Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

468. Master it, you can come up with the finale

“Hey! The police said that the teacher doesn’t take care of you, Ye Cang has a burning power, and Mei Chuan also has an iron puppet. Your skeleton is astonishing. This is the best question that the teacher has tried to fool you, and the strongest physique in the ninja world. If you can master it completely, it is not the teacher’s bragging, you are the man who proposed the finale with one kick!

Walking on the way to the land of fire, I didn’t know that White Fang wanted to hack him to death, and took out the masterpiece in green leather and threw it to Yusaku Kudo.

“So powerful?! The strongest physique in the ninja world?! 2(0x0a”

The shock of the three little devils is beyond words. Who is their teacher? He is the person who stands at the top of the ninja world, who stands at the top of the cross chain of the ninja world. What kind of concept?

Absolutely powerful group!

“Eight Inner Gates?!”

Especially Kudo Yusaku, who looked at the crooked big characters in his hand in shock. With his cultural background, he could barely recognize the four big characters. Although the handwriting was a little ugly, there was a majestic momentum from the four crooked big characters. 17 rooms rushed towards him, making him unable to resist the torture from the bottom of his heart…

“Who wrote this word? Never heard of it! (@ [email protected] )?”

Just this handwriting revealed the education level of the original owner, but also made him a little worried about whether the teacher was fooling him, seeing the teacher blow so hard, but he has been with the teacher for so long, and the teacher’s unreliable character is not something he does. do not know.

“You are entangled in the problem of words. If you don’t understand it, go back and find a text image to translate it for you. This Eight Inner Gates is the real thing. The reason why he is not famous is that it is very difficult to learn, and he is in the process of learning. It’s also very painful. I don’t know how many years it has been passed down, but in the limited history, I haven’t heard of anyone who can completely master him. Master this thing not only requires extremely strong perseverance, but also requires a lot of physical talent, both of which are lacking. No, if it is fully mastered, it can burst and cut dozens of times more power than Kage-level. Of course, everything has two sides. Once the Eight Gate is fully opened, it has dozens of times more power than Kage-level, but the price That is, Long sailing Bintian is completely cold, your hands are over your knees, your palms are broad, and your Achilles tendon is slender. As long as you can open Sixth, Seventh Gate, I’m already comforted…

After seeing the three people in shock, they looked a little unbelievable. Zhendou gave them a detailed introduction, mainly because the words written by Might Dai really tested people’s eyesight. Doubt is not surprising.

“Siguoyi! Power dozens of times beyond Kage-level!! 2 (Orga”

The three little devils were completely shocked. They didn’t know the concept of power that surpassed Kage-level dozens of times. However, according to the previous teacher’s statement, Lord Kazekage is Kage-level. If you completely take this Eight Inner Gates Master, wouldn’t it? Said to be dozens of times stronger than Kazekage-sama. Seeing the teacher’s rare serious expression, the three finally believed it.

As for the price that the teacher said later, the three people have automatically ignored it. If you really have such a powerful power, even if it is only a flash in the pan, what if you die!

Who has never died in life since ancient times, and a dazzling death is better than an unknown and happy death?

“Forget it, I guess you won’t listen to what I say now, you’ll know later…

Even Umekawa Neiko and Ye Cang, two stable players, are like this, and even more so, Kudo Yusaku. From the look on his face that is lighter than a feather and heavier than Taishan, you know that what he says now is useless. .

This Eight Inner Gates is very powerful. Like Sage Jutsu, it is known as the standard forbidden technique of grass-roots counterattack. To be honest, if he is not stuck in the BUSS of the One Piece world, he will also have a peeping heart for this Eight Inner Gates born in Sunagakure, After all, it is a technique that can hang and beat Six Paths Madara, and it is the only one in the whole ninja world.

However, after getting stuck in the BUSS of One Piece World, what he likes is the staying power. The armed color Haki is matched with the physique of the sky and the perfect Sage Jutsu. The three states are superimposed together, not to mention whether the explosive power can catch up with the Guy The night Guy, but the staying power, defense is definitely just right, and there is no life-threatening.

King Guy is estimated to be the best match with Eight Inner Gates. Even if he opens the door to death, he can only hold on to one kick. This kind of big move that hurts the enemy eight hundred and self-destruction is still forgot, and at present In the ninja world, except for the fucking old Six Paths, there seems to be no creatures that make him feel dangerous. This kind of big move is a bit tasteless to him.

However, for a child like Kudo Yusaku, who has no background, it is definitely the confidence to turn his life around and raise the upper limit. Zhendou does not require him to be able to master the Eight Gate and fully open it. That is not realistic. It runs through the entire Hokage Ninja Club. There are actually two or three people in the Eight Inner Gates, and even Xiaokadian has learned a trick, but the only one who can really drive to the Eighth Gate is the Emperor Guy, which shows how difficult it is, Kudo Yusaku can operate the Sixth Gate , It can be a little bit similar to the Kage-level first, at least it is a fake double-spend red stick, at least it can let him survive the third battle.

As for Ye Cang and Mei Chuan, he was not too worried. In the original book, Ye Cang was killed by Luo Sha. Now Ye Cang is his disciple, and Luo Sha would not dare to bully her. Meichuan Neiko is the eldest young master of the Meichuan clan, the future successor, and as long as his legs are broken, as long as he doesn’t die, he was a cheerleader in the post-967 party during the third battle and no one said anything.

After all, there are people in the Meichuan family.

“Teacher, don’t worry! I promise I won’t let you down. After I return to the village, I will start practicing. If not Master Eight Gate, I will never Jimen!”

Yusaku Kudo thought the teacher didn’t have confidence in him, so he put away the Eight Inner Gates manuscript and patted his chest very seriously and assured that although the teacher said something so precious, he was sure that it must be in Konoha. The thing that is guarded by heavy troops, the teacher risked his life to get this so-called strongest ninja martial arts for him, and the font looks like the handwriting of the teacher, which really moved him!

In order to live up to the expectations of the teacher, even if you die, you have to keep learning!


“Hmm! Fuck! The future belongs to you young people..

Zhendou looked at “Father Conan” who was so moved that he promised it. Entering his heart, he patted his baton affectionately and encouraged him.

It seems that he was right to give the perfect ninja Haibian a meal!

Umekawa Neiyu checked his eyes with Ye Cang, I don’t know why the teacher is like this and they always feel a little fake..

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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