Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 37: Birth of the Imperium

- Alexander - 

As I stand at the helm of Helios, my figure cast in shadow against the vast expanse of space, I can't help but reflect on the nature of power. You see, power isn't merely about control, as so many small-minded individuals believe. No, true power lies in the ability to shape reality itself. The weak-minded see only domination, but I... I see transformation

It had been a few days since taking over Hyperion and most of the corporate rats had either quit in fear of execution or remained in place for the very same reason. Mr Blake was confused in the manner but quickly understood when he realised what was happening. 

He joyfully joined the legion and continued his work below Pandora, awaiting for matters to settle before returning Atop the station. He was intelligent, something poorly lacking to those who were in a similar place to himself. 

Retuning back to the Hiring process of the vault hunters it had been a quick endeavour:

Wilhelm had easily joined the legion, our methods appropriate to the mechanical-obsessed mercenary. It was often a sight to see the ferocious and often stoic mercenary turn into a child while conversing with Altworth.

While slightly sadistic, it wasn't overly so. He had been fashioned as a captain and found the work while tiresome, enjoyable - he was sent to work under Jeremiah until Xion recuperated, it would be a sight to see the conflicting values, something I was going to need to discuss with the general. 

Timothy Lawrence, Jack's body double was eager to join the Legion and was allowed to work alongside our lead scientists and engineers, Dusk, Whisk and Alworth, assisting the men in exploring the usages of Erdium.

They proceeded to work inside the old RnD workshops where Gladstone and his team once remained, their deaths unfortunate. Their minds were an asset that could've boosted the development of the legion, Jack's delirium was my misfortune. 

Nisha on the other hand was promptly executed after her disagreements, I found her worth null. She would be of no use to my endeavours in bastioning the universe. I would harbour no false flags, her skillset while adequate was by no means unique or impressive in terms of Iron Legion standards. 

All legionaries under the legion were adequate fighters and trained marksmen, for every man, a legionary would be capable of taking eight men down regardless of equipment. The Legion required perfection and perfection was given. 

Auralia was an interesting character she did not suit the image of the legion and was thus not bastioned as a captain similar to Wilhelm but retained for commerce alongside Moxxi. Her technology and wealth were used elsewhere, and initially uncomfortable with the changes she noticed the shift in power dynamics as she was familiar with her role. 

She appeared to be an amazing designer and with her knowledge of high fashion and design, she was given the role of fashion designer for the legion commerce section. The Legion is soon to be restructured. 

Athena while already working for the Legion went on personal leave, taking her much-needed break from the Legion. Her endeavours take place on Elpis alongside her new lover. A part of me pitied her loss and anguish, but such thoughts are useless. 

Suddenly the door to the command centre hissing open, a nervous Hyperion employee entering, "Sir, the CEO has arrived via fast travel. He's... expecting to take command."

I turn, amusement glinting in my eyes behind my helmet. Ah, the arrogance of the corporate world. They still don't understand the new order that's dawning. As I stride towards the fast travel station, I ponder the nature of change.

History, you must understand, is shaped by those willing to seize the moment. The old guard always resists, clinging to their outdated paradigms. But progress is inevitable, and those who cannot adapt must be swept aside.

The CEO of Hyperion materializes before me, his smug confidence quickly turning to confusion and fear as he takes in the sight of me and my Iron Legion soldiers. It appeared Jack was correct in his assessment of the CEO's character. 

The man was indeed an "Asshole".

"What is the meaning of this?" he blusters, his voice wavering. "I demand to know-"

I cut his words short, my hand shooting out to grip his throat with inhuman strength. Watching his face begin to turn blue, I merely responded with little care, "Demand? There will be no such thing." 

With a sickening crunch, I end his life, letting the body crumple to the floor. Walking past my soldiers they quickly dispatched his corpse, their comments and whispers, loud to my ears.

"He had it comin'." One of the soldiers commented.

"I wonder how the board will feel about this." Another replied. 

"Well, they won't be feeling much very soon anyway..." 

Having now moved to the communications terminal, I opened a channel to the Hyperion Board of Directors. As their faces appear on the screen, a mixture of confusion and anger evident, I begin to speak.

"Gentlemen, ladies, esteemed members of the board. I am Alexander, and I come to you with an offer that will redefine the future of Hyperion and, indeed, the galaxy itself."

