Broly In Naruto

Training Arc (Part 6)


Jabie just got off work and was currently heading back towards his apartment grounds for more experimenting. He walked through the entrance of the apartment grounds and noticed two 5 Clones with 20 water clones continuing to experiment with the water clone jutsu. He walked over to get an update on the progress they were making. He was giddy in anticipation.

"How's the progress so far?" Jabie asked

"Well we're almost there. We managed to get rid of the power difference between user and the clone. So each water clone created has the full strength of the user, but not the chakra. Its still 1/10 the chakra of the user. The water clones can now move away from the user no matter the distance and the user can receive the memories of the water clones." 5 Clone #1 replies.

Jabie had trouble controlling himself and nearly jumped 10 ft in the air in glee. He did do a celebratory dance in front of the water clones. The water clones ignored him and continued to improve the water clone technique. After Jabie calmed himself down slightly, he shot out some water from his book bag that has a storage seal with 100 gallons of water inside it. He then proceeded to create 10 more water clones and make another two 5 Clones. After a two days of repeatedly merging 5 water clones, it no longer takes that much chakra from Jabie. It takes about a quarter of his chakra to merge two 5 Clones. He could try and make a 10 Clone, but he doesn't really see the point of it when his experimenting is going just fine as it is right now.

Jabie has decided to practice his mystical palm jutsu and chakra scalpel jutsu while his clones went to work. Although he doesn't have a live test subject or anything, he's not going to attempt that type of practice. He heard from Esumi about how they were training in their chakra natures and decided to also practice with it. He practiced with it all night long due to Esumi only telling him about it at night. But for some reason it was harder to turn chakra into water chakra than it was to turn other chakra natures from chakra.

He has read about how the second hokage was famed for his use of using water ninjutsu without being near a water source, but he just ignored that. It turns out there is something more than to just trying to convert chakra into the characteristics and properties of water. He continued trying for hours and hours as his clones behind him kept trying to improve the water clone jutsu. The sun was starting to set high in the sky by the time Jabie finally figured out the trick.

"MUAHAHAHAAHAH I'M A GENIUS!! SO THAT WAS IT THE WHOLE TIME!" Jabie shouted while laughing, startling his clones and making them look towards him slightly pissed for being interrupted during their experimentation.

"So it was due to me thinking too complex! Just thinking of the intricate properties of water such as transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance was too much for my chakra to understand! Just thinking it as simple water to drink, water in rivers, lakes, oceans is much more flexible for my chakra." Jabie thought to himself after finally converting his chakra into water chakra.

His options of what to do with his nature manipulation has increased immensely. He started to laugh in a manner that was somewhat similar to a genetically enhanced laboratory mouse with a name that rhymed with Prain.

"All the different properties and characteristics water could turn into… I could have Freezing water, Boiling water, and mist. I could even have my water chakra form into a sticky like substance like syrup or glue! So many options!" One of his water clones threw a water bottle at his head and promptly knocked him out in his mad scientist state.

"I thought he would never shut up!" 1 Water clone said as he continued to go through hand seals before promptly dissolving.

The rest of the clones were too busy testing to laugh at the lone water clone's joke.


"Aomatsuna-kun are you sure this will work? It can't be this easy to create jutsus just because we have crazy badass chakra control." Esumi said a little bit unsure while she and Aomatsuna were back in the Forest of Death training together.

"Watch." Broly said before moving through some handseals and mouthing the words "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough."

He blew a huge blast of wind from his mouth and moved his hand forward and twisted it. This caused his jutsu that was just a blast of wind to twist and turn until it started spinning forming the shape of a drill. The jutsu roared forward as it pierced and shredded through several thick trees before stopping before the 5th one.

Esumi gaped her mouth open in shock! Then she squealed in excitement. Broly had a small smirk on the side of his mouth, due to being able to create his own techniques now. To be able to create a jutsu or modify an existing one the user has to be able to use nature transformation and shape transformation. Nature transformation is simply being able to change the properties of the chakra, while shape transformation is changing the actual form and movement of chakra.

"Awesome! Let me try!!" Esumi yelled before going through some hand signs and silently saying the words "Lightning Style: Lightning Ball jutsu!" and having 10 electricity spheres form around her.

She then opened her hands up as if carrying a huge ball and smashed her hands together and locked them. The electric balls mimicked the girl's hand motions and smashed together and tried to merge. Esumi added a little bit more force and *CRACKLE* *CRACKLE* an electric ball the size of an elephant flaring off yellow lightning every now and then was formed.

