Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 6: Familiar (3)

"I feel like shit…" I muttered nauseous; the pain cognitive yet stemming from my centre.

Ralph humming could only smile back, "Tell me about it."

Closing in towards the bar I could hear them. The voices of disappointment and spite whirling without.

"So, the freaks still alive, huh…" One voice murmured.

"I wonder if he's even human…" Another chimed.

"Does it even matter?"

Halting Ralph I merely shook my head, "It's no point staying here any longer Ralph. I gotta go."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean Ralph... I'm not accepted here and never will be. We should try elsewhere…"

"You know I can't leave here… I got ties to this place." He explained, "Listen, kid, I won't stop yah from leaving. I think you're right. You won't thrive here. You should try your luck somewhere else."

Turning away he slowly started to walk towards his house.

"Take some time to yourself and rest."

Pacing slowly, I eventually gained the strength to walk myself up.

Exhausted from the slight carry Ralph leaned back and puffed, "You know kid I sometimes wonder if you're even human…"

"Maybe I'm some sort of eldritch monstrosity walking in human skin wouldn't that be scary," I started jumping about his hands poked outwards to mimic some sort of alien.

"Very funny kiddo if you're some sort of monster then I must be a goddamn onion." Ralph huffed annoyed, his hands scanning the minifridge beside him, "Yeah that's what I'm talking about!"

Excited by the beer in his hand he left the refreshing and bitter solution to drown his worries away. Mellowed he allowed the chilling emanate from his brows. Lifting it near his forehead he lay there silent, the harsh winds blowing away as both he and I sat there thinking.

"I know you got a story kid and I ain't gonna ask. We all have something we're hiding. I only hope the demons you're facing fall against your strength."

"Thanks, been an interesting few days."

"Trust me, I've had an interesting few years. You get used to it after a while, things usually lead to one thing or another."

"Does it ever get easy living out here?"

"Nope… Only gets more colder." He replied, "I've taught you most of what I can kid and my time closing near. Get off this planet, and do something greater. This galaxy is but a small fraction of what exists out there."

"You think I can make it out of here?"

"I think you can thrive. We're holding you back kid, it's time you start making your own name out there. Show them who Alexander is, you're a hero kid. Even if the world says you aren't."

"Thanks, Ralph… I'll make sure to try."

"I know you'll do your best. Here's my savings it's got most of my money from my younger days it'll serve you well." He smiled handing me a chip. Grasping it I slotted it into my ECHO device and was amazed at the amount.

"That's a lot of money for a mechanic…" I muttered exasperated.

<Transferred funds of $1'000'000>

"Wasn't always just a car mechanic you know." Ralph revealed, "I was a soldier, a part of an elite military squad. One who had ties with the Atlas corporation. When I had decided to retire, the price was simple. A clean wipe of a small rural town… I never had a choice in that matter."

"You killed them?" I asked.

"I had no clue; I was merely dispatched to remove the enemies." He revealed, his face contorting as memories of the past flew by.

"We dropped nauseous gas first, the canisters lighting the whole village before dropping Phosphorus gas within… I was told they were holding a high-level target… They died suffering." Ralph explained.

"They dared! How could they?" I fumed.

"Such is the tale, you either die by your enemies or die by retirement and in a way a part of me died there too."

"You ever get your revenge?" I asked.

"Me? I'm only human, kid. I'm grateful I even made it out alive. Sometimes revenge will get you so far. If I killed them who would live to remember their faces? To remember the injustice that I had faced? Perhaps this was karma for all that I had done. Perhaps it was fate." He reminisced.

I guess I was right in staying out of the galactic schemes of the corporations. It seemed that a majority of the weapon-manufacturing corporations held power within this universe. It made me wonder if this universe even had a central government.

"What of Jess?"

"She'll live…"

"I understand…" Reaching the spare room I started to grab everything I needed, the many boxes and items stored within my ISD, the device then stored within my core. Feeling the weight over my soul somewhat drop it felt refreshing, perhaps it was true.