I pace before the screen, my armour gleaming under the harsh lights of the command centre. "You've long sought the power of the Vaults, have you not? I offer you not just one, but two. The Vault on Elpis, and another, hidden on Pandora itself. Although whether you agree to my demand or not will proceed with my next action."

"Hmph, a sand rat believes himself capable of running Hyperion? You would best remain in your place, warlord. We at Hyperion would never sully ourselves with such dirty mongrels. Evacuate the premises before we execute you alongside your pitiful army." A large fat board member commented, his hands brushing his blond curls from one side to the other. 

"I too agree with Mr. Ganova's comments. I find your lack of finesse disturbing, you will not have my vote." Another board member replied, his thin yet tall frame seen throughout. It was here that all the Board members began to decline my offers and where my men finally tracked their locations. 

"I believe you are all mistaken, this was never a choice. But a message, if neither of you wish to share the load, I will take it all for myself." I informed, the ECHO and screams of chatter blistering through their offices. 

"What have you done-."

As my assassins strike with deadly precision, eliminating the entire Hyperion leadership in one fell swoop, I turn to gaze out at the stars once more. The old order dies, consumed by the fires of progress. From its ashes, a new empire will rise.

With Hyperion now under my control, I turn my attention to expansion. Using the vast capital at my disposal, I reach out to the remnants of the Atlas Corporation, acquiring their rights and assets. Atlas and Hyperion, two titans of industry, now united under a single banner. The synergy of their combined strengths will be the foundation of a new galactic order.

As the deals are finalized, I find myself in control of not just corporations, but entire worlds: Pandora, Ignium, and Promethea. While Atlas had previously controlled numerous planets they were sold to other competitors or made independent due to the previous CEO's mismanagement. 

Hyperion was not such a case as they lacked capital for such powerful reaching, while they had influence they only truly owned Pandora and Elpis. Yet, where they made blunders I shall create perfection in my image. The embers of the fallen burnt anew under my reign, a new order and governance needing to take place. 

And so, the Imperium is born. A galactic government that will bring order to the chaos of the galaxies and beyond. Under its umbrella, I create a series of specialized entities:

Iron Star Technologies (IST), the parent company will oversee all technological advancements and research. Knowledge, after all, is the truest form of power. Through IST, we will unlock the secrets of the universe itself.

Unified Arms Technologies (UAT), a combination of Hyperion and Atlas's weapons divisions. In this harsh universe, strength is necessary for survival. UAT will ensure that the Imperium always has the means to defend itself and enforce its will.

LeisureCo, a commerce company focused on the well-being of the Imperium's citizens. A content population is a productive population. Through LeisureCo, we will manage the ebb and flow of commerce, ensuring stability and satisfaction - It is here where Aurelia will thrive. 

To maintain order across my growing empire, I established a privatized military force, divided into three legions. My already pre-existing army merely re-ordered and retested. 

The I Legion, led by Jeremiah on Pandora. Pandora, the crucible of chaos. Jeremiah's strength will be tested there, but I have faith in his resolve.

The II Legion, under Isaac's command on Promethea. A world of technology and innovation. Isaac's analytical mind will serve him well in navigating its complexities.

The III Legion, with Xion at its head commanding on Ignium. The planet is rocky and volcanic known mostly for its manufacturing and mining facilities. His determination will be crucial in harnessing the planet's resources - it will also be his punishment and atonement. 

He had made a blunder, he would atone for such crimes. Captain Scarlett was now a stain on his record, and would now have to prove his command was worthy or find himself replaced. Quickly organising a broadcast to those in both Pandora and Elpis, I let my words speak the truth: 

"To all men, women, and children, the dawn of a new era is upon us. The old ways of corporate greed and shortsighted exploitation have come to an end. Today, we embark on a journey to build something greater, something that will stand the test of time.

"Our cause is not just for us, but for the entire universe. It is a cause that will unify us all under a banner of truth, progress, and enlightenment. Stand proud, for you are now bearing witness to the birth of the Imperium.

"To my soldiers and citizens, know that in the coming days, a great reform shall begin. A reform that will usher in an age of prosperity and unity. And to those who have yet to join our ranks, do so urgently, for the enemy of truth shall soon perish.

"An era of enlightenment is upon us, and together, we shall forge a future that will shine brighter than the stars themselves."

As my words echo through the station, my mind is already racing ahead, planning the next steps in my grand design. The transformation of Pandora, the expansion of my influence, the unlocking of Eridian secrets - all pieces in a cosmic puzzle that only I can see in its entirety.

