Bow and Arrow

Chapter 65 — Great Petal Armor Set

Great Petal Armor Set



"Hmph." Tongqiu's involuntary snort came out softy as he raised his left hand towards her nape.

He then slowly raised his head, as he 'uttered' in his mind 'You tried to fool me.' He then tenderly stroked her head from behind, as if should anything happen, he'd deal with it. As if satisfied as well as waiting for his response, the still close-by white, violet lightning condensed into a laser beam which shot towards the space above them. It then was seemingly swallowed by nothingness as it disappeared.

After that happened, Tongqiu could swear hearing distant, from the void-like hollows full of pain and unwillingness.

"Hmph." Involuntarily snorting once more though in a nice way, as well as forming a little grin, Tongqiu kept stroking the back of her head.

After all those little, unnecessary events unfolded all around him and Teary Rose, a brand new, different notification popped up before his own very eyes.

*PING*... 'Great Petal of Destruction, Teary Rose' is wholeheartedly willing to sign a soul master-servant relationship contract, would you like to accept?

Tongqiu: "..."

"Hmph~. Yes." With his more and more repeated involuntary snorts while grinning a little, Tongqiu accepted this kind of trade that if according to his wild guesses, it should be that of a pet contract. He already knew that it was going to become a true, official thing for the first update, but he didn't know how it'd go before that happened. In any way, as long as he didn't lose Rosey, it'll be fine.

*PING*... all requirements for contracting 'Great Petal of Destruction, Teary Rose' have been met, and is now completely willing to submit, follow and serve you with her pure heart. Should she die in battle, she'd be sent to--- ... - ... to host's special dimensional space to rest. Should the host die, the Teary Rose will die as well, before being sent to the host's special dimensional space. (System's note: As host's has managed to contract a pet and with an extremely unique contract at that, host will be given benefits and rewards for realizing this grand feat once the first update of Rising Essence is implemented, thank you for host's patience and understanding)

*PING*'ve successfully made a contract with a being of unknown species, known as 'Teary Rose'. Teary Rose is eagerly waiting for you to name her!

"Um? Didn't I- oh... her name, is Rosey." Albeit a little confused, Tongqiu still decided to repeat himself -this time towards both the system and her- so as to 'properly' name her.

*PING*... Teary Rose, 'Rosey', has been successfully named.

Sure enough, once he received such a notification, he felt a non-existent and previously unnoticed barrier open up as a 'link' which he could only 'feel' finally allowed the two to connect.

However, before he had time to get Rosey to cheer up, a big slap in the face forced him to grow cold.

*PING*... because Rosey has suffered severe, grievous fatal injuries as well as having burned up all of her Petals, she'd be reduced to an embryonic state. Because of the feature 'Pet System' has yet to be formally implemented, she cannot go to host's special dimensional space, as such, she'd have to merge with the host's body. Only then will Rosey manage to survive, as long as the host avoid death until then.


'Fuck!! This... R-R-... Rosey? Tongqiu was heavily cursing the now actually helpful system in a mix of gratitude as well as exasperation at his powerlessness. He then noticed how the white-goldish aura-like substance enveloping Rosey turned verdant green, transparent black-grey and finally pure white and platinum-grey.

As she also noticed such a change, she looked towards him; tilted her head, and softly rested her head on his shoulder with a kind smile that longed for their future travels, endeavors and fighting enemies together... and a kind of sad 'goodbye'.

"Tha-that's right... you still aren't capable of talking, ah, silly. It... it won't be that long, wait for me, Rosey." He hugged her shoulders as he dotingly rubbed her face with his cheeks.

At that moment, all those colors enveloping her started converging towards her sternum before being sent towards her crown-less stem. As it passed from her chest to her head, ever so slowly, she also began to turn into goldish-red specks of globed which slowly converged at the top of her head, also being directed so as to merge with the rest of the colors. Her feet were the first to become goldish-red globes, her body then started to slowly 'disappear' from there upwards.

Once only her head and the little bit of the top of her shoulders remained, she once again looked at him, as she then made a motion of opening her mouth as if waiting to be fed.

'Ah.' Understanding that it was an instruction from her, he similarly opened his mouth wide-opened. The moment he did so, her 'dematerialization' sped up and quickly took the last of her remaining body towards the top of her crown. A radiant, blinding goldish-red glow exploded right at his face, instantly blinding him yet Tongqiu didn't even moved his eyes a tiny fucking bit.

When the glow was over, as if noticing something -still with his mouth wide-opened-, he looked slightly higher from where her head was supposed to be and saw a blackish-red bud with an oval shape and also seemingly burnt. It immediately reminded Tongqiu of Rosey''s eyes as he didn't wait for the thing to come towards him, he extended his neck and directed his mouth at the blackish-red bud, rapidly yet carefully gobbled it down his throat.

He had a strange sensation, as if the bud itself moved on its own once it went down his throat, rapidly moving towards his sternum area... 'Wait a moment... that's where she shot that weird laser beam that merged into my body! This...'

