Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession

The Demacian Orgy: Sona & Lux

Thank you to my patrons: Lolop 12, SambaZero, Survivor121, Syndra, minimized, Chance Meadows, Ninja, Thomas Borrmann, Zac Polk, WIndBlade13, Emperor_Vader142, Justice Birdie, Haylee Hill, Verkan, and Wally Cat

Lux looked like she’d been splattered with wax. Globs of Sona’s thick cum dripped from her chin, rolled between her small breasts, and settled between her spread legs as she sat up against the couch between Kayle’s legs. A steady stream flowed from her quivering ass.


Yet, she wasn’t done. None of her countless orgasms had been Caitlyn’s doing. Just Sona’s fat cock and dutiful, gentle pace.


Caitlyn was sitting beside her. Alone. Well, practically alone. Morgana and Shyvanna had long vanished outside to do gods knows what (whatever it was, it made the ground shake every other minute), Sona was busy in the kitchen and refused any help, Fiora was halfway unconscious in a puddle of cum on top of the pool table, and Kayle sat as silent and still as a statue no matter what Caitlyn said.


  “Will you at least tell me if she’s awake? The cum glued her eyes shut, so I can’t check her pupils,” Caitlyn said.


Lux groaned and shifted. But was it an answer or a dream murmur?


  “She can continue if she wishes,” Kayle said.


  “Finally! You know, you don’t have to sit there. There isn’t a queue. No one will mind if you jump in.”


  “I like to watch.”




  “It’s nostalgic. My warriors often frolicked like this during better times when humanity was pure. Without shame or deceit, they forged bonds purer than the springs of the moon pool and stronger than Ornn’s hammer.”


Caitlyn found herself lost for words and an awkward silence persisted. Mercifully, Sona returned with two mugs. Steam billowed from them, twirling amongst her tangled sky-blue locks. Kayle gracefully broke eye contact with Caitlyn and watched Sona settle at her feet opposite Caitlyn and Lux.


Sona gave Kayle a pleasant smile as she handed Caitlyn a mug. Its warmth tempered her aching muscles simply by touching her palms. A sip made her light as air. 


The fragrance of dark coffee matched Sona’s presence. Warm, soothing, yet striking, you couldn’t help but pay attention when it entered the room. All without a single word.

  “Thank you,” Caitlyn said. “I needed this. My body was more tired than I realised.”


Sona waved her off and took a sip. She drew a long breath through her nose. Her chest heaved, spreading her breasts. The crust of Lux’s dried cumshot broke apart in their valley as the skin stretched.


Every part of Caitlyn’s body screamed at her to lick Sona clean head to toe, squeeze her watermelon-tits, trace the subtle v-shaped muscles of her wide hips, and suck on her thick cock. But her mind resisted; the smart part, not the whore part (that agreed with her body). If she wanted to fuck everyone, regular breaks and a steady pace were required.


And she needed to double-check check Lux was okay.


  “Do you know Lux well?” Caitlyn asked.


Sona nodded.


  “Is she alright?” Caitlyn blinked three times.


Admiration and Amusement swirled in Sona’s eyes. She set down her cup on the carpet and grasped Lux’s hand. A lazy grin crossed Lux’s face as she squeezed Sona’s hand. Sona kissed her knuckles, smiled at Caitlyn, and nodded.


Caitlyn sighed. “Good… I was worried we pushed her too far.”


Lux groaned and shook her head.


  “Even so,” Caitlyn continued. “I think I should make her cum. She needs a proper rest.”


  “N- No…” Lux groaned. “I don’t wanna stop.”


A serious look crossed Sona’s face. She gave Caitlyn a stark nod.


  “You better not have… not have nodded, Sona,” Lux said. “I’ll… I’ll be so mad. So mad…” Her little cock flexed and her words melted into murmurs. She lay on her side, knees tucked in, gaped asshole on full display.


Perfectly good cum was wasted as it leaked from her, dribbling over Lux’s ass cheeks. Cum should be eaten. Savored. Not left to crust on the carpet or skin.


Delicate fingers embraced Caitlyn’s jaw. They turned her head from Lux to Sona’s vibrant blue eyes. She shook her head and pointed to the coffee cup. Not in a harsh way. No, not a command, more like a suggestion. A suggestion you’d be a massive prick to ignore.


Caitlyn tempered her lust and spent a pleasant eternity enjoying the rich taste of Sona’s coffee. And the occasional sweet embrace of Sona’s mouth.




