Burning Moscow

Chapter 75

74 Bloody Battle Station (1)

“Pop!” Before I could give an order, the sniper rifle in Aguminte’s hand fired first. With the gunshot, the German soldier who rushed to the front stopped abruptly, and saw his knee bend and kneel on the snow with a thump, and then he fell forward heavily.

Seeing that a shot worked, Aguminte took aim at the new target very calmly and continued to shoot. With the sound of two gunshots, two unlucky German soldiers fell to the ground.

“Hey, Aji!” Lu Jin stood up, hid behind a tree, risked his head out, and shouted at Aji and the others: “Bring everyone here!”

Suddenly hearing Lu Jin’s shout, Aji and the others were taken aback for a while, but they came back to their senses immediately. Aggie stopped running, hid behind a tree and fired at the Germans who were chasing behind. Leon Jeff took the gun and ran to Saskat’s side, and he helped Orlov from left to right, and ran toward our hidden place desperately.

After taking the fourth shot, Aguminte stopped shooting and cursed in a low voice: “These idiots can’t escape, they all block in front of me, so I can’t aim.”

The three people ran closer and closer, and as long as they ran a dozen steps forward, they could run in front of me. The running Saskatoon groaned suddenly, his body slumped to the side, and Orlov slammed to the ground with Orlov. Leon Jeff, who suddenly lost his support, stood there in a daze. At this moment, a flower of blood splashed on his chest, and with pieces of meat, splashing on the white snow. This sudden change made me stunned, who was watching them all the time. I watched innocently as Leon Jeff stayed in place for a few seconds, then slowly fell backwards, and fell to the snow without a word. Above.

“Damn German devil!” Lukin’s angry roar suddenly sounded in my ears. Looking back, he stood up from behind the tree, roared holding a submachine gun, and rushed forward while shooting.

“Lu Jin! Come back!” I recovered from the shock and shouted Lu Jin’s name loudly. But my shouts were covered by the intense gunfire, and Lu Jin rushed forward without hesitation.

Seeing this situation, I knew it was unrealistic to continue to hide here without moving, I could only bite the bullet and rush up. I yelled at the sniper first, “Aguminte, cover me.” Then I turned to greet Sgoria, who was hiding on the side: “Follow me.” Then I rushed out with the submachine gun.

Lu Jin rushed to the vicinity of the birch tree where Aji was hiding, and instead of rushing forward rashly, he fired at the opposite German army. When Sgoria and I arrived, we also got down and shot at the German army on the opposite side.

The 71 bullets in the barrel were quickly finished. When I changed the magazine, I secretly cursed myself for being so uncomfortable today. I actually slammed the trigger. The bullets in one magazine were all burned out in just ten seconds. So I switched to burst shooting, and shouted to several other people to stop shooting bursts, and all switched to burst shooting. But my voice was suppressed by the violent shooting sound, and they still set off guns like firecrackers.

The German army was more than 30 meters away from us, and the people were more scattered, so our violent shooting, in addition to appearing more lively and wasting bullets, actually did little harm to the German army. On the contrary, the Germans seem to have rich combat experience. Not only are our firepower so fierce, they are all fighting back with spot shots.

Shot like this lasted for two minutes. Our shooting stopped suddenly. I knew in my heart that this was not a trick to lure the enemy, but Lu Jin and the others had all shot out. Originally, when we set off from the village early in the morning, we had enough weapons and ammunition. However, when we met Festov and Pavlov’s troops on the road, these extra equipment were handed over to them. We only carried A base ammunition. After such an unrestrained fight, everyone except me had less than one cartridge left. If the Germans took the opportunity to rush up, all we could do was fight with them with bayonets.

But if you really want to fight a bayonet, I don’t think we can please. I just counted the Germans on the opposite side, except for four killed by Aguminte, there are 13 left. On our side, plus I have only five people, five to thirteen, this winning rate is really too low.

