Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession

The Demacian Orgy: Vayne & Lux

Sorry for the delay. I didn't have access to a computer or phone for the past week. The next chapter will come out next Friday as usual.
Thank you to my patrons: Lolop 12, Samba Zero, Survivor121, Syndra, minimised, Chance Meadows, Ninja, Thomas Borrmann, WindBlade13, Emperor_Vader142, Justice Birdie, Haylee Hill, Verkran

Caitlyn groaned as she sat up. Her back grumbled, her legs protested, but her groin complained loudest of all. They demanded her to stop. She ignored them for the nuisances they were. As the others ignored her groan.


They crowded around her in a tight bunch, their voices tangled as they spoke. Caitlyn could only stare until the young blonde’s voice won out.


  “Come on! Before Ahri wakes up,” she giggled and grabbed Caitlyn’s arm with delicate hands in a fierce grip, her slim silver pauldrons and armoured skirt clinking. “I’m going first!”


  “Like hell you are,” a hardened older woman said. Her purple cat suit contorted around her slender frame as she strutted behind the blonde and shouldered her aside. “Little whores like you deserve sloppy eights.”


The blonde laughed – pitched and sharp like Jinx’s, but less insane. If only by a little. “Vayne, we’re all whores.”


Behind Caitlyn someone huffed. “I’m not. I am a connoisseur of-”


  “You are,” everyone said in unison.


Everyone except Kayle. “Fiora, enough,” she said. The bass of her voice echoed as if she were in the depths of a mineshaft. “Vayne and Lux will go first.”


Complaints raged at that. None louder than Vayne’s. “I am not wrangling two needy slut bottoms!”


Lux pouted. “I’m not needy.”


  “You are,” everyone said.


A small smile cracked Lux’s lips as she turned her nose up.


  “I can top if you want,” Caitlyn said.


Everyone’s eyes snapped to her as if they’d only noticed her presence. Vayne looked most surprised of them all. “You can?” she asked.


  “Yes.” Caitlyn stood on unsteady legs. “Did the story of how I tamed Qiyana not reach you?”


  “Qiyana said she made you beg for every orgasm.”

  “Told you not to believe her,” Lux said.


  “Shut up.


Lux scampered over to the woman floating a few inches above the ground (who hadn’t said a word so far), hugged her, and buried her face into the woman’s blue-gold silk shawl. The side of her heavy breast squished Lux’s cheek. “Sona, she’s being mean again. Make her stop.


Sona gave Vayne a stern look a wrapped Lux in a hug.


Before Vayne could finish opening her mouth, Caitlyn stepped in between them. “Want to top her together? I can grab a strap on and we’ll go to town.”


A smirk tugged on Vayne’s angular features. She lifted her red-tinted glasses and scanned Caitlyn with dark eyes. “I fuck hard and fast. That gonna be a problem?”


  “I’ll keep up.”


  “You better. Slow down and you’ll be left behind.”


  “Fair enough.”


  “Hold on!” a deep, rustic voice snapped. The scaled woman marched between the small crowd. Crimson plate covered only her breasts and groin. It heaved with every long stride, clanking as the interlocked plates were tested by the jostle of her huge bust.


Kayle watched her approach with blank eyes. Three blinks revealed nothing. While emotions swirled like the wild brushstrokes of the interpretive paintings in Father’s collection, Kayle was an empty spot on the canvas.


The only one able to match Kayle’s height, the scaled woman slung her blue arm around Kayle’s bare shoulders. “She’s got three holes, don’t she? Granted, a strap-on might make her pussy a bit tedious to use, but her ass is fair game if she’s going to clog Lux’s throat and shut her up for a change.” She pinched Kayle’s nipple and played with the knot of her white skirt – the only thing the angel was wearing. “What do you say?”


Kayle looked down at Caitlyn. “Caitlyn needs rest after all she’s been through. You will wait, Shyvana.”


