Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 68 - How Can Home-Grown Flowers Be More Fragrant than Wild Flowers

Chapter 68 How Can Home-Grown Flowers Be More Fragrant than Wild Flowers

“Mummy, Miss Li said that after this week’s class, we would have a holiday.”

Fu Zhengzheng, who is dressing Fu Xing, is shocked. “Ah? Is the winter vacation coming?”

So it has been two or three months since they came to B City?

“Miss Li said it would be easy for us to catch a cold as it got colder and colder, so we would have a holiday ahead of time.”

“Oh, so it is.” Fu Zhengzheng takes Fu Xing down and watches him go downstairs alone in a trance.

They will move out soon and Xingxing will have a holiday, which means that she will have less freedom. It seems that she needs to speed up the search for keys.

As Fu Zhengzheng is about to go out, Chen Qiaolan comes in, saying, “Zhengzheng, let me pack things up, you go to eat breakfast. Master Siqi has taken Xingxing to the kindergarten.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng is a little worried.

“Zhengzheng, have breakfast. Master Siqi said he would pick us up later.” Chen Qiaolan has put some clothes in a big box.

“What are you doing?” As soon as Fu Zhengzheng finishes asking, she understands that Han Siqi is going to arrange another place for them to live in.

She takes out her phone and calls Han Siqi at once.

The phone is answered quickly. She says angrily, “Han Siqi, I said I didn’t want you to arrange a place of residence. I’ve asked someone to look for it. What’s the difference between having you arrange it and living in Qinyuan? We will be hated as before, won’t we? Hello? Hello!”

Han Siqi hangs up the phone without saying anything, which annoys Fu Zhengzheng very much.

Then she sees Chen Qiaolan dragging two big boxes, and she rushes to help.

As they come downstairs, a familiar car has stopped in the middle of the yard. The car is not Han Siqi’s, but it is Han Siqi who gets off from the car.

Han Siqi comes up and puts the two boxes in the trunk of the car.

“Hey, Han Siqi, I said…”

“Can you shut up?” Han Siqi looks askance at her and then helps Chen Qiaolan carry the suitcase.

“We have…”

Han Siqi interrupts her again, “You can move away alone, but Xingxing will stay.”

Fu Zhengzheng says angrily, “What are you saying? Xingxing’s surname is Fu! Not Han! Don’t mistake!”

“Zhengzheng, stop. Get on the car.” Chen Qiaolan hurriedly says.

“Either you move together, or Aunt Chen and Xingxing move. Aunt Chen, which suitcase is hers?” Han Siqi unexpectedly opens the trunk.

“Hey, hey, hey, I will move. I will move.” Fu Zhengzheng hurriedly presses the suitcase.

Han Siqi always goes his own way. Although the son is hers, maybe he will really abandon her and take Fu Xing with him. Anyway, she hasn’t found a house to rent yet, so she wants to change a place and makes it do for a few days.

Then Fu Zhengzheng gets on the car.

Han Siqi has a cunning look on his face. After Aunt Chen gets on the car too, he starts the car and drives away.

About twenty minutes’ drive, the car enters a community called Jiaye Garden, which is a common residential area. The front dozens of buildings are small high-rise buildings, and only the back ones are equipped with elevators.

The car stops in front of a building with an elevator. Han Siqi goes in with two suitcases in his hands, and Fu Zhengzheng also picks up the remaining suitcases and follows up with Chen Qiaolan.

Jiaye Garden, Jiaye Garden. In the elevator, Fu Zhengzheng repeats the name of the community. She feels it very familiar but suddenly cannot remember where she has heard about it.

Led by Han Siqi, they come to a three-bedroom apartment on the 12th floor.

The house is very spacious, covering at least 130 or 140 square meters. It is light from north to south. Although the decoration is simple, it is very warm. The key point is that there are all kinds of things needed in life.

Fu Zhengzheng looks around and feels very satisfied.

“The house is a little small, so make it do for some days first.” Han Siqi says after scanning the master bedroom.

“Such a house is good enough for us common people. Mr. Han is used to living in villas.” Fu Zhengzheng, who is breathing fresh air on the balcony, does not forget to mock him.

“Didn’t I teach you a good lesson?”

Seeing Han Siqi coming up to her, she immediately says, “It is a little far from Little Sun Kindergarten, and I don’t agree that you take Fu Xing to the kindergarten every day.”

Han Siqi understands what she means and says, “Xingxing will have a holiday in a few days. I’ll let Zhongxu pick him up. The car in our company will take you to work.”

She remembers! That car is Min Zhongxu’s. Right, it is too eye-catching for Han Siqi’s car to go into such a community.

“I don’t want the company’s car…”

“Xu Yan lives in the second building ahead.”

The company’s car will stop at a station in the community where Xu Yan lives. Fu Zhengzheng knows that.

Seeing Han Siqi’s playful expression indicating that “Do you think I will especially arrange a car to pick you up?”, she is embarrassed.

But she becomes happy again. No wonder she is so familiar with Jiaye Garden. It turns out that he still remembers what she said.

She gives Han Siqi a rare warm smile.

“You just benefit from association with Xingxing.”

Han Siqi’s toneless words make the smile on Fu Zhengzheng’s face stiff because of inertia.

Do you think I need your caring?

Han Siqi goes to the door, turns around and says, “Help Aunt Chen clean up today. Don’t go to work and needn’t pick Xingxing up.”