He had no more time to speculate for he suddenly felt as if his entire body had grown another body inside his body in a weird structure. His arms were as if forming a kind of root-like organism that formed right in the center of all of his limbs.

He felt intense pain in his whole body as he became extremely stiff; he couldn't even move his eyes as even his veins seemed to move around and grow stronger, as if they were roots who had unshackled themselves for something... as if he was... letting go of his mortality!


After some dozens of minutes, he finally stopped squirming in a stiff, immobile manner as he felt his body suddenly become mightier. He felt every single piece of flesh inside his body, he even felt as if he could detach that minute-sized piece of his flesh off his body and even move it around until it dried off or lost its remaining vitality! Such a weird occurrence truly left him astounded and interested, rather than scared or afraid! Similarly, he also felt as if he could make his bones snap off on their own or simply unnaturally bend in ways that'd it'll be beyond human knowledge!

'What the... what the fuck. Yep, what the fuck. I understand that this happened because of Rosey, but... whyyyy exactly?!' After pondering for a little while, Tongqiu raised his head slightly before speaking out: "System, show me the logs for when I was in that strange state... of pain, those- I believe I was too absorbed in it that I didn't even noticed them... which is weird, considering the amount of Mental Power I have.'

*PING*'ve consumed a strange, unknown item.

*PING*'ve merged with a strange, unknown item. Compatibility: Heart to Heart. Merging with the strange, unknown item has been completed, results: successful.

*PING*'ve been bestowed with the Teary Rose bloodline. No information, no data available.

*PING*... as host has been the first 'Journeyer' to take upon a bloodline, as well as one with an unknown rank, host has been granted rewards according to the specific bloodline.

*PING*'ve received the title, 'Pure Hearted'.

*PING*...the synchronization of host's strange energies have been modestly boosted. Information/data not available.


'Overlord', effect: +15% raw movement speed when in battle.

'Pure Hearted', effect: Gardener Efficiency+45%, ??? from  elements will always be critical, nor inflict altered states upon the user.

'Hoo~, it's pretty nice! Thank you,dear Rosey.' Finishing thinking so, Tongqiu's warm face became detached and indifferent as he 'turned' his head to ask the system: "Hey system... do you know what all of this is about?"

System: "..."

Tongqiu: ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

*PING*...the previous events that host went through are totally impossible to identify. Wait until more update releases for an accurate explanation. We recommend for host to lay and have a rest after experiencing such traumatic events. Thank you for playing.

'Fucker. Fucker. Fucker. Fucker. Can understand how something that's supposedly non-existent for the current version of Rising Essence, but has no fucking clue to what happened to me... siiiigh~.'

After throwing a mental tantrum, idiotic Tongqiu turned over and over as if searching for something, after a while he spoke once again: "Um, so, eh... what now?"



As if it was waiting for Tongqiu's helplessness, rolling thunder resonated once again within this floor. Right after he hear the lightning move about, a milky-purple vortex appeared in midair; what came out of those vortex was an incredibly white-creamy colored energy, upon seeing that, Tongqiu felt a sensation similar to when he used the purest white and grey-platinum essences from before!

If he wasn't incorrect, this must be essence itself. Though he did not know why there was only essence but no one behind it... he didn't know shit about Essence itself so he didn't delved upon it, since the game has that word too in its title then it's only a matter of time before his doubts are solved.

Besides the thunderous roars all around the floor, there was also a 'this place is obviously going to self-destruct right now' kind of situation for Tongqiu realized that no actual gate towards an 'anywhere' would come to save him this time. Before he could even begin to worry though, the white-creamy energy spiraled without control into a circular energy-like portal.

Tongqiu's senses were overwhelmed with a sense of manually induced urgency to leave this place, he was extremely calm though as he walked towards the portal, he also understood that the reason the white-creamy energy -aka essence- had him urgently leave was because Rosey's life and future depended on his survival! Even if he was one of those revival-freaks of those 'Journeyers'.

Nodding one last, and unique, time towards the the energy-like portal; Tongqiu crossed through it as the white-creamy essence rapidly shrunk once he was utterly gone, completely out of the Mysterious Hidden Grounds, as it also began to thoroughly fall apart...


"Haha, once we're over with our little group battle here, wanna go hunt some skeletons at the new region? These bitches will be easy prey after all!! Ha!"

"Hahahaha, sure, suuure~. The other day I actually managed to farm 15 1 Star Elite BOSSes, it was addictive man! I'm gonna impress many young ones like this, then I'll fool them into allowing me to touch them, kahahahaha!"

A couple of laughing players were moving within a forest, having their knees move up and down ever so constantly that it seemed as if they were so bad at walking through the wild, and if that wasn't enough, then their turtle-like speed was definitely enough  to expose them of their attention being easily distracted by creepy thoughts.

"Hmmm-bwahahaha! That one was so young, hahaha! Remember how she was even crying at the end? Aaaahh~ man, such a tur-" When one of them was responding to the previous creepy, disgusting remark- a deafening sound accompanied by a blinding light suddenly came to be right above their heads!


