Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 9: The Sneaker Pt. 3

She’s been waiting a long time for this. A long, LONG time. There’s no way she’s about to let the opportunity to personally satisfy the Dark Lord pass her up. Erised’s yellow eyes shimmer in excitement as the violet-skinned demon finally releases Marcus’ cock from its confines. She feasts her gaze upon it giddily, even as her hands slip down its length, marveling at its size.
He’s not even fully erect yet, that’s the best part. He still has room to grow, and she giggles girlishly to herself as she leans in and rubs her cheek against his shaft. No doubt, she’s making a somewhat silly  and incredibly lewd expression right now… but she doesn’t care. It’s the Dark Lord, if anyone is going to make her embarrass herself without a second thought, it’ll be him!
Still, Erised hadn’t truly understood what it meant that he would be so young. Like, obviously she’d known he was of an age with her. She knew that his Awakening signaled his passage into adulthood within the Holy Empire. But even still, Erised hadn’t fully allowed herself to comprehend what that would mean. She had always known he would be the Dark Lord, so in her eyes he would manifest as some unstoppable force of darkness and retribution and vengeance. It was going to be glorious, she had always thought.
Only now was the diminutive demon realizing that they were going to have to work for it. Marcus wasn’t a bad sort by any stretch of the imagination, but he was clearly still very green behind the ears… no pun intended. Luckily, he had Erised with him. She would help him out. She would make sure that he got started on the right path.
And that began with teasing the ever living daylights out of him! Leaning forward, she plants her lips on just the tip of Marcus’ massive green member. The Dark Lord is certainly well-endowed, and she’s not sure she would ever be able to take his full length… on her own, anyways. If he wants to, he can take control at any time and MAKE her do as he pleases.
That’s what Erised is trying to provoke now. Get an orc going, and they would ravage you seven ways to Sunday, or so she’d always heard. Should be the same for a half-orc, right? Yes, she just had to-
Erised stiffens and then smiles as one of Marcus’ hands falls upon her head. In comparison to her, his green fingers are huge, and he’s easily able to splay all five of his digits across her skull, his thumb and pinky on either side of her short, curved horns while the other three fingers slide between them. Erised stops all movement save for continuing to suckle upon his cockhead. This is where he’ll take control and begin driving her down his shaft. The demon hastily begins to swallow continuously to prepare herself for the inevitable skull fucking she’s about to receive.
However, instead of doing as she expects and dominating her throat with his fat fucking cock, Marcus does the exact opposite. The half-orc pulls her OFF of his cock, causing her lips to leave his tip with a pop as he forces her to look up into his eyes. The Dark Lord has a frown on his tusked face, and a furrowed brow as he stares down at her in confusion.
“How can you be sure though? You said it’s not possible for me to be both Jobs. Why not? And even if you’re right, what if we’re the ones who are wrong? What if I’m not the Dark Lord, but actually the Destined Hero?”
Erised blinks at the raw vulnerability in Marcus’ eyes. Once again, he’s not acting as she expected. No, he’s acting very… honest with her. Open, even. Other demons might have eaten him alive for it. Luckily, she’s completely loyal. There isn’t a world in which she could ever fathom taking advantage of her Lord. She’s been waiting all her life to pledge herself to him, after all. Her fealty is his and his alone until the day she dies.
But perhaps that’s the missing context Marcus needs to understand what’s going on. Reaching up, Erised strokes Marcus’ member with both hands, even as she looks up at him.
“I know you’re not the Destined Hero, my Lord. I know because I know your true heritage.”
Marcus’ grip on her hair tightens for a moment, his nostrils flaring as he shows a hint of the Dark Lord Erised was expecting. Suddenly, he’s glaring at her, looking positively irate.
“Explain. What do you mean my true heritage? I know my mother was likely raped by an orc and then decided to give me up for adoption. If me having an orcish parent is all the proof you have…”
He trails off, but there’s a distinct note of anger in his voice that tells Erised he’s done being toyed with. Which, fair. She’d had to leave him after the Chapel, but it was an oddly long time from when she’d managed to get picked up as ‘Eris the Beastkin Thief’ and assigned to his party to when he’d finally shown up with the Head Bitch herself to meet her and the blonde. Erised couldn’t say for certain what all had happened during that time, but clearly it’d been a lot.
Luckily for her, that was NOT all of the proof Erised had. In fact, Marcus’ assumption, while fair, was completely wrong.
“No, your Lordship. That is not your true heritage. Your mother was not raped by an orc… your mother WAS the orc. More than that, your mother was Gral-Ra… the previous Dark Lord.”
