand to include both the Princess and the Chieftain. So, please disrobe so that I can teach my daughter and her friend about sex with a man."

Blinking in surprise… Link shrugs and begins to do just that. As she watches him do so, the Queen tries to calm the ardor in her heart, tries to keep herself on the straight and narrow. But she can already tell it's going to be hard… almost as hard as Link's gorgeous, masculine body and his delectable abs. Licking her lips, Queen Zelda is thankful that both Riju and her daughter are as fixated by Link's increasingly naked form as she is.

But soon they'll be listening to her giving them a lesson about sex… and she's not sure if she'll be able to keep it together or not…


The handsome young hero is standing naked before them both all too soon, and not at all soon enough in Queen Zelda's opinion. Her heart is pounding in her ample bosom as she, her daughter, and the Gerudo Chieftain all stare at Link's rock-hard abs and more importantly, his thick, fat cock. Said cock isn't quite hard yet, still dangling limply between his legs as he looks back at them all patiently, but honestly, that alone is telling enough.

He's just so big, and he's definitely not just a grower. No, from past experience, Zelda the Elder knows for a fact that Link is both a grower AND a shower. Yes, he is that big when he's soft, and YES, he does get a lot bigger. A-Ah, but these are probably all things that she should be saying out loud, aren't they? It's just… how can she possibly hope to keep her composure?

By being the Queen, she knows she is, of course. Stiff upper lip! Shoulders back! Spine straight as an arrow! Clearing her throat, the beautiful Queen draws the eyes of her daughter and her daughter's friend as she rises from her seat and makes her way over to Link.

"We shall start… with foreplay. Fellatio, to be exact."

She descends to her knees in front of the silent hero downright gracefully if she does say so herself, reaching out with just one hand to start with as she takes hold of Link's limp, girthy member and lifts it up to her lips.

"You will want to use your tongue and lips at the start, like so."

Kissing and licking Link's cock never fails to turn her on. But she does her best to hold back her reactions all the same, not eager to give Riju and the Princess too much of a show. This is already… this is already much too far as it is, but then, she crossed that line long ago. Now she has to live in the bed she's made for herself.

Steadily but surely with each passing moment, Link's cock grows. Queen Zelda hears her daughter's breath hitch and can make out some soft murmuring from Riju as the Gerudo girl whispers into Zelda the Younger's ear. What she's saying, the Queen can't say… but it's no doubt quite lewd, if the blush on her daughter's face that she can make out just out of the corner of her periphery is anything to go off of.

Pulling back after delivering one final smooch to Link's engorged, bulbous cockhead, Queen Zelda squares her shoulders and turns to pin both her daughter and Riju with her gaze.

"You start with your lips and tongue for one simple reason. Once he's this large, you won't be able to properly utilize each after you take him in your mouth. You will quickly discover that to properly suck a cock this massive, you will need to use your throat as well. Watch me carefully to see what I do."

And then the Queen, as calm and collected and composed as she possibly can be, descends down Link's cock, taking him past her lips, feeling his girth flatten her tongue to the bottom of her mouth, and feeling her jaw stretch as he goes down the back of her throat and bulges her neck. She swallows continuously from the off-set, but that doesn't stop the choking from beginning. It does alleviate it somewhat though, and even as she gags and gurgles along his member, she's taking Link deeper and deeper.

"Glughk… Glughk… Glughk…"

Eventually, she hits the base of his cock. Even though it's hard, even though she's already struggling, the Queen makes herself stare there for a moment, choking on his dick as she kisses Link's crotch with her lips. She waits a beat, and then she pulls back, slowly sliding him back out of her gullet and esophagus, until finally his meat leaves her mouth with a pop.

No rush, no panic, no frantic efforts for breath. She does have to take a moment to regain her composure, but once she's done so, she looks to the two girls with her chin jutting out.

"I do hope you were paying attention, you two."