  “Sorry for the wait,” Twisted Fate said. He tipped his hat and fashioned the sort of smile not easily forgotten. “She’s all ready for you now.”


The bed was immaculate. Perfect military corners. Wrinkless silk sheets. Neat pillows; fluffy enough to make a cloud blush. Who would have guessed men like these knew their way around bed sheets so well?


Lux lay amongst the sheets, sprawled out, skin milk-pale beneath the silver moonlight filtering through the open balcony doors. The chill of a whispered breeze perked her nipples, and centred Caitlyn. It kept her mind from wandering.


Sona wasn’t so disciplined. Across the room by the coffee table and bookshelves, Grave’s cock lay on her face, limp, as she suckled his hairy balls. Cum dribbled from his cut tip onto the groove of her back. Heavy, shuddered breaths made him shiver.


  “Sure I can’t interest you in some fun too?” Caitlyn asked. “Ahri won’t know.”


  “As lovely as that sounds, only one lady in the world lays claim to my body. I’m afraid I’ll have to decline for your sake. You don’t wanna get on her bad side.”


Caitlyn shrugged. “Fair enough.”


  “I’d better leave you lovely ladies to your fun. Come on, Graves. Put it away and get a move on.”


Graves jolted upright. “H- Huh? Oh yeah, right. Shit.” He tucked his cock away, and stumbled across the room, zipping up his trousers. Sona blew him a kiss and waved. Flush burned his cheeks.


Twisted Fate rolled his eyes, slipped through the doorway after him, and eased the door shut. The bolt clicked. Silence lingered.


Caitlyn burst out laughing. “He doesn’t seem like the blushing type.”


A silent laugh shook Sona’s shoulders as she hovered off the carpet in a sitting position. She meandered across the room and planted herself before a chest of draws. Sex toys filled every drawer: dildos, buttplugs, cock strokers, ball gags, straps, and ropes. If you could think of it, it was there. Plus the ones you couldn’t.


As Sona arranged an arsenal of straps, ropes, and buckles, Lux squirmed. “Are those for me?” she asked.


  “Pretty sure, yeah.”


Sona nodded.


  “Definitely sure.”


  “Yay…” Lux smiled. “Thank you, mommies.”


Caitlyn giggled. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”


Sona crawled over and pecked Lux on the forehead. Lux pulled her into a proper kiss. Their mouths’ embrace ended with a wet smack and a unified gasp for air. As their lips lingered less than an inch apart, Lux’s gaze switched to Caitlyn.


  “I’m gonna have so much fun,” Lux said.


  “Excited to feel powerless and helpless?”


Lux raised an eyebrow. “I should ask you that.”


Sona’s shoulders shook and she covered her mouth.


  “I… I don’t understand.”


  “This stuff is for you, mommy. I wanna own you. At least, until I pass out. It’ll be a great way to end such a brilliant weekend.”


  “Ah, I see. Do you want to top now? I’m cool with that.”


Lux pouted. “No. I said I want to own you, Mommy. Now get on the bed!” she whined.


Sona snatched Lux’s hand and gave her a stern look, and Caitlyn an apologetic one.


  “I mean… get on the bed, please,” Lux grumbled.


Sona smiled.


Caitlyn giggled and rushed over. She sprawled out beside them. The sheets were warm from their bodies like they were fresh from the dryer. A perfect compliment to the chilled night breeze. “I’m all yours, sweetheart. Be a good girl and do me up nice and tight.”


  “Yes, Mommy!” Lux went to crawl off the bed, but her arms wobbled and gave out, dumping her face first onto the sheets.


Sona rolled her over, kissed her head, and swung her legs over the bed’s edge. For a wonderful, brief moment, her thighs flattened and squished together from knee to hip. One on its own was wide enough to rest your head on. She blessed Caitlyn and Lux with a view of her ass before bustling about, tieing Caitlyn’s wrists and ankles to the bed posts.


Tight. The buckles dug into muscle and pressed against bone. It hurt so good, like a nip of her nipple from a bold partner. Her hands wanted to rub her clit and slip fingers inside to prod her g-spot and squeeze her tits and pinch her nipples and grab Sona’s fat ass and slap the bratty grin off Lux’s face. But she couldn’t her. Her lust was at Lux’s mercy.


  “Do you want me to pleasure you, Mommy?”




