Brightest Doom

Chapter 11

The Brightest Doom

Chapter 11

Clark Kent


Clark didn't know how to feel, the medical bay was silent, but he was hearing some very interesting things from the observation room. While the computer scanned his body, Clark couldn't help but use his x-ray vision to see what all of the fuss was about.

The walls turned translucent to his eyes and then Clark really wished he had not looked. He found the rest of the Justice League watching what was tantamount to porn on the main screen. From what he could hear, someone had a serious dislike of Bruce and had put the time into seducing his women.

That would have been alright if they hadn't figured out a way to piggyback whatever signal Bruce was using to broadcast it on the WatchTower. Sighing to himself, Clark leaned back on the medical bed as he drew back his x-ray vision.

Leaning back on his medical bed, Clark heard the beep of the scanner as he turned to look at J'onn. Instantly he knew that something was wrong as he noticed the furrowed brows on his friend.

"What's wrong?" Clark asked, getting up from his location on the medical bed. The sway of his chest threw him off balance, but Clark was already moving before J'onn could notice Clark was already at his side. Idly, he made a note to himself to do something about his chest; there was no way he could keep moving around without anything to keep them in place.

Honestly, he had no clue how his Ma and Kara could walk around with these things. Urgh, there was no way he could let his cousin see him like this, Clark thought as he ran a hand down his face.

Right now, though, he had to push those thoughts aside and focus on the now.

"So, what has the scanner found, J'onn?" Clark asked from over the shoulder of his teammate.

"It seems to be pollen, but that couldn't be right because the readings are remarkably like that of Kryptonite." J'onn replied as she showed Clark the scans. "May I do another scan, I would like to isolate these readings."

Clark didn't know what to think, so he went back to the medical bed with a nod. Now, he was worried more than before because it was clear that there was some new form of kryptonite in his body. Clark couldn't help, but be worried about these new changes being permanent.

As he settled in to be scanned once more, the door to the medical bay opened and in entered his other team members.

"Hail a new sister to the sisterhood, Kal-El I am happy to have you join us." Wonder Woman said with clear excitement. Honestly, Clark didn't know what to think right now, but he was sure it didn't want to stay as a female.

"Hey, Diana, I am not so sure I am a new sister to the sisterhood," Clark replied glumly.

"Ohh, don't be so down, I am sure whatever this is will wear off soon enough." Black Canary said as she looked him over. "Hmm, why aren't you wearing a bra?"

"Didn't know that I needed one?" Clark replied, confused hands going over his chest, only to get rubbed against his far too sensitive nipples.

"Well, if you don't want to poke anyone's eyes out or have them flop around without some containment, then sure walk around without a bra." Black Canary replied. "Then again there is also the sagging to worry about, gravity and all that."

"Is that why I was given a few from that Victoria Secret lady with my wardrobe?" Wonder Woman asked, intrigued. "Interesting, I have never had such issues with my bosom until I came to man's world. But I must commend Victoria for that black lace one she gave me. It offered such great comfort; sadly, I can not get behind the bowtie or crotchless undergarments. They are not fit for battle."

"Huh, well I wouldn't recommend fighting in that, D." Black Canary said with a thoughtful expression on her face. Clark unfortunately, was trying hard to hide his blushing features. "So would you like to share how you lose your boy parts?"

"Yes, tell us of this titanic battle?" Wonder Woman spoke excitedly. "Was the foe using lost magic, forbidden science that even works on Kryptonians, also why did you not invite us to such a glorious showdown?"

"I believe that Superman was exposed to Syringa Vulgaris and the Lilium Orientalis, also commonly known as the lilac and stargazing lily," J'onn answered from his position by the computers. "From these readings, they were exposed to a new form of kryptonite within the soil."

"Wait, so I was turned into a woman from second-hand exposure?" Clark asked clearly, not expecting that answer at all.


"So can you change me back?"


"What do you mean no?" Clark growled but his voice came out as if it was a purr.

"Because the pollen will have run its course within the next four days, you will change back once your immune system is back to normal," J'onn answered easily.

"Does that mean, Superman did not get changed by a titanic foe during a grueling battle of life and death?" Wonder Woman asked, clearly less excited than before.