And then, because truth be told, she can't hold back anymore, Queen Zelda goes right back down Link's member, not waiting for a reply. It's just too tasty, and as far as she's concerned, she's satisfied the requirements for this to constitute a lesson at this point. Bobbing up and down Link's cock for several long moments, Zelda the Elder chokes and gags on his dick, her drool and saliva beginning to drip off her chin and onto her dress in a distinctly unladylike manner. She doesn't care though, nothing else matters but Link's cock, nothing-

He starts to cum out of nowhere, quite abruptly, and the Queen's eyes widen as she only has a moment to react. She does her best to swallow his seed, but it's hard, and in the end she chokes on as much as she drinks, some of it coming back out and dribbling down her chin in quite the embarrassing manner. But the time Link is finished cumming, he's made quite the mess of her. Unintentionally, she imagines, but nevertheless, it's there.

Pulling back, her cheeks also stuffed full of even more cum she couldn't swallow, Queen Zelda brings her hand daintily to her lips and does her level best to get it down as her daughter, the Gerudo Chieftain, and Link all watch on. Eventually, she's swallowed as much as she's able, and regains the ability to speak. Rising to her feet, the Queen manages to hide her true feelings behind the façade of an instructor, once more pinning the Princess and her friend with a stern gaze before glancing down at the mess that's been made of herself.

"Let this be a -urp- lesson to both of you. Before engaging in fellatio, it is best to strip at least your top off, lest you ruin some very fine clothes."

And then, putting her words into practice, the voluptuous Queen begins to strip down, pulling her dress and every other garment under it off of her body until she's as naked as Link is. Her daughter's eyes are extremely wide by the time she's done, but then, what did the girl expect? That her mother would teach them about sex without ever getting dirty herself? Riju, meanwhile, is grinning like a lunatic, the Gerudo clearly excited for this next part.

… Queen Zelda couldn't blame her, after all, so was she. With no bed in this room, the Queen does the only thing she can do… she plants her hands on the table where the three of them had been drinking tea and eating snacks and bends over it before looking back at Link as she offers him her cunt.

"… Next we will engage in intercourse. Young hero… take me."

Link cocks his head to the side, but ultimately steps forward and does as he's told. As his hands grip tightly at her hips and his cock spears her insides, sinking deep into her hot, warm, velvety depths in just the way she likes… Zelda the Elder realizes she's made a mistake. A wanton moan slips free of her lips and her face threatens to contort in abject pleasure, right in front of her daughter and the Princess' friend. The two of them are still sat at the table, after all, both watching this, watching her, watching her FACE!

Oh fuck, she was so fucking screwed. Link's cock pistons in and out of her faster and faster by the moment, and the beautiful Queen does her level best to maintain some level of control, even as her naked breasts swing and bounce with his thrusts, even as the entire table is jarred each time he slams home into her.

"T-This… this is one of, a-ah, the positions you might e-expect to be t-taken iiiin~"

Both her daughter and Riju are watching intently right now, staring at the depravity happening before them with wide eyes. Zelda the Younger is still rather shocked, but her face is growing redder and redder, making it clear she's enjoying this. Riju, meanwhile, still isn't trying to hide the fact that she's DEFINITELY enjoying this.

"W-When, oooh, when you o-only have time for a q-quickie, t-this is the, mm, most expedient p-position!"

Link is like a machine, as always. Fucking her constantly, never once giving her a break, only escalating further and further until she's nearly shrieking with ecstasy. If not for her daughter and Riju being right there, she would already BE cumming her brains out by this point, frankly. Only their presence, only the fact that she's SUPPOSED to be setting an example for them is enough to let the Queen keep her head on straight.

He really had no business being t-this good at fucking. His cock was already large enough, why did he have to have a god-like technique too? Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuuuuck~

The moment of distraction costs her as the Queen's face contorts into the pleasured, fucked silly expression she'd been trying to hold back all this time. Her eyes go crossed and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. She thinks she sees Riju lean over and whisper something to the Princess, but she can't be sure. She thinks she hears something like 'Your mom's a total SLUT, Princess!' under the Gerudo girl's breath, but that's probably just her mind playing tricks on her.

