Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 32: Emerald Sand

The sprawling metropolis of Promethea stretched as far as the eye could see, a testament to human ambition and the power of Eridian technology. Once the crown jewel of the Atlas Corporation, the planet now teetered on the edge of chaos. The towering skyscrapers that had once housed the brightest minds in the galaxy now stood as silent sentinels over a populace struggling to find their way in the wake of Atlas' collapse.

Isaac Sato, General of the Iron Legion, stood at the window of his makeshift headquarters, his gaze sweeping over the neon-lit cityscape. The fall of Atlas had left a power vacuum that various gangs and criminal organizations were all too eager to fill. With a population of over 4 billion, Promethea was a far cry from the relatively manageable chaos of Pandora. It felt surreal sitting atop a scraper looking down on a new planet.

"Huh, who knew I'd get this far, heh." Isaac smiled, looking over the city. Ever since the day he was altered, he had visions, and images of a world once donning with normality. In that world he gained so much knowledge, knowledge others would deem unnatural. 

"Well," Isaac muttered to himself, "looks like we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto."

His AI assistant, installed in his comm device, chirped, "Sir, I'm not familiar with a location called 'Kansas' or an individual named 'Toto'. Would you like me to research these terms?"

Isaac chuckled. "No need, ECHO. Huh, you wouldn't get it." 

Isaac's reflection stared back at him from the window, his usual smirk replaced by a frown. The weight of his responsibilities pressed down on him, his pride smarting at the thought of having to request reinforcements. But the reality of the situation was undeniable - his current force of 15,000 men, while formidable, was barely a drop in the ocean compared to the teeming billions of Promethea.

"I feel like I'm trying to drain the ocean with a teaspoon," Isaac grumbled, running a hand through his hair.

With a sigh, he turned to his desk and began composing his report to Alexander. His fingers flew over the holographic keyboard as he detailed the current situation on Promethea:

"To Alexander, Supreme Commander of the Iron Legion

From: Isaac Sato, General of the Promethean Division

Subject: Situation Report - Promethea


The fall of Atlas has left Promethea in a state of near-anarchy. No fewer than ten major gangs vie for control of the planet's various districts, each commanding hundreds of thousands of members. While our enhanced soldiers are individually superior - with one of our men being easily worth three of theirs - we lack the numbers, influence, and technological edge to secure a foothold.

I hate to admit it, but we're out of our depth here. As much as it pains me to say this, we could use Xion's assistance. His zealotry might actually be an asset in this cesspool of corporate greed and criminal ambition.

We've begun infiltrating some of the smaller gangs, but progress is slow. I need to know the ETA on reinforcements. Without additional manpower, we risk being swallowed up by the sheer scale of this urban jungle.

Current major factions:

The Iron Serpents - Control the Neon District, the wealthiest and most technologically advanced area.

The Red Sun Syndicate - Dominate Little Japan, with deep cultural roots and strategic locations.

The Noodle Lords - Rule the Wok District, controlling food supply chains and smuggling routes.

The Dark Vipers - Masters of the Black Market and the underground economy.

The Chromatic Blades - Specialists in cyber warfare, based in the Holo-Quarter.

The Sunset Nomads - Mobile and adaptable, control strategic vantage points.

The Steel Daggers - Heavily armed, occupy the Upper Spires.

The Rust Rats - Scavengers and mechanics, control the industrial Rustyards.

The Underhive Marauders - Rule the vast network of underground tunnels and chambers.

The Silver Fangs - Experts in heists and infiltration, based in the Upper Spires.

Our current strength is insufficient to challenge any of these groups directly. I propose a more subtle approach, which I'll detail in my next report.

Awaiting your guidance,

Isaac Sato"

Isaac paused, his finger hovering over the 'send' button. Pride warred with pragmatism for a moment before he finally hit send, the report whisking away through the ECHOnet to Alexander's personal terminal.

"Well," Isaac muttered, leaning back in his chair, "guess I'll never make it as a Starfleet captain. Kirk never had to ask for backup."

His ECHO chirped again, "Sir, I'm not familiar with 'Starfleet' or 'Kirk'. Would you like me to-"

"No, ECHO," Isaac interrupted with a sigh. "Just... never mind."

With the report sent, Isaac made his way to the command centre where his three Colonels waited. As he entered, he could hear them grumbling amongst themselves.

"These Prometheans are weak," Colonel Davis was saying. "Nothing but corporate rats scurrying around in their fancy towers."

"At least on Pandora, people knew how to survive," Colonel Chen chimed in.