  “And who put you in charge?” the angel with black wings said. A low-cut violet dress clung to her curves and displayed the top half of her bust. She crossed her arms above them, black eyebrow raised.


Kayle turned her pure gold eyes on her with a patient, yet pronounced lesiure. “Do you have a better suggestion, Morgana?”


  “Let her choose.”


  “I’m afraid I’d choose you all,” Caitlyn said. “Perhaps it's best to go with Kayle’s suggestion. I’d hate for my body to give out and spoil our fun.” All fifty could fuck her at once and she’d come out of it awake and raring for more, but it was best to avoid any more arguments and just get on with it already.


Kayle nodded, the others grumbled, and Lux beamed.


  “I call round 2,” the woman with the giant hawk said. She shoved past Vayne, loomed over Caitlyn, and stroked her cheek. “Name’s Quinn. Remember it for me won’t you, sweetheart?”


Caitlyn smiled. “Yes, Ma’am.”


  “There’s a good girl.” Quinn snapped her fingers and blew a short, sharp whistle. “Valor, wait with Ahri.”


The hawk spread its azure-blue wings and let loose a screech from its golden beak. As smooth as running water, Valor swooped up onto the second-floor bannisters and perched with its head held high.


  “If you’re all done,” Kayle said, putting her chiselled back to them, “let’s not keep Caitlyn waiting.” She shoved the double doors open, folded her wings, and ducked inside the rec room. Her white wings, skirt, and radiant skin stood in contrast against the pitch of night beyond the sliding door and glass wall.


As the others filtered inside, whispering sensual promises and proclaiming their prowess, Caitlyn dodged around Vayne’s attempt to grab her waist, and hugged Lux from behind. Her golden hair was a cushion against Caitlyn’s face and smelled of lavender soap. Though her breastplate guarded her round breasts, the thin cloth of her tunic revealed a soft, untrained body perfect for manhandling.


Lux leaned back and let Caitlyn’s embrace support her. “Didn’t take you for the bold type.”


  “That an issue?” Caitlyn nipped her ear.


  “No, Mistress Caitlyn~”


  “Let’s go with Mommy instead.”


  “Ooo! Yes, Mommy~

Caitlyn squeezed her tiny waist with one hand and slipped the other down Lux’s metal skirt. Underneath, she found tights and a small bulge. It grew in her firm grasp, but not by much. Still, it was as warm and hard as any cock should be.


  “You can call me Mistress. Both of you.” Vayne slapped Caitlyn’s ass and wrapped a lean arm around her shoulders. “What do you say? I take the back and you take the front?”


  “Sorry, Mistress, but her ass is mine.”


  “She needs a real cock, not a strap-on.”


  “How about we let Lux decide what she does and doesn’t need?”


Caitlyn and Vayne looked at Lux expectantly. Lux giggled, broke out of Caitlyn’s grasp, and ran to the doorway. She looked over her shoulder, grinning sheepishly. “Sorry, Mistress, but I’ve had your cock plenty of times. Mommy’s cock is new.”


  “But it’s not a real cock…”


  “I know, but I wanna see what she’s got.” Lux pouted. “You’re not mad are you?”




  “Great!” With a spring in her step, Lux made a mad dash for the pillow pile. Her metal skirt let a sliver of her ass show. The tights left nothing to the imagination. Two small, yet round cheeks crafted to fit snuggly in your palms; they jiggled as she ran.


As Caitlyn and Vayne followed at a calm pace, the others got settled in. Shyvanna and Morgana fawned over Fiora at the foot of the pool table. Pressed up against her back, Morgana kissed the top of Fiora’s head, squeezed her small breasts with one hand through her white leotard, and massaged the bulge that travelled from groin to naval. While Shyvanna squished her from the front, clutching her sloped jaw, and kneading her broad ass. Fiora stood on her tippy toes suck on Shyvanna’s bottom lip, reached back, and fondled Morgana through her violet dress.