Esumi cheered and jumped around before having the huge electric ball smash into a tree. *KABOOOOOOOM* the electrical ball exploded and forced the top half of the humongous tree to fall when it smashed into the tree, taking along with it a majority of the bottom half of the tree. Broly smiled a saiyan smile at the new capabilities he will be able to perform now, while Esumi cheered even louder at the destruction she caused.

The two continued to modify their previous elemental jutsus throughout the forest until the sun started to set. Esumi was low on chakra and decided to head home. Broly continued to experiment and practice throughout the night in the Forest of Death. Esumi had a tired grin on her face.

She was too excited but at the same time so tired. Being low on chakra feels terrible when she could continue to create new techniques! But she knew her limits and going past her limits would definitely give her chakra exhaustion, preventing her from practicing new techniques for a week if she's lucky. Esumi was passing the entrance to their apartment grounds before seeing Jabie practicing with his blue chakra blades. She walked over to him and saw that it was more liquidy than before.

Jabie has just got done infusing water chakra into his chakra scalpel technique. But he doesn't know the exact differences between his water natured chakra scalpel and his normal one. Another thing to test later on. After Jabie awoken himself from his unnatural random decision to sleep in the middle of the day he started to experiment with his water chakra and start to infuse it into his previous jutsus. He created 5 new jutsus that were modified from his previous ones.

His first new jutsu was called Water Style: Mystical Palm Jutsu. It was a water natured version of his healing jutsu. He also couldn't test the difference with this one. His second and third one was his genjutsu techniques. He called them Water Style: Drowning Mirage Jutsu and Water Style: Water Surroundings Jutsu. These techniques caused the enemy to be trapped in a genjutsu. The first genjutsu caused water to surround the opponent's feet and suck them inside a very dark and deep water and would slowly be drowned in the genjutsu. The second genjutsu technique caused people to be unable to see water in their surroundings or see only water in their surroundings. His fourth jutsu was called Water Style: Water Flickering Jutsu. This jutsu was a modification of the body flicker jutsu and it allowed Jabie to be able to move at high speeds in water. And the last modified jutsu was the Water Style: Chakra Scalpel he just pulled off.

"Hey fat ass! What are you up too!!?" Esumi yelled, slightly causing the clones and the original Jabie to wince from her voice.

It also made Jabie lose his concentration and drop the new jutsu he just created, wasting water over his lap. He sighed in annoyance before choosing to answer Esumi.

"I was also modifying my current jutsus with my water chakra." Jabie answered.

"Well guess what Aomatsuna just found out" Esumi says in a playful voice.

"I have no idea what Aomatsuna-sama could have found out. Please tell me." Jabie said in a barely disguised voice of sarcasm and annoyance.

"I'll decide to tell you… If you cook breakfast for me tomorrow."

"Fine. I'll cook for you tomorrow, now tell me."

"He found out how to make jutsus! Kinda!"

"You're lying. Show me!" Jabie said before hopping up with soaking wet pants.

Esumi smiled before going through some hand signs and silently saying the words "Lighting Style: Lightning Ball Jutsu" and creating 10 electrical balls sparking with electricity. She then twisted her hand and the electrical balls turned into electrical drills! Jabie looked in amazement.

"No way. It can't be that simple!" Jabie said before turning around and grabbing a book that was titled "Chakra" He started to flip through some pages and landed on a chapter with the heading "Jutsu Formation" "To create a technique, two advanced chakra control methods are needed. Shape transformation and Nature transformation. Shape transformation is an advanced form of chakra control that involves changing the form and movement of chakra, determining the size, range, and purpose of a technique. Nature transformation is an advanced form of chakra control that entails the molding and defining of the nature of one's chakra, altering its properties and characteristics for use in techniques."

"Okay good. So it turns out all this testing wasn't for nothing. What you and Aomatsuna-sama did was using shape transformation to change jutsus. If you created a jutsu that wasn't previously made before then it would be truly mind boggling" Jabie says as he puts the book away.

"We can still create more jutsu! As long as we don't run out of ways to change how it looks and acts ya fat nerd head!" Esumi shouts.

"Yes, you are correct Esumi."

"I know I'm right dummy. And you're welcome!" Esumi says before walking to her apartment door.

Jabie realized that his list of things to do just increased even more with the info Esumi just brought and he smiled when she left. He turned to his clones and said

"More work clones. After we get this Water clone jutsu improved beyond repair, we have a lot of work ahead of us. For now, though I'll take care of modifying my water jutsus. Continue with your experiments." Jabie said as the sun as finally set and night time has come.

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