Building a New World

Chapter 2822 - 5-people

() The five released members rushed to the control room to meet Jia Zhengjin.

Because he didn’t know him, his eyes were puzzled.

“Hello everyone!” Jia Zhengjin stepped forward with a smile, “I believe you don’t know me, and I have never seen you before. I would like to introduce myself to you, Jia Zhengjin, the captain of Nuwa, The current Allied forces of the Light Fleet. This time, Captain Dimas asked to lead the reconnaissance of the Pusi base. Unexpectedly, there was an accident here, and there was a big mess of monsters entering the city. The Hazavi Empire Army lost the battle with the monster, The fleet commander led the team to flee, leaving the Poussi base and all the citizens here. It makes us lucky to occupy here…”

“Wait!” Zhao Chun interrupted his words, “What monster entered the city? What happened?”

“It may be more troublesome to say by mouth,” Jia Zhengjin walked to the console and brought up the image transmitted from Qinglong. “Several people can see the scene at that time.”

The video has been edited by Nu Wa, and it is completely in accordance with the script of her acting.

The five of them watched the whole process in front of the screen. They were shocked to open their mouths one by one, and they could not close together.

After watching the video, Jia Zhengjin turned and said: “Captain Dimas needs to ambush the enemy troops near the Omega base, so let me hire some responsible for managing the Puxi base. It is said that you are all his old comrades?”

“I thought our light fleet was destroyed! I heard that Dimas was driven to the Neptune space station and was about to be annihilated. I didn’t expect to be able to counterattack and even reoccupy the Omega base?” Brozakomay exclaimed , “It seems to be a very powerful allied force!”

Seeing him look at himself, Jia Zhengjin smiled and greeted him.

“Dima Si can always reverse the situation at a critical moment!” Sheldon held his high myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes fell on Jia Zhengjin. “Why are you coming, why would you form an alliance with our bright fleet?”

Hearing this, several others stared at Jia Zhengjin waiting for the answer.

Jia Zhengjin immediately replied: “Since several of you are members of the Light Fleet, you should know that Captain Dimas has a child named Jia Shijun…”

“Jia Shijun?!” The five looked at each other as if they couldn’t remember.

“Ah~ That’s right!” Jia Zhengjin clapped his hands. “He has always claimed to be an avenger in the Light Fleet.”

The five people suddenly realized.

“It turned out to be the Avengers? Is that kid named Jia Shijun? Wait! You are all named Jia, could it be…” Johnson coughed and stared at Jia Zhengjin.

“Yes! He is my brother.” Jia Zhengjin said, “The reason why the Nuwa and Guangming are allied is because of this.”

The next five people all understood, and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Then we are ourselves! Speaking of which, the Avengers have also taught me combat techniques, and the child is well qualified!” George said with a smile.

“He does seem to have mentioned the situation of his family, but I remember that the only second brother died on the battlefield?” Sheldon asked, seemingly thinking of something.

Facing the problem, Jia Zhengjin looked at Shelton: “My luck was good, I escaped, and I was rescued by the alien fleet. It was only because of the impact on my head that I lost my previous memories. I also happened to meet my younger brother. The previous thing.”

“That’s really lucky!” Shelton nodded. “So the strange body you are driving…”

“These are also alien technologies! Several, other things have time to discuss in detail.” Jia Zhengjin said to them with a pause gesture, “Although I occupy the Puxi base right now, only my wife and I have no troops. Entourage. We must try to control the situation. Once we need to repair this military base, especially the defensive system, to avoid the return of the Hazavi army. Secondly, hundreds of thousands of citizens can temporarily appease, but any problems will cause riots. Especially troublesome. Captain Dimas recommended several to manage the Puxi base. I have some doubts. Are the five of you enough? How to control this base? Put everything on the right track?”

“Relax!” Zhao Chun smiled and said, “There are many partners of the bright fleet in the prison, all of whom are our subordinates. As long as they are released, they can immediately be recruited. One or two thousand recruits must be recruited from hundreds of thousands of citizens. It’s still easy. It’s enough for the base to maintain and defend the base. As long as the defense system is repaired as soon as possible, even if Hazavi’s army returns and returns, they can resist it for a while.”

“I need to understand the retention of the base’s mechas and ships, as well as the inventory of various weapons and armor and resources. I hope that Hazavi’s army leaves in a hurry and has not swept all the resources, mechas and ships!” Sheldon serious He said, “If there is no resource, it will need to be levied on the citizens, and they must be avoided unless they are compelled, because it will cause dissatisfaction among the citizens.”

“I don’t know which members of the Light Fleet in the prison are dangerous criminals,” Jia Zhengjin said. “It is handed over to five people. I don’t know if there is any problem? I go to assist the wives and continue to appease the citizens to avoid any confusion. “

“Of course!” Shelton replied, “we can handle it here, though rest assured.”

“Then I will leave first, please ask a few to act quickly to try to stabilize the situation.”

Seeing Jia Zhengjin turning to leave the control room, George asked curiously: “I’m taking the liberty to ask, you just give us control of the Puxi base, is it really okay?”

“What?” Jia Zhengjin turned back.

“Although you have formed an alliance with Dimas and came here as an ally. But the fact that you are in control of the base hasn’t occupied your mind here?”

Faced with such a problem, Jia Zhengjin turned back to them indifferently and continued to go out: “Our husband and wife are not interested in seizing Otherwise, there is no need to align with Dimas and borrow his soldiers. With our fighting power, we You can deal with the Hazavi Empire. Originally, this war has nothing to do with us, because my brother is in the Light Fleet, and my family seems to be trapped on the earth, so I helped the Light Fleet to resist Hazavi. Wait until the Hazavi Empire is overthrown, Who controls the entire solar system regime has nothing to do with me, as long as we can return to the family on Earth, this is enough!”

After talking, he left directly from the gate and disappeared in front of the five.

Hearing this, the five members of the bright fleet looked at each other and nodded to each other as an approval.

“Dima Si really found a reliable ally, we have hope of recovering the solar system! You, the light is always in my heart!” Zhao Chun raised his left hand to his heart and shouted the slogan loudly.

“Guangming Yong is in my heart!!!” The other four raised their left hands and put them in their hearts, followed by shouting, the voice was full of hope.

“Hurry up! The Light Fleet will bring the light back to Neptune and the entire galaxy!” With the order of Zhao Chun, the five people quickly became busy.

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