Kayle sat on the couch like it was a throne, head high, back straight, one leg crossed over the other, showing off thighs thicker than Caitlyn’s head and a bulge longer than her forearm. She didn’t touch her cock, nor did she play with her bare, heavy breasts. Instead, she watched Quinn and Sona make out at her feet like a pair of reunited lovers, without a hint of colour in her eyes.


Lux threw herself onto the cushion pile, wrestled with her breastplate straps, and squirmed out of her tights.


  “Kayle does want to be here, right?” Caitlyn whispered to Vayne.

  “Don’t be an idiot,” Vayne hissed. “Of course she does.”




  “She’ll get involved later. Now, hurry up and get your strap on. I’m not waiting a second longer.” Vayne broke away and threw herself onto Lux. They wrestled as Vayne tore off Lux’s frilly white panties and Lux peeled off Vayne’s purple catsuit.


Half running, half jogging, Caitlyn skirted around Quinn as her head disappeared between Sona’s enormous breasts, knelt before the couch, and rummaged through the strapons. She wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if a brat like Lux wasn’t before night’s end. The biggest strapon was hiding at the bottom of the draw. A huge monster the size of Camille’s.


Yet… it seemed small compared to Kayle’s bulge.


Kayle acknowledged her lingering gaze with a glance. “Later.”


Caitlyn’s cheeks burned. “Yes, Ma’am. Sorry.” She scurried away as Quinn resurfaced, gasped, and attacked Sona’s fat nipple. Sona’s mouth gaped, but no sound came out.


When Caitlyn returned, Lux and Vayne’s clothes were scattered around the cushion pile. Vayne’s head bobbed up and down as she swallowed Lux’s cute cock and shaved balls whole, in perfect synch with her fist as it pumped Lux’s ass without a hinch or snag. Her corded back contorted as she pumped her arm, warping the tapestry of scars.


A bulge travelled up and down Lux’s smooth, soft belly. It fluttered as she wailed and kicked her feet. “Mistress!~ Oh, Mistress go harder! Faster! Pleeeease!


Vayne lifted her head. “Shut up, slut.” She spat on Lux’s uncut cock, swirled her tongue around the tip, and swallowed her whole, balls and all.


Lux didn’t shut up. She gasped, arched her back, and wailed. A trembling wail that petered off into a little moan.


Caitlyn laid her strapon beside the cushions and spooned Lux from the side. Her breasts were a perfect match for Caitlyn’s palm. The nipple prodded her, and the soft, warm flesh conformed to the will of her fingers. When Caitlyn squeezed, Lux’s moan flared, only to be cut off by a gentle kiss.


  “Such a pretty girl,” Caitlyn whispered. She tasted Lux’s peach lipgloss again. “Thank your Mistress for her mouth and fist.”


Lux kissed her back, a smile on her lips. “Thank you, Mistress Vayne.”


Vayne doubled her speed. Lux’s body rocked as her ass squelched, bouncing her tits and bobbing her head. Caitlyn held one still with a tight grip. She pressed Lux’s limp head back against the cushions with her mouth. Her moans vibrated down Caitlyn’s throat.


Breathing through her nose, Caitlyn sucked on Lux’s tense tongue and never let up. Lux’s hands scrambled to hold her, to grip the cushions, to find stability in anything within reach. But the moment they got a hold of something, Lux let out a muffled wail or whimper, and set her hands to scramble all over again.


Caitlyn kept her eyes closed, to properly revel in Lux’s warmth. The sights of the orgy escaped her, but the sounds arrived crystal clear. Slurps. Splutters. Slaps. Claps. And a cacophony of wet squelches accompanied by moans; some laughed, some clenched, some desperate. Caitlyn didn’t know the girls well enough to know their voices without a face to pair, but the desperate one had to be Shyvanna with how deep and hoarse it was.


