Break Into Another World

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: , Without You, Little Brother

The sky was getting dark, and the full moon was already hanging over the cliff.


A wolf king, twice the size of the other blue-eyed wolves, with silver-white hair like steel needles, jumped up the cliff and let out a long roar.



Thousands of blue-eyed wolves howled along with them.

Immediately, the sharp eyes of the silver wolf king turned to everyone. The wolves immediately met, and they rushed up to slaughter food for the wolf king. For a time, hundreds of wolves gathered around the disciples of the Wild Martial Mansion.

“Dali, you take everyone to defend against the wolves!” Yue Jian slashed a big wolf with one sword and rushed towards the periphery.

“What are you going for?” Tian Dali continued – could it be that he wanted to leave us alone to break through?

“Kill the Wolf King!”

There is no doubt about Yue Jian’s strength, which has faintly exceeded the scope of perfect internal training, and can almost be classified as a semi-innate level. The light of the sword in his hand circulated, and with each sword, he could always kill a big wolf; after rushing out a dozen steps, he beheaded a dozen big wolves!

However, these big wolves are only training their strength from outside; a mere dozen or so ordinary big wolves are completely irrelevant to the entire wolf pack.


Yue Jian’s performance was too eye-catching, and all of a sudden, he attracted more than a dozen blue-eyed wolves to attack him.

The inner leveling blue-eyed wolf is not as fragile as the ordinary big wolf. Although Yue Jian’s swordsmanship was terrifying, under the siege of more than a dozen blue-eyed wolves, he was beaten too hard, and he was wounded in the blink of an eye.

“Come back!” Tian Dali rushed out and pulled Yue Jian back into the formation.

Yue Jian glanced bitterly at the blue-eyed wolf king standing high on the cliff. He wanted to kill the wolf king, but he couldn’t even get to the wolf king’s side…

“Looks like I’m going to be planted this time…” Yue Jian was unwilling, but he was powerless, “Meeting blue-eyed wolves in the Monster Beast Mountains is as terrifying as encountering innate monsters! And innate monsters only appear in monsters. Deeper in the mountains; here, the blue-eyed wolves are the overlords of the mountains!”

“Ah—” A certain weak disciple accidentally shredded his arm by several blue-eyed wolves besieging him; then, he was bitten on the neck.

“Junior Brother Zhang!”

This Junior Brother Zhang is dead.

With the fall of Junior Brother Zhang, a gap was left in the battle formation, and several weaker disciples died of wolf claws all at once.

“Ah—” Bai Rong helplessly watched an inner-level blue-eyed wolf bite at her, “Senior Brother Tian, save me!”

Tian Dali was beside her, but his eyes were cold, and he didn’t mean to come forward to save people at all.

“With such a weak strength, even if I save such a waste, it won’t help me much. It’s better to die!” Tian Dali glanced at Bai Rong.

The reason why Tian Dali helped Yue Jian just now was because he valued Yue Jian’s strength; with Yue Jian by his side, his pressure would be less, and his chances of escaping would be greater. And he didn’t save Bai Rong, firstly because Bai Rong’s strength was low, and secondly…he wasn’t interested in women.

He even hated a delicate female warrior like Bai Rong very much.

“Humph! How can a woman look so cute, but we men can’t!?” Tian Dali couldn’t help but thought bitterly.

“Xiao Rong be careful!” Hua Lengyan saw it in her eyes, but at this moment she could not protect herself, let alone save others.

“Ah!” The **** mouth of the blue-eyed wolf was approaching, and Bai Rong could even smell the smell of rotting flesh between the wolf’s teeth.

Bai Rong’s mind was blank, she only felt that the time was slowing down, and the wolf teeth kept expanding in her pupils.

“Are you going to die?”

At this moment, Bai Rong felt neither sorrow nor joy.

If there is any thought moving in her heart, it is that there is still a little girl’s longing, longing for a prince charming suddenly descended from heaven, appearing in front of her at the moment of life and death.



Bai Rong saw a huge hammer smashing horizontally, directly hitting the blue-eyed wolf’s jaw. She saw that the wolf’s teeth were smashed out, and the wolf’s eyes were also smashed out. Wolf blood splattered and painted a beautiful rose in the air.