Black Canary tried to hold in her laughter, but all could see it plainly on her features. "Well, he was defeated by the most heinous foe of all, called allergies. I believe that would fit."

"Then I shall face this foe for you, Kal El." Wonder Woman said pushing her chest forward as she struck a heroic pose.

"It's not something you can face in a battle of fist or wits Diana." Black Canary spoke with mirth in her voice. "So want to tell us what happened, and we help you out some before you poke someone's eyes out?"

Clark glared at Black Canary while also trying not to react to Diana's words.

"I can't really think of anything that would cause this," Clark muttered to himself, but it was clear that the others could hear him. "The only thing with pollen I can think of is the flower delivery man."

"Who was he delivering to?"

"He was going up and got off on the floor beneath mine."

"Why didn't you just fly through your window?" Wonder Woman asked, clearly not understanding.

"I don't leave my window open during the day, I am worried about the temptation to use it. And I don't want to blow my cover, never know when a camera is watching." Clark replied easily to Wonder Woman.

"Okay, so the flowers weren't for you, but you got your first dose of allergies and it turned you into a lady, good to know." Black Canary muttered to herself but all could hear her. "Talk about an interesting turn of events."

"Well, Kal El, did you stop this foe of pollen?" Wonder Woman asked, clearly no longer interested in the tales of Clark's defeat.

"No, I didn't stop thinking about it at the time; also, he was just doing his job," Clark replied, starting to feel more than a bit put upon. "Can you take over my duties on the rooster, please, Diana?"

"Of course Kal," Wonder Woman replied. "But what will you do with so much downtime?"

"Easy, she plans to get in touch with her feminine side." Black Canary answered easily with her shoulders shaking from her comment.

"I plan to go to the Fortress of Solitude and see if there is anything to help purge my system," Clark replied with cheeks blushing.

"Well, if it can't then you can come with me and we can have a girls day out with Diana." Black Canary replied easily with a smile.

"I would gladly partake in a trip of shopping with both of you fair sisters." Wonder Woman replied, a bright smile on her face.


Vincent Doom

Relaxing into my luxurious seat, I watched Bruce's reaction on the video display before me. At my side, Harley was having a real kick out of the show while Ivy was enjoying her position in my lap.

"Shame, it doesn't look like the bat likes our little going away present at all." Harley let out with a loud exclamation.

"No, I don't believe he liked that video very much," Ivy replied smoothly.

"Not our fault the Kitty Kat wanted to try some milk," Harley replied with a shrug.

"Yes, it also didn't help that Vincent was more than happy to feed her his big sausage." Ivy chuckled.

"You do know that I am right here?" I asked as my eyes ran over the screen. I had the image rewind and then play at a slower speed as I took in the form of an enraged Bruce Wayne. "And you are correct, I didn't have any problems with feeding her my sausage. To be honest, I thought she was going to choke, I never expected Selina to not have a gag reflex."

"Ohh, yes, that was a surprise, but one I am willing to bet you would like to experience once more?" Ivy asked, looking at me with a sly smile on her lips.

"Hmm, I can't say I mind feeding her more milk," I replied easily as I rewind the video once more. Something was wrong in the way Bruce reacted and I was starting to think it was far more than just anger. He was upset that I was fucking Selina sure, but the blow-up didn't come until Talia came into the video, interesting. "What do you think, Harley?"

"It's clearly dominance issues, Bat-Man considers himself as the alpha to his territory and you have encroached on it. So like anyone else who feels like their dominance over their territory is being threatened, he resorted to violence." Harley answered as I showed her the video.

"So classic Alpha male bullshit with a multi-billion dollar company to back him," I replied with a sigh leaning back into my seat.

"Is this going to be an issue," Ivy asked from my lap, but I replied with a shake of my head.

"Not after today."

"Of course, because you have some grand plan, correct."

"Correct," I said as I looked at the changing video to that of Superman, now a Super Woman. Of course, I couldn't get a microdrone inside Clark's apartment, but it was far too easy to get some footage from the Kent farm.

You would think, with all of his tech and advancement, Clark would have his parents far better protected that the poultry defenses I brushed aside. Clark had turned into a tall bombshell of a woman, but I wasn't moved by his plight. Harley burst into loud laughter, while Ivy released some minor chuckles.