Removing the broken gas mask, I dropped it to the floor leaving it alongside the bed. Equipping my new armour, it fitted perfectly. Pulling some books out I left them out for Jess, I knew she'd be happy to see them.

Seeing the helmet, I stared at its metallic frame before donning it. Clasping my head, it laid over comfortably a holographic interface seemingly installed within. Suspicious of malware I fried it, aether within my hand disabling its electronic components.

I would not be spied on.

Closing my eyes, I commanded my beast to make her way over, far yet close they eventually made it to the front. Her children are alongside her. Hopping on my motorbike I roared its engine, the sound deafening. Running on oil, its fumes bolstered behind.

"Looking sharp." Ralph smiled seeing me, "It's been fun kid."

"It's been good. I'll see you again when I make it big. I promise."

"I'm sure you will one day."

Pausing I knew it was best to continue. Taking off, I waved goodbye. The man flips the finger back.

"I'll miss your shit, Oldman!" I roared, his figure slowly growing smaller and smaller.

Driving alongside my beasts they surprisingly showed resilience their average pace around sixty kilometres per hour.

"It feels kind of odd saying goodbye but… it's better this way…" I murmured. Viewing my statistics, I took note of the changes.

Name: Alexander

Age: 11

Health: 100% 

Aether: 6330 -> 11'690

Equipped: Unique Modified Armour (Wild West set)

Inventory: * Common Bandit cleaver, *** Rare Dahl sniper, ** Uncommon Dahl Assault rifle, ** Uncommon Dahl submachine gun, ** Uncommon Bandit shotgun, ***** Legendary Pistol (The Negotiator)

Cash: $1'013'200

Shiny Stones: 300

Misc.: 50 red syringes, 10 Medkits, ISD

Ammunition: Pistol: 900, Submachine: 700, Assault rifle 600, Shotguns: 450, Sniper: 200, 10 grenades

Driving north of the village I eventually travelled for a few hours before coming across a town, the setting filled with Atlas militants.

Surrounding the whole area, they surveyed the town with vigilance and security tight.

"Halt your vehicle, stranger. This is Atlas territory, you better back off." The soldier commented, his armour fancied with crimson red and heavily plastered around with steel.

"Just passing by," I explained.

Turning to look forward I noticed numerous individuals being dragged out. Their screams and cries alarmed me. Seeing children being pulled from their parents I wondered just how dark and dangerous this world was.

"Keep it moving, my fingers getting itchy." The soldier voiced, the numerous militants around him now turning to face me.

"Since when did Atlas start kidnapping people?" I asked confused.

"We're not kidnapping anyone here merely 'relocating' them."

"I guess that's fair," I murmured.

Turing to drive away I was suddenly shot. A loud thud struck my shield, the transparent field shattering the bullet. Seeing the glint of a weapon sniping me from afar, I dropped any option of leaving. Suddenly being assaulted my beasts were quick to charge, their thick skin taking the brunt of their charge.

"Big mistake cunts…" I murmured; my sub-machine gun equipped within my hand firing back. Seeing some bullets dint around their armour I switched to a spicier approach. The Negotiator equipped from my hands spat devastating charges against their armours. Melting through it quite literally burnt their insides.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" The soldier screamed. Curb stomping his skull I absorbed his soul and continued my march within the town.

"No one fucks with the Crimson Lance!" Another alerted his bullets merely scratching my shield. Turning to aim at him, his chest was busted through, his comrades being mauled by the skags.

Hearing a large thoom it quickly cracked my shield, the thunderous bullet evaporating it. Turning to see the glint again I ducked near cover while my beasts continued to maul and destroy the others.

Deciding how to close on to the target I wondered just how my intangibility worked. When the bullets were struck within my body how did I inject it outwards? Closing my eyes, I once again thought of the warp. The dimension in which I peered into. Could I perhaps walk within it? Perhaps I could try.

Concentrating I opened my eyes only to see the blurs within the world once again. The colours convolving about, forces of the universe converging and collapsing in one another and within this warped view, I entered.

My body physically launched within its overlap with the physical surreal. To see how the materium the physical world and the aethereal the non-physical world twirl within this strange universe. The enemies seeing my figure watched startled. As within this warped realm, they could still see me. Attempting to shoot me their bullets merely went through.

