Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 45 - Plant Stolen Goods on Me

Chapter 45 Plant Stolen Goods on Me

It is Qiao Keren!

She casts a hateful look at the stairway, snorts coldly, and turns away.


A cold spell suddenly hits B city. The north wind hurts people’s faces.

“Don’t run around in kindergarten. You may catch a cold if you sweat.” Fu Zhengzheng takes Fu Xing to the kindergarten gate.

“I know, Mommy.” Fu Xing then greets Li Xiaomeng, who is greeting the children at the gate. “Hello, Miss Li, are you cold?”

“Ah, Fu Xing!” Li Xiaomeng seems very happy to see Fu Xing and she comes to hold his hand. “It’s great that you can go back to kindergarten. I am loath to part with you.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles at Li Xiaomeng and watches Fu Xing come in with Li Xiaomeng.

When they come to the door, Fu Xing suddenly turns back and yells, “Mommy, don’t forget what you promised me!”

“I won’t. You little gourmand.” Fu Zhengzheng waves at him with a smile and then turns away.

It is Chen Qiaolan who cooks these days, so Fu Xing begins to miss the beef cooked by his mommy. He asked her to cook pot-stewed beef in the morning.

After taking her son to kindergarten, Fu Zhengzheng leisurely walks into a supermarket not far from the kindergarten.

Unexpectedly, there are quite a few people in the supermarket at this time. She puts her handbag in a shopping trolley and pushes the trolley forward.

Just as she arrives at the corner of the non-staple food section, a five-or six-year-old girl suddenly rushes over.

“Watch out!” Fu Zhengzheng brakes sharply, but it is still too late.

She immediately comes to help the little girl stand up. The girl’s parents also come over, apologizing to Fu Zhengzheng while picking up the girl.

Seeing that the girl is all right, Fu Zhengzheng is relieved. She smiles and continues to pick goods.

When she finishes picking up goods and comes to the checkout, she finds that she doesn’t bring the wallet which is usually in the outside layer. She smiles at the cashier embarrassedly and then puts the goods back.

When she walks to the exit with frustration, the alarm suddenly rings. Several security guards rush over and grab Fu Zhengzheng.

“What are you doing?” Fu Zhengzheng is confused. She instinctively fights back, but accidentally throws her handbag out.

“Unexpectedly, she knows kung fu!”

“Come on, catch her!”

After a burst of noise, there are more and more onlookers.

“Miss, I’m the manager of this supermarket. I advise you to fold your hands for capture to save trouble.” A man in a suit squeezes in and shouts at Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng is confused. When she sees a security guard zipping open her handbag, she gets angry and kicks the security guard away. But when she sees that nothing in the handbag is hers, she is surprised, shouting, “This is not my handbag!”

The manager sneers, “Why do you carry it if it is not yours? Doesn’t that mean you’re a thief? Catch the thief quickly!”

Fu Zhengzheng is terrified. What happened? Why does she become a thief?

She quickly recalls what happened previously. Only when she helped the little girl stand up, her eyes left her handbag.

Was it at that moment that her handbag was replaced?

While she is distracted, several strong security guards have caught her.

The manager picks up one of the things and shows to Fu Zhengzheng, saying complacently, “Miss, the stolen goods are here. What else can you say?”

Fu Zhengzheng explains, “I didn’t steal anything. It must have been planted. I demand you to check the surveillance video in the supermarket half an hour ago.”

The manager looks at Fu Zhengzheng and signs to the security guards to take Fu Zhengzheng, whose hands have been bound, to the manager’s office. After the security guards leave, the manager closes the door, turns around and stares at Fu Zhengzheng, saying solemnly, “Miss, we suspect you have stolen…”

“I didn’t steal anything!” Fu Zhengzheng immediately interrupts him.

The manager says seriously, “Now we have human testimony and material evidence, so you can’t deny it. We have already called the police. You will have to wait for the punishment of the law.”

Fu Zhengzheng coldly looks at the manager who is intoxicated by success. She disdains him but is worrying in her heart.

Now that she has been caught with material evidence, she won’t explain clearly in the police station. If the news spreads, she will be disgraced.

The manager thinks Fu Zhengzheng is guilty, so he pretends to say sorrowfully, “Alas, it is really a pity that a beautiful woman like you would do such business. If you married a man, you wouldn’t be so miserable.”

While he is saying, he reaches out his hand to touch her face, staring at her lasciviously.

“Get away!” Fu Zhengzheng spits at him with extreme disgust.

The manager wipes his face angrily and comes up to push her to the ground, saying, “You are just a thief. Why do you pretend to be decent? I spoke mildly to you because I thought highly of you. Believe it or not, I will rape you now?”

Fu Zhengzheng, whose hands are bound, realizes that she is going to be molested. She knocks down the fatty manager, and kicks him to the ground.

The manager rolls on the ground and hits his big head directly on the foot of the table. Blood bursts out immediately.

“Ah—” The manager’s scream attracts several security guards to rush in. When they see this scene, they pretend to be ignorant of it and control Fu Zhengzheng again, although they know it well.

“Bitch, you refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit! Come on, call the police!” The angry manager’s face is covered with blood, looking extremely fierce.