I watched as the video shifted as the micro drone latched onto Clark's work clothes. I wanted to shake my head at the foolishness of it all, but I had to accept that none of them has ever faced a foe like myself. Granted, I wasn't a foe of the League, Bruce was just on my shit list while Clark's pranks were a part of a deal.

We all watched in silence as Clark ran out of the observation room as Hal Jordan made a complete fool of himself. Again, I was hoping that the comics and cartoons had gotten his character wrong, but here he was being a lecher. The micro-drone didn't know what it wanted to do before it's programming kicked it.

The micro-drone found an open port before connecting and piggybacking the signal being broadcasted from the Batcave. What it did next put a mean smile on my face. Tapping Ivy on her rump, I shifted her to the side and started my own deep dive into the system of the Justice Leagues WatchTower.

Within moments, I was connected to the league's systems and instead of keeping the back door given to me by Bruce's system. I decided to make my own but had it hidden inside the regular packets of information that came to and from the planet. From what I could tell, Bruce had each of his company sending information to and from the WatchTower to bypass the satellites set up around the planet.

At first, I was wondering why he had things set this way since I knew for a fact there were Wayne Industries satellites in geo sync orbit. At first, I couldn't figure out the method to this madness but before long, it hit me. He was using the Watch Tower as a relay to his Wayne Industries but also selling out data lanes to premium users. It was also a backup in case any of his satellites went down then the Watch Tower would bounce the signal.

Damn, he was using the Watch Tower to his advantage, hell, I even found astrological data in a subsystem that the League didn't have access to. There was even data on each of the League members, shit I was getting sidetracked.

After digging around for some time, I placed my back door under the subset of Cyborg's dietary needs. I couldn't help but shake my head at the gall of the man, I could already see a Tower of Babel type situation happening. They were beyond lucky that I was the one inside their Watch Tower systems and not someone with real issues with them.

Since I was being oh so generous, I even gave myself full administration controls, of course, I made sure to cover my tracks. I wasn't planning on being caught because of something so simple, and I knew once Bruce found out. He would be tearing through both his Batcave and Watch Tower systems to find the bug.

Once I was happy with my little subterfuge, I even had the microdrone find an air vent out of the way and work as a backup system. There was a triple beep as an alert letting me know that we were almost at my destination.

Looking up, I took in the barren lands surrounding the vehicle as we drove along the abandoned roads. Looking at the plateau in the distance, I then checked our speed, from what I could tell. It would take us no longer than nine minutes till we reached the home of Ra's Al Ghul.

Once I was sure my little back door in the Watch Tower wasn't going to be found when Bruce obviously loses his shit. I watched as Wonder Woman did a damn good job of embarrassing the hell out of Clark. On the side note, I was more than happy to discover that even second-hand exposure was going to leave a lasting impression on Clark.

Am sure that Mr. Mxyzptlk was going to enjoy himself for a few days. The car came to a stop, and I waited for the driver to open the door. Outside the vehicle, Talia stood waiting in professional attire and behind her was her father's right-hand man, Ubu waited.

Looking out the other side of the vehicle, I could tell we were in some sort of underground base. It was easy to tell when the majority of the walls were just drilled and reinforced earth. From what I could tell, we had driven to be at least three stories underground. That was interesting because I was certain we were not at the location I expected us to be at.

Hidden entrance of course, how interesting.

Harley bounced out first with Ivy behind her regal as a queen out for a stroll. Getting out after the two, I gave Talia a nod and ignored the memories of her throat sliding up and down my shaft just two nights ago.

Damn, It was good to be Doom.

Ubu had some guards check both the girls before coming over to check my person. Unfortunately for them, neither Harley nor Ivy wanted to be touched by anyone other than myself. The moss that made up Ivy's dress stabbed out with sharpened spikes at those attempting to check her for weapons. Harley just did what she did best, a judo throw and some gymnastic moves breaking the hands of two guards.

"Enough," I said while looking at Ubu as if he was a stain beneath me. "Your master invited me here, cease this power play of yours and let us be on our way."

For a brief moment, we were at an impasse before Talia came forward.