The Germans watched us cease fire, and they also stopped shooting. First, two German soldiers got up from the ground and walked cautiously towards us with submachine guns. After a dozen steps, seeing that everything was fine, other people also stood up and swaggered towards us with their weapons. Lukin, Aggie, and Sgoria all looked back at me, wanting me to give them an idea. I looked at everyone in their hands and they were all submachine guns. If there were enough ammunition, they were indeed powerful weapons; but there were no bullets, it was not as good as a fire stick. Now there are still bullets in my submachine gun. I was silent and did not speak, nor did I shoot. I wanted to wait until the German soldiers approached and shoot again. Killing one is enough, and killing two will make a profit. Anyway, I can’t stand alone and be a prisoner. .

“Pop!” With a fragile gunshot, the German soldiers in the front staggered and fell to the ground. This bullet came from behind us. I don’t have to look back to know that it is the masterpiece of the sniper Aguminte. How can I forget such an important person? If he is there, we can’t suffer any loss.

Sgoria saw the German soldier who had been killed fell only ten steps away from him, and immediately jumped out from behind the invisible tree without thinking, looking like he wanted to pick up a weapon on the ground. But the other German soldiers were not vegetarians, and when they saw someone rushing out, they opened fire violently. Sgoria jumped on the body of the German army, grabbed the submachine gun and stood up. Before he could fire the gun, he was sieved by the dense bullets, and then fell on the snow without saying a word.

I squeezed the trigger violently and fired fiercely at the German army ahead, knocking down a soldier who was closer to me. The sudden blow caused the German soldiers to lose their positions for a while. But the soldiers’ instinctive reaction caused them to disperse immediately, lay down, and fired back.

At this time, Aguminte’s sniper rifle rang again. After the gunshot, another German submachine gun interrupted the shooting. Although we have a sniper, the rest of the German army ignored him. Instead, they squatted on the spot and fired at the three of us from all directions, suppressing us with firepower.

Because of the existence of Agument, it is very difficult for German soldiers to destroy us; and it is unrealistic to kill a dozen German soldiers with just one Agument. How to do? If this stalemate continues, more German soldiers may be recruited.

At this critical juncture, the shout of “Ula” suddenly came from behind me. When I looked back, I saw countless Soviet soldiers pouring out of the forest. They shouted slogans and rushed over. More than 20 meters away from us, their light and heavy weapons fired together, and dense bullets whizzed past my head, smashing the place where the German army was hiding. Several German soldiers were killed on the spot. The rest depends on the situation. They got up to flee and were also knocked down by guns.

wiped out this German army, a few soldiers came and helped us up, and then two officers walked up to me. I fixed my eyes and found that it was Festov and Pavlov. The two saluted me and reported: “Comrade Commander, we are on your order to collect weapons and ammunition in the warehouse. We have completed our mission and come back. Please give instructions.”

“Very good!” I nodded and said, “You did a good job. Now gather the team and we will enter the village.”

“Comrade Lieutenant Colonel,” before the two of them answered me, I suddenly heard someone calling me. I looked in the direction where the voice came from. It turned out that I was called Aguminte, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and he was with another one. Soldier, came over with the telegraph operator Orlov.

I walked to the operator and asked him aloud, “What happened in the village? Where did these German devils come from?”

Hearing my question, Orlov lowered his head and said with a shame: “I blamed me for being soft-hearted and letting out the old lady who was locked up last night. I didn’t expect her to secretly lead the Germans. Here comes. When the Germans entered the village, they were spotted by Saskatchewan and issued an alarm in time, so that we could escape from the village in time.”

“Where is the radio station?” What I care about is not how they escaped the village, but where is the radio station we carried? If the radio station falls into the hands of the Germans, not only will the communication between us and the command of the group army be interrupted, the German army will also use the captured radio station to obtain our military intelligence, so I must figure out where the radio station is.

“I was in a hurry when I escaped. The radio station was still in the house last night, and it was probably captured by the Germans.”

“Felstoff!” After hearing his words, I immediately turned my head and called out the ensign’s name. Seeing the ensign rushing to my side, I immediately told him: “Take a hundred people with me and go to the village to find the radio station.”

“Yes!” He agreed very simply, and then turned around and began to gather people to prepare to act with me.

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