The universe, you see, is a vast and chaotic place. But through will, through vision, through the application of power and knowledge, we can bring order to that chaos. And in doing so, we will write the next chapter in the history of the galaxy itself.

As the stars continue their eternal dance outside the viewport of Helios, I allow myself a moment of anticipation. The future is unwritten, a blank canvas waiting for the brush of a master artist. And I, Alexander, will be that artist, painting a future of order, progress, and power across the vast expanse of the cosmos.

As I gaze upon the scarred surface of Pandora below, I can't help but see it as a metaphor for the galaxy at large - a world of vast potential, marred by chaos and mismanagement. But where others see only a wasteland, I see opportunity. The terraforming of Pandora will be my first great act of creation in this new era.

The parallels between reshaping a planet and reshaping a society are not lost on me. Both require vision, resources, and the will to see beyond the current state of things. It's a delicate dance of understanding and manipulation, of seeing the bigger picture while attending to the smallest details.

I pull up holographic displays of Pandora's surface, studying the intricate web of ecosystems and geological features. The planet's harsh environment has long been a deterrent to large-scale colonization, but that's about to change.

The first step in any great endeavour is to understand the nature of what you're working with. Pandora isn't just a rock floating in space - it's a complex system of interrelated parts. To change it, we must first understand it. 

The Erdium was but one mystery that needed to be defined and understood. 

My fingers dance across the console, initiating deep scans of the planet's core, atmosphere, and biosphere. As data streams in, patterns begin to emerge. The planet's extreme climate, its aggressive fauna, and the mysterious Eridium deposits - are all pieces of a puzzle waiting to be solved.

The key to terraforming isn't just in changing the planet, but in understanding how to nudge its existing systems in the right direction. It's about creating a cascade of changes that will ultimately result in a more habitable world.

Atmospheric processors to stabilize the climate. Genetically engineered plants to begin the process of soil enrichment. Carefully managed the introduction of less aggressive fauna to balance the ecosystem. And underlying it all, is the careful study and utilization of Eridium.

Ah, Eridium. The key to so much, yet understood by so few. It's not just a power source or a valuable mineral. It's the blood of Pandora itself, and potentially the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. I begin drafting orders for expanded research into Eridium, my mind racing with possibilities.

Weapons, of course - UAT will need to stay at the cutting edge of arms development. But beyond that, I see the potential for revolution in energy production, in medical technology, and even in the fundamental manipulation of matter itself.

Hyperion saw Eridium as nothing more than a commodity to be exploited. Their vision was so limited, so shortsighted. We will do better. We will unlock its true potential.

As I work, I notice a shift in the data streams. News of the change in Hyperion's leadership is spreading, and with it, a wave of refugees and opportunists are beginning to flock to Pandora. A smile forms behind my helmet. Everything is proceeding as I had foreseen.

Change brings opportunity. These people, fleeing the old systems, seeking a new start - they will be the foundation of our new society. Their hopes, their dreams, their willingness to embrace a new future - these are the raw materials from which we will build our empire.

I begin allocating resources for new settlements, for expanded infrastructure. But more than that, I begin laying the groundwork for a new social order. Education systems to instill our values. Economic structures to reward innovation and loyalty. A justice system that will maintain order without stifling progress.

A new world requires new thinking. We're not just changing the physical landscape of Pandora - we're changing the very nature of how people live and work and think. It's a delicate balance, but one that will yield incredible results.

As the hours pass, my plans grow more detailed, more ambitious. The terraforming of Pandora is just the beginning. I see a future where we extend our reach to other worlds, other systems. A galactic empire built on the principles of order, progress, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge.

As I delve deeper into the intricacies of Pandora's transformation, my mind wanders to the vast potential of Eridium. This enigmatic element, barely understood by those who sought to exploit it, holds the key to revolutionizing not just our weaponry, but the very fabric of our society.

I pull up the latest research data on Eridium, my eyes scanning the complex molecular structures and energy readings. The possibilities are staggering. With the right application, we could create weapons of unparalleled power, yes, but that's merely scratching the surface.

Imagine fauna enhanced by Eridium, bred to survive and thrive in Pandora's harsh environment. Plants that could accelerate the terraforming process, purifying the air and enriching the soil at rates previously thought impossible. The very building blocks of life, are reshaped and improved by this miraculous substance.

But why stop there? The energy potential of Eridium is astronomical. With it, we could power cities, and fuel spaceships capable of crossing vast distances in the blink of an eye. We could reshape matter itself, creating materials with properties beyond the wildest dreams of current science.