"Follow me, please," Talia said as she turned to lead us to the hidden elevator. I followed along behind Talia, my steps measured and smooth as I tried to ignore the death glare Harley was trying to give Ubu.

Ivy was on my arm and the dress made of superfine moss flowed down her body spectacularly. We walked into the elevator that was waiting for us, inside we found a few seats. I also noticed that the elevator wasn't an elevator at all, no, it was a subterranean train.

The inside of the train car was as luxurious as if we were taking first glass on any plane. Sitting in my seat, I paid no attention to Harley as she placed her face against the window. Turns out that the underground train was an express one because it didn't take us more than five minutes before we were at our destination.

Getting out of the express shuttle, I found myself in a grand auditorium, and on the other end stood the one, the only, Ra's Al Ghul. The man was an impeccable clone of his comic book counterpart. Damn, I was extremely happy that he wasn't a clone of Liam Neeson, because fuck, I would feel bad with what I had planned.

"Welcome," Ra's voice rang out around us so nice and smooth, the acoustics of the chamber just rolled right over you. Smiling at the man, I walked forward and shook his hand as he turned to show off the League of Assassin.

I nodded along and carried Ivy as the trophy wife envied by millions. Things slowly progressed until we made our way to the dining room. From there things picked up pace as Ra's Al Ghul opened a magnificent meal for all.

There was a saying about not knowing the depths of a man's years until you have spoken to him, and Ra's Al Ghul was one such man. There was nothing that this man was not aware of and it was clear that he tried all optics of discussion knowledge just for knowledge sake over his centuries.

Dinner progressed until Ra's felt the need to dismiss everyone except for myself and his daughter. Ivy and Harley were given guest rights and were shown to the quarters that we would be sharing for the night. I sent a subtle nod to Harley as I followed along behind Ra's to his office.

We walked in silence as we took the stairs to the top of the secret base and I had to give it to the man. The view from this high up on the plateau was almost to die for, but I could get behind the idea of looking out that gorgeous cathedral style window behind the throne. Instead of taking the seat on the side, I stood by the large window that led out to the office balcony.

The night was perfect, with the sun setting a beautiful orange glow to the clouds. For a reason I couldn't place my sense felt heightened at this moment of truth. Relaxing myself in preparation of what comes next, I turned to face one of the great detriments to the world.

Ra's stood there regal as a king with a wine goblet held out for me to take. It was easy to oblige him as I glided over to his location, I could already tell the subtle power play with that move. I took the wine carefully of course putting my idle thoughts aside as I took the offered seat also.

Within my range, I could feel Ubu and twenty other guards set around as protection for their leader.

"So, will you be asking the question you have been waiting all night for?" I asked Ra's as I idle held my wine goblet aloft.

"Of course, you did tell my daughter that you would think about it after all." Ra's answered smoothly before taking a sip of his wine. Smiling at him, I also sampled the fine wine I was offered. Idly, I noticed the taste of plum on my taste buds.

"I have my answer, but I am unsure you would be happy with my stipulations," I said as I rolled my knuckles against the goblet.

"Interesting, I'm certain that some accommodations can be arranged." Ra's replied diplomatically. He was trying to brush off his interest, but I could feel his emotions bleeding into the air around us.

"Yes, I'm sure they can be," I said, placing the goblet of wine down on the side table. "But I don't believe you would like to make this one."

"Why is that, speak clearly please, I would like to know of this issue." Ra's said as he also placed his wine goblet down.

"It's not an issue, but there can only be one," I replied to Ra's while simultaneously enforcing my will on the surrounding hidden ninjas. They were not going to interrupt what was about to go down.

"One what?"

I smiled at him as I stood from my high back seat. Around us, I felt the guards try and shift to attack and stop me from dismantling their semi-immortal leader.

"At first I was going to challenge you for the right to lead," I spoke my voice soft, yet traveled for all to hear. "Then I remember who I was dealing with, Ra's Al Ghul. The man who has lived and faced centuries all with nothing but a sword and his wits."

Before I could say more, Ra's had unsheathed the sword at his side and was already inside my personal space. The look on his face was flat and spoke of my death, if only that was possible.