Regardless, she orgasms on Link's cock in a wholly undignified and utterly explosive manner, taking him with her in the process. He fills her with his seed right then and there, right in front of her daughter and Riju. It takes every ounce of the Queen's strength not to collapse face first onto the table right then and there. Her soft, pale thighs are jiggling intensely as her knees knock together, her legs insanely wobbly.

But she manages to maintain her position, panting heavily but growing more and more clear-headed by the moment.

"W-With that, only one hole remains."

The instant she says it, she wants to take it back. She wants to clap a hand over her mouth and let her eyes widen in horror and shock and shame. Why the hell would she say that, why the hell would she- but no. She's the Queen of Hyrule. She's in charge of her body, if nothing else. Even if apparently her subconscious is working against her, putting words in her mouth that she hadn't meant to say.

As Link, in response to her unthinking comment, moves his messy, lubed up cock from her cunt to her ass, Queen Zelda stares down first Riju, and then her daughter, looking at them both as her ass is penetrated right then and there before them.

"There is… nothing wrong with anal s-sex. B-But you must, ah, a-always be careful not to, to… to let the man g-go in unprepared."

Link certainly isn't unprepared. Her tight ass takes some work to get open for his massive member, but with their combined fluids providing the lubrication, it's not long before he's working his way in and out of her tightly clenching back door. The Queen lets out a shuddering breath, doing her level best not to lose her composure again.

"It is… a partner's duty t-to pleasure their p-partner. You, hah, do not owe your lovers a-anything that they d-do not also owe you. A-As such, if it ever h-hurts, if you ever t-tear, you must let your partner kn-know immediately. I-If they do not stop, hah, to t-tend to you, th-then they do not have your, mm, b-best interests at heart!"

She can only hope her daughter and Riju are listening. They certainly seem to be, but it's equally obvious their attention is split between her words and the anal plowing she's currently receiving. It doesn't help that Link is beginning to speed up now that her asshole has loosened enough. The Queen clamps up at that point, not trusting herself to speak without squeaks and squeals, or cries and shrieks.

… Those end up coming anyways the more he butt fucks her, even as Zelda does her level best to hold them in. She only makes it worse on herself, her first few anal orgasms greatly diminished by her attempts to hold her reactions back. In the end, it means that the last one, the one where she finally breaks, is all the more explosive.

This time, her eyes roll fully back in her skull as she lets out the most guttural moan of her life, her anal muscles clamping down HARD on Link's cock even as she squirts their combined fluids all over the floor beneath the table. With a grunt, the silent hero cums inside of her yet again, filling her bowels with his seed.

This time around, the Queen simply can't do anything. Having lost all semblance of composure and all grasp on reality, she collapses forward, slumping first onto the table, and then down to the floor on her knees as Link's cock slips right out of her ass. His thick, fat cock, still standing at the ready, still able to go who knew how many more rounds.

The last thing Queen Zelda hears before she passes out for a time is the Gerudo girl's chirping voice calling out eagerly.




As her friend drops to her knees in front of the hero Link and grabs his big fat cock with both hands, Princess Zelda doesn't know what to do. She certainly doesn't have a clue what to say. Her mother had so rapidly lost control of both herself and the situation that Zelda the Younger was still processing that. Didn't change the facts though. The Queen, despite her efforts to give them a hands on lesson in sex, was down for the count.

… If Link was able to do that to her mother, the young Princess was a little afraid of just what he would do to her. He'd ruin her with that thing he called a dick, wouldn't he? Neither Riju nor her mother had lied or been incorrect. His cock was JUST as big as a horse's from what Zelda could see. And now Riju was sucking on it, slurping and slobbering all over his dick quite enthusiastically.

