Caelus Online

2. Executive Manager Gareth Brewer

After giving his self-made prophecy, Chester looked at Ben to see his reaction.

“Hmmm. I guess that’s definitely something that can prove your claim. I guess we will see next week then.” Ben nodded his head, in deep thought.

“It might be worth selling your shares mind you, it won’t be much of a loss for you and if I’m wrong, I’m happy to compensate you. I remember you were quite put out about it back then.”

Hearing his words, Ben agreed and pulled out his phone while Chester finished off his food and leaned back, sighing as he thought about his own situation.

‘Just over 2 weeks before the game launches… well, I need to prepare for what’s to come. First things first, I should get some extra gaming pods for everyone. I know Ben, Ali, and Russel don’t have the game preordered and are still using headsets. Since there are limited preorders I need to get that sorted first.’

To play Caelus online, a player would require either a full dive headset which just looked like a fancy motorbike helmet, or they would need one of the newly developed gaming pods that were released alongside Caelus Online. Despite the obvious differences in size, comfort, and price, the biggest improvement was in the player synchronization rate that the pods provided.

Synchronization was the extent of the player's senses that were transferred into the game’s world. The Headsets had a limit of 95% which meant that players would still feel that something was missing while they played. Meanwhile the new gaming pods provided a 99.5% synchronization, 4.5% more than the headsets, making the immersion into the world almost impossible to differentiate from reality, while also allowing players to sleep while playing.

To Chester, getting everyone a gaming pod was imperative as if you had one, you could effectively play 24/7 without the need for sleep while also having access to the other benefits it provided. When compared to the headset which required you to log out for sleep, getting gaming pods for his friends early on was crucial to making the most out of his 3 years of knowledge.

‘Next is the Branford family conglomerate, the Branford Group… I need to finish off the paperwork and management of taking over… as well as preparations for when the world changes.’

‘Finally, I need to formulate plans for everything that will happen when the game is released. If I have the best understanding of the game out of the entire player base, I should monopolize it. Not to mention dealing with the traitors…’

As Chester’s thoughts came to a close, an evil smile could be seen on his face.

“Man, that’s one evil smile, who is the lucky recipient?” Ben joked.

“The list is long…” Chester chuckled.




After eating breakfast, Ben left to return home while Chester entered his office followed by Harold, his butler. The man was in his late 40s with a sharp and dignified look. His attire was as one would expect of a butler, neat and presentable, while his etiquette is exemplary.

Sitting behind his desk with his hands making a steeple, Chester looked Harold in the eye with a serious expression.

“Right, Harold, I’m going to need your help. I don’t expect you to believe me right now, but here is the situation. I have come back from 3 years in the future. The world will drastically change and Caelus Online is at the centre of it all. The game has some serious secrets that defy logic, such as giving people magic which inevitably messes everything up. I can easily help us get through all the future chaos, but I need your help and unwavering trust.”

Seeing Harold’s inscrutable expression and twitching mouth like he had gone mad, Chester went on to explain the conversation he had with Ben about next week’s incident with the hydroponics company, as well as describing the two years he had experienced and future of the Branford family.

Still looking slightly unconvinced, Harold chose his next words carefully.

“I see. So, if what you are saying is true, there are a lot of future hardships coming our way. Very well, I shall assist you as best I can. Since you appear to have knowledge of the future, what do you propose to do?”

 Flashing a grin, Chester leaned back in his large leather chair as he started to explain his ideas.

“First, we need to finish off the current paperwork concerning my taking over the Branford Group by next week. I know it is a rush, but this needs to be sorted out quickly. In the meantime, I will finish drafting the changes to the management. Since Caelus Online will be taking up most of my time, I will promote someone trustworthy to take over the majority of my work.”

“I see. Who are you thinking of?” Harold enquired.

Letting a small smile show on his face as he thought back to the past, Chester unconsciously relaxed as he spoke.

“The current general manager of the Thetford company, Gareth Brewer. Half a year from now I would have appointed him to the position anyway, but there is no harm in speeding up the process. He has the experience and will prove his loyalty to the conglomerate once again.”

Seeing Chester’s stoic and resolute expression, Harold nodded.

“I see, I shall request him to visit your office in the shard on Monday.”

Chester nodded while shuffling through several documents.

“Perfect, thanks, Harold. Oh! Now that I think about it…”

Chester exclaimed, quickly scribbling down a list of company names.

“Can you also get Sasha to look through this list of companies and compile a document that examines how easy it will be to acquire them? This will be quite important in the future. Have it on my desk by Tuesday morning.”

With a raised eyebrow Harold took the list.