Ra's Al Ghul slashed me from my neck to my pelvis in one fluid arc, it was a testament I wasn't bisected with that one move. I would have been if I didn't have my telekinesis reinforcing my body and defenses.

Ra's didn't even look to check on me as he turned around confident in his abilities to kill someone as wide open as I was.

"Ubu, come clean this mess up." Ra's Al Ghul said as he walked towards his throne.

"And that is why, there can only be one," I spoke as I floated up from my fake death on the floor. Ra's whipped around to face me, but I was already moving.

Hand outstretched my ice ax appeared in my grasp as I swung for the limp holding the sword. There was a meaty thunk as Ra's lost his sword arm.

"You fucked up when you decided to pit me against Bruce," I said while kicking away the cut off limb.

"You know who the detective is?" Ra's asked zeroing in on that little detail.

"Not hard to figure out really." I replied as I cocked my arm back for another swing.

"Killing me won't get you anything, I will just return." Ra's growled at me as he realized my seriousness.

"That's only if you make it to the pit." I said softly and I relish the widened eyes he gave me. Before he had a chance to react, I threw my ax removing his leg beneath the knee. Ra's al Ghul went down like a sack of potato, but I was not going to let him off with just that alone.

The body of the infamous demon head came flying across the room as I flexed my telekinetic powers across his broken form. Twisting the man around in the air, I grabbed both sides of his face and pulled with all my might against his mind.

There was plenty I knew about the man before me, and his indomitable will was one such thing. Unfortunately for him, I was not looking to brainwash him as I was looking to brain drain him. Centuries upon centuries of life was pulled into my mind and assimilated within seconds, fighting skill, marksmanship, jobs, bank accounts. Passcodes and hidden key locations of cloning and backup contingencies, everything was downloaded into my mind and assimilated as my own.

Within moments I had a complete copy of everything Ra's Al Ghul knew, and can I just say, fuck. This man had blood on his hand like there were stars in the sky. Honestly, I thought the joker was bad, but this man had centuries to build his kill count. The Joker was at least limited to one city, but Ra's had no such thing holding him back.

Shaking my head to push aside the headache I could feel forming, I raised my ax high. Looking down at the man, I didn't even want to hear his last words. A chilled calm washed over me as I brought my ax down across the throat of Ra's Al Ghul, the Demon Head.

The head went flying, but a little applied telekinesis pulled it back as I had the body turn before me. My ax descended again and again until there was nothing but body parts before me.

Funny enough, as I looked down over what I had done, the door to the study opened. In walked Harley and Ivy with Talia in tow, and between them was a man-eating flower.

"Is it finished?" Talia asked me as she looked down at the meat chunks that used to be her father.

"It will be," I answered back. I release the hold I had on Ubu before having him come to the room.

"What do you say Ubu, is it finished?" I asked the large bald man. Ubu took one look at the form of his old leader before looking at Talia and then myself. What he did next placed a smile on my face.

Ubu turned towards me, took a knee, then proclaimed his allegiance. "All hail Doom."

Talia took a knee beside Ubu and also proclaimed her allegiance. "All hail Doom."

"You both may rise, we have plenty to do," I said as I took my seat on the throne. "There are plenty of ways to save this planet and I plan to at least succeed during my lifetime."

"Why I gotta do this?" Harley asked with a pout on her face as she shoveled meaty chunks of Ra's into the man-eating plant. "Can't one of the help do it?"

"Ubu, be a dear and make it happen." Ivy purred before draping herself over me on the throne.

Ubu nodded his head and made himself extremely scarce as he vanished from the room.

"So tell me, what did we get with this little take over?" Harley asked, throwing herself over the chair I had vacated. She then picked up my wine goblet, sniffed it, and then chugged it down.

"Trillions, economic control over a few countries, and a few other things," I replied calmly.

"Trillions?" Harley asked, doing a spit take.

"I will give you some to play with but first, we have someone to find," I said as I ran a hand over Ivy's lovely rear.

"And who might I ask is on my Lord's list?" Talia asked from her position, standing on my right.

"Dr. Victor Fries."


Hope you guys are enjoying the story, things are starting to heat up as the plot thickens. Also, Wonder Woman, gotta love her. 

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