Building a New World

Chapter 2809 - Dock

() The Warriors 2 and 3 start. The Tigers and Qinglong are behind the spaceship. The four mechas advance together and fly fast with the spaceship.

Fortunately, this is not a super-large spaceship, otherwise it is really difficult to take it away with four space thrusters.

The spacecraft itself also uses a severely damaged power system, combined with four mecha powers.

“Everyone pay attention to safety and don’t deviate from the set orbit!” Lan said seriously. “If you are not careful, we will also be in danger! Dragon, you pay attention to cover and destroy the small meteorites that broke into the orbit!”


“Avenger, your brothers stay in their current state, don’t just change directions!”

“Roger that!!”

Whether it was the rescue of four people involved in this rescue, or the crew of the spacecraft, it was too nervous at the moment.

During this period, there were indeed many irregular flying meteorites that entered the set orbit. Fortunately, dragons are absolutely trustworthy snipers. They are accurately designed in the front, destroying these small meteorites one by one, and clearing obstacles.

Finally, with fear, he fled the spaceship smoothly away from the meteorite belt and left the extremely dangerous area.

“Successful!” Lan Zhong reliefed from leaving the meteorite belt safely. “There are no dangers.”

“Thanks to my superb shooting skills!” Long ha ha laughed.

Jia Shijun and Jia Zhengjin looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

“Thank you so much!” Cao He also felt relieved. “I thought this time I would die.”

“We don’t help you for free!” Lan replied. “When you arrive at the space station, the captain will discuss the issue with you in return.”

“Of course,” Cao He took out his handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat that scared him before. “Our trading company will definitely pay you satisfaction.”

The four mechs pull the spaceship, just like the new propeller accessories installed on the four sides of this huge hull, there is no sense of violation.

The spacecraft maintains the current minimum power output and advances towards the Neptune space station.

When he saw the space station from afar, Cao He expressed a shocked expression: “When did the Neptune space station expand? How can I not know?”

It turned out that he also connected the Nuwa as a part of the space station. After all, it was difficult to imagine such a huge super spaceship nearby.

“That’s our allied main ship!” Lan said.

“Allied forces?” Cao He heard the words even more surprised.

“Anyway, I will talk about it at the space station!”

Lan contacted the space station and reported the situation.

The space station immediately issued a parking permit to open the space station port.

Cao He’s spaceship is incomparable with Nuwa. Nuwa is too large to be docked, so I chose to dock with the space station.

Cao He’s spacecraft can easily enter the space station and stop at the port.

The docking was very smooth, and Cao He also connected to the space station console on the channel: “This is the ship of Neptune A17 Nebula Trading Company, thank you for your rescue!”

“Uh!” Captain Dimas’s face appeared in the picture, with a smile on his face, “Light is always in my heart! Welcome to the Neptune Space Station, do you need our spacecraft repairman to come?”

“Thank you for your kindness! But we have a spaceship repair officer who can repair the ship.” Cao He replied, “But it takes a day to dock to disturb you!”

“You are brothers, don’t be polite!” Dimas said with a smile. “My people will arrange accommodation. I hope that your members on board will stay in the dormitory as much as possible.”

“Relax, my people know the rules!” Cao He nodded.

“That’s good!”

“About your compensation for rescue…”

“If you are paid, I want to talk to you in person!” Dimas said. “Please go to the control room to meet alone.”

“No problem!” Cao He is also well-informed, and often greets the fierce space pirates, not to mention the fact that the light fleet’s criticism is actually not bad among the people, at least not the space pirates who make money.

After the spaceship was docked, Lan, Long, and Jia Shijun were responsible for bringing the members of the commercial company that came off the merchant ship to the space station, and arranged rest for them.

Cao He, led by the twin sisters, came to the control room to meet Dimas.

Jia Zhengjin also followed, sitting and listening.

“Hello! This is Captain Dimas of the Light Fleet.”

“Hello! Neptune A17 Nebula Trading Company, Cao He.”

The two shook hands face to face.

“This is the leader of our Allied forces, captain Jia Zhengjin of the Nuwa.”

“Fake serious?” Cao He was surprised.

“It’s not what you want,” Dimas explained. “The surname is Jia, justice is right, gold and silver.”

“Oh~ really a unique name.”

Jia Zhengjin smiled a little and got used to it. He didn’t care about other people’s misunderstanding of his name.

After shaking hands with Jia Zhengjin, Cao He turned to Dimas and said: “Thanks to your assistance this time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. To express gratitude, I donated 1 million solar coins to your army in my own name. I wonder if the price of this remuneration is satisfactory?”

Dimas shook his head and replied with a smile: “Money is indeed important to us, but we want something else!”

“Oh? What kind of materials does your army want?” Cao He asked vigilantly, “Unfortunately, our flying vessel has trading materials for trading with the trading company, so we can’t give it away at will.”

“We need a large amount of titanium ore,” Dimas said. “Xingyun Trading Company seems to design mining, should it be in stock?”

“Indeed, there are quite a few titanium deposits in the trading company.” Cao Hewen said, “It’s just that they are all in Neptune. It is difficult to ship them out. You also know that titanium mines are not easy to pass the Hazavi Imperial sentry post.”

“So, I would like to ask your club to do a little favor!” Dimas said with a If it is natural to help, then your army and I are gracious! “Cao He did not say anything to death, “What does your army want me to do?” “

“That’s it,” Dimas said. “Your society can be a smuggler, and there must be special passages to avoid the inspection of the Hazavi Empire. We just defeated the Hazavi Falcon fleet a few days ago and won a big victory. The army is now in the process of counterattacking Neptune at the end of the month. I hope your company can send a commercial spaceship at a specific time to help us cover Chen Cang and secretly enter the Omega base.”

“What?!” Cao He was shocked, “This, this is not a joke! If we are caught, we must be killed by the Hazavi Imperial Army!”

“Does your society deal with space pirates, don’t you also live on the edge of the knife?” Dimas said with a smile. “We are fully prepared, even if we attack, we can win the Omega base. The problem is that the loss will be caused by Omega. It is the burden of the Gaza base people. In order to reduce losses, if your society can help each other in secret, it would be best! I can guarantee that your society’s assistance in secretly landing at the Omega base will never be exposed, and after taking the base, Our army will give your society better welfare, and also ask Mr. Cao to think carefully!”

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