As the Gerudo Chieftainess lets out muffled moans around the head of Link's cock, Princess Zelda just stands there, frozen in place and completely silent. Maybe if she just… if she just doesn't do anything, then maybe the two won't notice her? Sure, Link is supposed to be HER husband at the end of the day, but this all… it's a little too much. The young Princess is afraid. How is her virgin pussy supposed to ever take that massive monster inside of it?

Suddenly pulling off of Link's cock with a pop, Riju looks back over her shoulder at Zelda, pinning her with a gaze that makes it clear the Princess' hopes of going unnoticed and thus unmolested were pipe dreams at best.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you, Zelda. You get to go next!"

Zelda's eyes go wide at that, because Riju's actions and previous words seem to run directly contradictory to that.

"B-But you called dibs…"

Even to the Princess' ears, the excuse sounds incredibly weak. Riju just giggles, even as she continues to shamelessly give Link a double fisted handy while talking to her.

"I'm just going to get him warmed up! Maybe let him blow his load all over my tight little Gerudo body so that when he finally IS ball's deep inside of you, he can go for as long as he likes! You'd like that, wouldn't you Link?"

Riju looks up at Link knowingly as she teases him. The silent hero doesn't even bother being embarrassed, he just gives a resolute nod, transferring all of the embarrassment to Princess Zelda, who's feeling more than mortified enough for the BOTH of them at this rate. Groaning, she covers her face with her hands… but at the same time is ultimately unable to help herself as she peeks through her fingers at where Riju and Link are still going at it.

"Stop hiding your face and get ready, Zelda! Go on, get out of that dress! Strip, strip, strip!"

And with that order given, the Gerudo Chieftainess returns to sucking Link's cock as best as she can, slurping and bobbing up and down on his member most enthusiastically, to the point that she's choking herself on his dick as she gurgles away at her self-appointed task. Zelda's breath hitches, because it's obvious that Riju expects to be obeyed.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

… Her mother might be down for the count, but it seems her Gerudo friend is more than willing to take charge. And… and she could trust Riju, right? The other girl wouldn't let anything happen to her. Breath ragged, coming out in pants as she flushed dark crimson while watching Riju choke on Link's cock, the Princess slowly reaches down and grabs at her dress, hiking it up inch by inch.

Slowly but surely, she strips naked as Riju rather comically deep-throats Link's cock, proving that even if she has a small, petite stature, she's still got a Gerudo's durability and stamina. Princess Zelda, meanwhile, is left with not a stitch on her by the time she's done stripping and feeling all the more self-conscious for it. When Link's gaze falls upon her, Zelda blushes and makes an abortive tempt to cover up, before realizing there's really no point. He's going to see what he's going to see.

Instead, she ends up reaching across herself to grab at her other arm subconsciously, inadvertently propping up her young supple tits and making them all the perkier-looking to her soon-to-be husband. This seems to prompt some sort of reaction in Link, because Riju pops off of his cock again and glances back at her, only to go wide-eyed at what she sees.

"Holy fuck, you have the nervous adorable virgin look down pat, Zelda!"

The Gerudo Chieftainess gives the Princess a wide grin, a wink, and a thumbs up, and while it's nice to be appreciated, it's also mortifying to say the least. But Riju isn't done quite yet.

"Ooh, I know! Remember what the Queen said, about always preparing ahead of time? It doesn't just go for anal; it also goes for tight little virgin cunts like the Princess! So, go ahead and get up on that table real quick, Zelda. And Link, YOU come with me."

Biting her lower lip, Zelda hops up onto the nearby table, even as Riju pulls Link along by his cock, shuffling him over. Once they're both where she wants them, Riju points to Zelda's naked pussy lips, which while not quite gushing yet, are already a little wet.

"Okay! Now you eat out the Princess while I suck you off!"

She's so much crasser than Zelda's mother about it, but the Gerudo girl has the same sort of aura of authority about herself all the same. Blushing crimson, Zelda can't really raise a protest, because she's not expected to do anything other than take it, really. Link, meanwhile, doesn't seem to have any sort of protest to raise towards the idea, because he leans forward and grabs Zelda by her creamy smooth thighs right away.