And what of its effects on human biology? The Sirens have shown us glimpses of what Eridium can do to the human body and mind. With careful study and controlled application, we could unlock humanity's true potential. Enhanced strength, accelerated healing, and perhaps even the ability to manipulate the very forces of nature.

Of course, such power comes with risks. The fate of the Eridians serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked advancement. But we will not repeat their mistakes. Our progress will be measured, calculated, and always in service of the greater good.

I begin drafting plans for a new research division, one dedicated solely to unlocking the secrets of Eridium. The brightest minds from across the galaxy will be brought together, their efforts focused on pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

As I work, I can't help but reflect on the nature of progress. How many great leaps forward in human history were initially met with fear and resistance? How many visionaries were labelled as madmen before their genius was recognized? The path I've chosen is not an easy one, but then again, nothing truly worthwhile ever is.

The console before me beeps, alerting me to an incoming transmission. It's a report from Jeremiah on Pandora's Surface. The first wave of settlers has arrived, eager to stake their claim in this brave new world we're creating. I feel a surge of satisfaction. The pieces are falling into place.

I authorize the release of resources for the initial settlements, ensuring they have everything they need to thrive. These early adopters will be the foundation upon which we build our new society. Their success will draw others, and soon Pandora will teem with life and possibility.

As I turn my attention back to the Eridium research, a thought occurs to me. The Vaults. Those ancient Eridian constructs, filled with technology beyond our current understanding. What secrets do they hold? What advancements could we make if we unlocked their full potential?

I make a note to increase our efforts in locating and accessing the Vaults. They are not mere treasure troves to be plundered, but repositories of knowledge that could catapult us centuries ahead in our development.

The hours fly by as I work, my mind alight with possibilities. Each decision, each plan laid, is another step towards the future I envision. A future of order, of progress, of humanity reaching its true potential.

As I finally step away from the console, I look out once more at the expanse of space before me. Somewhere out there, beyond the reach of our current knowledge, lie the answers to questions we haven't even thought to ask yet. And we will find them. We will unlock the secrets of the universe itself.

For now, though, there is work to be done. A planet to reshape, a society to build, a galaxy to transform. The path ahead is long and fraught with challenges, but I am ready. After all, greatness was never achieved by those who shied away from difficulty.

The power courses through me, a constant reminder of my encounter with Lilith. Her Siren abilities, now mine to command, open up new avenues of possibility I had scarcely imagined before.

The absorption of her powers was... enlightening. In those moments as I drained her life force, I felt a connection to something greater, something beyond the physical realm. It was as if I could touch the very fabric of the universe itself.

Now, as I channel this newfound energy, I can feel the raw potential at my fingertips. Teleportation, pyrokinesis, phase-walking - abilities that were once the stuff of legend are now mine to wield at will. But it's more than just these visible manifestations of power. There's a deeper understanding, a connection to Eridium and the fundamental forces of the cosmos that I'm only beginning to grasp.

I create a small ball of fire in my palm, watching as it dances and flickers. The control is exhilarating, but it's the implications that truly excite me. If I can manipulate energy on this scale with mere thought, what other forces might I bend to my will with further study and practice?

The loss of one Siren might be viewed as a tragedy by some, but I see it as a necessary step in the evolution of our species. Lilith's power was wasted on her limited vision. In my hands, it will be used to reshape worlds, to push the boundaries of what's possible.

But I'm not content with just this taste of Siren abilities. There are others out there, each with their unique gifts. What secrets could I uncover if I were to... acquire... their powers as well? The thought is tantalizing, a goal to work towards as I continue to expand my influence.

For now, though, I must focus on mastering these new abilities. They are tools, powerful ones to be sure, but tools nonetheless. And like any tool, their true value lies in how they are used. In my hands, they will become instruments of change, catalysts for the new order I'm building.

As I extinguish the flame in my hand, I can't help but smile behind my helmet. Lilith never understood the true potential of her gifts. She used them reactively, and defensively. But I... I will use them to forge a new future, to rewrite the very laws of reality if necessary.

- Athena -

The low gravity of Elpis always threw me off balance, both literally and figuratively. As I walked alongside Janey Springs through the neon-lit streets of Concordia, I felt as if I was floating - and not just because of the moon's reduced gravitational pull.

