Boss Level Face-Slapping Specialist [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 244 - Farmhouse

Zheng Zixuan stepped forward to salute the two elders, and Xu Zifan briefly introduced them. Several people were excited when they saw Xu Zifan patronizing, but they didn’t even see a girl behind him. At this time, they looked a little confused at her face that was sixty-six like Zheng Chuan. Mother Xu looked around, “Where is Xiao and Xiaochuan?”

“Mother, let’s go in and say.” Xu Zifan tied the carriage and greeted everyone to come in. After everyone was seated, he told him about Zheng Chuan’s entrusting his sister to him.

Mother Xu slapped her thigh and suddenly realized, “No wonder you have to let Zheng Chuan accompany you to Fucheng. It turns out that he had an appointment to leave Fucheng with someone? Oh, your two children are really true. Why don’t you tell us about such a big event? Anyway, help Xiaochuan prepare more things to take with him.”

“Mother, don’t worry, Zheng Chuan brought the silver, and you can buy what you lack there. You also know Zheng Chuan’s temperament, he doesn’t want to face the separation, so I didn’t tell you.”

Mother Xu said a few more words, sat next to Zheng Zixuan, took her hand and looked at her with a pity look on her face, “Good boy, when you get to the aunt, this will treat this as your own home. Your brother usually comes, like Like my other son, we are in a good relationship. You just came here, and you are not familiar with this place. If you have anything to do, please ask me and Xiaolian. Don’t get out of sight. We are a family.”

Xiao Lian stepped forward and smiled: “Yes, Sister Zi Xuan, we are all a family. There happens to be an empty room next to me, I will help you clean up.”

Zheng Zixuan stood up hurriedly, “I’ll go too, I can just clean up by myself, it has already caused you a lot of trouble.”

Xiaolian waved her hand hurriedly, “It’s no trouble, you just got out of the car, you must be exhausted, so I can take a good rest, I can just clean up by myself.”

Xu’s mother saw that the two of them were getting along well, and she smiled and curled her eyes, “Just let Xiao Lian go, you and the third child will have a good rest, I will get you some noodle soup, eat a bowl of warmth, and feel comfortable.” He told Xu Zifan, “The third child, you take care of Zi Xuan, and my mother will get you some food.”

Xu Zifan nodded, “Don’t worry, mother.”

Father Xu had nothing to say with the little girl. He asked Xu Zifan a few words about the exam. He happily went out with his hands behind his back when he knew everything was going well. There are so many people in the neighborhood who asked about Xu Zifan these days. Now that Xu Zifan is back, he should go out for a stroll. Up. Fang Mingda ran to help Xiao Lian clean the room, only Xu Zifan and Zheng Zixuan were left in the main room. Zheng Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at Xu Zifan. This person, this identity has been so smoothly established!

The next day Xu Zifan went to apply for a household registration for Zheng Zixuan. People from the Xu family came and went to congratulate the rookies who stopped by. Xu Zifan is not that kind of poor talent. He has a rich family background and is a doctor. He has been tested for the first name of a scholar. No matter how he looks, his future is bright. Many people want to get close to him.

In particular, the prefectural county also hosted a banquet for Xu Zifan and Liu Yang, because they took the No. 1 pick before they were 20 years old, and the ranking is not bad. The prefecture saw their potential and encouraged them and gave them twenty taels each. Silver, no more, no less, and enough to make ordinary people envy. In addition, scholars can receive five taels of silver each year. Ordinary people need to be polite and courteous when they see them. They don’t need to perform corvee, and they can also be exempt from paying taxes on 80 acres of land under their names. All these benefits directly raised Xu Zifan’s social status to a higher level.

When Xu Zifan returned to Jishitang, the doctors who worked with him paid more attention to him, and apprentices, medicine boys, and fellows respected him even more. His medical skills are superior to those of several doctors. In the past, because he was young, this matter was not conspicuous. Now that he is known as a scholar, he has become the first person in Ji Shitang without knowing it. He is first. Only then did Xu Zifan really understand the class gap between ancient scholars, farmers, and business.

Another person who saw this gap was Su Qianyun. She had traveled through it for so long and had never seen an official. At most, she had seen a few arrests. Every time she appeared, she lifted her chin and walked staggeringly, and passers-by would avoid it. That was already a great person she had met. In the past six months or so, she has been trying to improve her living environment, so she made use of the food she knows how to make money, and opened a small restaurant in the town.

When she saw that Xu Zifan’s family was still renting Fang Mingda’s house, but her family already had a small restaurant, she thought she had finally surpassed Xu Zifan and regained her confidence. But how long has it passed? Xu Zifan passed the exam for a talented person, and passed the exam. She had no use for her impression of a talented person. Many people in modern times have a poor image of a talented person in TV dramas. She never thought that a talented person would still have this. More preferential treatment, those talents on TV are too high-minded and do not know how to make money, or is this world different from those dynasties?

Su Qianyun has a bad history. If you don’t pay attention to these, you can’t think of it. But she went to Xu’s house for a few banquets and saw the public’s attitude towards Xu Zifan. It was really different for her to get fame. She made money, and when people saw her, they would take the initiative to greet her with a smile, but they had a lot of respect for Xu Zifan, besides these, they inexplicably highlighted a sense of respect and inferiority. Then she saw Xu Zifan walking on the street, and the two catchers smiled and fisted at him, calling him “Xu Xiucai.” At that time, she really realized that the scholars, farmers, industry and commerce are real, and the amount of money she earns from selling food and opening restaurants is not comparable to Xu Zifan’s examination of a talent.