"What the fuck…" One muttered.

Charging towards the others I simply watched as my own figure phased through them. It seems my ability only allowed me to warp through. Although visible it was invaluable as it allowed me to walk unharmed at the expense of aether as it started to drain a tick per minute.

Rushing the sniper who kept ducking near a building roof, I appeared behind him at startling speed. I had noticed that with my ability I could not grasp structures or figures but could walk.

Holding my hatchet, I quickly exited the warp. My swings cracked his shields with ease, the force leaving him exposed.

"Must be nice sitting up here." I smiled, the next hit butchering his back. The feeling of cracking his spine via blunt force - immaculate. The armour had protected him or moments but not for long as my butchering slowly opened him up.

"This is what you get for fucking with me…"

Hammering the hatchet, I watched as his body slowly turned into an open carcass, his body armour nothing to my physical browses. While the initial two strikes had dented it in, it started to show its effects.

Reaching his skin, the weapon snapped under the pressure. Throwing it away I switched to another melee weapon the buzzsaw.

The soldier was unable to thwart my attempts merely buckled in pain before dying, his life force syphoned. Looking over at his weapon the design was sleek with strange carvings etched in. Neon red with ebony steel it seemed alien. Taking it I kicked the sniper's husk down and continued my rampage.

My body entered and exited the warp with ease. My enlightenment had allowed me to do so, the switch from being intangible - a nasty combo.

With continued use, it had slowly started to become as easy as breathing. The sight of my entry to the escaping soldiers was a true horror.

Closing in on the last, I dragged him back to the town.

His screams are music to my ear.

"Now, now… don't be running. I had wanted to turn a blind eye, but your friends had to ruin it. Blame your comrades not me."

"Please… Let me go!" He pleaded.

"What was your answer to the town?"

"No please!"

"Uh, Uh, Uh. Don't go crying now…" I humoured, his pants soiling under the pressure.

What a pussy…

"You make me almost feel bad, I tell you what. Tell me why you are here, and I won't kill you." I promised. My beasts watching with great interest.

Eating the fallen corpses that weren't syphoned I watched amused as he shat himself.

"You… You swear?" He answered. His stink filtered through my mask.

"I pinkie promise!" I stated.

Hesitating, the beasts then marched closer their snarls and glares terrifying him. Seeing him squirm, I wondered how he had become a soldier. Was the crimson lance truly this meek?

"We were here to recruit soldiers! Atlas wants more soldiers okay? We only induct children…" He explained.

"Soldiers? Why children though, surely you don't have better quality soldiers elsewhere don't you?"

"Look I'm not sure why but they're orders!"

"And good soldiers follow orders huh?"

"Yes…" He meekly voiced.

"Alright, you can go," I answered.

"Really?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled before watching him attempt to run away.

'Eat him.'

Ordering my beasts over they quickly knocked him over, their tug over his body tearing his arms off.

Slowly turning around, I was faced with the townsfolk who watched on terrified. Seeing a child walk towards me he seemed hesitant. His initial steps were a little shaken, his breath almost dried, with cold sweat stemming from his brows.

"Umm, thank you, stranger…" He answered, the others slowly walking towards me as well.

"Please call me Xander, I was merely doing the right thing," I answered, the child seemed no older than seven but held more courage than any soul around here.

To be quite honest it was odd. While I was technically clean of blood because of my armour, the blood-stained within my hands and body was enough to paint a room. I had felt bad once but… now it felt natural, the taking of another life almost euphoric.

It had made me initially disgusted, but I understood that this was merely my nature, perhaps I was evil and that was okay. For whatever evil I had made me 'Human' but even then I wasn't human. I was more. Perhaps I need to redefine some concepts.

"Say what's your name kid?"

"Jeff…" He murmured.

"Well Jeff, you're safe now…" I paused, "Because I am here."

Saying the corny line, almost made me spew, yet with it, allowed the kid to calm down. His once startled breath was replaced with relief.