As Riju returns to sucking his cock, the Silent Hero delves betwixt his future bride-to-be's thighs and his tongue dances across Zelda's pussy lips. The young Princess goes wide-eyed, and then a moment later moans wantonly as her back arches and her hands come down on Link's untamable blond hair. O-Oh, his tongue felt AMAZING!

To be fair, she was most well-versed in cunnilingus, of all sexual pursuits. It was what she and Riju had been doing for each other for… well, a while at this point. But Link had a completely different way of eating her out then Riju did. The Gerudo Chieftainess always approached Zelda's cunt like a woman starved, practically attacking the Princess' pussy with a ferociousness that did rapidly bring Zelda to orgasm to be fair… but was also lacking a certain something.

A certain something that Link's technique was most certainly NOT lacking. Zelda gurgles a little on her own spit as her eyes threaten to roll back in her head. If this was what Link was capable of doing with his tongue, just what would he do to her poor unsuspecting pussy with that big fat cock of his? He'd ruin her. She'd already known that, but now the definition of 'ruin' was evolving in Zelda's mind. He would ruin her mentally and physically. No other man would ever be able to satisfy her, though that was fine since they'd be married, and she had no intentions of going astray.

But also, her fingers wouldn't be good enough after this either, would they? And what of not even Riju's tongue was good enough anymore? All of these thoughts race through Zelda's feverish, beleaguered mind, before ultimately she cries out and explosively orgasms all over Link's tongue. It's only the first of several however, his tongue working wonders to bring her to climax after climax.

Until finally, she hears him groan into her nethers, and the sound of splattering fills the air as Riju pulls off of his cock with a pop and proceeds to let him explode all over her. By this point in time, while Zelda is bright red, it's a red flush on account of pleasure. Her embarrassment and mortification have all but fled, even as Link pulls back and Riju stands up, the two of them both looking down at her.

Riju, coated in Link's cum, a stark contrast on her Gerudo skin, grins wickedly as she plants her hands on her hips.

"You're ready now, aren't you Princess? Why don't you ask your dashing groom what you want to ask him, hm?"

Blushing crimson, but knowing exactly what she wants, Zelda reaches down and spreads her pussy lips wide with her fingers.

"P-Please… please fuck me. I want it r-right here."

Link steps forward to fulfill Zelda's dark desire, only for Riju to step in.

"Not on the table! Down on the ground, next to her mom! So, I can join in!"

The Gerudo Chieftainess giggles perversely at her own orders, while Link, much to Princess Zelda's surprise, looks to her. Is he… checking that that's okay with her first? A small smile splits across Zelda the Younger's lips as she gives him a nod of agreement. He smiles back at her, a gentle thing that melts her heart even further.

Tenderly, carefully, he picks her up off of the table and lays her out on her back, right beside her unconscious mother. Queen Zelda is currently face down, ass up next to the table, and it's just one more reason that the Princess will never be able to view her own mother in the same way, ever again. But she loves her no less for it. And she appreciates what Zelda the Elder has tried to teach her and Riju, today.

As Link places his cockhead against her pussy lips, preparing to deflower and claim her in what the Princess is sure will be a sexual conquest to end all conquests, Riju is there as well, kneeling beside Zelda, leaning down and offering up cum-coated lips, cum-coated tits, and just all around a cum-coated front as she gives her friend a wide grin.

"Thought you might like something to take your mind off of things, until you get used to him of course~"

Ah, like biting down on a piece of leather until the pain stops. Zelda hurriedly nods, and right as Link thrusts in, Riju captures the Princess' lips with her own, the two of them making out quite eagerly. Doesn't stop Zelda from squealing as the Silent Hero, her would-be husband, fills her with his cock. His member pushes deep, DEEP into her cunt, and it's all Zelda can do to keep conscious, her eyes already threatening to roll back in her head.