She stole a glance at her peripheries. Over the top of Vayne’s prone ass, Fiora was kneeling between a naked Morgana and a half-naked Shyvanna, sucking their cocks with long, frantic strokes. Her hands attended both at once, while her mouth switched. Drool dribbled down Fiora’s chin and between her large breasts as she milked Shyvanna’s thick, blue cock; the only part of her without scales it seemed.


One hand on the pool table, and the other on top of Fiora’s head, Shyvanna breathed desperate, gasped moans as Fiora went to town. While Morgana watched on with a smirk and twirled her raven hair, one black eyebrow arched above her pure white eyes.


Fiora pulled away from Shyvanna. Threads of drool hung from her lips and the tip of her tongue. Shyvanna sighed, lolled her head back, and grasped her broad curved hips. The smirk vanished from Morgana’s face when Fiora deep-throated her huge, pale cock. She clenched her jaw, pulled Fiora’s short brown hair, and grunted every time Fiora’s lips slapped her groin.


Caitlyn was about to lift her head to take a peek at Quinn and Sona when Lux started convulsing. Her lips tore away. “Vayne!~” she cried out, hammering her fists, and nodding her head in an erratic, jagged pattern.


Thrill danced in Lux’s eyes, but it blazed in Vayne’s. She pulled her hand out and lifted her head, cheeks puffed. Cum dribbled from Lux’s tip. A cheer cut above Lux’s and Morgana’s moans.


  “Way to go, Vayne!” Quinn cheered. She was sitting with her back against the foot of the couch, between Kayle’s feet, Sona’s head held between her legs.


Sona lifted her head. Quinn’s long cock sprung free. Drool glazed Sona’s chin. She gave Vayne a grin and clapped. Gods, her ass was fat. Almost as big as Gwen’s, but Gwen’s tits weren’t nearly as large. A body like that needs to be made to squirm, and jiggle, and-


Vayne kissed Caitlyn, and Caitlyn melted into it. Her hands found Vayne’s hips. She flattened her tongue to make room for Vayne’s, but instead cum filled her mouth. Once Caitlyn’s cheeks were puffed full, Vayne pulled away and flashed a toothy smirk. “You’re next once I’m done here, Quinn!”


  “As if! I could- ah!~” Sona swallowed Quinn’s cock. Quinn thrust her hips and grasped the back of Sona’s head. Moans escaped her open mouth, gasped and intermixed with breathless laughs.


Sona made no sounds except for the occasional splutter or squelch. Kayle watched them with an air of nonchalance. 


Caitlyn swallowed Lux’s warm, sweet cum in three big gulps. It radiated down her throat like a hot coffee. She gasped for breath. “Fuck me. So much cum for such a little cock.”


  “Thank you, Mommy…” Lux murmured. She shifted her shoulders and hips, stretched, and rolled onto her side.


  “What do you think you’re doing?” Vayne asked.


Lux yawned. “Resting.”


  “Like hell you are. You’re nowhere near done.”


  “But I’m tired,” Lux groaned. She buried her face in a cushion, leaving only the corners of her mouth and sides of her head visible. The corners bent into a grin.


  “Right, that’s it.” Vayne got up, stomped around Lux, and knelt before her head. “Caitlyn, get your hips. I’ll get her head. We go on three.”


  “Yes, Ma’am.” Caitlyn slid on her strap-on, fastened the buckles, and straddled the back of Lux’s thighs. They curved outwards from her knees to meet her round ass, like a set of bow-and-arrows. She squeezed them – they were as squishy as her breasts – and grasped Lux’s hips. “Ready?”


Vayne nodded. “One, two, and three.” She snatched Lux’s hair, and together they yanked her onto hands and knees, locked eyes, and rammed their cocks in either end.


Lux tensed and spluttered. Vayne’s cock – while rather average – proved thick enough to muffle Lux’s moan. Caitlyn reached around her and traced a bulge from Lux’s groin to the bottom of her ribcage.