"You might want to return to your folks they might be worried about you. I'm a scary guy after all."

While my height was by no means threatening or towering, it didn't matter when that small brick had the power of a comet. Or so, I assumed… Was I that scary?

Walking towards my vehicle, I could see the towns' people mellow in relief. While I wanted to remain, I understood that there never could be a place that I could call my own. I would simply have to live as a nomad until I established a group.

Driving off again with my minions I drove off again my first interaction with a corporation interesting. The thought of possibly starting my faction grew. With the numerous landscapes and ability to dominate animal life, I could be a walking god down here. With undying loyalty, I could amass an army with my range spanning the entire planet and then from there the universe.

Arriving at a bandit outpost I wondered if I should expand my influence. While the thought was lucrative I also thought of the negatives. As I amassed an army or faction I could quickly gain power and control over the land. The idea would garner the attention of rival factions and possibly corporations.

It wouldn't be insane to think that some factions had held hands with the possible bandit gangs. Someone had to supply and order these monkeys around and I know for sure it isn't just some random gang leader.

Call it paranoia but I refuse to believe that Atlas and Dahl abandoned the planet out of nowhere. There was a reason they stuck around, and it wasn't the mines. If what Jonathan said was true then it's possible that several secret plots were happening right now.

That also didn't factor in the unread journal entries from Francis. With his cache, it could hold several secrets. While I had wanted to uncover and start to study the journal entries it never was enough of an effort to do so. Perhaps finding a fortified town or area would be appropriate to uncover more knowledge of my power and world.

I had a feeling that I had merely uncovered the tip of the iceberg. Continuing my drive, I eventually came across a bandit camp. Numbering in about twenty they hovered around a camp. Some knocked each other in the head while others seemed to play or spar.

A small robot is being terrorised by its citizens. Seeing the thing I analysed its build. The small box life contraption runs on a singular wheel with twig life arms. The box has a single sky blue optical for an eye. Sprayed with yellow and white it seemed out of place.

Analysing their equipment and attire they seemed somewhat armed with a few carrying melee weapons the rest holding heat. Barely equipped they mostly wore linen and leather. Their boots are random in style.

Walking a tad closer I could start to hear their voices.

"Hehe stop screaming!" A bandit laughed kicking the bot over.

"Please stop! I'll give you anything I got!" The robot tore.

"Shut the fuck up!" A man screamed.

"Man can someone please shut that thing up!"

"Okay! Please don't hurt me…" It accepted fearfully, their assault on the thing still continuing.

Standing afar my figure was hidden within the sands while I thought about what to do…

"Hmm, should I go killing again?"

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to get more info."

Walking slowly towards the group, I left my vehicle guarded by my minions.

Seeing my figure, they almost immediately went on guard.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Oh, little ol' me? I'm just a man looking for a group of friends is all…"

"Really now?" A bandit asked snickering.

His buddies joining behind him seemed to glare with anticipation a foul stench eroding my sense.

This smell, it almost tastes like disrespect.

"You got some nice tech bud, mind forking it over?" Another bandit questioned his harassment over the yellow bot now turning to me.

"Look here people I'm a reasonable man how much for the bot?" I asked, my attempts at diplomacy thwarted when they attempted to strike me - the attempt breaking his hands. Seeing him recoil back in pain I started to snicker.

"Now that wasn't nice." I smiled grasping his skull, lifting him up. Startled by my display of strength all of the bandits took a step back flabbergasted.

Interestingly they didn't start to fire at me as I would expect them to. It seems this group of bandits was formed from a group of random people. Their kinship was apparently weak or perhaps they were saner.

"I'll be honest I expected all of you to fire on me…" I admitted, "Well since none of you will try me who's your boss?"

"Please… Let me go…" The man huffed.

"Answer the question."

"We don't have one okay? We're just a group of people trying to stick together…"

"Wait so none of you are Bandits?" I asked. Dropping the man, he sighed relieved.

"Why would we be bandits?"

"Well, you all look like bandits and you're harassing that robot…"

"We just dress like this man… We don't have much, and that robot is so annoying. Trust you, try dealing with the thing for a day you might just want to destroy him yourself."

