BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 45: Birth of New Relationship

Knock! Knock!

The sound of a gentle knock on the door broke the tension between Xiao Hua and Gu Xun Er. The door creaked open, revealing three figures entering the room—Li Mei, Xin Yu, and Mei Ling, the older sisters of Xiao Hua and Gu Xun Er.

Sensing the heavy atmosphere that hung in the air, Mei Ling opened her mouth to make a playful remark, hoping to ease the tension. But before she could speak, Li Mei raised her hand, signaling her to stay silent.

Li Mei's sharp eyes moved between Xiao Hua and Gu Xun Er, finally settling on Xiao Hua. "What happened here?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Xiao Hua met her gaze calmly. "I asked her to remove the mask she’s been wearing, that’s all," he replied, his tone steady and resolute.

His words left Li Mei and the others momentarily speechless. They glanced at each other, a mix of understanding and concern passing between them. While they had anticipated Xiao Hua's imminent revelation, none had expected to walk in just as the discussion was unfolding.

Li Mei stepped forward, her gaze steady. "Is that so? And what decision have you reached?"

Xiao Hua fell silent, pondering how to respond. But he soon realized that there was no need for grand or elaborate words. He shook his head slightly, as if dismissing the thought. "After being struck by the Astral Lightning and confronting my inner demon, I came to a profound realization," he began.

His mind drifted back to that fateful encounter within the depths of his consciousness, where he had faced the darkest parts of himself and conversed with Lady Azure. "Get this straight already!" and "At first, you might have helped her for a different reason, but now you’ve truly done it from the bottom of your heart, child." The words echoed in his mind, each memory bringing a bittersweet smile to his lips. In that moment, he had seen just how vulnerable, how weak and pathetic he truly was. But now, those thoughts only made him smile.

Raising his head, Xiao Hua looked directly at Gu Xun Er. With a sincere and radiant smile, he confessed, "I love you, Xun'er."

The suddenness of his confession left the girls utterly speechless. But Xiao Hua wasn’t finished. "I thought it was just an illusion, a trick of my mind, so I denied it. After all, our relationship was built on lies, on hiding who we really are. It felt strange to suddenly feel this emotion growing inside me. Initially, I was only using you for my own benefit, but now… Now, I realize that I’ve truly fallen in love with you. I don’t know what caused it or when it happened. All I know is that when you smile, I can’t help but smile too. When you look at me with concern, I want to comfort you, to tell you everything is okay. It seems I’ve hopelessly fallen in love with you, Xun Er."

Xiao Hua closed his eyes, allowing the memories to flood his mind—memories of their first meeting, the times they showcased their talents to the Xiao Clan, and the fierce battles they fought side by side, especially the one against Hu Wei. He remembered the moment he saw her injured, the overwhelming rage that had consumed him, and the burning desire to make anyone who hurt her pay.

"That’s why, let’s end this, Xun'er," he said, opening his eyes, his smile still beautiful but now tinged with sorrow. The truth weighed heavily on him now—this relationship, built on a foundation of deception, could only lead to suffering in the end. It had to end, and he was the one who had to end it.

The girls were stunned by his words, but Li Mei, Xin Yu, and Mei Ling knew in their hearts that this was probably for the best. They understood that their roles in this story were about to change.

Xiao Hua rose from the mat and made his way to the door. Just as he reached it, he paused and spoke without turning back. "From now on, you are no longer Xiao Xun Er, and I am no longer Brother Xiao Hua. We are simply Gu Xun Er and Xiao Hua, strangers to one another."

The door closed softly behind him, leaving Gu Xun Er alone in a whirlwind of confusion. She couldn’t comprehend how a heartfelt confession had suddenly led to a breakup. If he truly loved her, why would he end their relationship? Why did her heart feel so empty, so lost when he said those words?

“You truly don’t understand, do you, Xun'er?” Xin Yu whispered softly as she approached, placing a comforting hand on her sister’s head.

"Sister Xin Yu, what is this? I don’t understand..." Gu Xun Er asked, her voice trembling despite her efforts to remain composed.

Li Mei calmly selected a pot of tea before approaching the table where Gu Xun Er sat, her movements graceful and measured. She smiled gently as she placed the tea on the table. "Xun'er, we've known for a while about the mask you wear. But it wasn’t until last week, when Ming Cheng and Wei Jie confided in us, that we realized Xiao Hua was wearing one too. They saw through his mask the moment they met him, but it took them longer to recognize yours. Despite this, none of us ever distanced ourselves from either of you. Do you know why?"

Gu Xun Er remained silent, unable to answer. She truly didn’t know. Her uncertainty brought a warm smile to Li Mei, Xin Yu, and Mei Ling. Li Mei’s voice was filled with affection as she continued, "Because, Xun'er, both of you looked so sad and lonely. We couldn’t bear to leave you two on your own, so we chose to stay by your side, becoming your elder sisters and brothers."