“I shall pass this on. If I may be so rude as to say, even if I struggle to believe your story about time regression, it is clear to me that you have changed. You are far more self-assured and decisive than usual.”

Chuckling, Chester replied.

“Nearly 3 years of chaos will surely change a person, for better or worse.”


For the rest of the weekend, Chester spent his time in the office preparing his plans for Caelus Online and working through the mountain of documentation needed for the Branford Group.

Rising early on Monday morning, Chester dressed in a black 3-piece suit with his previously favourite purple tie adorning his neck, and made his way downstairs for a quick meal. After a delectable dish of scrambled eggs and smoked salmon, his chauffeur drove him into the heart of London to the Shard, one of London's most iconic skyscrapers. Arriving on the 27th floor, his secretary, Sasha greeted him.

Sasha was a stereotypical secretary, wearing a knee-length black skirt, a white blouse, and a black jacket. Chester noticed the black high heels with a red outsole but didn’t think much of it. With her pinned-up blonde hair and mild face, she was quite professional in her looks.

Receiving a schedule from her as he walked past, Chester raised a question.

“How is your progress with the list of companies?”

Falling into stride behind Chester, Sasha replied in her usual professional tone.

“Currently I have looked into all of them and acquiring them seems to be viable. I see no issues on the surface regarding 1998’s Competition Act and its subsequent amendments and I have contacted the Office of Fair Trading regarding the matter. If there are any issues, I’m sure the legal department will be able to sort it.”

Nodding in approval Chester smiled.

“Good work.”

Entering his personal office and sitting down behind his large desk, Chester started to work through the pile of documents that were pending approval.

After around 2 hours Sasha poked her head through the double glass doors.

“Mr Branford, Mr Brewer is here to see you.”

“Alright, show him in.” Giving a brief nod, Chester found the necessary documents for his upcoming meeting.

With a smile of anticipation as he will once again be forming a friendship with someone who he has been close to for nearly 2 years, an odd sensation swept over his mind as the strangeness of his situation once again sank in. Sasha opened the door and a tall middle-aged man with short dark hair and a well-defined clean-shaven face walked in.

Standing up from behind his desk, Chester walked up to Gareth and shook his hand.

“A pleasure to meet you again Mr Branford, thank you for having me.”

Smiling at the nostalgic feeling, Chester happily returned the greeting.

“Likewise, I believe we briefly met at my introductory conference when I first took my father’s position?”

Nodding to Chester’s good memory, Gareth smiled.

“Yes, it was a few months ago. It was reassuring to know the Branford Group is in good hands.”

Chuckling, Chester gestured to the black leather sofas in the middle of the room.

“Please sit down, we have a lot to discuss. Oh, and please just call me by name, formality will only bog us down.”

Taking seats across from one another, Chester started the discussion.

“Well Gareth, I’m sure you have a general gist of what this discussion will entail. It might seem a little nonsensical at times but let me promise you that I have very reliable information on what is to come over the next 2 years and that all my decisions will be made accordingly.”

Pausing for a brief moment while examining Gareth’s composed expression, Chester continued.

“I have seen your work and have heard about your personality, and to be honest I was incredibly impressed. As stated in the previous correspondence, I would like you to step in and take over a number of tasks for me. You will effectively become the executive manager for the conglomerate.”

Pausing again to let everything sink in, Chester took a sip of water that Sasha had just placed on the modern glass table for them before leaving again.

“In the next 2 weeks, if you still want to accept this position, you will work alongside me while I will explain everything to you, about your tasks and the future projects I will have you organize. The workload should not be too much as you will have the other executive staff to assist when needed. I will also be available to contact if the need arises.”

Standing up and passing Gareth a document from his desk, Chester explained.

“Here are the contract details, have a read through and tell me what you think.”

Selecting a few unfinished documents from his desk, Chester sat down and continued working while waiting for Gareth to finish checking the contract. After a few minutes, Gareth exclaimed out loud.

“4 million yearly salary! Are you sure this is correct Chester?”

Chuckling with a warm smile, Chester replies.

“Yes, of course. Think of it partially as thanks for everything you have done for the conglomerate so far, and for everything still to come.”

To Chester, everything Gareth had done in the future 2 years, 4 million was nothing. After all, Gareth had played an integral role in keeping the conglomerate afloat following the Great Upheaval.

Seeing that Gareth had now finished reading, Chester spoke up.

“So, what do you say, are you willing to take on the role?”

With a smile that could not get any wider Gareth stood up with the enthusiasm he had lost to his youth.

“Absolutely, I sincerely thank you for this opportunity and will do everything I can to see this conglomerate grow even more!”

Once again shaking hands, the two sat back down and began discussing their future plans.



Proof Reader: Aegis_Of_The_Void



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