Call of Eschatology

Chapter 33: Treasure Guardian

Wenyu felt a white light covering the entire ring, and then his wounds healed. Eighteen one Chinese text W? W? W ?. ㈠8㈠1? Z㈧W ?. QC? OZM felt the itchiness from several wounds on his body, Wen Yu sighed comfortably.

"Ah, good. This healing light is an extra reward for you, don't thank me."

An immature voice came, and Wenyu saw a little fart appeared in front of himself.

Pink face, big eyes, only three to four years old, erect braids and a small red bellyband made Wenyu's eyes twitch.

"That's you, always calling me a little guy?" Wen Yuqiang resisted the urge to hit someone, and was called a little guy by such a pink and tender child. hateful.

"You guys, wait for a while, talk about something later." The child seemed to see Wen Yu's embarrassment, and once again inserted a knife in Wen Yu's heart.

Ignoring Wen Yu's depressed expression, the child walked directly to the ancient demon's body, and then grabbed the ancient demon's forehead.

Without any obstruction, the child's arm and the ancient demon's body did not seem to be in the same space, and they went directly in. When the hand was pulled out, Bai Nennen's arm was holding a pure black magic crystal. Then the child threw it directly into his mouth and chewed.

"Hey, hey, that's mine?" Wenyu had heard the moment when he saw the magic crystal, the magic crystal of the ancient demons, the last life himself had not even heard the term ancient demons, and Looking at the strength of this ancient demon and the introduction of the little fart baby, even if it is a first-class ancient demon crystal, it is definitely a treasure.

"What's mine, the whole treasure's stuff, it's my little master. I'm not done yet while I'm waiting."

The small fart stared at his eyes, and gave Wenyu a severe glance. Then, Wenyu was stunned.

This little fart boy lifted his bellyband directly, exposing little jj, a turbid water was poured directly on the head of the ancient demon, while urinating, the little fart boy was still booing in his mouth.

"Ah." The little fart sighed. "It's so cool, my dear, I wanted to do this for a long time ..."

Wenyu is not worthy of the ancient demon. If it were himself, he would have been a corpse.

"Well, lad, you did a good job." The little fart boy walked in front of Wenyu with his hands on his back and raised his face, waving his hand directly to Wenyu, "Squat down."

Wenyu was helpless all of a sudden, considering that his final reward was still in the hands of this little guy, he had to sit down obediently.

Seeing Wenyu's movement, the child nodded with satisfaction.

"My little man is called Alkadah, the treasure guardian serial number 195. According to your human customs, you call me Dage." Alqada tiptoed, barely patted Wen Yu's shoulder, using a kind of Cheap to your tone, said to Wenyu.

Wen Yu's impulse to attack was getting stronger and stronger, and he pulled the corner of his mouth fiercely, and choked back the swear words that were immediately exiting.

"Well, seeing you have a good attitude, I allow you to ask me a few questions." Al Qada nodded with satisfaction to Wen Yu.

"What's wrong with this world? Why do professionals appear? How did the treasure land and monsters come from?"

Wen Yu directly asked a question of a fundamental nature.

"Well, you've asked this question very well, wait for me to see it." Alkada murmured with big eyes, and grabbed a huge book from the air. The text above is crooked, and it definitely does not belong to any kind of text known on the earth.

"I'll take a look, wait a minute." Alqada said to Wenyu, flipping through huge books.

"Well, I found it, here it is." Alkada's books were combined, and he said seriously to Wenyu, "Do you really want to know?"

Isn't your tmd talking nonsense, I don't want to know what you are doing?

Seeing Wen Yu nodded, Alkada said solemnly: "You have insufficient authority and strength, change the topic."

"Ah." Wenyu sighed silently, completely disappointed with Dago in front of him, this is definitely a bear child.

"Are there guardians in all the treasures?"

"Hahahaha, you can ask this right." Alkada's expression was astonishing. "Only large or level treasures have guardians. The little guy is not me to say you. The guardian regulations clearly stipulate that during the duty period, absolutely It is not allowed to meet the survivors. If I were not optimistic about you, don't you want to see the guardian of the treasure in your life. Thank you for your gift. "

"What is the Guardian Regulations?" Wen Yu keenly grasped the new term.

"It's the rules and regulations that our guardians should follow."

"Who set the guardian rules for you?"

"Of course it is the omnipotent master. Who else can?"

"What dominates, and what are you guardians?"

Wen Yu has already appeared. This Al Qatar is completely a child. Although he doesn't know how old he is, in his words, more and more things are accidentally revealed.

Alkada's eyes twitched, and once again he took out the huge book and quickly checked it.

"This question, you have insufficient authority and strength, change the topic."

Wenyu no longer wants to deal with this bear child. It is estimated that the questions he wants to ask are all insufficient authority or insufficient strength.

"One more question, do you know where there are treasures?" Wenyu no longer asked these esoteric questions, and instead wanted to find some treasures for himself. The effect of the F-class protective jade just now has shocked Wenyu fiercely. A moment.

"Treasures lie in the treasure." Alkada looked at Wenyu scornfully.

"Where is the treasure? Or where can I detect the treasure?"

Alkadah immediately froze in place, thinking for a long time before whispering to Wenyu, "You have insufficient strength and authority."

Seeing the appearance of this little fart, Wenyu immediately found comfort: "It's not that I don't have enough strength and authority, but you don't know it at all, I'm right, Da Ge ..."

Alcada's little face turned red immediately, and Vino promised: "No one has ever made a treasure in their lifetime, how do they know?"

Seeing Alkada's appearance, Wenyu already knew that he didn't want to ask anything, and said directly, "This treasure land will be closed soon."

"Yes, yes, you little guy is so smart." Alkada was instantly interested when he knew the answer to the question.

In the end, the level was overturned by myself. This **** question is answered by you, and the stones know it.

"What about my reward?" Wenyu had lost even his thoughts.

"Well." Alkadah suddenly became serious when he heard the reward.

"The first reward, you can kill the ancient demons, enough to prove your strength, so I will place you in the human race sequence, serial number: 2."

"I still have one in front of me?" Wen Yu was surprised at this answer. He was definitely strong enough, but there was one in front of him. The strength of the sequence 1 was at least between him and Bozhong.

"Should ... yes, yes, you still have one in front of you." Alkadah hesitated for a moment before answering with certainty.

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