  “With my mouth?”




  “With my cock?”




Lux sighed. “But I’m so tired. Maybe I should rest for a bit. Gather my strength.”


  “Don’t you dare. Stop being a little brat and eat Mommy out.”






  “Nuh. Uh.” Lux crossed her arms. “I don’t wanna yet.”


Sona loomed over Lux from behind. She snapped her fingers in Lux’s face. Lux started. Sona pointed at Caitlyn’s pussy and bore into Lux with a scowl.


  “Fiiine!” Lux flopped onto her belly between Caitlyn’s legs. “You guys are so mean…” Sona pushed her head down and a muffled past vibrated against Caitlyn’s desperate clit.


A moan rushed from her mouth, and swelled Lux slipped her tongue inside and sucked the rest inside her mouth, clit and all. The pressure made Caitlyn’s head spin. It was like falling and being drunk at the same time; a flipping stomach and an empty mind; adrenaline and bliss.

Caitlyn blinked three times. Thrill blazed in Lux’s eyes as she stared at Caitlyn over the top of her breasts. But also, a hint of Anxiety; a damn of colour ready to burst.


  “G- Good girl,” Caitlyn said. “Such a good… hngh~ … good job.”


The damn faded away and Thrill flared. Lux sucked her clit and tongued her g-spot. In and out. Perfectly synched at a mad dash of a pace.


Sona lay beside Lux. Her ass was two hills towering over the valley of her back. She brushed Lux’s golden hair out of her eyes, kissed her cheek, and slipped two fingers inside her ass. Pride swelled in her eyes.


Lux moaned. Her eyes drooped and gained a desperate edge.


As vibrations quivered her pussy, Caitlyn’s back arched. “Fuck!”


Lux slid out her tongue and squished it against Caitlyn’s clit. She lapped at it like a dog in the desert, maddened by thirst. The bursts of pleasure rocked Caitlyn. She felt them as tingles in her cheeks, pressure behind her eyes, and a grip on her chest. Again and again. Many times per second. Each one stronger than the last.


They made her shout. Plead. Demand. Threaten. But her words changed nothing. Her orgasm inched towards a climax at a crawl. At Lux’s pace and whim all while Sona gave her a pleasant smile.


Caitlyn’s moan shattered into a grunt. Her muscles turned to jelly and invisible weight pinned her chest to the silky sheets. She erupted all over Lux’s face, and as she rode the high of her orgasm and all other sensations melted away, one sharp sensation remained; the chill of the night air against her erect nipples. 


It made the heat of Lux’s mouth and Sona’s hug all the more vibrant.


Sona’s tits enveloped Caitlyn’s arms, her fingers traced circles around her belly button, and her lips lay pecks on her cheek. She blew air on Caitlyn’s neck. A shiver ran down her spine as the final wave of pleasure dwindled.


  “F- Fuck… You’re so good at that, Lux. Like… Fuck…”


Lux giggled. “Gotta have something going for you with a cock like this.”


Sona frowned and swaddled Lux in a hug.


  “Kidding! Kidding! You know I don’t care about it. It’s just the luck of the draw, you know?”


Sona pursed her lips and let go.


  “Did I say stop?”


Sona wrapped Lux in a tighter hug. She lay her head on top of hers. Their blue and gold hair intermixed, draped over Lux’s slim shoulders.


Caitlyn’s restraints were fasted in such a way that forbade her from laying her arms or legs down on the bed. A dull ache settled into her biceps and thighs. Tingles pricked her fingertips.


  “So Sona, what are you gonna do while she’s fucking me?” Caitlyn asked.


Sona cocked her head. Her eyes looked up and to the left. She smiled. And slapped Lux’s ass.


Lux gasped.


Caitlyn giggled. “Fair enough. With a cock like yours, even her ruined slut ass must feel as tight as a virgin.”


Sona gave a humble shrug. She slipped behind Lux, squeezed her tits, and licked her from shoulder to ear bone. A trail of saliva glistened in the moonlight.


Lux shrieked. “That tickles, Sonaaa!”


Sona tapped Caitlyn’s pussy. It quivered.


Lux rolled her eyes. “Okay okay, I’m going. Geez, you guys are so pushy. There’s no rush.”


  “Actually, if Ahri wakes up I’m pretty sure you guys are all-”


Lux thrust her cock inside Caitlyn.




