Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 905 - : 5th weapon

These are all things that the Expeditionary Army should be concerned about. Chucheng did not arrange so many star charts to observe. He collected the information through the star map of Daxia and shared him with the identity of the Ming King.

Trade is indeed broken, but no one dares to deprive him of the identity of the top of the mountains.

The three continents condensed their luck, and on the west land, they intended to fight against the continent of gods.

Internal division is something that the three continents cannot bear today.

Chucheng is now building a defense line in the north. He wants to cast a ring-shaped Great Wall to unite the projection of the Kingdom of God, the northern defense line, and the eastern defense line. Both ends of the Great Wall are at the seaside, and additional ports and forts are built Arrange enough star maps.

Chucheng is not a defense. The Great Wall has never been a defensive system, but a complex offensive system.

The resources in the rear can be quickly transported to the Great Wall, which is a real offensive weapon.

Moreover, the Great Wall itself can build railways along the way, run supplies, arrange a huge magic array, and communicate all the forces in the entire Gubei City war zone.

Because there are enough engineering troops, the speed at which Chucheng builds the Great Wall is quite amazing.

Behind the Great Wall, there is a plural fort at every distance. Outside the Great Wall, a lot of offensive forts were laid out, and there were temporary railways to communicate.

The materials in the rear can quickly move forward two hundred miles.

These offensive fortresses will continue to be built in the future, all the way to the rich areas of the Kolasu Empire.

As for the northern mountainous areas, a large number of earth dragons entered, and the mountainous areas had to be hollowed out, and the experimental arms of Chucheng would infiltrate inwards in the north.

There is no offensive purpose, just to be familiar with all the areas on this continent.

The Kelasu Empire, if it wants to enter the plain, also has to guard against so many test arms in the mountains.

When the Great Wall is built, the entire Gubei City theater will be integrated.

The Great Wall is more than just a ring, there are also on the plains, a tower of two hundred miles, scattered scattered, forming a plan for instant support of the entire theater of war.

With the high tower, you can support the powerful magic eye floating on the high tower, summoning the star chart attack, quickly and violently.

Where there are high towers, the enemy must have more angels to defend, which is still very effective for the angel’s containment effect. The army on the ground cannot be too dense. The angels are scattered to defend. They cannot rely on a few hundred. They are as widely distributed as the ground forces. That may be on the scale of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

So many angels have to be transformed into angels who are good at flying and sacrifice their lives.

The purpose of building the Great Wall system in Chucheng was to disperse the strength of the angels. The angels spread out and faced with their own flying units, there was really no advantage.

Even if the fighting power of the angel of thorns is very high, biochemical weapons may have an upper limit, but the ability to equip weapons, this is a huge improvement.

Ash Breastplate, Burning Serpent, Cicada Wing Sword Ring, Son-Mother Knife Ring.

With these, the temple angel has no advantage in attacking against the flying biochemical weapon. Next, the temple should strengthen the angel’s defense.

By the end of August, the framework of the Great Wall had been erected.

On the side of Chucheng, the second yuanshen attacked frequently, not only the two of them, but all the second yuanshen participated in the clearing of the plains. Now there are tall towers on the plain, and there are only nine hundred-story tall towers within two hundred miles to support each other. In this case, the Second Elemental God is not afraid of An Bai’s sneak attack.

An Bai’s failure to organize the attack on Gu Bei City does not mean that Gu Bei City is safe.

Now that she has planned, there will still be the possibility of implementation in the future, and Chu Cheng will strangle this possibility. The Great Wall was built, and those short-haired white apes were quickly cleared.

Because of the participation of the second-element gods, there were few casualties during the Qing Dynasty.

Spells are immune to this effect, and it is said to be powerful. Most control skills are masters.

Like the roar of the warrior affecting the soul, a battle can not be released many times. That is the legendary warrior. The fourth level is down. It may be released once in a battle, and then enter the cooling period.

But now, Chucheng has more metal demons. The metal demons themselves have a certain spell ability, but the most important thing is the reinforced iron bones and strong power.

The metal demon usually has one spell on the first level. The first spell is flying, and the second is acceleration.

On the plains, a large number of metal demons flew into the sky, using the short acceleration ability, and then dived down to pounce on those short-haired white apes. The lightest metal devil also has a ton. This dive, with a strong impact, has nothing to do with spells. The short-haired white ape erupted in blood power, and was still crushed into meat.

The metal devil is really a good thing. The cost is between the robot and the biochemical creature. It can be manufactured on a large scale. After it is manufactured, it has instinctive combat capabilities, not a whiteboard.

Then you can manually upgrade and automatically upgrade, you can get more combat abilities when upgrading, you can also be loaded with artificial abilities, according to your needs.