"But then why are you all armed? Especially with those looks. I mean look at that guy! He looks like a violent felon!" I pointed.

The man in question had deep scars running from his brows and face. With a stern gaze and slightly menacing smile, to the average Joe, the man was definitely suspicious.

Slightly taken aback by my comment they all sighed, "That's Roger… He's our doctor… He got those scars from a skag…"

Fuck these bastards are making it hard for me to kill them.

"Alright you make a fair point but suddenly surrounding me and attempting to attack me unprovoked seems like bandit behaviour."

"You make a fair point." He revealed.

"I guess this is where you try and kill me?"

"I guess so." The bandit accepted.

Knocking his mouth with a right hand, I quickly equipped both my submachine gun and negotiator. The combo is an instant wrap. With such inexperienced fighting and gunfire, I swept their numbers to one.

"Please… Spare me…."


Crushing his throat under my boot I quickly wiped its contents on the ground.

"You're so strong! Thanks, friend!" A euthanistic voice chimed.

"Hmm, who are you?" I asked the seemly sentient bot.

"My name is CL4P-TP but my friends call me claptrap! What's your name, friend?"

"Hmm, my name is Alexander… But my friends call me Lex." I revealed.

"Can I be your friend?"

"Depends," I murmured. 

[Scanning Figure: Mechanical construct]

[Threat Level: None] 

"I'll give you an exception" I accepted.

It wasn't a threat and while slightly annoying it was most likely due to its internal programming. Whoever created the robot did so to create a sentient annoying box, this could be changed in due time. 

Left to rust, it is less than desirable. In Pandora, it lacked the necessary defence mechanisms and weaponry to defend anyone or anything. Most likely the only use it had was entertainment, it explained the bandits' response to the poor thing. 

A contraption created with intelligence yet limited in its capabilities - this was true torment. To know that you could've been made greater yet limited to pre-constructed constraints. This robot signified more than just an idiotic robot, It represented Pandora in itself. 

"I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship!" Claptrap exclaimed.

"It might just be." I smiled, plans of altering the robot brewing,"So tell me how'd you manage to get captured by some bandits?"

"Well, I was minding my own business when suddenly they rudely captured me for parts! When they found out I had nothing of value they decided to hurt me."

"That's pretty rude indeed. Say Claptrap who made you?"

"Well, that would be the Hyperion corporation! They manufactured my product line to help people! Unfortunately, I suck at that…" The robot replied dejectedly.

"What kind of help?"

"Well, I can open doors!"

"So general assistance so there's more of you?"

"Yep, a whole million!"

"So, do you know where the nearest town is?"

"I sure do! It's just a few kilometres away from here. It's where they took me from!"

"And that would be?"

"I'm not sure, sorry…"

"Don't worry we'll find out together."

Taking my motorbike, I decided that perhaps I did indeed need a bigger vehicle. Perhaps I could for a truck of some sort. Perhaps taking a Bandit technical and altering it would do me good. Carrying the robot with one hand I started my charge forward.

"This is so cool!"

"I bet it is, bud."

Getting to the location it was practically abandoned, with not a single soul present. Clasping my hands together I soon went to work, the homes raided by yours truly. It seems I could finally start my research and builds. While Material was scarce the same couldn't be said for the wildlife. A few Skags and Rakks coming down on me.

"Oh, this is going to be fun…"


It's been a few months now and few changes occurred around the town. Firstly, I managed to thoroughly study my powers. You see Spiritual manipulation refers to an individual's soul or spirit. When I commanded an individual It was merely an imprint of my will forcing itself on target. The "higher" the level of spirit the harder it was to command them.

Failure to imprint or enthral a target would simply cause their soul to explode. While some may be able to live due to differing factors such as the quality of the soul it usually either leads to obedience or death.

This was seen from my first victim and why the beasts managed to continue to live after my dominance. I dubbed it Spiritual manipulation or to be clearer soul manipulation, the ability to manipulate the soul. With enough tampering, I could sway the wills of millions with a mere wave of my hand. I named this technique, Soul Imprint.