But no! No, her mother had been able to withstand this for long enough to show them all three orifices before passing out! Zelda would not succumb to any less… though she had no intention of getting butt fucked today, to be frank.

Regardless, her senses are under constant assault, with Link fucking her next to her downed mother, and Riju tag-teaming her with him by sticking her tongue halfway down Zelda's throat. Again, and again, that big fat horse-sized member forces its way deeper into Princess Zelda's welcoming twat. Every thrust conquers another inch of an entirely new frontier. Where no cock has ever gone before. Link isn't just taking her virginity, he's mapping out her entire cunt with his big, fat, mind-numbing, bitch-breaking dick.

And Zelda loves every last moment of it. The taste of his seed on Riju's lips and eventually on her tits is nice too, but it's fair to say that the majority of the Princess' focus is on how it feels to be fucked for the first time. She was pretty sure most girls didn't get fucked by a dick this big or a man this strong though on their first go. She was lucky like that, or perhaps it was more accurate to say she was privileged.

She was privileged as Princess of Hyrule. Privileged to live in a castle, with good food and servants at her beck and call. Privileged to be personally saved by a young Guard Captain, the Silent Hero Link. And privileged to lose her virginity to him, to get him as a husband and get to experience the pleasure of multiple explosive orgasms on his cock.

There was a lot of privilege there, and Princess Zelda, for the first time in her life, is all too happy to be selfish and gobble it all up. She lets the pleasure wash over her even as she licks Riju clean of Link's seed. She lets herself fall beneath the waves much like she imagined happened to her mother, her eyes rolling back in her head as Link cums inside of her, as he fills her with a thick load of his spunk. She's never been so full in her life. It's amazing.

As she passes out right alongside her mother, the Princess smiles, knowing that it'll be Riju's turn next. Somehow, she doesn't think the vivacious Gerudo will manage to keep up her attitude, once she has Link's big fat cock inside of her. She wishes her friend the best of luck on that, even as consciousness flees her.


"It's Riju Time!"

That's all the warning Link gets as he turns away from both Queen and Princess Zelda, only to receive a Gerudo missile for his troubles. It's a testament to the amount of strength packed into the sturdy Silent Hero's body that he manages to catch Riju all the same. In the end, even as she wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, he only takes one step back in order to steady himself as his hands go down to her ass.

The gorgeous Gerudo Chieftain is a flat-chested A-cup at best, but she more than makes up for it with thicc thighs and a large, toned ass. Said ass is where Link digs his fingers in as he plants himself like a tree, refusing to be pushed back any further. But that's perfectly fine with Riju. It's not her intention to fuck Link… it's her intention to get fucked BY link.

His cock is currently trapped between their bodies, her gushing, dripping wet pussy lips currently hot-dogging the lower half of his member. As she looks down between them, Riju begins to pant noisily, staring at just how far Link's large dick will push up inside of her. She's getting a really good view of how that's going to pan out at the moment, because right now Link's cock is flat against her belly from end to end.

"… You're going to break me, Link~"

In response, the young man just grunts and starts to lift her up. Unlike with Princess Zelda, Riju doesn't experience any flashes of uncertainty or worry. There's no trepidation in the red-haired, orange-skinned Gerudo's eyes as Link lifts and lifts until she's sat upon his bulbous cockhead, her slick wet pussy lips already spreading open around the massive tip of his dick.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

For Riju, this was what she'd been aiming towards since she'd peeped on Link at the oasis all that time ago. This was everything she'd ever wanted. Well, this and what came from it. One big fat dicking, plus a side helping of pregnancy!

With a simple grunt, Link drops her down onto his dick. The flat-chested, fat-assed Gerudo Chieftain squeals like a stuck pig, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth right then and there. Shaking and shuddering atop his dick, she clamps down all the harder with her thicc thighs and long legs.