With their eyes full of red and crying to no end, as well as having their hearing sense completely gone and replaced by a noiseless whistle, they did their best to look upwards to see just what in the actual fuck was going on, only to see the shadow of a man with the head of a wolf descend from the sky with that fucking blinding light from before.

"Hmm... so your favorites are young girls, eh?" A sudden voice traveled all the way to their ears, allowing them to regain their senses and stupidly enter into a battle stance, taking out their swords.

"Wh-w-who the fuck are you?!" Said player 1.

"Ye-yeah, fuckerrr! What the fuck you care?" Said player 2.

When they experienced such miraculous event, they thought that they've had finally struck it rich and managed to find a hidden event, quest or feature! It wouldn't be the first time since they've seen it multiple times at the forums, so when they thought it was their time to become filthy rich, powerful and famous- it went so much into their hands that once they discovered that those were but mere laughingstocks of a train of thoughts and that they've been played by none other than a single player... made them rage to no end, even if they have not been harmed in the slightest nor had been witnessed by a lot of people. There were only the three of them in this area, no one else, yet that was enough to incite killing intent from the bottom of their hearts. The money, the fame, the young girls they could coerce into 'intimacy'!! Their dreams were wholly shattered.

"Hmm. You see, I also have a younger sister. You see... when I heard a little of your ramblings, I just felt- you know? Like, this kind of sensation... is like in my veins, you know. Like, the only thing that comes to my mind is that I just found out about a couple of people that like to target other people, people that are exactly similar to that of my younger sister... hmph." Finishing giving his ranting, Tongqiu habitually involuntarily snorted with a silly little grin. For them, however, was the instigator of their backs feeling a sharp, piercing cold, wash over their entire bodies.

Tongqiu didn't even intended to pull out any kind of weapon, he merely descended as he aimed with his hands in a claw form, towards their necks.



Immediately after Tongqiu had caught them both with his hands, he began using his grey-platinum, bright-metallic essence to hit very important parts of their body in different ways; a finger used in a stabbing motion,  a couple of fingers used for poking their eyes out, a kick on their taint... anything that he could hit them with before accidentally killing them, he did so. Hell, he even experimented a little on how to make their suffering longer as the second and last of these two fuckers suffered much longer than the first.

When he instinctively used this grey-platinum, bright-metallic essence against the Mortal's Terror before, he realized of the immense pain it was brought under, even when it was supposed to be an abomination- meaning, incapable of feeling, like any other living being. As such, he didn't hesitate to try it out again, and with his newly gained knowledge of the use of Mental Power into Mental Prowess, he managed to use it in this way.

He would first hit the desired 'spot' and right at the instant of contact, a mercury-like marking would appear which he would then command to 'activate/take effect', which was followed by his well expected and incoming cries of torment and traumatic bellowing -not in the good kind of way-.

'Haah~, after the Mysterious Hidden Grounds, the outside feels so refreshing. Mn, I'll go check that new region later- right now... where am- ah, I'm actually close to the 'Cave for Murder'? Since when...' Tongqiu wanted to think 'since when was it discovered' before he abruptly realized that all around him was a forest which had been trekked upon a lot, and for a long time.

He noticed how the many flora from before was cut off in the way a small path would form, as well as how other harvestable flora was completely cleaned off from the entire nearby areas. A bit saddening.

Either way, Tongqiu decided to first see what's up with those guys' group battle thingy inside the Cave for Murder before going towards the new region. Right at this moment, however, he remembered something as he first sent a message towards the offline Mommy Heals You while also sending a friend request to 'Fragile Broken Eyes'.

*PING*... 'Fragile Broken Eyes has accepted your friend request.

Immediately after, he opened up a call towards her to which she instantly joined/agreed to.

"Aaah, Tongqiu~~, you finally send me the invite, woah, can you really hear me? Can you?" A nice, clear voice of his beloved little Diana came from the system's call as he typically inevitably snorted and grinned a little at hearing her for the first time inside the game.

"Um, yes. Ey, how come you're inside Rising Essence, ah- wait, don't tell me is late already? Ah!" Tongqiu was confused so as to how Diana was on while they were supposed to have gone to attend to top matters which they wouldn't allow him to know, merely saying things like 'it'll be for our future!' or 'you'll be thanking us later on' as they each left him in the villa with the maids' company. So, as soon as he made such a silly question, he followed it by throwing out a stupid rhetorical question which exposed his irresponsibility even more.

"Ho~, so you know you're in the wrong? Hmph, you should hurry up, you have no idea how disappointed big sister was when she found out she couldn't jump into your arms while telling you the new goods, smelly Tongqiu!" Her half-truly and half-feigned angry voice sounded from the last time before she actually hung up on him.

'...Oh no, Naty, here I go.' He was about to immediately log off when he remembered his loot from the quest. He didn't had time before and merely planned to check it all while traveling towards the 'Cave for Murder'. Now, however, he could only check one of the things he received before logging off.

There was a ??? as a reward from before, he decided to check that up in a jiffy before hurriedly doting on Natalia for days without stop and another date perhaps.

The '???' ended up being a [Main Kingdom's Thanks Box], which he opened.




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