Mei Ling moved behind her, gently embracing her. "What you’re feeling right now is emptiness, Xun'er. You may claim to be wearing a mask, but can you honestly say that everything you’ve experienced and felt is a lie? Can you truly say you felt nothing when Xiao Hua was struck by that terrifying blue lightning during his breakthrough? Do you really believe there’s no love in your heart for him? If that’s the case, then why did you feel such joy when he confessed his love so earnestly? And why did you feel so empty when he chose to part ways?"

"Xun'er, you're just like him." Xin Yu gently cupped Gu Xun Er’s cheeks, her smile warm and kind. "Perhaps both of you were using each other for reasons we don’t understand, but somewhere along the way, both of you genuinely fell in love with each other. Whether it was to fulfill a desire or to escape your loneliness and fate, the reason doesn’t matter. What matters is that just as he genuinely fell in love with you, you’ve fallen in love with him. That’s why you’re heartbroken, why you feel so empty now that he’s gone."

Gu Xun Er lowered her head, her voice quivering as she asked, "What should I do? Should I have cursed him for using me because he desired something from me? Should I have denied that he was using me despite doing the same to him? Should I have stopped him from leaving after he confessed his love so sincerely?"

"We can’t tell you what to do," Li Mei replied softly, crouching to meet her eyes. She gently patted Gu Xun Er’s head, her voice soothing. "But we do know this: follow your heart, Xun'er. That’s all you need to do."

Gu Xun'er bit her lip, her delicate hands clutching the fabric of her skirt tightly. Memories surged through her mind like a rushing river—moments when they basked in each other's presence, smiling as sweet as spring blossoms. She could still feel the warmth of his embrace, the peace and quiet that enveloped them whenever they were near. But amid the serenity, there were also the times when her heart trembled with unease, a gnawing restlessness whenever he faced danger.

Then, with newfound determination in her eyes, she stood and walked outside. She didn’t know exactly where Xiao Hua was, but her heart led her instinctively. She knew he’d be in a place where he felt most at peace.

The sisters followed her outside, watching her determined figure disappear into the distance with gentle expressions. Just then, a familiar voice interrupted the warm atmosphere.

"It seems they’re finally moving forward, aren’t they?" The girls turned to see Ming Cheng with his hands behind his back. He wore small smiles, radiating warmth and kindness.

"Indeed," Li Mei nodded. "Our little brother and sister have finally found their path. Now, we can simply watch over them, without worry."

Ming Cheng and the others nodded, their gazes following the direction in which Gu Xun Er had gone. Whatever the outcome, these two would always remain their cherished younger siblings.


In the secluded garden behind the Chaos Gate, a place reserved only for the sect’s founders, the air was thick with serenity. The garden, a haven of flourishing flora, had been painstakingly cultivated—a reflection of the care and devotion it had received since the Elders bestowed it upon them as a sacred space.

Xiao Hua wandered among the vibrant flowers, his gaze resting on the tranquil pond that mirrored the golden hues of the early morning sun. The garden exuded warmth and peace, a living testament to the tender hands that had nurtured it. Yet, as he walked, a deep sigh escaped him, his thoughts inevitably drifting toward the one who had so diligently tended to this sanctuary in the past months, all the while awaiting his return.

"It's beautiful, isn’t it?" A soft, melodious voice broke through his melancholy. It was a voice he knew well, one he hadn’t expected to hear so soon. He turned to see Gu Xun Er standing there, her gaze also on the garden that seemed to glow with an inner light. "It took quite some effort to make this garden so lovely."

"Is that so?" Xiao Hua replied, his tone tinged with a sorrow he could not entirely mask. He turned back to the garden, now awash in the golden light of dawn.

"I did all of this while waiting for a certain man to wake up after his breakthrough," Gu Xun Er continued, a small smirk playing on her lips as she turned her gaze to him. "Yet that very same man decided to break up with me. And what’s more, that man desired me only because of my special fate. Not that I'm one to talk, since I sought to escape my fate by using him."

Xiao Hua smiled wryly, the regret evident in his expression. "Perhaps that man wasn’t as thoughtful as you believed..."

"Perhaps," Gu Xun Er mused, her voice gentle yet laced with the weight of her emotions. "But that man also confessed his love to me sincerely, only to sever our bond the very next moment."

She stepped closer, her eyes locking with his, revealing a depth of emotion that made his heart ache. She placed a hand over her heart, closing her eyes briefly. "I thought I wouldn’t feel anything when that man confessed his love, but the warmth that filled me, the joy that touched my very soul, was undeniable. And when he broke things off, I was certain I would be indifferent, but the emptiness that followed was impossible to ignore. I’ve deceived so many, including myself, that I no longer knew what I truly felt. I was utterly lost."

She paused, gathering her thoughts. "But after speaking with my sisters and reflecting on my feelings as I came here, I’ve realized something."

