BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 28: Aftermath

("Anyway, that was easier than I expected, huh? What do you think, Sister Azure?") Xiao Hua asked Lady Azure through a mental message.

("I'm more surprised you didn't kill him,") Lady Azure responded.

("I couldn't help it, Sister Azure. It's not that I underestimated him, but I didn't see the point in going all out,") Xiao Hua replied with a wry smile.

("True. There's no need to show all your cards, but couldn't you have found a less... traumatic way to finish him?") Lady Azure suggested.

Xiao Hua could only smile wryly in response. He could have killed him in a less brutal way, but he wanted to see the effect of his more ruthless methods. After all, he wasn't the naive, justice-driven, or kind type.

In truth, Xiao Hua was hypocritical and selfish, preferring to avoid trouble unless it came directly to him. Even now, he would rather be relaxing somewhere, but the cultivation world was neither kind nor easy.

The crowd fell silent, their eyes wide with fear as they stared at the child. No one had expected someone so young to unleash such power and strength. His decisiveness and ruthlessness shocked them, leaving many to wonder what could have shaped him into this.

Even Ya Fei was taken aback by his prowess. She had thought that by using Xuan Wu, a cultivator of the same realm, Xiao Hua might reveal more of his strength. Never did she expect him to overwhelm Xuan Wu so easily, without even taking the fight seriously.

In her calculating mind, she raised Xiao Hua's value. With his alchemy skills and strength, she now saw the potential for a beneficial relationship with him.

Liu Xi pointed at Xiao Hua, trembling with fear. "Y-Y-You killed my master!"

"Don't worry," Xiao Hua said with a playful wave of his hand. "It seems you two were a pair. It would be sad to separate you." Then, his eyes narrowed, filling with coldness. "I'll send you to him right now."

Liu Xi fell to the ground, trembling as he looked up at Xiao Hua. "P-P-Please, let me go! I won't appear before you ever aga—"

"No!" Xiao Hua cut him off coldly, grabbing him by the collar. He delivered countless slaps to Liu Xi's face until his cheeks were swollen like a pig's, then sent him flying.

Afterward, Xiao Hua cracked his neck as if he'd just finished a heavy task, then turned to Ya Fei. "Well then. Are you satisfied?"

"Fufufu. Very much so!" Ya Fei chuckled, realizing that Xiao Hua had beaten Liu Xi for her, especially since Liu Xi had been eyeing her with lustful intent even as his master was being vaporized.

Ya Fei then turned her attention to Jia Lie Bi and Jia Lie Nu, who were trembling and injured, their eyes wide with fear as they looked at Xiao Hua. "What should we do with them, Young Master?"

"I'll leave them to you, Sister Ya Fei," Xiao Hua said indifferently, having already lost interest in them.

Ya Fei was surprised by him calling her "Sister," but she didn't mind. In fact, she preferred it that way, as it signaled their closeness. She smiled, amused and kind—something she rarely showed to anyone.

"Since you called me Sister, I'll take care of it for you," Ya Fei said warmly, her eyes soft as she looked at Xiao Hua. "Don't worry. This will benefit both the Xiao Clan and you."

Xiao Hua nodded and left the scene, making his way back to the Xiao Clan. As he entered the clan grounds, he noticed the guards and servants bustling about, clearly preparing for some kind of conflict. Curious about what was happening, he headed to the Council Hall and found that a meeting was in progress. It seemed they were planning to send their people to the Primer Auction House to assist with the Jia Lie Clan.

As the meeting concluded and the members began to stand, Xiao Hua stepped inside. Xiao Zhan and the Elders paused, turning their attention to the young master.

"Young Master... I didn't realize you were visiting," Xiao Zhan said, his tone filled with respect and gratitude. "Unfortunately, we're currently occupied with some personal matters, so I apologize for not being able to welcome you properly. I hope you can understand."

Xiao Hua shrugged and waved his hand dismissively. "No need to worry about the Auction House anymore, Xiao Clan Leader, and Elders. The Jia Lie Clan and their lustful alchemists have already been dealt with."

Xiao Zhan and the Elders were stunned by this news. It seemed the Young Master had been one step ahead, resolving the problem on his own. They breathed a collective sigh of relief, their shoulders relaxing.

Xiao Zhan looked at Xiao Hua with curiosity. "If that's the case, may I ask what brings you here, Young Master?"

