Burning Moscow

Chapter 55

54 The Germans will also come sneak atta

Kroshkov looked very happy to see us return to the position safely. Especially when he saw that many people who participated in the night raid had returned, he was even more excited to call the division headquarters immediately to report the results of the night raid tonight.

After I let the soldiers disbanded, they returned to the shelter. Seeing me open the curtain and enter the room, Kroshkov covered the microphone with his hand and said: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, the commander wants to talk to you.” After speaking, he handed the microphone over.

I took the microphone and said calmly: “Hello, Comrade General.”

“Hello, Comrade Oshanina. Just now I heard from Comrade Level 1 instructor that you personally led a small team to attack the German camp. How did you succeed?”

“The German forces are still fighting each other, so our results are not yet available for statistics. However, after our tossing, it is estimated that the enemy’s offensive will be postponed or cancelled after dawn.”

“How about the casualties of the night raid team?”

“No casualties.” When I said this, I paused, reorganized the vocabulary in my mind, and then continued: “If you can add 300 people to me, I am confident that I will catch the same number of prisoners. Give you.”

“Oh!” I heard Panfilov sigh, and I knew that he was also powerless. Even if he sent all his staff officers to the front line as soldiers, he still couldn’t change the status quo of serious shortage of troops.

After the call with Panfilov ended, Kroshkov asked me: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, what are your plans next.”

“No plan,” I sat on my camp bed and began to take off the camouflage clothes that covered the outside. “Now the most important thing is to sleep. I will talk about other things after dawn.” Then I pulled onto the bed. Draperies.

The sound of guns in the German army camp rang for most of the night, and then gradually subsided.

Everything is as I expected, it’s almost noon, and the front German army has not launched a new attack on our position. Taking advantage of this free opportunity, Kroshkov called all three company commanders to the shelter for a meeting.

Originally, the atmosphere of the meeting was quite harmonious. Speaking of retreating the German offensive, they held their positions; although the night attack team did not kill many enemies, they succeeded in letting the enemies kill each other and disrupted the enemy’s battle. deploy. Speaking of such happy things, everyone was extremely excited.

When it was Kroshkov’s turn to speak, he coughed and said, “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I have some opinions on you. Can you tell me?”

“Let’s talk.” I was in a very good mood, so I promised very readily.

“Although the night attack last night achieved great results, I feel that if we attack from a full line, even if we can’t wipe out all the enemies, we can drive them far from our position.”

“Ah?!” Hearing what he said, I couldn’t help being stunned, and said to my heart, you don’t know the current situation. The troops with less than two hundred people are relatively reluctant to defend their positions, let alone attack.

Seeing that I didn’t refute him, he went on to say, “Also, sneak attacks are tactics used by guerrillas. We are regular troops, and we should be fighting the enemy face to face….”

“Have you ever thought that if we attacked across the board last night, then the sneak attack might turn into a storming attack. In the absence of superior strength and weaponry, do you think it is possible for us to win? If we attack If you are frustrated and the Germans take the opportunity to counterattack, do you think our remnants will be able to hold their positions?”

“Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you are a defeatist argument.” Kroshkov was a little unacceptable to my series of rhetorical questions. He retorted me and said: “Our Red Army is an all-seeing warfare. As long as there is one person alive, the enemy will never think about it further.”

“Invincible!” Hearing this word, I smiled helplessly. The number of captured Western Front and Reserve Front in the encircled Viajima area reached more than 600,000. I really don’t know if there is no war. How are the invincible conclusions drawn?

Seeing that I did not speak, he continued: “Also, in the daytime battle yesterday, you actually ordered the soldiers to fight only the German infantry, and allowed the tanks to break through our defenses. You know, you are taking a risk by doing so. If it weren’t for the bravery of the soldiers and the timely elimination of these tanks that broke through the line of defense, the consequences would be really unthinkable….”

“Enough.” I interrupted him impatiently, saying word by word: “I am the top commander of the battalion, and the military is in charge. If you lose your position, I will bear all the responsibility. ”

“If you lose your position, all the flanks of the group army are exposed to the enemy. If the troops are encircled, can you afford this kind of responsibility?”

Seeing that the two of us were arguing with red faces, the few company commanders next to them were all hesitant to talk, but they didn’t dare to persuade them. Finally, there was the sound of a shell exploding outside, interrupting our quarrel.

“The enemy is attacking!” a company commander reminded him.

“You all go back to your respective units and prepare to fight.” I tried my best to give orders to the three company commanders in a calm tone.

“Yes.” They stood up and agreed neatly, then turned and left the shelter.

I just came back to my senses at this time, and I said so well in the meeting, how come I suddenly quarreled with Kroshkov? But now I can’t take care of that much. The first thing to consider is how to retreat the Germans. So I carried my submachine gun and rushed out of the shelter and ran into the trenches.

This German attack was still led by tanks, followed by infantry. However, after so much tossing at night, there were not many infantry soldiers that the Germans could put in. I counted them, and there were not more than a hundred soldiers.

The German tanks stopped more than 50 meters away from our position, then lined up and fired at our position, covering the infantry to launch an assault on us.

The heavy machine gun that was less than twenty meters away from me roared, and instantly knocked down the German devils who rushed forward. In less than a minute, this machine gun position was directly hit by a German tank gun. The machine gunner fell in a pool of blood, and the heavy machine gun was blown to pieces.

A soldier set up a long anti-tank gun by my side. He just fired a shot, then threw the gun and hugged his head with his hands. I saw that as soon as he lifted the cotton cap with his hands, blood poured out from his head. He gave me one last look with helpless eyes, and then fell back in the trenches.

Maybe I have seen too many deaths now. I am a little numb to these. Seeing this soldier sacrifice in front of me, my emotions did not fluctuate too much. I very calmly slapped the bullets in the ammunition towards the rushing infantry, hung the submachine gun around my neck, then rushed to grab the anti-tank gun, re-mounted it, and pulled the trigger towards a tank. I clearly heard the sound of the armor-piercing projectile hitting the turret, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but the tank did not seem to be affected at all, and it continued to fire at our position casually.

I threw the anti-tank gun, bent over and ran all the way into the shelter. I grabbed the phone on the table to get through the artillery company, so I yelled at the inside: “Gonchazin, the target German tank, shoot quickly.”

The tanks lined up in front of the position can be hit much better than when they are moving, and they are simply good targets for shooting. As soon as the nine anti-aircraft guns of the artillery company fired, they almost did not fire, and most of the shells accurately hit the tank. The German army began to retreat after losing seven or eight tanks one after another.

Although the German offensive was repelled, we also paid a high price. In the battle just now, more than forty soldiers were killed or injured, and the number of soldiers on the battlefield dropped sharply to 150.

After the German attack was repelled, it did not launch a second attack until dark.

I thought that tonight would be spent in peace, but in the middle of the night, there was a sudden fierce gunfire outside, awakening me from my sleep. I opened the curtain and asked Kroshkov who was sleeping outside: “Comrade Level 1 Instructor, what happened? Where is the firefight?”

He picked up the phone on the desk, shook the handle, and asked inside, “What’s the matter with the gunshots outside?”

After putting down the phone, he said to me solemnly: “The sentinel reported that our right-wing position was attacked by the enemy and is in the middle of a firefight.”

I can’t help but sigh secretly that the German commander on the opposite side is really not easy. I learned the night attack tactics so quickly.

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