Gu Xun Er’s voice grew firmer as she stepped even closer, until she stood directly before him. "I love this person more than anything, more than anyone. I need him. And I understand now why he didn’t want to continue a relationship built on deceit and manipulation."

Xiao Hua listened intently, every word she spoke resonating deeply within him.

Gu Xun Er took his hands in hers, her grip gentle but filled with conviction. "Xiao Hua, I love you. This time, I want a relationship where neither of us wears a mask. Before, I started our relationship with a confession filled with hidden intentions. But now, I confess again—to start anew, free from lies."

Xiao Hua looked into her eyes, seeing the truth reflected in them. "You do realize that after everything, it won’t be easy to return to how things were," he said, his voice soft yet laced with the weight of their shared past.

Gu Xun Er nodded, her clear, autumn-like eyes unwavering. "That’s why it’s better this way. This time, we can take our time to truly understand each other, without any deceit."

"Let’s start from here. From square one. No," she said, releasing his hands only to twirl gracefully, her movements light and full of a newfound joy. She stopped, her smile bright and sincere as she opened her arms wide, her voice filled with hope. "Let’s start from the very beginning!"

For a moment, Xiao Hua was speechless, his breath caught by the sheer beauty of the scene before him. Gu Xun Er’s radiant smile, illuminated by the golden light of the rising sun, seemed to capture his very soul. The garden, with its vibrant blossoms and tranquil pond, only added to the perfection of the moment, enhancing the serene and tender atmosphere.

Time seemed to stand still as Xiao Hua felt a warmth he had long buried within him, a warmth that now blossomed fully in his heart. A soft smile spread across his face as he stepped closer to Gu Xun Er, his voice filled with a newfound clarity.

"If you are willing to take off your mask and open your heart to me," he said, reaching out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch tender, conveying all the words he had yet to speak. "Then I too shall do the same, Xun’er. Let’s start anew, with nothing between us but the truth of our hearts."

He took her hands once more, feeling the warmth of her skin against his own, grounding him in this moment of honesty and vulnerability. The golden light of the sun enveloped them, as if nature itself was blessing their new beginning.

"As the sun rises today," Xiao Hua continued, his voice steady but soft, "let it be a symbol of our new start. A start free from the past, where we walk forward together, hand in hand, facing whatever may come."

Xun Er’s smile grew brighter, her heart swelling with the sincerity of his words. She squeezed his hands, a silent promise passing between them. "I’ve always wanted to be with you, not because fate dictated it, but because I chose this path. I may feel fear, but as long as you remain by my side, I believe we can overcome anything together and be happy."

Xiao Hua pulled her close, and for a moment, they simply stood there, enveloped by the beauty of the garden, their hearts beating in unison. The world around them was silent, holding its breath for this tender exchange. "That is the only promise I’ve sworn never to break," he whispered, his lips close to her ear, "and it has become my life’s goal."

"From this day forward," Xiao Hua whispered, his voice filled with unwavering resolve, "let’s create a new story, one where we find happiness together, free from deceit and lies."

As they stood in the golden embrace of the morning sun, surrounded by the blossoms nurtured with love, Xiao Hua and Xun Er made an unspoken vow—a promise of love, trust, and a future filled with the potential for something truly beautiful.

And so, hand in hand, they began to walk forward, leaving behind the shadows of their past and stepping into the light of a new dawn.


As Xiao Hua and Xiao Xun Er exchanged sweet, unguarded smiles, free of any pretense, five pairs of eyes observed them from within the small pavilion house.

"It's hard to believe this is a conversation between six-year-old children..." Wei Jie murmured, his tone laced with disbelief and amazement as he watched the pair.

"Quiet, you're ruining the moment!" Xin Yu smacked the back of his head, her eyes still fixed on the two small figures. She let out a soft sigh. "It just means they've gone through something that forced them to shed their innocence and act like adults to survive..."

"Whatever they've faced, they've accepted it and moved forward," Li Mei added with a gentle smile as she continued to watch her little brother and sister.

"I wonder if I should start addressing those two more affectionately?" Mei Ling mused, crossing her arms as she pondered.

Ming Cheng, with his usual stoic expression, allowed a rare soft smile to appear. "From what I can see, I doubt they would mind. But if you start calling them affectionately, the rest of us will have to follow suit."

Even for someone as reserved as Ming Cheng, this scene brought a quiet sense of relief and satisfaction.

"Let's go. They might announced it to us later and after watching this, I wanted to speak about something as well." Xin Yu said before turning around and walked elegantly towards the garden.

"Really... It seems our faction is about to be created." Wei Jie mused loudly with an excited smile. He knew what Xin Yu going to talk about, or rather all of them do. It just because of the problem with Xiao Xun Er and Xiao Hua, none of them ever mentioned it. Now that they have settled with it, there's nothing wrong with using this time to talk about it.

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