  “Aren’t you such a talented, pretty princess? I bet this took lots of practice. Well done,” Caitlyn said, caressing Lux’s hips.

Lux made a pleased, muffled sound. Her cock flexed.


Vayne slapped her. “Who told you to speak, slut? Shut up and take our cocks. It’s all you’re good for.”


Lux’s cock flexed again. She nodded furiously. And rocked back and forth on her knees. Even as pleasure caught her in its clutches, Lux fucked Caitlyn and Vayne’s cocks. When her lips touched Vayne’s balls, her ass pulled away from Caitlyn, and when her cheeks clapped Caitlyn’s belly, Lux’s lips threatened to abandon Vayne’s tip.


The size difference barred Lux from the full length of Caitlyn’s cock. Caitlyn made up the difference. She secured Lux’s hips with a tender grip, leaned forward until her elbows made a 90-degree angle, and fucked the needy brat with the complete length of her girthy monster cock.


Lux spluttered and Vayne’s cock slipped from her mouth. “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” She cried after each long, gentle thrust.


Caitlyn took it easy. A slow pace allowed for precision. Without any sensation to guide her, Lux’s prostate was invisible, but judging by the way she struggled to stay on all fours, Caitlyn judged she must have found it. With every clap of Lux’s cheeks, Caitlyn readjusted to match Lux’s wavering posture as she fought against her own body’s desire to give in, collapse, and become a fuck doll.


The struggle was more than enough to make up for the lack of pleasure.


Vayne didn’t agree. “Get back here, fucking dumb whore.” Vayne slapped her. 


A sharp crack split the air, like the snap of a whip. Lux’s jaw spun. Her arm collapsed, and no sooner had her face bounced off the carpet did Vayne snatch a handful of her hair, yank her head up, and stuff her mouth.


Lux gave in. With a smile, she went limp. Only her ass and tits moved as they shook from Vayne’s wild assault of Lux’s mouth, and Caitlyn’s precision worship of her gaped ass. Lux’s rim fluttered as she moaned. Gods, she had a cute moan. So light and delicate, yet needy and desperate. It demanded a good railing.


Caitlyn resisted the call. How dare this brat make more demands of her? Even while double-stuffed with cock, she acted like a spoiled princess. Fuck that. 


  “Fuck… Fuck!~” Vayne bowed her head. Her thick braid slipped past her shoulder and coiled beside Lux on a forgotten cushion. She scrambled to grasp Lux’s head, as if afraid she would slip away.


Lux was forced to support herself after Vayne almost dropped her.


  “Getting close, Mistress?” Caitlyn asked. She slapped Lux’s ass.


Lux let out a muffled squeal. It melted back into a drawn-out moan.


As Lux moaned, Vayne scowled. “Shut up…” Her lips trembled, but she swallowed and they stopped. Vayne exhaled a gasp and threw back her head, settling into a slower pace.


  “There’s no need to fight it. If you cum in her mouth, you’re not done. Finish up and I’ll let you take a turn on my cock.”


  “A- As if. You’re ass… ughhhh… Your ass is fucking next.”


Caitlyn laughed, threw back her head, and sighed. Pain seared her hips and back. Each thrust ached. Every impact against Lux’s ass throbbed after the fact. Fuck, I’m at the end of my rope, aren’t I? 


Caitlyn looked over her left shoulder. Quinn’s hips crashed against Sona’s fat ass with the pace of a manic rabbit. Ripples were a constant feature of Sona’s cheeks, bouncing breasts of her chest, and drooped eyes of her face. Quinn moaned for the both of them, wailing, laughing, and slapping Sona’s ass with both hands.


She’s been in an orgy for two days and still has that much energy? 


The sight over her right shoulder sunk Caitlyn’s stomach. Shyvanna was giving Fiora a ruthless mating press on top of the pool table while Morgana sat off in the corner, watching and stroking her massive cock. The table creaked complaints and Shyvanna huffed husky moans.