Her matter-of-fact delivery of that particular truth has precisely the reaction she’s expecting it to. Marcus’ big blue eyes go wide in shock, and his hand even falls away from atop her head, his jaw dropping open as he just stares at her. Erised can’t help smiling a little smugly. Sure, she’s completely loyal and will always put the Dark Lord’s needs first even before her own… but also that look on his face is hilarious!
Still, she doesn’t crow or tease him about it. She stays quiet and continues working her hands up and down his truly gigantic shaft. Especially compared to her. Yes, Erised is well aware of how small she is. Compared to Marcus, she feels even smaller. Luckily, demons are very… adaptable. Flexible, as well. And durable, can’t forget durable. Otherwise, she’s not sure he would fit inside of her. As it is, it’s going to be the most enjoyable experience of her life. Of that, Erised has no doubt.
But first, her Lord has to pull his head out of his ass and realize that he can do whatever the fuck he wants now. He’s not just the Dark Lord, but also apparently being identified as the Destined Hero by the Church of the Most Holy Light’s clergy for some reason. Erised is still impressed by that, even if Marcus doesn’t know how he’s doing it. The array of options that it gives them is just… too juicy to think about without salivating. Or maybe she’s salivating over the throbbing, glorious green cock in front of her. Either or.
“But that… that’s impossible.”
Shaking her head back and forth, Erised smirks.
“Not impossible, my Lord. Merely highly improbable. The previous Dark Lord was an orcish woman. And she did give birth to you. You were… are her son. So that’s how I know you’re not the Destined Hero. That’s how I know you’re definitely the Dark Lord. Not just because the Sign says you’re the Dark Lord, but because it’s in your blood!”
“How… how… f-fuck I’m about to blow!”
With a lustful growl, Marcus’ hand comes back atop her head and the young Dark Lord pushes her back down onto his cock. Erised squeaks at the sudden forcefulness, before moaning as she wiggles happily at how roughly he’s treating her. This is what she wanted. He’s finally taking charge. As he holds her in place, she swirls her tongue around his tip and in his glans… and that’s what finally tips him over the edge.
He begins cumming a moment later, and Erised starts to drink down his load right there on the spot. Positively tongue-kissing his cockhead, she gulps and gulps as his thick, seedy orcish splooge pours into her mouth and then down the back of her throat. He’s got quite the large load, just as Erised had hoped, and by the time he’s done cumming, the demon is somewhat dizzy, her head spinning from the absolutely delicious jizz she just swallowed. Mm, she could very well get addicted to that taste. It was truly-
Before she knows it, she’s suddenly on her back on the bed. His large hands have picked her up and slammed her down onto the mattress with enough force to drive the air from her lungs and stun her for a second. Not that Erised minds. She’s all his, and she’s so very happy that he’s finally taking advantage of that fact. As his thick fingers grab the incredibly skimpy pair of panties she’s wearing as lower garments and yank them to the side, Erised coos. They both look down at her dripping wet cunt, exposed by his actions.
However, as he plants his cockhead against her slit, Marcus seems to come back to himself. Much to Erised’s consternation, he pauses and frowns, before shaking his head.
“I… I shouldn’t.”
“D-Don’t be ridiculous your Lordship! Of course you should! Take me! I’m already yours!”
He pauses, giving her words some consideration at least. He’s still not fucking her, but he isn’t pulling away either. As he rubs his cockhead against her slit, slipping and sliding all over the place, Erised whines pitifully, desperate for a good, hard dicking. But alas, it seems the questioning isn’t over yet.
“How… how do you know about my mother? Why would she give me up to a human orphanage if she was the Dark Lord? It doesn’t make sense…”
Squirming, Erised tries to get him to impale her on his cock, but one of his large hands is clasped around her itty bitty waist and holding her in place. With a sigh, she finally answers him, knowing she would have to eventually. He was her Lord after all.
“My mother.”
At Marcus’ look of confusion, Erised explains.
“My mother Volupa was your nanny, my Lord. She was close with Gral-Ra and served as your caretaker. I was… I was born close to when you were, however. And my mother, she had the Dark Lord’s permission to split her focus between her own family and caring for you. By all accounts… Gral-Ra made plenty of time for you herself despite her responsibilities. There were plenty of times that my mother wasn’t needed.”
It's not something she wants to think about. Probably why she was trying so hard to get to the fun stuff and slip right past it. But… this was what was important to the Dark Lord, she supposed. And Erised could understand why, at the end of the day.
As Marcus processes what Erised is telling him, she continues on, her voice getting a little choked up.
“They attacked while mother was away tending to me. They… they killed the Dark Lord and took you. I don’t know why they kept you alive or stuck you in that orphanage. It took me so long just to find you. But their arrogance will be their undoing, my Lord. They let you live and now there will be no stopping you!”