"First, this," Xiao Hua said as he waved his hand, causing his storage ring to flicker. Several jade bottles appeared, neatly lining up on the floor. "I've brought you one thousand and eighty bottles of recovery medicine called Blood-Coagulating Powder. Its effects are stronger and more potent than the medicine from the Jia Lie Clan."

He continued, "I refined these after hearing about the Xiao Clan's predicament. However, who would have thought that the Jia Lie Clan would be reckless enough to attack the Auction House after learning about your alliance with them?"

Xiao Zhan and the Elders chuckled, finding amusement in the Jia Lie Clan's misfortune and reckless behavior.

"Nevertheless, I’m leaving these Blood-Coagulating Powders for you to use. It's time for me to leave this city. Although my stay was brief, I truly enjoyed my time here," Xiao Hua said, turning to leave the Council Hall before they could respond.

Despite his abrupt departure, Xiao Zhan was still filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Young Master. If you ever wish to visit Wu Tan City again, the Xiao Clan's doors will always be open to you."

The First Elder sighed. "It seems the Xiao Clan is truly fortunate to have caught the Young Master's attention. The balance of power in Wu Tan City is bound to shift."

The Second Elder nodded in agreement. "Indeed. There's no doubt the Auction House will expel the Jia Lie Clan from Wu Tan City. People will soon be scrambling to take advantage of the situation."

The Third Elder narrowed his eyes. "And when they do, we'll make sure to claim the largest share."

Xiao Zhan rubbed his chin thoughtfully before addressing the Elders. "However, we must wait for the Auction House's decision. Once they give us the green light, only then can we act."

The Elders all nodded in agreement. After a brief discussion, the meeting was adjourned, and they left the hall.


After Xiao Hua thoroughly checked his surroundings, he breathed a sigh of relief. He removed his cloak and hid it beneath the floorboards.

Lady Azure appeared behind him. "It seems the matter is settled. At least we handled this problem before leaving, right, boy?"

"Well, it was my fault to begin with," Xiao Hua replied with a wry smile. "But aside from that, I seem to have another problem, Sister Azure."

Lady Azure sighed. "I know, boy. You're about to have a breakthrough, aren't you? With my sister's will inside you, it's sure to cause a scene. Even your little lover almost died, if not for her bodyguard."

Xiao Hua chuckled wryly at her words. The most troublesome thing about his bloodline was the spectacle it created whenever he was on the verge of breaking through to a major realm.

Even if he wanted to complain, he couldn't—after all, it was the System that bestowed this bloodline upon him. He once checked the price of it, and the number nearly stopped his heart.

The cost was 20,000,000 ACP! Twenty million points—any complaints he had were immediately silenced. He never imagined that the most expensive thing he possessed wasn't the Primordial Heavenly Flame, but the Heavenly Lightning Bloodline, which inflicted more pain and injuries on him than his enemies ever could.

Knowing the price left him with complex feelings. He wasn't sure whether to be grateful or cry because he couldn’t complain at all.

Perhaps it was the presence of the Lightning Beast, the will of Heavenly Lightning, that made it so expensive.

Xiao Hua's expression turned serious. "But the most important thing right now is..."

"Where can you break through without drawing too much attention?" Lady Azure finished his thought. She pondered for a moment before recalling something. "Child, if I remember correctly, there's an event starting soon at your academy, isn't there?"

"You mean the Inner Academy Qualifying Competition?" Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows in confusion, then realized what she was implying. "I see. There’s that huge forest just outside the Inner Academy that could help us with this breakthrough problem."

"Exactly." Lady Azure nodded. "Given your talent, there's a high chance the academy will protect you and prevent any unscrupulous people from disturbing you."

"True. If it's there, no one will dare to bother us," Xiao Hua agreed with a nod.

"Since that's the plan, use the Heavenly Suppression Band at full power. Once we reach the forest, you can undergo your breakthrough without anyone interfering," Lady Azure advised, and Xiao Hua nodded in agreement.

"Hm?" Lady Azure noticed a familiar presence. She hid herself and teased, "Child, your lover and her bodyguard are coming."

Xiao Hua nodded. "I know. Let's discuss this later."

Knock! Knock!

"Brother Xiao Hua, I'm coming in!" Xiao Xun Er called out as she knocked twice on the door, then entered without waiting for a response. Behind her, Ling Ying shook his head wryly at his young lady’s behavior.

"Young Miss, this is unladylike..." Ling Ying complained, though he knew she'd ignore him. As expected, Xiao Xun Er disregarded his words and hugged Xiao Hua.