  “Damn. Not even big enough to make you choke on your words.” Anticipation brimmed in Lux’s eyes, spiced with Thrill.


Oh. I see what she’s doing. “That’s what happens when you’ve got a pathetic shrimp dick,” Caitlyn said.


Lux’s cock flexed. “Mommy… That’s so mean.”


Sona pinched Lux’s nipple, a stern look on her face.


  “Are you even in me?” Caitlyn peered over her tits. “Wow. You are. Wow…”




  “Either cry or fuck me, stupid slut. Wasting my fucking time regardless. I could be outside getting gaped by a 12-inch dragon cock right now. You know, a real cock?”


Lux stumbled into a lopsided, stop-start rhythm, like a beginner driver trying to brake. “Y- Yes, Mommy. Sorry. I’ll be quick.”


In all honesty, it felt quite nice. Lux may be small, but her tip still reached Caitlyn’s G-spot. Soft prods coaxed out the pleasure, rather than forced it. A nice change of pace from decimation.


Caitlyn spat in Lux’s face. “You can’t even fuck right. Worthless bitch. What are you even doing here? You’re way out of your league.”


Lux squeezed Caitlyn’s tits with shaking hands, ignoring the spit rolling down her cheek. “I- I have abilities.”


  “Aww, can shrimp dick do magic tricks? That’d be cute if it were anyone else. Sona, fuck her ass. Let’s at least get some worth out of her.”


Sona nodded, slapped Lux’s tits, and cut off her gasp with a heavy thrust. A bulge travelled up Lux’s soft belly. It settled below her ribcages.


Lux fell limp on top of Caitlyn. She and Sona shared a worried look before Lux groaned and resumed her erratic thrusting, hampered by Sona on top of her.


  “Look Sona, we made a slut sandwich,” Caitlyn said.


A silent giggle betrayed Sona’s stern look. She slapped Lux’s ass with both hands, held it still, and used the balls of her feet to plunge her cock in and out. Base to tip at a steady pace. 


The weight of each slam pounded Caitlyn’s pussy as it forced Lux's balls deep inside. Literally. Caitlyn felt Lux’s smooth, shaved balls slip in and out of her. No way such a small cock could stretch her that wide on its own.


  “Thank you, Mommy,” Lux moaned with each slap of groin on cheeks, of balls on pussy. Over and over. Each weaker than the last.


Sona’s mouth hung open. Brows knit, she closed her eyes and lolled her head back. Yet, her pace never faltered. Jealousy twanged in Caitlyn’s belly. Sona was in the zone. Where all the little decisions sex demanded which usually required active thought came naturally. Where your mind was free to wander. Where you were free to utterly and completely indulge.

Eyes locked Sona’s swinging tits, Caitlyn pulled Lux’s hair. “Looks like you’re not… shit~… not totally useless. Your slut is about to make Sona blow.”


  “N- Not yet,” Lux whimpered.


  “Eh? You don’t get to make demands.” Caitlyn pinched her cheek. “Dumb bitch.”


Lux squealed. “But I’m so close, Mommy! Please let me cum! I wanna cum in you!”


  “In me?” Caitlyn swallowed a moan to laugh. “Anything your shimp cock dribbles out will be out of me in a heartbeat.”


Thrill blazed. It whipped above Lux’s head like a pair of iridescent ribbons. Her cock heaved like it’d never heaved before and her body locked up.


Yet just as Caitlyn was sure Lux would burst, Sona collapsed. Lux’s bulged belly swelled against Caitlyn’s abs. The familiar wet warmth of a monster load flowed down Caitlyn’s pussy and ass. Too much for Lux. And her guttural groan robbed any doubt.


  “No faaair! I wanna cum!”


Sona nuzzled her back and hugged her waist.


  “I don’t care how squishy your tits are… It’s still not fair…”


  “What’s not fair is me having to waste more time on your shrimp cock,” Caitlyn said.


Lux grinned. “Yeah? Why don’t you fuck me then? Seeing as I’m oh so awful and pathetic.”


  “Untie me and I’ll wipe the grin off your stupid, whore face.”


  “Do it!”


  “I will!”




  “So untie me!”




Caitlyn pulled at her wrist strap. “How I’m supposed to fuck you like this?”