She quietly crows over the Church’s folly, knowing better than to let her voice get too loud. Still, it’s something to be happy over. A moment of true jubilation, a reason to celebrate. The first reason to celebrate in a long, long time. It was as she’d told Marcus earlier. Erised had been fully ready to get the Dark Lord out of that Chapel, even with all those Paladins there, even if it cost her life in the process.
But luckily that hadn’t been necessary. They’d finally gotten a win. After everything she’d been through, everything she’d suffered, things were finally looking up!
“… Where is your mother now, Erised?”
Blinking, the demon looks up to see the Dark Lord giving her a look she wasn’t expecting from him. It’s a look of pity and understanding. It’s a look that makes Erised flinch and avert her gaze for a moment in silence before she finally answers him.
“She’s gone, your Lordship. I… I had to leave her behind. Your mother’s death broke her. She felt like she failed and… a-and it drove her insane. After a certain point, she couldn’t raise me anymore.”
It was more than that, of course. Her mother’s insanity had made her dangerous. So dangerous that Erised had had to run, ultimately. She’d had to leave Volupa behind and make her way in the world all on her own. And sure, it had been hard. She’d had to scrounge to survive and done things she wasn’t proud of in the process. But no matter what it took, she hadn’t faltered. After all, she’d had a purpose. Him.
Before her mother’s insanity had gotten too severe, Erised had been raised on stories about the Dark Lord and her missing son. Erised’ mother hadn’t believed in redemption, or so she always said when Erised suggested they go get him away from the humans. Volupa always claimed that he was better off without her, that she had failed him as his nanny. More than that, she’d quietly blamed Erised’s very existence on why she wasn’t there that night to protect Gral-Ra and Marcus from the Church.
In the end, when her mother had started not so quietly blaming Erised’s existence on what happened, Erised had left and gone looking for Marcus on her own. And she’d found him too. Eventually. Now here they were, and he’s the new Dark Lord. It had been a long, hard journey, but they’d made it.
That was how Erised knew the Church was wrong with all that silliness about her Lord being the Destined Hero. No son of a Dark Lord would be the Destined Hero, and her Identification Sign didn’t lie. More than that, Erised refused to believe that everything she’d been through, everything she’d survived… wasn’t worth it.
Looking up into Marcus’ eyes, she tries to make him see that.
“We don’t need her, my Lord. You only need me. I’ve been watching over you ever since I found you. I was in the Chapel, hidden under a spell, ready to get you out of there the moment you got your Job. Yes, it was shocking when they called you the Destined Hero, but they’re wrong. You are the Dark Lord and-!”
Erised squeaks as she finds herself suddenly being hugged by the much larger half-orc currently above her. His cock is still pressed against her slit, but he’s not inside of her yet, even now. Instead he’s hugging her in an almost comforting way, and Erised sniffles for a moment as her emotions damn near get the better of her.
She manages to hold them in though after a moment, and settles for just giving Marcus a tight, firm hug in return. Eventually, the hug comes to an end and he pulls back, a smile on his face as he looks down at her. A smile she finds is infectious as she can’t help but return it as she squirms beneath him. Still…
“Please, my Lord. Please fuck me. I’ve been waiting a long, long time for this…”
Marcus flushes and looks down at where they’re about to be connected. He hesitates even with her begging for it.
“… It’ll be my first time.”
Is that what he’s worried about? Erised lets out a little laugh, causing him to glance at her slightly hurt. But she just shakes her head and explains.
“Mine too, your Lordship. But that shouldn’t stop you from wrecking my tight virgin pussy with that behemoth of a bitch breaker.”
Marcus’ flush grows even more pronounced at her incredibly crass language, even as he looks shocked to find that she’s a virgin as well. She’s not lying though. It is indeed true. Erised has never been with a man before now. Not that it matters much. She’s a demon after all, and for them, sex is in their blood. Sure, she’s not a subspecies like a succubus, but even still…
It’s the same for the Dark Lord. Yes, he’s not a full-blooded orc, but he’s still a half-orc, and for orcs, fucking is pretty much as necessary as breathing, eating, and drinking. Wiggling in place, Erised licks her sharp teeth as she stares up at Marcus in anticipation… and in the end, that’s all it takes.
With a lust-filled growl, the half-orc Dark Lord thrusts forward into her, claiming her virginity and beginning to fuck her sopping wet pussy right on the spot.
Erised cries out, tossing her head back and shuddering as he pounds her into the somewhat lumpy mattress below. Maybe it’s not the best in accommodations, but it’s better than dirt or stone or any number of alternatives they might have had to resort to if they’d been on the run by this point in time.
As her Lord fucks her with all the vigor of his half-orc physicality, Erised basks in the knowledge that this is only the first step in taking the world by storm. The Church and the Holy Empire weren’t going to know what hit them!


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