"Yeah," added Colonel Rodriguez, "these folks wouldn't last a day in the Dust."

Isaac cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "Gentlemen, I understand your frustration, but let's not forget the reality of our situation. These 'corporate rats' outnumber us by a ratio of nearly 300,000 to 1. We can't afford to underestimate them."

The Colonels fell silent, chastened by their General's words.

"Now," Isaac continued, a hint of his usual humour creeping back into his voice, "since we can't match them in numbers, we're going to have to outsmart them. I've decided to go undercover and infiltrate one of the gangs myself."

This announcement was met with raised eyebrows and sceptical looks.

"Sir," Colonel Davis ventured, "are you sure that's wise? Which gang are you targeting?"

Isaac's smirk returned full force. "The Silver Fangs. They're the smallest of the major gangs, which should make it easier to climb the ranks quickly."

The Colonels exchanged knowing glances, barely suppressing their grins.

"Of course, sir," Colonel Chen said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that their leader is a woman."

Isaac's face flushed slightly, but he maintained his composure. "Your insinuation is noted and dismissed, Colonel. This is purely a strategic decision. The Silver Fangs are our best chance at gaining a foothold in Promethea's underworld."

"Right," Colonel Rodriguez drawled, "and I'm sure it's just coincidence that their leader, 'Silver' Selena, looks like she stepped out of a vid-star catalog."

Isaac rolled his eyes. "Gentlemen, I assure you, my interest in the Silver Fangs is purely professional. We're not here to play 'The Bachelor: Promethea Edition'."

The Colonels looked at each other, confused. "The what, sir?" Colonel Davis asked.

Isaac waved a hand dismissively. "The point is, we need to focus on the mission. The Silver Fangs may be smaller, but they're experts in heists and infiltration. If we can turn those skills to our advantage, we'll have a significant edge over the other gangs."

"And how exactly do you plan to infiltrate them, sir?" Colonel Chen asked.

Isaac's grin widened. "Well, let's just say I'm going to make them an offer they can't refuse."

The Colonels stared at him blankly.

"Seriously?" Isaac sighed. "The Godfather? No? Okay, moving on. Here's the plan..."

Later that night, Isaac found himself in the seedier part of Promethea's Neon District, the territory of the Silver Fangs. He had traded his Iron Legion armour for ragged clothes, and a ridiculous mask obscured his features. It wasn't exactly inconspicuous, but it served its purpose of hiding his identity.

"Time to put on a show worthy of Broadway," Isaac muttered to himself, adjusting his mask.

He spotted his mark - a member of a rival gang that the Silver Fangs were known to despise. Taking a deep breath, Isaac stumbled towards the man, deliberately bumping into him.

"Watch where you're going, you drunk idiot!" the gang member snarled, shoving Isaac hard.

Isaac allowed himself to be pushed, falling to the ground in an exaggerated tumble. "I-I'm sorry," he slurred, playing up the drunk act. "Didn't mean no harm... just trying to find my way home. Yellow brick road's gotta be around here somewhere..."

The gang member's face twisted in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Never mind," Isaac mumbled, struggling to his feet. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know the way to Emerald City, would you?"

The gang member advanced on Isaac, fists clenched. "I don't know what you're on, pal, but you picked the wrong neighbourhood to get lost in."

But before he could strike, a voice rang out.

"That's enough!"

A group of Silver Fangs members emerged from the shadows, led by a stern-looking captain. The rival gang member, outnumbered, quickly retreated.

The captain turned her attention to Isaac, her eyes narrowing as she took in his muscular frame despite the baggy clothes. "You okay there, big guy?"

Isaac nodded, maintaining his act. "Thank you... I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shown up. You're like... like my own personal Avengers."

The captain's brow furrowed. "Avengers? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing," Isaac said quickly. "Just... thank you for saving me."

The captain helped him to his feet, her suspicion evident. "What's your story? You're new around here, aren't you?"

Isaac nodded again. "Just arrived on Promethea. Looking for work, any work. I'll do whatever it takes to prove myself. I'm like... a blank slate. A man with no past, ready to be moulded into whatever you need."

"A man with no past, huh?" the captain said sceptically. "And I suppose you want us to call you 'Jason Bourne'?"

Isaac's eyes lit up. "You've heard of-"

"No," the captain cut him off. "It was a joke. Look, I don't know what your deal is, but you've got guts coming into our territory like this. What's your name?"

"Isa- I mean, Ian," Isaac caught himself. "Ian Solo."

The captain raised an eyebrow. "Ian Solo? Really?"