With a soul imprint, I was able to bind the soul to my will allowing me to telepathically communicate with the target. It also seemed to create an understanding with one another as shown by how my minion was able to follow my orders even though it's dumb as shit.

Perhaps there were other ways to manipulate the souls of others and myself. Many other hypothesised techniques included Afterlife Marking, Soul-Bound equipment, Soul Bestowal, Soul Empowerment, Soul Link, Soul Portal Creation, Soul Replication, Spirit Healing, Spiritual Adaptation, Spiritual Aura, and Spiritual Pressure. This all did not include the possible applications.

Though this was merely a hypothesis/speculation. As told by my race description I needed to train to reach my fullest potential it is possible that I could develop my powers and grow further than what I mentioned. Although the journey to get there would take quite a while.

With cosmic manipulation or Cosmokinesis, I found that by teleporting through the warp I seemed to enter a different realm that overlapped with. Though even this was merely speculation as the closest theory I had on teleporting was linked to spiritual manipulation. I found Cosmokinesis the most overpowered regardless of the ability to alter cosmic functions to be the most interesting prospect.

The possible techniques include the aforementioned with the difference being its source of energy. The greatest potential of this power though lay in what I could evolve into, reality warping. While again it seemed merely a hypothesis it did entail a possibility. As while it may not be reality warping I could mimic it.

And last but not least Ethereal Manipulation, the most conspicuous of the three. What exactly was Ethereal? As I held no recollection of the term. But if it meant what I thought it was then most likely it was the deadliest and most versatile power I had alongside cosmic manipulation. But for now, I would keep this power on the back burner as I had no idea how to begin training it. Corresponding this ignorance was aether.

Aether was merely a term I had coined to describe the usage of my powers, yet that term would be incorrect as it was formed on the belief that Aether was an all-encompassing energy. After further analysis and testing the term would be merely incorrect. This was due to how it was gathered and how it was applied.

You see aether was merely life force and soul converted to potential energy, my powers pulling from that potential energy into my desired outcome. This was evident when my control over my soul tampering and entrance to the warp. Most likely I had entered several realms before entering the realm of immaterial.

It seems while my physical body had shifted to another plane of existence my soul and body were tethered to my original realm thus allowing me to transverse unaffected but still conscious. Thereby, utilising aether to enter and remain within the spirit world. As it was the only one I could access at the time.

When I projected bullets out of my body I was most likely brute forcing my spirit to eject the foreign items. This was most likely how my powers worked. It seems that I first needed to train my spiritual powers and body before I could ever attempt to understand and control others. While this seemed disheartening I doubted anyone in this universe held much of a threat to me. Thus overall, I had managed to reorganise my statistics alongside my renaming my energy what seemed to amaze me was how much energy I could gather as my core didn't have a cap to how much I could hold. Or so I thought when I had reached my 'cap'.

As such I utilised my 'Aura' in new ways, this new level of understanding allowing me to experiment on the wildlife.

Name: Alexander

Age: 11

Health: 100% 

Aura: 10'000/10'000

Equipped: Unique Modified Armour (Wild West set)

Inventory: * Common Bandit cleaver, *** Rare Dahl sniper, ** Uncommon Dahl Assault rifle, ** Uncommon Dahl submachine gun, ** Uncommon Bandit shotgun, ***** Legendary Pistol (The Negotiator)

Cash: $1'013'200

Shiny Stones: 300

Misc: 50 red syringes, 10 Medkits, ISD

Ammunition: Pistol: 900, Submachine: 700, Assault rifle 600, Shotguns: 450, Sniper: 200, 10 grenades

more minions, their numbers now ranging in the double digits. With six Rakks and ten Skags, I had them patrol the town ensuring its safety and maintenance.

With every new edition, I felt my soul getting heavier the strain to continue to command them strong. So, while I could enthral more it simply would be a pain, the feeling of fainting apparent with each new addition. Though the pain did lessen with time, my body and soul were adapting albeit slowly.

With the enthralled animals self-sufficient they merely continued to live the same way they normally did with the addition of my rules. One was that they would report sightings of life and then prepare for possible battle.