This thing is created to be first-order, can fly, rely on melee combat.

However, there are two spells in the first order, one is the natural demon wings, the main function is to fly. The second spell is acceleration, which can be used in flight or in combat to accelerate local attacks.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer enemies hidden on the plain, but the size of the cleanup team has never been less than 3,000 combat units.

This team is led by five human noncommissioned officers.

Five new bloom cars are like five moving magic towers.

The lonely mountain bag, the hidden cave, and the short-haired white ape are shocking outward. The mountain bag is like an independent space.

Waiting for them is the Void Fireball of the Plague Warlock.

The huge fireball split into small pieces, which fell on the white ape and ignited. The painful White Ape’s mental confusion turned into a complete beast, even if it still retains strength, it will soon die.

The soldiers split the head of the white ape with a provisionally allocated axe and gun, and they didn’t even bother to use weapons like a knife ring.

These World of Warcraft were abandoned, almost without the cooperation of angels, they were quickly cleared. Chu Cheng looked at the pictures and knew his decision was right.

Build the Great Wall to clear out these hidden dangers, otherwise in the future wars will erupt and you will almost be destroyed on the plains.

How long has it been, there are still tens of millions of World of Warcraft on the combed plains.

However, the reconnaissance spacecraft provided by the triple gate is really easy to use. Flying at an altitude of 300 to 500 miles, the reconnaissance ground is clearer, and it can penetrate the ground to see the changes in the underground without any delay.

The spaceship is huge, and the cost is lower than the small one.

The huge ship hull can carry a certain number of ground-attack weapons, and can replace the star chart to perform air strike missions on its own site. Of course, it is impossible to enter the enemy’s war zone.

At this height, the angel can reach quickly.

Moreover, the spacecraft’s ability to protect itself is also a problem, and it should not be able to withstand the siege of angels.

If the spaceship wants to fight in the enemy’s war zone, it must have an **** flying unit, that is, a large number of thorn angels. The night angel needs to be active at night to use the wings of ashes. Otherwise, there is no advantage to the angel who went to the temple.

The axe gun is not a good weapon for the plagued creatures, just a cheap weapon made for the white apes.

Through this encirclement and suppression, Chucheng found that he needed to let the heaven grass grow to the source and design better weapons for the plague creatures. He would face angels in the future.

The wings of ashes are good weapons, but where is the cost?

The worst thorn angel is also fourth-order.

There is no need to replace the external weapons. Those four weapons are all targeted to the angels. The Burning Snake is an advanced version and a boxy leather bag wrapped around the wrist. It has a weak boosting ability, and it has similarities with the Fire Snake, Fire Snake and Chucheng’s Burning Snake skills, and can track continuous attacks.

The most important thing is the property of flame, which can purify angels.

Ash Breastplate, defends against divine attacks, and works best.

Son-mother knife ring, long-lasting attack time, mid-range combat, let alone lethal lethality. This thing also has defensive attributes that can resist enemy spell attacks. The attribute of breaking the law is also considered to be upper-middle. It is not an elite angel’s divine art, and can be easily broken.

The cicada-wing sword ring is powerful, has a long range, and has a cool cooling time. The key is that this thing is the only equipment that can adjust consumption to increase or decrease power.

However, Tiancao Cangyuan recently researched a piece of equipment, which is considered a biochemical equipment.

A single gourd, in which each magic can condense a void fireball, can not accumulate, just this one. Let go and regenerate.

The problem is that the attributes of this thing have a life length.

A gourd, for the rest of its life, condenses more than a thousand void fireballs, and then dies. Sounds like a lot, the problem is that this stuff is the same as the aunt, you will consume it yourself without using it.

Every magic time is a new void fireball.

In this case, the cost will increase intangibly.

Of course, it is still worth the equipment, UU reading www. uukanshu.com can design something outside the gourd, like a counter. You have to know how old the gourd itself is and whether it has reached menopause.

The Void Fireball gourd can’t condense the Void Fireball. It is an ordinary flame gourd. The flame attack distance is only more than 30 meters, and the lethality is not as terrible as the Void Fireball.

This kind of flame gourd is not easy to sell, and even a little adventurous group can’t look down on it.

Maybe it can be used as a gas tank to cook rice?

In any case, as soon as the fifth piece of equipment came out, the problem of external weapons for the biochemical forces was completely resolved. The biochemical weapon also has the ability to inspire a lot of general equipment, as long as the false soul of the biochemical weapon still has a temporary position.

In other words, the weapons picked up can also be used in many cases, but it is not recommended and will damage the function.

Now that the crown of thorns and the problem of the lowest-level biochemical weapons have been resolved, Chucheng has wondered whether or not to take the initiative to attack.

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