"I'm guessing you being solo made you think the name solo was good?" 

Isaac shrugged. "My parents were... eccentric."

The captain exchanged glances with her companions before turning back to Isaac. "Well, 'Ian Solo', we'll see about that. Come with us. But I warn you, if this is some kind of trick, you'll wish we'd left you to that gang member."

As they led him away, Isaac couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"What was that?" the captain asked sharply.

"Nothing," Isaac said quickly. "Lead the way."

Days later, Isaac found himself crouched behind a stack of crates, waiting for the convoy to arrive. The Silver Fangs had given him a simple task - intercept a shipment being transported by a rival gang. What they didn't know was that Isaac had already discovered the true nature of the cargo - a captured Silver Fangs member being sold into trafficking.

As he waited, Isaac couldn't help but reminisce about the memories he gained an unknown familiarity earned from it, "You know, ECHO," he whispered to his AI assistant, "this reminds me of something, a game called, 'Metal Gear Solid'. Sneaking around, taking out bad guys... except I can't hide in a cardboard box here."

"Sir," ECHO replied, "I must remind you that I am not programmed with knowledge of the world of entertainment that you speak of. Also, alerting the enemy to your position with unnecessary chatter is inadvisable."

Isaac sighed. "You're no fun, ECHO. Whatever happened to 'the only easy day was yesterday'?"

Before ECHO could respond, the convoy approached. Isaac steeled himself, ready to put his plan into action.

The first vehicle passed, and Isaac sprang into action. He deliberately fumbled with his weapon, allowing the convoy guards to spot him. Gunfire erupted, and Isaac felt the sting of bullets grazing his arm and leg. He gritted his teeth against the pain - it was necessary to sell his act as an inexperienced recruit.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Isaac yelped, perhaps a bit too dramatically. "I'm hit! Man down! Medic!"

Despite his apparent clumsiness, Isaac managed to disable the vehicles and subdue the guards. As he approached the cargo hold, he heard muffled sounds from within.

"Here goes nothing," Isaac muttered. "Let's hope this isn't like opening Pandora's Box... although on second thought, that might be appropriate given our history."

Opening the cargo hold revealed the captured Silver Fangs member, bound and gagged. It was a young woman, her silver hair matted and tangled, but her eyes fierce and defiant.

Isaac quickly freed her, his enhanced healing already working on his minor wounds. "It's okay," he assured her. "The Silver Fangs sent me. You're safe now. Consider me your knight in shining armor... or well, slightly bullet-riddled armor."

The woman looked at him sceptically as she rubbed her wrists. "Knight in shining armor? What are you talking about?"

She appeared more agitated by the man's casualness then the reference which was somewhat understood. 

"Never mind," Isaac sighed. "Let's get you out of here before more of them show up. Can you walk?"

She nodded, getting to her feet. "I'm fine. But you're hurt..."

Isaac waved off her concern. "This? It's just a flesh wound. I've had worse paper cuts."

As they made their way back to Silver Fangs territory, Isaac couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. His plan was working perfectly. Soon, he would rise through the ranks of the Silver Fangs, positioning the Iron Legion to take control of Promethea from within.

The city lights glittered around them as they walked, a reflection of the chaotic beauty of Promethea itself. Isaac knew that taming this urban jungle would be his greatest challenge yet, but as he felt his wounds healing and saw the gratitude in the rescued woman's eyes, he couldn't help but feel that he was off to a promising start.

"You know," Isaac said, breaking the silence, "in times like these, I'm reminded of the words of a great philosopher: 'With great power comes great responsibility.'"

The woman looked at him, confusion clear on her face. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Isaac chuckled. "It means, my dear, that we've got a lot of work ahead of us. But for now, let's focus on getting you home safe. Then maybe we can discuss my future with the Silver Fangs. I have a feeling this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

"You're weird," the woman said, but there was a hint of a smile on her face.

As they approached Silver Fangs territory, Isaac couldn't help but grin. Phase one of his plan was complete. Now, the real game was about to begin. Promethea wouldn't know what hit it.

"Alright, Promethea," he muttered under his breath, "let's see what you've got. Game on."

The Silver Fangs' hideout was a stark contrast to the gleaming towers of Promethea's upper levels. Nestled in the heart of a run-down district, the building's exterior was deliberately nondescript, its true nature hidden behind layers of urban camouflage.

As Isaac and the rescued woman approached, he couldn't help but whistle appreciatively. "Nice digs," he commented. "Very 'Blade Runner' chic."