As their souls were tied to mine, the connection was similar to Wireless Fidelity, their knowledge and senses spread among themselves. While an apparent con due to possible over-stimuli it did ensure that a single beast would alert the rest.

With such beasts patrolling fortifying the area was made easier with bandit attacks and random squadrons being culled in advance. These resources were thus used to both fortify my base and projects. My new vehicle is a heavily armoured four-seater truck with all-terrain wheels.

Removing the guns from them I found their uses elsewhere. I had wished to develop an Auto turret but found my programming skills and knowledge subpar. While my mechanical skills had developed to the point I could create and maintain vehicles it did not entail the ability to write code. Although the idea to implant a soul into a machine did cross my mind I had no capability to do so.

Finding some scrap and a welding machine I was able to weld many of the walls outside for extra protection.

Windows are also being welded shut with only enough space for guns to stick out. Refurbished and renewed Fyrestone was reborn. Man, being able to not need sleep is addicting.

Anyway, fortifications of Fyrestone had made the place less gloomy Claptraps' random quips while slightly annoying kept me company.

The tales of his adventures around Pandora were quite interesting.

He told me of his story of arriving in Fyrestone to help travellers seeking work.

The Dahl corporation created this town as a mining outpost for workers, the usually employed being unpaid convicts.

When it had been abandoned he remained tied to the town due to lingering attachments of a female friend.

Who this friend was?

He didn't know but what he did know was that a female friend had strange tattoos and could dance. Her dance moves inspired the robot to crank a few moves. It was quite endearing.

Claptrap while useless in survilience and fortication was perfect as bait, his antics attracting many of the bandits into the town to die.

The looks on their face when they were duped were always satisfying as such I rewarded the robot with his very room, my beasts usually carrying him on their backs for a ride. 


He also seemed to have a recording function and so with it, I decided to record some songs to pass the time. However, it was merely limited to Synth and techno due to the lack of materials for real instruments. 

Repairs of the energy generators were also done with power being restored, a strange feeling irking me when I did.

With it, the lights, heaters and vending machines were turned on. The vending machines present on this planet were unconventional as they sold sell weapons, ammo and strangely red needles also known as "Health" by the locals. Turning them on showcased a holographic screen enabling users to purchase the item in question.

For a while, the weapon vending machine was empty. It wasn't until a few weeks in that was it restocked. Thus a steady supply of ammunition and weapons was gathered. 

With death apparent in the air, one would think that a nomadic lifestyle style was far more desirable than settling, yet the number of individuals who migrated to Fyserstone increased. Families, young couples and strangers of all kinds found solace in the old town running again. 

Ordering them under my command fortifications were done to the parameter of the town, it's sinister appearance almost replica to bandit hideouts with corpses and husks littering the entrance.

A fast travel station was also put in place with power running back on. Past townsmen hearing that Fyserstone was back in place travelled back. People who questioned my rule were mauled or disappeared. 

My town, my rules.

A doctor had even arrived by the name of Dr Zed. While initially sceptical about him he seemed quite genuine in his approach.

He had grown up here but had been forced to move due to the frequent attacks.

So, I allowed him in and gave him his old workshop.

Surprisingly the man had actually owned the Vending machine outside and was making bank around Pandora. While peculiar with strange mannerisms at first he was alright.

Others were refugees from towns around that were raided by bandits. Offering them safety I gave them simple jobs to ensure safety. I gave them weapons and tasks to clean around the area. Pretty simple to be quite honest but I needed them to know who owned this town.

With my strange and supernatural abilities, they seemed to fear and respect me. As while I ordered these people around I was always the first to protect them when Bandits came around.

My own research and study of this planet also increased with references to Franciss' notes quite enlightening.

These notes detailed the scope and influence of different corporations throughout the galaxy and their dirty secrets.

Most of these notes come from Dahl and their shady dealings such as the abandonment of the 191st brigade, Scientists, researchers, and facilities. Details also showed pictures of the torture and execution of political planetary figures.

