Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession

The Demacian Orgy: Fiora

Thank you to my patrons: Lolop 12, SambaZero, Survivor121, Syndra, minimized, Chance Meadows, Ninja, Thomas Borrmann, Zac Polk, WIndBlade13, Emperor_Vader142, Justice Birdie, Haylee Hill, Verkan, and Wally Cat

Thump. Sona dropped onto the couch beside Lux.


Caitlyn wrenched Fiora’s hungry lips away. They smacked. “Rest up, okay?” she called.


Sona gave a thumbs up over the back of the couch.


Fiora knocked Caitlyn’s hand away, pinned her by the shoulders, and swallowed her tongue. Nimble hands danced up and down her body. They grabbed her hips, pinched her tits, and slapped her thighs.


It was nice to experience a body similar to her own; petite, toned, and subtly curved. Not that you’d ever hear Caitlyn complain about a huge pair of tits or a fat ass or a soft belly. But the familiarity proved a well-needed comfort for her weary body.


There was nothing to learn; as if she knew it like her backyard.


Caitlyn ran her fingers down the groove of Fiora’s chiselled back, lingering on that spot.


A smirk interrupted Fiora’s sloppy smothering. “Cheeky, mon cheri. That tickled.”


  “Oh no.” Caitlyn touched it again.


  “You must like my back to spend so much time there. Are muscles your poison?”


  “I’m not sure I have a poison. But your back is great. I can feel every hour of blood, sweat, and tears in every ripple and knot.”


Fiora sat up and straddled Caitlyn. Her cock and balls flopped onto her belly, radiated by lust’s heat. “You must a poison. Everyone does.” A little bit of leftover cum dribbled from her foreskin.


Caitlyn wiped it up and sucked the tip of her finger clean. “I’m a fan of everything and everyone so far. Well, almost everything.”


  “And as a connoisseur of the flesh, I relate. Yet… there must be a reason you came here, no? Or a reason to stay?”


Caitlyn’s cheeks burned. “I guess… Vi is my poison. That’s not the right thing to call her though. She’s not bad for me. Quite the opposite really.”


Fiora smirked. “Your ambrosia then.”


  “Yes! Much better!” Caitlyn pulled Fiora into a kiss.

They rolled over and ended up with tangled legs and curious hands settled on hips. Fiora’s cock throbbed against Caitlyn’s pussy. And it throbbed right on the back.


  “What’s your ambrosia?” Caitlyn asked during an eventual lull in their frantic exchange of spit.


Fiora propped up on her elbow. “I came for the pursuit of excellence. To conqueror the discipline of pleasure. But I stayed for the love of film.” Love danced in Fiora’s eyes and her tone softened. “I’d never seen a film before coming to Piltover.”


  “Really? Never?”


  “They don’t have them in Demacia. A shame. At first, I used it for its practical function; to get an outside view of my performance. Mistakes jump out at you that way. Yet soon, I found myself trying new angles, lenses, lighting, and locations. And before I knew what was happening I fell in love.” Fiora rolled onto her back and gazed at her camera.”


Caitlyn sat up. For the first time tonight, she took in the state they’d left the bed in. Tangled, stained sheets. Tossed about pillows. Matted carpet. At some point, someone had even slashed through the duva with their nails. “You know…” Caitlyn checked under her nails. Clean. “We could do with a change of location.”


  “Oh, tries bien! I couldn’t agree more. We’ve made a statement here, I’d say.” Fiora rolled out of bed and started to pace. “But where next? Surely you’ve fucked in every nook and cranny of this place.”


  “I think so, yeah…” A switch flipped in Caitlyn’s brain. “Oh, wait! There are three places I haven’t done it. Well, four if you include the closest. But who wants to fuck in a closet?”


  “It does have good acoustics…” Fiora waved her hands. “No, too cramped, and besides the lighting would be all off. Tell me of these other places.”


  “The spa.”




  “The kitchen.”


  “Too cliché.”


  “And the balcony.”


