Broad World

Chapter 973

Chapter 970 Fierce battle!

“Quick!! Protect the mage!!”

Seeing that Henry’s body was severely eroded by negative energy, Abel immediately issued orders to the team members.

He knew very well that in this battle, people like himself were foils and aids. Only the mage who could cause huge damage was the core. Once the mage was severely corroded by the negative energy, then the entire battle plan would be ruined.

However, as a god, Atropal is not a fool. On the contrary, his intelligence is higher than most legendary wizards. He understands who is the biggest threat, especially after eating a terrifying legendary magic. Fallen into rage and madness.

Because for a shrinking person with undead attributes, if the previous attack is likened to being bitten by a palm-sized teddy dog, then the magic attack just now is equivalent to being bitten by a tiger. The former is just a skin injury. However, the latter is truly life-threatening, and if there are more, even it will not be able to bear it.

Of course, legendary magic is not Chinese cabbage, even with Henry’s current strength, it can only be released four times, which shows how precious it is.

But anyone knows that once the caster crosses the threshold of the legend, it is tantamount to entering another level, and the magic nets and spell positions that originally limited the power of the wizard are no longer a problem.

Legendary wizards have too many ways to circumvent these limitations. It is scary to be able to directly control the original magic power, not to mention making a lot of magic items and scrolls to make up for the shortcomings, of which the wand is the simplest and most violent. One of the methods.

Many legendary wizards will prepare more than twenty kinds of wands that store different spells in case of emergency.

Each wand has stored at least 30 spells. To a certain extent, this is equivalent to an automatic weapon in the magical world. When the wizards encounter danger or encounter a large number of enemies, they will immediately He didn’t hesitate to take it out and bombard it indiscriminately, letting the other party know what a heavy price it would cost to besiege a rich mage.

Obviously, Henry is a legendary mage with both wealth and strength, and he will naturally prepare many staffs.

When I saw the shrinking person rushing towards me. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and a shuddering sneer passed across him, and he quickly blessed himself with a “high speed”, and at the same time directly drew two wands made of keel from his waist. There are several huge sapphires inlaid on the top of the wand, and you can see that it is expensive.

With the strong arcane aura shining in the gemstone, it immediately attracted Atropal’s attention, and it immediately stopped in mid-air cautiously, raising its arm as a “finger of death”.

But it’s a pity. This powerful necromantic spell did not have any effect, and the “anti-death enchantment” easily blocked it from the outside.

“I just enjoyed the warmth of the sun. It seems that you haven’t learned to be smart yet. Now I invite you to taste the taste of being squashed with a fist. I hope this time it will make you remember.” A cold light flashed in Henry’s eyes. , Raised the wand high, and released all the spells stored in it in one breath.

“Advanced Swiftness” allows him to cast spells, use magic items and scrolls without any pause, otherwise, after releasing a pre-stored magic, there must be a few seconds of adjustment time, otherwise the connection to the magic net is too frequent . It is easy to cause casting failure.

I saw the sapphire at the top of the wand released a dazzling glare in an instant, the next second…

Countless big hands appeared out of thin air, directly smashing the gods from mid-air to the ground, and then pressing them to death. The huge fist fell from the sky like raindrops, and after hitting the ground, it made a huge roar.

In fact, there are two magic wands, one of which stores the nine-level magic “Bigby Smashing Palm”, and the other is the eighth-level magic “Bigby Juli Fist”. They are all high-level spells. Thirty shots are stored for each one.

Just imagine. Thirty big hands pressed a person to the ground, and the other 30 big hands clenched the city with their fists. What was it like?

The scene before him is the best manifestation. The atrophied person was smashed into meatloaf almost immediately, with every inch of bones, muscles, and blood vessels all over his body. All are mixed together, it is like a pool of rotten and smelly minced meat, if it is not still exuding a strong negative energy aura, I am afraid that no one will believe that it is still alive.

Taking advantage of this time, Henry quickly took out a secondary healing potion and drank it, expelling the negative energy that was eroding the body. Then, before the “Advanced Swiftness” hadn’t expired, three consecutive “simulacras” were cast, and in the blink of an eye, three identical copies appeared around.

Without any nonsense, he directly took out the silver spheres prepared in advance from his pocket and gave each copy one.

As a clone created by magic, there is no need to speak between the body and the copy. As long as the brain is given an order, the copy will execute it without any difference. Otherwise, “simulacra” will not be called by countless people. The higher the cast level, the higher the cost-effective magic.

God’s evil is worthy of God’s evil. Although there was still a pool of rotten flesh a few seconds ago, Atropal has recovered part of his mobility after a few seconds, slowly floating again, his eyes are no longer hollow and indifferent. , Replaced by monstrous hatred and anger.