But this doesn't stop Link from continuing to bounce her. Standing there, he grips tightly at her firm posterior and lifts her up only to drop her down again. Again, and again, he bounces her on his cock, pounding up into her all the while with powerful deep thrusts. Riju's wanton moaning quickly turns to yelps and squeaks and screams of ecstasy as she's brought to orgasm after orgasm.

Watching Queen Zelda and Princess Zelda get fucked like that… seeing her friend's mother try to give them a lesson in sex while slowly losing more and more of her composure… it was fucking fantastic foreplay, Riju can't deny that. And now that the main event is finally here, now that she's finally getting taken to pound town like she always desired… it's a little too much for the Gerudo Chieftain.

She thought herself tough. She thought herself strong. Certainly, she should have had more stamina than this, right? But the harder and faster that Link fucks her, the harder it is to properly adjust to what's going on. Eyes rolling around in her skull, long red ponytail flipping and flailing all over the place, ass and thighs jiggling with every bounce… Riju simply can't keep up.

"T-Too good! TOO GOOD!!! NNNNGHHH!!!"

Nearly biting her own tongue off, Riju experiences one last truly explosive, apocalyptic orgasm before finally milking Link of his seed. His cum explodes into her, filling her womb directly, and the sensation of him seeding her, of him impregnating her just like she wanted… it sends Riju over the edge AGAIN immediately after the last orgasm, and with that her eyes fully and properly roll back in her head as she completely loses all semblance of logic or understanding.

Link doesn't stop until he's finished cumming inside of her, and when he's done, when he's properly inseminated her with a hot, thick load of jizz, only then does he pull her limp, loose body off of himself. Her arms and legs dangle limply at her sides as he yanks her off of his cock. When he turns to set her down on the table next to the Princess and Queen however, he receives something of a surprise.

Queen Zelda and Princess Zelda are both sat up by the time he turns around, and it's quite obvious that they've been touching themselves for at least some of the time that he was fucking Riju. At seeing his gaze fall upon them, the Hyrulian Royal Family freezes and then shares a long look before turning back to him. It's Zelda the Younger that pipes up first, a fond if a bit exasperated smile on her lips as she reaches out.

"Give her here, Link. It's my mother's turn now, and I have a use for my Gerudo friend's filthy mouth in the meantime."

It seems like her short pleasure coma has given the Princess some more confidence. Or maybe she was just so mind broken on his cock that she circled all the way back around to confident and put-together. Either way, Link follows the Princess' orders and hands Riju over. As Zelda the Younger grabs Riju by the ponytail and grinds her cunt into the insensate Gerudo's face, there's a moment where it isn't quite certain whether or not she'll actually be able to get any attention from her friend.

But after a moment, the Princess begins moaning, making it obvious that even if Riju has been fucked silly, her tongue is still instinctively present to lick and lap and eat out the Hyrulian's creampied, dripping wet cunny. Meanwhile, Link moves over to the Queen and him and Zelda the Elder embrace. It's almost as if the two Zeldas have swapped personalities. After her attempted sex lesson ended in her being fucked unconscious, the Queen is clearly self-conscious even as he slots back into her.

But that doesn't stop her for long, and really, she's much too mature to be shy about something like this. Moaning and mewling, when Link starts off too slow for her taste, sliding in and out of her own well-fucked cunt with deep but gentle thrusts, Queen Zelda eventually lets out a growl and wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him in faster on the next thrust.

"Harder, Link. Fuck me harder!"

Now that she no longer has to try to dress everything up as a lesson or a class in sex, she's not nearly as reserved. And so, even as Link begins to fuck her harder, even with the Queen well aware that her daughter is watching on… she gives in just a little bit more. Or perhaps that's a 'lot a bit more'. Her arms wrap around Link's neck and her hands interlock behind his head as she pulls him in close.

First, she kisses him… then she directs him down to her bosom, allowing him to feast upon her breasts as she moans wantonly, taking his cock deeper and deeper into her cunt. He's fucking her harder now, faster, and truth be told, it's everything that the Queen wants. It's everything that she desires. Maybe it's wrong, maybe she should be ending this, but Zelda the Elder doesn't care about what she SHOULD do anymore. She only cares about what she wants.