"So, what d'ya think about tryin' that new zero-g restaurant, love?" Janey's enthusiastic voice cut through my thoughts. Her blonde hair bobbed as she gestured wildly towards a gaudy sign advertising "Moonlight Munchies: Where Your Food Floats!"

I suppressed a sigh. Trying to eat floating food sounded about as appealing as facing a rabid skag unarmed. But Janey's eyes sparkled with excitement, and I was determined to make an effort. After all, that's what people did on... dates, right?

"Sure," I heard myself say, the word feeling foreign on my tongue. "Why not?"

Janey's face lit up brighter than the garish neon signs surrounding us. "Bonzer! You're gonna love it, I promise!"

As we entered the restaurant, I couldn't help but tense up. Old habits die hard, and my eyes automatically scanned for potential threats, exit routes, and improvised weapons. But there were no enemies here, just couples floating in anti-gravity booths, laughing as they chased morsels of food through the air.

We were seated - or rather, strapped into - a booth of our own. As soon as the gravity field was activated, I felt my body lift off the seat. Janey giggled, doing a playful somersault in the air.

"C'mon, Athena! Loosen up a bit, yeah?" She reached out, gently taking my hand. "You're on leave, remember? No need to be all serious assassin-like."

I tried to relax my rigid posture, allowing myself to float more freely. "I'm trying," I admitted. "It's just... different."

Janey's smile softened. "I know, love. But different can be good, right? I mean, look at us!"

As our food arrived - little spheres of various dishes floating in contained bubbles - I found myself smiling despite my discomfort. Watching Janey attempt to catch a bubble of soup with her mouth, only to have it burst and splatter across her face, was admittedly entertaining.

For a moment, I forgot about the looming threat of Imperium, about the fall of Atlas and Hyperion, about all the battles that surely lay ahead. For just a little while, I was simply Athena, on a ridiculous date with a vibrant, kind woman who saw something in me worth caring about.

As I reached out to wipe a bit of soup from Janey's laughing face, I realized that maybe, just maybe, I could get used to this.

As we left the restaurant, the artificial night cycle of Concordia cast long shadows across the lunar landscape. The silence that followed our laughter felt oppressive, reminding me of quieter, darker times.

"You've gone all broody again," Janey observed, her voice gentle. "Penny for your thoughts?"

I hesitated. How could I explain the weight of memories, the constant battle readiness that hummed beneath my skin? "It's... complicated," I finally said. "Sometimes the quiet is too loud, you know?"

Janey nodded, her usual exuberance tempered by understanding. "Is it about your sister?"

The question hit me like a punch to the gut. Even after all this time, the wound felt raw. "Partly," I admitted. "And partly just... everything. I'm not used to this. Peace. Dates. You."

She reached out, intertwining her fingers with mine. The gesture was so casual, so natural to her. To me, it felt like defusing a bomb - terrifying, exhilarating, and requiring every ounce of my concentration.

"Well, I'm not goin' anywhere," Janey said with a smile. "So you've got plenty of time to get used to me."

As we walked, I found myself marveling at Janey. She was vibrant, full of life and laughter - everything I wasn't. Everything my life had never allowed me to be. In a way, she was like stepping into sunlight after years in the shadows. Blinding, warm, and utterly foreign.

"Oh!" Janey exclaimed suddenly. "I almost forgot! Claptrap wanted us to stop by. Said he had something to show off."

I groaned internally. Claptrap was... an experience. But Janey was already tugging me towards the Iron Legion Barracks, her enthusiasm impossible to resist.

As we approached, I saw a familiar yet altered figure standing proudly before a group of soldiers. Claptrap had undergone some serious upgrades since I'd last seen him. His new body was sleek and humanoid, reminiscent of the Pathfinder units I'd encountered in my travels. The black chassis with red highlights gave him an almost intimidating appearance - at least until he opened his mouth.

"Minions! I mean, loyal soldiers!" Claptrap's voice was as grating as ever, despite his new form. "Behold your glorious leader! No longer am I bound by the tyranny of stairs! Well, mostly. Going up is fine. Down is... still a work in progress."

I watched in a mix of amusement and secondhand embarrassment as Claptrap attempted to demonstrate his new agility, only to topple down the short flight of stairs leading to the barracks.

"Captain on deck!" one of the soldiers called out, barely suppressing a laugh as they helped Claptrap to his feet.

"Athena! Janey! My favourite meat-based friends!" Claptrap called out as he spotted us. "Come to witness the glory of the new and improved Claptrap?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, mate," Janey replied, her grin wide and genuine.

