Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 163: 23) The Russian Thoughts

To support Bulgaria in its fight against the Turks for the Bosphorus and the Marmara Sea is not big. It is not enough to change the strategic center of gravity of the Russian Empire. To say that it is not small means that a new round of Balkan wars is about to break out!

One of the objectives of the First Balkan War in history, in which the Russian Empire supported the Bulgarian-Serbian coalition to end Ottoman dominance in the Balkans, was the Bosphorus!

However, it is a pity that they did not realize this strategy due to the collusion of the Balkan League! The position of Bulgaria in the hearts of the Russians was thus greatly reduced. After all, the Bulgarian army was only 20 km away from Constantinople!

No matter what reasons the Bulgarians had, they did not take Constantinople and fulfill the strategy of the Russian Empire, and they took the blame!

In the eyes of the Russians, this is a sign that the Bulgarians just want to take advantage and do not want to take responsibility! There is also a hidden factor, which is the Bulgarian government's desire to suppress the influence of the Russian Empire in the country - is exposed!

And the position of the Bulgarian government at that time, which swung between the Allies and the Entente, was even more displeasing to the Russian Empire. Of course, Ferdinand's title of Tsar was difficult for Nicholas II, who declared: 'One Tsar in the world is enough!'

All of these factors combined to create a situation where the Russians abandoned Bulgaria in favor of Serbia!

All is now different, and a crippled Serbia is now meat on the lips of Austria-Hungary, and even if the Russian Empire wants to support them, there is nothing they can do!

Simply put, without the nod of Austria-Hungary, it was difficult for the Russians to enter Serbia, let alone anything else.

After a short silence, the Minister of Finance asked, "Will the Bulgarians be able to complete this plan? Do not forget that the Ottoman Empire, however weak, is still a large country with a population of more than 30 million people, and is not comparable to a small Bulgaria?"

The Minister of Finance's objection was not surprising to the crowd. Well, basically it costs a lot of money and the Minister of Finance doesn't like it!

The Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke and explained: "I can answer this question. The Ottoman Empire is far ahead of Bulgaria in terms of overall power comparison.

But now the Turks are having a hard time, the revolution at home, the British are playing Egypt and the Euphrates Valley; the French and Italians are eyeing Libya and Morocco in Africa, and of course, their main force is still eyeing us!

They can use their strength in the Balkans in only three or four points, which is still built on the premise that the capital city of Constantinople is still important and well prepared in advance!

If the Turks are smart, they should solve the Armenian problem right now, never mind international public opinion!

Now the Great Powers, except for the British, are not going to take on them, and it so happens that the British are being held back, and the Italians are deep in Ethiopia! The fastest way to solve domestic conflicts is much easier to meet the challenges that come!

Even so, of course, in the Balkans, the Ottoman Empire could theoretically amass an army of 400,000.

It's still challenging for Bulgaria, and without our support, both sides will most likely lose both!"

Nikolai II brightened up and asked in disbelief, "Really? Bulgaria now has the strength to fight the Ottoman Empire on both sides?"

The Minister of War smiled and bragged, "Your Imperial Majesty, the Bulgarian Army was trained by us. How is the fighting ability? Even if it is still a bit far from us, it is still much better than the Turks!"

The Minister of War's explanation was taken for granted by all, as the Russian Empire was now so powerful! How else could they have the courage to challenge the hegemony of the British Empire while suppressing the German-Austrian alliance?

The words of the Minister of War gave Nikolai II enough courage. He was young and vigorous, and now he needed to make achievements to prove what he could do to the world!

It is only 'Wenzhi Wugong1), diplomatic tactics'! 'Wenzhi' without taking into account this is always a long-term project. After a decade or eight years and then it is not too late to see.

What about 'Wugong'? Now that the Russian Empire is as strong as ever, the Siberian Railway is not open to traffic, and Europe is piled up with the great powers, it isn't easy to get a breakthrough. The Russian Empire has reached the limit of its expansion on the mainland unless it goes to the sea!

In diplomacy, the Franco-Russian Alliance and the Russo-Polish Alliance were established during the reign of Aleksandr III. What about international diplomacy? Sorry, but now the German-Austrian alliance is unbreakable. They can not resolve the 'Anglo-Russian conflict'. There is no room for him to play!

Historically, the Russian Empire, in order to focus on its eastern expansion, compromised with Austria-Hungary in the Balkans in 1897, and the situation in the Balkans was stable for ten years. While Austria-Hungary is no better, ten years busy cleaning up the mess at home!

It is the 'Golden Age' for the small Balkan countries, but it is a pity that everyone has failed to seize it!

Greece and the Ottomans had a friendly fight, licking their wounds.

Bulgaria is busy with its political struggle at home.

In Serbia, King Aleksandar I was busy amending the constitution, plus disgracing himself (by taking a ten-year-old older lady of the court as his queen. Well, compared to him, Emperor Tianqi2) was weak!) The Serbian people were busy revolting against the king, such as the assassination of Aleksandar I in 1903.

After Russia's strategic focus shifted east, it was the Great Qing Dynasty's bad luck first, and then it was the Japanese's turn.

One can hardly describe Nikolai II's attitude towards the Japanese as 'bad'. The scar on his forehead is the shame of his life!

Historically, the 'Tripartite Intervention' happened in this context after the Sino-Japanese War.

... (several omitted)

The Minister of Navy's proposal is still very much to Nikolai II's liking, for the Bosphorus, his ancestors did not stop fighting with the Turks, and now it would be great if they could easily get in!

He smiled and said, "Since the Bulgarians have that strength, how can we not push it?

Let Ferdinand hold the Bosphorus for us first; if we can, we can support them all. If we can, include it in the Aegean Sea!"

The Prime Minister said with a teasing smile: "Your Imperial Majesty, the Bulgarians still have some fighting power in the army, but the navy? Do they have this strength? I remember that they are just a smuggler's patrol! Isn't it a joke to rely on them to control the strait?"

The crowd roared with laughter. Yes, can the Bulgarian navy be considered a navy? Altogether, the tonnage is not as good as a battleship! The Russians have enough courage to despise the weakest navy in the world.


1) It means the parameter of how good the King performed in government (Wenzhi) and the military (Wugong). Chinese historians used this parameter to classify the ruler and how effective that ruler was in government and military.

2) Emperor Tianqi, personal name Zhu Youjiao, was the 16th Emperor of the Ming dynasty, reigning from 1620 to 1627.

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