“Dead!!! I want to kill you! I want to devour your soul!!!”

Passing through the mind, it roared again, and at the same time raised its slender arm, first released a high-level dispelling magic, and immediately released a strange spiritual energy forward.

The “anti-death enchantment” on Henry’s body was dispelled in the blink of an eye, and immediately after he felt that his brain was stimulated in some way, an indescribable sense of horror emerged from the bottom of his heart, and then a large group of illusions suddenly appeared in front of him It was the things that I had feared, and the most numerous of them were the opposite that exuded the aura of destruction.

These guys rushed over like a tide, hulking through the body, greatly stimulating the heart and nerves, making him involuntarily sweating.

There is no doubt that this is the ninth-level illusionist magic “weird killer”, creating terrible fantasy in an area. If the will is not firm enough, then he will be scared to death in an instant.

To a certain extent, it is similar to the ninth-level necromantic magic “Banshee’s Howl”, except that the former uses influence and heart to make the target nervous, while the latter uses sound to transmit special energy. , Everyone who hears it must make a close contact with the **** of death. If you survive, you will live, if you don’t survive, you will die.

Fortunately, Henry’s will was still firm, and he also wore magical items that could see through the illusion, so it didn’t matter much. But the soldiers from the association below are not good enough.

As long as it is a smart life, there must be fear in its heart. No matter how rigorously trained it is, how powerful an enemy it has been killed, it will not be able to get rid of the spiritual shadow, especially when the entire shadow is magnified ten times or one. One hundred times, one thousand times later…

Smart people know a little. Fear can be overcome, but it can never be eliminated. It accompanies everyone’s life like a shadow, even more difficult than death.

Although the phantom lasted for a short time, there were still two team members who fell to the ground with a plop. Their faces were dark and blue, and their pupils still had the influence of dying fear. They were obviously scared to death.

As for the others, it was not much better, more than half of them involuntarily spit out a mouthful of blood, and the rest also had a solemn expression, completely losing the audacity that they had faced when they swept the undead army not long ago.

obviously. This is not an ordinary ninth-level magic. Atropal seems to have undergone some transformation. It is no longer a mere illusion, and there are some soul attacks mixed in it, so it produces such a powerful effect.

Gods are not ordinary alien creatures, they have all kinds of abilities, so it is not uncommon to have one or two improved spells.

It should be understood that these twisted monsters with divine sparks not only have a long list of resistances, such as flame, cold, undetectable, etc., but also have multiple abilities, such as seeing through illusions and invisible creatures, telepathy, summoning and Creatures related to their own attributes. More importantly, they can also be completely immune to an energy attribute.

Just like the Atropal in front of it, it can summon any undead to fight for itself, and at the same time it is immune to all necromancy spells. It completely ignores attacks such as petrification, transformation, toxins, psychic spells, hypnosis, paralysis, energy extraction, and ability absorption, and no matter how severe the damage is, it will never lose consciousness. In addition, the divine spark contains the soul His profound understanding is definitely not comparable to those of demigods and weak divine powers.

Seeing casualties among his men, Abel’s face instantly became difficult to look at. Because he knows that once someone is killed by the Shrinking One, it is not just as simple as losing his life. In less than a minute, the soul of the deceased will spawn a ghost. The stronger the strength during his lifetime, the stronger the fighting of the ghost. .

It can be said that every time an enemy is killed, the power of God’s evil will increase. If this squad is completely wiped out, the next battle does not have to be continued. Hurry up and run as far as possible. The rest is left to the gods. Let’s get a headache.

Atropal is so difficult. Although the offensive method is a little simpler, it can’t stand the thick skin. The longer the time is, the better it will be, and the worse it will be for Henry and others.

“Damn! Think of a way! Otherwise, the disaster when the seal was opened for the first time will definitely repeat itself!” The old man Abel launched a fierce attack on the gods like a lunatic call out.

When things got to this point, he was completely helpless. Although he still kept a hole card, it was of no use to the atrophied.

“Don’t worry! Didn’t you see that I was preparing? Hold on for a while, I need a little time to prepare.”

As Henry shouted, he brought three copies to the four corners of the battlefield, each holding a silver ball in his hand, and began to sing almost at the same time.

As the singing voice became louder and faster, the silver spheres quickly emitted a faint light. After a while, a certain connection was formed, each trembling slightly, followed by four. Dao Guangzhu soared into the sky and converged at a point on the rock above his head, forming a pyramid-shaped enchantment, trapping everyone including the gods.


Bow to thank Linglong Hand, Xuan Yuding, Old Glasses, Yilan Xinglei, Liaoyou and other book friends for their monthly tickets. (To be continued.)

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