Burning the world from pirates.

Chapter 21 Arriving at the 7 Water Capital

Chapter 21 Arriving at the Capital of Seven Waters
"This first piece of paper is an improved version of your body-building secret medicine, the effect is tripled, and it has a very good nourishing effect on the body.

The next few pictures are the new process I improved according to your pharmaceutical method.

The scope of extraction of raw materials is expanded and the time for cultivating Penicillium is accelerated, as well as the subsequent production process. "

"thanks a lot"

"No, you don't need to thank you for the money. Unless you want to whore for nothing."

"No, the money will be sent soon."

"Well, if you have nothing to do, go away quickly, people like you staying here will only cause trouble."

Almost urging Noah and the others to leave in a way of driving people away.

Noah had no choice but to pack up the documents and luggage and go down the mountain. On the way, Robin also said goodbye to the Labangs. When saying goodbye, you can see the joy visible to the naked eye on the faces of these big rabbits.

The combination of knowledge and color with flowers and fruits is terrible.

After Noah left, Dr. Kureha looked at the two small dots down the mountain with emotion.

As a witch who has lived for more than 100 years, she has indeed seen many heroes in her life experience, but this is the first time she has seen such a majestic overlord.

It's not strength. Noah is not ranked high in terms of strength.

It's just boldness. I really don't know what kind of king's idea will give birth to such boldness. Could it be to overthrow the world government?

This kind of monster-like little ghost is the most annoying, it can always cause disasters, it is best to stay away from them.

After getting what he wanted, Noah was still very happy. This trip to Magnetic Drum Island was very rewarding.

The only pity is that the fire transmission failed, it doesn't matter, every character with a name and surname can't give himself face, and he didn't eat the fruit of face.

Back in the town, I happened to run into Old Cook's sled again.

"Yo, young man, I see you again, are you feeling better?"

"Okay, uncle, where are you going?"

"Go to the port to pull goods, there will be a few large merchant ships coming today."

"Oh, uncle, give us a ride by the way, we are leaving Magnetic Drum Island today."


It is still the cheerful bells, and the reindeer are galloping in the snow.

This snow-covered scenery is really beautiful.

Thinking that such a beautiful country in the future would be destroyed by Walpo, Noah made a note of Valpo in his heart.

It's a pity to give Tun Tun Fruit to such a cruel king, let's come back and reward him with a sword in the future.

We arrived at the port soon, and it was very lively from a distance. There were many large ships parked in the port.

Sledges pulling various goods move through the stream of people.

Before getting off the sled, Noah secretly stuffed some Baileys into the grid of the sled, and there were not many. If you gave too much, it would be bad for old Cook. After saying goodbye, he went to find the boat to the capital of seven waters.

There is a passenger ship Mary in the pier, which is going to the capital of seven waters. Noah and Robin booked two upper-class tickets and went up.

The interior of the cabin is relatively clean.

The captain of the Mary, Ivo Brown, used to be a school officer of the Naval Headquarters. He was seriously injured in a naval battle and retired when he was a little older.

The Mary was named after his wife in memory of a lost lover.

People who live on the great voyage, especially the captain, have stories and backgrounds.

Ivo has some advantages in sailing in this sea by relying on the relationship of his old comrades in the Navy headquarters.

For example, you can pay less inexplicable taxes from some countries, and you will not be exploited by some navies.

After staying in the port for two days, the Mary set off on a sunny day, this time directly to the capital of seven waters.

There are no stops during the voyage, and the forward speed is still very fast if there is no detour to stop the ship.

It is also good luck that there are no pirate ships that have no iron heads along the way.

It's just that I saw the phantom of the giant on the cloud in the middle.

Everyone on board ran out to see the sight.According to Ivo, this giant phantom is one of the mysterious legends in this sea area.

Everyone is very lucky to see this phantom today.Noah asked curiously.

"Can the captain tell you about the mysterious legends?"

Seeing that everyone was in high spirits, Ivo rolled up his sleeves and told everyone

"It is said that there are gods living above the sea area where we are, and these gods are at least a few hundred meters high and hold spears.

Sometimes one, sometimes two or three appear here.Seeing the phantom of the god will bring good luck.