  “Is your tongue tied down? Didn’t think so. Now, open wide, Mommy.” Lux wriggled off of Sona’s cock, and it popped free, limp, and slick with cum. As Sona fell face-first onto Caitlyn’s belly, Lux swung a leg over her head. Quivering as it opened and closed, Lux’s asshole hovered above her face dripping Sona’s cum. Warm and wet, it splattered on Caitlyn’s cheek.


Without thought, Caitlyn opened her mouth. What else was there to do? Complain about such a treat? No way.


Lux’s ass covered Caitlyn’s face, and Caitlyn’s tongue slipped inside. “Get acquainted, you two,” she said.


It tasted salty, like all assholes, but even saltier. Sona’s cum trickled down Caitlyn’s tongue and waited diligently at the back of her throat to be swallowed. What she’d give to get a proper mouthful of the stuff. All in due time. Let’s focus on the task at hand, yes?


  “Sona, suck my cock and fuck Caitlyn’s pussy,” Lux said. She pinched Caitlyn’s nipple.


The bed shifted, Caitlyn filled Lux’s ass with her tongue, and Sona filled her with a limp cock. It hardened inside, growing triple its size over the course of a few euphoric seconds, stretching her, crushing her g-spot harder and harder. If only she could rub her clit, but no, the little brat forbid it.


Caitlyn moaned into Lux’s ass, and she burst out laughing. Each laugh squeezed her ass, straining them as they threatened to boil over into moans. A slurp joined Lux’s laughter, followed by a splutter, and the splatter of spitting.


Lux’s laughter stopped. “M- Mommy, that’s too good… no fair…” Her breathing raced.


Caitlyn pumped her ass with her tongue, and her breathing soared. Quick, short gasps built higher and higher in pitch. Each one squeezed Caitlyn’s tongue harder than the last.




Lux bellowed a moan. The way her ass clenched, Caitlyn half expected Sona’s mouth to be full of cum. Yet, when the moan subsided it gave way to more frantic breaths. Only three, and then another moan followed.


That’s how it went for a while. Three, four, or five frantic breaths followed by a deep, guttural moan. A sound the complete opposite of cute, yet that somehow made it all the more adorable. Like a fridge covered in awful childrens’ drawings. How long it went on, Caitlyn couldn’t say. Who keeps track of time during sex anyway?


Lots happened in the meantime. 

Out of her periphery, Caitlyn caught a glimpse of a fire pillar. It broke through the clouds and cast the garden in fierce, orange light. Ahri must have had some sort of barrier to keep out unwanted eyes because no one came to investigate.


Fiora came in and set up a camera. Without asking, mind you, but no one complained. Lux did the opposite. The camera her even more riled up and from that point on her moans gained a desperate edge. Fiora never joined in, but she did egg Sona on.


Sona slammed her rather bruised cervix. For all her serene grace, she fucked like a bull bucking at its gate, hard. If she’d never met Sona, Caitlyn would have been hard-pressed not to call it angry.


Her orgasms shared in Sona’s ferocious sex-style. They fuzzed Caitlyn’s vision and tingled her face. A day ago, they would have exhausted her. Now, they made her feel drunk. Every little thought and action felt like a monumental effort. Still, Caitlyn tongue-fucked Lux all the same. 


Good whores didn’t let fatigue get in the way.


Sona never came once. Sure, she had a few close calls, but when her cock flexed and heaved, she ground to a halt deep inside, focusing instead on her sloppy blowjob. The slobber clung to Caitlyn’s tits and damped the sheets. It sounded like she was eating a mango straight from the rind as fast as she could.


One of Lux’s moans soared. And soared. Far beyond normal. Rather than cutting out, it petered off into a whimper edged by fear. Caitlyn blinked three times, but couldn’t see anything beyond Lux’s spread cheeks.


  “N- No, not yet…”


  “Don’t fight it, chérie,” Fiora said, her voice low and husky. 


  “But I’m… I’m…” Lux trembled a moan. “I’m having so much fun!” she wailed. Her ass clenched harder than ever before and Sona’s slurps cut off.


Fiora clapped. “Look at her face!” The bed shifted. “How adorable!”


Lux collapsed to the side, bounced slightly, and lay on her side cumming buckets. Thin ropes arched over the side of the bed, splattering against the opened glass doors and staining carpet. She whimpered with every load.


Not even a moment after getting back her sight of the room, Caitlyn had a camcorder shoved in her face. Behind it, Fiora grinned. “Smile, mon ange. The camera loves you. And so do they!”

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Sona and Fiora

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