"What are you doing here, Xun'er?" Xiao Hua asked with a tender smile.

"Oh, I just wanted to congratulate you on dealing with the Jia Lie Clan, Brother Xiao Hua," Xiao Xun Er said with a bright smile.

"Is that so? It’s a shame I couldn’t deal with the Ao Ba Clan as well." Xiao Hua gently patted her head. "Those guys are lucky, or there would only be one overlord of Wu Tan City."

"Fufufu, perhaps," Xiao Xun Er giggled, though Xiao Hua didn't notice the way her nose wrinkled slightly. She released him from her embrace and took a step back, elegantly twirling around before turning back to face him.

Suddenly, the warmth drained from her eyes, replaced by a cold, dark smile. "Let's talk about you and Miss Ya Fei, Brother Xiao Hua," she said, her voice dripping with icy sweetness.

Xiao Hua felt a chill run down his spine, his body trembling under the weight of her words. He glanced at Ling Ying, desperate for support, but Ling Ying quickly looked away, leaving him stranded.

Realizing there was no escape, Xiao Hua swallowed hard, his throat dry. Forcing a nervous smile, he stammered, "W-what should we talk about, I wonder...?"

"Hmm... Have you forgotten about the 'sister' you took to that famous spot for couples? The one with whom you had such a 'merry' conversation?" Xiao Xun Er's voice was soft, yet each word cut deep.

"Ah... I remember now. I chose that place because it's usually deserted at that time. I thought it would be a good spot to threaten her, to keep her from revealing my identity," Xiao Hua blurted out, speaking quickly in his fear.

"Is that so?" Xiao Xun Er's voice was laced with a chilling calmness. "I'm just wondering why you felt the need to take her to a place known for lovers—a place you've never taken me."

Her smile was wide, but her eyes were cold and distant, betraying the storm brewing within her. Xiao Hua's heart sank as he finally understood the source of her anger.

She wasn't upset about his actions to protect the clan. She knew how dangerous it was for people to discover his true power—that Xiao Hua could refine fifty Tier 4 Pills and was a Dou Grandmaster. If the wrong people found out, it could bring disaster upon their clan. She understood the necessity of his threats to Ya Fei, ensuring she covered his tracks and kept his identity a secret.

But what Xiao Xun Er couldn't forgive was the choice of location. The place he chose for such a crucial conversation—a place meant for lovers—had wounded her deeply. She had every right to be upset. He could have taken Ya Fei to an alleyway or somewhere more private, yet he chose that spot.

'In hindsight, I only picked that place because Xiao Yan had used it before—where no one could overhear them. But now, I realize Ling Ying must have been watching Xiao Yan back then and didn't report it because they weren't official yet,' Xiao Hua thought, regret flooding his heart.

He looked up to see tears gathering at the corners of Xiao Xun Er's eyes. The sight made his heart ache with guilt. He never imagined this would hurt her so deeply, and now he wished desperately that he could go back and choose differently.

Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she looked up, biting her lip to stifle the sob threatening to escape. "But when I thought of you leaving me alone, I felt as though the ground beneath me had disappeared, leaving me to fall endlessly into the abyss of my own despair."

Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she bit her lip, trying to hold back a sob. Xiao Hua couldn't bear it any longer. He pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly.

"Xun'er, I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice heavy with regret. "I should have thought it through. I should have realized how it would make you feel."

He knelt before her, lifting his head to meet her gaze as she stared down at the ground. Gently, he wiped away her tears and cupped her cheeks, his voice soft and tender. "Xun'er, remember what I promised you? No matter what happens, I will always stay by your side. Keeping you happy is my life's goal, and I will work tirelessly to make sure of that."

Xiao Xun Er wiped away her tears and, with a bright smile, declared, "Umu... You'd better, or else Old Ling will haunt you forever!"

"Ha. Ha. Quite the threat you’ve prepared..." Xiao Hua chuckled nervously, but when he glanced at Ling Ying, the cold smile on Ling Ying’s face sent a shiver down his spine. The silent message was clear: one mistake, and those knives would be aimed straight at his throat.

For the rest of the week, Xiao Hua set aside his cultivation, choosing instead to spend his days exploring Wu Tan City with Xiao Xun Er. He visited Sister Ya Fei to gather medicinal herbs and received the item he had ordered for Xiao Yan—a gift he planned to give once Yao Lao awakened.

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