What really shocked me was the actual influence of these corporations. All these secrets were gained from differing galaxies…Yeah, galaxies as in plural. That's fucking shocking. Six whole galaxies? It seems I'm gonna have a lot of work cut out for me…

Dahl had initiated mining operations on Pandora and Elpis, Pandoras' moon to acquire minerals and ore. This was of course a lie as they were actually searching for 'vaults; While Dahl had halted their advances on Pandora their attempts on the moon did not. Data showed that another possible vault was on Elpis with its contents unknown.

What were Vaults? They seemed to be alien caches left by an unknown race of aliens it seems my presence won't be out of place after all. These aliens were apparently technologically advanced and had left troves of advanced technology the subsequent discovery making every corporation vexed to find the next one.

When Dahl had moved out of Pandora due to the seven-year winter ending it scared the shit out of them with the planetary life deciding to attack its facilities. Stupid in

Atlas had decided to double down their resources on the planet in search, explaining the appearance of the crimson lance. Apparently, they had discovered alien technology and entered the forefront of weapon manufacturing.

the random harassment from Atlas and bandits earned me a bounty and a nickname. How they managed to scrounge my name was most likely due to the town I had previously saved.

"Seems they finally got a look on yah. Frisky jerks, I don't trust none of em slimy bastards." He voiced handing me the flyer. Wearing his usual doctor's garments and face mask he slicked his hair back in frustration, "Bloody bastards giving me all this work… But I guess it pays to work, heh. As I always say better dead than Zed… I mean Zed than Dead… I'll take my leave."

Looking at the flyer I smiled a little.

"I'm worth quite the scratch," I murmured amused.

Xander: $1'000'000

Wanted Dead or Alive by the Atlas Corporation.

Crimes: Theft, Murder, Torture, Arson

"Ah almost forgot, a man came by the name of Mister Baha, he um was quite the fella. He's in my infirmary recovering. Thought I'd let ya know since you're kinda the mayor now yah now. Anyways I gotta go."

A Mr Baha? I guess I'll indulge.

Entering the infirmary, I was met with simple nods of acknowledgement from a few that were present with Zed busy working on helping the others. Making my way to the patient room I was greeted by a blind, one-legged man. A corpse by his side with his hands clenching hard on its arm.

"I'm guessing you've seen better days?"

"Can't say I see it often." The man smiled.

"So, what's your story?" I asked sitting across from him.

"A hungry Skag killed my wife, and I was next. Ended up getting its eye but it got both of mine and a little extra."

"I guess so… Listen I'll be honest there's no real use for you here," I admitted.

Everyone had their uses, but I doubt I could use the man in front of me.

"I'm a weapon designer I've got a weapon cache out from here, I'll give you the location and code if you kill that Skag for me."

"You got a sweet deal but… what's stopping me from just torturing you for it?" I asked amused.

"Then you can try your luck grinder," Baha replied, a smile from his never leaving.

"You got some balls for a blind guy."

"And you surprisingly don't have any for a guy with sight."

"Heh, been a while since someone had the audacity to speak like that to me… You're not bad, bud."

"But how'd you even get here on one leg, and is that perhaps your wife?"

"Hehe, When you're built like this you got to you know?" He smiled before pausing "Yeah, I want to bury her properly… Next to our home."

"Where's your house?"

"Should be just around here, it's not far from here."

"Say you got an ECHO device? It'll mark it down." He voiced.

"Yeah, I got one."

"Alright, I'll just press this and you'll be right and dandy it should do the job." He explained grasping his back pocket. The hands touched a few buttons before awaiting my response.

Taking a peak a notification emerged letting me know that another individual wished to send a message. Clicking accept it then pointed me towards a direction, the map on the thing giving me a waypoint.

"Alright, when you get healed up and stuck with a prosthetic leg I'll guide you over. Until then get well."

"I'll be seeing you."

"We'll see."

Exiting the town, I immediately sent my beasts out to find the creature, Rakks attempting to backtrack from Baha's blood trail. Seeing Claptrap, he looked on at the horizon to see figures about. Vehicles and loud screams hollering - Bandits.

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