Fiora’s eyes lit up. “Yes! I see it now! Nighttime. A full moon. Through the crystal clear glass two lovers embrace, their naked bodies cast in the golden glow of the lamplight. The glass makes a bold statement, ‘you may watch, but you may not touch. Their bodies are for each other alone. As mutual as their love’.”


Caitlyn giggled. “I can be your lover. Lovemaking would be a welcome change of pace after the railing Sona gave me. Can still feel it in my lower back.”


  “A gentle pace to match the femininity of the moon. Yes, I like it. Oh! The table out there is even glass. Everything is on theme!”


  “Should I help you set up?”


  “No. Stay there. Relax. Gather your strength. I want you energised for the shoot. You need to glow, mon cheri. Glow!”


As Fiora began to bustle about, Caitlyn settled back amongst the few remaining pillows and shut her eyes. “Whatever you say, Ma’am.”




Warmth fled as Caitlyn took her first step onto the balcony. The chill of a stone floor without sun embraced the bare soles of her feet. Sex’s heat – the breath of moans and gasps and laughter, of raging cocks and a desperate pussy, and the muggy touch of lingering sweat – it didn’t dare leave the room of its creation. The wind nipped. Goosebumps spread across her arms and her nipples hardened, perking.


  “Over there.” Fiora pecked her lips and guided Caitlyn to the far left of the balcony. “Stay here out of frame until I give the signal.


  “Will do, Ma’am.”


  “Good girl.”


They shared a kiss full of tongue before Fiora hurried away to fiddle with the camera.


The full moon lorded over the horizon. Silver bands rippled on the far-off ocean. Black specks broke their uniformity as they trawled inch by inch along the coastline. Even at such an hour, Piltover was awake. Emphasised further by the sea of golden lights filtered through windows, winkling like a swarm of fireflies.


Below, in the shade of the moon and free from the prying eyes of windows, Morgana and Shyvana coupled in the shallow end of the pool. The fearsome dragon lady, taller than most men, covered in steel-like scales, and hardened by a wicked glint in her eyes was kneeling between Morgana’s plump, pale thighs, giving her a lazy blowjob as Morgana gazed at the moon. The lapping of water filled the silence of true night.

  “Alright, ready.” Fiora hit record and hurried over to the opposite side of the balcony.


The glass table sat between them. Big enough to lay on. Small enough to not be cumbersome. Almost as if it were picked to be a table to fuck on rather than eat on. In the sex mansion? No. What a crazy thing to think.


Caitlyn suppressed a giggle. This was serious. High art and stuff.


Fiora snapped her fingers. The signal. Slow, like a pair of dancers crossing the dance floor, Caitlyn walked into frame, matching Fiora step for step. The air shifted. Tingles spread through Caitlyn’s chest and she resisted the urge to glance at the camera. 


Eyes locked on Fiora’s purple gaze, she met her in front of the table, perfectly in the middle. Their bodies doused the camera in a moonlight shadow as they touched foreheads and melted in each other’s arms. Wrapped in warmth, Caitlyn sought out Fiora’s lips, smothered them, and took a long, tender squeeze of her firm cheeks.


Like stepping out of a hot shower or a warm bath, Caitlyn had to pull herself away from Fiora’s lips to kneel on the stone. But it was so worth it. From below Fiora looked like a goddess, and Caitlyn had seen a few. Elegant, chiselled, and sublime; moonlight glinted off a bead of sweat as it ventured the canals of her sculpted muscles. Her cock hung limp, but only until flicked it with her tongue.


Fiora gasped and her cock heaved, growing in waves. It pointed at the cloudless, pitch sky. Caitlyn ran her hand down its subtle lefthanded bend, gliding her palm and fingers along with silky flawless skin. When she reached the bottom of the shaft, and her foreskin was peeled all the way back, Caitlyn wrapped her lips around Fiora’s pink tip and watched as her face melted.


  “Fuck…” Fiora whispered.


Caitlyn applied some pressure with suction. Fiora’s lips trembled. She tasted like Sona; perfect.


Slowly, Caitlyn bobbed her head, but only enough so her lips touched the top of Fiora’s shaft. The moment she felt soft skin, she pulled back, running the tip over her swirled tongue.


