But… It’s me! The real Spider-Man!

Salt of Life

Taking my phone from Mary Jane, I tell her I need to make an urgent call, and dial Connors' number. Obeying an ancient male instinct, I went to the window and turned my back on my girlfriend while I was calling another woman. It beeped for a while, and I was about to drop the call, but I didn't have time:

"Hello," a tinkling girlish voice, the speaker was clearly out of breath, "who is this?"

The mask distorts the voice a little, but it's not too hard to guess who it could be.

"I was the one who wanted to know who had the Professor's phone?" Pretending not to identify Gwen, I'm indignant.

"I'm Spiderwoman, and you must be the guy Connors was working with on the formula," Gwen guesses.

"Spider? Why do you have Connors' phone? Something happened to her?" With genuine concern I ask.

"Yes, you know, here's the thing… listen, and you know what the professor was working on?" From the sound of her voice, Gwen just had an idea, and I can even guess what she was thinking.

"Of course I know, she used my data in her research."

"Yeah..." Gwen sniggered to herself, "hypothetically, if what the Professor was working on was used on a human, could you make an antidote to make things go back to the way they were?"

"Connors used the serum on herself?" I ask in a serious voice.

"Sort of," Gwen answers.

"Yes, I can try to create an antiserum, but I need a sample of what Doc used on herself, and a lab no worse than Connors'."

"I think we can work something out," she said happily, "Let's meet somewhere."

"Connors Labs, there should have been traces left behind, I'll meet you there."

"Okay, the scene of the pogrom is cordoned off, but the cops aren't there right now, they're all busy fixing the damage elsewhere, I'll wait for you there," Gwen hangs up.

"Peter, what happened?" Mary Jane asks worriedly.

"That green thing with the tail is Dr. Connors," I didn't lie.

"Oh, my God! But how is that possible? Who were you talking to?"

" Spiderwoman," I grinned, seeing the shock on M.J.'s face.

"No way! Did you really just talk to Spider-Woman? Wait, you made an appointment to see her... you've got to be kidding me!"

Just a couple of weeks on TV and one day not even as a hero but as Deadpool's assistant, and Mary Jane already treats Spiderwoman with such awe. I'm even a little jealous.

"I think Spider wants to save the professor, I'll try to create an antiserum to reverse her transformation into a monster."

"But it's too dangerous!" MJ shrieks," You can't be serious, there's all those things out there, they could kill you at any moment!"

"Don't worry, I won't throw my fists at the Lizard and Ve... that creature with the tentacles," I almost said, "I'll make a serum for the superheroines, and they'll take care of the monsters."

"But, Peter, can't anyone else do it?" M.J. despairs.

How much easier it was when I made up excuses like urgent science conferences in the past world, but I don't want to start our relationship with lies, I don't want to get bogged down in this web of deception again.

"I'm the only one who knows and understands what Professor Connors was working on. If anyone can create a cure, it's me."

It wasn't too difficult to get into the former Connors Laboratory. The only symbolic barrier was the fencing tape, but when had that ever stopped Peter Parker?

"You took a long time," the masked head appeared from behind a chunk of the ceiling above my head.

Damn, she's really got a classy suit, but I don't know what the hood is for.

"Give me your hand," Gwen sticks her feet to the ceiling and holds out her hand to me.

I grab the outstretched palm, and the next second I'm tossed onto the second floor with no girlish strength. Gwen herself also jumped up at the same time as me.

I looked around. There was too much damage: the collapsed exterior wall, holes in the floor, ceiling, and other walls, numerous claw marks, and... pieces of furniture and iron jammed into the walls. It was as if a battle of two creatures had taken place here, not the rampage of one Connors.

"A lizard did all this?" I was astonished at what I saw. Jasper was a violent guy, but this kind of destruction wasn't his style.

"I call her Reptile," Gwen said. "I don't think she was here alone. I found this here."

On the girl's open palm is Connors' phone and a syringe... I suspect a syringe from my lab. I don't believe the doc would have left it behind, given that there were no other physical samples of serum left here. So I found out who burned my computer, and why I was out for almost thirty hours longer than planned.

"Very interesting," I smirked, looking at the useless evidence in this case. Gwen should have realized that it wasn't my own samples that were needed to create the antiserum, but what Connors had mixed into it, but I wouldn't worry about that, because I can synthesize the serum myself.

Thanks to the Professor's use of the Eternity Serum, she was able to do without the emitter, but I can assume that her transformation will be temporary for the same reason; I only need to shorten the serum's duration... which is what I originally planned to do with myself when the Eternity Serum is replaced.

"The professor was recording the experiment on her phone," Gwen said, turning on the recorder on the device, "that's how I found out about you."

Connors' voice in the recording was very nervous and excited, she often jumped from topic to topic, but the essence of what was happening was not difficult to understand.