The blue-eyed wolf was knocked over by a sledgehammer.

At this time, Bai Rong came back to her senses and went to see the “Prince Charming” who saved her. Looking at it, she found, um… This Prince Charming seems to be a little too dark…

“Sun Ji…” Bai Rong couldn’t tell what she felt in her heart. She was frightened by the scene of life and death just now, or she found that the real Prince Charming was a little different from the imagined image, “Thank… Thank you!”

“Haha!” Sun Ji smirked.

However, at this time, it is obviously not the time to say thank you, nor the time to giggle, because the wolves do not give them time to breathe!

Just a moment of stunned, Sun Ji’s situation became extremely difficult. Of course, it wasn’t just Sun Ji who was having a hard time, but so were others.

Perhaps it was the wolves who discovered that Sun Ji’s sledgehammer was extremely powerful in the group attack; at one time, a dozen or so blue-eyed wolves came to besiege them – although they were only equivalent to the initial strength of the internal training, But it was obviously not something that Sun Ji could handle.




Sun Ji frantically swung the sledgehammer, but there were still a lot of claw marks scratched by wolf claws on his body.

At the same time, Hua Lengyan, not far from Sun Ji, was also in crisis. However, Hua Lengyan’s crisis was not only caused by wolves, but also by humans.

“Tian Dali, you!” Hua Lengyan was coping well, but was pulled by Tian Dali and pulled into an angle where the wolves were densely packed.

“If you don’t want to die, help defend my back!” Tian Dali shouted.

“Humph!” Even if Hua Lengyan was reluctant, she didn’t dare to argue at this time.


At this moment, a blue-eyed wolf desperately avoided the sledgehammer and bit Sun Ji’s wrist.

Immediately, Sun Ji’s fighting power with one hand was abolished. Sun Ji, who was already in a critical situation, was really in a desperate situation of mortal death!

Seeing that several blue-eyed wolves were biting at him at the same time, a hint of relief flashed on Sun Ji’s face: “Just die, anyway, it’s just the difference between dying early and dying late, you don’t have to resist hard! It’s just…” The moment of life and death , Sun Ji actually thought of Xu Ming, “I’m sorry boss, you spent so much resources on me in vain, in the future, I can’t follow you as a younger brother…”

“Sun Ji—” Bai Rong exclaimed. UU Reading

It’s just that she is at risk even herself, and it is impossible to help Sun Ji in the slightest.

Sun Ji glanced at Bai Rong and thought to himself: “Hey, this girl is not bad! If I can go back alive, maybe I can tease her… But…”

Several **** mouths approached, and Sun Ji had completely lost his resistance.

“Eighteen years later, I’m still a good man!”

Just as Sun Ji was about to close his eyes and turn his neck to kill, a spear pierced through the sky without a sound.

puff! puff! puff! puff…

The blue-eyed wolf of the inner training level is as fragile as tofu in front of this flying spear.

A spear flew past, the spear seemed to be on a skewer, passed through a row of blue-eyed wolves besieging Sun Ji, and finally slanted into the ground.

“Huh!?” Xu Ming couldn’t believe it, his voice trembling with excitement, “Boss!”

Yue Jian, Hua Lengyan and others also widened their eyes, as if they saw a ray of light in the desperate situation.

“Xu Ming is here, it’s good now, the hope of survival is even greater!” Tian Dali said in his heart – since Xu Ming was recognized by Palace Master Gu as the first disciple of the Wild Martial Palace, he must be more or less capable.

“Ow—” The wolf king roared, seeming to challenge Xu Ming, a human who had arrived suddenly.


Xu Ming drove away the wolves and came to Sun Ji’s side in a flash.

“Old… boss!”

“Shut up! You still have my boss in your heart?” Xu Ming drew back his spear and cursed.

Although he was scolded, Sun Ji felt warm in his heart: “Boss, seeing you risking your life to come for me, I, Sun Ji, really did not follow the wrong person! But boss, you must leave first, Qian Qian. Never mind me… There are too many wolves to kill!”

“If you talk nonsense again, I will treat you as a little brother!” Xu Ming shouted, “Use your hand that hasn’t been broken yet, grab the hammer, and prepare to continue the fierce battle!”

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