A smile wobbled on Fiora’s desperate face. “So beautiful…”


Caitlyn reached behind her head and grasped Fiora’s hand.


Fiora’s eyes shut. Her free hand fell to her side. The smile fell as her brow creased.


Words weren’t needed. The tremors in her hands spoke volumes. Caitlyn slipped Fiora’s cock down her throat, pushing herself up with her knees and bracing against Fiora’s abs until lips met groin. And then she pulled back. With her entire body, she throat fucked Fiora at less than a crawl. 


A pace so slow it made every impatient bone in her body throw a tantrum. She resisted it. Like a good girl, a good slut, and a good actress. The kind of romance Fiora had in mind wasn’t primal and frantic. It was delicate and sensual. A sloppy mess wouldn’t do. Not at all.


Fiora’s eyes fluttered open. “I can see the stars in your eyes.” She trembled a breathless moan. “You have so… so few here. But I can see them. Oh Caitlyn, I can see them~” She squeezed Caitlyn’s hand.


Caitlyn squeezed back. And held her lips against Fiora’s groin.


Fiora baulked. Her eyes bulged as she made a half-grunt half-gasp. Like a prisoner in bonds, her cock heaved agaisnt the back of Caitlyn’s throat.


Caitlyn let it free. Eventually. Once she had Fiora whimpering and her lungs’ screams reached their peak. But she only pulled back to the tip, took a few quick deep breath stacked on top of one another, and dove back to the base of the shaft.


Sure, it may have caused a little bit of drool to hang from her chin. However, the Love and Thrill in Fiora’s eyes made up for it. They were different to one another they should have clashed, but like salty and sweet, they not only made it work. They excelled in each other’s presence. A dance of ice and fire. 


Fiora’s eyes were harmony as Caitlyn’s gullet massaged her cock.


Usually that would be when they’d tap out. It’d be too much. Anymore and they’d burst. Not Fiora. She held firm for what felt like hours. And all the while, the camera begged of Caitlyn’s attention.


Every part of her wanted to steal a glance at it. There was a little screen on the side. It showed the feed. What do I look like? Is it as gorgeous as Fiora imagined? Well of course it is, we’re in it. But is it picturesque? 


She shouldn’t look. It would break the immersion of the audience. Well… of Fiora… the only one who would watch-


Oh fuck it.


Caitlyn stole a glance.


Night time. A full moon. Through crystal clear glass two lovers express their passion, their naked bodies cast in the golden glow of the lamplight and outlined by the moon’s shadow. The glass makes a bold statement, ‘you may watch, but you may not touch. Their bodies are for each other alone. As mutual as their love’.


Striking; just as Fiora imagined.


Also, numbers ticked along at the bottom. They read, “00:31:53.” Thirty minutes. Thirty?! I’ve been sucking her cock for half an hour?!


Caitlyn pulled her head back. Fiora’s cock slipped free, slick and glistening. As she gasped, Caitlyn touched her slobbery chin. It was wrinkled as if she’d stayed in the bath too long.


She opened her mouth to laugh, apologise, ask if Fiora was okay; she wasn’t sure. Regardless, Fiora attacked her with a kiss. Words weren’t an option when you were busy sucking on someone else’s tongue.


Fiora’s lips departed with a smack. “On the table,” she whispered, cupping her face. “I need you.”


The sting of the night-chilled glass grasped Caitlyn’s back. Fiora’s warmth banished it. It filled her. Slowly, ever so slowly. Her girth pressed against Caitlyn’s ass from the inside as it settled against her cervix. 


Despite the hunger in Fiora’s eyes, she stopped, a quarter of her cock exposed to the frigid air. She secured Caitlyn’s hips with calloused hands, pressed their bodies together, and locked lips. As if drinking from her, she sucked on Caitlyn’s tongue in time with each gentle thrust.


A hard fuck wrung the moans from you. What Fiora gave her encouraged them; a silent invitation; a smile you just couldn’t say no to or a song you couldn’t help but mouth the words to or a smell you couldn’t help but crave. Caitlyn pushed her tongue deep into Fiora’s mouth and massaged her ass as the cheeks clenched together at the crescendo of each crash of throbbing tip and bruised cervix.