On the tape, Connors said that she had stabilized her formula with a drug her assistant had brought in, and then there were descriptions of how Karen felt during the transformation while she was still able to speak. The last recording cut off with a loud noise, bellowing, and grinding. And it wasn't hard to see two different timbres of growling.

"I think it was Venom," Stacy remarked, and then she explained, "that's what Deadpool called that black thing."

"You've dealt with this Venom before?" I asked.

"No, I wanted to help Deadpool, but we disagreed when I wasted the charge of her teleportation device to save a girl falling out of a building instead of following the plan."

"A teleportation device?" That's something new, where did this technology come from, was it a development of a local version of Richards?

"Yeah, Deadpool gave it to me so I could sneak up on Venom and knock her out with some kind of poison."

"I see... you know, I'd advise you to stay away from Venom, let Deadpool deal with her herself."

"Oh, I think I can manage without your advice," snapped a hurt Gwen.

"In any case, we need to save Connors," I decide not to insist, my opinion is really nothing to this Gwen, she is already surprisingly frank with me. "Much of the equipment has been destroyed, and the data drive has been ripped out of the computer, but what's left should still be enough."

"Can you really do that?" Gwen interrogates Gwen incredulously.

She knows that I synthesized the compound that allowed Connors to finish the Lizard serum, so why does she keep doubting me?

"Yes, we have to move some of the equipment back to my house, we can't work here. Come on, let's not waste any time."

It was too much to carry, so I called a cab. To say that Susan (the cabbie who had left me her phone a few days ago) was shocked to see that I had Spiderwoman as a porter, was to say nothing of the sort.

"Wow," she said, "I see that a simple girl like me doesn't stand a chance here."

It was hard not to agree with her, it was enough just to see the way the suit tightened around Gwen's bottom as she bent over to put her share of the burden in the trunk of the cab. That costume makes her look incredibly sexy.

All the way, Susan squinted in the rearview mirror at Gwen in the Spider costume, and towards the end, she also asked for her autograph. Once on camera during the rescue of that girl, Gwen established herself as a real hero, not an upstart from a TV show. She was the talk of the town.

But Mary Jane, who met us at my house, wasn't as friendly to Spiderwoman, though she'd been raving about her this morning. Apparently, M.J. had connected in her mind the presence of Gwen with a threat to my life.

The three of us set up the equipment, and I began synthesizing the antiserum. I had a good idea of what needed to be done, so I could talk to the girls at the same time.

Gwen was trying to figure out where Connors might have gone. She said there was already a squad of policemen on duty outside Karen's husband's house — Captain Stacy was a smart woman.

"What about the sewers?" I asked.

"What about it?" Mary Jane, who was trying to take an active part in the discussion, was surprised.

"I mean, the sewer is a great place for a Reptile to hide out for a while. What if she's holed up there until the fuss dies down?"

"That..." thought Gwen, "sounds logical, but how do you find her there?"

"You could go down into the sewers through the closest manhole to the lab and look for tracks that Reptile left behind. She's got such huge paws and claws, she wouldn't be comfortable using ladders and stuff."

"Great, now I also have to go to the town septic tank... I'm getting less and less fond of being a hero! When will the cure be ready?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, already," I put the unbreakable plastic vials of antiserum on the table in front of Gwen. "It'll have to be injected into the reptile's bloodstream, and it'll take a couple of minutes to kick in. Have fun in there for all of us."

"I love fun," Gwen said sarcastically.

I hesitated to the last minute whether to give Gwen my web-shooters. The reptile is a tough opponent, but it's perfectly possible to overpower her without webbing. I did this early in my career, when the first prototype of my web-shooters failed, and I also managed to break an antiserum vial. I had to take out the Lizard myself in ten minutes before he sprayed his toxin. For one thing, it would be harder for Gwen to deal with the Reptilian without the web, but for another, being able to move quickly around the city would make Gwen more likely to run into the Venom.

In the end, the fear that Stacy would die again through my fault won out. What if the female version of the Connors-Reptile transformation was smarter and stronger than the Lizard?

"Hey, wait," I caught up with Gwen, who had already left the house. "If you call yourself Spider, you need a spider web."

I was standing on the porch of my house, watching Gwen try to conquer her first roof with my web shooters, when Mary Jane hugged me from behind.

"What did you give her?" M.J.'s arms wrapped around my stomach, and the girl herself pressed her whole body against me. She seems to have decided it's time to move on to the third date scenario. And since I couldn't take any direct part in apprehending Reptile, I decided it was time to get the trophy I'd won at the party the other night... or let Mary-Jay get hers, whichever way you look at it.

"Cobweb," I reply, feeling Mary Jane's hand stroking my abs very close to my groin. I need to show her that it doesn't take me long to get turned on.

I turn to MJ, wanting to take the initiative, but she kisses me greedily herself, daring me to use her sharp tongue. She presses her whole body against mine, making the kiss even sweeter. Our tongues struggle for a while before we break the kiss.

