Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 418 - Be Aware of the Lecher

Chapter 418 Be Aware of the Lecher

“Tang Feng is a trusted subordinate of Xiao Jinchong and manages all docks of B City.”

“It means docks are what Xiao Jinchong value most.”

“Right. B City is near the sea in the west. It’s most convenient to smuggle.”

“Do you think so too?” Yang Tao asks with admiration.

“Such a guess springs to my mind when I see Tang Feng eager to make a deal with Han Siqi about the first sea transportation business. Whether it’s true or not, we should pay attention to it. It never hurts to make early preparation.” Finding Yang Tao is likely to agree to her request, Zhu Ting adds, “Tang Feng is in charge of docks. If I can be with him, it’s more possible to get first-hand information.”


“I’ll try my best to protect myself.”

Yang Tao glances at Zhu Ting with complicated eyes but says nothing at last. He puts on his cap and goes out. He knows what he is going to do.

Zhu Ting sighs with relief, shuts the door, leans against the door frame and closes her eyes.

She knows Yang Tao has approved her action tacitly and will help her apply to the superior for the task. Her dangerous days are coming.

Fu Wenhai’s affectionate face and Tang Feng’s grinning one flash across her mind one after another, which gives her a strange feeling.

After being in the army for so many years, she has seen many men of iron. In contrast, she thinks gentle and cultivated men more attractive, just like her apparent impression of Fu Wenhai.

Though she is clear about what Fu Wenhai is like in fact, he has only given her a tender and affectionate impression, which is unforgettable for her.

Whenever recalling that he lay before her breathlessly, she feels heart-broken.

That’s only because she is grateful for his kindness to her. She keeps defending herself in the heart.

Even though Fu Zhengzheng is one of her most trusted persons, she doesn’t tell it to Fu Zhengzheng. She knows if she says, they are sure to think that she has fallen in love with Fu Wenhai. She is a competent soldier. How can she become an unsuccessful undercover agent?

But she feels confused. If Fu Wenhai treated her nicely only because she looks like Li Xiaomeng, why is Tang Feng obedient to her in every matter?

She hasn’t known Tang Feng for a long time. For Tang Feng, she is just an unknown lawyer who has been fired before she becomes a true lawyer. She is no use to him.

Brotherhood is so powerful in B City now and has started several trades in succession. He is Xiao Jinchong’s trusted subordinate and in charge of all docks in B City. With money and influence, what kind of women can’t he find? Why does he seem to have eyes only for her?

Is it because…

Zhu Ting shakes her head.

As a hooligan that’s involved in underworld, how come he can love someone sincerely?

Her phone rings. She goes over and picks it up. She thinks the call is from Fu Zhengzheng. Unexpectedly, it’s from Tang Feng.

“Ting, have you gone to bed?” Tang Feng speaks to her in a voice that’s completely different from the one he used to talk with his men.

“Yes. What’s up?” She responds lazily.

“Nothing. I miss you.”

“I’m tired.”

“Then have an early sleep. See you tomorrow. Baby, kiss you for good night.”

He gives her a kiss on the phone. Zhu Ting frowns. Restraining from hanging up the phone immediately, she replies “Good night” slowly and then hangs up.

He dances attendance on her to coax her to sleep with him, doesn’t he? Looking at Tang Feng’s name on the cellphone screen, she sneers.

After thinking for a while, she sends a message to Fu Zhengzheng and tells her what happened today. Fu Zhengzheng replies soon. Without scolding her for self-assertion, she just tells Zhu Ting to be careful and contact her in time if necessary. She is pregnant and won’t go to work recently, so Zhu Ting is told not to go to the residency administration department.

Pregnant? Zhu Ting is excited and replies to congratulate her.

“It’s not worthy of congratulation to be pregnant at this moment.”

Zhu Ting responds smilingly as if seeing Fu Zhengzheng’s grimace, “He knows you were tired in the past days, so he has come earlier to give you an excuse for a rest. How good the baby is!”

Looking at Zhu Ting’s comforting words, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing.

Seeing her laughing at the cellphone, Han Siqi cranes his neck and looks. Then he nods in agreement.

Fu Zhengzheng puts the cellphone away and looks at him worriedly, “Zhu Ting is awesome. This evening, Yang Tao went to persuade her to return to the army, but she persuaded him at last. Now everything is unclear. We only have to proceed without a plan. I hope Zhu Ting won’t be hurt.”

“Zhu Ting is more adaptable to changes than you. Someone in Brotherhood will protect her…”

Fu Zhengzheng interrupts him instantly, “Who will protect her?”

“Um, won’t you dispatch someone to infiltrate Brotherhood soon to cooperate with and protect Zhu Ting?”

“Of course.”

An idea comes to Fu Zhengzheng’s mind, “You’re going to cooperate with Tang Feng, so you can find a chance to arrange some guys into Tang Feng’s company, and they can help Zhu Ting at any time.”

“I’ll ask Lu Song to arrange tomorrow.” Seeing her yawn, Han Siqi presses her down again, “You are pregnant and don’t think so much.”

Fu Zhengzheng feels tired and lies down gradually, without saying more.