Normally the world would melt away, but how could it with the camera making demands? It centred her. No longer did she perform. What it wanted of her came easy. Fiora made it easy. So fucking easy.


  “I love you,” Caitlyn whispered loudly.


Fiora moaned and kissed her collarbone. “Never let it end, mon cheri. Never.” Kiss. “Never.” Kiss. “Never.”


  “Never.” Caitlyn wrenched her hands from Fiora’s ass and cupped her face.


Fiora melted into her kiss. Her pace gained a certain insistence. A little extra at the end of each thrust. Her hands wandered, gliding, squeezing, pinching. She pushed Caitlyn’s tongue back into her mouth and licked the back of her teeth. Caitlyn sucked it deeper. And she made no complaint.


The warmth of her body began to fluctuate. Her heart pulsed through her red hot, sweaty skin and rock-hard muscles. Most of all in her face. In the rare case that Fiora came up for air, her face was beet red, even while cast in lamp and moonlight.


Pleasure overwhelmed the urge to crack a joke. Ruthless, it swelled behind her belly button, forcing whimpers and laughter from her. All with a sharp edge; pitched and thin, intermixed with quick gasps and stuttered swallows.


Fiora wasn’t faring much better. They hardly kissed. And when they did, it was sloppy. A glance of lips or a few heartbeats of the release of locked lips. 


Somewhere far away, Morgana cried out Shyvana’s name. She sounded as desperate as Caitlyn felt. Moments away from erupting.


  “Make me cum,” Caitlyn said. She nipped Fiora’s bottom lip. “Please, baby. Make my pussy grip you.”


  “Anything for you. I’ll make it happen as many times as you need.” Fiora eased pressure into Caitlyn’s clit with her thumb.


Caitlyn slunk her arms around Fiora’s neck and rested her forehead on hers. The swelling behind her belly built in waves. Moans were replaced by rapid gasps. Shoulders heaved. Two heartbeats pounded the inside of her skull.


Until it all dissolved.


Fiora held her as she trembled. It was one of those quiet orgasms. The kind that grips you so tight you can’t breathe. It should feel terrifying, but by the gods is it amazing. And the release you get when it lets go, the rush when your muscles turn to jelly, and all you’re left with is a pounding in your chest and the sight of a tender smile on a gorgeous woman’s face above you.


Nothing compares.


  “That should do,” Fiora whispered. A proper whisper. Right into her ear. “We can go inside. Warm up. Collect ourselves and get ready for round 2. Does that sound good, mon cheri?”


  “No.” Caitlyn nipped her earlobe. “The camera needs to see it all. Put me on top.”


  “How do you come up with these excellent ideas?” Fiora eased them onto their sides.

Caitlyn braced for the table to rock or threaten to tip. It didn’t so much as squeak. Not a complaint nor a protest. Her back breathed a sigh of relief as it left the icy glass, and her hips joined in as she straddled Fiora.


  “Cold?” Caitlyn whispered against her lips.


Fiora stole a kiss. “Only underneath.”


  “It’ll be a distant memory soon.” Caitlyn tossed her hair over her shoulder, stuck out her ass, and lowered her pussy onto Fiora’s cock. “There you go. Back where you belong, love.”


Fiora gasped and arched her back, hands wandering up and down her toned belly. A simple flick of the hips rolled her eyes back. A moan brightened by the sweet tones of euphoria lingered, wavering as groin met groin. As Caitlyn’s cheeks clapped. As her pussy squelched.


Not the most flattering sound. Then again, when was sex ever meant to be flattering? It just had to feel good. And fucking hell did it feel good to be in control. Even with sore, reluctant muscles and weary joints.


Caitlyn played with Fiora’s face. She melted it and reformed it only to melt it all over again. Without ever lifting a finger from her firm, round breasts.


Rolling Fiora’s pink nipples between thumb and forefinger, and maintaining a steady rhythm, Caitlyn stole a glance past the camera. On the ruined bed, Sona slid her cock in and out of Lux’s throat. It was like stuffing a python down a toilet roll. Love danced in her eyes, Thrill in Lux’s.