The last time I saw the phantom of the gods on my ship, there was a young man who proposed to his girlfriend, and it became immediately. "

Hey, Captain, don't bring private goods with you.

"Then captain, what did you just say that there are other legends in this sea area?"

"Oh, there are occasional ships that fall from the sky in this sea area. It is said that some ships will fall from the sky, including pirate ships and merchant ships, all kinds of ships.

Some people have investigated and said that some ships were decades ago, but they fell off at this time, and the goods inside are still there. This is an unsolved mystery.

Some people even speculate that there is an empty island above our heads, hahahahahaha. "

Others on the boat also laughed, only Noah did not.

Because he knows where this is, and there is really an empty island above here, and he knows how to get there.

But now is not the time to go to Sky Island.Noah would only consider going to Sky Island if he had a very strong ship, otherwise it would be too dangerous.

The Golden Merry was retired after the trip to Sky Island, and I cried when I watched that episode in my previous life.

Sky Island is a must. The Lightning Fruit is too important. Basically, if you give it to the right person, you will have a stable general-level combat power, and it is also a strategic-level general.

The speed of thunder and lightning is difficult to entangle, and its application range is also very wide.

Electromagnetic force, thunder and lightning body forging, speed, power, are all top-notch.

As for whether you will eat it or not, we will see when the time comes.

After listening to the legend of the mysterious sea, Noah returned to his room and continued to live in seclusion to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Finally, after a week, the capital of seven waters arrived.

The prototype concept of the seven islands of water comes from the water capital of Venice. The waterways are quite complicated. In addition to the transportation on the flat water surface, there are also waterways extending down from the heights of the water capital.

Local residents will raise a creature named "Blu" (Taiwan translation "cow fish") as a means of transportation on water.

In addition to being used for water transportation, Blue has a strong carrying capacity and can also be used to assist in moving.

The rental cost of a small blue with double seat is [-] berry.The city in the sewers is their home.

Since the city of water is hit by a huge tsunami called "Yakwa Ragna (God of Water)" every year, local residents pay special attention to weather reports about the god of water.

In order for the gods of water to prepare for disasters before they come to the water capital, the island will also provide temporary shelters for the people.

In addition, after the gods of water attacked the city of water, they would leave a high concentration of sea salt on the eaves of each house, and local residents would also use the sea salt left by the gods of water for cooking.

This peculiar city scenery made Robin very interesting, so he took Noah and sat on Blue for a while before getting down to business.

I also tasted the local special water water meat, which is very tender and only needs simple cooking and then sprinkled with special sea salt to have a good taste.

Then the two went to the post office and sent the manuscript of "Water Margin" to the World Economic News.

Finally, I came to the hotel in the center of the city of seven waters to stay. The hotels in the cities with developed tourism industry are very good, and the various service facilities made Noah and Robin very satisfied.Relax your spirit.

The next day, let Robin stay in the hotel to read a book, Noah disguised himself and went to reconnaissance near the Tom Shipbuilding Company to see if there is any surveillance by the CP department.

With Noah's current strength, the people in the CP department should not be able to hide it from him.

Why be so careful, because this shipbuilder Tom is not an ordinary person, but a legendary shipbuilder.

The horned murloc of the murloc tribe is the mentor who raised Espagu and Franky and taught them shipbuilding techniques.

More than 20 years ago, Gol D. Roger asked him to build a pirate ship, so he built the "Oro Jackson" with the treasure tree "Adam" as wood.

When Roger was executed, he was brought into the judicial ship for trial because of the crime of building a ship for One Piece.

At this time, he explained the design and concept of the sea train to the presiding judge, so that the judge changed the trial and postponed the execution time, giving him time to build the sea train.

After 14 years of construction, put the sea train "Smoky Tom" on the tracks.

Later, he was framed by Spadamm (commander of CP5 at the time), and was taken to the hall of Judicial Island of Enies for execution.

Anyone who has a relationship with One Piece is very troublesome.

The world government hates Roger, who created the era of great pirates, and dared to ignite the will of resistance and freedom.

Even Roger's son called it the most evil blood in the world.

And Tom himself has a big problem, which is the blueprint of the ancient weapon Pluto.

This is also a power that the world government is afraid of, and it is too normal to send out spy agencies.

So Noah was very careful when he came to see Tom.

(End of this chapter)

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