Besides, it's not like she's actually trying to steal Link from her daughter. The MILF of a Queen is still well aware that she's going to have to eventually give Link up when he and the Princess finally marry. Except, when she looks over at her daughter, hoping to convey this fact through her gaze if not through her words, what she sees astounds her.

Zelda and Zelda meet eyes as the Younger uses Riju's mouth for her pleasure and the Elder gets fucked by her daughter's fiancé. Queen and Princess look at each other, and the message that the Elder gets from the Younger is rather simple… she likes it. Her daughter likes watching her mother get fucked by her hunky, big-dicked fiancé. She's enjoying the spectacle of it, and if that's the case, perhaps this isn't the end. Perhaps their marriage won't be where this all stops.

She doesn't dare allow herself to hope… at first. As Link brings her to orgasm after orgasm, everything gets muddied up right quick again. It's impossible to focus on keeping herself detached from the situation when she's become so very attached to Link and his big fat cock and his way of making hot, passionate love to her. The way he fucks her is unbelievable. She can't get enough of it. And yet… all good things come to an end.

After who can say how many orgasms around his cock, she feels Link cumming inside of her again. And once he's done so, she once more collapses backwards onto the table he was fucking her on the edge of. Though at least this time, she doesn't completely fall asleep. Instead she watches as he moves back over to her daughter and the Gerudo Chieftain.

Needless to say, Link is far from done with ANY of them… in fact, one might hazard a guess that he was just getting started.


"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

The scene several hours later is as idyllic as it is perverse in Princess Zelda's opinion. But she'd already decided she wasn't going to be so self-conscious and easily flustered anymore. Which is why she's happily leaning into her fiance's side and kissing him as one of his hands molests and gropes her peach-shaped bottom to his heart's content.

Meanwhile, her mother is on his other side, her own heart-shaped derriere receiving the same treatment as Link switches between the two women, kissing them both one after the other. And finally, down below on her knees, right where the naughty little minx belongs, is a thoroughly satiated and incredibly grateful Riju. The Gerudo Chieftain is currently face fucking herself on Link's cock, her arms wrapped around his waist as she shows her appreciation with a proper 'Thank You' involving her throat, her lips, and LOTS of tongue.

Given the amount of seed seeping out of her cunt at this point, she definitely has the right of it. Link deserves all the thanks in the world, because it's obvious that he's more than seeded Riju with the child she so desperately wanted.

When Link pulls away from her mother next, Zelda the Younger leans forward, expecting him to turn and start kissing her again. When that doesn't happen, she blinks at him in confusion, only to have him furrowing his brow as he looks between her and her mother.

"… Both."

It's the first thing he's said in… forever. Link wasn't called the Silent Hero for nothing, and Zelda finds herself blinking owlishly, even as her mother sputters in disbelief over on the other side of him.

"W-What was that Link?"

Glancing at each of them, Link shrugs and pulls them in closer.

"I love both of you."

That's all he says, but in the end, that's really all he has to say. There's a lot packed into those five words, but what it really boils down to is something that's already become obvious to Princess Zelda. Her mother is infatuated with her fiancé, and while the Queen might have dressed it up as if she was 'teaching' and 'training' Link for his marriage to her daughter, the Princess knew better.

But… that was okay. THIS was okay. Glancing around Link to her mother's gobsmacked expression, Zelda the Younger smiles wickedly, knowing that Zelda the Elder won't relax until she's spoken up.

"Both it'll have to be then~"

Her tone is light and teasing, but the look her mother shoots her is one of such earnest longing and loneliness that the Princess can't help but give her an encouraging smile and an equally encouraging nod. They don't have to say anything to each other, at least not right now… for now, it's enough to know they're all on the same page.

She wouldn't be a very good daughter or a very good Princess if she only allowed herself to be happy, after all.


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