  “L- Lucky little whore,” Fiora whispered.


Caitlyn pinched her nipples. “Do you want to join them?”


  “Ah! What… What if I do?”


  “I’d say…” Caitlyn leaned over Fiora and brushed her ear with her lips. “That’s not very lover-like of you.”


Fiora’s cock flexed inside Caitlyn. “Where are my manners? Of course, we must finish what we’ve started. Funnily enough, I cum quickest with my mouth around a pretty, pink nipple.” She lurched forward, grasped Caitlyn’s waist, and sucked on her nipple. The suction pulled it deep.


  “Shit,” Caitlyn hissed. Her bottom lip trembled. “S- Spoil me, why don’t you?”


Mischief glinted in Fiora’s eyes.


Double speed set her right. A gasped moan broke the delicious suction, but Fiora repaired it at once. Even more moans fought to escape and trembles troubled her hands.


Caitlyn held on right to Fiora’s back, else she topple off. At this new angle, her groin couldn’t meet Fiora’s. Their abs rubbed together, but her pussy stopped three-quarters of the way down her shaft as tip slammed cervix. It put her thighs through hell.


Anything worth having is worth hurting for. Sometimes a good fuck is torture.


The longer Caitlyn fucked Fiora’s cock, the more unstable things got. They raked each other with their nails. Fiora inched further and further into a sitting position. While Caitlyn’s head bowed lower and lower until it rested on Fiora’s shoulder.


It occurred to Caitlyn that her hips weren't bouncing. They merely jostled. And not even in circles, the way that felt good. Back and forth at random intervals. Yet, the Thrill in Fiora’s eyes persisted.


Fiora lurched. She seized Caitlyn by the ass, leapt to her feet, and hurried her over to the balcony railing. The second Caitlyn’s ass settled on the shelf beneath the rail, Fiora lay into her with a frantic pace.


Caitlyn wrapped her legs around Fiora’s waist. “B- But the camera.”


  “Fuck the camera. It can see my back.” Fiora rammed her with a kiss. “Unscarred; as any back should be. Let it see my pride as I indulge in yours. Your perfect.” Kiss. “Tight.” Kiss. “Pussy. Oh, mon cheri, it’s perfect!~ Perfect perfect perfect! The best I’ve ever had!” Mania slipped into Fiora’s voice as it overtook her pace.


Her cock pulverised Caitlyn’s mind. Through the haze, she found Fiora’s eyes and held her gaze for dear life. “I love it~”


  “I love it!”


  “Use me.”


  “Always.” Fiora’s breathing grew frantic. “Let me fill you, Caitlyn. Please, oh gods, let me.”


Caitlyn threw her head back, dangling her hair into the open air. The moon stared back at her. “Dump your cum in me, love. Use your little whore what she was made for!”


Fiora dug her nails in and dragged Caitlyn back into a kiss. As their lips crashed, she burst. Cum exploded against her cervix, and in the blink of an eye overflowed over her asshole and Fiora’s balls. Wave after wave poured from her gaped, quivering pussy. And with each wave, Fiora sunk closer to her knees, dragging Caitlyn down with her.

Fiora’s cock slipped free. She fell onto her ass and a rope of cum hit Caitlyn in the eye. Thankfully, she closed it in time.


Behind Fiora, the camera showed a sight to behold. Basked in golden light, Caitlyn was sitting up against the balcony wall, panting, her hair in tangles, one eye glazed shut, cum oozing from her pussy.


  “I’m…” Fiora swallowed and gasped for air. “I’m going to go downstairs and get some water before helping Sona ruin Lux’s face. Care to join me?”


  “I’ve got to… join… Shyvana and Morgana. To be a good girl. Vi would be disappointed if I didn’t.”


Fiora nodded slowly. Her eyes were glazed over and her jaw was slack. “Uh huh… You… do-” Her eyes rolled back. Like a sack of flour, she collapsed in a heap, a smile plastered on her lips, cum leaking from her slightly swollen tip.


It would have been so easy to join her. She was dangling off a bride. All it would take was to let go.


Caitlyn held on.

Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Shyvana and Morgana

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