The woman shot him a confused look. "Blade what?"

"Never mind," Isaac sighed. "Let's just say you've got a talent for staying under the radar."

They were met at the entrance by a group of armed guards, led by the captain who had first encountered Isaac. Her eyes widened as she saw the rescued woman.

"Lyra!" she exclaimed. "We thought we'd lost you for good!"

The woman, Lyra, rushed forward to embrace the captain. "Cass, I thought I'd never see you again. If it wasn't for Ian here..."

Captain Cass turned her attention to Isaac, her expression a mix of surprise and suspicion. "You actually pulled it off," she said, sounding impressed despite herself. "Maybe there's more to you than bad jokes and weird references."

Isaac grinned, giving a mock bow. "I aim to please, Captain. Though I have to say, that convoy was about as well-guarded as the Death Star's exhaust port."

Cass stared at him blankly. "The what?"

"Forget it," Isaac said quickly. "The point is, mission accomplished. So, what's next? Do I get a shiny badge and a secret handshake?"

Cass snorted. "Not quite. But you've definitely earned yourself a conversation with the boss. Follow me."

As they made their way through the hideout, Isaac took careful note of the layout, security measures, and the number of gang members he could see. His enhanced memory catalogued every detail for future reference.

They eventually arrived at a heavy metal door, guarded by two intimidating figures wielding state-of-the-art energy weapons. Cass nodded to them, and they stepped aside, allowing the group to enter.

The room beyond was a stark contrast to the rest of the hideout. Luxuriously furnished, with holographic displays lining the walls and a massive desk dominating the centre, it screamed 'power' and 'wealth'.

Behind the desk sat a woman who could only be 'Silver' Selena herself. Despite the opulent surroundings, she carried herself with the hardened edge of someone who had clawed their way to the top. Her silver hair, the gang's namesake, cascaded over her shoulders like a metallic waterfall.

"So," Selena said, her voice carrying the hint of a smile, "you're the mysterious 'Ian Solo' I've been hearing about."

Isaac stepped forward, offering a respectful nod. "In the flesh, ma'am. Though I have to say, your reputation precedes you. I feel like I'm meeting the Godfather... or Godmother, in this case."

Selena's eyebrow arched. "Godmother? Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Where I come from, it absolutely is," Isaac replied smoothly.

Selena leaned back in her chair, studying Isaac intently. "Cass tells me you single-handedly rescued one of our own and took down a rival convoy. Impressive for a newcomer."

Isaac shrugged modestly. "Just doing what needed to be done. I told you I'd prove myself."

"Indeed you did," Selena mused. "But it also raises some questions. Where did you learn to fight like that? And don't tell me it was all beginner's luck."

Isaac's mind raced, formulating a cover story on the fly. "Let's just say I've had a... colourful past. Spent some time with a group back on Pandora. Learned a few tricks. But that's all behind me now. I'm looking for a fresh start, and the Silver Fangs seem like just the opportunity I've been waiting for."

Selena's eyes narrowed. "Pandora, huh? That explains a lot. Including your... unusual way of speaking. But why come to Promethea? And why the Silver Fangs?"

Isaac grinned. "Well, I heard Promethea was where dreams come true. As for the Silver Fangs... let's just say I have a thing for underdogs with potential. You've got the skills, the infrastructure, and the vision. With the right push, you could be running this whole planet."

A smile played at the corners of Selena's lips. "Bold words, Mr. Solo. Very bold indeed. But I like your ambition. It matches our own."

She stood up, walking around the desk to face Isaac directly. "Alright, you've earned your shot. Welcome to the Silver Fangs. Cass will get you set up with quarters and your first official assignments. Don't make me regret this decision."

Isaac bowed slightly. "I wouldn't dream of it, boss. You won't be disappointed."

As Cass led him out of the office, Isaac couldn't help but feel a surge of triumph. Phase two of his plan was now in motion. The Silver Fangs had no idea what they were in for.

"Oh, ECHO," he subvocalized to his AI assistant once they were out of earshot, "I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Hell, we'd be worse if we were in Ohio."

"Sir," ECHO replied with what almost sounded like exasperation, "I still don't understand that reference."

Isaac chuckled softly. "Don't worry about it, ECHO. Just know that things are about to get very interesting around here. Now, let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up in this emerald city."

As Cass showed him to his new quarters, Isaac's mind was already racing with plans and strategies. Promethea was a big, chaotic chessboard, and he had just made his opening move. The game was on, and Isaac Sato, master of pop culture references and undercover operations, was ready to play.

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