It is often said that who is the daughter of a scholar, who is the son of a scholar, and the children of scholars, even their marriages are higher than others. And her, her wealth is completely unable to bring up the status of her children. Su Qianyun was hit by Xu Zifan once again, and the self-confidence she had built up quickly disintegrated, and she even began to resent herself for not being a man!

When she saw Zheng Zixuan, her heart almost jumped out, and she was excited and annoyed. She couldn’t help but find an opportunity to ask Zheng Zixuan, “Your brother really went to the army? Did he say when he will be back?”

Zheng Zixuan glanced at him strangely and shook her head, “No one can say about joining the army, my brother didn’t mention it.”

Zheng Zixuan used false voices deliberately when she was acting as Zheng Chuan. It was entirely the voice of a man speaking. Now she is back as a female voice and can cook and make clothes. Su Qianyun didn’t doubt at all, she just asked her in a hurry, “Then you How did Brother explain to you? Have you mentioned me or us?”

Zheng Zixuan thought about it quickly, felt that there was no flaw in the plan, and shook her head, “No, my brother and I just met for one day, he left, and there was no chance to talk to each other. He asked me about my situation over the years. Then he told me that he and Third Brother Xu had a fateful friendship, and asked me to come here with Third Brother Xu, and nothing else was mentioned.” Zheng Zixuan looked at Su Qianyun’s eyes flashing, revealing a puzzled expression, “What’s wrong? Me. Should you tell me someone? Should I pay attention to something?”

Su Qianyun was very disappointed. She created so many chances to meet Zheng Chuan, implying how many times she didn’t know how many times, but she didn’t get Zheng Chuan at all? What kind of man is this? She is obviously charming and beautiful, shouldn’t a bachelor and tough guy like Zheng Chuan like her petite and beautiful woman? Are not young women more mature and attractive? Is Zheng Chuan blind?

Seeing her in a daze, Zheng Zixuan stretched out her hand and shook her eyes, curiously said: “What are you thinking? Is there something wrong? If it’s about my brother, you can tell me. Is there something wrong with my brother here? The person to deal with? Or… the person who cares about?”

Su Qianyun looked at her, and for a moment wanted to imply that she and Zheng Chuan were ambiguous, and stopped this absurd idea in time. It was too dangerous, and Zheng Chuan didn’t make any statement with her. She didn’t do anything appropriate. But Zheng Chuan actually joined the army! The most powerful orion, unsmiling, not close to female sex, and empathetic and righteous, went to join the army again. This does not mean that he has a boundless future in the future as a seedling of a general? This is the protagonist in countless farming articles!

The fire in Su Qianyun’s heart was burning, and she gave Zheng Zixuan a gentle and kind smile, “It’s nothing, I just want to say, our whole family has a good relationship with your brother. He is very capable. We followed him into the mountains before and saw it with our own eyes. He hunts really well. Now he is in the army, we will definitely take care of you for him. You call me Sister Yun and go to me if you have anything.” She grabbed Zheng Zixuan’s hand, “I always wanted to have one Sister, I feel that kind of intimacy when I see you, you must come to me more.”

Zheng Zixuan got goose bumps and felt that Su Qianyun was sick. Why doesn’t she know the intersection with Su Qianyun in the past? When did they get so familiar? She also took care of her for her brother and became a good sister with her. Forget it, she knew how Su Qianyun treated Xu Zifan, and she was insensitive to such people.

Zheng Zixuan smiled perfunctorily, and found an excuse to avoid Su Qianyun. Where is Su Qianyun? She is having the dream of getting close to her sister and taking over her brother. Now that she knows that the gap between the three and six nines in ancient times is so big, how can she be content to be a small merchant for a lifetime? Xu Erlang couldn’t give her anything. He was still a straight man with cancer and a lot of stinking problems. She had to work harder. Now the most likely person she could contact was Zheng Chuan. A quasi-general who knows his roots and is not married, no matter what position Zheng Chuan can get, she can be an official wife after marrying!

Of course, this cannot be done too obvious. She still has to see whether Zheng Chuan can take the position. The ancient life of more than half a year has made her no longer take it for granted. She must be prepared with both hands to do things and cannot cut her own back. .

Ever since Su Qianyun made this decision, she often went to Xu’s house to visit her elders and find excuses to contact Zheng Zixuan. Zheng Zixuan was so annoyed that she couldn’t help but say to Xu Zifan: “What’s wrong with your second sister-in-law? I used to like to come to me. Minu, it’s getting worse now. I obviously don’t like to be with her, why doesn’t she wink at all?”

Xu Zifan was busy in the hospital, and really didn’t pay attention to the situation at home. When she heard this, she almost spit out, and said in surprise: “Second sister-in-law hasn’t given up yet?”

Zheng Zixuan looked at him wonderingly, “Give up what?”

“Abandon you!” Xu Zifan coughed amusedly, “She has a crush on you, and has always wanted to make love and remarry with you.”

Zheng Zixuan instantly widened her eyes, “What?! Is she crazy?”

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