Fiora only grunted. Choked grunts. They spoke of a broken mind, of pleasure so fucking good she couldn’t even moan. As Shyvanna’s broad, scaled ass rose between brutal slams of her hips, Caitlyn caught glimpses of Fiora’s limp cock and ruined ass.


Suddenly, Shyvanna pulled out and flung herself at Morgana. They made out as Fiora groaned and squirmed. Morgana shoved Shyvanna off and took over. A single, weary laugh made it past Fiora’s broken mind before the grunts resumed.


They’ll make a meal out of me. And why shouldn’t they? They’re not even bloody human. A god and a dragon are going to try their dammdest to break my mind.


  “Lux…” Vayne moaned. Her pace slowed to a crawl.


Lux whimpered.


  “Oh, Lux~

Lux rocked on her knees.


  “Lu-” Vayne spluttered. She buckled over. Cum leaked from Lux’s slobbery mouth. Vayne made a few pathetic attempts at thrusting, fell backwards onto the cushions, and blew a handful of loads onto her toned stomach.


Lux scrambled forward, off Caitlyn’s cock, and lapped at Vayne’s belly.


  “Shit…” Caitlyn breathed and fell onto her ass. Heavy breaths burned her lungs, but the little ones left her desperate for more.


  “What’s wrong?” Vayne muttered. “Tired already?”


  “F- Fuck you.” Caitlyn half crawled, half dragged herself, and shoved Lux out of the way. “Princess, straddle her. Facing me.”


Lux beamed. “Yes, Mommy!


Vayne fought to sit up, but Lux shoved her down. “W- what the hell do you think you’re doing?”


  “I’m gonna rail you.” Caitlyn spread Vayne’s corded legs.


  “The hell you are!”


  “And Lux is going to ride your cock.”


Vayne said nothing. As Lux straddled her, she chewed her lip. And sighed. “Damn the gods, fine…”


  “What was that?!” Morgana called.


  “Figure of speech!” Vayne yelled.


Caitlyn chuckled and slipped her tip inside Vayne’s ass. It opened without a fight. She’s a switch! Knew it! My instincts are on point! The small victory provided enough new energy to push the pain away and focus on the task at hand.


Lux sat on Vayne’s cock, and Vayne let out – admittedly – a rather cute moan for such a hard ass. Lux pouted. “She’s gonna go soft inside me.”


  “Then you’ll have to do your best to keep her hard.” Caitlyn booped Lux’s nose. “Won’t you, princess?”


  “I’ll try, Mommy…”


  “There’s a good girl.” Caitlyn gave Lux a deep kiss as if she was trying to breathe life back into her. She switched the sucking her tits, grabbed Vayne’s hips, and dove into her guts.


Vayne wailed. Her legs kicked up a frenzy. Caitlyn grabbed the back of her knees, forbid any more kicks, and settled into a harsh double-time rhythm. Vayne’s wail peaked into a euphoric squeal. She babbled nonsense and Caitlyn’s name and Lux’s and all manner of curses.


  “You fucking whores!” she cried one moment. “Don’t stop…” she whimpered the next. Back and forth she swung between different ends of the emotion spectrum. A treat to behold. Thrill flared into Fury into Love into Joy; utterly unpredictable.


Lux giggled as she bounced on Vayne’s cock. “We’re gonna make her cum. I can feel her flexing inside me.”


Caitlyn lifted her head and touched foreheads with Lux. “Does it feel good, sweet heart?”


  “A little. Yours felt better.”


  “Fuck… you…” Vayne breathed.


  “Moan for Mommy,” Caitlyn said. She nipped Lux’s bottom lip.


Lux pouted. “But I don’t wanna.”


  “It’ll make Vayne cum buckets. Trust me.”


  “N- No it won’t!” Vayne snapped.


  “It will,” everyone said at once.