As Claptrap launched into a detailed explanation of his upgrades, I found my mind wandering. Here we were, in the aftermath of Alexander's takeover, with Imperium looming over us all - and yet life went on. Janey laughed at Claptrap's antics, soldiers drank at Moxxi's bar, and I... I was on a date.

"Isn't freedom grand?" Claptrap was saying. "No more restrictions! No more-" He was cut off as he tripped over his own feet, nearly falling again.

Looking at Janey's amused face, feeling the warmth of her hand in mine, I thought that maybe Claptrap had a point. Freedom was grand, even if it was terrifying. And maybe, just maybe, I could learn to embrace it - stairs and all.

Sometime in the future...

The Iron Legion's command centre in Ironhold hummed with activity as Athena, the former assassin turned loyal soldier, stood at attention before the group. Her piercing gaze swept over the assembled group: Brick, the mountain of muscle with a newfound purpose; Mordecai, the sniper with a sharp eye and sharper tongue; Gaige the Anarchist, Zer0 the Assassin and Tina, the young explosives prodigy whose manic energy seemed oddly subdued today.

"And that's how we secured Helios for the Imperium," Athena concluded, her voice carrying a mix of pride and steel. "Alexander's tactical genius outmaneuvered Jack at every turn."

"Wow, didn't know a stink bucket like Pandora had such a lore." Gaige voiced.

"Hey! This is my Stink bucket thank you very much." Tina countered.

"Alexander's skill/ I must test for myself no?/The vault what became it?" Zer0 inquired. 

Tina, uncharacteristically quiet, piped up also. "Yeah, what about the Vault, scary lady? Did y'all crack that sucker open like a skag egg on a hot Pandoran day?"

Athena's expression remained neutral. "The Vault operation is classified. What I can tell you is that it solidified Alexander's power and gave us the edge we needed."

Brick let out a rumbling laugh. "Hah! Bet it was one hell of a fight!"

Mordecai adjusted his goggles. "Fight? More like a slaughter."

The room fell silent, the weight of unspoken victories hanging heavy in the air.

Tina fidgeted, her usual ADHD energy barely contained. "So, like, what happened next? How'd we end up in this whole mess with the corpo-rats?"

Athena's posture stiffened slightly. "Alexander's success with the Vault and our new weapons tech didn't sit well with the other corporations. Especially Vladof."

Brick's massive fists clenched. "Vladof," he spat. "Bunch of greedy bastards."

"Wait, wait, wait," Tina interjected, her eyes wide. "Vladof? As in, the same Vladof that turned Ironhold into a smokin' crater?"

Athena nodded grimly. "The very same. Our company, United Arms Technology – or 'Imperius' as it's known – was cutting into their profits. They decided to... eliminate the competition."

Tina's usual manic grin faded, replaced by a haunted look that seemed out of place on her young face. "I... I was there," she whispered. "In Ironhold. When the bombs fell."

The room grew deathly quiet. Even Mordecai lowered his rifle, his hidden eyes fixed on the young girl.

Athena's voice remained steady, but there was a hint of something softer in her tone. "Many of us were. It's why we fight."

Tina took a deep breath, her usual rapid-fire speech slowing to a pained crawl. "It was just another day in Ironhold. Mom was makin' dinner, Dad was tinkerin' with some new gizmo. Then the sirens started. We thought it was just another drill, but then... then the bombs came."

Her voice hitched, and for a moment, the manic explosives expert disappeared, replaced by the scared little girl she'd once been. "Everything was fire and screamin'. Dad told us to run, but Mom... she wouldn't leave him. I saw her get hit. Right in the head. Just... gone."

Mordecai cursed under his breath. Brick's face was a mask of barely contained rage.

Athena's expression remained stoic, but her eyes held a glimmer of understanding. "How did you survive, Tina?"

A ghost of Tina's usual grin flickered across her face. "Funny story, actually. Found a grenade in Dad's workshop. Used it to scare off some Vladof goons trying to grab me. Guess that's when I fell in love with the boom-boom, y'know?"

Brick let out a surprised laugh. "Damn, girl. You were badass even back then."

Athena nodded, her face grim. "The attack on Ironhold was meant to be Vladof's decisive blow against our manufacturing capabilities. Instead, it became the spark that ignited the Third Corporate War."

Mordecai shook his head. "All that death, all that destruction... for what? A bigger slice of the gun market?"

"Greed," Brick growled. "Pure and simple greed."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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