Broly In Naruto


Aomatsuna and his slaves arrived at training ground three 30 minutes before the arranged time of the duel. Jabie jumped up and sat down on top of one of the logs sticking out from the ground and held a first aid kit in his lap while also taking out a book. Esumi looked slightly annoyed as she planned to sit on the logs too, but she wanted to be first. She threw her sword's sheath at Jabie who just calmly looked towards her and caught it with his book by closing it between the pages. Esumi jumped up on the other log and crossed her legs while catching the rethrown sword sheath from the plump boy who resumed back to reading.

Broly simply stood with his eyes closed as the wind blew around training ground three. His hair blowing in the wind along with the leaves swirling around in a circular motion and then blowing away. A few more minutes pass along with Broly standing in the wind, Jabie reading a book about Genjutsu, and Esumi trying out a new chakra control exercise with shurikens. Esumi placed a shuriken on top of her forehead and is trying to make it stick like with the leaf exercise but instead of using a leaf she decided to use a shuriken because why the hell not!?

Jabie stopped reading and took a look at Esumi with interest, as he never thought of actually trying to upgrade or improve the current chakra control methods. If this idea works for Esumi what other possible things could he upgrade that he haven't thought of? Could he improve his jutsu repertoire by modifying the jutsus he currently has? Although he has read about how jutsu creation is incredibly dangerous and should never be attempted without any sort of failsafe in place or multitude of tests done, but wait… doesn't he have water clones who lives or injuries doesn't matter whatsoever?

Suddenly a creepy laughter was heard over the training ground. Esumi lost concentration and nearly poked her thigh with the dropped shuriken. She quickly raised her head in fury and threw the shuriken at the cackling tubby who was too self-absorbed in his new discovery to notice and received a nice shuriken to the skull. As the sharp 4-pointed star landed in his head, it pushed the boy backwards causing him to land on his back with a shuriken sticking out of his forehead and his book sprawled on his face, concealing the injury.

Esumi panicked and blurred towards the boy in a speed some would say definitely impossible for someone her age. Esumi lifted the book off his face to take a look at the boy and make sure she didn't just kill one of her life-long friends for laughing. She gasped in surprise as a stream of blood nearly hit her as it spurted out from the pudgy boy's forehead. She leaned to the side and noticed that it didn't penetrate past his skull and only broke some skin. Although relieved by an enormous amount, she is curious about how Jabie survived a shuriken to the face with her full power behind it.

Even though the gravity seals increase how strong they are, it doesn't affect how tough their skin gets. Esumi still gets some cuts and bruises from normal things even if she's as strong or is stronger than most of the chunin and some of the jonin in the village in her ability to produce force. By this time though Jabie has recovered and quickly treated himself while looking at the disheveled and worried Esumi and the slightly angry Aomatsuna. He was about to apologize on his knees towards Aomatsuna before being tackled by a puffy-eyed Esumi.

"You big fat idiot! You had me worried! I..I..I thought I lost another person close to me…."

Jabie was shocked, but quickly pulled Esumi closer to him

"Its okay Esumi.. I won't die that easily… Imagine what Aomatsuna-sama might do if I died like that."

He started to shiver, causing his body rolls and cheeks to jiggle along with him. This prompted a small giggle from Esumi. She kicked him before sticking out her tongue and returning back to the log she was on.

"That was for making me worried you idiot dummy."

Jabie chuckled before picking himself up and dusting himself off. He was about to return to his log seat as well until he felt a heavy, unmovable, restricting grip on his shoulder. As he couldn't move any part of his body except his mouth, he was about to speak until the grip got worse. His entire body was screaming in pain, telling him to find some way to make this excruciating feeling go away.

"You trash. It looks like your training isn't good enough if you can nearly die from an attack like that." Broly says with a tone that screamed his training is gonna become 10x harder from now on.


This seems to hit some sort of mark as the grip upon his shoulder lessened to a more ouch ouch ouch feeling instead of a KILL ME NOW feeling.

"Speak fool." Aomatsuna gives the go ahead and decides to listen to his plea.

"Yes my lord! I realized that we could potentially create our own jutsus or modify our current ones by using clones as a medium! If we have clones test hand signs for jutsus we have we can see the effect it has on the person using it! If there is any sort of damage the clone will simply disperse, and we will know not to use those hand signs and if there is a positive change in the jutsu we can simply use the improved version master!" Jabie says incredibly fast as if there was a ticking time bomb around his neck.

The grip lessened even more until he was let go and immediately fell to his knees. Esumi watched on and definitely stayed out of the situation, in case she somehow got involved and also got an increase in training from Aomatsuna.

"I suppose you are pardoned. We will get to work on that once we return from our mission." Broly gives the sentence before returning back to where he was standing previously.

Jabie continued to sweat all over his body and try to catch his breathe while still on his knees. Esumi appeared by his side eventually and started to poke his recovering body repeatedly.

"You big ole idiot. You got lucky this time, but I bet Aomatsuna-kun is still gonna increase your training by some amount. You better learn how to sense better moron.." Esumi says while continuing to poke the round, sweating, and exhausted boy.

Jabie continued to catch his breathe and eventually got back up on his two feet.

"Thank god Aomatsuna-sama only cares about getting stronger and strength." Jabie says while whipping his drenched forehead with his handkerchief.

Esumi and Jabie just look at each other before hearing bushes rustle.

Team 7 has arrived! Sasuke is leading the three with an arrogant smirk on his face, as if already assure of his victory over this boy. He will teach him the true strength of an elite, a Uchiha, a prodigy! Naruto with a grin of his own aimed at the brooding bastard of a teammate was to the right of the last avenger. As they walked into the clearing, Naruto headed off towards Esumi and Jabie to conversate with. Sakura stood by Sasuke's side until he stood across from Broly and then stepped off to the side with Naruto and the other two demons.

"Heya guys! Are you ready to watch a bastard get his butt kicked?" Naruto says confidently, prompting a punch on the head from Sakura.

"Naruto you idiot! What are you doing rooting for the other team?!" Sakura questions angrily.

"These guys were my friends way before we even became a team! They also treat me a lot nicer than you two ever have!" Naruto shouted back

"I fed you my bento!" Sakura snaps right back

"Only because that jerk decided to feed me first!" Naruto yells back at her.

Sakura was about to swing again until Esumi decided to step in-between the two.
"You know pinkie, if you really want a fight I can give you one." Esumi says while licking a kunai and smiling.

This caused the pink-haired kunoichi to back away in fear and only glare at the blonde hair boy. Naruto stuck his tongue out at her and looked towards the dueling participants. This only served to infuriate the girl even more who just stamped her foot and also did the same as him.

The huge grin on Sasuke's face continued as he looked into his opponent's blank stare. He was about to get heated, but quickly remembered how foolish it would be to have some nobody be able to get under his skin so easily. He composed himself and stood in position to attack. Broly stood up straight and finally had a different look on his face. He stared at the Uchiha boy as if staring at another bug on the ground. This aggravated Sasuke. The look on the tailed saiyan's face is one that should belong to him! The true prodigy! He should look down on everyone else and everyone should praise and look up to him.

Jabie stood raised his hand in the air. Sasuke watched the hand as if he had an obsession to start this instance, as if he had an urge that came deep from his bones to humiliate and beat this unknown genin into the dirt and wipe that look off his face. Broly's saiyan blood started to boil at the very tense situation, but he quickly calmed himself due to knowing exactly how this match will turn out. The weakling across from him won't even be able to stop him with his level 9 gravity seal still on. Jabie's hand streaked down, and as if it was a lightning bolt Sasuke dashed towards Broly.

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