Mary Jane cries out as I pick her up by her ass. Damn, I've wanted to do that since the first time I saw her in those tight, tight jeans. Squeeze that firm ass in my hands.

"Peter," the girl weakly resents as I lift her up, forcing her legs around my waist.

But I don't listen to any indignation and carry the girl first into the house and then into my room, where I finally collapse on the bed with her. The girl's fiery red hair is strewn across my pillow, making her even more beautiful and desirable. I hover over Mary Jane and once again press a kiss to her lips. She eagerly responds to me as my hand descends to her jeans.

But Mary Jane is not yet ready to surrender to the mercy of the victor, she fights me for power in bed. I find it fun and exciting to let an inexperienced girl be at the helm, and I let her get on top. But that doesn't mean I'm going to lie down without action! While M.J. gives herself up to being kissed, probably following the advice from that article, I let my hands do the work: stroking her firm buttocks, unbuttoning her jeans to find that Mary Jane's panties are already wet enough to wring out. The jeans that had recently been so flattering to M.J. were suddenly an annoying obstacle in my way.

M.J.'s already languishing with desire, but I don't want to rush into it. Sex is the salt of life, of course, but only a fool would gobble up salt for nothing. No, you have to spice it up with a special dish to get the full flavor. And I'm going to have the best treat tonight.

Reaching under the girl's panties, I gently run my fingers over her bud. Mary Jane's face contorts in an attempt to hold back her bursting pleasure, and I grin and continue, teasing her secret spot with more zeal. She's already forgotten about her attempts to be the boss in bed and lets me do everything the way I want. Too easy a victory, I note.

I caress my fingers along the edges of her slit, watching MJ resist the pleasure, until she finally graced my ears with a very loud, sexy moan, arching her whole body and exposing her slender neck for kisses. I immediately seized the opportunity and simultaneously pressed my fingers into the gap between her swollen labia so that they obediently parted.

"Peter," Mary Jane whispered, wriggling her whole body.

Sensing that she was on the verge of orgasm, I increased the pressure and entered her oozing love nectar hole with my fingers, while my thumb found her frightened clit and began to torment it mercilessly. That was the last straw, and with her hands in my hair, Mary Jane pressed her face against mine, having her first orgasm in bed with me. She breathed hoarsely and convulsed with her whole body for several long seconds before she finally collapsed on top of me.

Satisfied with the result, I lay the girl down on the bed and finally pulled off those annoying jeans. A slightly recovered Mary Jane also helps me undress. She strokes my torso with her hands, but she surrenders, not in an attempt to please me, but taking her own pleasure in the sensation of a man's body under her palms, just as I did recently.

This excites the girl again, and she languishes with desire again, wriggling beneath me.

"Take me, Tiger, you want it," Mary Jane confirmed her words by pulling aside her panties, giving me a view of one of the most arousing scenes of my life.

It was no longer possible to resist such a call, so I braced myself against the entrance to her oozing girl with my dick..

"Come on, I can't wait any longer," M.J. pleaded, and I complied with the girl's wish, plunging into her depths in one motion.

Mary Jane leaned back, closing her eyes and letting out another low, deep moan. As if she'd lost all her resolve, she pressed her palm against my chest, as if deciding whether or not to push me away. But I was in no hurry to move myself, feeling that I could cum at any moment. To reduce my excitement, I began to breathe deeply and evenly-it always helped me delay the finish.

Finally she opened her eyes and looked at me, and there was such a satisfied, triumphant expression on her face, as if she had just captured the most valuable prize in the contest. This provoked me to start moving.

"Aah! Peter!" Mary Jane moaned long, no longer restrained in the strength of her voice or in the length of her wail.

Even if she felt pain, the pleasure clearly overpowered it. Almost immediately M.J. started thrusting her pelvis at me, and if it weren't for the few drops of blood smeared on my cock, I might have begun to doubt that this was her first experience.

"Yeah, don't stop, Peter! Don't stop!" Mary Jane shouted in time with her movements.

Great idea, MJ! Just a darn good idea! I don't think I could stop even if all the future Avengers with Fury and the President broke in here at once to convince me to stop!

I leaned over to Mary Jane and began to lick her neck, interspersing it with kisses. With one hand I began stroking her clit again, and with the other I caressed her juicy breasts. I did my best and took every opportunity to give my girlfriend one more orgasm before I came myself. And my efforts were rewarded in full when Mary Jane screamed my name again, clutching her whole body and squeezing her womb with such force that I barely had time to pull my cock out in time.

As I unloaded on the girl's stomach, exhausted, I collapsed next to MJ, catching my breath.

"God, Peter, that was... I didn't even think it could be like that," MJ whispered and leaned toward me, kissing me.

I smirked to myself, answering the kiss. Just a little finger work and a dozen minutes in the missionary position, it was just the beginning of a long night for us before... and it would be again, let me just get back in shape.

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