In the next two weeks, Fu Zhengzheng remains in bed, because of strong pregnancy reaction, which causes terrible vomiting, and a cold. It makes the whole Han family extremely anxious.

The two best obstetricians of Shuguang Hospital live in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort to take care of Fu Zhengzheng specially.

A few days later, Fu Zhengzheng gets slightly better, but Ji Yashu still thinks the recovery is slow, so she goes to Lingshan Nunnery to ask about fortune. The fortune-teller says that Fu Zhengzheng isn’t suitable to live in the present place. She’d better move to somewhere else. Therefore, once returning home, Ji Yashu begins to prepare for moving.

Fu Zhengzheng thinks Ji Yashu is stirring a storm in a teacup, but other family members all agree with her. They have intended to plan and build the houses in the north of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort and move to Splendid Oriental Castle long before. The adjacent villas in Splendid Oriental Castle have been decorated. They just move there ahead of schedule.

It only takes them one day to move house. Fu Zhengzheng hangs around on the Central Street with Tian Xin. When they come home, everything is ready.

Each of the three brothers has his own villa. Their parents live in another one. Han Sixian and Nie Wan haven’t come back, so the front villa is vacant temporarily. Ji Muxian and Tian Xin live behind them. The house of Ji Yashu and Han Tengyue is in the middle. It covers the largest area and has most rooms, because it also includes the rooms for the three younger families, which means they can live with parents at any time. The house of Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng is at the back. But Fu Zhengzheng is pregnant, so Ji Yashu doesn’t allow them to live alone for fear that Han Siqi can’t take good care of her. Ji Muxian and Tian Xin began to live separately when their parents still lived in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort and just ate in parents’ house. After moving here, Ji Yashu doesn’t arrange a cook for them and they still eat together. Therefore, though they have moved to the new houses, they live in the same way as they did in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

For adults, moving house is a bother. But it’s different for children. Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao feel fresh, running around and asking various questions. They seem to be never bored with that.

“Take a rest. If you keep playing crazily, you will wet the bed at night.” Ji Yashu follows the two kids and shouts. So does Han Tengyue.

“Are you tired?” Tian Xin brings a bowl of tremella soup to Fu Zhengzheng.

“No. I have done nothing.” Fu Zhengzheng takes it smilingly and begins to eat.

It’s summer now and becomes increasingly hot, so something that can relieve summer heat is cooked every day at home.

“I find you have a good appetite recently.”

“Yes. When I was pregnant with Fu Xing, my appetite was better. I didn’t have pregnancy reaction at all.” Fu Zhengzheng hands the empty bowl to Tian Xin, “I want to have more.”

“No. We’ll have dinner soon. If you eat more, you will have no appetite for dinner.” Tian Xin gives the bowl to Chen Qiaolan.

Han Siqi didn’t blame Chen Xiaoxiao for what she did or tell it to Chen Qiaolan. Knowing she was wrong, Chen Xiaoxiang returned to the countryside with her father obediently. Then Chen Qiaolan came back to work as usual.

“Will Siqi come back for dinner?” Chen Qiaolan asks while taking the bowl.

Fu Zhengzheng waves, “No, he called me just now.”

Tian Xin feels strange and asks her, “Siqi won’t have dinner at home again? I find he has many social activities and I seldom see him.”

Fu Zhengzheng explains for Han Siqi, “Because of my work, he had to decline all social activities. Now I’m off at home. He isn’t worried about me. It’s time for him to be concentrated on his work.”

“Is he really concentrated on work?”

Knowing what Tian Xin is worried about, Fu Zhengzheng smiles lightly, “You think he goes on a racket?”

“Siqi is so excellent, and you are pregnant. Men are most prone to have an affair with another woman at this time. It never hurts to have an eye on him.”

“He won’t. I believe him. It’s normal to eat and drink with other men and women in social activities. I believe he knows how far to go and when to stop. Don’t worry.”

Hearing that, Tian Xin feels relieved, “Let me see if the dinner is ready.”

Soon after Tian Xin goes away, Fu Zhengzheng receives Zhu Ting’s information, “Xiao Jinchong will come back to B City. Tang Feng asks me to welcome Xiao Jinchong as his girlfriend. What shall I do?”

She calls Zhu Ting immediately, “Don’t contact Xiao Jinchong directly now. It’s said that Xiao Jinchong is a lecher. I’m afraid he will have evil thoughts on you.”

“I don’t work recently. Tang Feng often takes me to play on docks, but I haven’t found any sign of illegal activity. Nor have I found him contact Xiao Jinchong’s subordinates that don’t work on the docks. I feel strange. When Xiao Jinchong comes back, all his trusted subordinates in B City will go to welcome and treat him. Then I will know who are his subordinates.”

“Take it easy. Xiao Jinchong’s subordinates just come to B City to develop their power. They won’t expose their real intentions until they get a firm foothold. It’s normal that you can’t find anything illegal, so you don’t need to do anything now. Get familiar with them and then wait for chances.”

“But, ah—” Zhu Ting lets out a harsh scream suddenly.

Fu Zhengzheng is startled, “What’s up?”

But she has been cut off.

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