“Hum!” Fu Zhengzheng, whose hair is messy, doesn’t look at him.

If her hands were not bound, she would give him more kicks. Such a scoundrel must have harmed a lot of people.

In this way, she is taken to a nearby police station by the supermarket as a thief.


“Fu Zhengzheng”


Just as Fu Zhengzheng is going to answer, she finds the voice is very familiar. Looking up, she finds it is Ji Muxian!

She stands up with some excitement. “Officer Ji, I am wronged!”

“Sit down, sit down!” A policeman presses her down.

“Age?” Ji Muxian raises his voice again.

Fuck, he doesn’t take her as a thief, does he? He is treating her so seriously.

Anyway, she is also a policewoman. How can she be wronged like this!

Fu Zhengzheng is annoyed, and she answers angrily, “Twenty-four.”

Then she cannot help saying, “I didn’t steal anything at all. Someone planted stolen goods on me. If you check the surveillance video, you will know the truth.”

“The supermarket manager said you were not only unrepentant, but also hurt him.”

“The fat manager wanted to molest me. I broke his head for self-defense!”

Ji Muxian frowns. “Self-defense? The manager said you failed to steal goods and wanted to seduce him, but he refused you, so you hurt him in an attempt to escape. Besides, they have a witness.”

Hearing the confession that is obviously in favor of the opposite side, she feels like crying.

She wants to call Yang Tao, but she doesn’t. She knows that it may not work in such a situation even if Yang Tao is here. So she might as well beg the man in front of her.

She begs softly, “Officer Ji, I am really innocent. You need to help me.”

Ji Muxian says unconcernedly, “I don’t know you. Why should I help you? What’s more, you are a suspect.”

“Haven’t we met for several times?” Fu Zhengzheng says smilingly.

Ji Muxian puts away his notebook and turns to leave.

Fu Zhengzheng has to yell at him, “Officer Ji, you know I am wronged. You must help me! Officer Ji, you used to be such a righteous man!”

Ji Muxian, who comes to the door, stops and turns around to look at Fu Zhengzheng, saying in a toneless voice, “Tell me, where have you met me before?”

This question again!

Just as Fu Zhengzheng is about to say, it suddenly occurs to her that she once lodged a complaint against him with the director of public security bureau when she left. Her heart suddenly sinks. Is his demotion related to that case? She remembers that the head of the kindergarten inadvertently mentioned that Ji Muxian had been a police officer here for several years.

If it is the case, what if he adds insult to injury?

Then she immediately answers vaguely, “Haven’t we met several times before? In the amusement park, Lvyin Road and at the Tianhong Mall. Your righteousness and dignity, filial piety to elders, punishment of the evil and praise of the good all make me can’t help admiring you.”

Ji Muxian stares at Fu Zhengzheng for a long time before he raises his hand and says, “You can go now.”

Fu Zhengzheng can’t believe it, asking, “Can I go?”

“Do you want to go to jail? Go that way.” Ji Muxian says coldly and then leaves.

Fu Zhengzheng feels as if she was dreaming. She goes to enquire it and then knows that Ji Muxian helped her.

Ji Muxian has dealt with cases about the supermarket, so he knows well what kind of person the manager is. When he said he would check the surveillance videos, the manager immediately changed his face and expressed his willingness to forgive Fu Zhengzheng for her temporary mistake and not to pursue the matter.

It turns out that Ji Muxian has long known that she is ignorant. He deliberately frightened her just to coax the truth out of her. He is so cunning!

Fortunately, she is not fooled!

Fu Zhengzheng secretly feels lucky. If Ji Muxian had known who she was, he might have asked the manager to withdraw the confession.

She might as well not provoke him. She then runs away fast.

When she comes back home, Chen Qiaolan feels it strange to see her come back with empty hands. She immediately lies that her handbag was robbed, which frightens Chen Qiaolan a lot. She warns Fu Zhengzheng to be careful in the future.

After finishing her business, Fu Zhengzheng is a little bored. Suddenly, she remembers that there is some work to do. Afraid of troubling Xu Yan, she decides to go to the company and bring back her things.

When she comes to the company, she feels strange. It seems that everywhere she goes, there are people talking about her.

She was just fired from the company. Why are they making such a fuss?

It seems as if no one had been fired from the company before!

Fu Zhengzheng is somewhat unhappy. In the final analysis, she should blame Han Siqi. He should have saved face for her and asked her to resign by herself.

When she comes to the vice president’s office, she neither sees Xu Yan outside the office, nor sees Han Siqi inside the office. She thinks that he might be dating with Qiao Keren again.

She pouts and sends some information in the document to Xu Yan. Then she packs up the things, ready to put all the necessary documents on Xu Yan’s desk.

As she goes out with a pile of documents, Xu Yan has come back and is staring at the computer carefully.

Fu Zhengzheng gently comes to Xu Yan and suddenly shouts, “Xu Yan!”

“Ah!” Xu Yan is frightened and hurriedly grabs at the mouse.

“What are you looking for?” Fu Zhengzheng pokes her head.

Xu Yan’s face changes and she blocks in front of the computer screen with her whole body.

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