Lux burst out laughing. “Oh, what the hell?” She flung her lean arms around Caitlyn’s neck, furrowed her brow, and moaned like she was getting the best cock of her life.


It turned heads. Or at least, Caitlyn assumed it did. All the background moans, clapping cheeks, and squelching asses vanished.


Lux started past her, eyes darting about the room. She flushed bright pink, but kept moaning all the same. Caitlyn fought to wrangle Vayne’s legs as she hammered the cushion with her fists and arched her back in synch with long, desperate moans.


  “Give it up, Vayne! She’s got you beat!” Quinn yelled.


The rest of the room roared with laughter. Even Kayle allowed herself a deep, sultry chuckle. Gods, what Caitlyn would give to hear her buttery voice moan. Such a tease, and she bloody knew it.


  “Hurry up and cum, you stubborn bitch. I need a cock in me now,” Caitlyn said.


  “Fuck y-” Vayne grunted, choked, and sighed.


Lux’s eyes widened and a grin split her face. Little rivers of cum trickled underneath her balls and along the back of Vayne’s spread cheeks. It came in waves. Each brought with it a choked moan out of Vayne. Her ass clenched around Caitlyn’s strap on, as if hanging on for dear life.


  “Vayne, you’re out,” Kayle said.


  “Awww do we have to do the stupid one-orgasm rule?” Lux said.






  “So everyone gets a turn.”


  “And so we don’t kill Caitlyn,” Shyvann said. She spread Fiora’s legs and resumed her brutal pace. As if it were the easiest thing in the world.


  “That too.”


  “Whatever…” Lux dismounted Vayne’s limp cock and crawled away.


Cum drenched the cushions. Matted velvet glistened under the golden lamplight. As did Vayne’s peach skin. 


Caitlyn traced a jagged scar along the back of her thigh. “I had fun. We’ll do this again, yes? I’d love to see what you can do on top.”


Vayne propped up on her elbows. The red tink of her glasses hid her eyes, but her grin spoke volumes. “We’ll do it plenty of times more. I’m fucking you at least twice before all this is over.”


  “Is that a threat?”




Caitlyn blinked. And laughed. A quiet, breathy laugh. Her eyelids gained the weight of stones and the air thickened in her throat. “Okay…”

  “Promise me something.”


  “Only if it… if it isn’t not, uh, not good.”


  “Don’t be stupid. If you feel like you’re gonna faint, tap out. You’ve done more than anyone expected. There’s no shame in admitting your limits.”


  “I’m fine.”


  “Yes, but-”


  “I’m fine.” Caitlyn straightened her back, forced her eyes open, and bore a gaze into Vayne. “I’m. Fine.”


Vayne raised her hands. “Okay, okay, you’re fine. Sheesh.” She did a little crab crawl backwards, slipped off Caitlyn’s cock, and sprawled out like a starfish. “I’m done. Two days. Fuck me, this is the furthest I’ve ever gone. Might just…” she yawned and rolled over. “Might just rest my eyes for a minute or five.”


  “Caitlyn!” Quinn shouted. Lux and Sona were worshipping her cock. Only her cock. Her large, smooth balls were unattened. “Get over here! Got room for one more!”


Something black flashed Caitlyn’s peripherals. Morgana’s wings were open wide. Sitting in the corner of the pool table as Shyvanna railed Fiora, Morgana raised her eyebrows at Caitlyn and beckoned her with a curled finger.


Caitlyn looked to Kayle, but received only a blank, golden gaze. Fuck, eyes without pupils could be creepy as shit but also beautiful. Hauntingly beautiful.


I… I should probably pace myself. With a heavy heart, Caitlyn flashed Morgana an apologetic smile and crawled over to Quinn. She tossed aside the strap-on, nestled in between Sona and Lux prone on her belly, and filled her mouth with Quinn’s salty balls.


  “Fuck yes!” Quinn laughed. “This is fucking dream!”

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn, Sona, and Lux fuck Quinn

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