Then he turns back after coming out of the door, and stares at Fu Zhengzheng seriously, saying, “Don’t leave home, do you hear me?”

“Yes. How can you be more verbose than my mother—my deceased mother!”

Sorry, sorry, mom. I really did not want to curse you intentionally. Fu Zhengzheng apologizes inwardly. It is because Yang Tao arranged her as an orphan when he made false information for her.

After leaning against the balcony to watch Han Siqi leave with Min Zhongxu’s car, Fu Zhengzheng lies on the bed and feels relaxed.

If Han Siqi were just a middle-level employee like Min Zhongxu, he would not be involved in cases and wouldn’t be troubled by marriage of convenience or marriage between families of equal social rank. That seems good.

“Pow-pow, pow-pow-pow…”A noise comes down from the ceiling, like the sound of marbles falling to the ground.

Are there any children in the house upstairs? Playing marbles?

“Bang, bang, bang bang…”Another seemingly nail-like sound comes from one side of the wall, making Fu Zhengzheng’s scalp numb.

She gets up and walks outside, and hears Aunt Chen shouting on the balcony, “Oh, gosh. What should I do?”

Fu Zhengzheng runs over and finds that the quilts hanging on the balcony are all wet with water.

“I wanted to air the quilts. But I don’t know the resident upstairs will do this.” Chen Qiaolan pats the water stains on quilts angrily.

“Maybe someone is watering flowers upstairs.” Fu Zhengzheng helps to take the quilts in. Seeing that there is dust on the floor, she uses the vacuum cleaner to clean it, but the power goes off when she gets the switch on.

What a shabby place!

Fu Zhengzheng is angry. The house looks high-end, but it is so uncomfortable to live in!

“Don’t be angry. I will mop the floor.” Chen Qiaolan immediately consoles her.

“Aunt Chen, have a rest. I will go downstairs to buy some daily necessities in the supermarket, and report it to the property manager by the way.” Then Fu Zhengzheng takes her handbag and goes out.

Seeing that the elevator just arrives on the twelfth floor, she presses the button of the elevator immediately. The door of the elevator opens, and the person who comes out is Qiao Keren!

Qiao Keren steps out of the elevator, slightly raises her head, drops her eyelids and looks askance at Fu Zhengzheng, saying with a smile, “Miss Fu, are you enjoying your stay here?”

Looking at the fake smile, Fu Zhengzheng is shocked. Was all the trouble made by Qiao Keren?

After a pause, she politely says, “Good morning, Miss Qiao.”

“I am not good at all,” Qiao Keren sneers, “How can I be good to see my fiancé keep a mistress outside?”

It seems that she has known about her living in Han Siqi’s private residence. But Qiao Keren’s attitude makes her very unhappy, so she says tonelessly, “Ha-ha, really? Then you have to keep an eye on your fiancé and don’t let him fool around with other women.”

“The wild flowers outside are so cheap that they try so hard to stick to Siqi as they have never seen a man before. Oh, Miss Fu, what do you think I should do?”

“Since the flowers outside are all so cheap, Miss Qiao should strive to improve your virtue and behavior, so that your fiancé’s eyes will only stay on you.”

“How can home-grown flowers be more fragrant than wild flowers? Besides, I can’t find a bastard who looks like Siqi to be my bargaining chip.”

“Who did you say is a bastard?” Fu Zhengzheng is furious.

“Oh, are you angry?” Qiao Keren burst out laughing, “Do you think your son is really his son as long as he calls Siqi daddy? Look how poor you are in the mirror. What will happen even if you climb onto Siqi’s bed? Are you naive enough to think that Siqi will welcome you and your son to the Han family?”

Fu Zhengzheng is so angry that she leaves behind Qiao Keren’s status as the mayor’s daughter, retorting, “Miss Qiao, are you naive enough to think that Han Siqi will willingly marry you? Does anyone in B City not know that it is you who take the initiative to pursue Han Siqi? If you are good enough, you should let Siqi arrange you to live here.”

Fu Zhengzheng intimately addresses him “Siqi” on purpose, which makes Qiao Keren’s face turn pale. She grits her teeth and says, “I should have let you and your son fall to death under the dam that day.”

“You deliberately pushed Fu Xing down that day!”

“Yes, I did intentionally. It was also me who shouted that there was a bomb. Ha, I didn’t expect that you were saved.”

“Qiao Keren, you are too vicious! You even didn’t spare a child as young as him.”

Qiao Keren warns her harshly, “Fu Zhengzheng, I tell you today that Siqi can only be mine. On one can share him with me!”

“So, it was you who had someone change my handbag and accuse me of being a thief, and put laxatives at the Grilled Fish Restaurant?”

“Yes! If you don’t disappear from Siqi’s life as soon as possible, I can assure you that you will suffer more than these.” Qiao Keren suddenly approaches Fu Zhengzheng’s ear and says unhurriedly, “Your precious son is also included.”

“Don’t you dare!” Fu Zhengzheng tries to keep herself from slapping Qiao Keren, and then pushes her away.

“You can try and see whether I dare or not.” Qiao Keren proudly drawls, “I will take revenge on you and your son for all the embarrassment I suffered because of him. Today, I’m going to teach Fu Xing the first lesson.”

Qiao Keren laughs and presses the elevator door open.

“Stop! Tell me clearly what you are going to do to Xingxing?” Fu Zhengzheng fails to stop Qiao Keren, and doesn’t grab Qiao Keren’s arm as she steps into the elevator, but she grabs Qiao Keren’s hair.

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